The DevDaily.com "Java Source Code Warehouse" project is intended to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM. We've included tens of thousands of Java source code examples from Open Source Java projects, organized them into their own folders, and put a custom search engine on top of them that will take you right to the source code line numbers of relevant examples.
Beginning in 2016, a portion of the revenue from the ads in the source code warehouse project will be used to help support open source projects. Hopefully this helps to create a nice cycle where open source code leads to ad revenue, which is fed back into open source projects.
Quite simply this project exists because we are great believers in "Learning by Example". For instance, how many times have you made statements like this:
- "Wow, I could really do this faster if only I could see a working example."
- "I wish I had a working example of how to do this from a real-world application."
- "I'd like to get into something new, like Threading, but I just don't know how it works. I wish I could find an example."
Using that last example, suppose that you don't know much about threading in Java -- but you do know that you could search on keywords like
-- the source code warehouse is exactly what you need. Just put these keywords into our search engine, and you'll quickly find many relevant examples. These examples come from real-world, working programs, and with this many examples all in one place, the odds are great that you'll find what you need.In summary, we think this warehouse will help you "Learn Java by Example".
When you're ready to start searching, just click the link below:
If you'd like some more help with your searching, just click the link below:
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Copyright 1998-2024 Alvin Alexander, alvinalexander.com
All Rights Reserved.
A percentage of advertising revenue from
pages under the /java/jwarehouse URI on this website is
paid back to open source projects.