Akka/Scala example source code file (PerformanceSpec.scala)
The PerformanceSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.persistence import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import akka.actor._ import akka.testkit._ object PerformanceSpec { // multiply cycles with 200 for more // accurate throughput measurements val config = """ akka.persistence.performance.cycles.warmup = 300 akka.persistence.performance.cycles.load = 1000 """ case object StartMeasure case object StopMeasure final case class FailAt(sequenceNr: Long) trait Measure extends { this: Actor ⇒ val NanoToSecond = 1000.0 * 1000 * 1000 var startTime: Long = 0L var stopTime: Long = 0L var startSequenceNr = 0L var stopSequenceNr = 0L def startMeasure(): Unit = { startSequenceNr = lastSequenceNr startTime = System.nanoTime } def stopMeasure(): Unit = { stopSequenceNr = lastSequenceNr stopTime = System.nanoTime sender() ! (NanoToSecond * (stopSequenceNr - startSequenceNr) / (stopTime - startTime)) } def lastSequenceNr: Long } class PerformanceTestDestination extends Actor with Measure { var lastSequenceNr = 0L val confirm: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, _) ⇒ lastSequenceNr = sequenceNr cp.confirm() payload } def receive = confirm andThen { case StartMeasure ⇒ startMeasure() case StopMeasure ⇒ stopMeasure() case m ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print(".") } } abstract class PerformanceTestProcessor(name: String) extends NamedProcessor(name) with Measure { var failAt: Long = -1 val controlBehavior: Receive = { case StartMeasure ⇒ startMeasure() case StopMeasure ⇒ stopMeasure() case FailAt(sequenceNr) ⇒ failAt = sequenceNr } override def postRestart(reason: Throwable) { super.postRestart(reason) receive(StartMeasure) } } class CommandsourcedTestProcessor(name: String) extends PerformanceTestProcessor(name) { def receive = controlBehavior orElse { case p: Persistent ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) if (recoveryRunning) print("r") else print(".") if (lastSequenceNr == failAt) throw new TestException("boom") } } class CommandsourcedTestPersistentActor(name: String) extends PerformanceTestProcessor(name) with PersistentActor { override val controlBehavior: Receive = { case StartMeasure ⇒ startMeasure() case StopMeasure ⇒ defer(StopMeasure)(_ ⇒ stopMeasure()) case FailAt(sequenceNr) ⇒ failAt = sequenceNr } val receiveRecover: Receive = { case _ ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print("r") } val receiveCommand: Receive = controlBehavior orElse { case cmd ⇒ persistAsync(cmd) { _ ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print(".") if (lastSequenceNr == failAt) throw new TestException("boom") } } } class EventsourcedTestProcessor(name: String) extends PerformanceTestProcessor(name) with PersistentActor { val receiveRecover: Receive = { case _ ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print("r") } val receiveCommand: Receive = controlBehavior orElse { case cmd ⇒ persist(cmd) { _ ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print(".") if (lastSequenceNr == failAt) throw new TestException("boom") } } } class StashingEventsourcedTestProcessor(name: String) extends PerformanceTestProcessor(name) with PersistentActor { val receiveRecover: Receive = { case _ ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print("r") } val printProgress: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = { case m ⇒ if (lastSequenceNr % 1000 == 0) print("."); m } val receiveCommand: Receive = printProgress andThen (controlBehavior orElse { case "a" ⇒ persist("a")(_ ⇒ context.become(processC)) case "b" ⇒ persist("b")(_ ⇒ ()) }) val processC: Receive = printProgress andThen { case "c" ⇒ persist("c")(_ ⇒ context.unbecome()) unstashAll() case other ⇒ stash() } } } class PerformanceSpec extends AkkaSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("leveldb", "PerformanceSpec", serialization = "off").withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString(PerformanceSpec.config))) with PersistenceSpec with ImplicitSender { import PerformanceSpec._ val warmupCycles = system.settings.config.getInt("akka.persistence.performance.cycles.warmup") val loadCycles = system.settings.config.getInt("akka.persistence.performance.cycles.load") def stressCommandsourcedProcessor(failAt: Option[Long]): Unit = { val processor = namedProcessor[CommandsourcedTestProcessor] failAt foreach { processor ! FailAt(_) } 1 to warmupCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! Persistent(s"msg${i}") } processor ! StartMeasure 1 to loadCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! Persistent(s"msg${i}") } processor ! StopMeasure expectMsgPF(100 seconds) { case throughput: Double ⇒ println(f"\nthroughput = $throughput%.2f persistent processor commands per second") } } def stressCommandsourcedPersistentActor(failAt: Option[Long]): Unit = { val processor = namedProcessor[CommandsourcedTestPersistentActor] failAt foreach { processor ! FailAt(_) } 1 to warmupCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! s"msg${i}" } processor ! StartMeasure 1 to loadCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! s"msg${i}" } processor ! StopMeasure expectMsgPF(100 seconds) { case throughput: Double ⇒ println(f"\nthroughput = $throughput%.2f persistent actor commands per second") } } def stressPersistentActor(failAt: Option[Long]): Unit = { val processor = namedProcessor[EventsourcedTestProcessor] failAt foreach { processor ! FailAt(_) } 1 to warmupCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! s"msg${i}" } processor ! StartMeasure 1 to loadCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! s"msg${i}" } processor ! StopMeasure expectMsgPF(100 seconds) { case throughput: Double ⇒ println(f"\nthroughput = $throughput%.2f persistent events per second") } } def stressStashingPersistentActor(): Unit = { val processor = namedProcessor[StashingEventsourcedTestProcessor] 1 to warmupCycles foreach { i ⇒ processor ! "b" } processor ! StartMeasure val cmds = 1 to (loadCycles / 3) flatMap (_ ⇒ List("a", "b", "c")) processor ! StartMeasure cmds foreach (processor ! _) processor ! StopMeasure expectMsgPF(100 seconds) { case throughput: Double ⇒ println(f"\nthroughput = $throughput%.2f persistent events per second") } } def stressPersistentChannel(): Unit = { val channel = system.actorOf(PersistentChannel.props()) val destination = system.actorOf(Props[PerformanceTestDestination]) 1 to warmupCycles foreach { i ⇒ channel ! Deliver(PersistentRepr(s"msg${i}", persistenceId = "test"), destination.path) } channel ! Deliver(Persistent(StartMeasure), destination.path) 1 to loadCycles foreach { i ⇒ channel ! Deliver(PersistentRepr(s"msg${i}", persistenceId = "test"), destination.path) } channel ! Deliver(Persistent(StopMeasure), destination.path) expectMsgPF(100 seconds) { case throughput: Double ⇒ println(f"\nthroughput = $throughput%.2f persistent messages per second") } } def subscribeToConfirmation(probe: TestProbe): Unit = system.eventStream.subscribe(probe.ref, classOf[DeliveredByPersistentChannel]) def awaitConfirmation(probe: TestProbe): Unit = probe.expectMsgType[DeliveredByPersistentChannel] "A command sourced processor" should { "have some reasonable throughput" in { stressCommandsourcedProcessor(None) } "have some reasonable throughput under failure conditions" in { stressCommandsourcedProcessor(Some(warmupCycles + loadCycles / 10)) } } "A command sourced persistent actor" should { "have some reasonable throughput" in { stressCommandsourcedPersistentActor(None) } } "An event sourced persistent actor" should { "have some reasonable throughput" in { stressPersistentActor(None) } "have some reasonable throughput under failure conditions" in { stressPersistentActor(Some(warmupCycles + loadCycles / 10)) } "have some reasonable throughput with stashing and unstashing every 3rd command" in { stressStashingPersistentActor() } } "A persistent channel" should { "have some reasonable throughput" in { val probe = TestProbe() subscribeToConfirmation(probe) stressPersistentChannel() probe.fishForMessage(100.seconds) { case DeliveredByPersistentChannel(_, snr, _, _) ⇒ snr == warmupCycles + loadCycles + 2 } } } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka PerformanceSpec.scala source code file: |
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