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Akka/Scala example source code file (

This example Akka source code file ( is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

abstractfunction0, actor, actorref, akka, boolean, class, concurrent, duration, eventfilter, finiteduration, japi, object, receivewhile, t, testing, time

The Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.testkit;

import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0;
import akka.event.Logging;
import akka.event.Logging.LogEvent;
import akka.japi.JavaPartialFunction;
import akka.japi.Util;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * Java API: Test kit for testing actors. Inheriting from this class enables
 * reception of replies from actors, which are queued by an internal actor and
 * can be examined using the <code>expectMsg...</code> methods. Assertions and
 * bounds concerning timing are available in the form of <code>Within</code>
 * blocks.
 * <p>
 * Beware of two points:
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>the ActorSystem passed into the constructor needs to be shutdown,
 * otherwise thread pools and memory will be leaked - this trait is not
 * thread-safe (only one actor with one queue, one stack of <code>Within</code>
 * blocks); take care not to run tests within a single test class instance in
 * parallel.</li>
 * <li>It should be noted that for CI servers and the like all maximum Durations
 * are scaled using the <code>dilated</code> method, which uses the
 * TestKitExtension.Settings.TestTimeFactor settable via akka.conf entry
 * "akka.test.timefactor".</li>
 * </ul>
public class JavaTestKit {
   * Shut down an actor system and wait for termination.
   * On failure debug output will be logged about the remaining actors in the system.
   * <p>
   * If verifySystemShutdown is true, then an exception will be thrown on failure.
  public static void shutdownActorSystem(ActorSystem actorSystem, Duration duration, Boolean verifySystemShutdown) {
      boolean vss = verifySystemShutdown != null ? verifySystemShutdown : false;
      Duration dur = duration != null ? duration : FiniteDuration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem, dur, vss);

  public static void shutdownActorSystem(ActorSystem actorSystem) {
    shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem, null, null);
  public void shutdownActorSystem(ActorSystem actorSystem, Duration duration) {
    shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem, duration, null);
  public void shutdownActorSystem(ActorSystem actorSystem, Boolean verifySystemShutdown) {
    shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem, null, verifySystemShutdown);

  private final TestProbe p;

  public JavaTestKit(ActorSystem system) {
    p = new TestProbe(system);

   * ActorRef of the test actor. Access is provided to enable e.g. registration
   * as message target.
  public ActorRef getTestActor() {
    return p.testActor();

   * Shorthand to get the testActor.
  public ActorRef getRef() {
    return getTestActor();

  public ActorSystem getSystem() {
    return p.system();

  static public FiniteDuration duration(String s) {
    final Duration ret = Duration.apply(s);
    if (ret instanceof FiniteDuration)
      return (FiniteDuration) ret;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration() is only for finite durations, use Duration.Inf() and friends");

  public Duration dilated(Duration d) {
    return d.mul(TestKitExtension.get(getSystem()).TestTimeFactor());

   * Query queue status.
  public boolean msgAvailable() {
    return p.msgAvailable();

  public ActorRef getLastSender() {
    return p.lastMessage().sender();

  public void send(ActorRef actor, Object msg) {
    actor.tell(msg, p.ref());

  public void forward(ActorRef actor) {
    actor.tell(p.lastMessage().msg(), p.lastMessage().sender());

  public void reply(Object msg) {
    p.lastMessage().sender().tell(msg, p.ref());

  public FiniteDuration getRemainingTime() {
    return p.remaining();

  public FiniteDuration getRemainingTimeOr(FiniteDuration def) {
    return p.remainingOr(def);

   * Have the testActor watch someone (i.e.
   * <code>getContext().getWatch(...)</code> ).
  public ActorRef watch(ActorRef ref) {

   * Have the testActor stop watching someone (i.e.
   * <code>getContext.unwatch(...)</code>).
  public ActorRef unwatch(ActorRef ref) {
    return p.unwatch(ref);

   * Ignore all messages in the test actor for which the given function returns
   * true.
  public abstract class IgnoreMsg {
    abstract protected boolean ignore(Object msg);

    public IgnoreMsg() {
      p.ignoreMsg(new JavaPartialFunction<Object, Object>() {
        public Boolean apply(Object in, boolean isCheck) {
          return ignore(in);

   * Stop ignoring messages in the test actor.
  public void ignoreNoMsg() {

   * Install an AutoPilot to drive the testActor: the AutoPilot will be run for
   * each received message and can be used to send or forward messages, etc.
   * Each invocation must return the AutoPilot for the next round.
  public void setAutoPilot(TestActor.AutoPilot pilot) {

   * Obtain time remaining for execution of the innermost enclosing
   * <code>Within</code> block or missing that it returns the properly dilated
   * default for this case from settings (key
   * "akka.test.single-expect-default").
  public FiniteDuration remaining() {
    return p.remaining();

   * Obtain time remaining for execution of the innermost enclosing
   * <code>Within</code> block or missing that it returns the given duration.
  public FiniteDuration remainingOr(FiniteDuration duration) {
    return p.remainingOr(duration);

   * Execute code block while bounding its execution time between
   * <code>min</code> and <code>max</code>. <code>Within</code> blocks may be
   * nested. All methods in this trait which take maximum wait times are
   * available in a version which implicitly uses the remaining time governed by
   * the innermost enclosing <code>Within</code> block.
   * <p>
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using <code>dilated</code>, which uses the
   * configuration entry "akka.test.timefactor", while the min Duration is not.
   * <p>
   * <pre>
   * <code>
   * // the run() method needs to finish within 3 seconds
   * new Within(duration("3 seconds")) {
   *   protected void run() {
   *     // ...
   *   }
   * }
   * </code>
   * </pre>
  public abstract class Within {
    protected abstract void run();

    public Within(FiniteDuration max) {
      p.within(max, new AbstractFunction0<Object>() {
        public Object apply() {
          return null;

    public Within(FiniteDuration min, FiniteDuration max) {
      p.within(min, max, new AbstractFunction0<Object>() {
        public Object apply() {
          return null;

   * Await until the given condition evaluates to <code>true</code> or the
   * timeout expires, whichever comes first.
   * <p>
   * If no timeout is given, take it from the innermost enclosing
   * <code>Within</code> block.
   * <p>
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated, which uses the
   * configuration entry "akka.test.timefactor".
  public abstract class AwaitCond {
    protected abstract boolean cond();

    public AwaitCond() {
      this(Duration.Undefined(), p.awaitCond$default$3());

    public AwaitCond(Duration max) {
      this(max, p.awaitCond$default$3());

    public AwaitCond(Duration max, Duration interval) {
      p.awaitCond(new AbstractFunction0<Object>() {
        public Object apply() {
          return cond();
      }, max, interval, p.awaitCond$default$4());

    public AwaitCond(Duration max, Duration interval, String message) {
      p.awaitCond(new AbstractFunction0<Object>() {
        public Object apply() {
          return cond();
      }, max, interval, message);

   * Await until the given assert does not throw an exception or the timeout
   * expires, whichever comes first. If the timeout expires the last exception
   * is thrown.
   * <p>
   * If no timeout is given, take it from the innermost enclosing
   * <code>Within</code> block.
   * <p>
   * Note that the timeout is scaled using Duration.dilated, which uses the
   * configuration entry "akka.test.timefactor".
  public abstract class AwaitAssert {
    protected abstract void check();

    public AwaitAssert() {
      this(Duration.Undefined(), p.awaitAssert$default$3());

    public AwaitAssert(Duration max) {
      this(max, p.awaitAssert$default$3());

    public AwaitAssert(Duration max, Duration interval) {
      p.awaitAssert(new AbstractFunction0<Object>() {
        public Object apply() {
          return null;
      }, max, interval);

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that the given matching
   * function accepts it. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * <p>
   * The received object as transformed by the matching function can be
   * retrieved with the <code>get</code> method.
   * Use this variant to implement more complicated or conditional processing.
   * <p>
   * <pre>
   * <code>
   * final String out = new ExpectMsg<String>("match hint") {
   *   protected String match(Object in) {
   *     if (in instanceof Integer)
   *       return "match";
   *     else
   *       throw noMatch();
   *   }
   * }.get(); // this extracts the received message
   * </code>
   * </pre>
  public abstract class ExpectMsg<T> {
    private final T result;

    public ExpectMsg(String hint) {
      this(Duration.Undefined(), hint);

    public ExpectMsg(Duration max, String hint) {
      final Object received = p.receiveOne(max);
      try {
        result = match(received);
      } catch (JavaPartialFunction.NoMatchException ex) {
        throw new AssertionError("while expecting '" + hint + "' received unexpected: " + received);

    abstract protected T match(Object msg);

    protected RuntimeException noMatch() {
      throw JavaPartialFunction.noMatch();

    public T get() {
      return result;

   * Same as <code>expectMsgEquals(remainingOrDefault(), obj)</code>, but correctly
   * treating the timeFactor.
  public <T> T expectMsgEquals(T msg) {
    return p.expectMsg(msg);

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it equals the given
   * object. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  public <T> T expectMsgEquals(FiniteDuration max, T msg) {
    return p.expectMsg(max, msg);

   * Same as <code>expectMsgClass(remainingOrDefault(), clazz)</code>, but correctly
   * treating the timeFactor.
  public <T> T expectMsgClass(Class<T> clazz) {
    return p.expectMsgClass(clazz);

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it conforms to the
   * given class. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  public <T> T expectMsgClass(FiniteDuration max, Class<T> clazz) {
    return p.expectMsgClass(max, clazz);

   * Same as <code>expectMsgAnyOf(remainingOrDefault(), obj...)</code>, but correctly
   * treating the timeFactor.
  public Object expectMsgAnyOf(Object... msgs) {
    return p.expectMsgAnyOf(Util.immutableSeq(msgs));

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it equals one of
   * the given objects. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  public Object expectMsgAnyOf(FiniteDuration max, Object... msgs) {
    return p.expectMsgAnyOf(max, Util.immutableSeq(msgs));

   * Same as <code>expectMsgAllOf(remainingOrDefault(), obj...)</code>, but correctly
   * treating the timeFactor.
  public Object[] expectMsgAllOf(Object... msgs) {
    return (Object[]) p.expectMsgAllOf(Util.immutableSeq(msgs)).toArray(Util.classTag(Object.class));

   * Receive a number of messages from the test actor matching the given number
   * of objects and assert that for each given object one is received which
   * equals it and vice versa. This construct is useful when the order in which
   * the objects are received is not fixed. Wait time is bounded by the given
   * duration, with an AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
  public Object[] expectMsgAllOf(FiniteDuration max, Object... msgs) {
    return (Object[]) p.expectMsgAllOf(max, Util.immutableSeq(msgs)).toArray(Util.classTag(Object.class));

   * Same as <code>expectMsgAnyClassOf(remainingOrDefault(), obj...)</code>, but
   * correctly treating the timeFactor.
  public <T> T expectMsgAnyClassOf(Class<? extends T>... classes) {
    final Object result = p.expectMsgAnyClassOf(Util.immutableSeq(classes));
    return (T) result;

   * Receive one message from the test actor and assert that it conforms to one
   * of the given classes. Wait time is bounded by the given duration, with an
   * AssertionFailure being thrown in case of timeout.
   * @return the received object
  public Object expectMsgAnyClassOf(FiniteDuration max, Class<?>... classes) {
    return p.expectMsgAnyClassOf(max, Util.immutableSeq(classes));

   * Same as <code>expectNoMsg(remainingOrDefault())</code>, but correctly treating the
   * timeFactor.
  public void expectNoMsg() {

   * Assert that no message is received for the specified time.
  public void expectNoMsg(FiniteDuration max) {

   * Assert that the given ActorRef is Terminated within the specified time.
   * Don't forget to 'watch' it first!
  public Terminated expectTerminated(Duration max, ActorRef target) {
      return p.expectTerminated(target, max);

   * Same as <code>expectTerminated(remainingOrDefault(), target)</code>,
   * but correctly treating the timeFactor.
   * Don't forget to 'watch' it first!
  public Terminated expectTerminated(ActorRef target) {
      return expectTerminated(Duration.Undefined(), target);

   * Same as <code>receiveN(n, remaining())</code>, but correctly treating the
   * timeFactor.

  public Object[] receiveN(int n) {
    return (Object[]) p.receiveN(n).toArray(Util.classTag(Object.class));

   * Receive N messages in a row before the given deadline.
  public Object[] receiveN(int n, FiniteDuration max) {
    return (Object[]) p.receiveN(n, max).toArray(Util.classTag(Object.class));

   * Receive one message from the internal queue of the TestActor. If the given
   * duration is zero, the queue is polled (non-blocking).
   * <p>
   * This method does NOT automatically scale its Duration parameter!
  public Object receiveOne(Duration max) {
    return p.receiveOne(max);

   * Receive a series of messages until one does not match the given
   * <code>match</code> function or the idle timeout is met (disabled by
   * default) or the overall maximum duration is elapsed. Returns the sequence
   * of messages.
   * <p>
   * Note that it is not an error to hit the <code>max</code> duration in this
   * case.
   * <p>
   * One possible use of this method is for testing whether messages of certain
   * characteristics are generated at a certain rate.
  public abstract class ReceiveWhile<T> {
    abstract protected T match(Object msg) throws Exception;

    private Object results;

    public ReceiveWhile(Class<T> clazz) {
      this(clazz, Duration.Undefined());

    public ReceiveWhile(Class<T> clazz, Duration max) {
      this(clazz, max, Duration.Inf(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    public ReceiveWhile(Class<T> clazz, Duration max, int messages) {
      this(clazz, max, Duration.Inf(), messages);

    public ReceiveWhile(Class<T> clazz, Duration max, Duration idle, int messages) {
      results = p.receiveWhile(max, idle, messages, new CachingPartialFunction<Object, T>() {
        public T match(Object msg) throws Exception {
          return ReceiveWhile.this.match(msg);

    protected RuntimeException noMatch() {
      throw JavaPartialFunction.noMatch();

    public T[] get() {
      return (T[]) results;

   * Facilities for selectively filtering out expected events from logging so
   * that you can keep your test run’s console output clean and do not miss real
   * error messages.
   * <p>
   * If the <code>occurrences</code> is set to <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code>,
   * no tracking is done.
  public abstract class EventFilter<T> {
    abstract protected T run();

    private final Class<? extends Logging.LogEvent> clazz;

    private String source = null;
    private String message = null;
    private boolean pattern = false;
    private boolean complete = false;
    private int occurrences = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    private Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType = null;

    public EventFilter(Class<?> clazz) {
      if (Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
        this.clazz = Logging.Error.class;
        exceptionType = (Class<? extends Throwable>) clazz;
      } else if (Logging.LogEvent.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
        this.clazz = (Class<? extends LogEvent>) clazz;
      } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("supplied class must either be LogEvent or Throwable");

    public T exec() {
      akka.testkit.EventFilter filter;
      if (clazz == Logging.Error.class) {
        if (exceptionType == null)
          exceptionType = Logging.noCause().getClass();
        filter = new ErrorFilter(exceptionType, source, message, pattern, complete, occurrences);
      } else if (clazz == Logging.Warning.class) {
        filter = new WarningFilter(source, message, pattern, complete, occurrences);
      } else if (clazz == Logging.Info.class) {
        filter = new InfoFilter(source, message, pattern, complete, occurrences);
      } else if (clazz == Logging.Debug.class) {
        filter = new DebugFilter(source, message, pattern, complete, occurrences);
      } else
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown LogLevel " + clazz);
      return filter.intercept(new AbstractFunction0<T>() {
        public T apply() {
          return run();
      }, p.system());

    public EventFilter<T> message(String msg) {
      message = msg;
      pattern = false;
      complete = true;
      return this;

    public EventFilter<T> startsWith(String msg) {
      message = msg;
      pattern = false;
      complete = false;
      return this;

    public EventFilter<T> matches(String regex) {
      message = regex;
      pattern = true;
      return this;

    public EventFilter<T> from(String source) {
      this.source = source;
      return this;

    public EventFilter<T> occurrences(int number) {
      occurrences = number;
      return this;

   * Shut down an actor system and wait for termination.
   * On failure debug output will be logged about the remaining actors in the system.
   * <p>
   * If verifySystemShutdown is true, then an exception will be thrown on failure.
  public void shutdown(ActorSystem actorSystem, Duration duration, Boolean verifySystemShutdown) {
    boolean vss = verifySystemShutdown != null ? verifySystemShutdown : false;
    Duration dur = duration != null ? duration :
            dilated(FiniteDuration.create(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).min(FiniteDuration.create(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
    JavaTestKit.shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem, dur, vss);

  public void shutdown(ActorSystem actorSystem) {
      shutdown(actorSystem, null, null);
  public void shutdown(ActorSystem actorSystem, Duration duration) {
      shutdown(actorSystem, duration, null);
  public void shutdown(ActorSystem actorSystem, Boolean verifySystemShutdown) {
      shutdown(actorSystem, null, verifySystemShutdown);

Other Akka source code examples

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