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Akka/Scala example source code file (CircuitBreaker.scala)

This example Akka source code file (CircuitBreaker.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, circuitbreaker, closed, concurrent, duration, finiteduration, future, int, open, runnable, state, string, time, unit, utilities

The CircuitBreaker.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.pattern

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{ AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, AtomicBoolean }
import akka.AkkaException
import akka.util.Unsafe
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import java.util.concurrent.{ Callable, CopyOnWriteArrayList }
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future, Promise, Await }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.Success
import akka.dispatch.ExecutionContexts.sameThreadExecutionContext

 * Companion object providing factory methods for Circuit Breaker which runs callbacks in caller's thread
object CircuitBreaker {

   * Create a new CircuitBreaker.
   * Callbacks run in caller's thread when using withSyncCircuitBreaker, and in same ExecutionContext as the passed
   * in Future when using withCircuitBreaker. To use another ExecutionContext for the callbacks you can specify the
   * executor in the constructor.
   * @param scheduler Reference to Akka scheduler
   * @param maxFailures Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit
   * @param callTimeout [[scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration]] of time after which to consider a call a failure
   * @param resetTimeout [[scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration]] of time after which to attempt to close the circuit
  def apply(scheduler: Scheduler, maxFailures: Int, callTimeout: FiniteDuration, resetTimeout: FiniteDuration): CircuitBreaker =
    new CircuitBreaker(scheduler, maxFailures, callTimeout, resetTimeout)(sameThreadExecutionContext)

   * Java API: Create a new CircuitBreaker.
   * Callbacks run in caller's thread when using withSyncCircuitBreaker, and in same ExecutionContext as the passed
   * in Future when using withCircuitBreaker. To use another ExecutionContext for the callbacks you can specify the
   * executor in the constructor.
   * @param scheduler Reference to Akka scheduler
   * @param maxFailures Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit
   * @param callTimeout [[scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration]] of time after which to consider a call a failure
   * @param resetTimeout [[scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration]] of time after which to attempt to close the circuit
  def create(scheduler: Scheduler, maxFailures: Int, callTimeout: FiniteDuration, resetTimeout: FiniteDuration): CircuitBreaker =
    apply(scheduler, maxFailures, callTimeout, resetTimeout)

 * Provides circuit breaker functionality to provide stability when working with "dangerous" operations, e.g. calls to
 * remote systems
 * Transitions through three states:
 * - In *Closed* state, calls pass through until the `maxFailures` count is reached.  This causes the circuit breaker
 * to open.  Both exceptions and calls exceeding `callTimeout` are considered failures.
 * - In *Open* state, calls fail-fast with an exception.  After `resetTimeout`, circuit breaker transitions to
 * half-open state.
 * - In *Half-Open* state, the first call will be allowed through, if it succeeds the circuit breaker will reset to
 * closed state.  If it fails, the circuit breaker will re-open to open state.  All calls beyond the first that
 * execute while the first is running will fail-fast with an exception.
 * @param scheduler Reference to Akka scheduler
 * @param maxFailures Maximum number of failures before opening the circuit
 * @param callTimeout [[scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration]] of time after which to consider a call a failure
 * @param resetTimeout [[scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration]] of time after which to attempt to close the circuit
 * @param executor [[scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext]] used for execution of state transition listeners
class CircuitBreaker(scheduler: Scheduler, maxFailures: Int, callTimeout: FiniteDuration, resetTimeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext) extends AbstractCircuitBreaker {

  def this(executor: ExecutionContext, scheduler: Scheduler, maxFailures: Int, callTimeout: FiniteDuration, resetTimeout: FiniteDuration) = {
    this(scheduler, maxFailures, callTimeout, resetTimeout)(executor)

   * Holds reference to current state of CircuitBreaker - *access only via helper methods*
  private[this] var _currentStateDoNotCallMeDirectly: State = Closed

   * Helper method for access to underlying state via Unsafe
   * @param oldState Previous state on transition
   * @param newState Next state on transition
   * @return Whether the previous state matched correctly
  private[this] def swapState(oldState: State, newState: State): Boolean =
    Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, AbstractCircuitBreaker.stateOffset, oldState, newState)

   * Helper method for accessing underlying state via Unsafe
   * @return Reference to current state
  private[this] def currentState: State =
    Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, AbstractCircuitBreaker.stateOffset).asInstanceOf[State]

   * Wraps invocations of asynchronous calls that need to be protected
   * @param body Call needing protected
   * @tparam T return type from call
   * @return [[scala.concurrent.Future]] containing the call result
  def withCircuitBreaker[T](body: ⇒ Future[T]): Future[T] = currentState.invoke(body)

   * Java API for [[#withCircuitBreaker]]
   * @param body Call needing protected
   * @tparam T return type from call
   * @return [[scala.concurrent.Future]] containing the call result
  def callWithCircuitBreaker[T](body: Callable[Future[T]]): Future[T] = withCircuitBreaker(

   * Wraps invocations of synchronous calls that need to be protected
   * Calls are run in caller's thread
   * @param body Call needing protected
   * @tparam T return type from call
   * @return The result of the call
  def withSyncCircuitBreaker[T](body: ⇒ T): T =
      withCircuitBreaker(try Future.successful(body) catch { case NonFatal(t) ⇒ Future.failed(t) }),

   * Java API for [[#withSyncCircuitBreaker]]
   * @param body Call needing protected
   * @tparam T return type from call
   * @return The result of the call

  def callWithSyncCircuitBreaker[T](body: Callable[T]): T = withSyncCircuitBreaker(

   * Adds a callback to execute when circuit breaker opens
   * The callback is run in the [[scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext]] supplied in the constructor.
   * @param callback Handler to be invoked on state change
   * @return CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
  def onOpen(callback: ⇒ Unit): CircuitBreaker = onOpen(new Runnable { def run = callback })

   * Java API for onOpen
   * @param callback Handler to be invoked on state change
   * @return CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
  def onOpen(callback: Runnable): CircuitBreaker = {
    Open addListener callback

   * Adds a callback to execute when circuit breaker transitions to half-open
   * The callback is run in the [[scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext]] supplied in the constructor.
   * @param callback Handler to be invoked on state change
   * @return CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
  def onHalfOpen(callback: ⇒ Unit): CircuitBreaker = onHalfOpen(new Runnable { def run = callback })

   * JavaAPI for onHalfOpen
   * @param callback Handler to be invoked on state change
   * @return CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
  def onHalfOpen(callback: Runnable): CircuitBreaker = {
    HalfOpen addListener callback

   * Adds a callback to execute when circuit breaker state closes
   * The callback is run in the [[scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext]] supplied in the constructor.
   * @param callback Handler to be invoked on state change
   * @return CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
  def onClose(callback: ⇒ Unit): CircuitBreaker = onClose(new Runnable { def run = callback })

   * JavaAPI for onClose
   * @param callback Handler to be invoked on state change
   * @return CircuitBreaker for fluent usage
  def onClose(callback: Runnable): CircuitBreaker = {
    Closed addListener callback

   * Retrieves current failure count.
   * @return count
  private[akka] def currentFailureCount: Int = Closed.get

   * Implements consistent transition between states
   * @param fromState State being transitioning from
   * @param toState State being transitioning from
   * @throws IllegalStateException if an invalid transition is attempted
  private def transition(fromState: State, toState: State): Unit =
    if (swapState(fromState, toState))
      throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal transition attempted from: " + fromState + " to " + toState)

   * Trips breaker to an open state.  This is valid from Closed or Half-Open states.
   * @param fromState State we're coming from (Closed or Half-Open)
  private def tripBreaker(fromState: State): Unit = transition(fromState, Open)

   * Resets breaker to a closed state.  This is valid from an Half-Open state only.
  private def resetBreaker(): Unit = transition(HalfOpen, Closed)

   * Attempts to reset breaker by transitioning to a half-open state.  This is valid from an Open state only.
  private def attemptReset(): Unit = transition(Open, HalfOpen)

   * Internal state abstraction
  private sealed trait State {
    private val listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList[Runnable]

     * Add a listener function which is invoked on state entry
     * @param listener listener implementation
     * @tparam T return type of listener, not used - but supplied for type inference purposes
    def addListener(listener: Runnable): Unit = listeners add listener

     * Test for whether listeners exist
     * @return whether listeners exist
    private def hasListeners: Boolean = !listeners.isEmpty

     * Notifies the listeners of the transition event via a Future executed in implicit parameter ExecutionContext
     * @return Promise which executes listener in supplied [[scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext]]
    protected def notifyTransitionListeners() {
      if (hasListeners) {
        val iterator = listeners.iterator
        while (iterator.hasNext) {
          val listener =

     * Shared implementation of call across all states.  Thrown exception or execution of the call beyond the allowed
     * call timeout is counted as a failed call, otherwise a successful call
     * @param body Implementation of the call
     * @tparam T Return type of the call's implementation
     * @return Future containing the result of the call
    def callThrough[T](body: ⇒ Future[T]): Future[T] = {
      val deadline = callTimeout.fromNow
      val bodyFuture = try body catch { case NonFatal(t) ⇒ Future.failed(t) }
        case s: Success[_] if !deadline.isOverdue() ⇒ callSucceeds()
        case _                                      ⇒ callFails()

     * Abstract entry point for all states
     * @param body Implementation of the call that needs protected
     * @tparam T Return type of protected call
     * @return Future containing result of protected call
    def invoke[T](body: ⇒ Future[T]): Future[T]

     * Invoked when call succeeds
    def callSucceeds(): Unit

     * Invoked when call fails
    def callFails(): Unit

     * Invoked on the transitioned-to state during transition.  Notifies listeners after invoking subclass template
     * method _enter
    final def enter(): Unit = {

     * Template method for concrete traits
    def _enter(): Unit

   * Concrete implementation of Closed state
  private object Closed extends AtomicInteger with State {

     * Implementation of invoke, which simply attempts the call
     * @param body Implementation of the call that needs protected
     * @tparam T Return type of protected call
     * @return Future containing result of protected call
    override def invoke[T](body: ⇒ Future[T]): Future[T] = callThrough(body)

     * On successful call, the failure count is reset to 0
     * @return
    override def callSucceeds(): Unit = set(0)

     * On failed call, the failure count is incremented.  The count is checked against the configured maxFailures, and
     * the breaker is tripped if we have reached maxFailures.
     * @return
    override def callFails(): Unit = if (incrementAndGet() == maxFailures) tripBreaker(Closed)

     * On entry of this state, failure count is reset.
     * @return
    override def _enter(): Unit = set(0)

     * Override for more descriptive toString
     * @return
    override def toString: String = "Closed with failure count = " + get()

   * Concrete implementation of half-open state
  private object HalfOpen extends AtomicBoolean(true) with State {

     * Allows a single call through, during which all other callers fail-fast.  If the call fails, the breaker reopens.
     * If the call succeeds the breaker closes.
     * @param body Implementation of the call that needs protected
     * @tparam T Return type of protected call
     * @return Future containing result of protected call
    override def invoke[T](body: ⇒ Future[T]): Future[T] =
      if (compareAndSet(true, false)) callThrough(body) else Promise.failed[T](new CircuitBreakerOpenException(0.seconds)).future

     * Reset breaker on successful call.
     * @return
    override def callSucceeds(): Unit = resetBreaker()

     * Reopen breaker on failed call.
     * @return
    override def callFails(): Unit = tripBreaker(HalfOpen)

     * On entry, guard should be reset for that first call to get in
     * @return
    override def _enter(): Unit = set(true)

     * Override for more descriptive toString
     * @return
    override def toString: String = "Half-Open currently testing call for success = " + get()

   * Concrete implementation of Open state
  private object Open extends AtomicLong with State {

     * Fail-fast on any invocation
     * @param body Implementation of the call that needs protected
     * @tparam T Return type of protected call
     * @return Future containing result of protected call
    override def invoke[T](body: ⇒ Future[T]): Future[T] =
      Promise.failed[T](new CircuitBreakerOpenException(remainingDuration())).future

     * Calculate remaining duration until reset to inform the caller in case a backoff algorithm is useful
     * @return duration to when the breaker will attempt a reset by transitioning to half-open
    private def remainingDuration(): FiniteDuration = {
      val diff = System.nanoTime() - get
      if (diff <= 0L) Duration.Zero
      else diff.nanos

     * No-op for open, calls are never executed so cannot succeed or fail
     * @return
    override def callSucceeds(): Unit = ()

     * No-op for open, calls are never executed so cannot succeed or fail
     * @return
    override def callFails(): Unit = ()

     * On entering this state, schedule an attempted reset via [[]] and store the entry time to
     * calculate remaining time before attempted reset.
     * @return
    override def _enter(): Unit = {
      scheduler.scheduleOnce(resetTimeout) {

     * Override for more descriptive toString
     * @return
    override def toString: String = "Open"


 * Exception thrown when Circuit Breaker is open.
 * @param remainingDuration Stores remaining time before attempting a reset.  Zero duration means the breaker is
 *                          currently in half-open state.
 * @param message Defaults to "Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast"
class CircuitBreakerOpenException(
  val remainingDuration: FiniteDuration,
  message: String = "Circuit Breaker is open; calls are failing fast")
  extends AkkaException(message) with NoStackTrace

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka CircuitBreaker.scala source code file:

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