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Akka/Scala example source code file (ConsistentHash.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ConsistentHash.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, array, boolean, can't, classtag, collection, consistenthash, illegalstateexception, int, reflection, route, router, routing, seq, string, t

The ConsistentHash.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.routing

import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import java.util.Arrays

 * Consistent Hashing node ring implementation.
 * A good explanation of Consistent Hashing:
 * Note that toString of the ring nodes are used for the node
 * hash, i.e. make sure it is different for different nodes.
class ConsistentHash[T: ClassTag] private (nodes: immutable.SortedMap[Int, T], val virtualNodesFactor: Int) {

  import ConsistentHash._

  if (virtualNodesFactor < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("virtualNodesFactor must be >= 1")

  // arrays for fast binary search and access
  // nodeHashRing is the sorted hash values of the nodes
  // nodeRing is the nodes sorted in the same order as nodeHashRing, i.e. same index
  private val (nodeHashRing: Array[Int], nodeRing: Array[T]) = {
    val (nhr: Seq[Int], nr: Seq[T]) = nodes.toSeq.unzip
    (nhr.toArray, nr.toArray)

   * Adds a node to the node ring.
   * Note that the instance is immutable and this
   * operation returns a new instance.
  def :+(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = {
    val nodeHash = hashFor(node.toString)
    new ConsistentHash(nodes ++ ((1 to virtualNodesFactor) map { r ⇒ (concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash, r) -> node) }),

   * Java API: Adds a node to the node ring.
   * Note that the instance is immutable and this
   * operation returns a new instance.
  def add(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = this :+ node

   * Removes a node from the node ring.
   * Note that the instance is immutable and this
   * operation returns a new instance.
  def :-(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = {
    val nodeHash = hashFor(node.toString)
    new ConsistentHash(nodes -- ((1 to virtualNodesFactor) map { r ⇒ concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash, r) }),

   * Java API: Removes a node from the node ring.
   * Note that the instance is immutable and this
   * operation returns a new instance.
  def remove(node: T): ConsistentHash[T] = this :- node

  // converts the result of Arrays.binarySearch into a index in the nodeRing array
  // see documentation of Arrays.binarySearch for what it returns
  private def idx(i: Int): Int = {
    if (i >= 0) i // exact match
    else {
      val j = math.abs(i + 1)
      if (j >= nodeHashRing.length) 0 // after last, use first
      else j // next node clockwise

   * Get the node responsible for the data key.
   * Can only be used if nodes exists in the node ring,
   * otherwise throws `IllegalStateException`
  def nodeFor(key: Array[Byte]): T = {
    if (isEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get node for [%s] from an empty node ring" format key)

    nodeRing(idx(Arrays.binarySearch(nodeHashRing, hashFor(key))))

   * Get the node responsible for the data key.
   * Can only be used if nodes exists in the node ring,
   * otherwise throws `IllegalStateException`
  def nodeFor(key: String): T = {
    if (isEmpty) throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get node for [%s] from an empty node ring" format key)

    nodeRing(idx(Arrays.binarySearch(nodeHashRing, hashFor(key))))

   * Is the node ring empty, i.e. no nodes added or all removed.
  def isEmpty: Boolean = nodes.isEmpty


object ConsistentHash {
  def apply[T: ClassTag](nodes: Iterable[T], virtualNodesFactor: Int): ConsistentHash[T] = {
    new ConsistentHash(immutable.SortedMap.empty[Int, T] ++
      (for {
        node ← nodes
        nodeHash = hashFor(node.toString)
        vnode ← 1 to virtualNodesFactor
      } yield (concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash, vnode) -> node)),

   * Java API: Factory method to create a ConsistentHash
  def create[T](nodes: java.lang.Iterable[T], virtualNodesFactor: Int): ConsistentHash[T] = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
    apply(nodes.asScala, virtualNodesFactor)(ClassTag(classOf[Any].asInstanceOf[Class[T]]))

  private def concatenateNodeHash(nodeHash: Int, vnode: Int): Int = {
    import MurmurHash._
    var h = startHash(nodeHash)
    h = extendHash(h, vnode, startMagicA, startMagicB)

  private def hashFor(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = MurmurHash.arrayHash(bytes)

  private def hashFor(string: String): Int = MurmurHash.stringHash(string)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ConsistentHash.scala source code file:

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