Step 3e: Determine the count resulting from EQ'sThe table below lists the External Inquiries in the application. It also lists counts of the number of DETs and FTRs for each process, and the complexity that results from the number of DETs and FTRs. We begin with the ILF/EIF Report. Fortunately, it's a lot easier that the UFPC Report. It contains six DETs, including the title, data function names, function type, number of RETs, number of DETs, and complexity. Looking at the report, you can also see that it retrieves information from the Project and Entity ILFs, so there are two ILFs. Implied Inquiries The rest of the EQs in the table below are probably quite a surprise. I haven't introduced them yet, primarily because they add a little complexity to the mix. Each of the last four processes in this table are referred to as "implied inquiries". They are the almost hidden processes in an application that are easy to overlook. For instance, if you look back at Figures 3, 7, and 11, you'll see that the application has built-in lists of Entities, Process Groups, and Processes. These are the tables (JTable's to be more specific) that are contain in the Entity, Process Group, and Process tabs, respectively. Some type of query had to be performed to generate these lists, and those types of queries that result in this "view list" operation often qualify as "implied inquiries". The Process Group drop-down list on the Add/Edit Process dialog is another implied inquiry. It took some type of query to generate that list, and again it is considered an implied inquiry. While I'm covering this important topic rather quickly, it's important to note that other drop-down lists and tables may not qualify as implied inquiries, especially when the data they contain is hard-coded in the application. You also might not count the listing as an implied inquiry if the data could have beenhard-coded. This is an introductory tutorial, so that's all I'm going to say about this topic for now, other than the fact that I will refer you to the CPM for more specific rules.
Table 23: External Inquiries (EQ's) in the FPTracker application Total Count Now that we've finished counting the ILFs, EIFs, EIs, EOs, and EQs in the application, we add up each of the individual counts to get a total unadjusted function point count for the application. This is shown in the table that follows.