Akka/Scala example source code file (AbstractDispatcher.scala)
The AbstractDispatcher.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.dispatch import java.util.concurrent._ import akka.event.Logging.{ Debug, Error, LogEventException } import akka.actor._ import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._ import akka.event.{ BusLogging, EventStream } import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigFactory, Config } import akka.util.{ Unsafe, Index } import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.{ ForkJoinTask, ForkJoinPool } import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.util.control.NonFatal import scala.util.Try import java.{ util ⇒ ju } final case class Envelope private (val message: Any, val sender: ActorRef) object Envelope { def apply(message: Any, sender: ActorRef, system: ActorSystem): Envelope = { if (message == null) throw new InvalidMessageException("Message is null") new Envelope(message, if (sender ne Actor.noSender) sender else system.deadLetters) } } final case class TaskInvocation(eventStream: EventStream, runnable: Runnable, cleanup: () ⇒ Unit) extends Batchable { final override def isBatchable: Boolean = runnable match { case b: Batchable ⇒ b.isBatchable case _: scala.concurrent.OnCompleteRunnable ⇒ true case _ ⇒ false } def run(): Unit = try runnable.run() catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ eventStream.publish(Error(e, "TaskInvocation", this.getClass, e.getMessage)) } finally cleanup() } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] trait LoadMetrics { self: Executor ⇒ def atFullThrottle(): Boolean } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[akka] object MessageDispatcher { val UNSCHEDULED = 0 //WARNING DO NOT CHANGE THE VALUE OF THIS: It relies on the faster init of 0 in AbstractMessageDispatcher val SCHEDULED = 1 val RESCHEDULED = 2 // dispatcher debugging helper using println (see below) // since this is a compile-time constant, scalac will elide code behind if (MessageDispatcher.debug) (RK checked with 2.9.1) final val debug = false // Deliberately without type ascription to make it a compile-time constant lazy val actors = new Index[MessageDispatcher, ActorRef](16, _ compareTo _) def printActors(): Unit = if (debug) { for { d ← actors.keys a ← { println(d + " inhabitants: " + d.inhabitants); actors.valueIterator(d) } } { val status = if (a.isTerminated) " (terminated)" else " (alive)" val messages = a match { case r: ActorRefWithCell ⇒ " " + r.underlying.numberOfMessages + " messages" case _ ⇒ " " + a.getClass } val parent = a match { case i: InternalActorRef ⇒ ", parent: " + i.getParent case _ ⇒ "" } println(" -> " + a + status + messages + parent) } } } abstract class MessageDispatcher(val configurator: MessageDispatcherConfigurator) extends AbstractMessageDispatcher with BatchingExecutor with ExecutionContextExecutor { import MessageDispatcher._ import AbstractMessageDispatcher.{ inhabitantsOffset, shutdownScheduleOffset } import configurator.prerequisites val mailboxes = prerequisites.mailboxes val eventStream = prerequisites.eventStream @volatile private[this] var _inhabitantsDoNotCallMeDirectly: Long = _ // DO NOT TOUCH! @volatile private[this] var _shutdownScheduleDoNotCallMeDirectly: Int = _ // DO NOT TOUCH! @tailrec private final def addInhabitants(add: Long): Long = { val c = inhabitants val r = c + add if (r < 0) { // We haven't succeeded in decreasing the inhabitants yet but the simple fact that we're trying to // go below zero means that there is an imbalance and we might as well throw the exception val e = new IllegalStateException("ACTOR SYSTEM CORRUPTED!!! A dispatcher can't have less than 0 inhabitants!") reportFailure(e) throw e } if (Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapLong(this, inhabitantsOffset, c, r)) r else addInhabitants(add) } final def inhabitants: Long = Unsafe.instance.getLongVolatile(this, inhabitantsOffset) private final def shutdownSchedule: Int = Unsafe.instance.getIntVolatile(this, shutdownScheduleOffset) private final def updateShutdownSchedule(expect: Int, update: Int): Boolean = Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapInt(this, shutdownScheduleOffset, expect, update) /** * Creates and returns a mailbox for the given actor. */ protected[akka] def createMailbox(actor: Cell, mailboxType: MailboxType): Mailbox /** * Identifier of this dispatcher, corresponds to the full key * of the dispatcher configuration. */ def id: String /** * Attaches the specified actor instance to this dispatcher, which includes * scheduling it to run for the first time (Create() is expected to have * been enqueued by the ActorCell upon mailbox creation). */ final def attach(actor: ActorCell): Unit = { register(actor) registerForExecution(actor.mailbox, false, true) } /** * Detaches the specified actor instance from this dispatcher */ final def detach(actor: ActorCell): Unit = try unregister(actor) finally ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown() final protected def resubmitOnBlock: Boolean = true // We want to avoid starvation final override protected def unbatchedExecute(r: Runnable): Unit = { val invocation = TaskInvocation(eventStream, r, taskCleanup) addInhabitants(+1) try { executeTask(invocation) } catch { case t: Throwable ⇒ addInhabitants(-1) throw t } } override def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = t match { case e: LogEventException ⇒ eventStream.publish(e.event) case _ ⇒ eventStream.publish(Error(t, getClass.getName, getClass, t.getMessage)) } @tailrec private final def ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown(): Unit = { if (inhabitants <= 0) shutdownSchedule match { case UNSCHEDULED ⇒ if (updateShutdownSchedule(UNSCHEDULED, SCHEDULED)) scheduleShutdownAction() else ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown() case SCHEDULED ⇒ if (updateShutdownSchedule(SCHEDULED, RESCHEDULED)) () else ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown() case RESCHEDULED ⇒ } } private def scheduleShutdownAction(): Unit = { // IllegalStateException is thrown if scheduler has been shutdown try prerequisites.scheduler.scheduleOnce(shutdownTimeout, shutdownAction)(new ExecutionContext { override def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit = runnable.run() override def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = MessageDispatcher.this.reportFailure(t) }) catch { case _: IllegalStateException ⇒ shutdown() } } private final val taskCleanup: () ⇒ Unit = () ⇒ if (addInhabitants(-1) == 0) ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown() /** * If you override it, you must call it. But only ever once. See "attach" for only invocation. * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def register(actor: ActorCell) { if (debug) actors.put(this, actor.self) addInhabitants(+1) } /** * If you override it, you must call it. But only ever once. See "detach" for the only invocation * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def unregister(actor: ActorCell) { if (debug) actors.remove(this, actor.self) addInhabitants(-1) val mailBox = actor.swapMailbox(mailboxes.deadLetterMailbox) mailBox.becomeClosed() mailBox.cleanUp() } private val shutdownAction = new Runnable { @tailrec final def run() { shutdownSchedule match { case SCHEDULED ⇒ try { if (inhabitants == 0) shutdown() //Warning, racy } finally { while (!updateShutdownSchedule(shutdownSchedule, UNSCHEDULED)) {} } case RESCHEDULED ⇒ if (updateShutdownSchedule(RESCHEDULED, SCHEDULED)) scheduleShutdownAction() else run() case UNSCHEDULED ⇒ } } } /** * When the dispatcher no longer has any actors registered, how long will it wait until it shuts itself down, * defaulting to your akka configs "akka.actor.default-dispatcher.shutdown-timeout" or default specified in * reference.conf * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration /** * After the call to this method, the dispatcher mustn't begin any new message processing for the specified reference */ protected[akka] def suspend(actor: ActorCell): Unit = { val mbox = actor.mailbox if ((mbox.actor eq actor) && (mbox.dispatcher eq this)) mbox.suspend() } /* * After the call to this method, the dispatcher must begin any new message processing for the specified reference */ protected[akka] def resume(actor: ActorCell): Unit = { val mbox = actor.mailbox if ((mbox.actor eq actor) && (mbox.dispatcher eq this) && mbox.resume()) registerForExecution(mbox, false, false) } /** * Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def systemDispatch(receiver: ActorCell, invocation: SystemMessage) /** * Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def dispatch(receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope) /** * Suggest to register the provided mailbox for execution * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def registerForExecution(mbox: Mailbox, hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint: Boolean): Boolean // TODO check whether this should not actually be a property of the mailbox /** * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def throughput: Int /** * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def throughputDeadlineTime: Duration /** * INTERNAL API */ @inline protected[akka] final val isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined = throughputDeadlineTime.toMillis > 0 /** * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def executeTask(invocation: TaskInvocation) /** * Called one time every time an actor is detached from this dispatcher and this dispatcher has no actors left attached * Must be idempotent * * INTERNAL API */ protected[akka] def shutdown(): Unit } /** * An ExecutorServiceConfigurator is a class that given some prerequisites and a configuration can create instances of ExecutorService */ abstract class ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider /** * Base class to be used for hooking in new dispatchers into Dispatchers. */ abstract class MessageDispatcherConfigurator(_config: Config, val prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) { val config: Config = new CachingConfig(_config) /** * Returns an instance of MessageDispatcher given the configuration. * Depending on the needs the implementation may return a new instance for * each invocation or return the same instance every time. */ def dispatcher(): MessageDispatcher def configureExecutor(): ExecutorServiceConfigurator = { def configurator(executor: String): ExecutorServiceConfigurator = executor match { case null | "" | "fork-join-executor" ⇒ new ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator(config.getConfig("fork-join-executor"), prerequisites) case "thread-pool-executor" ⇒ new ThreadPoolExecutorConfigurator(config.getConfig("thread-pool-executor"), prerequisites) case fqcn ⇒ val args = List( classOf[Config] -> config, classOf[DispatcherPrerequisites] -> prerequisites) prerequisites.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[ExecutorServiceConfigurator](fqcn, args).recover({ case exception ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException( ("""Cannot instantiate ExecutorServiceConfigurator ("executor = [%s]"), defined in [%s], make sure it has an accessible constructor with a [%s,%s] signature""") .format(fqcn, config.getString("id"), classOf[Config], classOf[DispatcherPrerequisites]), exception) }).get } config.getString("executor") match { case "default-executor" ⇒ new DefaultExecutorServiceConfigurator(config.getConfig("default-executor"), prerequisites, configurator(config.getString("default-executor.fallback"))) case other ⇒ configurator(other) } } } class ThreadPoolExecutorConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) { val threadPoolConfig: ThreadPoolConfig = createThreadPoolConfigBuilder(config, prerequisites).config protected def createThreadPoolConfigBuilder(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder = { import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps ThreadPoolConfigBuilder(ThreadPoolConfig()) .setKeepAliveTime(config.getMillisDuration("keep-alive-time")) .setAllowCoreThreadTimeout(config getBoolean "allow-core-timeout") .setCorePoolSizeFromFactor(config getInt "core-pool-size-min", config getDouble "core-pool-size-factor", config getInt "core-pool-size-max") .setMaxPoolSizeFromFactor(config getInt "max-pool-size-min", config getDouble "max-pool-size-factor", config getInt "max-pool-size-max") .configure( Some(config getInt "task-queue-size") flatMap { case size if size > 0 ⇒ Some(config getString "task-queue-type") map { case "array" ⇒ ThreadPoolConfig.arrayBlockingQueue(size, false) //TODO config fairness? case "" | "linked" ⇒ ThreadPoolConfig.linkedBlockingQueue(size) case x ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("[%s] is not a valid task-queue-type [array|linked]!" format x) } map { qf ⇒ (q: ThreadPoolConfigBuilder) ⇒ q.setQueueFactory(qf) } case _ ⇒ None }) } def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = threadPoolConfig.createExecutorServiceFactory(id, threadFactory) } object ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator { /** * INTERNAL AKKA USAGE ONLY */ final class AkkaForkJoinPool(parallelism: Int, threadFactory: ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, unhandledExceptionHandler: Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) extends ForkJoinPool(parallelism, threadFactory, unhandledExceptionHandler, true) with LoadMetrics { override def execute(r: Runnable): Unit = if (r eq null) throw new NullPointerException else super.execute(new AkkaForkJoinTask(r)) def atFullThrottle(): Boolean = this.getActiveThreadCount() >= this.getParallelism() } /** * INTERNAL AKKA USAGE ONLY */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final class AkkaForkJoinTask(runnable: Runnable) extends ForkJoinTask[Unit] { override def getRawResult(): Unit = () override def setRawResult(unit: Unit): Unit = () final override def exec(): Boolean = try { runnable.run(); true } catch { case anything: Throwable ⇒ val t = Thread.currentThread t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler match { case null ⇒ case some ⇒ some.uncaughtException(t, anything) } throw anything } } } class ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) { import ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator._ def validate(t: ThreadFactory): ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory = t match { case correct: ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory ⇒ correct case x ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("The prerequisites for the ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator is a ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory!") } class ForkJoinExecutorServiceFactory(val threadFactory: ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, val parallelism: Int) extends ExecutorServiceFactory { def createExecutorService: ExecutorService = new AkkaForkJoinPool(parallelism, threadFactory, MonitorableThreadFactory.doNothing) } final def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = { val tf = threadFactory match { case m: MonitorableThreadFactory ⇒ // add the dispatcher id to the thread names m.withName(m.name + "-" + id) case other ⇒ other } new ForkJoinExecutorServiceFactory( validate(tf), ThreadPoolConfig.scaledPoolSize( config.getInt("parallelism-min"), config.getDouble("parallelism-factor"), config.getInt("parallelism-max"))) } } class DefaultExecutorServiceConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites, fallback: ExecutorServiceConfigurator) extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) { val provider: ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider = prerequisites.defaultExecutionContext match { case Some(ec) ⇒ prerequisites.eventStream.publish(Debug("DefaultExecutorServiceConfigurator", this.getClass, s"Using passed in ExecutionContext as default executor for this ActorSystem. If you want to use a different executor, please specify one in akka.actor.default-dispatcher.default-executor.")) new AbstractExecutorService with ExecutorServiceFactory with ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider { def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = this def createExecutorService: ExecutorService = this def shutdown(): Unit = () def isTerminated: Boolean = false def awaitTermination(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean = false def shutdownNow(): ju.List[Runnable] = ju.Collections.emptyList() def execute(command: Runnable): Unit = ec.execute(command) def isShutdown: Boolean = false } case None ⇒ fallback } def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = provider.createExecutorServiceFactory(id, threadFactory) } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka AbstractDispatcher.scala source code file: |
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