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Akka/Scala example source code file (VectorClock.scala)

This example Akka source code file (VectorClock.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

after, akka, annotation, before, boolean, cluster, collection, concurrent, immutable, long, node, ordering, same, string, vectorclock

The VectorClock.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.cluster

import akka.AkkaException

import System.{ currentTimeMillis ⇒ newTimestamp }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.annotation.tailrec

 * VectorClock module with helper classes and methods.
 * Based on code from the 'vlock' VectorClock library by Coda Hale.
private[cluster] object VectorClock {

   * Hash representation of a versioned node name.
  type Node = String

  object Node {

    def apply(name: String): Node = hash(name)

    def fromHash(hash: String): Node = hash

    private def hash(name: String): String = {
      val digester = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
      digester update name.getBytes("UTF-8") { h ⇒ "%02x".format(0xFF & h) }.mkString

  object Timestamp {
    final val Zero = 0L
    final val EndMarker = Long.MinValue

  sealed trait Ordering
  case object After extends Ordering
  case object Before extends Ordering
  case object Same extends Ordering
  case object Concurrent extends Ordering
   * Marker to ensure that we do a full order comparison instead of bailing out early.
  private case object FullOrder extends Ordering

   * Marker to signal that we have reached the end of a vector clock.
  private val cmpEndMarker = (VectorClock.Node("endmarker"), Timestamp.EndMarker)


 * Representation of a Vector-based clock (counting clock), inspired by Lamport logical clocks.
 * {{{
 * Reference:
 *    1) Leslie Lamport (1978). "Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system". Communications of the ACM 21 (7): 558-565.
 *    2) Friedemann Mattern (1988). "Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems". Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms: pp. 215-226
 * }}}
 * Based on code from the 'vlock' VectorClock library by Coda Hale.
final case class VectorClock(
  versions: TreeMap[VectorClock.Node, Long] = TreeMap.empty[VectorClock.Node, Long]) {

  import VectorClock._

   * Increment the version for the node passed as argument. Returns a new VectorClock.
  def :+(node: Node): VectorClock = {
    val currentTimestamp = versions.getOrElse(node, Timestamp.Zero)
    copy(versions = versions.updated(node, currentTimestamp + 1))

   * Returns true if <code>this</code> and <code>that</code> are concurrent else false.
  def <>(that: VectorClock): Boolean = compareOnlyTo(that, Concurrent) eq Concurrent

   * Returns true if <code>this</code> is before <code>that</code> else false.
  def <(that: VectorClock): Boolean = compareOnlyTo(that, Before) eq Before

   * Returns true if <code>this</code> is after <code>that</code> else false.
  def >(that: VectorClock): Boolean = compareOnlyTo(that, After) eq After

   * Returns true if this VectorClock has the same history as the 'that' VectorClock else false.
  def ==(that: VectorClock): Boolean = compareOnlyTo(that, Same) eq Same

   * Vector clock comparison according to the semantics described by compareTo, with the ability to bail
   * out early if the we can't reach the Ordering that we are looking for.
   * The ordering always starts with Same and can then go to Same, Before or After
   * If we're on After we can only go to After or Concurrent
   * If we're on Before we can only go to Before or Concurrent
   * If we go to Concurrent we exit the loop immediately
   * If you send in the ordering FullOrder, you will get a full comparison.
  private final def compareOnlyTo(that: VectorClock, order: Ordering): Ordering = {
    def nextOrElse[T](iter: Iterator[T], default: T): T = if (iter.hasNext) else default

    def compare(i1: Iterator[(Node, Long)], i2: Iterator[(Node, Long)], requestedOrder: Ordering): Ordering = {
      def compareNext(nt1: (Node, Long), nt2: (Node, Long), currentOrder: Ordering): Ordering =
        if ((requestedOrder ne FullOrder) && (currentOrder ne Same) && (currentOrder ne requestedOrder)) currentOrder
        else if ((nt1 eq cmpEndMarker) && (nt2 eq cmpEndMarker)) currentOrder
        // i1 is empty but i2 is not, so i1 can only be Before
        else if (nt1 eq cmpEndMarker) { if (currentOrder eq After) Concurrent else Before }
        // i2 is empty but i1 is not, so i1 can only be After
        else if (nt2 eq cmpEndMarker) { if (currentOrder eq Before) Concurrent else After }
        else {
          // compare the nodes
          val nc = nt1._1 compareTo nt2._1
          if (nc == 0) {
            // both nodes exist compare the timestamps
            // same timestamp so just continue with the next nodes
            if (nt1._2 == nt2._2) compareNext(nextOrElse(i1, cmpEndMarker), nextOrElse(i2, cmpEndMarker), currentOrder)
            else if (nt1._2 < nt2._2) {
              // t1 is less than t2, so i1 can only be Before
              if (currentOrder eq After) Concurrent
              else compareNext(nextOrElse(i1, cmpEndMarker), nextOrElse(i2, cmpEndMarker), Before)
            } else {
              // t2 is less than t1, so i1 can only be After
              if (currentOrder eq Before) Concurrent
              else compareNext(nextOrElse(i1, cmpEndMarker), nextOrElse(i2, cmpEndMarker), After)
          } else if (nc < 0) {
            // this node only exists in i1 so i1 can only be After
            if (currentOrder eq Before) Concurrent
            else compareNext(nextOrElse(i1, cmpEndMarker), nt2, After)
          } else {
            // this node only exists in i2 so i1 can only be Before
            if (currentOrder eq After) Concurrent
            else compareNext(nt1, nextOrElse(i2, cmpEndMarker), Before)

      compareNext(nextOrElse(i1, cmpEndMarker), nextOrElse(i2, cmpEndMarker), Same)

    if ((this eq that) || (this.versions eq that.versions)) Same
    else compare(this.versions.iterator, that.versions.iterator, if (order eq Concurrent) FullOrder else order)

   * Compare two vector clocks. The outcome will be one of the following:
   * <p/>
   * {{{
   *   1. Clock 1 is SAME (==)       as Clock 2 iff for all i c1(i) == c2(i)
   *   2. Clock 1 is BEFORE (<)      Clock 2 iff for all i c1(i) <= c2(i) and there exist a j such that c1(j) < c2(j)
   *   3. Clock 1 is AFTER (>)       Clock 2 iff for all i c1(i) >= c2(i) and there exist a j such that c1(j) > c2(j).
   *   4. Clock 1 is CONCURRENT (<>) to Clock 2 otherwise.
   * }}}
  def compareTo(that: VectorClock): Ordering = {
    compareOnlyTo(that, FullOrder)

   * Merges this VectorClock with another VectorClock. E.g. merges its versioned history.
  def merge(that: VectorClock): VectorClock = {
    var mergedVersions = that.versions
    for ((node, time) ← versions) {
      val mergedVersionsCurrentTime = mergedVersions.getOrElse(node, Timestamp.Zero)
      if (time > mergedVersionsCurrentTime)
        mergedVersions = mergedVersions.updated(node, time)

  override def toString = { case ((n, t)) ⇒ n + " -> " + t }.mkString("VectorClock(", ", ", ")")

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka VectorClock.scala source code file:

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