Akka/Scala example source code file (Channel.scala)
The Channel.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.persistence import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable } import scala.collection.immutable import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import akka.actor._ import akka.persistence.serialization.Message import akka.persistence.JournalProtocol._ // TODO: remove Channel /** * A [[Channel]] configuration object. * * @param redeliverMax Maximum number of redelivery attempts. * @param redeliverInterval Interval between redelivery attempts. * @param redeliverFailureListener Receiver of [[RedeliverFailure]] notifications which are sent when the number * of redeliveries reaches `redeliverMax` for a sequence of messages. To enforce * a redelivery of these messages, the listener has to restart the sending processor. * Alternatively, it can also confirm these messages, preventing further redeliveries. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") final case class ChannelSettings( val redeliverMax: Int = 5, val redeliverInterval: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds, val redeliverFailureListener: Option[ActorRef] = None) { /** * Java API. */ def withRedeliverMax(redeliverMax: Int): ChannelSettings = copy(redeliverMax = redeliverMax) /** * Java API. */ def withRedeliverInterval(redeliverInterval: FiniteDuration): ChannelSettings = copy(redeliverInterval = redeliverInterval) /** * Java API. */ def withRedeliverFailureListener(redeliverFailureListener: ActorRef): ChannelSettings = copy(redeliverFailureListener = Option(redeliverFailureListener)) } @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") object ChannelSettings { /** * Java API. */ def create() = ChannelSettings.apply() } /** * A channel is used by [[Processor]]s (and [[View]]s) for sending [[Persistent]] messages to destinations. * The main responsibility of a channel is to prevent redundant delivery of replayed messages to destinations * when a processor is recovered. * * A channel is instructed to deliver a persistent message to a destination with the [[Deliver]] command. A * destination is provided as `ActorPath` and messages are sent via that path's `ActorSelection`. * * {{{ * class ForwardExample extends Processor { * val destination = context.actorOf(Props[MyDestination]) * val channel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), "myChannel") * * def receive = { * case m @ Persistent(payload, _) => * // forward modified message to destination * channel forward Deliver(m.withPayload(s"fw: ${payload}"), destination.path) * } * } * }}} * * To reply to the sender of a persistent message, the `sender` reference should be used as channel * destination. * * {{{ * class ReplyExample extends Processor { * val channel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), "myChannel") * * def receive = { * case m @ Persistent(payload, _) => * // reply modified message to sender * channel ! Deliver(m.withPayload(s"re: ${payload}"), sender.path) * } * } * }}} * * Redundant delivery of messages to destinations is only prevented if the receipt of these messages * is explicitly confirmed. Therefore, persistent messages that are delivered via a channel are of type * [[ConfirmablePersistent]]. Their receipt can be confirmed by a destination by calling the `confirm()` * method on these messages. * * {{{ * class MyDestination extends Actor { * def receive = { * case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, redeliveries) => cp.confirm() * } * } * }}} * * If a destination does not confirm the receipt of a `ConfirmablePersistent` message, it will be redelivered * by the channel according to the parameters in [[ChannelSettings]]. Redelivered messages have a `redeliveries` * value greater than zero. * * If the maximum number of redeliveries is reached for certain messages, they are removed from the channel and * a `redeliverFailureListener` (if specified, see [[ChannelSettings]]) is notified about these messages with a * [[RedeliverFailure]] message. Besides other application-specific tasks, this listener can restart the sending * processor to enforce a redelivery of these messages or confirm these messages to prevent further redeliveries. * * @see [[Deliver]] */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") final class Channel private[akka] (_channelId: Option[String], channelSettings: ChannelSettings) extends Actor { import channelSettings._ private val id = _channelId match { case Some(cid) ⇒ cid case None ⇒ Persistence(context.system).channelId(self) } private val journal = Persistence(context.system).confirmationBatchingJournalForChannel(id) private val delivery = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReliableDelivery], channelSettings)) def receive = { case d @ Deliver(persistent: PersistentRepr, _) ⇒ if (!persistent.confirms.contains(id)) delivery forward d.copy(prepareDelivery(persistent)) case d: RedeliverFailure ⇒ redeliverFailureListener.foreach(_ ! d) case d: Delivered ⇒ delivery forward d } private def prepareDelivery(persistent: PersistentRepr): PersistentRepr = ConfirmablePersistentImpl(persistent, confirmTarget = journal, confirmMessage = DeliveredByChannel(persistent.persistenceId, id, persistent.sequenceNr, channel = self)) } @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") object Channel { /** * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with a * generated id and default [[ChannelSettings]]. */ def props(): Props = props(ChannelSettings()) /** * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with a * generated id and specified `channelSettings`. * * @param channelSettings channel configuration object. */ def props(channelSettings: ChannelSettings): Props = Props(classOf[Channel], None, channelSettings) /** * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with the * specified id and default [[ChannelSettings]]. * * @param channelId channel id. */ def props(channelId: String): Props = props(channelId, ChannelSettings()) /** * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with the * specified id and specified `channelSettings`. * * @param channelId channel id. * @param channelSettings channel configuration object. */ def props(channelId: String, channelSettings: ChannelSettings): Props = Props(classOf[Channel], Some(channelId), channelSettings) } /** * Instructs a [[Channel]] or [[PersistentChannel]] to deliver a `persistent` message to * a `destination`. * * @param persistent persistent message. * @param destination persistent message destination. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") final case class Deliver(persistent: Persistent, destination: ActorPath) extends Message @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") object Deliver { /** * Java API. */ def create(persistent: Persistent, destination: ActorPath) = Deliver(persistent, destination) } /** * Plugin API: confirmation message generated by receivers of [[ConfirmablePersistent]] messages * by calling `ConfirmablePersistent.confirm()`. */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") trait Delivered extends Message { def channelId: String def persistentSequenceNr: Long def deliverySequenceNr: Long def channel: ActorRef /** * INTERNAL API. */ private[persistence] def update(deliverySequenceNr: Long = deliverySequenceNr, channel: ActorRef = channel): Delivered } /** * Plugin API. */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") final case class DeliveredByChannel( @deprecatedName('processorId) persistenceId: String, channelId: String, persistentSequenceNr: Long, deliverySequenceNr: Long = 0L, channel: ActorRef = null) extends Delivered with PersistentConfirmation { def sequenceNr: Long = persistentSequenceNr def update(deliverySequenceNr: Long, channel: ActorRef): DeliveredByChannel = copy(deliverySequenceNr = deliverySequenceNr, channel = channel) } /** * INTERNAL API. */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") private[persistence] class DeliveredByChannelBatching(journal: ActorRef, settings: PersistenceSettings) extends Actor { private val publish = settings.internal.publishConfirmations private val batchMax = settings.journal.maxConfirmationBatchSize private var batching = false private var batch = Vector.empty[DeliveredByChannel] def receive = { case WriteConfirmationsSuccess(confirmations) ⇒ if (batch.isEmpty) batching = false else journalBatch() confirmations.foreach { c ⇒ val dbc = c.asInstanceOf[DeliveredByChannel] if (dbc.channel != null) dbc.channel ! c if (publish) context.system.eventStream.publish(c) } case WriteConfirmationsFailure(_) ⇒ if (batch.isEmpty) batching = false else journalBatch() case d: DeliveredByChannel ⇒ addToBatch(d) if (!batching || maxBatchSizeReached) journalBatch() case m ⇒ journal forward m } def addToBatch(pc: DeliveredByChannel): Unit = batch = batch :+ pc def maxBatchSizeReached: Boolean = batch.length >= batchMax def journalBatch(): Unit = { journal ! WriteConfirmations(batch, self) batch = Vector.empty batching = true } } /** * Notification message to inform channel listeners about messages that have reached the maximum * number of redeliveries. */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") final case class RedeliverFailure(messages: immutable.Seq[ConfirmablePersistent]) { /** * Java API. */ def getMessages: JIterable[ConfirmablePersistent] = messages.asJava } /** * Reliably deliver messages contained in [[Deliver]] requests to their destinations. Unconfirmed * messages are redelivered according to the parameters in [[ChannelSettings]]. */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") private class ReliableDelivery(redeliverSettings: ChannelSettings) extends Actor { import redeliverSettings._ import ReliableDelivery._ private val redelivery = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Redelivery], redeliverSettings)) private var deliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttempts = immutable.SortedMap.empty private var deliverySequenceNr: Long = 0L def receive = { case d @ Deliver(persistent: ConfirmablePersistentImpl, destination) ⇒ val dsnr = nextDeliverySequenceNr() val psnr = persistent.sequenceNr val confirm = persistent.confirmMessage.update(deliverySequenceNr = dsnr) val updated = persistent.update(confirmMessage = confirm, sequenceNr = if (psnr == 0) dsnr else psnr) context.actorSelection(destination).tell(updated, sender()) deliveryAttempts += (dsnr -> DeliveryAttempt(updated, destination, sender())) case d: Delivered ⇒ deliveryAttempts -= d.deliverySequenceNr redelivery forward d case Redeliver ⇒ val limit = System.nanoTime - redeliverInterval.toNanos val (older, younger) = deliveryAttempts.span { case (_, a) ⇒ a.timestamp < limit } redelivery ! Redeliver(older, redeliverMax) deliveryAttempts = younger } private def nextDeliverySequenceNr(): Long = { deliverySequenceNr += 1 deliverySequenceNr } } @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") private object ReliableDelivery { type DeliveryAttempts = immutable.SortedMap[Long, DeliveryAttempt] type FailedAttempts = Vector[ConfirmablePersistentImpl] final case class DeliveryAttempt(persistent: ConfirmablePersistentImpl, destination: ActorPath, sender: ActorRef, timestamp: Long = System.nanoTime) { def incrementRedeliveryCount = copy(persistent.update(redeliveries = persistent.redeliveries + 1)) } final case class Redeliver(attempts: DeliveryAttempts, redeliveryMax: Int) } /** * Redelivery process used by [[ReliableDelivery]]. */ @deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4") private class Redelivery(redeliverSettings: ChannelSettings) extends Actor { import context.dispatcher import redeliverSettings._ import ReliableDelivery._ private var redeliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttempts = immutable.SortedMap.empty private var redeliverySchedule: Cancellable = _ def receive = { case Redeliver(as, max) ⇒ val (attempts, failed) = (redeliveryAttempts ++ as).foldLeft[(DeliveryAttempts, FailedAttempts)]((immutable.SortedMap.empty, Vector.empty)) { case ((attempts, failed), (k, attempt)) ⇒ val persistent = attempt.persistent if (persistent.redeliveries >= redeliverMax) { (attempts, failed :+ persistent) } else { val updated = attempt.incrementRedeliveryCount context.actorSelection(updated.destination).tell(updated.persistent, updated.sender) (attempts.updated(k, updated), failed) } } redeliveryAttempts = attempts scheduleRedelivery() failed.headOption.foreach(_.confirmMessage.channel ! RedeliverFailure(failed)) case c: Delivered ⇒ redeliveryAttempts -= c.deliverySequenceNr } override def preStart(): Unit = scheduleRedelivery() override def postStop(): Unit = redeliverySchedule.cancel() private def scheduleRedelivery(): Unit = redeliverySchedule = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(redeliverInterval, context.parent, Redeliver) } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka Channel.scala source code file: |
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