Akka/Scala example source code file (PeekMailboxSpec.scala)
The PeekMailboxSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.contrib.mailbox import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import akka.actor.{ Actor, ActorSystem, DeadLetter, PoisonPill, Props, Terminated, actorRef2Scala } import akka.testkit.{ AkkaSpec, EventFilter, ImplicitSender } object PeekMailboxSpec { case object Check case object DoubleAck class PeekActor(tries: Int) extends Actor { var togo = tries def receive = { case Check ⇒ sender() ! Check PeekMailboxExtension.ack() case DoubleAck ⇒ PeekMailboxExtension.ack() PeekMailboxExtension.ack() case msg ⇒ sender() ! msg if (togo == 0) throw new RuntimeException("DONTWANNA") togo -= 1 PeekMailboxExtension.ack() } override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, msg: Option[Any]) { for (m ← msg if m == "DIE") context stop self // for testing the case of mailbox.cleanUp } } } class PeekMailboxSpec extends AkkaSpec(""" peek-dispatcher { mailbox-type = "akka.contrib.mailbox.PeekMailboxType" max-retries = 2 } """) with ImplicitSender { import PeekMailboxSpec._ "A PeekMailbox" must { "retry messages" in { val a = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[PeekActor], 1).withDispatcher("peek-dispatcher")) a ! "hello" expectMsg("hello") EventFilter[RuntimeException]("DONTWANNA", occurrences = 1) intercept { a ! "world" } expectMsg("world") expectMsg("world") a ! Check expectMsg(Check) } "put a bound on retries" in { val a = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[PeekActor], 0).withDispatcher("peek-dispatcher")) EventFilter[RuntimeException]("DONTWANNA", occurrences = 3) intercept { a ! "hello" } a ! Check expectMsg("hello") expectMsg("hello") expectMsg("hello") expectMsg(Check) } "not waste messages on double-ack()" in { val a = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[PeekActor], 0).withDispatcher("peek-dispatcher")) a ! DoubleAck a ! Check expectMsg(Check) } "support cleanup" in { system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[DeadLetter]) val a = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[PeekActor], 0).withDispatcher("peek-dispatcher")) watch(a) EventFilter[RuntimeException]("DONTWANNA", occurrences = 1) intercept { a ! "DIE" // stays in the mailbox } expectMsg("DIE") expectMsgType[DeadLetter].message should be("DIE") expectTerminated(a) } } } //#demo class MyActor extends Actor { def receive = { case msg ⇒ println(msg) doStuff(msg) // may fail PeekMailboxExtension.ack() } //#business-logic-elided var i = 0 def doStuff(m: Any) { if (i == 1) throw new Exception("DONTWANNA") i += 1 } override def postStop() { context.system.shutdown() } //#business-logic-elided } object MyApp extends App { val system = ActorSystem("MySystem", ConfigFactory.parseString(""" peek-dispatcher { mailbox-type = "akka.contrib.mailbox.PeekMailboxType" max-tries = 2 } """)) val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor].withDispatcher("peek-dispatcher"), name = "myActor") myActor ! "Hello" myActor ! "World" myActor ! PoisonPill } //#demo Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka PeekMailboxSpec.scala source code file: |
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