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Java example source code file (utilities.clj)

This example Java source code file (utilities.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The utilities.clj Java example source code

;;; utilities.clj -- part of the pretty printer for Clojure

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

;; Author: Tom Faulhaber
;; April 3, 2009

;; This module implements some utility function used in formatting and pretty
;; printing. The functions here could go in a more general purpose library,
;; perhaps.

(in-ns 'clojure.pprint)

;;; Helper functions for digesting formats in the various
;;; phases of their lives.
;;; These functions are actually pretty general.

(defn- map-passing-context [func initial-context lis]
  (loop [context initial-context
         lis lis
         acc []]
    (if (empty? lis)
      [acc context]
    (let [this (first lis)
          remainder (next lis)
          [result new-context] (apply func [this context])]
      (recur new-context remainder (conj acc result))))))

(defn- consume [func initial-context]
  (loop [context initial-context
         acc []]
    (let [[result new-context] (apply func [context])]
      (if (not result)
        [acc new-context]
      (recur new-context (conj acc result))))))

(defn- consume-while [func initial-context]
  (loop [context initial-context
         acc []]
    (let [[result continue new-context] (apply func [context])]
      (if (not continue)
        [acc context]
      (recur new-context (conj acc result))))))

(defn- unzip-map [m]
  "Take a  map that has pairs in the value slots and produce a pair of maps, 
   the first having all the first elements of the pairs and the second all 
   the second elements of the pairs"
  [(into {} (for [[k [v1 v2]] m] [k v1]))
   (into {} (for [[k [v1 v2]] m] [k v2]))])

(defn- tuple-map [m v1]
  "For all the values, v, in the map, replace them with [v v1]"
  (into {} (for [[k v] m] [k [v v1]])))

(defn- rtrim [s c]
  "Trim all instances of c from the end of sequence s"
  (let [len (count s)]
    (if (and (pos? len) (= (nth s (dec (count s))) c))
      (loop [n (dec len)]
         (neg? n) ""
         (not (= (nth s n) c)) (subs s 0 (inc n))
         true (recur (dec n))))

(defn- ltrim [s c]
  "Trim all instances of c from the beginning of sequence s"
  (let [len (count s)]
    (if (and (pos? len) (= (nth s 0) c))
      (loop [n 0]
        (if (or (= n len) (not (= (nth s n) c)))
          (subs s n)
          (recur (inc n))))

(defn- prefix-count [aseq val]
  "Return the number of times that val occurs at the start of sequence aseq, 
if val is a seq itself, count the number of times any element of val occurs at the
beginning of aseq"
  (let [test (if (coll? val) (set val) #{val})]
    (loop [pos 0]
     (if (or (= pos (count aseq)) (not (test (nth aseq pos))))
       (recur (inc pos))))))

(defn- prerr [& args]
  "Println to *err*"
  (binding [*out* *err*]
    (apply println args)))
(defmacro ^{:private true} prlabel [prefix arg & more-args]
  "Print args to *err* in name = value format"
  `(prerr ~@(cons (list 'quote prefix) (mapcat #(list (list 'quote %) "=" %) 
                                                  (cons arg (seq more-args))))))

;; Flush the pretty-print buffer without flushing the underlying stream
(definterface PrettyFlush
  (^void ppflush []))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java utilities.clj source code file:

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