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Akka/Scala example source code file (AbstractDispatcher.scala)

This example Akka source code file (AbstractDispatcher.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorcell, akka, boolean, concurrent, config, dispatch, dispatcherprerequisites, duration, executorserviceconfigurator, executorservicefactory, int, runnable, string, time, unit, utilities

The AbstractDispatcher.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.dispatch

import java.util.concurrent._
import akka.event.Logging.{ Debug, Error, LogEventException }
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._
import akka.event.{ BusLogging, EventStream }
import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigFactory, Config }
import akka.util.{ Unsafe, Index }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.{ ForkJoinTask, ForkJoinPool }
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.Try
import java.{ util ⇒ ju }

final case class Envelope private (val message: Any, val sender: ActorRef)

object Envelope {
  def apply(message: Any, sender: ActorRef, system: ActorSystem): Envelope = {
    if (message == null) throw new InvalidMessageException("Message is null")
    new Envelope(message, if (sender ne Actor.noSender) sender else system.deadLetters)

final case class TaskInvocation(eventStream: EventStream, runnable: Runnable, cleanup: () ⇒ Unit) extends Batchable {
  final override def isBatchable: Boolean = runnable match {
    case b: Batchable                           ⇒ b.isBatchable
    case _: scala.concurrent.OnCompleteRunnable ⇒ true
    case _                                      ⇒ false

  def run(): Unit =
    try catch {
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒ eventStream.publish(Error(e, "TaskInvocation", this.getClass, e.getMessage))
    } finally cleanup()

private[akka] trait LoadMetrics { self: Executor ⇒
  def atFullThrottle(): Boolean

private[akka] object MessageDispatcher {
  val UNSCHEDULED = 0 //WARNING DO NOT CHANGE THE VALUE OF THIS: It relies on the faster init of 0 in AbstractMessageDispatcher
  val SCHEDULED = 1

  // dispatcher debugging helper using println (see below)
  // since this is a compile-time constant, scalac will elide code behind if (MessageDispatcher.debug) (RK checked with 2.9.1)
  final val debug = false // Deliberately without type ascription to make it a compile-time constant
  lazy val actors = new Index[MessageDispatcher, ActorRef](16, _ compareTo _)
  def printActors(): Unit =
    if (debug) {
      for {
        d ← actors.keys
        a ← { println(d + " inhabitants: " + d.inhabitants); actors.valueIterator(d) }
      } {
        val status = if (a.isTerminated) " (terminated)" else " (alive)"
        val messages = a match {
          case r: ActorRefWithCell ⇒ " " + r.underlying.numberOfMessages + " messages"
          case _                   ⇒ " " + a.getClass
        val parent = a match {
          case i: InternalActorRef ⇒ ", parent: " + i.getParent
          case _                   ⇒ ""
        println(" -> " + a + status + messages + parent)

abstract class MessageDispatcher(val configurator: MessageDispatcherConfigurator) extends AbstractMessageDispatcher with BatchingExecutor with ExecutionContextExecutor {

  import MessageDispatcher._
  import AbstractMessageDispatcher.{ inhabitantsOffset, shutdownScheduleOffset }
  import configurator.prerequisites

  val mailboxes = prerequisites.mailboxes
  val eventStream = prerequisites.eventStream

  @volatile private[this] var _inhabitantsDoNotCallMeDirectly: Long = _ // DO NOT TOUCH!
  @volatile private[this] var _shutdownScheduleDoNotCallMeDirectly: Int = _ // DO NOT TOUCH!

  @tailrec private final def addInhabitants(add: Long): Long = {
    val c = inhabitants
    val r = c + add
    if (r < 0) {
      // We haven't succeeded in decreasing the inhabitants yet but the simple fact that we're trying to
      // go below zero means that there is an imbalance and we might as well throw the exception
      val e = new IllegalStateException("ACTOR SYSTEM CORRUPTED!!! A dispatcher can't have less than 0 inhabitants!")
      throw e
    if (Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapLong(this, inhabitantsOffset, c, r)) r else addInhabitants(add)

  final def inhabitants: Long = Unsafe.instance.getLongVolatile(this, inhabitantsOffset)

  private final def shutdownSchedule: Int = Unsafe.instance.getIntVolatile(this, shutdownScheduleOffset)
  private final def updateShutdownSchedule(expect: Int, update: Int): Boolean = Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapInt(this, shutdownScheduleOffset, expect, update)

   *  Creates and returns a mailbox for the given actor.
  protected[akka] def createMailbox(actor: Cell, mailboxType: MailboxType): Mailbox

   * Identifier of this dispatcher, corresponds to the full key
   * of the dispatcher configuration.
  def id: String

   * Attaches the specified actor instance to this dispatcher, which includes
   * scheduling it to run for the first time (Create() is expected to have
   * been enqueued by the ActorCell upon mailbox creation).
  final def attach(actor: ActorCell): Unit = {
    registerForExecution(actor.mailbox, false, true)

   * Detaches the specified actor instance from this dispatcher
  final def detach(actor: ActorCell): Unit = try unregister(actor) finally ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown()
  final protected def resubmitOnBlock: Boolean = true // We want to avoid starvation
  final override protected def unbatchedExecute(r: Runnable): Unit = {
    val invocation = TaskInvocation(eventStream, r, taskCleanup)
    try {
    } catch {
      case t: Throwable ⇒
        throw t

  override def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = t match {
    case e: LogEventException ⇒ eventStream.publish(e.event)
    case _                    ⇒ eventStream.publish(Error(t, getClass.getName, getClass, t.getMessage))

  private final def ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown(): Unit = {
    if (inhabitants <= 0) shutdownSchedule match {
      case UNSCHEDULED ⇒
        if (updateShutdownSchedule(UNSCHEDULED, SCHEDULED)) scheduleShutdownAction()
        else ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown()
      case SCHEDULED ⇒
        if (updateShutdownSchedule(SCHEDULED, RESCHEDULED)) ()
        else ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown()
      case RESCHEDULED ⇒

  private def scheduleShutdownAction(): Unit = {
    // IllegalStateException is thrown if scheduler has been shutdown
    try prerequisites.scheduler.scheduleOnce(shutdownTimeout, shutdownAction)(new ExecutionContext {
      override def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit =
      override def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = MessageDispatcher.this.reportFailure(t)
    }) catch {
      case _: IllegalStateException ⇒ shutdown()

  private final val taskCleanup: () ⇒ Unit = () ⇒ if (addInhabitants(-1) == 0) ifSensibleToDoSoThenScheduleShutdown()

   * If you override it, you must call it. But only ever once. See "attach" for only invocation.
  protected[akka] def register(actor: ActorCell) {
    if (debug) actors.put(this, actor.self)

   * If you override it, you must call it. But only ever once. See "detach" for the only invocation
  protected[akka] def unregister(actor: ActorCell) {
    if (debug) actors.remove(this, actor.self)
    val mailBox = actor.swapMailbox(mailboxes.deadLetterMailbox)

  private val shutdownAction = new Runnable {
    final def run() {
      shutdownSchedule match {
        case SCHEDULED ⇒
          try {
            if (inhabitants == 0) shutdown() //Warning, racy
          } finally {
            while (!updateShutdownSchedule(shutdownSchedule, UNSCHEDULED)) {}
        case RESCHEDULED ⇒
          if (updateShutdownSchedule(RESCHEDULED, SCHEDULED)) scheduleShutdownAction()
          else run()
        case UNSCHEDULED ⇒

   * When the dispatcher no longer has any actors registered, how long will it wait until it shuts itself down,
   * defaulting to your akka configs "" or default specified in
   * reference.conf
  protected[akka] def shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration

   * After the call to this method, the dispatcher mustn't begin any new message processing for the specified reference
  protected[akka] def suspend(actor: ActorCell): Unit = {
    val mbox = actor.mailbox
    if (( eq actor) && (mbox.dispatcher eq this))

   * After the call to this method, the dispatcher must begin any new message processing for the specified reference
  protected[akka] def resume(actor: ActorCell): Unit = {
    val mbox = actor.mailbox
    if (( eq actor) && (mbox.dispatcher eq this) && mbox.resume())
      registerForExecution(mbox, false, false)

   * Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution
  protected[akka] def systemDispatch(receiver: ActorCell, invocation: SystemMessage)

   * Will be called when the dispatcher is to queue an invocation for execution
  protected[akka] def dispatch(receiver: ActorCell, invocation: Envelope)

   * Suggest to register the provided mailbox for execution
  protected[akka] def registerForExecution(mbox: Mailbox, hasMessageHint: Boolean, hasSystemMessageHint: Boolean): Boolean

  // TODO check whether this should not actually be a property of the mailbox
  protected[akka] def throughput: Int

  protected[akka] def throughputDeadlineTime: Duration

  @inline protected[akka] final val isThroughputDeadlineTimeDefined = throughputDeadlineTime.toMillis > 0

  protected[akka] def executeTask(invocation: TaskInvocation)

   * Called one time every time an actor is detached from this dispatcher and this dispatcher has no actors left attached
   * Must be idempotent
  protected[akka] def shutdown(): Unit

 * An ExecutorServiceConfigurator is a class that given some prerequisites and a configuration can create instances of ExecutorService
abstract class ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider

 * Base class to be used for hooking in new dispatchers into Dispatchers.
abstract class MessageDispatcherConfigurator(_config: Config, val prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) {

  val config: Config = new CachingConfig(_config)

   * Returns an instance of MessageDispatcher given the configuration.
   * Depending on the needs the implementation may return a new instance for
   * each invocation or return the same instance every time.
  def dispatcher(): MessageDispatcher

  def configureExecutor(): ExecutorServiceConfigurator = {
    def configurator(executor: String): ExecutorServiceConfigurator = executor match {
      case null | "" | "fork-join-executor" ⇒ new ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator(config.getConfig("fork-join-executor"), prerequisites)
      case "thread-pool-executor"           ⇒ new ThreadPoolExecutorConfigurator(config.getConfig("thread-pool-executor"), prerequisites)
      case fqcn ⇒
        val args = List(
          classOf[Config] -> config,
          classOf[DispatcherPrerequisites] -> prerequisites)
        prerequisites.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[ExecutorServiceConfigurator](fqcn, args).recover({
          case exception ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            ("""Cannot instantiate ExecutorServiceConfigurator ("executor = [%s]"), defined in [%s],
                make sure it has an accessible constructor with a [%s,%s] signature""")
              .format(fqcn, config.getString("id"), classOf[Config], classOf[DispatcherPrerequisites]), exception)

    config.getString("executor") match {
      case "default-executor" ⇒ new DefaultExecutorServiceConfigurator(config.getConfig("default-executor"), prerequisites, configurator(config.getString("default-executor.fallback")))
      case other              ⇒ configurator(other)

class ThreadPoolExecutorConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) {

  val threadPoolConfig: ThreadPoolConfig = createThreadPoolConfigBuilder(config, prerequisites).config

  protected def createThreadPoolConfigBuilder(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites): ThreadPoolConfigBuilder = {
    import akka.util.Helpers.ConfigOps
      .setAllowCoreThreadTimeout(config getBoolean "allow-core-timeout")
      .setCorePoolSizeFromFactor(config getInt "core-pool-size-min", config getDouble "core-pool-size-factor", config getInt "core-pool-size-max")
      .setMaxPoolSizeFromFactor(config getInt "max-pool-size-min", config getDouble "max-pool-size-factor", config getInt "max-pool-size-max")
        Some(config getInt "task-queue-size") flatMap {
          case size if size > 0 ⇒
            Some(config getString "task-queue-type") map {
              case "array"       ⇒ ThreadPoolConfig.arrayBlockingQueue(size, false) //TODO config fairness?
              case "" | "linked" ⇒ ThreadPoolConfig.linkedBlockingQueue(size)
              case x             ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("[%s] is not a valid task-queue-type [array|linked]!" format x)
            } map { qf ⇒ (q: ThreadPoolConfigBuilder) ⇒ q.setQueueFactory(qf) }
          case _ ⇒ None

  def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory =
    threadPoolConfig.createExecutorServiceFactory(id, threadFactory)

object ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator {

  final class AkkaForkJoinPool(parallelism: Int,
                               threadFactory: ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory,
                               unhandledExceptionHandler: Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler)
    extends ForkJoinPool(parallelism, threadFactory, unhandledExceptionHandler, true) with LoadMetrics {
    override def execute(r: Runnable): Unit =
      if (r eq null) throw new NullPointerException else super.execute(new AkkaForkJoinTask(r))

    def atFullThrottle(): Boolean = this.getActiveThreadCount() >= this.getParallelism()

  final class AkkaForkJoinTask(runnable: Runnable) extends ForkJoinTask[Unit] {
    override def getRawResult(): Unit = ()
    override def setRawResult(unit: Unit): Unit = ()
    final override def exec(): Boolean = try {; true } catch {
      case anything: Throwable ⇒
        val t = Thread.currentThread
        t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler match {
          case null ⇒
          case some ⇒ some.uncaughtException(t, anything)
        throw anything

class ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites) extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) {
  import ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator._

  def validate(t: ThreadFactory): ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory = t match {
    case correct: ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory ⇒ correct
    case x ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("The prerequisites for the ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator is a ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory!")

  class ForkJoinExecutorServiceFactory(val threadFactory: ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory,
                                       val parallelism: Int) extends ExecutorServiceFactory {
    def createExecutorService: ExecutorService = new AkkaForkJoinPool(parallelism, threadFactory, MonitorableThreadFactory.doNothing)
  final def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = {
    val tf = threadFactory match {
      case m: MonitorableThreadFactory ⇒
        // add the dispatcher id to the thread names
        m.withName( + "-" + id)
      case other ⇒ other
    new ForkJoinExecutorServiceFactory(

class DefaultExecutorServiceConfigurator(config: Config, prerequisites: DispatcherPrerequisites, fallback: ExecutorServiceConfigurator) extends ExecutorServiceConfigurator(config, prerequisites) {
  val provider: ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider =
    prerequisites.defaultExecutionContext match {
      case Some(ec) ⇒
        prerequisites.eventStream.publish(Debug("DefaultExecutorServiceConfigurator", this.getClass, s"Using passed in ExecutionContext as default executor for this ActorSystem. If you want to use a different executor, please specify one in"))

        new AbstractExecutorService with ExecutorServiceFactory with ExecutorServiceFactoryProvider {
          def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory = this
          def createExecutorService: ExecutorService = this
          def shutdown(): Unit = ()
          def isTerminated: Boolean = false
          def awaitTermination(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Boolean = false
          def shutdownNow(): ju.List[Runnable] = ju.Collections.emptyList()
          def execute(command: Runnable): Unit = ec.execute(command)
          def isShutdown: Boolean = false
      case None ⇒ fallback

  def createExecutorServiceFactory(id: String, threadFactory: ThreadFactory): ExecutorServiceFactory =
    provider.createExecutorServiceFactory(id, threadFactory)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka AbstractDispatcher.scala source code file:

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