Akka/Scala example source code file (Dispatch.scala)
The Dispatch.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.actor.dungeon import scala.annotation.tailrec import akka.dispatch.{ MessageDispatcher, Mailbox, Envelope } import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._ import akka.event.Logging.Error import akka.util.Unsafe import akka.actor._ import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.control.Exception.Catcher import akka.dispatch.MailboxType import akka.dispatch.ProducesMessageQueue private[akka] trait Dispatch { this: ActorCell ⇒ @volatile private var _mailboxDoNotCallMeDirectly: Mailbox = _ //This must be volatile since it isn't protected by the mailbox status @inline final def mailbox: Mailbox = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, AbstractActorCell.mailboxOffset).asInstanceOf[Mailbox] @tailrec final def swapMailbox(newMailbox: Mailbox): Mailbox = { val oldMailbox = mailbox if (!Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, AbstractActorCell.mailboxOffset, oldMailbox, newMailbox)) swapMailbox(newMailbox) else oldMailbox } final def hasMessages: Boolean = mailbox.hasMessages final def numberOfMessages: Int = mailbox.numberOfMessages final def isTerminated: Boolean = mailbox.isClosed /** * Initialize this cell, i.e. set up mailboxes and supervision. The UID must be * reasonably different from the previous UID of a possible actor with the same path, * which can be achieved by using ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt(). */ final def init(sendSupervise: Boolean, mailboxType: MailboxType): this.type = { /* * Create the mailbox and enqueue the Create() message to ensure that * this is processed before anything else. */ val mbox = dispatcher.createMailbox(this, mailboxType) /* * The mailboxType was calculated taking into account what the MailboxType * has promised to produce. If that was more than the default, then we need * to reverify here because the dispatcher may well have screwed it up. */ // we need to delay the failure to the point of actor creation so we can handle // it properly in the normal way val actorClass = props.actorClass val createMessage = mailboxType match { case _: ProducesMessageQueue[_] if system.mailboxes.hasRequiredType(actorClass) ⇒ val req = system.mailboxes.getRequiredType(actorClass) if (req isInstance mbox.messageQueue) Create(None) else { val gotType = if (mbox.messageQueue == null) "null" else mbox.messageQueue.getClass.getName Create(Some(ActorInitializationException(self, s"Actor [$self] requires mailbox type [$req] got [$gotType]"))) } case _ ⇒ Create(None) } swapMailbox(mbox) mailbox.setActor(this) // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ mailbox.systemEnqueue(self, createMessage) if (sendSupervise) { // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ parent.sendSystemMessage(akka.dispatch.sysmsg.Supervise(self, async = false)) } this } /** * Start this cell, i.e. attach it to the dispatcher. */ def start(): this.type = { // This call is expected to start off the actor by scheduling its mailbox. dispatcher.attach(this) this } private def handleException: Catcher[Unit] = { case e: InterruptedException ⇒ system.eventStream.publish(Error(e, self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "interrupted during message send")) Thread.currentThread.interrupt() case NonFatal(e) ⇒ system.eventStream.publish(Error(e, self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "swallowing exception during message send")) } // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ final def suspend(): Unit = try dispatcher.systemDispatch(this, Suspend()) catch handleException // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ final def resume(causedByFailure: Throwable): Unit = try dispatcher.systemDispatch(this, Resume(causedByFailure)) catch handleException // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ final def restart(cause: Throwable): Unit = try dispatcher.systemDispatch(this, Recreate(cause)) catch handleException // ➡➡➡ NEVER SEND THE SAME SYSTEM MESSAGE OBJECT TO TWO ACTORS ⬅⬅⬅ final def stop(): Unit = try dispatcher.systemDispatch(this, Terminate()) catch handleException def sendMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = try { if (system.settings.SerializeAllMessages) { val unwrapped = (msg.message match { case DeadLetter(wrapped, _, _) ⇒ wrapped case other ⇒ other }).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] if (!unwrapped.isInstanceOf[NoSerializationVerificationNeeded]) { val s = SerializationExtension(system) s.deserialize(s.serialize(unwrapped).get, unwrapped.getClass).get } } dispatcher.dispatch(this, msg) } catch handleException override def sendSystemMessage(message: SystemMessage): Unit = try dispatcher.systemDispatch(this, message) catch handleException } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka Dispatch.scala source code file: |
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