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A Summary of the for-Expression Lessons (Scala 3 Video)

As I mentioned at the beginning of these for expression lessons, the book, Programming in Scala describes the translation rules for how the Scala compiler converts the for comprehensions you write into a series of method calls that can include map, flatMap, foreach, and withFilter. As a reminder, those rules are:

  1. If a custom data type defines a foreach method, it allows for loops (both with single and multiple generators). (Note the emphasis on the word “loops” in that definition. This refers to the simple Java-style use of a for loop, i.e., for (i <- ints) println(i).)
  2. If a data type defines only map, it can be used in for expressions consisting of a single generator. (Where “for expressions” means for/yield expressions.)
  3. If it defines flatMap as well as map, it allows for expressions consisting of multiple generators.
  4. If it defines withFilter, it allows for filter expressions starting with an if within the for expression.

For a trait named CustomClass, the signatures for these functions should look like this:

trait CustomClass[A] {
    def map[B](f: A => B): CustomClass[B]
    def flatMap[B](f: A => CustomClass[B]): CustomClass[B]
    def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): CustomClass[A]
    def foreach(b: A => Unit): Unit

Through a series of lessons I showed how you can write your own foreach, map, withFilter, and flatMap functions so that your custom data type can be used inside a for expression.

As I noted several times in those lessons, I “cheated” a lot in these lessons because I’m not concerned at this point with how these methods are implemented. In future lessons I’ll show how to properly write these methods.

What’s next

As I mentioned in the first for expression lesson, the goal of all of this work is to help you understand how FP code like this can possibly work:

def stackManip: State[Stack, Int] = for {
    _ <- push(3)
    a <- pop
    b <- pop
} yield(b)

Now that you have the background on how to write a class that works in a for expression, you’re much closer to being able to understand how this code works. The following lessons will build on what you just learned until the mysteries of this for expression will be completely revealed.

See also

This is a list of articles that I either referenced in the for expression lessons, or which otherwise helped with my understand of them.

Update: All of my new videos are now on