Akka/Scala example source code file (ClusterMetricsCollector.scala)
The ClusterMetricsCollector.scala Akka example source code/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.cluster import java.io.Closeable import java.lang.System.{ currentTimeMillis ⇒ newTimestamp } import java.lang.management.{ OperatingSystemMXBean, MemoryMXBean, ManagementFactory } import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import java.lang.reflect.Method import scala.collection.immutable import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure } import akka.ConfigurationException import akka.actor.Actor import akka.actor.ActorLogging import akka.actor.ActorRef import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.actor.Address import akka.actor.DynamicAccess import akka.actor.ExtendedActorSystem import akka.cluster.MemberStatus.Up import akka.event.Logging import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage /** * INTERNAL API. * * Cluster metrics is primarily for load-balancing of nodes. It controls metrics sampling * at a regular frequency, prepares highly variable data for further analysis by other entities, * and publishes the latest cluster metrics data around the node ring and local eventStream * to assist in determining the need to redirect traffic to the least-loaded nodes. * * Metrics sampling is delegated to the [[akka.cluster.MetricsCollector]]. * * Smoothing of the data for each monitored process is delegated to the * [[akka.cluster.EWMA]] for exponential weighted moving average. */ private[cluster] class ClusterMetricsCollector(publisher: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import InternalClusterAction._ import ClusterEvent._ import Member.addressOrdering import context.dispatcher val cluster = Cluster(context.system) import cluster.{ selfAddress, scheduler, settings } import cluster.settings._ import cluster.InfoLogger._ /** * The node ring gossipped that contains only members that are Up. */ var nodes: immutable.SortedSet[Address] = immutable.SortedSet.empty /** * The latest metric values with their statistical data. */ var latestGossip: MetricsGossip = MetricsGossip.empty /** * The metrics collector that samples data on the node. */ val collector: MetricsCollector = MetricsCollector(context.system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem], settings) /** * Start periodic gossip to random nodes in cluster */ val gossipTask = scheduler.schedule(PeriodicTasksInitialDelay max MetricsGossipInterval, MetricsGossipInterval, self, GossipTick) /** * Start periodic metrics collection */ val metricsTask = scheduler.schedule(PeriodicTasksInitialDelay max MetricsInterval, MetricsInterval, self, MetricsTick) override def preStart(): Unit = { cluster.subscribe(self, classOf[MemberEvent], classOf[ReachabilityEvent]) logInfo("Metrics collection has started successfully") } def receive = { case GossipTick ⇒ gossip() case MetricsTick ⇒ collect() case msg: MetricsGossipEnvelope ⇒ receiveGossip(msg) case state: CurrentClusterState ⇒ receiveState(state) case MemberUp(m) ⇒ addMember(m) case MemberRemoved(m, _) ⇒ removeMember(m) case MemberExited(m) ⇒ removeMember(m) case UnreachableMember(m) ⇒ removeMember(m) case ReachableMember(m) ⇒ if (m.status == Up) addMember(m) case _: MemberEvent ⇒ // not interested in other types of MemberEvent } override def postStop: Unit = { cluster unsubscribe self gossipTask.cancel() metricsTask.cancel() collector.close() } /** * Adds a member to the node ring. */ def addMember(member: Member): Unit = nodes += member.address /** * Removes a member from the member node ring. */ def removeMember(member: Member): Unit = { nodes -= member.address latestGossip = latestGossip remove member.address publish() } /** * Updates the initial node ring for those nodes that are [[akka.cluster.MemberStatus.Up]]. */ def receiveState(state: CurrentClusterState): Unit = nodes = state.members collect { case m if m.status == Up ⇒ m.address } /** * Samples the latest metrics for the node, updates metrics statistics in * [[akka.cluster.MetricsGossip]], and publishes the change to the event bus. * * @see [[akka.cluster.ClusterMetricsCollector.collect( )]] */ def collect(): Unit = { latestGossip :+= collector.sample() publish() } /** * Receives changes from peer nodes, merges remote with local gossip nodes, then publishes * changes to the event stream for load balancing router consumption, and gossip back. */ def receiveGossip(envelope: MetricsGossipEnvelope): Unit = { // remote node might not have same view of member nodes, this side should only care // about nodes that are known here, otherwise removed nodes can come back val otherGossip = envelope.gossip.filter(nodes) latestGossip = latestGossip merge otherGossip // changes will be published in the period collect task if (!envelope.reply) replyGossipTo(envelope.from) } /** * Gossip to peer nodes. */ def gossip(): Unit = selectRandomNode((nodes - selfAddress).toVector) foreach gossipTo def gossipTo(address: Address): Unit = sendGossip(address, MetricsGossipEnvelope(selfAddress, latestGossip, reply = false)) def replyGossipTo(address: Address): Unit = sendGossip(address, MetricsGossipEnvelope(selfAddress, latestGossip, reply = true)) def sendGossip(address: Address, envelope: MetricsGossipEnvelope): Unit = context.actorSelection(self.path.toStringWithAddress(address)) ! envelope def selectRandomNode(addresses: immutable.IndexedSeq[Address]): Option[Address] = if (addresses.isEmpty) None else Some(addresses(ThreadLocalRandom.current nextInt addresses.size)) /** * Publishes to the event stream. */ def publish(): Unit = publisher ! PublishEvent(ClusterMetricsChanged(latestGossip.nodes)) } /** * INTERNAL API */ private[cluster] object MetricsGossip { val empty = MetricsGossip(Set.empty[NodeMetrics]) } /** * INTERNAL API * * @param nodes metrics per node */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) private[cluster] final case class MetricsGossip(nodes: Set[NodeMetrics]) { /** * Removes nodes if their correlating node ring members are not [[akka.cluster.MemberStatus.Up]] */ def remove(node: Address): MetricsGossip = copy(nodes = nodes filterNot (_.address == node)) /** * Only the nodes that are in the `includeNodes` Set. */ def filter(includeNodes: Set[Address]): MetricsGossip = copy(nodes = nodes filter { includeNodes contains _.address }) /** * Adds new remote [[akka.cluster.NodeMetrics]] and merges existing from a remote gossip. */ def merge(otherGossip: MetricsGossip): MetricsGossip = otherGossip.nodes.foldLeft(this) { (gossip, nodeMetrics) ⇒ gossip :+ nodeMetrics } /** * Adds new local [[akka.cluster.NodeMetrics]], or merges an existing. */ def :+(newNodeMetrics: NodeMetrics): MetricsGossip = nodeMetricsFor(newNodeMetrics.address) match { case Some(existingNodeMetrics) ⇒ copy(nodes = nodes - existingNodeMetrics + (existingNodeMetrics merge newNodeMetrics)) case None ⇒ copy(nodes = nodes + newNodeMetrics) } /** * Returns [[akka.cluster.NodeMetrics]] for a node if exists. */ def nodeMetricsFor(address: Address): Option[NodeMetrics] = nodes find { n ⇒ n.address == address } } /** * INTERNAL API * Envelope adding a sender address to the gossip. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) private[cluster] final case class MetricsGossipEnvelope(from: Address, gossip: MetricsGossip, reply: Boolean) extends ClusterMessage private[cluster] object EWMA { /** * math.log(2) */ private val LogOf2 = 0.69315 /** * Calculate the alpha (decay factor) used in [[akka.cluster.EWMA]] * from specified half-life and interval between observations. * Half-life is the interval over which the weights decrease by a factor of two. * The relevance of each data sample is halved for every passing half-life duration, * i.e. after 4 times the half-life, a data sample’s relevance is reduced to 6% of * its original relevance. The initial relevance of a data sample is given by * 1 – 0.5 ^ (collect-interval / half-life). */ def alpha(halfLife: FiniteDuration, collectInterval: FiniteDuration): Double = { val halfLifeMillis = halfLife.toMillis require(halfLife.toMillis > 0, "halfLife must be > 0 s") val decayRate = LogOf2 / halfLifeMillis 1 - math.exp(-decayRate * collectInterval.toMillis) } } /** * The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) approach captures short-term * movements in volatility for a conditional volatility forecasting model. By virtue * of its alpha, or decay factor, this provides a statistical streaming data model * that is exponentially biased towards newer entries. * * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average#Exponential_moving_average * * An EWMA only needs the most recent forecast value to be kept, as opposed to a standard * moving average model. * * INTERNAL API * * @param alpha decay factor, sets how quickly the exponential weighting decays for past data compared to new data, * see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_average#Exponential_moving_average * * @param value the current exponentially weighted moving average, e.g. Y(n - 1), or, * the sampled value resulting from the previous smoothing iteration. * This value is always used as the previous EWMA to calculate the new EWMA. * */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) private[cluster] final case class EWMA(value: Double, alpha: Double) { require(0.0 <= alpha && alpha <= 1.0, "alpha must be between 0.0 and 1.0") /** * Calculates the exponentially weighted moving average for a given monitored data set. * * @param xn the new data point * @return a new [[akka.cluster.EWMA]] with the updated value */ def :+(xn: Double): EWMA = { val newValue = (alpha * xn) + (1 - alpha) * value if (newValue == value) this // no change else copy(value = newValue) } } /** * Metrics key/value. * * Equality of Metric is based on its name. * * @param name the metric name * @param value the metric value, which must be a valid numerical value, * a valid value is neither negative nor NaN/Infinite. * @param average the data stream of the metric value, for trending over time. Metrics that are already * averages (e.g. system load average) or finite (e.g. as number of processors), are not trended. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Metric private[cluster] (name: String, value: Number, private[cluster] val average: Option[EWMA]) extends MetricNumericConverter { require(defined(value), s"Invalid Metric [$name] value [$value]") /** * Updates the data point, and if defined, updates the data stream (average). * Returns the updated metric. */ def :+(latest: Metric): Metric = if (this sameAs latest) average match { case Some(avg) ⇒ copy(value = latest.value, average = Some(avg :+ latest.value.doubleValue)) case None if latest.average.isDefined ⇒ copy(value = latest.value, average = latest.average) case _ ⇒ copy(value = latest.value) } else this /** * The numerical value of the average, if defined, otherwise the latest value */ def smoothValue: Double = average match { case Some(avg) ⇒ avg.value case None ⇒ value.doubleValue } /** * @return true if this value is smoothed */ def isSmooth: Boolean = average.isDefined /** * Returns true if <code>that</code> is tracking the same metric as this. */ def sameAs(that: Metric): Boolean = name == that.name override def hashCode = name.## override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match { case other: Metric ⇒ sameAs(other) case _ ⇒ false } } /** * Factory for creating valid Metric instances. */ object Metric extends MetricNumericConverter { /** * Creates a new Metric instance if the value is valid, otherwise None * is returned. Invalid numeric values are negative and NaN/Infinite. */ def create(name: String, value: Number, decayFactor: Option[Double]): Option[Metric] = if (defined(value)) Some(new Metric(name, value, ceateEWMA(value.doubleValue, decayFactor))) else None /** * Creates a new Metric instance if the Try is successful and the value is valid, * otherwise None is returned. Invalid numeric values are negative and NaN/Infinite. */ def create(name: String, value: Try[Number], decayFactor: Option[Double]): Option[Metric] = value match { case Success(v) ⇒ create(name, v, decayFactor) case Failure(_) ⇒ None } private def ceateEWMA(value: Double, decayFactor: Option[Double]): Option[EWMA] = decayFactor match { case Some(alpha) ⇒ Some(EWMA(value, alpha)) case None ⇒ None } } /** * The snapshot of current sampled health metrics for any monitored process. * Collected and gossipped at regular intervals for dynamic cluster management strategies. * * Equality of NodeMetrics is based on its address. * * @param address [[akka.actor.Address]] of the node the metrics are gathered at * @param timestamp the time of sampling, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC * @param metrics the set of sampled [[akka.actor.Metric]] */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class NodeMetrics(address: Address, timestamp: Long, metrics: Set[Metric] = Set.empty[Metric]) { /** * Returns the most recent data. */ def merge(that: NodeMetrics): NodeMetrics = { require(address == that.address, s"merge only allowed for same address, [$address] != [$that.address]") if (timestamp >= that.timestamp) this // that is older else { // equality is based on the name of the Metric and Set doesn't replace existing element copy(metrics = that.metrics ++ metrics, timestamp = that.timestamp) } } def metric(key: String): Option[Metric] = metrics.collectFirst { case m if m.name == key ⇒ m } /** * Java API */ def getMetrics: java.lang.Iterable[Metric] = scala.collection.JavaConverters.asJavaIterableConverter(metrics).asJava /** * Returns true if <code>that</code> address is the same as this */ def sameAs(that: NodeMetrics): Boolean = address == that.address override def hashCode = address.## override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match { case other: NodeMetrics ⇒ sameAs(other) case _ ⇒ false } } /** * Definitions of the built-in standard metrics. * * The following extractors and data structures makes it easy to consume the * [[akka.cluster.NodeMetrics]] in for example load balancers. */ object StandardMetrics { // Constants for the heap related Metric names final val HeapMemoryUsed = "heap-memory-used" final val HeapMemoryCommitted = "heap-memory-committed" final val HeapMemoryMax = "heap-memory-max" // Constants for the cpu related Metric names final val SystemLoadAverage = "system-load-average" final val Processors = "processors" final val CpuCombined = "cpu-combined" object HeapMemory { /** * Given a NodeMetrics it returns the HeapMemory data if the nodeMetrics contains * necessary heap metrics. * @return if possible a tuple matching the HeapMemory constructor parameters */ def unapply(nodeMetrics: NodeMetrics): Option[(Address, Long, Long, Long, Option[Long])] = { for { used ← nodeMetrics.metric(HeapMemoryUsed) committed ← nodeMetrics.metric(HeapMemoryCommitted) } yield (nodeMetrics.address, nodeMetrics.timestamp, used.smoothValue.longValue, committed.smoothValue.longValue, nodeMetrics.metric(HeapMemoryMax).map(_.smoothValue.longValue)) } } /** * Java API to extract HeapMemory data from nodeMetrics, if the nodeMetrics * contains necessary heap metrics, otherwise it returns null. */ def extractHeapMemory(nodeMetrics: NodeMetrics): HeapMemory = nodeMetrics match { case HeapMemory(address, timestamp, used, committed, max) ⇒ // note that above extractor returns tuple HeapMemory(address, timestamp, used, committed, max) case _ ⇒ null } /** * The amount of used and committed memory will always be <= max if max is defined. * A memory allocation may fail if it attempts to increase the used memory such that used > committed * even if used <= max is true (e.g. when the system virtual memory is low). * * @param address [[akka.actor.Address]] of the node the metrics are gathered at * @param timestamp the time of sampling, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC * @param used the current sum of heap memory used from all heap memory pools (in bytes) * @param committed the current sum of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM * from all heap memory pools (in bytes). Committed will always be greater than or equal to used. * @param max the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that can be used for JVM memory management. * Can be undefined on some OS. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class HeapMemory(address: Address, timestamp: Long, used: Long, committed: Long, max: Option[Long]) { require(committed > 0L, "committed heap expected to be > 0 bytes") require(max.isEmpty || max.get > 0L, "max heap expected to be > 0 bytes") } object Cpu { /** * Given a NodeMetrics it returns the Cpu data if the nodeMetrics contains * necessary cpu metrics. * @return if possible a tuple matching the Cpu constructor parameters */ def unapply(nodeMetrics: NodeMetrics): Option[(Address, Long, Option[Double], Option[Double], Int)] = { for { processors ← nodeMetrics.metric(Processors) } yield (nodeMetrics.address, nodeMetrics.timestamp, nodeMetrics.metric(SystemLoadAverage).map(_.smoothValue), nodeMetrics.metric(CpuCombined).map(_.smoothValue), processors.value.intValue) } } /** * Java API to extract Cpu data from nodeMetrics, if the nodeMetrics * contains necessary cpu metrics, otherwise it returns null. */ def extractCpu(nodeMetrics: NodeMetrics): Cpu = nodeMetrics match { case Cpu(address, timestamp, systemLoadAverage, cpuCombined, processors) ⇒ // note that above extractor returns tuple Cpu(address, timestamp, systemLoadAverage, cpuCombined, processors) case _ ⇒ null } /** * @param address [[akka.actor.Address]] of the node the metrics are gathered at * @param timestamp the time of sampling, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC * @param systemLoadAverage OS-specific average load on the CPUs in the system, for the past 1 minute, * The system is possibly nearing a bottleneck if the system load average is nearing number of cpus/cores. * @param cpuCombined combined CPU sum of User + Sys + Nice + Wait, in percentage ([0.0 - 1.0]. This * metric can describe the amount of time the CPU spent executing code during n-interval and how * much more it could theoretically. * @param processors the number of available processors */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Cpu( address: Address, timestamp: Long, systemLoadAverage: Option[Double], cpuCombined: Option[Double], processors: Int) { cpuCombined match { case Some(x) ⇒ require(0.0 <= x && x <= 1.0, s"cpuCombined must be between [0.0 - 1.0], was [$x]") case None ⇒ } } } /** * INTERNAL API * * Encapsulates evaluation of validity of metric values, conversion of an actual metric value to * a [[akka.cluster.Metric]] for consumption by subscribed cluster entities. */ private[cluster] trait MetricNumericConverter { /** * An defined value is neither negative nor NaN/Infinite: * <ul><li>JMX system load average and max heap can be 'undefined' for certain OS, in which case a -1 is returned</li> * <li>SIGAR combined CPU can occasionally return a NaN or Infinite (known bug)</li></ul> */ def defined(value: Number): Boolean = convertNumber(value) match { case Left(a) ⇒ a >= 0 case Right(b) ⇒ !(b < 0.0 || b.isNaN || b.isInfinite) } /** * May involve rounding or truncation. */ def convertNumber(from: Any): Either[Long, Double] = from match { case n: Int ⇒ Left(n) case n: Long ⇒ Left(n) case n: Double ⇒ Right(n) case n: Float ⇒ Right(n) case n: BigInt ⇒ Left(n.longValue) case n: BigDecimal ⇒ Right(n.doubleValue) case x ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Not a number [$x]") } } /** * Implementations of cluster system metrics extends this trait. */ trait MetricsCollector extends Closeable { /** * Samples and collects new data points. * This method is invoked periodically and should return * current metrics for this node. */ def sample(): NodeMetrics } /** * Loads JVM and system metrics through JMX monitoring beans. * * @param address The [[akka.actor.Address]] of the node being sampled * @param decay how quickly the exponential weighting of past data is decayed */ class JmxMetricsCollector(address: Address, decayFactor: Double) extends MetricsCollector { import StandardMetrics._ private def this(cluster: Cluster) = this(cluster.selfAddress, EWMA.alpha(cluster.settings.MetricsMovingAverageHalfLife, cluster.settings.MetricsInterval)) /** * This constructor is used when creating an instance from configured FQCN */ def this(system: ActorSystem) = this(Cluster(system)) private val decayFactorOption = Some(decayFactor) private val memoryMBean: MemoryMXBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean private val osMBean: OperatingSystemMXBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean /** * Samples and collects new data points. * Creates a new instance each time. */ def sample(): NodeMetrics = NodeMetrics(address, newTimestamp, metrics) def metrics: Set[Metric] = { val heap = heapMemoryUsage Set(systemLoadAverage, heapUsed(heap), heapCommitted(heap), heapMax(heap), processors).flatten } /** * JMX Returns the OS-specific average load on the CPUs in the system, for the past 1 minute. * On some systems the JMX OS system load average may not be available, in which case a -1 is * returned from JMX, and None is returned from this method. * Creates a new instance each time. */ def systemLoadAverage: Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = SystemLoadAverage, value = osMBean.getSystemLoadAverage, decayFactor = None) /** * (JMX) Returns the number of available processors * Creates a new instance each time. */ def processors: Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = Processors, value = osMBean.getAvailableProcessors, decayFactor = None) /** * Current heap to be passed in to heapUsed, heapCommitted and heapMax */ def heapMemoryUsage: MemoryUsage = memoryMBean.getHeapMemoryUsage /** * (JMX) Returns the current sum of heap memory used from all heap memory pools (in bytes). * Creates a new instance each time. */ def heapUsed(heap: MemoryUsage): Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = HeapMemoryUsed, value = heap.getUsed, decayFactor = decayFactorOption) /** * (JMX) Returns the current sum of heap memory guaranteed to be available to the JVM * from all heap memory pools (in bytes). * Creates a new instance each time. */ def heapCommitted(heap: MemoryUsage): Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = HeapMemoryCommitted, value = heap.getCommitted, decayFactor = decayFactorOption) /** * (JMX) Returns the maximum amount of memory (in bytes) that can be used * for JVM memory management. If not defined the metrics value is None, i.e. * never negative. * Creates a new instance each time. */ def heapMax(heap: MemoryUsage): Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = HeapMemoryMax, value = heap.getMax, decayFactor = None) override def close(): Unit = () } /** * Loads metrics through Hyperic SIGAR and JMX monitoring beans. This * loads wider and more accurate range of metrics compared to JmxMetricsCollector * by using SIGAR's native OS library. * * The constructor will by design throw exception if org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar can't be loaded, due * to missing classes or native libraries. * * @param address The [[akka.actor.Address]] of the node being sampled * @param decay how quickly the exponential weighting of past data is decayed * @param sigar the org.hyperic.Sigar instance */ class SigarMetricsCollector(address: Address, decayFactor: Double, sigar: AnyRef) extends JmxMetricsCollector(address, decayFactor) { import StandardMetrics._ private def this(cluster: Cluster) = this(cluster.selfAddress, EWMA.alpha(cluster.settings.MetricsMovingAverageHalfLife, cluster.settings.MetricsInterval), cluster.system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[AnyRef]("org.hyperic.sigar.Sigar", Nil).get) /** * This constructor is used when creating an instance from configured FQCN */ def this(system: ActorSystem) = this(Cluster(system)) private val decayFactorOption = Some(decayFactor) private val EmptyClassArray: Array[(Class[_])] = Array.empty[(Class[_])] private val LoadAverage: Option[Method] = createMethodFrom(sigar, "getLoadAverage") private val Cpu: Option[Method] = createMethodFrom(sigar, "getCpuPerc") private val CombinedCpu: Option[Method] = Try(Cpu.get.getReturnType.getMethod("getCombined")).toOption // Do something initially, in constructor, to make sure that the native library can be loaded. // This will by design throw exception if sigar isn't usable val pid: Long = createMethodFrom(sigar, "getPid") match { case Some(method) ⇒ try method.invoke(sigar).asInstanceOf[Long] catch { case e: InvocationTargetException if e.getCause.isInstanceOf[LinkageError] ⇒ // native libraries not in place // don't throw fatal LinkageError, but something harmless throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getCause.toString) case e: InvocationTargetException ⇒ throw e.getCause } case None ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong version of Sigar, expected 'getPid' method") } override def metrics: Set[Metric] = { super.metrics.filterNot(_.name == SystemLoadAverage) ++ Set(systemLoadAverage, cpuCombined).flatten } /** * (SIGAR / JMX) Returns the OS-specific average load on the CPUs in the system, for the past 1 minute. * On some systems the JMX OS system load average may not be available, in which case a -1 is returned * from JMX, which means that None is returned from this method. * Hyperic SIGAR provides more precise values, thus, if the library is on the classpath, it is the default. * Creates a new instance each time. */ override def systemLoadAverage: Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = SystemLoadAverage, value = Try(LoadAverage.get.invoke(sigar).asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]](0).asInstanceOf[Number]), decayFactor = None) orElse super.systemLoadAverage /** * (SIGAR) Returns the combined CPU sum of User + Sys + Nice + Wait, in percentage. This metric can describe * the amount of time the CPU spent executing code during n-interval and how much more it could * theoretically. Note that 99% CPU utilization can be optimal or indicative of failure. * * In the data stream, this will sometimes return with a valid metric value, and sometimes as a NaN or Infinite. * Documented bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=749121 and several others. * * Creates a new instance each time. */ def cpuCombined: Option[Metric] = Metric.create( name = CpuCombined, value = Try(CombinedCpu.get.invoke(Cpu.get.invoke(sigar)).asInstanceOf[Number]), decayFactor = decayFactorOption) /** * Releases any native resources associated with this instance. */ override def close(): Unit = Try(createMethodFrom(sigar, "close").get.invoke(sigar)) private def createMethodFrom(ref: AnyRef, method: String, types: Array[(Class[_])] = EmptyClassArray): Option[Method] = Try(ref.getClass.getMethod(method, types: _*)).toOption } /** * INTERNAL API * Factory to create configured MetricsCollector. * If instantiation of SigarMetricsCollector fails (missing class or native library) * it falls back to use JmxMetricsCollector. */ private[cluster] object MetricsCollector { def apply(system: ExtendedActorSystem, settings: ClusterSettings): MetricsCollector = { import settings.{ MetricsCollectorClass ⇒ fqcn } def log = Logging(system, "MetricsCollector") if (fqcn == classOf[SigarMetricsCollector].getName) { Try(new SigarMetricsCollector(system)) match { case Success(sigarCollector) ⇒ sigarCollector case Failure(e) ⇒ Cluster(system).InfoLogger.logInfo( "Metrics will be retreived from MBeans, and may be incorrect on some platforms. " + "To increase metric accuracy add the 'sigar.jar' to the classpath and the appropriate " + "platform-specific native libary to 'java.library.path'. Reason: " + e.toString) new JmxMetricsCollector(system) } } else { system.dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[MetricsCollector](fqcn, List(classOf[ActorSystem] -> system)). recover { case e ⇒ throw new ConfigurationException("Could not create custom metrics collector [" + fqcn + "] due to:" + e.toString) }.get } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ClusterMetricsCollector.scala source code file: |
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