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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.completion;

import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;

import org.netbeans.editor.*;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.api.model.HintContext;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.syntax.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.syntax.dom.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;

 * Helper class used in XMLCompletionQuery and other classes that use grammar
 * Instances of this class must only be constructed and used from the AWT
 * dispatch thread, because this implementation is not reentrant (see ctx field).
 * @author
final class SyntaxQueryHelper {
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = 1;
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE = 2;
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_ELEMENT = 3;
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_ENTITY = 4;
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_NOTATION = 5;
    public final static int COMPLETION_TYPE_DTD = 6;

    /** Currect oken or previous one if at token boundary */
    private TokenItem token = null;
    private String preText = "";
    private int erase = 0;
    private int tunedOffset = 0;
    private SyntaxElement element;
    private int completionType = 0;
    private boolean tokenBoundary;

    // shared context instance, - we are always called from AWT thread
    private static DefaultContext ctx = new DefaultContext();

    /** Creates a new instance of SyntaxQueryHelper */
    public SyntaxQueryHelper(XMLSyntaxSupport sup, int offset) throws BadLocationException, IllegalStateException {
        tunedOffset = offset;
        token = sup.getPreviousToken( tunedOffset);
        if( token != null ) { // inside document
            tokenBoundary = token.getOffset() + token.getImage().length() == tunedOffset;
        } else {
            //??? start of document no choice now, but should be prolog if not followed by it
            throw new BadLocationException("No token found at current position", offset); // NOI18N

        // find out last typed chars that can hint

        int itemOffset = token.getOffset();
        preText = "";
        erase = 0;
        int eraseRight = 0;
        int id = token.getTokenID().getNumericID();

        // determine last typed text, prefix text

        if ( tokenBoundary == false ) {

            preText = token.getImage().substring( 0, tunedOffset - token.getOffset() );
            if ("".equals(preText)) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get token prefix at " + tunedOffset);

            // manipulate tunedOffset to delete rest of an old name
            // for cases where it iseasy to locate original name end

            if (sup.lastTypedChar() != '<' && sup.lastTypedChar() != '&') {
                switch (id) {

                    case XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG_ID:
                    case XMLDefaultTokenContext.CHARACTER_ID:
                    case XMLDefaultTokenContext.ARGUMENT_ID:

                        int i = token.getImage().length();
                        int tail = i - (tunedOffset - itemOffset);
                        tunedOffset += tail;
                        eraseRight = tail;
         } else {
           switch (id) {
                case XMLDefaultTokenContext.TEXT_ID:
                case XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG_ID:
                case XMLDefaultTokenContext.ARGUMENT_ID:
                case XMLDefaultTokenContext.CHARACTER_ID:
                case XMLCompletionQuery.PI_CONTENT_ID:
                    preText = token.getImage();

        // adjust how much do you want to erase from the preText

        switch (id) {
            case XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG_ID:
            case XMLDefaultTokenContext.CHARACTER_ID:
                // do not erase start delimiters
                erase = preText.length() - 1 + eraseRight;

            case XMLDefaultTokenContext.ARGUMENT_ID:
                erase = preText.length() + eraseRight;
            case XMLDefaultTokenContext.VALUE_ID:
                erase = preText.length();
                if (erase > 0 && (preText.charAt(0) == '\'' || preText.charAt(0) == '"')) {
                    // Because of attribute values, preText is adjusted in initContext
                } else

        element =  sup.getElementChain( tunedOffset);
        if (element == null) throw new IllegalStateException("There exists a token therefore a syntax element must exist at " + offset + ", too.");

        // completion request originates from area covered by DOM, 
        if (element instanceof SyntaxNode && ((SyntaxNode)element).getNodeType() != Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
            completionType = initContext();
        } else {
            // prolog, internal DTD no completition yet
            completionType = COMPLETION_TYPE_DTD;
     * Find out what to complete: attribute, value, element, entity or notation?


     * Triggering criteria:
     * ELEMENT      TOKEN (,=seq)   PRETEXT         QUERY
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Text         text            <            element name
     * Text         text            </           pairing end element
     * StartTag     tag             <prefix      element name
     * StartTag     ws                              attribute name
     * StartTag     attr, operator  =               quoted attribute value
     * StartTag     value           'prefix         attribute value
     * StartTag     tag             >               element value
     * Text         text            &           entity ref name     
     * StartTag     value           &           entity ref name
* * @return the type of completion which is one of * COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, * COMPLETION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = 1, * COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE = 2, * COMPLETION_TYPE_ELEMENT = 3, * COMPLETION_TYPE_ENTITY = 4, * COMPLETION_TYPE_NOTATION = 5. */ private int initContext() { int id = token.getTokenID().getNumericID(); SyntaxNode syntaxNode = (SyntaxNode)element; switch ( id) { case XMLDefaultTokenContext.TEXT_ID: if ( preText.endsWith("<" )) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, ""); return COMPLETION_TYPE_ELEMENT; } else if ( preText.startsWith("&")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText.substring(1)); return COMPLETION_TYPE_ENTITY; } else { //??? join all previous texts? // No they are DOM nodes. ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } // break; case XMLDefaultTokenContext.TAG_ID: if ( StartTag.class.equals(syntaxNode.getClass()) || EmptyTag.class.equals(syntaxNode.getClass())) { if (preText.equals("")) { //??? should not occure if (token.getImage().endsWith(">")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } else { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_ELEMENT; } } else if (preText.endsWith("/>")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, ""); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } else if (preText.endsWith(">")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, ""); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } else if (preText.startsWith("")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } } break; case XMLDefaultTokenContext.VALUE_ID: if (preText.endsWith("&")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, ""); return COMPLETION_TYPE_ENTITY; } else if ("".equals(preText)) { //??? improve check to addres inner '"' String image = token.getImage(); char ch = image.charAt(image.length()-1); // findout if it is closing ' if (ch == '\'' || ch == '"') { if (image.charAt(0) == ch && image.length() > 1) { // we got whole quoted value as single token ("xxx"|) return COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } boolean closing = false; TokenItem prev = token.getPrevious(); while (prev != null) { int tid = prev.getTokenID().getNumericID(); if (tid == XMLDefaultTokenContext.VALUE_ID) { closing = true; break; } else if (tid == XMLDefaultTokenContext.CHARACTER_ID) { prev = prev.getPrevious(); } else { break; } } if (closing == false) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } } else { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } } else { // This is probably an attribute value // Let's find the matching attribute node and use it to initialize the context NamedNodeMap attrs = syntaxNode.getAttributes(); int maxOffsetLessThanCurrent = -1; Node curAttrNode = null; for (int ind = 0; ind < attrs.getLength(); ind++) { AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl)attrs.item(ind); int attrTokOffset = attr.getFirstToken().getOffset(); if (attrTokOffset > maxOffsetLessThanCurrent && attrTokOffset < token.getOffset()) { maxOffsetLessThanCurrent = attrTokOffset; curAttrNode = attr; } } // eliminate "'",'"' delimiters if (preText.length() > 0) { preText = preText.substring(1); } if (curAttrNode != null) { ctx.init(curAttrNode, preText); } else { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); } return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } break; case XMLDefaultTokenContext.OPERATOR_ID: if ("".equals(preText)) { if ("=".equals(token.getImage())) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, ""); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } } break; case XMLDefaultTokenContext.WS_ID: if ((StartTag.class.equals(syntaxNode.getClass()) || EmptyTag.class.equals(syntaxNode.getClass())) && !token.getImage().startsWith("/")) { ctx.init((Element)syntaxNode, ""); // GrammarQuery.v2 takes Element ctx return COMPLETION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE; } else { // end tag no attributes to complete return COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } // break; case XMLDefaultTokenContext.ARGUMENT_ID: if (StartTag.class.equals(syntaxNode.getClass()) || EmptyTag.class.equals(syntaxNode.getClass())) { ctx.init((Element)syntaxNode, preText); // GrammarQuery.v2 takes Element ctx return COMPLETION_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE; } break; case XMLDefaultTokenContext.CHARACTER_ID: // entity reference if (preText.startsWith("&#")) { // character ref, ignore return COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } else if (preText.endsWith(";")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, ""); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } else if (preText.startsWith("&")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText.substring(1)); return COMPLETION_TYPE_ENTITY; } else if ("".equals(preText)) { if (token.getImage().endsWith(";")) { ctx.init(syntaxNode, preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_VALUE; } } break; default: } // System.err.println("Cannot complete: " + syntaxNode + "\n\t" + token + "\n\t" + preText); return COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } public HintContext getContext() { if (completionType != COMPLETION_TYPE_UNKNOWN && completionType != COMPLETION_TYPE_DTD) { return ctx; } else { return null; } } /** Current token or previous one if at token boundary. */ public TokenItem getToken() { return token; } public String getPreText() { return preText; } public int getEraseCount() { return erase; } public int getOffset() { return tunedOffset; } public SyntaxElement getSyntaxElement() { return element; } public int getCompletionType() { return completionType; } /** token boundary */ public boolean isBoundary() { return tokenBoundary; } }
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