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Up: CreateAPodcast Previous: Ducking   Contents


In this tutorial we've covered the following topics:

  1. We learned how to display the Loop Browser so we could add jingles and stingers to our podcasts.
  2. We started the podcast by adding a nice introductory jingle.
  3. We added our first voice recording after the jingle, and positioned the recording so the gap between the jingle and our recording would sound right.
  4. You may have also practiced deleting your voice recordings. (That same simple technique can be used to delete any clip, not just your voice recordings.)
  5. We added a stinger after our voice recording, and again got used to positioning our clips.
  6. We started double-clicking the timeline to play back our recordings, and in general, got used to the process of adding to a recording, playing it back, etc.
  7. We added another voice recording and another stinger so we could get used to the concept of ducking.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and I also hope it helps get you started in the world of podcasting.

Other tutorials

For reference purposes, other tutorials in this series are available at these links:

  1. "How to Create a Podcast with GarageBand". This tutorial shows how to create a basic podcast, using just your own voice recordings.
  2. "How to Create a Podcast with GarageBand, Part 3". This installment covers splitting clips, joining clips, importing audio files, adding tracks, and working with background clips.