Akka/Scala example source code file (ProcessorChannelSpec.scala)
The ProcessorChannelSpec.scala Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.persistence import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import com.typesafe.config._ import akka.actor._ import akka.testkit._ object ProcessorChannelSpec { class TestProcessor(name: String, channelProps: Props) extends NamedProcessor(name) { val destination = context.actorOf(Props[TestDestination]) val channel = context.actorOf(channelProps) def receive = { case m @ Persistent(s: String, _) if s.startsWith("a") ⇒ // forward to destination via channel, // destination replies to initial sender channel forward Deliver(m.withPayload(s"fw: ${s}"), destination.path) case m @ Persistent(s: String, _) if s.startsWith("b") ⇒ // reply to sender via channel channel ! Deliver(m.withPayload(s"re: ${s}"), sender().path) case m @ Persistent(s: String, _) if s.startsWith("c") ⇒ // don't use channel sender() ! s"got: ${s}" case "replay" ⇒ throw new TestException("replay requested") } } class TestDestination extends Actor { def receive = { case m: Persistent ⇒ sender() ! m } } class ResendingProcessor(name: String, channelProps: Props, destination: ActorRef) extends NamedProcessor(name) { val channel = context.actorOf(channelProps) def receive = { case p: Persistent ⇒ channel ! Deliver(p, destination.path) case "replay" ⇒ throw new TestException("replay requested") } } class ResendingPersistentActor(name: String, channelProps: Props, destination: ActorRef) extends NamedProcessor(name) with PersistentActor { val channel = context.actorOf(channelProps) var events: List[String] = Nil def handleEvent(event: String) = { events = event :: events channel ! Deliver(Persistent(event), destination.path) } def receiveRecover: Receive = { case event: String ⇒ handleEvent(event) } def receiveCommand: Receive = { case "cmd" ⇒ persist("evt")(handleEvent) case "replay" ⇒ throw new TestException("replay requested") } } } abstract class ProcessorChannelSpec(config: Config) extends AkkaSpec(config) with PersistenceSpec with ImplicitSender { import ProcessorChannelSpec._ private var processor: ActorRef = _ override protected def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() setupTestProcessorData() processor = createTestProcessor() } override protected def afterEach(): Unit = { system.stop(processor) super.afterEach() } def subscribeToConfirmation(probe: TestProbe): Unit = system.eventStream.subscribe(probe.ref, classOf[Delivered]) def awaitConfirmation(probe: TestProbe): Unit = probe.expectMsgType[Delivered] def createTestProcessor(): ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[TestProcessor], name, testChannelProps)) def testChannelProps: Props def testResendingChannelProps: Props def setupTestProcessorData(): Unit = { val confirmProbe = TestProbe() val forwardProbe = TestProbe() val replyProbe = TestProbe() val senderProbe = TestProbe() val processor = createTestProcessor() subscribeToConfirmation(confirmProbe) processor tell (Persistent("a1"), forwardProbe.ref) processor tell (Persistent("b1"), replyProbe.ref) processor tell (Persistent("c1"), senderProbe.ref) forwardProbe.expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("fw: a1", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() } replyProbe.expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("re: b1", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() } senderProbe.expectMsg("got: c1") awaitConfirmation(confirmProbe) awaitConfirmation(confirmProbe) system.stop(processor) } "A processor that uses a channel" can { "forward new messages to destination" in { processor ! Persistent("a2") expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("fw: a2", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() } } "reply new messages to senders" in { processor ! Persistent("b2") expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("re: b2", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() } } "de-duplicate confirmed messages on restart" in { processor ! Persistent("c3") expectMsg("got: c3") processor ! Persistent("a3") expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("fw: a3", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() } processor ! "replay" expectMsg("got: c3") expectNoMsg(1.second) } "de-duplicate confirmed messages on starting new with same processor id" in { processor ! Persistent("c4") expectMsg("got: c4") processor ! Persistent("a4") expectMsgPF() { case m @ ConfirmablePersistent("fw: a4", _, _) ⇒ m.confirm() } val p2 = createTestProcessor() expectMsg("got: c4") expectNoMsg(1.second) } "resend unconfirmed messages on restart" in { val probe = TestProbe() val p = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ResendingProcessor], "rp", testResendingChannelProps, probe.ref)) p ! Persistent("a") probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("a", 1L, 0) ⇒ } probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("a", 1L, 1) ⇒ } probe.expectNoMsg(200 milliseconds) p ! "replay" probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("a", 1L, 0) ⇒ } probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("a", 1L, 1) ⇒ cp.confirm() } } } "A persistent actor that uses a channel" can { "reliably deliver events" in { val probe = TestProbe() val ep = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ResendingPersistentActor], "rep", testResendingChannelProps, probe.ref)) ep ! "cmd" probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("evt", _, 0) ⇒ } probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("evt", _, 1) ⇒ } probe.expectNoMsg(200 milliseconds) ep ! "replay" probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("evt", _, 0) ⇒ } probe.expectMsgPF() { case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent("evt", _, 1) ⇒ cp.confirm() } } } } class LeveldbProcessorChannelSpec extends ProcessorChannelSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("leveldb", "LeveldbProcessorChannelSpec")) { def testChannelProps: Props = Channel.props(s"${name}-channel") def testResendingChannelProps: Props = Channel.props("channel", ChannelSettings(redeliverMax = 1, redeliverInterval = 100 milliseconds)) } class InmemProcessorChannelSpec extends ProcessorChannelSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("inmem", "InmemProcessorChannelSpec")) { def testChannelProps: Props = Channel.props(s"${name}-channel") def testResendingChannelProps: Props = Channel.props("channel", ChannelSettings(redeliverMax = 1, redeliverInterval = 100 milliseconds)) } class LeveldbProcessorPersistentChannelSpec extends ProcessorChannelSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("leveldb", "LeveldbProcessorPersistentChannelSpec")) { def testChannelProps: Props = PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-channel") def testResendingChannelProps: Props = PersistentChannel.props("channel", PersistentChannelSettings(redeliverMax = 1, redeliverInterval = 100 milliseconds)) } class InmemProcessorPersistentChannelSpec extends ProcessorChannelSpec(PersistenceSpec.config("inmem", "InmemProcessorPersistentChannelSpec")) { def testChannelProps: Props = PersistentChannel.props(s"${name}-channel") def testResendingChannelProps: Props = PersistentChannel.props("channel", PersistentChannelSettings(redeliverMax = 1, redeliverInterval = 100 milliseconds)) } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka ProcessorChannelSpec.scala source code file: |
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