The AnimatedAd applet is based on the original
TV ads created by Sun Microsystems to promote Java
(TM) and the concept of network computing.
Although we can't remember exactly what the ads looked like,
they featured a series of rapidly-displayed words followed
by a static phrase for a few moments. After a brief pause,
the words began flashing on-screen all over again.
In our approach, the text string, font size, font color,
and font style are all varied with a random number generator.
Other characteristics, such as delay times between string
displays, are also variable.
In this way, our "ad banner" can be quite
different than an animated GIF.
The source code for the applet consists of two files
that you should download:
If you'd rather just download the Java classes, you
can download them from these links:
Please note that a new version of the GetAppletParameter class
is about to be released. The new version will cover additional
data types, such as boolean and byte types. Please check
back here, or at our main Java page for
the latest version.