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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel;

import org.netbeans.mdr.NBMDRepositoryImpl;
import org.netbeans.mdr.handlers.BaseObjectHandler;
import org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.*;
import org.netbeans.mdr.util.*;
import javax.jmi.model.ModelElement;
import javax.jmi.model.ModelPackage;
import javax.jmi.model.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.jmi.model.Namespace;
import javax.jmi.reflect.*;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.*;

 * Instances of MdrStorage create and wrap {@link
 * org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage storages}. The latter are generic
 * indexed object databases, the former add MDR specific functionality.
 * An instance of MdrStorage mediates between one or more storages and
 * a {@link org.netbeans.mdr.NBMDRepositoryImpl repository}. It creates and
 * manages all the indices specific for MDR repositories.

There is one boot storage. Further storages may be mounted and unmounted * additionally. * * @author Petr Hrebejk, Pavel Buzek, Martin Matula * @version */ public class MdrStorage implements MOFConstants, ObjectResolver { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Private static constants ---------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private static final int STORAGE_VERSION = 24; // names of global storage indexes static final String IDX_OBJECTS_BY_CLASSES = "ObjectsByClasses"; private static final String IDX_MDR_STORAGE_PROPERTIES = "Properties"; private static final String IDX_END1_CLASSES_BY_ASSOCIATIONS = "End1ClassesByAssociations"; private static final String IDX_END2_CLASSES_BY_ASSOCIATIONS = "End2ClassesByAssociations"; private static final String IDX_CONTEXTS = "Contexts"; // prefixes for context-specific indexes private static final String PREFIX_ATTR_INDEX = "ai:"; private static final String PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME = "aibn:"; private static final String PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_CLASS_PROXY = "aicp:"; private static final String PREFIX_ASSOC_END = "ae:"; /** name of storage property which holds MOFID of outermost package * representing the first meta layer (MOF) */ public static final String MOF_TOP_PACKAGE = "TOPMOST_PACKAGE"; /** name of storage property which holds ID of cached values */ public static final String VALUES_ID = "VALUES_ID"; /** instances of MdrStorage by storage ID */ private static final Hashtable instances = new Hashtable(); private InstanceMap externalObjects = null; // private static MdrStorage currentMdrStorage = null; // private static Storage currentStorage = null; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Static methods -------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Returns instance wrapping the given storage * @param storage * @return MdrStorage wrapping storage */ public static MdrStorage getInstance(Storage storage) { MdrStorage result = (MdrStorage) instances.get(storage); // if (result == null) result = currentMdrStorage; return result; } public void registerExternal(StorableBaseObject storable) { if (externalObjects == null) { externalObjects = new InstanceMap(); } externalObjects.put(storable.getMofId(), storable); } public void removeExternal(StorableBaseObject storable) { if (externalObjects != null) { externalObjects.remove(storable.getMofId()); } } private StorableBaseObject getExternal(MOFID mofId) { StorableBaseObject result = null; if (externalObjects != null) { result = (StorableBaseObject) externalObjects.get(mofId); } return result; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Private attributes ---------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** reference to implementation of Storage interface (the "real" storage) */ // private Storage storage; /** reference to implementation of {@link org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage} * interface (the "real" boot storage) */ private Storage bootStorage; private org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID bootNullMofId; /** Boot storage and all partition storages used by * this MdrStorage instance, hashed by storageId */ private HashMap storages; /** cached value of storage's NULL MOFID */ // private String nullMofId; private HashMap nullMofId; // references to global storage indexes // primary index // private SinglevaluedIndex objects; /** HashMap containing the primary indices, * storing the objects to make them accessible by ID. * This are the only indices having objects as values, all other indices * have IDs as values. */ private HashMap objects; // IDX_OBJECTS_BY_CLASSES // private MultivaluedIndex objByCls; /** Multi-valued indices making instance IDs accessible by class proxy ID. */ private HashMap objByCls; // IDX_CONTEXTS // private SinglevaluedIndex contexts; /** Singe-valued indices making contexts (references to outermost * package extents) accessible by name. */ private HashMap contexts; // IDX_MDR_STORAGE_PROPERTIES // private SinglevaluedIndex properties; /** Single-valued indices making property IDs accessible by name. */ private HashMap properties; // IDX_END1_CLASSES_BY_ASSOCIATIONS // private SinglevaluedIndex associationsEnd1; // IDX_END2_CLASSES_BY_ASSOCIATIONS // private SinglevaluedIndex associationsEnd2; //private ValuesObject valuesObject; // Should be stored into the storage where the metamodel is stored /** * */ private HashMap valuesObjects; // to ensure that all the partitions see it. /** * The repository. */ private final NBMDRepositoryImpl repository; /** Mutex for transaction locks. */ private final TransactionMutex repositoryMutex; /** Mutex for transaction locks. */ private final EventNotifier eventNotifier; /* -- Transient support ---*/ private org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage transientStorage; /* -- boot specific stuff --------------------------------------------- */ /** * Determines whether the storage is ready or not. */ private boolean booting; /** boot class proxies */ private Collection bootClasses = null; /** boot instances */ private Collection bootObjects = null; /** boot association proxies */ private Collection bootAssociations = null; private volatile boolean silent = false; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Setters/Getters (public) ---------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public TransactionMutex getRepositoryMutex() { return repositoryMutex; } public EventNotifier getEventNotifier() { return eventNotifier; } public NBMDRepositoryImpl getRepository() { return repository; } /** * Announce that this storage is being booted. Only the storage which holds * the MOF metamodel should be called with `true' as argument. */ public void setBooting(boolean flag) { this.booting = flag; } public boolean isBooting() { return this.booting; } public void enableEvents() { silent = false; } public void disableEvents() { silent = true; } public boolean eventsEnabled() { return !silent; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Constructor (public) -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Creates a new MdrStorage using factory storageClass * and parameters properties. Creates a default storage, if the * storageClass is not a * {@link org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.StorageFactory} or cannot be instantiated. * * @param repository * @param storageClass fully qualified name of class implementing * {@link org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.StorageFactory} * @param properties parameters for storage creation * @exception DebugException if the storage cannot be created */ public MdrStorage(NBMDRepositoryImpl repository, String storageClass, Map properties) { this.storages = new HashMap(); this.nullMofId = new HashMap(); this.objects = new HashMap(); this.objByCls = new HashMap(); this.contexts = new HashMap(); = new HashMap(); this.valuesObjects = new HashMap(); this.repository = repository; StorageFactory storageFactory = null; try { // try to instantiate storage factory (its class name was passed as storageClass argument) Class storageFactoryClass = Class.forName(storageClass); // does the class implement StorageFactory interface? if (StorageFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(storageFactoryClass)) { // yes - create new instance storageFactory = (StorageFactory) storageFactoryClass.newInstance(); } else { // no - throw exception // (this exception will not be propagated - it will be caught immediately - see following lines) throw new Exception("class "+storageClass+" does not implement StorageFactory"); } } catch (Exception e) { // in case the passed StorageFactory class could not be created, create default implementation // of StorageFactory interface Logger.getDefault().notify(Logger.INFORMATIONAL, e); Logger.getDefault().log("using: org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.memoryimpl.StorageFactoryImpl"); storageFactory = new org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.memoryimpl.StorageFactoryImpl(); } try { // create storage passing the parameters to the factory method this.bootStorage = storageFactory.createStorage(properties); // cache the NULL MOFID of the boot storage this.bootNullMofId = storageFactory.createNullMOFID(); } catch (StorageException e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException("Failed accessing storage factory."), e); } // create the utilities for storage management eventNotifier = new EventNotifier(); String mutexClass = (String) properties.get("mutexClass"); TransactionMutex mutex = null; if (mutexClass != null) { try { Constructor mutexConstructor = BaseObjectHandler.resolveImplementation(mutexClass).getConstructor(new Class[] {Object.class, Object.class, Object.class}); mutex = (TransactionMutex) mutexConstructor.newInstance(new Object[] {this, eventNotifier, repository}); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getDefault().notify(Logger.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } if (mutex == null) { mutex = new MultipleReadersMutex(this, eventNotifier, repository); } repositoryMutex = mutex; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- (Un)mounting additional storages -------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Mounts a new storage, adding it to the collection of all storages * managed by this MdrStorage. * * @param storageFactoryClass the name of factory class * @param properties the storage creation parameter * @return the storage ID of the newly created storages or null * of storageFactoryClass does not implement {@link * org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage} * @exception StorageException * @exception InstantiationException * @exception IllegalAccessException * @exception ClassNotFoundException if storageFactoryClass is * not a valid class name */ public String mountStorage(String storageFactoryClass, Map properties) throws StorageException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException { return this.mountStorage(Class.forName(storageFactoryClass), properties); } /** * Mounts a new storage, adding it to the collection of all storages * managed by this MdrStorage. * * @param storageFactoryClass the factory class * @param properties the storage creation parameter * @return the storage ID of the newly created storages or null * of storageFactoryClass does not implement {@link * org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage} * @exception StorageException * @exception InstantiationException * @exception IllegalAccessException */ public String mountStorage(Class storageFactoryClass, Map properties) throws StorageException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { if (StorageFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(storageFactoryClass)) { StorageFactory storageFactory = (StorageFactory) storageFactoryClass.newInstance(); Storage st = storageFactory.createStorage(properties); org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID nullMofId = storageFactory.createNullMOFID(); this.init(st,nullMofId, false); return st.getStorageId(); } return null; } /** * Unmounts the storage with ID storageId. Does nothing * if storageId is not a valid storage ID. * * @param storageId the storage to be unmounted * @exception StorageException */ public void unmountStorage(String storageId) throws StorageException { Storage selStorage = (Storage) this.storages.get(storageId); if (selStorage == null) return; selStorage.shutDown(); this.instances.remove(selStorage); this.nullMofId.remove(storageId); this.objects.remove(storageId); this.objByCls.remove(storageId); this.contexts.remove(storageId); this.storages.remove(storageId); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Methods for initialization and reinitialization (public/private) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Initializes MdrStorage instance. * This method is called by the {@link org.netbeans.mdr.NBMDRepositoryImpl repository} * during its initialization. It initializes resp. creates the boot storage. * * @return returns true if the storage file exists; false * if the storage is new and needs to be booted * @throws StorageException unexpected problem in storage * @see #init(Storage, String, boolean) */ public boolean init() throws StorageException { return this.init(this.bootStorage, this.bootNullMofId, true); } /** * Initializes the {@link org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage} * storage. * *

Storage initialization consists in: *

  1. the storage is opened
  2. *
  3. the indices are initialized
  4. *
  5. true is returned to indicate that the storage is * ready
  6. *
* *

Storage creation consists in: *

  1. the storage is created resp. recreated (the latter, if it was * corrupted)
  2. *
  3. the indices are created
  4. *
  5. the properties are initialized
  6. *
  7. false is returned to indicate the need to boot the * storage
  8. *
* * @param storage the storage to be initialized * @param nullMofId * @param defaultStorage true, if the boot storage is * to be initialized, false otherwise * @return returns false * if the storage is new and needs to be booted * @throws StorageException unexpected problem in storage */ public boolean init(Storage storage, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID nullMofId, boolean defaultStorage) throws StorageException { // NOTE: no synchronization is needed in this method, it will be invoked as a part of synchronized code // (whole storage initialization and boot will be synchronized in upper level: // synchronized void NBMDRepository.initCheck()) // QUESTION: how is NBMDRepository.mountStorage(..) synchronized ? boolean result; String storageId = null; try { // try to open the storage (if open fails, exception is thrown and program continues in catch block // currentMdrStorage = this; // currentStorage = storage;, this); // currentStorage = null; // currentMdrStorage = null; storageId = storage.getStorageId(); // read indexes initializeIndexes(storage, defaultStorage, false); // everything succeeded -> return true result = true; } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof StorageException) { Logger.getDefault().notify(Logger.INFORMATIONAL, e); } Logger.getDefault().log("Rebooting storage. Reason: " + e); // storage not found or corrupted -> create new one try { // in case the storage is already open, try to close it storage.close(); } catch (StorageException ex) { } // create a new storage storage.create(true, this); storageId = storage.getStorageId(); // get the primary index SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = storage.getPrimaryIndex(); objects.put(storageId, objectsIndex); // create all global indexes contexts.put(storageId, storage.createSinglevaluedIndex(IDX_CONTEXTS + STORAGE_VERSION, Storage.EntryType.STRING, Storage.EntryType.MOFID)); objByCls.put(storageId, storage.createMultivaluedIndex(IDX_OBJECTS_BY_CLASSES, Storage.EntryType.MOFID, Storage.EntryType.MOFID, false)); // it is not effective to set this index as unique, although it is SinglevaluedIndex propertiesIndex = storage.createSinglevaluedIndex(IDX_MDR_STORAGE_PROPERTIES, Storage.EntryType.STRING, Storage.EntryType.MOFID); propertiesIndex.put(MODEL_ASSOCIATION_END, nullMofId); propertiesIndex.put(MODEL_ATTRIBUTE, nullMofId); propertiesIndex.put(MODEL_REFERENCE, nullMofId); propertiesIndex.put(MODEL_OPERATION, nullMofId); MOFID valuesID = new MOFID (storage); propertiesIndex.put(VALUES_ID, valuesID);, propertiesIndex); ValuesObject valuesObject = new ValuesObject(storage, valuesID); this.valuesObjects.put(storageId, valuesObject); objectsIndex.add(valuesID, valuesObject); storage.objectStateChanged(valuesID); // storage has to be booted -> return false result = ! defaultStorage; } // register this storage instance into the table of instances instances.put(storage, this); this.nullMofId.put(storageId, nullMofId); this.storages.put(storageId, storage); return result; } /** * Initializes the references to global storage indices. * * @throws DebugExceptions if any of the global indices was not found or * */ private void initializeIndexes(Storage storage, boolean defaultStorage, boolean rollBack) { try { // get the primary index String storageId = storage.getStorageId(); SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = storage.getPrimaryIndex(); MultivaluedIndex objByClsIndex = storage.getMultivaluedIndex(IDX_OBJECTS_BY_CLASSES); SinglevaluedIndex contextsIndex = storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(IDX_CONTEXTS + STORAGE_VERSION); if (objByClsIndex==null || objectsIndex==null || contextsIndex==null) { throw new DebugException("Missing storage files or different storage version."); } if (!defaultStorage && !rollBack && !silent) { // Fire events for adding all extents for (Iterator it = contextsIndex.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String extentName = (String); event = new,, extentName, null, null,false); this.getEventNotifier().REPOSITORY.firePlannedChange(this, event); } } this.objects.put(storageId, objectsIndex); this.contexts.put(storageId, contextsIndex); this.objByCls.put(storageId, objByClsIndex); SinglevaluedIndex props = storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(IDX_MDR_STORAGE_PROPERTIES); if (props == null) { throw new DebugException("Different storage version."); }, props); this.valuesObjects.put(storageId, objectsIndex.get(props.get(VALUES_ID))); } catch (StorageException e) { throw new DebugException("Missing storage files or different storage version."); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Transaction related methods (public) ---------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Commits (saves) storage changes. */ public void commit() throws StorageException { save(); } /** * Rolls back storage changes. */ public synchronized void rollback() throws StorageException { for (Iterator it = this.storages.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Storage storage = (Storage); // it.remove(); storage.rollBackChanges(); // reinitialize the global indices if (storage != transientStorage) initializeIndexes(storage, storage == this.bootStorage, true); } } /** Commits changes to the storage. * @throws StorageException problem in storage */ public synchronized void save() throws StorageException { /* synchronized (valuesObject) { storage.objectStateChanged(getProperty(VALUES_ID)); } */ for (Iterator it = this.storages.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Storage storage = (Storage); // it.remove (); storage.commitChanges(); } } /** * Notifies storage about shutDown. * @throws StorageException problem in storage */ public void shutDown() throws StorageException { try { for (Iterator it = this.storages.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Storage s = (Storage); s.shutDown(); repository.notifyShutdownStep(); } } finally { eventNotifier.shutdown(); repository.notifyShutdownStep(); } } public int getShutdownSteps() { return storages.size() + 1; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Storage properties accessors & mutators ------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Returns value of the specified boot storage property. * @param key property name * @return value of property of the specified name (an MOF ID) */ org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID getProperty(String key) { return this.getProperty(this.bootStorage.getStorageId(),key); } /** Returns value of the specified storage property. * @param storageId the ID of the {@link * org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage} a property of which has to be * returned * @param key property name * @return value of property of the specified name (an MOF ID) * @exception DebugException if there is not storage with the given ID */ org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID getProperty(String storageId, String key) { try { SinglevaluedIndex propertiesIndex = this.getPropertiesIndexByStorageId(storageId); if (propertiesIndex == null) throw new DebugException("No such storage"); return (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID) propertiesIndex.get(key); } catch (StorageException e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); } } /** Sets value of the specified property in the boot storage. * @param key property name * @param value new property value (an MOF ID) */ void setProperty(String key, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID value) { this.setProperty(this.bootStorage.getStorageId(), key, value); } /** Sets value of the specified property. * @param storageId the ID of the {@link * org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage} a property of which has to be * set * @param key property name * @param value new property value (an MOF ID) * @exception DebugException if there is not storage with the given ID */ void setProperty(String storageId, String key, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID value) { try { SinglevaluedIndex propertiesIndex = this.getPropertiesIndexByStorageId(storageId); if (propertiesIndex == null) throw new DebugException("No such storage"); propertiesIndex.put(key, value); } catch (StorageException e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); } } /** * @return */ /* SinglevaluedIndex properties { return properties; } */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- ValuesObject accessors ------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public ValuesObject values(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(mofId); return this.storageValues(storageId); } public ValuesObject storageValues(String storageId) { if (storageId == null) { storageId = this.bootStorage.getStorageId(); } return (ValuesObject) valuesObjects.get(storageId); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Primary index accessors ------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Gets object from primary index. * @param mofid MOFID of object to be found or null * @return object with specified mofid or null if no MOF ID was * given (method called with null argument) * @throws StorageException object with specified MOFID was not found or other problem in storage */ public StorableBaseObject getObject(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofid) throws StorageException { if (mofid == null) return null; StorableBaseObject result = getExternal(mofid); if (result == null) { SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = getObjectsIndexByMofId(mofid); if (objectsIndex == null) return null; // Partition was not found synchronized (getStorageById(mofid.getStorageID())) { result = (StorableBaseObject) objectsIndex.getIfExists(mofid); } } return result; } /** Gets object from a singlevalued index using primary index. * @param index singlevalued index containing reference to object to be returned * @param key key under which the reference is stored in the index * @throws StorageException problem in storage * @return searched object */ public StorableBaseObject getObjectFromIndexIfExists(SinglevaluedIndex index, Object key) throws StorageException { Object mofId = index.getIfExists(key); if (!(mofId instanceof org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID)) return null; else return getObject((org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID) mofId); } /** Retrieves collection of objects from a multivalued index using primary index. * @param index multivalued index to be searched in * @param key key under which the searched collection is stored * @throws StorageException problem in storage * @return collection of objects corresponding to the supplied key */ public Collection getObjectsFromIndex(MultivaluedIndex index, Object key) throws StorageException { SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = this.getObjectsIndexByMofId((org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID)key); if (objectsIndex == null) throw new DebugException("Invalid key"); synchronized (getStorageById(((org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID) key).getStorageID())) { if (index instanceof MultivaluedOrderedIndex) { return ((MultivaluedOrderedIndex) index).getObjectsOrdered(key, objectsIndex); } else { return index.getObjects(key, objectsIndex); } } } /** Adds object to the primary index using its MOF ID. * @param object object to be added * @throws StorageException problem in the storage */ void addObject (StorableBaseObject object) throws StorageException { org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId = object.getMofId(); SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = getObjectsIndexByMofId(mofId); if (objectsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } objectsIndex.add(mofId, object); } /** * Removes object from the primary index. * @param object the object to be removed */ void removeObject(StorableBaseObject object) throws StorageException { org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId = object.getMofId(); this.removeObject (mofId); } void removeObject (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) throws StorageException { SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.getObjectsIndexByMofId(mofId); if (objectsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } objectsIndex.remove(mofId); } /** Adds object to the primary index and associates the object with its * class proxy. * @param object object to be added * @throws StorageException problem in the storage */ void addInstance(StorableObject object) throws StorageException { addObject(object); org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId = object.getMofId(); String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(mofId); if (storageId == null) { throw new DebugException("Invalid MOF ID"); } MultivaluedIndex objByClsIndex = (MultivaluedIndex) objByCls.get(storageId); if (objByClsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } objByClsIndex.add(object.getClassProxyId(), mofId); } /** * Removes object from the primary index and dissolves the association with * its class proxy. * @param object the object to be removed */ void removeInstance(StorableObject object) throws StorageException { org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId = object.getMofId(); org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID classProxyMofId = object.getClassProxyId(); this.removeInstance (mofId, classProxyMofId); } void removeInstance (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID classProxyMofId) throws StorageException { removeObject(mofId); MultivaluedIndex objByClsIndex = this.getObjectsByClassesByMofId (mofId); if (objByClsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } objByClsIndex.remove( classProxyMofId, mofId); } /** * Returns the index associating class proxy IDs with instance IDs. * * @param classProxy a class proxy of the storage owning the index * requested */ public MultivaluedIndex getInstancesIndex(StorableClass classProxy) { return this.getInstancesIndex(classProxy.getMofId()); } /** * Returns the index associating class proxy IDs with instance IDs. * * @param classProxyId the MOF ID a class proxy of the storage owning the index * requested */ public MultivaluedIndex getInstancesIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID classProxyId) { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(classProxyId); if (storageId == null) { throw new DebugException("Invalid MOF ID"); } MultivaluedIndex objByClsIndex = (MultivaluedIndex) objByCls.get(storageId); if (objByClsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } return objByClsIndex; } /** * Returns the instances for the class proxy with the given ID. * * @param classID the ID of a class proxy */ public Collection getInstancesIds(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID classProxyId) throws StorageException { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(classProxyId); if (storageId == null) { throw new DebugException("Invalid MOF ID"); } MultivaluedIndex objByClsIndex = (MultivaluedIndex) objByCls.get(storageId); if (objByClsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } return objByClsIndex.getItems(classProxyId); } // CONTEXT MANIPULATION METHODS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Creates a new context (reference to outermost package extent). * This includes creation of context specific indexes needed for the new context. * @param name name of the new context * @param mofId MOF ID of the outermost package in the context * @throws StorageException problem in storage */ void createContext(String name, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) throws StorageException { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(mofId); if (storageId == null) { throw new DebugException("Invalid MOF ID"); } Storage storage = (Storage) this.storages.get(storageId); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } // create set of context specific indexes storage.createSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + mofId.getSerialNumber(), Storage.EntryType.STRING, Storage.EntryType.STRING); storage.createSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_CLASS_PROXY + mofId.getSerialNumber(), Storage.EntryType.STRING, Storage.EntryType.MOFID); // add context to the index of contexts if (name != null) { SinglevaluedIndex contextsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.contexts.get(storageId); if (contextsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } contextsIndex.put(name, mofId); } } /** Deletes the specified context (reference to outermost package extent) from the storage. * This includes deletion of all context indexes and objects contained in these indexes. * @param name name of context to be deleted * @throws StorageException */ void dropContext(String name, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) throws StorageException { // drop all context attribute indexes String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(mofId); if (storageId == null) { throw new DebugException("Invalid MOF ID"); } Storage storage = (Storage) this.storages.get(storageId); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } for (Iterator it = storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + mofId.getSerialNumber()).values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { storage.dropIndex(getAdditionalIndexName(mofId, (String); } // drop the rest of context indexes storage.dropIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + mofId.getSerialNumber()); storage.dropIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_CLASS_PROXY + mofId.getSerialNumber()); // delete context if (name != null) { SinglevaluedIndex contextsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.contexts.get(storageId); if (contextsIndex == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } contextsIndex.remove(name); } } /** Returns all contexts references to outermost package extent) in the * boot storage. * @throws StorageException problem in storage * @return collection of context names */ public Collection getContexts() throws StorageException { HashSet result = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = contexts.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SinglevaluedIndex sv = (SinglevaluedIndex); result.addAll(sv.keySet()); } return result; } /** Returns all contexts references to outermost package extent) in the * the storage with the given ID. * * @param storageId * @throws StorageException problem in storage * @return collection of context names */ public Collection getContexts(String storageId) throws StorageException { SinglevaluedIndex context = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.contexts.get(storageId); if (context == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); HashSet result = new HashSet(); result.addAll(context.keySet()); return result; } /** * Returns the outermost package proxy for the given context name. * * @param context name of a context (reference to outermost package extent) * @return the outermost package proxy named by context or * null if there is no such context */ public StorablePackage getContextOutermostPackage(String context) throws StorageException { Object id = null; for (Iterator it = this.contexts.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { SinglevaluedIndex contextsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex); id = contextsIndex.getIfExists(context); if (id != null) { return (StorablePackage) getObject((org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID) id); } } return null; } // ADDITIONAL INDEXING SUPPORT ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates new additional index in the given context. * * @param context * @param attrMofId identifies the attribute * @param indexName names the index to be created * @throws StorageException */ public void createAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID proxyId) throws StorageException { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } // the following two indexes can be merged if index is able to return 'key iterator' storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + context.getSerialNumber()).put(indexName, indexName); storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_CLASS_PROXY + context.getSerialNumber()).put(indexName, proxyId); storage.createMultivaluedIndex(getAdditionalIndexName(context, indexName), Storage.EntryType.STRING, Storage.EntryType.MOFID, false); } /** * Returns index for attribte attrMofId in the given context * or null if there is no such index. * * @param context * @param indexName * @return the index for the given attribute or null */ private MultivaluedIndex getAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName) { try { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } return storage.getMultivaluedIndex(getAdditionalIndexName(context, indexName)); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } private StorableClass getIndexClassProxy (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName) { try { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } return (StorableClass) getObject((org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID)storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_CLASS_PROXY + context.getSerialNumber()).get(indexName)); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } /** * The same as {@link #getAdditionalIndex(String, String)}. * *

[PENDING] Probably this method should be removed. */ MultivaluedIndex acquireAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName) { MultivaluedIndex result = getAdditionalIndex(context, indexName); return result; } /** * Currently does nothing. */ void releaseAdditionalIndex() { } /** * This method is for internal usage only (NamespaceImpl) ! */ public Collection objectsFromAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName, String value) { try { SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = getObjectsIndexByMofId (context); return getAdditionalIndex (context, resolveAttrMofId(context, indexName)).getObjects (value, objectsIndex); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } /** * @param context mof id of related outermost package extent * @param indexName name of the queried index * @param value queried key value, can be used only in case of one-field indexes * @return */ public Collection getItemsFromAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName, Object value) { try { StorableClass sc = getIndexClassProxy (context, indexName); if (sc == null) { throw new DebugException ("Index " + indexName + " does not exist in the specified context."); } StorableClass.IndexDescriptor desc = sc.getAdditionalIndex (indexName); String valueToString = StorableObject.valueToKey (value, desc.getFields()); return getAdditionalIndex(context, resolveAttrMofId(context, indexName)).getItems(valueToString); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } /** * @param context mof id of related outermost package extent * @param indexName name of the queried index * @param value queried key value, can be used only in case of one-field indexes * @return */ public Collection getObjectsFromAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName, Object value) { try { StorableClass sc = getIndexClassProxy (context, indexName); if (sc == null) { throw new DebugException ("Index " + indexName + " does not exist in the specified context."); } StorableClass.IndexDescriptor desc = sc.getAdditionalIndex (indexName); String valueToString = StorableObject.valueToKey (value, desc.getFields()); SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = getObjectsIndexByMofId (context); return getAdditionalIndex (context, resolveAttrMofId(context, indexName)).getObjects (valueToString, objectsIndex); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } /** * @param context mof id of related outermost package extent * @param indexName name of the queried index * @param prefix key prefix * @return */ public Collection getObjectsFromAIByPrefix(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName, String prefix) { try { StorableClass sc = getIndexClassProxy (context, indexName); if (sc == null) { throw new DebugException ("Index " + indexName + " does not exist in the specified context."); } StorableClass.IndexDescriptor desc = sc.getAdditionalIndex (indexName); SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = getObjectsIndexByMofId (context); return getAdditionalIndex (context, resolveAttrMofId(context, indexName)).queryByKeyPrefix(prefix, objectsIndex); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } /** * @param context mof id of related outermost package extent * @param indexName name of the queried index * @param map map of pairs (field name, queried value) * @return */ public Collection queryAdditionalIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName, Map map) { try { StorableClass sc = getIndexClassProxy (context, indexName); if (sc == null) { throw new DebugException ("Index " + indexName + " does not exist in the specified context."); } StorableClass.IndexDescriptor desc = sc.getAdditionalIndex (indexName); String valueToString = StorableObject.valuesToKey (map, desc.getFields()); SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = getObjectsIndexByMofId (context); return getAdditionalIndex (context, resolveAttrMofId(context, indexName)).getObjects (valueToString, objectsIndex); } catch (StorageException e) { return null; } } /** * @param context * @param indexName * @throws StorageException * @return */ private String resolveAttrMofId(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName) throws StorageException { Storage storage = this.getStorageByMofId(context); return (String) storage.getSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + context.getSerialNumber()).get(indexName); } /** * @param context * @param indexName * @return */ private String getAdditionalIndexName(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, String indexName) { return PREFIX_ATTR_INDEX + context.getSerialNumber() + ":" + indexName; } // BOOT SUPPORT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: following methods don't have to be synchronized - whole boot sequence is synchronized /** * @param mofId */ void addBootObject(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { if (bootObjects == null) { bootObjects = new ArrayList(); } bootObjects.add(mofId); } /** * @param mofId */ void addBootClass(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { addBootObject(mofId); if (bootClasses == null) { bootClasses = new ArrayList(); } bootClasses.add(mofId); } /** * @param mofId */ void addBootAssociation(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { addBootObject(mofId); if (bootAssociations == null) { bootAssociations = new ArrayList(); } bootAssociations.add(mofId); } /** * @throws StorageException */ void dropBoot() throws StorageException { String name = NBMDRepositoryImpl.BOOT_MOF; org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID extent = getContextOutermostPackage(name).getMofId(); org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId; String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(extent); MultivaluedIndex objByClsIndex = (MultivaluedIndex) this.objByCls.get(storageId); SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.objects.get(storageId); SinglevaluedIndex contextsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.contexts.get(storageId); Storage storage = (Storage) this.storages.get(storageId); if (objByClsIndex == null || objectsIndex == null || contextsIndex == null || storage == null) throw new DebugException("Illegal MdrStorage state"); for (Iterator it = bootClasses.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { objByClsIndex.remove((org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID); } for (Iterator it = bootObjects.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { objectsIndex.remove( ()); } for (Iterator it = bootAssociations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { mofId = (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID); storage.dropIndex(getContextAssocEndIndexName(extent, mofId, 1)); storage.dropIndex(getContextAssocEndIndexName(extent, mofId, 2)); } storage.dropIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + extent.getSerialNumber()); storage.dropIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_CLASS_PROXY + extent.getSerialNumber()); contextsIndex.remove(name); bootObjects = null; bootClasses = null; getRepository().freeCache(); } /** * @param table * @param object * @throws StorageException */ void replaceMeta(Hashtable table, RefBaseObject object) throws StorageException { StorableBaseObject sObject = this.getObject(((BaseObjectHandler)object)._getDelegate().getMofId()); sObject.replaceValues(table); } /** * @param pkg * @param qualifiedName * @return */ private RefObject qnToObject(RefPackage pkg, List qualifiedName) { ModelPackage mofPackage = (ModelPackage) pkg; RefClass pc = mofPackage.getMofPackage(); Iterator it = qualifiedName.iterator(); ModelElement object = getPackageElement(pc, (String) ); try { while (it.hasNext()) { object = ((Namespace) object).lookupElement((String); } } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { object = null; } return object; } /** * @param pc * @param name * @return */ private ModelElement getPackageElement(RefClass pc, String name) { ModelElement object = null; ModelElement result = null; Iterator it = pc.refAllOfClass().iterator(); result = (ModelElement); for (;it.hasNext();){ object = (ModelElement); if (name.equals( object.getName() ) ) { result = object; break; } } return result; } /** * @param object * @return */ private List objectToQN(RefObject object) { return ((ModelElement) object).getQualifiedName(); } public void rebuildMofContext() { try { RefPackage bootMOF = (RefPackage) getRepository().getHandler(getContextOutermostPackage(NBMDRepositoryImpl.BOOT_MOF)); RefPackage pureMOF = (RefPackage) getRepository().getHandler(getContextOutermostPackage(NBMDRepositoryImpl.PURE_MOF)); RefClass classProxy; RefObject pureObject; RefObject bootObject; Hashtable fromTo = new Hashtable(); fromTo.put(((BaseObjectHandler)bootMOF)._getDelegate().getMofId(), ((BaseObjectHandler)pureMOF)._getDelegate().getMofId()); // create a conversion table for (Iterator classes = pureMOF.refAllClasses().iterator(); classes.hasNext();) { classProxy = (RefClass); for (Iterator instances = classProxy.refAllOfClass().iterator(); instances.hasNext();) { pureObject = (RefObject); bootObject = qnToObject(bootMOF, objectToQN(pureObject)); if (bootObject != null) { fromTo.put(((BaseObjectHandler)bootObject)._getDelegate().getMofId(), ((BaseObjectHandler)pureObject)._getDelegate().getMofId()); } } } // make a conversion for the package replaceMeta(fromTo, pureMOF); // replace class proxy metas for (Iterator classes = pureMOF.refAllClasses().iterator(); classes.hasNext();) { classProxy = (RefClass); replaceMeta(fromTo, classProxy); // replace instance metas for (Iterator instances = classProxy.refAllOfClass().iterator(); instances.hasNext();) { pureObject = (RefObject); replaceMeta(fromTo, pureObject); } } for (Iterator associations = pureMOF.refAllAssociations().iterator(); associations.hasNext();) { replaceMeta(fromTo, (RefAssociation); } rebuildMetas(NBMDRepositoryImpl.PURE_MOF, fromTo); dropBoot(); } catch (Exception e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); } } /** * @param mofContext * @param table * @throws StorageException */ void rebuildMetas(String mofContext, Map table) throws StorageException { /* Hashtable temp = new Hashtable(); Object key; String extent = getContextOutermostPackage(mofContext).getMofId(); // rebuild attribute indexes SinglevaluedIndex attributeIndexes = bootStorage.getSinglevaluedIndex(PREFIX_ATTR_INDEXES_BY_NAME + extent); String oldValue; String newValue; MultivaluedIndex oldAttributeIndex, newAttributeIndex; for (Iterator it = new HashSet(attributeIndexes.keySet()).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key =; oldValue = (String) attributeIndexes.get(key); newValue = (String) table.get(oldValue); createContextAttrIndex(mofContext, newValue, (String) key); newAttributeIndex = getContextAttrIndex(extent, newValue); oldAttributeIndex = getContextAttrIndex(extent, oldValue); for (Iterator it2 = oldAttributeIndex.keySet().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { key =; for (Iterator it3 = oldAttributeIndex.getItems(key).iterator(); it3.hasNext();) { newAttributeIndex.add(key,; } } bootStorage.dropIndex(oldAttributeIndex.getName()); } */ Object key; org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID newValue; org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID value; for (Iterator it = new HashSet(((SinglevaluedIndex)properties.get(this.bootStorage.getStorageId())).keySet()).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key =; value = getProperty((String) key); if (this.bootNullMofId.equals(value)) { newValue = (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID) table.get(key); } else { newValue = (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID) table.get(value); } if (newValue != null) { setProperty((String) key, newValue); } } } // /** // * @param isEndA // * @throws StorageException // * @return // */ // Collection getUnrelatedItems(String assocId, int end, Index endIndex) throws StorageException { // SinglevaluedIndex assocIndex; // if (end == 1) { // assocIndex = associationsEnd2; // } else { // assocIndex = associationsEnd1; // } // // try { piMutex.enter(false); assocMutex.enter(false); // HashSet result = new HashSet(); // collectObjects((StorableClass) assocIndex.getObject(assocId, objects), new HashSet(), result); // // for (Iterator it = endIndex.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // result.remove(; // } // // return result; // } finally { // assocMutex.leave(); // piMutex.leave(); // } // } // ///** // * @param classProxy // * @param visited // * @param result // * @throws StorageException */ // private void collectObjects(StorableClass classProxy, Set visited, Set result) throws StorageException { // visited.add(classProxy.getMofId()); // // try { objByClsMutex.enter(false); // result.addAll(objByCls.getItems(classProxy.getMofId())); // } finally { // objByClsMutex.leave(); // } // // String subclass; // for (Iterator it = classProxy.getSubclasses().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // subclass = (String); // if (!visited.contains(subclass)) { // collectObjects((StorableClass) objects.get(subclass), visited, result); // } // } // } // // private StorableObject lookupByName(StorableObject object, String name) { // try { // Collection contents = (Collection) object.getReference(SH_MODEL_NAMESPACE_CONTENTS); // StorableObject result = findNamed(contents, name); // // if (result == null) { // Collection supertypes = (Collection) object.getReference(SH_MODEL_GENERALIZABLE_ELEMENT_SUPERTYPES); // for (Iterator it = supertypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // result = lookupByName((StorableObject), name); // if (result != null) { // break; // } // } // } // // return result; // } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { // throw Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); // } // } // // private StorableObject findNamed(Collection objects, String featureName) throws StorageException { // for( Iterator it = objects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { // StorableObject so = (StorableObject); // String objectName = (String) so.getAttribute(SH_MODEL_MODEL_ELEMENT_NAME); // if ( objectName != null && objectName.equals( featureName ) ) { // return so; // } // } // // return null; // } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Wrappers for org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Storage methods ------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ public MOFID generateMOFID (MOFID immediatePackageId) throws StorageException { Storage st = null; if (immediatePackageId == null) { return this.generateMOFID(this.bootStorage); } else { return this.generateMOFID(getStorageByMofId(immediatePackageId)); } } public MOFID generateMOFID (String storageId) throws StorageException { Storage st = (Storage) this.storages.get(storageId); if (st == null && org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage.STORAGE_ID.equals(storageId)) { st = this.getTransientStorage (); } return this.generateMOFID (st); } private org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID generateMOFID(Storage storage) throws StorageException { if (storage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong storage id"); //NOI18N } return new org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID (storage); } public void objectStateWillChange(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) throws StorageException { Storage storage = this.getStorageByMofId(mofId); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } storage.objectStateWillChange(mofId); } public void objectStateChanged(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) throws StorageException { Storage storage = this.getStorageByMofId(mofId); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } storage.objectStateChanged(mofId); } public Index getIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID assocMofId, int end ) throws StorageException { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } String indexName = getContextAssocEndIndexName(context, assocMofId, end); return storage.getIndex(indexName); } /** Create index that holds exactly one value for each key. * @return created index * @param name name of the index * @param keyType type of keys in the index * @param valueType type of values in the index (any type except STREAMABLE) */ SinglevaluedIndex createSinglevaluedIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID assocMofId, int end, Storage.EntryType keyType, Storage.EntryType valueType) throws StorageException { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } String indexName = getContextAssocEndIndexName(context, assocMofId, end); return storage.createSinglevaluedIndex(indexName, keyType, valueType); } /** Create index that holds sorted set of values for each key. * @return created index * @param name name of the index * @param keyType type of keys in the index * @param valueType type of values in the index (any type except STREAMABLE) * @param unique true if values associated with one key do not contain duplicates */ MultivaluedOrderedIndex createMultivaluedOrderedIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID assoccMofId, int end, Storage.EntryType keyType, Storage.EntryType valueType, boolean unique) throws StorageException { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } String indexName = getContextAssocEndIndexName(context, assoccMofId, end); return storage.createMultivaluedOrderedIndex(indexName, keyType, valueType, unique); } /** Create index that hold a set of values for each key. Elements in one Multivalued are * not sorted. Set does not contain duplicate values. * @return created index * @param name name of the index * @param keyType type of keys in the index * @param valueType type of values in the index (any type except STREAMABLE) * @param unique true if values associated with one key do not contain duplicates */ MultivaluedIndex createMultivaluedIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID assoccMofId, int end, Storage.EntryType keyType, Storage.EntryType valueType, boolean unique) throws StorageException { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId(context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } String indexName = getContextAssocEndIndexName(context, assoccMofId, end); return storage.createMultivaluedIndex(indexName, keyType, valueType, unique); } void dropIndex(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID assoccMofId, int end) throws StorageException { Storage storage = getStorageByMofId (context); if (storage == null) { throw new DebugException("Storage not found"); } String indexName = getContextAssocEndIndexName(context, assoccMofId, end); storage.dropIndex(indexName); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- ------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @param context * @param assocMofId * @param end * @return */ private String getContextAssocEndIndexName (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID context, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID assocMofId, int end) { return PREFIX_ASSOC_END + context.getSerialNumber() + ":" + assocMofId.getSerialNumber() + ":" + end; } public Storage getStorageByMofId (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId (mofId); return getStorageById(storageId); } public Storage getStorageById(String storageId) { if (storageId == null) { return null; } Storage result = (Storage) this.storages.get(storageId); // if (result == null) result = currentStorage; return result; } private SinglevaluedIndex getObjectsIndexByMofId (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId(mofId); if (storageId == null) { return null; } SinglevaluedIndex result = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.objects.get(storageId); // if (result == null) { // Storage s = getStorageById(mofId.getStorageID()); // if (s != null) try { // result = s.getPrimaryIndex(); // } catch (StorageException e) { // result = null; // } // } return result; } private MultivaluedIndex getObjectsByClassesByMofId (org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { String storageId = getStorageIdFromMofId (mofId); if (storageId == null) { return null; } return (MultivaluedIndex) this.objByCls.get (storageId); } private SinglevaluedIndex getPropertiesIndexByStorageId (String storageId) { return (SinglevaluedIndex); } public static String getStorageIdFromMofId(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { return mofId.getStorageID (); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- Implementation of org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.ObjectResolver --- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Resolves object specified by storage id and key. * @param uuid of storage, where an object resides * @param key key * @return resolved object */ public Object resolve(String storageID, Object key) throws StorageException { SinglevaluedIndex objectsIndex = (SinglevaluedIndex) this.objects.get(storageID); if (objectsIndex == null) return null; synchronized (getStorageById(storageID)) { return objectsIndex.get(key); } } public synchronized Storage getTransientStorage () throws StorageException { if (this.transientStorage == null) { this.transientStorage = new org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage ("TransientStorage"); this.transientStorage.create(false, this); this.objects.put (org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage.STORAGE_ID, transientStorage.getPrimaryIndex ()); this.objByCls.put (org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage.STORAGE_ID, transientStorage.createMultivaluedIndex (IDX_OBJECTS_BY_CLASSES, Storage.EntryType.MOFID, Storage.EntryType.MOFID, false)); this.transientStorage.commitChanges (); // Commit indexes creation, it is save to call commit on the storage, because it was not used before this.storages.put (org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage.STORAGE_ID, transientStorage); } return this.transientStorage; } public static boolean isTransientMofId(org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID mofId) { String storageID = getStorageIdFromMofId(mofId); return org.netbeans.mdr.storagemodel.transientimpl.TransientStorage.STORAGE_ID.equals(storageID); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -- MdrStorage.ValuesObject (inner class) --------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * A ValuesObject manages a unique list of values. */ public static class ValuesObject implements Streamable, StorageClient { private Storage storage; private org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID id; /** The list of values managed by this object. */ private List list = new ArrayList(); /** Maps managed objects to their indices in list, * to monitor uniqueness. */ private final transient Map map = new HashMap(); /** * Constructor for the recreation of this object from a stream. */ public ValuesObject() { } /** * Constructor for the initial creation of this object. * * @param storage the storage for which this object is created * @param id the id of the object in the storage */ private ValuesObject(Storage storage, org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.MOFID id) { = storage; = id; } /** * Called by the {@link org.netbeans.persistence.Storage} implementation * when it creates this object. */ public void setStorage(Storage storage) { = storage; } // this is always called from a synchronized section /** * Adds value to the list of objects managed by this * ValuesObject. Returns the index of the newly added * object. If value is already managed by this object, it * is not added, only the index is returned. * * @param value the object to be added to this ValuesObject * @return the index of value, always >= 1. */ public int store(Object value) { if (value == null) return 0; try { storage.objectStateWillChange(id); Object index = new Integer(map.size()); Object old = map.put(value, index); if (old != null) { map.put(value, old); index = old; } else { list.add(value); storage.objectStateChanged(id); } return ((Integer) index).intValue() + 1; } catch (StorageException e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); } } // this is always called from a synchronized section /** * Returns the object with the given index. * * @param index an index (>= 1) of a managed object * or 0 * @return the managed object with the given index or null * for index 0 * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is out of range */ public Object resolve(int index) { if (index == 0) return null; return list.get(index - 1); } // this is always called from a synchronized section /** * Returns the index of the managed object value. * * @param value the object the index of which has to be returned * @return the index of value (always >= 1) * or 0 if value == null * @throws Exception if value is neither managed by this * object nor null */ public int indexOf(Object value) { if (value == null) return 0; Integer result = (Integer) map.get(value); if (result == null) { throw new DebugException("Value not found: " + value); } return result.intValue() + 1; } /** Restore state of the {@link org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Streamable} * object from the stream. * @param inputStream InputStream that represents an internal representation of fields of a Streamable object * in which it was written by {@link write } method */ public void read( inputStream) throws StorageException { try { id = IOUtils.readMOFID (inputStream,; list = (List); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { map.put(list.get(i), new Integer(i)); } } catch (IOException e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); } } /** This method will be used to move changed object from storage cache * to the persistent part of storage. It writes the object`s state * (set of attributes) in the stream as an array of bytes, for example * in textual representation. * @param outputStream OutputStream that holds value of a * {@link org.netbeans.mdr.persistence.Streamable} object */ public void write( outputStream) throws StorageException { try { IOUtils.writeMOFID (outputStream, id,; IOUtils.write(outputStream, list); } catch (IOException e) { throw (DebugException) Logger.getDefault().annotate(new DebugException(), e); } } } private class InstanceMap extends HashMap { private final ReferenceQueue queue = new ReferenceQueue(); private class InstanceReference extends WeakReference { private Object key; public InstanceReference(Object key, Object instance) { super(instance, queue); this.key = key; } public Object getKey() { return key; } } private void cleanUp() { InstanceMap.InstanceReference reference; while ((reference = (InstanceMap.InstanceReference) queue.poll()) != null) { // Logger.getDefault().log("Removing: " + reference.getProxyMofId()); Object key = reference.getKey(); Reference currentRef = (Reference) super.remove(key); if (currentRef != null && currentRef != reference && currentRef.get() != null) { super.put(key, currentRef); } } } public Object put(Object key, Object value) { cleanUp(); Object result = super.put(key, new InstanceMap.InstanceReference(key, value)); if (result != null) { return ((InstanceMap.InstanceReference) result).get(); } else { return result; } } public Object get(Object key) { cleanUp(); Object result = super.get(key); if (result != null) { return ((InstanceMap.InstanceReference) result).get(); } else { return result; } } public Collection values() { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); cleanUp(); for (Iterator it = super.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { result.add(((InstanceMap.InstanceReference); } return result; } } }

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