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Akka/Scala example source code file (Logging.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Logging.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, any, class, collection, concurrent, duration, logevent, loglevel, logsource, mdc, standardoutlogger, string, throwable, time, unit, utilities

The Logging.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.event

import language.existentials
import akka.{ ConfigurationException, AkkaException }
import akka.util.ReentrantGuard
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

 * This trait brings log level handling to the EventStream: it reads the log
 * levels for the initial logging (StandardOutLogger) and the loggers & level
 * for after-init logging, possibly keeping the StandardOutLogger enabled if
 * it is part of the configured loggers. All configured loggers are treated as
 * system services and managed by this trait, i.e. subscribed/unsubscribed in
 * response to changes of LoggingBus.logLevel.
trait LoggingBus extends ActorEventBus {

  type Event >: Logging.LogEvent
  type Classifier >: Class[_]

  import Logging._

  private val guard = new ReentrantGuard //Switch to ReentrantReadWrite
  private var loggers = Seq.empty[ActorRef]
  private var _logLevel: LogLevel = _

   * Query currently set log level. See object Logging for more information.
  def logLevel = guard.withGuard { _logLevel }

   * Change log level: default loggers (i.e. from configuration file) are
   * subscribed/unsubscribed as necessary so that they listen to all levels
   * which are at least as severe as the given one. See object Logging for
   * more information.
   * NOTE: if the StandardOutLogger is configured also as normal logger, it
   * will not participate in the automatic management of log level
   * subscriptions!
  def setLogLevel(level: LogLevel): Unit = guard.withGuard {
    for {
      l ← AllLogLevels
      // subscribe if previously ignored and now requested
      if l > _logLevel && l <= level
      log ← loggers
    } subscribe(log, classFor(l))
    for {
      l ← AllLogLevels
      // unsubscribe if previously registered and now ignored
      if l <= _logLevel && l > level
      log ← loggers
    } unsubscribe(log, classFor(l))
    _logLevel = level

  private def setUpStdoutLogger(config: Settings) {
    val level = levelFor(config.StdoutLogLevel) getOrElse {
      // only log initialization errors directly with StandardOutLogger.print
      StandardOutLogger.print(Error(new LoggerException, simpleName(this), this.getClass, "unknown akka.stdout-loglevel " + config.StdoutLogLevel))
    AllLogLevels filter (level >= _) foreach (l ⇒ subscribe(StandardOutLogger, classFor(l)))
    guard.withGuard {
      loggers :+= StandardOutLogger
      _logLevel = level

   * Internal Akka use only
  private[akka] def startStdoutLogger(config: Settings) {
    publish(Debug(simpleName(this), this.getClass, "StandardOutLogger started"))

   * Internal Akka use only
  private[akka] def startDefaultLoggers(system: ActorSystemImpl) {
    val logName = simpleName(this) + "(" + system + ")"
    val level = levelFor(system.settings.LogLevel) getOrElse {
      // only log initialization errors directly with StandardOutLogger.print
      StandardOutLogger.print(Error(new LoggerException, logName, this.getClass, "unknown akka.loglevel " + system.settings.LogLevel))
    try {
      val defaultLoggers = system.settings.Loggers match {
        case Nil     ⇒ classOf[DefaultLogger].getName :: Nil
        case loggers ⇒ loggers
      val myloggers =
        for {
          loggerName ← defaultLoggers
          if loggerName != StandardOutLogger.getClass.getName
        } yield {
            case actorClass ⇒ addLogger(system, actorClass, level, logName)
            case e ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException(
              "Logger specified in config can't be loaded [" + loggerName +
                "] due to [" + e.toString + "]", e)
      guard.withGuard {
        loggers = myloggers
        _logLevel = level
      try {
        if (system.settings.DebugUnhandledMessage)
          subscribe(system.systemActorOf(Props(new Actor {
            def receive = {
              case UnhandledMessage(msg, sender, rcp) ⇒
                publish(Debug(rcp.path.toString, rcp.getClass, "unhandled message from " + sender + ": " + msg))
          }), "UnhandledMessageForwarder"), classOf[UnhandledMessage])
      } catch {
        case _: InvalidActorNameException ⇒ // ignore if it is already running
      publish(Debug(logName, this.getClass, "Default Loggers started"))
      if (!(defaultLoggers contains StandardOutLogger.getClass.getName)) {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception ⇒
        System.err.println("error while starting up loggers")
        throw new ConfigurationException("Could not start logger due to [" + e.toString + "]")

   * Internal Akka use only
  private[akka] def stopDefaultLoggers(system: ActorSystem) {
    val level = _logLevel // volatile access before reading loggers
    if (!(loggers contains StandardOutLogger)) {
      publish(Debug(simpleName(this), this.getClass, "shutting down: StandardOutLogger started"))
    for {
      logger ← loggers
      if logger != StandardOutLogger
    } {
      // this is very necessary, else you get infinite loop with DeadLetter
      logger match {
        case ref: InternalActorRef ⇒ ref.stop()
        case _                     ⇒
    publish(Debug(simpleName(this), this.getClass, "all default loggers stopped"))

  private def addLogger(system: ActorSystemImpl, clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], level: LogLevel, logName: String): ActorRef = {
    val name = "log" + Extension(system).id() + "-" + simpleName(clazz)
    val actor = system.systemActorOf(Props(clazz), name)
    implicit def timeout = system.settings.LoggerStartTimeout
    import akka.pattern.ask
    val response = try Await.result(actor ? InitializeLogger(this), timeout.duration) catch {
      case _: TimeoutException ⇒
        publish(Warning(logName, this.getClass, "Logger " + name + " did not respond within " + timeout + " to InitializeLogger(bus)"))
    if (response != LoggerInitialized)
      throw new LoggerInitializationException("Logger " + name + " did not respond with LoggerInitialized, sent instead " + response)
    AllLogLevels filter (level >= _) foreach (l ⇒ subscribe(actor, classFor(l)))
    publish(Debug(logName, this.getClass, "logger " + name + " started"))


 * This trait defines the interface to be provided by a “log source formatting
 * rule” as used by [[akka.event.Logging]]’s `apply`/`create` method.
 * See the companion object for default implementations.
 * Example:
 * {{{
 * trait MyType { // as an example
 *   def name: String
 * }
 * implicit val myLogSourceType: LogSource[MyType] = new LogSource[MyType] {
 *   def genString(a: MyType) =
 * }
 * class MyClass extends MyType {
 *   val log = Logging(eventStream, this) // will use "hallo" as logSource
 *   def name = "hallo"
 * }
 * }}}
 * The second variant is used for including the actor system’s address:
 * {{{
 * trait MyType { // as an example
 *   def name: String
 * }
 * implicit val myLogSourceType: LogSource[MyType] = new LogSource[MyType] {
 *   def genString(a: MyType) =
 *   def genString(a: MyType, s: ActorSystem) = + "," + s
 * }
 * class MyClass extends MyType {
 *   val sys = ActorSyste("sys")
 *   val log = Logging(sys, this) // will use "hallo,akka://sys" as logSource
 *   def name = "hallo"
 * }
 * }}}
 * The default implementation of the second variant will just call the first.
@implicitNotFound("Cannot find LogSource for ${T} please see ScalaDoc for LogSource for how to obtain or construct one.") trait LogSource[-T] {
  def genString(t: T): String
  def genString(t: T, system: ActorSystem): String = genString(t)
  def getClazz(t: T): Class[_] = t.getClass

 * This is a “marker” class which is inserted as originator class into
 * [[akka.event.Logging.LogEvent]] when the string representation was supplied
 * directly.
class DummyClassForStringSources

 * This object holds predefined formatting rules for log sources.
 * In case an [[]] is provided, the following apply:
 * <ul>
 * <li>[[]] and [[]] will be represented by their absolute physical path</li>
 * <li>providing a `String` as source will append "(<system address>)" and use the result</li>
 * <li>providing a `Class` will extract its simple name, append "(<system address>)" and use the result</li>
 * <li>anything else gives compile error unless implicit [[akka.event.LogSource]] is in scope for it</li>
 * </ul>
 * In case a [[akka.event.LoggingBus]] is provided, the following apply:
 * <ul>
 * <li>[[]] and [[]] will be represented by their absolute physical path</li>
 * <li>providing a `String` as source will be used as is</li>
 * <li>providing a `Class` will extract its simple name</li>
 * <li>anything else gives compile error unless implicit [[akka.event.LogSource]] is in scope for it</li>
 * </ul>
object LogSource {
  implicit val fromString: LogSource[String] = new LogSource[String] {
    def genString(s: String) = s
    override def genString(s: String, system: ActorSystem) = s + "(" + system + ")"
    override def getClazz(s: String) = classOf[DummyClassForStringSources]

  implicit val fromActor: LogSource[Actor] = new LogSource[Actor] {
    def genString(a: Actor) = fromActorRef.genString(a.self)
    override def genString(a: Actor, system: ActorSystem) = fromActorRef.genString(a.self, system)

  implicit val fromActorRef: LogSource[ActorRef] = new LogSource[ActorRef] {
    def genString(a: ActorRef) = a.path.toString
    override def genString(a: ActorRef, system: ActorSystem) = try {
    } catch {
      // it can fail if the ActorSystem (remoting) is not completely started yet
      case NonFatal(_) ⇒ a.path.toString

  // this one unfortunately does not work as implicit, because existential types have some weird behavior
  val fromClass: LogSource[Class[_]] = new LogSource[Class[_]] {
    def genString(c: Class[_]): String = Logging.simpleName(c)
    override def genString(c: Class[_], system: ActorSystem): String = genString(c) + "(" + system + ")"
    override def getClazz(c: Class[_]): Class[_] = c
  implicit def fromAnyClass[T]: LogSource[Class[T]] = fromClass.asInstanceOf[LogSource[Class[T]]]

   * Convenience converter access: given an implicit `LogSource`, generate the
   * string representation and originating class.
  def apply[T: LogSource](o: T): (String, Class[_]) = {
    val ls = implicitly[LogSource[T]]
    (ls.genString(o), ls.getClazz(o))

   * Convenience converter access: given an implicit `LogSource` and
   * [[]], generate the string representation and
   * originating class.
  def apply[T: LogSource](o: T, system: ActorSystem): (String, Class[_]) = {
    val ls = implicitly[LogSource[T]]
    (ls.genString(o, system), ls.getClazz(o))

   * construct string representation for any object according to
   * rules above with fallback to its `Class`’s simple name.
  def fromAnyRef(o: AnyRef): (String, Class[_]) =
    o match {
      case c: Class[_] ⇒ apply(c)
      case a: Actor    ⇒ apply(a)
      case a: ActorRef ⇒ apply(a)
      case s: String   ⇒ apply(s)
      case x           ⇒ (Logging.simpleName(x), x.getClass)

   * construct string representation for any object according to
   * rules above (including the actor system’s address) with fallback to its
   * `Class`’s simple name.
  def fromAnyRef(o: AnyRef, system: ActorSystem): (String, Class[_]) =
    o match {
      case c: Class[_] ⇒ apply(c)
      case a: Actor    ⇒ apply(a)
      case a: ActorRef ⇒ apply(a)
      case s: String   ⇒ apply(s)
      case x           ⇒ (Logging.simpleName(x) + "(" + system + ")", x.getClass)

 * Main entry point for Akka logging: log levels and message types (aka
 * channels) defined for the main transport medium, the main event bus. The
 * recommended use is to obtain an implementation of the Logging trait with
 * suitable and efficient methods for generating log events:
 * <pre><code>
 * val log = Logging(<bus>, <source object>)
 * ...
 *"hello world!")
 * </code></pre>
 * The source object is used in two fashions: its `Class[_]` will be part of
 * all log events produced by this logger, plus a string representation is
 * generated which may contain per-instance information, see `apply` or `create`
 * below.
 * Loggers are attached to the level-specific channels <code>Error</code>,
 * <code>Warning</code>, <code>Info</code> and <code>Debug</code> as
 * appropriate for the configured (or set) log level. If you want to implement
 * your own, make sure to handle these four event types plus the <code>InitializeLogger</code>
 * message which is sent before actually attaching it to the logging bus.
 * Logging is configured by setting (some of) the following:
 * <pre><code>
 * akka {
 *   loggers = ["akka.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"] # for example
 *   loglevel = "INFO"        # used when normal logging ("loggers") has been started
 *   stdout-loglevel = "WARN" # used during application start-up until normal logging is available
 * }
 * </code></pre>
object Logging {

   * Returns a 'safe' getSimpleName for the provided object's Class
   * @param obj
   * @return the simple name of the given object's Class
  def simpleName(obj: AnyRef): String = simpleName(obj.getClass)

   * Returns a 'safe' getSimpleName for the provided Class
   * @param obj
   * @return the simple name of the given Class
  def simpleName(clazz: Class[_]): String = {
    val n = clazz.getName
    val i = n.lastIndexOf('.')
    n.substring(i + 1)

  private[akka] object Extension extends ExtensionKey[LogExt]

  private[akka] class LogExt(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
    private val loggerId = new AtomicInteger
    def id() = loggerId.incrementAndGet()

   * Marker trait for annotating LogLevel, which must be Int after erasure.
  final case class LogLevel(asInt: Int) extends AnyVal {
    @inline final def >=(other: LogLevel): Boolean = asInt >= other.asInt
    @inline final def <=(other: LogLevel): Boolean = asInt <= other.asInt
    @inline final def >(other: LogLevel): Boolean = asInt > other.asInt
    @inline final def <(other: LogLevel): Boolean = asInt < other.asInt

   * Log level in numeric form, used when deciding whether a certain log
   * statement should generate a log event. Predefined levels are ErrorLevel (1)
   * to DebugLevel (4). In case you want to add more levels, loggers need to
   * be subscribed to their event bus channels manually.
  final val ErrorLevel = LogLevel(1)
  final val WarningLevel = LogLevel(2)
  final val InfoLevel = LogLevel(3)
  final val DebugLevel = LogLevel(4)

   * Internal Akka use only
   * Don't include the OffLevel in the AllLogLevels since we should never subscribe
   * to some kind of OffEvent.
  private final val OffLevel = LogLevel(Int.MinValue)

   * Returns the LogLevel associated with the given string,
   * valid inputs are upper or lowercase (not mixed) versions of:
   * "error", "warning", "info" and "debug"
  def levelFor(s: String): Option[LogLevel] = s.toLowerCase match {
    case "off"     ⇒ Some(OffLevel)
    case "error"   ⇒ Some(ErrorLevel)
    case "warning" ⇒ Some(WarningLevel)
    case "info"    ⇒ Some(InfoLevel)
    case "debug"   ⇒ Some(DebugLevel)
    case unknown   ⇒ None

   * Returns the LogLevel associated with the given event class.
   * Defaults to DebugLevel.
  def levelFor(eventClass: Class[_ <: LogEvent]): LogLevel = {
    if (classOf[Error].isAssignableFrom(eventClass)) ErrorLevel
    else if (classOf[Warning].isAssignableFrom(eventClass)) WarningLevel
    else if (classOf[Info].isAssignableFrom(eventClass)) InfoLevel
    else if (classOf[Debug].isAssignableFrom(eventClass)) DebugLevel
    else DebugLevel

   * Returns the event class associated with the given LogLevel
  def classFor(level: LogLevel): Class[_ <: LogEvent] = level match {
    case ErrorLevel   ⇒ classOf[Error]
    case WarningLevel ⇒ classOf[Warning]
    case InfoLevel    ⇒ classOf[Info]
    case DebugLevel   ⇒ classOf[Debug]

  // these type ascriptions/casts are necessary to avoid CCEs during construction while retaining correct type
  val AllLogLevels: immutable.Seq[LogLevel] = Vector(ErrorLevel, WarningLevel, InfoLevel, DebugLevel)

   * Obtain LoggingAdapter for the given actor system and source object. This
   * will use the system’s event stream and include the system’s address in the
   * log source string.
   * <b>Do not use this if you want to supply a log category string (like
   * “”) unaltered,</b> supply `system.eventStream` in this
   * case or use
   * {{{
   * Logging(system, this.getClass)
   * }}}
   * The source is used to identify the source of this logging channel and
   * must have a corresponding implicit LogSource[T] instance in scope; by
   * default these are provided for Class[_], Actor, ActorRef and String types.
   * See the companion object of [[akka.event.LogSource]] for details.
   * You can add your own rules quite easily, see [[akka.event.LogSource]].
  def apply[T: LogSource](system: ActorSystem, logSource: T): LoggingAdapter = {
    val (str, clazz) = LogSource(logSource, system)
    new BusLogging(system.eventStream, str, clazz)

   * Obtain LoggingAdapter for the given logging bus and source object.
   * The source is used to identify the source of this logging channel and
   * must have a corresponding implicit LogSource[T] instance in scope; by
   * default these are provided for Class[_], Actor, ActorRef and String types.
   * See the companion object of [[akka.event.LogSource]] for details.
   * You can add your own rules quite easily, see [[akka.event.LogSource]].
  def apply[T: LogSource](bus: LoggingBus, logSource: T): LoggingAdapter = {
    val (str, clazz) = LogSource(logSource)
    new BusLogging(bus, str, clazz)

   * Obtain LoggingAdapter with MDC support for the given actor.
   * Don't use it outside its specific Actor as it isn't thread safe
  def apply(logSource: Actor): DiagnosticLoggingAdapter = {
    val (str, clazz) = LogSource(logSource)
    new BusLogging(logSource.context.system.eventStream, str, clazz) with DiagnosticLoggingAdapter

   * Obtain LoggingAdapter for the given actor system and source object. This
   * will use the system’s event stream and include the system’s address in the
   * log source string.
   * <b>Do not use this if you want to supply a log category string (like
   * “”) unaltered,</b> supply `system.eventStream` in this
   * case or use
   * {{{
   * Logging.getLogger(system, this.getClass());
   * }}}
   * The source is used to identify the source of this logging channel and
   * must have a corresponding implicit LogSource[T] instance in scope; by
   * default these are provided for Class[_], Actor, ActorRef and String types.
   * See the companion object of [[akka.event.LogSource]] for details.
  def getLogger(system: ActorSystem, logSource: AnyRef): LoggingAdapter = {
    val (str, clazz) = LogSource.fromAnyRef(logSource, system)
    new BusLogging(system.eventStream, str, clazz)

   * Obtain LoggingAdapter for the given logging bus and source object.
   * The source is used to identify the source of this logging channel and
   * must have a corresponding implicit LogSource[T] instance in scope; by
   * default these are provided for Class[_], Actor, ActorRef and String types.
   * See the companion object of [[akka.event.LogSource]] for details.
  def getLogger(bus: LoggingBus, logSource: AnyRef): LoggingAdapter = {
    val (str, clazz) = LogSource.fromAnyRef(logSource)
    new BusLogging(bus, str, clazz)

   * Obtain LoggingAdapter with MDC support for the given actor.
   * Don't use it outside its specific Actor as it isn't thread safe
  def getLogger(logSource: UntypedActor): DiagnosticLoggingAdapter = {
    val (str, clazz) = LogSource.fromAnyRef(logSource)
    new BusLogging(logSource.getContext().system.eventStream, str, clazz) with DiagnosticLoggingAdapter

   * Artificial exception injected into Error events if no Throwable is
   * supplied; used for getting a stack dump of error locations.
  class LoggerException extends AkkaException("")

   * Exception that wraps a LogEvent.
  class LogEventException(val event: LogEvent, cause: Throwable) extends NoStackTrace {
    override def getMessage: String = event.toString
    override def getCause: Throwable = cause

   * Base type of LogEvents
  sealed trait LogEvent extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
     * The thread that created this log event
    val thread: Thread = Thread.currentThread

     * When this LogEvent was created according to System.currentTimeMillis
    val timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis

     * The LogLevel of this LogEvent
    def level: LogLevel

     * The source of this event
    def logSource: String

     * The class of the source of this event
    def logClass: Class[_]

     * The message, may be any object or null.
    def message: Any

     * Extra values for adding to MDC
    def mdc: MDC = emptyMDC

   * For ERROR Logging
  case class Error(cause: Throwable, logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any = "") extends LogEvent {
    def this(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any) = this(Error.NoCause, logSource, logClass, message)
    override def level = ErrorLevel
  class Error2(cause: Throwable, logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any = "", override val mdc: MDC) extends Error(cause, logSource, logClass, message) {
    def this(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, mdc: MDC) = this(Error.NoCause, logSource, logClass, message, mdc)

  object Error {
    def apply(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any) = new Error(NoCause, logSource, logClass, message)
    def apply(cause: Throwable, logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, mdc: MDC) = new Error2(cause, logSource, logClass, message, mdc)
    def apply(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, mdc: MDC) = new Error2(NoCause, logSource, logClass, message, mdc)

    /** Null Object used for errors without cause Throwable */
    object NoCause extends NoStackTrace
  def noCause = Error.NoCause

   * For WARNING Logging
  case class Warning(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any = "") extends LogEvent {
    override def level = WarningLevel
  class Warning2(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, override val mdc: MDC) extends Warning(logSource, logClass, message)
  object Warning {
    def apply(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, mdc: MDC) = new Warning2(logSource, logClass, message, mdc)

   * For INFO Logging
  case class Info(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any = "") extends LogEvent {
    override def level = InfoLevel
  class Info2(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, override val mdc: MDC) extends Info(logSource, logClass, message)
  object Info {
    def apply(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, mdc: MDC) = new Info2(logSource, logClass, message, mdc)

   * For DEBUG Logging
  case class Debug(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any = "") extends LogEvent {
    override def level = DebugLevel
  class Debug2(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, override val mdc: MDC) extends Debug(logSource, logClass, message)
  object Debug {
    def apply(logSource: String, logClass: Class[_], message: Any, mdc: MDC) = new Debug2(logSource, logClass, message, mdc)

   * Message which is sent to each default logger (i.e. from configuration file)
   * after its creation but before attaching it to the logging bus. The logger
   * actor must handle this message, it can be used e.g. to register for more
   * channels. When done, the logger must respond with a LoggerInitialized
   * message. This is necessary to ensure that additional subscriptions are in
   * effect when the logging system finished starting.
  final case class InitializeLogger(bus: LoggingBus) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

   * Response message each logger must send within 1 second after receiving the
   * InitializeLogger request. If initialization takes longer, send the reply
   * as soon as subscriptions are set-up.
  abstract class LoggerInitialized
  case object LoggerInitialized extends LoggerInitialized {
     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this

   * Java API to create a LoggerInitialized message.
  // weird return type due to binary compatibility
  def loggerInitialized(): LoggerInitialized.type = LoggerInitialized

   * LoggerInitializationException is thrown to indicate that there was a problem initializing a logger
   * @param msg
  class LoggerInitializationException(msg: String) extends AkkaException(msg)

  trait StdOutLogger {
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
    import java.util.Date

    private val date = new Date()
    private val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS")
    private val errorFormat = "[ERROR] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s%s"
    private val errorFormatWithoutCause = "[ERROR] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s"
    private val warningFormat = "[WARN] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s"
    private val infoFormat = "[INFO] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s"
    private val debugFormat = "[DEBUG] [%s] [%s] [%s] %s"

    def timestamp(event: LogEvent): String = synchronized {
    } // SDF isn't threadsafe

    def print(event: Any): Unit = event match {
      case e: Error   ⇒ error(e)
      case e: Warning ⇒ warning(e)
      case e: Info    ⇒ info(e)
      case e: Debug   ⇒ debug(e)
      case e          ⇒ warning(Warning(simpleName(this), this.getClass, "received unexpected event of class " + e.getClass + ": " + e))

    def error(event: Error): Unit = {
      val f = if (event.cause == Error.NoCause) errorFormatWithoutCause else errorFormat

    def warning(event: Warning): Unit =

    def info(event: Info): Unit =

    def debug(event: Debug): Unit =

   * Actor-less logging implementation for synchronous logging to standard
   * output. This logger is always attached first in order to be able to log
   * failures during application start-up, even before normal logging is
   * started. Its log level can be defined by configuration setting
   * <code>akka.stdout-loglevel</code>.
  class StandardOutLogger extends MinimalActorRef with StdOutLogger {
    val path: ActorPath = new RootActorPath(Address("akka", "all-systems"), "/StandardOutLogger")
    def provider: ActorRefProvider = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("StandardOutLogger does not provide")
    override val toString = "StandardOutLogger"
    override def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Unit =
      if (message == null) throw new InvalidMessageException("Message is null")
      else print(message)

    override protected def writeReplace(): AnyRef = serializedStandardOutLogger

  private val serializedStandardOutLogger = new SerializedStandardOutLogger

  @SerialVersionUID(1L) private[akka] class SerializedStandardOutLogger extends Serializable {
    private def readResolve(): AnyRef = Logging.StandardOutLogger

  val StandardOutLogger = new StandardOutLogger

   * Actor wrapper around the standard output logger. If
   * <code>akka.loggers</code> is not set, it defaults to just this
   * logger.
  class DefaultLogger extends Actor with StdOutLogger {
    override def receive: Receive = {
      case InitializeLogger(_) ⇒ sender() ! LoggerInitialized
      case event: LogEvent     ⇒ print(event)

   * Returns the StackTrace for the given Throwable as a String
  def stackTraceFor(e: Throwable): String = e match {
    case null | Error.NoCause ⇒ ""
    case _: NoStackTrace      ⇒ " (" + e.getClass.getName + ")"
    case other ⇒
      val sw = new
      val pw = new

  type MDC = Map[String, Any]

  val emptyMDC: MDC = Map()


 * Logging wrapper to make nicer and optimize: provide template versions which
 * evaluate .toString only if the log level is actually enabled. Typically used
 * by obtaining an implementation from the Logging object:
 * <code><pre>
 * val log = Logging(<bus>, <source object>)
 * ...
 *"hello world!")
 * </pre></code>
 * All log-level methods support simple interpolation templates with up to four
 * arguments placed by using <code>{}</code> within the template (first string
 * argument):
 * <code><pre>
 * log.error(exception, "Exception while processing {} in state {}", msg, state)
 * </pre></code>
trait LoggingAdapter {

  type MDC = Logging.MDC
  def mdc = Logging.emptyMDC

   * implement these as precisely as needed/possible: always returning true
   * just makes the notify... methods be called every time.
  def isErrorEnabled: Boolean
  def isWarningEnabled: Boolean
  def isInfoEnabled: Boolean
  def isDebugEnabled: Boolean

   * These actually implement the passing on of the messages to be logged.
   * Will not be called if is...Enabled returned false.
  protected def notifyError(message: String): Unit
  protected def notifyError(cause: Throwable, message: String): Unit
  protected def notifyWarning(message: String): Unit
  protected def notifyInfo(message: String): Unit
  protected def notifyDebug(message: String): Unit

   * The rest is just the widening of the API for the user's convenience.

   * Log message at error level, including the exception that caused the error.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(cause: Throwable, message: String): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(cause, message) }
   * Message template with 1 replacement argument.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(cause: Throwable, template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(cause, format1(template, arg1)) }
   * Message template with 2 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(cause: Throwable, template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(cause, format(template, arg1, arg2)) }
   * Message template with 3 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(cause: Throwable, template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(cause, format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3)) }
   * Message template with 4 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(cause: Throwable, template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any, arg4: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(cause, format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) }

   * Log message at error level, without providing the exception that caused the error.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(message: String): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(message) }
   * Message template with 1 replacement argument.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(format1(template, arg1)) }
   * Message template with 2 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(format(template, arg1, arg2)) }
   * Message template with 3 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3)) }
   * Message template with 4 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def error(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any, arg4: Any): Unit = { if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) }

   * Log message at warning level.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def warning(message: String): Unit = { if (isWarningEnabled) notifyWarning(message) }
   * Message template with 1 replacement argument.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def warning(template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = { if (isWarningEnabled) notifyWarning(format1(template, arg1)) }
   * Message template with 2 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def warning(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = { if (isWarningEnabled) notifyWarning(format(template, arg1, arg2)) }
   * Message template with 3 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def warning(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any): Unit = { if (isWarningEnabled) notifyWarning(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3)) }
   * Message template with 4 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def warning(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any, arg4: Any): Unit = { if (isWarningEnabled) notifyWarning(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) }

   * Log message at info level.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def info(message: String) { if (isInfoEnabled) notifyInfo(message) }
   * Message template with 1 replacement argument.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def info(template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = { if (isInfoEnabled) notifyInfo(format1(template, arg1)) }
   * Message template with 2 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def info(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = { if (isInfoEnabled) notifyInfo(format(template, arg1, arg2)) }
   * Message template with 3 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def info(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any): Unit = { if (isInfoEnabled) notifyInfo(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3)) }
   * Message template with 4 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def info(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any, arg4: Any): Unit = { if (isInfoEnabled) notifyInfo(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) }

   * Log message at debug level.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def debug(message: String) { if (isDebugEnabled) notifyDebug(message) }
   * Message template with 1 replacement argument.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def debug(template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = { if (isDebugEnabled) notifyDebug(format1(template, arg1)) }
   * Message template with 2 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def debug(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = { if (isDebugEnabled) notifyDebug(format(template, arg1, arg2)) }
   * Message template with 3 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def debug(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any): Unit = { if (isDebugEnabled) notifyDebug(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3)) }
   * Message template with 4 replacement arguments.
   * @see [[LoggingAdapter]]
  def debug(template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any, arg4: Any): Unit = { if (isDebugEnabled) notifyDebug(format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) }

   * Log message at the specified log level.
  def log(level: Logging.LogLevel, message: String) { if (isEnabled(level)) notifyLog(level, message) }
   * Message template with 1 replacement argument.
  def log(level: Logging.LogLevel, template: String, arg1: Any): Unit = { if (isEnabled(level)) notifyLog(level, format1(template, arg1)) }
   * Message template with 2 replacement arguments.
  def log(level: Logging.LogLevel, template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any): Unit = { if (isEnabled(level)) notifyLog(level, format(template, arg1, arg2)) }
   * Message template with 3 replacement arguments.
  def log(level: Logging.LogLevel, template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any): Unit = { if (isEnabled(level)) notifyLog(level, format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3)) }
   * Message template with 4 replacement arguments.
  def log(level: Logging.LogLevel, template: String, arg1: Any, arg2: Any, arg3: Any, arg4: Any): Unit = { if (isEnabled(level)) notifyLog(level, format(template, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)) }

   * @return true if the specified log level is enabled
  final def isEnabled(level: Logging.LogLevel): Boolean = level match {
    case Logging.ErrorLevel   ⇒ isErrorEnabled
    case Logging.WarningLevel ⇒ isWarningEnabled
    case Logging.InfoLevel    ⇒ isInfoEnabled
    case Logging.DebugLevel   ⇒ isDebugEnabled

  final def notifyLog(level: Logging.LogLevel, message: String): Unit = level match {
    case Logging.ErrorLevel   ⇒ if (isErrorEnabled) notifyError(message)
    case Logging.WarningLevel ⇒ if (isWarningEnabled) notifyWarning(message)
    case Logging.InfoLevel    ⇒ if (isInfoEnabled) notifyInfo(message)
    case Logging.DebugLevel   ⇒ if (isDebugEnabled) notifyDebug(message)

  private def format1(t: String, arg: Any): String = arg match {
    case a: Array[_] if !a.getClass.getComponentType.isPrimitive ⇒ format(t, a: _*)
    case a: Array[_] ⇒ format(t, (a map (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]): _*))
    case x ⇒ format(t, x)

  def format(t: String, arg: Any*): String = {
    val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(64)
    var p = 0
    var rest = t
    while (p < arg.length) {
      val index = rest.indexOf("{}")
      if (index == -1) {
        sb.append(rest).append(" WARNING arguments left: ").append(arg.length - p)
        rest = ""
        p = arg.length
      } else {
        sb.append(rest.substring(0, index)).append(arg(p))
        rest = rest.substring(index + 2)
        p += 1

 * LoggingAdapter extension which adds MDC support.
 * Only recommended to be used within Actors as it isn't thread safe.
trait DiagnosticLoggingAdapter extends LoggingAdapter {

  import Logging._
  import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
  import java.{ util ⇒ ju }

  private var _mdc = emptyMDC

   * Scala API:
   * Mapped Diagnostic Context for application defined values
   * which can be used in PatternLayout when [[akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger]] is configured.
   * Visit <a href="">Logback Docs: MDC</a> for more information.
   * @return A Map containing the MDC values added by the application, or empty Map if no value was added.
  override def mdc: MDC = _mdc

   * Scala API:
   * Sets the values to be added to the MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) before the log is appended.
   * These values can be used in PatternLayout when [[akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger]] is configured.
   * Visit <a href="">Logback Docs: MDC</a> for more information.
  def mdc(mdc: MDC): Unit = _mdc = if (mdc != null) mdc else emptyMDC

   * Java API:
   * Mapped Diagnostic Context for application defined values
   * which can be used in PatternLayout when [[akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger]] is configured.
   * Visit <a href="">Logback Docs: MDC</a> for more information.
   * Note tha it returns a <b>COPY</b> of the actual MDC values.
   * You cannot modify any value by changing the returned Map.
   * Code like the following won't have any effect unless you set back the modified Map.
   * <code><pre>
   *   Map mdc = log.getMDC();
   *   mdc.put("key", value);
   *   // NEEDED
   *   log.setMDC(mdc);
   * </pre></code>
   * @return A copy of the actual MDC values
  def getMDC: ju.Map[String, Any] = mdc.asJava

   * Java API:
   * Sets the values to be added to the MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) before the log is appended.
   * These values can be used in PatternLayout when [[akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger]] is configured.
   * Visit <a href="">Logback Docs: MDC</a> for more information.
  def setMDC(jMdc: java.util.Map[String, Any]): Unit = mdc(if (jMdc != null) jMdc.asScala.toMap else emptyMDC)

   * Clear all entries in the MDC
  def clearMDC(): Unit = mdc(emptyMDC)

 * [[akka.event.LoggingAdapter]] that publishes [[akka.event.Logging.LogEvent]] to event stream.
class BusLogging(val bus: LoggingBus, val logSource: String, val logClass: Class[_]) extends LoggingAdapter {

  import Logging._

  def isErrorEnabled = bus.logLevel >= ErrorLevel
  def isWarningEnabled = bus.logLevel >= WarningLevel
  def isInfoEnabled = bus.logLevel >= InfoLevel
  def isDebugEnabled = bus.logLevel >= DebugLevel

  protected def notifyError(message: String): Unit = bus.publish(Error(logSource, logClass, message, mdc))
  protected def notifyError(cause: Throwable, message: String): Unit = bus.publish(Error(cause, logSource, logClass, message, mdc))
  protected def notifyWarning(message: String): Unit = bus.publish(Warning(logSource, logClass, message, mdc))
  protected def notifyInfo(message: String): Unit = bus.publish(Info(logSource, logClass, message, mdc))
  protected def notifyDebug(message: String): Unit = bus.publish(Debug(logSource, logClass, message, mdc))

 * NoLogging is a LoggingAdapter that does absolutely nothing – no logging at all.
object NoLogging extends LoggingAdapter {

   * Java API to return the reference to NoLogging
   * @return The NoLogging instance
  def getInstance = this

  final override def isErrorEnabled = false
  final override def isWarningEnabled = false
  final override def isInfoEnabled = false
  final override def isDebugEnabled = false

  final protected override def notifyError(message: String): Unit = ()
  final protected override def notifyError(cause: Throwable, message: String): Unit = ()
  final protected override def notifyWarning(message: String): Unit = ()
  final protected override def notifyInfo(message: String): Unit = ()
  final protected override def notifyDebug(message: String): Unit = ()

Other Akka source code examples

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