Akka/Scala example source code file (PersistentView.scala)
The PersistentView.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.persistence import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.actor._ import akka.persistence.JournalProtocol._ /** * Instructs a [[PersistentView]] to update itself. This will run a single incremental message replay with * all messages from the corresponding persistent id's journal that have not yet been consumed by the view. * To update a view with messages that have been written after handling this request, another `Update` * request must be sent to the view. * * @param await if `true`, processing of further messages sent to the view will be delayed until the * incremental message replay, triggered by this update request, completes. If `false`, * any message sent to the view may interleave with replayed [[Persistent]] message * stream. * @param replayMax maximum number of messages to replay when handling this update request. Defaults * to `Long.MaxValue` (i.e. no limit). */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Update(await: Boolean = false, replayMax: Long = Long.MaxValue) object Update { /** * Java API. */ def create() = Update() /** * Java API. */ def create(await: Boolean) = Update(await) /** * Java API. */ def create(await: Boolean, replayMax: Long) = Update(await, replayMax) } /** * A view replicates the persistent message stream of a [[PersistentActor]]. Implementation classes receive * the message stream directly from the Journal. These messages can be processed to update internal state * in order to maintain an (eventual consistent) view of the state of the corresponding persistent actor. A * persistent view can also run on a different node, provided that a replicated journal is used. * * Implementation classes refer to a persistent actors' message stream by implementing `persistenceId` * with the corresponding (shared) identifier value. * * Views can also store snapshots of internal state by calling [[autoUpdate]]. The snapshots of a view * are independent of those of the referenced persistent actor. During recovery, a saved snapshot is offered * to the view with a [[SnapshotOffer]] message, followed by replayed messages, if any, that are younger * than the snapshot. Default is to offer the latest saved snapshot. * * By default, a view automatically updates itself with an interval returned by `autoUpdateInterval`. * This method can be overridden by implementation classes to define a view instance-specific update * interval. The default update interval for all views of an actor system can be configured with the * `akka.persistence.view.auto-update-interval` configuration key. Applications may trigger additional * view updates by sending the view [[Update]] requests. See also methods * * - [[autoUpdate]] for turning automated updates on or off * - [[autoUpdateReplayMax]] for limiting the number of replayed messages per view update cycle */ trait PersistentView extends Actor with Recovery { import context.dispatcher /** * INTERNAL API. * * Extends the `replayStarted` state of [[Recovery]] with logic to handle [[Update]] requests * sent by users. */ private[persistence] override def replayStarted(await: Boolean) = new State { private var delegateAwaiting = await private var delegate = PersistentView.super.replayStarted(await) override def toString: String = delegate.toString override def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any) = message match { case Update(false, _) ⇒ // ignore case u @ Update(true, _) if !delegateAwaiting ⇒ delegateAwaiting = true delegate = PersistentView.super.replayStarted(await = true) delegate.aroundReceive(receive, u) case other ⇒ delegate.aroundReceive(receive, other) } } /** * When receiving an [[Update]] request, switches to `replayStarted` state and triggers * an incremental message replay. Invokes the actor's current behavior for any other * received message. */ private val idle: State = new State { override def toString: String = "idle" def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any): Unit = message match { case r: Recover ⇒ // ignore case Update(awaitUpdate, replayMax) ⇒ _currentState = replayStarted(await = awaitUpdate) journal ! ReplayMessages(lastSequenceNr + 1L, Long.MaxValue, replayMax, persistenceId, self) case other ⇒ process(receive, other) } } /** * INTERNAL API. */ private[persistence] def onReplaySuccess(receive: Receive, await: Boolean): Unit = onReplayComplete(await) /** * INTERNAL API. */ private[persistence] def onReplayFailure(receive: Receive, await: Boolean, cause: Throwable): Unit = onReplayComplete(await) /** * Switches to `idle` state and schedules the next update if `autoUpdate` returns `true`. */ private def onReplayComplete(await: Boolean): Unit = { _currentState = idle if (autoUpdate) schedule = Some(context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(autoUpdateInterval, self, Update(await = false, autoUpdateReplayMax))) if (await) receiverStash.unstashAll() } /** * INTERNAL API * WARNING: This implementation UNWRAPS PERSISTENT() before delivering to the receive block. */ override private[persistence] def withCurrentPersistent(persistent: Persistent)(body: Persistent ⇒ Unit): Unit = super.withCurrentPersistent(persistent) { p ⇒ receive.applyOrElse(p.payload, unhandled) } private val viewSettings = extension.settings.view private var schedule: Option[Cancellable] = None /** * View id is used as identifier for snapshots performed by this [[PersistentView]]. * This allows the View to keep separate snapshots of data than the [[PersistentActor]] originating the message stream. * * * The usual case is to have a *different* id set as `viewId` than `persistenceId`, * although it is possible to share the same id with an [[PersistentActor]] - for example to decide about snapshots * based on some average or sum, calculated by this view. * * Example: * {{{ * class SummingView extends PersistentView { * override def persistenceId = "count-123" * override def viewId = "count-123-sum" // this view is performing summing, * // so this view's snapshots reside under the "-sum" suffixed id * * // ... * } * }}} */ def viewId: String /** * Returns `viewId`. */ def snapshotterId: String = viewId /** * If `true`, the currently processed message was persisted (is sent from the Journal). * If `false`, the currently processed message comes from another actor (from "user-land"). */ def isPersistent: Boolean = currentPersistentMessage.isDefined /** * If `true`, this view automatically updates itself with an interval specified by `autoUpdateInterval`. * If `false`, applications must explicitly update this view by sending [[Update]] requests. The default * value can be configured with the `akka.persistence.view.auto-update` configuration key. This method * can be overridden by implementation classes to return non-default values. */ def autoUpdate: Boolean = viewSettings.autoUpdate /** * The interval for automated updates. The default value can be configured with the * `akka.persistence.view.auto-update-interval` configuration key. This method can be * overridden by implementation classes to return non-default values. */ def autoUpdateInterval: FiniteDuration = viewSettings.autoUpdateInterval /** * The maximum number of messages to replay per update. The default value can be configured with the * `akka.persistence.view.auto-update-replay-max` configuration key. This method can be overridden by * implementation classes to return non-default values. */ def autoUpdateReplayMax: Long = viewSettings.autoUpdateReplayMax /** * Triggers an initial recovery, starting form a snapshot, if any, and replaying at most `autoUpdateReplayMax` * messages (following that snapshot). */ override def preStart(): Unit = { super.preStart() self ! Recover(replayMax = autoUpdateReplayMax) } override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = { try receiverStash.unstashAll() finally super.preRestart(reason, message) } override def postStop(): Unit = { schedule.foreach(_.cancel()) super.postStop() } } /** * Java API. * * @see [[PersistentView]] */ abstract class UntypedPersistentView extends UntypedActor with PersistentView /** * Java API: compatible with lambda expressions (to be used with [[akka.japi.pf.ReceiveBuilder]]) * * @see [[PersistentView]] */ abstract class AbstractPersistentView extends AbstractActor with PersistentView Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka PersistentView.scala source code file: |
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