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Akka/Scala example source code file (Serialization.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Serialization.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, anyref, array, class, collection, map, mutable, notserializableexception, nullserializer, serialization, serialize, serializer, string, try, utilities

The Serialization.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.serialization

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import akka.event.Logging
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.{ Try, DynamicVariable, Failure }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object Serialization {

   * Tuple that represents mapping from Class to Serializer
  type ClassSerializer = (Class[_], Serializer)

   * This holds a reference to the current transport serialization information used for
   * serializing local actor refs.
  private[akka] val currentTransportInformation = new DynamicVariable[Information](null)

  class Settings(val config: Config) {
    val Serializers: Map[String, String] = configToMap("")
    val SerializationBindings: Map[String, String] = configToMap("")

    private final def configToMap(path: String): Map[String, String] = {
      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
      config.getConfig(path).root.unwrapped.asScala.toMap map { case (k, v) ⇒ (k -> v.toString) }

   * Serialization information needed for serializing local actor refs.
  private[akka] final case class Information(address: Address, system: ActorSystem)

   * The serialized path of an actorRef, based on the current transport serialization information.
   * If there is no external address available for the requested address then the systems default
   * address will be used.
  def serializedActorPath(actorRef: ActorRef): String = {
    val path = actorRef.path
    val originalSystem: ExtendedActorSystem = actorRef match {
      case a: ActorRefWithCell ⇒ a.underlying.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]
      case _                   ⇒ null
    Serialization.currentTransportInformation.value match {
      case null ⇒ originalSystem match {
        case null ⇒ path.toSerializationFormat
        case system ⇒
          try path.toSerializationFormatWithAddress(system.provider.getDefaultAddress)
          catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ path.toSerializationFormat }
      case Information(address, system) ⇒
        if (originalSystem == null || originalSystem == system)
        else {
          val provider = originalSystem.provider

 * Serialization module. Contains methods for serialization and deserialization as well as
 * locating a Serializer for a particular class as defined in the mapping in the configuration.
class Serialization(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends Extension {
  import Serialization._

  val settings = new Settings(system.settings.config)
  val log = Logging(system, getClass.getName)

   * Serializes the given AnyRef/java.lang.Object according to the Serialization configuration
   * to either an Array of Bytes or an Exception if one was thrown.
  def serialize(o: AnyRef): Try[Array[Byte]] = Try(findSerializerFor(o).toBinary(o))

   * Deserializes the given array of bytes using the specified serializer id,
   * using the optional type hint to the Serializer and the optional ClassLoader ot load it into.
   * Returns either the resulting object or an Exception if one was thrown.
  def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte], serializerId: Int, clazz: Option[Class[_ <: T]]): Try[T] =
    Try {
      val serializer = try serializerByIdentity(serializerId) catch {
        case _: NoSuchElementException ⇒ throw new NotSerializableException(
          s"Cannot find serializer with id [$serializerId]. The most probable reason is that the configuration entry " +
            " is not in synch between the two systems.")
      serializer.fromBinary(bytes, clazz).asInstanceOf[T]

   * Deserializes the given array of bytes using the specified type to look up what Serializer should be used.
   * You can specify an optional ClassLoader to load the object into.
   * Returns either the resulting object or an Exception if one was thrown.
  def deserialize[T](bytes: Array[Byte], clazz: Class[T]): Try[T] =
    Try(serializerFor(clazz).fromBinary(bytes, Some(clazz)).asInstanceOf[T])

   * Returns the Serializer configured for the given object, returns the NullSerializer if it's null.
   * @throws akka.ConfigurationException if no `serialization-bindings` is configured for the
   *   class of the object
  def findSerializerFor(o: AnyRef): Serializer = o match {
    case null  ⇒ NullSerializer
    case other ⇒ serializerFor(other.getClass)

   * Returns the configured Serializer for the given Class. The configured Serializer
   * is used if the configured class `isAssignableFrom` from the `clazz`, i.e.
   * the configured class is a super class or implemented interface. In case of
   * ambiguity it is primarily using the most specific configured class,
   * and secondly the entry configured first.
   * @throws if no `serialization-bindings` is configured for the class
  def serializerFor(clazz: Class[_]): Serializer =
    serializerMap.get(clazz) match {
      case null ⇒ // bindings are ordered from most specific to least specific
        def unique(possibilities: immutable.Seq[(Class[_], Serializer)]): Boolean =
          possibilities.size == 1 ||
            (possibilities forall (_._1 isAssignableFrom possibilities(0)._1)) ||
            (possibilities forall (_._2 == possibilities(0)._2))

        val ser = bindings filter { _._1 isAssignableFrom clazz } match {
          case Seq() ⇒
            throw new NotSerializableException("No configured serialization-bindings for class [%s]" format clazz.getName)
          case possibilities ⇒
            if (!unique(possibilities))
              log.warning("Multiple serializers found for " + clazz + ", choosing first: " + possibilities)
        serializerMap.putIfAbsent(clazz, ser) match {
          case null ⇒
            log.debug("Using serializer[{}] for message [{}]", ser.getClass.getName, clazz.getName)
          case some ⇒ some
      case ser ⇒ ser

   * Tries to load the specified Serializer by the fully-qualified name; the actual
   * loading is performed by the system’s [[]].
  def serializerOf(serializerFQN: String): Try[Serializer] =
    system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[Serializer](serializerFQN, List(classOf[ExtendedActorSystem] -> system)) recoverWith {
      case _: NoSuchMethodException ⇒ system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[Serializer](serializerFQN, Nil)

   * A Map of serializer from alias to implementation (class implementing akka.serialization.Serializer)
   * By default always contains the following mapping: "java" -> akka.serialization.JavaSerializer
  private val serializers: Map[String, Serializer] =
    for ((k: String, v: String) ← settings.Serializers) yield k -> serializerOf(v).get

   *  bindings is a Seq of tuple representing the mapping from Class to Serializer.
   *  It is primarily ordered by the most specific classes first, and secondly in the configured order.
  private[akka] val bindings: immutable.Seq[ClassSerializer] =
    sort(for ((k: String, v: String) ← settings.SerializationBindings if v != "none") yield (system.dynamicAccess.getClassFor[Any](k).get, serializers(v))).to[immutable.Seq]

   * Sort so that subtypes always precede their supertypes, but without
   * obeying any order between unrelated subtypes (insert sort).
  private def sort(in: Iterable[ClassSerializer]): immutable.Seq[ClassSerializer] =
    ((new ArrayBuffer[ClassSerializer](in.size) /: in) { (buf, ca) ⇒
      buf.indexWhere(_._1 isAssignableFrom ca._1) match {
        case -1 ⇒ buf append ca
        case x  ⇒ buf insert (x, ca)

   * serializerMap is a Map whose keys is the class that is serializable and values is the serializer
   * to be used for that class.
  private val serializerMap: ConcurrentHashMap[Class[_], Serializer] =
    (new ConcurrentHashMap[Class[_], Serializer] /: bindings) { case (map, (c, s)) ⇒ map.put(c, s); map }

   * Maps from a Serializer Identity (Int) to a Serializer instance (optimization)
  val serializerByIdentity: Map[Int, Serializer] =
    Map(NullSerializer.identifier -> NullSerializer) ++ serializers map { case (_, v) ⇒ (v.identifier, v) }

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Serialization.scala source code file:

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