Scala Vector transformer methods (syntax, examples)

This page contains a large collection of examples of how to use Scala Vector class transformer methods.

Transformer methods

A transformer method is a method that constructs a new collection from an existing collection.

Method Returns
collect(pf) Creates a new collection by applying the partial function pf to all elements of the vector, returning elements for which the function is defined
diff(c) The difference between this vector and the collection c
distinct A new sequence with no duplicate elements
flatten Transforms a list of lists into a single list
flatMap(f) When working with sequences, it works like map followed by flatten
map(f) A new sequence by applying the function f to each element in the Vector
reverse A new sequence with the elements in reverse order
sortWith(f) A new sequence with the elements sorted with the use of the function f
updated(i,v) A new Vector with the element at index i replaced with the new value v
union(c) A new sequence that contains all elements of the vector and the collection c
zip(c) A collection of pairs by matching the vector with the elements of the collection c
zipWithIndex A vector of each element contained in a tuple along with its index
val x = Vector(Some(1), None, Some(3), None)
x.collect{case Some(i) => i}          # Vector(1, 3)

# diff
val oneToFive = (1 to 5).toVector     # val oneToFive = (1 to 5).toVector
val threeToSeven = (3 to 7).toVector  # Vector(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
oneToFive.diff(threeToSeven)          # Vector(1, 2)
threeToSeven.diff(oneToFive)          # Vector(6, 7)

Vector(1,2,1,2).distinct              # Vector(1, 2)

val a = Vector(Seq(1,2), Seq(3,4))
a.flatten                             # Vector(1, 2, 3, 4)

# map, flatMap
val fruits = Vector("apple", "pear")             # Vector(APPLE, PEAR)
fruits.flatMap(_.toUpperCase)         # Vector(A, P, P, L, E, P, E, A, R)

Vector(1,2,3).reverse                 # Vector(3, 2, 1)

val nums = Vector(10, 5, 8, 1, 7)
nums.sorted                           # Vector(1, 5, 7, 8, 10)
nums.sortWith(_ < _)                  # Vector(1, 5, 7, 8, 10)
nums.sortWith(_ > _)                  # Vector(10, 8, 7, 5, 1)

Vector(1,2,3).updated(0,10)           # Vector(10, 2, 3)
Vector(2,4).union(Vector(1,3))        # Vector(2, 4, 1, 3)

# zip
val women = Vector("Wilma", "Betty")  # Vector(Wilma, Betty)
val men = Vector("Fred", "Barney")    # Vector(Fred, Barney)
val couples =          # Vector((Wilma,Fred), (Betty,Barney))

val a = Vector.range('a', 'e')        # Vector(a, b, c, d)
a.zipWithIndex                        # Vector((a,0), (b,1), (c,2), (d,3))

Scala Vector summary

I created this tutorial to show examples of Scala Vector transformer methods, but for many more examples of how to work with Vector, see my Scala Vector class syntax and method examples tutorial.