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Akka/Scala example source code file (Udp.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Udp.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorref, akka, bytestring, collection, command, event, inetsocketaddress, int, io, noack, send, simplesender, udpext, util

The Udp.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import scala.collection.immutable
import{ SoJavaFactories, SocketOption }
import akka.util.Helpers.Requiring
import akka.util.ByteString

 * UDP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.
 * This extension implements the connectionless UDP protocol without
 * calling `connect` on the underlying sockets, i.e. without restricting
 * from whom data can be received. For “connected” UDP mode see [[UdpConnected]].
 * For a full description of the design and philosophy behind this IO
 * implementation please refer to <a href="">the Akka online documentation</a>.
 * The Java API for generating UDP commands is available at [[UdpMessage]].
object Udp extends ExtensionId[UdpExt] with ExtensionIdProvider {

  override def lookup = Udp

  override def createExtension(system: ExtendedActorSystem): UdpExt = new UdpExt(system)

   * Java API: retrieve the Udp extension for the given system.
  override def get(system: ActorSystem): UdpExt = super.get(system)

   * The common interface for [[Command]] and [[Event]].
  sealed trait Message

   * The common type of all commands supported by the UDP implementation.
  trait Command extends SelectionHandler.HasFailureMessage with Message {
    def failureMessage = CommandFailed(this)

   * Each [[Send]] can optionally request a positive acknowledgment to be sent
   * to the commanding actor. If such notification is not desired the [[Send#ack]]
   * must be set to an instance of this class. The token contained within can be used
   * to recognize which write failed when receiving a [[CommandFailed]] message.
  case class NoAck(token: Any) extends Event

   * Default [[NoAck]] instance which is used when no acknowledgment information is
   * explicitly provided. Its “token” is `null`.
  object NoAck extends NoAck(null)

   * This message is understood by the “simple sender” which can be obtained by
   * sending the [[SimpleSender]] query to the [[UdpExt#manager]] as well as by
   * the listener actors which are created in response to [[Bind]]. It will send
   * the given payload data as one UDP datagram to the given target address. The
   * UDP actor will respond with [[CommandFailed]] if the send could not be
   * enqueued to the O/S kernel because the send buffer was full. If the given
   * `ack` is not of type [[NoAck]] the UDP actor will reply with the given
   * object as soon as the datagram has been successfully enqueued to the O/S
   * kernel.
   * The sending UDP socket’s address belongs to the “simple sender” which does
   * not handle inbound datagrams and sends from an ephemeral port; therefore
   * sending using this mechanism is not suitable if replies are expected, use
   * [[Bind]] in that case.
  final case class Send(payload: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress, ack: Event) extends Command {
    require(ack != null, "ack must be non-null. Use NoAck if you don't want acks.")

    def wantsAck: Boolean = !ack.isInstanceOf[NoAck]
  object Send {
    def apply(data: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress): Send = Send(data, target, NoAck)

   * Send this message to the [[UdpExt#manager]] in order to bind to the given
   * local port (or an automatically assigned one if the port number is zero).
   * The listener actor for the newly bound port will reply with a [[Bound]]
   * message, or the manager will reply with a [[CommandFailed]] message.
  final case class Bind(handler: ActorRef,
                        localAddress: InetSocketAddress,
                        options: immutable.Traversable[SocketOption] = Nil) extends Command

   * Send this message to the listener actor that previously sent a [[Bound]]
   * message in order to close the listening socket. The recipient will reply
   * with an [[Unbound]] message.
  case object Unbind extends Command

   * Retrieve a reference to a “simple sender” actor of the UDP extension.
   * The newly created “simple sender” will reply with the [[SimpleSenderReady]] notification.
   * The “simple sender” is a convenient service for being able to send datagrams
   * when the originating address is meaningless, i.e. when no reply is expected.
   * The “simple sender” will not stop itself, you will have to send it a [[]]
   * when you want to close the socket.
  case class SimpleSender(options: immutable.Traversable[SocketOption] = Nil) extends Command
  object SimpleSender extends SimpleSender(Nil)

   * Send this message to a listener actor (which sent a [[Bound]] message) to
   * have it stop reading datagrams from the network. If the O/S kernel’s receive
   * buffer runs full then subsequent datagrams will be silently discarded.
   * Re-enable reading from the socket using the [[ResumeReading]] command.
  case object SuspendReading extends Command

   * This message must be sent to the listener actor to re-enable reading from
   * the socket after a [[SuspendReading]] command.
  case object ResumeReading extends Command

   * The common type of all events emitted by the UDP implementation.
  trait Event extends Message

   * When a listener actor receives a datagram from its socket it will send
   * it to the handler designated in the [[Bind]] message using this message type.
  final case class Received(data: ByteString, sender: InetSocketAddress) extends Event

   * When a command fails it will be replied to with this message type,
   * wrapping the failing command object.
  final case class CommandFailed(cmd: Command) extends Event

   * This message is sent by the listener actor in response to a [[Bind]] command.
   * If the address to bind to specified a port number of zero, then this message
   * can be inspected to find out which port was automatically assigned.
  final case class Bound(localAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends Event

   * The “simple sender” sends this message type in response to a [[SimpleSender]] query.
  sealed trait SimpleSenderReady extends Event
  case object SimpleSenderReady extends SimpleSenderReady

   * This message is sent by the listener actor in response to an [[Unbind]] command
   * after the socket has been closed.
  sealed trait Unbound
  case object Unbound extends Unbound

   * Scala API: This object provides access to all socket options applicable to UDP sockets.
   * For the Java API see [[UdpSO]].
  object SO extends Inet.SoForwarders {

     * [[]] to set the SO_BROADCAST option
     * For more information see [[]]
    final case class Broadcast(on: Boolean) extends SocketOption {
      override def beforeDatagramBind(s: DatagramSocket): Unit = s.setBroadcast(on)


  private[io] class UdpSettings(_config: Config) extends SelectionHandlerSettings(_config) {
    import _config._

    val NrOfSelectors: Int = getInt("nr-of-selectors") requiring (_ > 0, "nr-of-selectors must be > 0")
    val DirectBufferSize: Int = getIntBytes("direct-buffer-size")
    val MaxDirectBufferPoolSize: Int = getInt("direct-buffer-pool-limit")
    val BatchReceiveLimit: Int = getInt("receive-throughput")

    val ManagementDispatcher: String = getString("management-dispatcher")

    override val MaxChannelsPerSelector: Int = if (MaxChannels == -1) -1 else math.max(MaxChannels / NrOfSelectors, 1)

    private[this] def getIntBytes(path: String): Int = {
      val size = getBytes(path)
      require(size < Int.MaxValue, s"$path must be < 2 GiB")

class UdpExt(system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends IO.Extension {

  import Udp.UdpSettings

  val settings: UdpSettings = new UdpSettings(system.settings.config.getConfig(""))

  val manager: ActorRef = {
      props = Props(classOf[UdpManager], this).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
      name = "IO-UDP-FF")

   * Java API: retrieve the UDP manager actor’s reference.
  def getManager: ActorRef = manager

  private[io] val bufferPool: BufferPool = new DirectByteBufferPool(settings.DirectBufferSize, settings.MaxDirectBufferPoolSize)

 * Java API: factory methods for the message types used when communicating with the Udp service.
object UdpMessage {
  import Udp._
  import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }
  import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
  import language.implicitConversions

   * Each [[Udp.Send]] can optionally request a positive acknowledgment to be sent
   * to the commanding actor. If such notification is not desired the [[Udp.Send#ack]]
   * must be set to an instance of this class. The token contained within can be used
   * to recognize which write failed when receiving a [[Udp.CommandFailed]] message.
  def noAck(token: AnyRef): NoAck = NoAck(token)
   * Default [[Udp.NoAck]] instance which is used when no acknowledgment information is
   * explicitly provided. Its “token” is `null`.
  def noAck: NoAck = NoAck

   * This message is understood by the “simple sender” which can be obtained by
   * sending the [[Udp.SimpleSender]] query to the [[UdpExt#manager]] as well as by
   * the listener actors which are created in response to [[Udp.Bind]]. It will send
   * the given payload data as one UDP datagram to the given target address. The
   * UDP actor will respond with [[Udp.CommandFailed]] if the send could not be
   * enqueued to the O/S kernel because the send buffer was full. If the given
   * `ack` is not of type [[Udp.NoAck]] the UDP actor will reply with the given
   * object as soon as the datagram has been successfully enqueued to the O/S
   * kernel.
   * The sending UDP socket’s address belongs to the “simple sender” which does
   * not handle inbound datagrams and sends from an ephemeral port; therefore
   * sending using this mechanism is not suitable if replies are expected, use
   * [[Udp.Bind]] in that case.
  def send(payload: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress, ack: Event): Command = Send(payload, target, ack)
   * The same as `send(payload, target, noAck())`.
  def send(payload: ByteString, target: InetSocketAddress): Command = Send(payload, target)

   * Send this message to the [[UdpExt#manager]] in order to bind to the given
   * local port (or an automatically assigned one if the port number is zero).
   * The listener actor for the newly bound port will reply with a [[Udp.Bound]]
   * message, or the manager will reply with a [[Udp.CommandFailed]] message.
  def bind(handler: ActorRef, endpoint: InetSocketAddress, options: JIterable[SocketOption]): Command =
    Bind(handler, endpoint,
   * Bind without specifying options.
  def bind(handler: ActorRef, endpoint: InetSocketAddress): Command = Bind(handler, endpoint, Nil)

   * Send this message to the listener actor that previously sent a [[Udp.Bound]]
   * message in order to close the listening socket. The recipient will reply
   * with an [[Udp.Unbound]] message.
  def unbind: Command = Unbind

   * Retrieve a reference to a “simple sender” actor of the UDP extension.
   * The newly created “simple sender” will reply with the [[Udp.SimpleSenderReady]] notification.
   * The “simple sender” is a convenient service for being able to send datagrams
   * when the originating address is meaningless, i.e. when no reply is expected.
   * The “simple sender” will not stop itself, you will have to send it a [[]]
   * when you want to close the socket.
  def simpleSender(options: JIterable[SocketOption]): Command = SimpleSender(
   * Retrieve a simple sender without specifying options.
  def simpleSender: Command = SimpleSender

   * Send this message to a listener actor (which sent a [[Udp.Bound]] message) to
   * have it stop reading datagrams from the network. If the O/S kernel’s receive
   * buffer runs full then subsequent datagrams will be silently discarded.
   * Re-enable reading from the socket using the [[Udp.ResumeReading]] command.
  def suspendReading: Command = SuspendReading

   * This message must be sent to the listener actor to re-enable reading from
   * the socket after a [[Udp.SuspendReading]] command.
  def resumeReading: Command = ResumeReading

object UdpSO extends SoJavaFactories {
  import Udp.SO._

   * [[]] to set the SO_BROADCAST option
   * For more information see [[]]
  def broadcast(on: Boolean) = Broadcast(on)

Other Akka source code examples

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