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Android example source code file (strings.xml)

This example Android source code file (strings.xml) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Android by Example" TM.

Java - Android tags/keywords

access_location, dal, id, nastaven, nep, ov, p, pou, slu, sms, synchronizace, toto, umo, v

The strings.xml Android example source code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resources xmlns:android=""
    <!-- no translation found for byteShort (4294685657411546094) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for kilobyteShort (7111743101711894449) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for megabyteShort (162845898911588966) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for gigabyteShort (2367556873259996883) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for terabyteShort (7307016576147091142) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for petabyteShort (1896596181305606848) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="untitled">"<bez názvu>"
    <string name="ellipsis">"…"
    <string name="emptyPhoneNumber">"(žádné telefonní číslo)"
    <string name="unknownName">"(neznámý)"
    <string name="defaultVoiceMailAlphaTag">"Hlasová schránka"
    <string name="defaultMsisdnAlphaTag">"Msisdn1"
    <string name="mmiError">"Chyba sítě nebo neplatný kód MMI."
    <string name="serviceEnabled">"Služba povolena"
    <string name="serviceEnabledFor">"Služba povolena pro:"
    <string name="serviceDisabled">"Služba zakázána"
    <string name="serviceRegistered">"Registrace úspěšná"
    <string name="serviceErased">"Odstranění úspěšné"
    <string name="passwordIncorrect">"Nesprávné heslo."
    <string name="mmiComplete">"MMI dokončeno"
    <!-- no translation found for badPin (1571775330365483908) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for badPuk (235828557362607298) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for mismatchPin (7108204388051070520) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for invalidPin (2145591615249209229) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for needPuk2 (6752018512396884515) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ClipMmi (3385965996289763580) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ClirMmi (197809823306573407) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for CfMmi (8888929115735852129) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for CwMmi (3123322694383355590) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for BaMmi (1123029508946550199) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for PwdMmi (5073048366322746791) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for PinMmi (1313678466561167173) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="CLIRDefaultOnNextCallOn">"Výchozí nastavení omezení ID - omezení. Další hovor: omezení"
    <string name="CLIRDefaultOnNextCallOff">"Výchozí nastavení omezení ID - omezení. Další hovor: bez omezení"
    <string name="CLIRDefaultOffNextCallOn">"Výchozí nastavení omezení ID - bez omezení. Další hovor: omezení"
    <string name="CLIRDefaultOffNextCallOff">"Výchozí nastavení omezení ID - bez omezení. Další hovor: bez omezení"
    <string name="serviceNotProvisioned">"Služba není poskytována."
    <string name="CLIRPermanent">"Omezení ID v trvalém režimu."
    <string name="serviceClassVoice">"Hlasový záznam"
    <string name="serviceClassData">"Data"
    <string name="serviceClassFAX">"FAX"
    <string name="serviceClassSMS">"SMS"
    <string name="serviceClassDataAsync">"Asynchronní"
    <string name="serviceClassDataSync">"Synchronizace"
    <string name="serviceClassPacket">"Pakety"
    <string name="serviceClassPAD">"PAD"
    <string name="cfTemplateNotForwarded">"{0}: Nepřesměrováno"
    <string name="cfTemplateForwarded">"{0}: {1}"
    <string name="cfTemplateForwardedTime">"{0}: {1} po {2} sekundách"
    <string name="cfTemplateRegistered">"{0}: Nepřesměrováno ({1})"
    <string name="cfTemplateRegisteredTime">"{0}: Nepřesměrováno ({1} po {2} sekundách)"
    <string name="httpErrorOk">"OK"
    <string name="httpError">"Neznámá chyba"
    <string name="httpErrorLookup">"Neznámý hostitel"
    <string name="httpErrorUnsupportedAuthScheme">"Nepodporované schéma ověření. Ověření se nezdařilo."
    <string name="httpErrorAuth">"Ověřování se nezdařilo"
    <string name="httpErrorProxyAuth">"Ověření serverem proxy se nezdařilo"
    <string name="httpErrorConnect">"Připojení k serveru se nezdařilo"
    <string name="httpErrorIO">"Čtení nebo zápis na server se nezdařil"
    <string name="httpErrorTimeout">"Časový limit připojení k serveru vypršel"
    <string name="httpErrorRedirectLoop">"Příliš mnoho přesměrování serverů"
    <string name="httpErrorUnsupportedScheme">"Nepodporovaný protokol"
    <string name="httpErrorFailedSslHandshake">"Navázání spojení typu SSL handshake se nezdařilo"
    <string name="httpErrorBadUrl">"Nepodařilo se analyzovat URL"
    <string name="httpErrorFile">"File error"
    <string name="httpErrorFileNotFound">"File not found"
    <!-- no translation found for httpErrorTooManyRequests (2410804704565193487) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="contentServiceSync">"Synchronizace"
    <string name="contentServiceSyncNotificationTitle">"Synchronizace"
    <!-- no translation found for contentServiceTooManyDeletesNotificationDesc (3731359293327173110) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for low_memory (5694028224997351413) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for me (2168695242005007238) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="power_dialog">"Možnosti napájení"
    <string name="silent_mode">"Tichý režim"
    <string name="turn_on_radio">"Zapnout rádio"
    <string name="turn_off_radio">"Vypnout rádio"
    <!-- no translation found for screen_lock (4344755026424142039) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="power_off">"Vypnuto"
    <!-- no translation found for shutdown_progress (648624831691309119) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for shutdown_confirm (6335849329539186719) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for no_recent_tasks (7902728618035666256) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for global_actions (350792590762900742) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for global_action_lock (9020456591853328892) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for global_action_power_off (3625007213390452022) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for global_action_toggle_silent_mode (4288558670883010030) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for global_action_silent_mode_on_status (7139264310186725218) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for global_action_silent_mode_off_status (1617903739957964659) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for safeMode (5031982671079862906) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_costMoney (6331160621855404655) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_costMoney (6774087747515986628) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_messages (3375487903029584916) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_messages (2124910896643441899) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_personalInfo (2146546788832836246) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_personalInfo (3637864173635803865) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_location (8343617302909691929) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_location (4796275871061138406) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_network (3708178821264428959) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_network (8482674461047333608) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_accounts (4499220424392354232) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_accounts (1046009125802910215) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_hardwareControls (1594479041423844283) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_hardwareControls (8079270029551002371) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_phoneCalls (1033742073509839982) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_phoneCalls (5320798376840190568) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_systemTools (8666753896268386196) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_systemTools (5342178336571762021) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgrouplab_developmentTools (6209830729788874474) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permgroupdesc_developmentTools (7139841359590474494) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_statusBar (628785004831236145) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_statusBar (7834834427078249102) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_expandStatusBar (5181792525183848741) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_expandStatusBar (6224342489895186758) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_processOutgoingCalls (5679156130556888553) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_processOutgoingCalls (103686485391208346) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_receiveSms">"Příjem zpráv SMS"
    <string name="permdesc_receiveSms">"Umožňuje aplikacím přijímat a zpracovávat zprávy SMS. Škodlivé aplikace mohou sledovat vaše zprávy nebo je odstraňovat, aniž by se zobrazily."
    <string name="permlab_receiveMms">"Příjem zpráv MMS"
    <string name="permdesc_receiveMms">"Umožňuje aplikacím přijímat a zpracovávat zprávy MMS. Škodlivé aplikace mohou sledovat vaše zprávy nebo je odstraňovat, aniž by se zobrazily."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_sendSms (3322340129131126927) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_sendSms (2855884459722249168) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readSms (2210493321074635174) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readSms (7070125859074146359) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_writeSms (2609882035912784689) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_writeSms (6004298872910923345) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_receiveWapPush">"Příjem zpráv WAP"
    <string name="permdesc_receiveWapPush">"Umožňuje aplikacím přijímat a zpracovávat zprávy WAP. Škodlivé aplikace mohou sledovat vaše zprávy nebo je odstraňovat, aniž by se zobrazily."
    <string name="permlab_getTasks">"Získat informace o úkolech"
    <string name="permdesc_getTasks">"Umožňuje aplikacím načítat informace o aktuálně a naposledy spuštěných úkolech. Umožňuje škodlivým aplikacím zjišťovat soukromé informace o jiných aplikacích."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_reorderTasks (107448892694824450) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_reorderTasks (6237704634708537685) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setDebugApp (3070317766648254000) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setDebugApp (2188214621908393932) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_changeConfiguration (9066447236052236394) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_changeConfiguration (5037407074201569521) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_restartPackages (2202874428887735281) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_restartPackages (510332747064271885) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setProcessForeground (7510261506278924849) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setProcessForeground (2711233542596716955) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_forceBack (4106545222704394961) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_forceBack (457337823416558528) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_dump">"Výpis stavu systému"
    <string name="permdesc_dump">"Umožňuje aplikacím načítat vnitřní stav systému. Škodlivé aplikace mohou načítat široký rozsah soukromých a důvěrných informací, jež by obvykle neměly nikdy vyžadovat."
    <string name="permlab_addSystemService">"Přidat systémovou službu"
    <string name="permdesc_addSystemService">"Umožňuje aplikacím vydávat vlastní systémové služby nižší úrovně. Škodlivé aplikace mohou napadnout systém a vykrást nebo poškodit jeho data."
    <string name="permlab_runSetActivityWatcher">"Nastavení sledování činností"
    <string name="permdesc_runSetActivityWatcher">"Umožňuje aplikacím sledovat a řídit spouštění činností systému. Škodlivé aplikace mohou zcela zničit systém. Toto oprávnění je nutné pouze pro vývoj, nikdy pro normální používání zařízení."
    <string name="permlab_broadcastPackageRemoved">"Sada vysílání odebrána"
    <string name="permdesc_broadcastPackageRemoved">"Umožňuje aplikacím vysílat oznámení o odebrání sady aplikací. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využít k likvidaci jiné spuštěné aplikace."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_broadcastSmsReceived (3831732966326797712) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_broadcastSmsReceived (7790603610235949268) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_broadcastWapPush (8763092994425734845) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_broadcastWapPush (985046522951884102) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setProcessLimit (6602305145908332012) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setProcessLimit (8056264266606403141) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setAlwaysFinish (7527723323438106949) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setAlwaysFinish (6760975624700263930) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_fotaUpdate">"Instalace aktualizace systému"
    <string name="permdesc_fotaUpdate">"Umožňuje aplikacím přijímat oznámení o aktualizacích systému čekajících na dokončení a spouštět jejich instalaci. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využít k poškození systému neautorizovanými aktualizacemi nebo obecně k zásahům do aktualizačního procesu."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_batteryStats (986953487239246307) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_batteryStats (1168298536139186672) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_internalSystemWindow">"Okno vnitřního systému"
    <string name="permdesc_internalSystemWindow">"Umožňuje vytváření oken určených k použití uživatelským rozhraním vnitřního systému . Není určeno k použití normálními aplikacemi."
    <string name="permlab_systemAlertWindow">"Okno systémových výstrah"
    <string name="permdesc_systemAlertWindow">"Umožňuje aplikacím zobrazovat okna systémových výstrah. Škodlivé aplikace mohou ovládnout celou obrazovku zařízení."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setAnimationScale (7463781596492028555) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setAnimationScale (4282084216099628935) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_manageAppTokens (941890301101074246) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_manageAppTokens (22010823943171402) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_injectEvents (3526462152139540686) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_injectEvents (2485348968305473030) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readInputState (2325805811765454909) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readInputState (8900603164977685737) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setOrientation (5307200584272867016) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setOrientation (2834847762780571509) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_signalPersistentProcesses">"Signálové trvalé procesy"
    <string name="permdesc_signalPersistentProcesses">"Umožňuje aplikacím vyžadovat, aby se přiváděný signál odesílal do všech trvalých procesů."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_persistentActivity (4179351247380177718) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_persistentActivity (4056356503233419043) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_deletePackages">"Odstranit sady"
    <string name="permdesc_deletePackages">"Umožňuje aplikacím odstranit sady systému Android. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využít k odstranění důležitých aplikací."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_clearAppUserData (5700315455189140025) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_clearAppUserData (6938510360463530002) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_deleteCacheFiles (5320042828820230143) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_deleteCacheFiles (67906475506076300) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_getPackageSize (1329994506513761058) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_getPackageSize (4961951552073475194) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_installPackages">"Instalovat sady"
    <string name="permdesc_installPackages">"Umožňuje aplikacím instalovat nové nebo aktualizované sady systému Android. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využít k přidání nových aplikací s libovolně silnými oprávněními."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_clearAppCache (2895961808584214861) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_clearAppCache (5835476962090325387) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readLogs (2661768533103623457) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readLogs (7210531078250939802) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_diagnostic (6906273008285620202) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_diagnostic (4294941811811271348) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_changeComponentState">"Povolit nebo zakázat součásti aplikací"
    <string name="permdesc_changeComponentState">"Umožňuje změnu aplikace bez ohledu na to, zda je součást další aplikace povolená nebo zakázaná. Škodlivá aplikace toho může využít k zakázání důležitých funkcí zařízení. Je třeba nakládat s oprávněními opatrně, protože se mohou součásti aplikace dostat do stavu nepoužitelnosti, nekonzistence nebo nestability."
    <string name="permlab_setPreferredApplications">"Nastavení upřednostňovaných aplikací"
    <string name="permdesc_setPreferredApplications">"Umožňuje aplikacím upravovat oblíbené aplikace. Škodlivé aplikace tak mohou bez upozornění měnit spouštěné aplikace a klamně využívat stávající aplikace ke shromažďování vašich soukromých dat."
    <string name="permlab_writeSettings">"Nastavení systému pro zápis"
    <string name="permdesc_writeSettings">"Umožňuje aplikacím upravovat data nastavení systému. Škodlivé aplikace mohou narušit systémovou konfiguraci."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_writeGservices (2834390796755995518) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_writeGservices (7487562612155295990) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_receiveBootCompleted">"Spustit při spouštění"
    <string name="permdesc_receiveBootCompleted">"Umožňuje aplikacím spouštět se po dokončení spuštění systému. Tím se může prodlužovat doba spouštění zařízení a aplikace může svým stálým spouštěním zpomalovat celé zařízení."
    <string name="permlab_broadcastSticky">"Vysílat lepivý obsah (sticky)"
    <string name="permdesc_broadcastSticky">"Umožňuje aplikacím odesílat tzv. lepivé (sticky) vysílání, které zůstává i po ukončení vysílání. Škodlivé aplikace mohou zpomalit zařízení nebo narušit jeho stabilitu vynucením využívání příliš velké části paměti."
    <string name="permlab_readContacts">"Čtení dat o kontaktech"
    <string name="permdesc_readContacts">"Umožňuje aplikacím číst všechna data o kontaktech (adresy) uložená v zařízení. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využívat k odesílání vašich dat jiným osobám."
    <string name="permlab_writeContacts">"Zápis dat o kontaktech"
    <string name="permdesc_writeContacts">"Umožňuje aplikacím upravovat data o kontaktech (adresy) uložená v zařízení. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využívat k vymazání nebo úpravě dat o kontaktech."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_writeOwnerData (4572882131537327481) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_writeOwnerData (2818960664827999772) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readOwnerData (3136630239126270761) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readOwnerData (104241795765184457) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readCalendar (3407052940694695074) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readCalendar (5149342219010371761) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_writeCalendar (9112441703475951843) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_writeCalendar (6985130494973036588) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_accessMockLocation (8507898472518383290) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_accessMockLocation (4620771519570059797) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_accessLocationExtraCommands (6975758352698514557) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_accessLocationExtraCommands (5052727543224578951) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_accessFineLocation">"Používat službu GPS"
    <string name="permdesc_accessFineLocation">"Technologii GPS v zařízení lze používat, pokud je k dispozici. Toto oprávnění vyžaduje oprávnění ACCESS_LOCATION. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využívat k určení vaší polohy a mohou spotřebovávat zbytečně energii baterie."
    <string name="permlab_accessCoarseLocation">"Používat službu Cell ID"
    <string name="permdesc_accessCoarseLocation">"Identifikátory pro technologii využívající polohu vysílačů mobilních sítí (je-li k dispozici) se používají k určení přibližné polohy zařízení. Toto oprávnění vyžaduje oprávnění ACCESS_LOCATION. Škodlivé aplikace toho mohou využívat k určení vaší přibližné polohy."
    <string name="permlab_accessSurfaceFlinger">"Používat službu SurfaceFlinger"
    <string name="permdesc_accessSurfaceFlinger">"Umožňuje aplikacím používat funkce nižší úrovně SurfaceFlinger."
    <string name="permlab_readFrameBuffer">"Čtení vyrovnávací paměti rámce"
    <string name="permdesc_readFrameBuffer">"Umožňuje aplikacím používat čtení obsahu vyrovnávací paměti rámce."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_modifyAudioSettings (6570521084327016064) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_modifyAudioSettings (6978692727348751033) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_recordAudio (9181627113850730340) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_recordAudio (6403292438131949562) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_camera (4510179020059150751) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_camera (8945039264293725543) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_brick (7167352050218806896) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_brick (1044496947313196624) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_reboot (7673919131606720871) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_reboot (8287681906787803061) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_mount_unmount_filesystems (646319122398620935) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_mount_unmount_filesystems (3527489108583742417) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_vibrate (7580764329581265534) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_vibrate (3408821611521407858) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_flashlight (2499468030066071592) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_flashlight (7031422080552390117) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_hardware_test (9115158001321106502) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_hardware_test (572703889500980500) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="permlab_callPhone">"Volat telefonní čísla"
    <string name="permdesc_callPhone">"Umožňuje aplikacím volat telefonní čísla bez vašeho zásahu. Škodlivé aplikace mohou přinést na váš telefonní účet neočekávané hovory."
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_callPrivileged (3035518184694699013) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_callPrivileged (6188206490071885856) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_locationUpdates (1582874437733796281) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_locationUpdates (6794660036529824547) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_checkinProperties (1234225026550929409) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_checkinProperties (1090273825496728579) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_modifyPhoneState (2559242298430669312) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_modifyPhoneState (6337694757618839584) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readPhoneState (1311076382159184770) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readPhoneState (8021599505462629424) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_wakeLock (2625296681859019396) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_wakeLock (5655686147688429483) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_devicePower (6106655866463614935) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_devicePower (4002942940456883599) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_factoryTest (6749935587635505298) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_factoryTest (3964514152835298469) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setWallpaper (3571039259317482975) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setWallpaper (8686256335488065141) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setWallpaperHints (2520021310942493420) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setWallpaperHints (3515944464086594172) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_masterClear (1382607992983187099) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_masterClear (7944816676834652049) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_setTimeZone (3697422434272408100) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_setTimeZone (4014890016135977993) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_getAccounts (6339023243832062349) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_getAccounts (3540439549987453005) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_accessNetworkState (520442151814730219) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_accessNetworkState (5948160405968595890) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_createNetworkSockets (9014479029049989516) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_createNetworkSockets (6213813035476274454) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_writeApnSettings (9062075152444916567) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_writeApnSettings (1564999373291884363) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_changeNetworkState (882254072855962255) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_changeNetworkState (4889370909850398012) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_accessWifiState (74227475898816570) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_accessWifiState (1814261176483090881) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_changeWifiState (7425764052663995753) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_changeWifiState (2269672474448269695) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_bluetoothAdmin (1577081851976417401) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_bluetoothAdmin (7627969693860258970) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_bluetooth (6133426742517845240) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_bluetooth (8756817108536684080) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_disableKeyguard (1264718033822949314) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_disableKeyguard (8260599088021107545) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readSyncSettings (5069540589685158921) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readSyncSettings (1008473752145010249) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_writeSyncSettings (4398100671195180509) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_writeSyncSettings (5979904283838154926) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_readSyncStats (9086372930804213990) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_readSyncStats (411264817333828907) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_subscribedFeedsRead (622004818770377350) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_subscribedFeedsRead (3014966739813578133) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permlab_subscribedFeedsWrite (2079172072433217874) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for permdesc_subscribedFeedsWrite (3586952431861479038) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:0 (4684295406743216773) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:1 (2967006035764644556) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:2 (8721627293233599584) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:3 (2502958487132421511) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:4 (8539120998568053402) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:5 (6710343055226830174) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:6 (2422722412527056729) -->
    <!-- no translation found for phoneTypes:7 (2951187753736847011) -->
  <string-array name="emailAddressTypes">
  <string-array name="postalAddressTypes">
    <!-- no translation found for imAddressTypes:0 (8690550279491083393) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imAddressTypes:1 (3471406520225606923) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imAddressTypes:2 (1791396578286705237) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imAddressTypes:3 (8808229895266457914) -->
    <!-- no translation found for organizationTypes:0 (569640212568736872) -->
    <!-- no translation found for organizationTypes:1 (52608579686118946) -->
    <!-- no translation found for organizationTypes:2 (6186061180074491598) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:0 (6463614519846599631) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:1 (5334728014975587680) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:2 (3922630008885232002) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:3 (3103721854712132299) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:4 (7265700530672371386) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:5 (11433750012445180) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:6 (5678752344075741086) -->
    <!-- no translation found for imProtocols:7 (5790741423876593266) -->
    <!-- no translation found for keyguard_password_enter_pin_code (5109325819853987319) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for keyguard_password_wrong_pin_code (4202379294897225540) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="keyguard_label_text">"Telefon odemknete stisknutím tlačítka nabídky a poté 0."
    <!-- no translation found for emergency_call_dialog_number_for_display (1744382358480448503) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_carrier_default (8516675470575971397) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_screen_locked (5727164518603359931) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_instructions_when_pattern_enabled (8392472053959744495) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_instructions_when_pattern_disabled (3491670789942750343) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_pattern_instructions (6454334937500457827) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_emergency_call (6076995912132332883) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_pattern_correct (232866311555437871) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_pattern_wrong (2677388210272060854) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_plugged_in (2780650701259461217) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_low_battery (1070329340530843187) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_missing_sim_message_short (2524808034742662463) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_missing_sim_message (7627577159350406667) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_missing_sim_instructions (5328650015233664785) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_network_locked_message (8812125901915814814) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_sim_puk_locked_message (684671964449366848) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_sim_puk_locked_instructions (3823772258293974509) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_sim_locked_message (2336219071620037882) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_sim_unlock_progress_dialog_message (259772030691081799) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_too_many_failed_attempts_dialog_message (8184452522478131757) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_failed_attempts_almost_glogin (6253587955609892560) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_too_many_failed_attempts_countdown (9223231665636377718) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_forgot_pattern_button_text (6841109228633613024) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_glogin_too_many_attempts (8875046423861979749) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_glogin_instructions (3912621060336859881) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_glogin_username_hint (1163980084520135708) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_glogin_password_hint (8327969315165483862) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_glogin_submit_button (6836730655823314930) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for lockscreen_glogin_invalid_input (4798813502063584575) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for status_bar_time_format (1116601816459544110) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for status_bar_clear_all_button (7195709197856183721) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for status_bar_no_notifications_title (4588726425751403344) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for status_bar_ongoing_events_title (4567399920098578460) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for status_bar_latest_events_title (358354467406833042) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for battery_status_text_percent_format (365739137578414404) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for battery_status_charging (3568657689031592082) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for battery_low_title (1514290204967582608) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for battery_low_subtitle (5856297331507559490) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for battery_low_percent_format (7258286057340818747) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="factorytest_failed">"Výrobní test skončil chybou"
    <string name="factorytest_not_system">"Akce FACTORY_TEST je podporována pouze pro sady instalované v adresáři /system/app."
    <string name="factorytest_no_action">"Nebyla nalezena žádná sada, která zajišťuje akci FACTORY_TEST."
    <string name="factorytest_reboot">"Restartovat"
    <!-- no translation found for save_password_label (3502294066552086595) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for save_password_message (2430667549579376912) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for save_password_notnow (746265947274480909) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for save_password_remember (7216512860475389250) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for save_password_never (1932342329054987672) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for open_permission_deny (4835030759485307638) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for text_copied (2295101393795533177) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="more_item_label">"Další"
    <string name="prepend_shortcut_label">"Menu+"
    <!-- no translation found for menu_space_shortcut_label (2317489646510402944) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for menu_enter_shortcut_label (4111299328209212163) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for menu_delete_shortcut_label (1371972159625286569) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="search_go">"PŘEJÍT"
    <string name="today">"Dnes"
    <string name="yesterday">"Včera"
    <string name="tomorrow">"Zítra"
    <!-- no translation found for oneMonthDurationPast (8248904459415969594) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for beforeOneMonthDurationPast (9040090551422724428) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for num_seconds_ago:one (6995278254776846897) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_seconds_ago:other (194513016723443241) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_minutes_ago:one (2812551481226730162) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_minutes_ago:other (49055057170358712) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_hours_ago:one (7860484489706923868) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_hours_ago:other (7042114729067839720) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_days_ago:one (7137540467005747366) -->
    <!-- no translation found for num_days_ago:other (8818974887274528400) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_seconds:one (4001108313074833278) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_seconds:other (7133666050942747498) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_minutes:one (1502405473538608440) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_minutes:other (2442168688844849016) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_hours:one (4279640147715948606) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_hours:other (3906453619110419257) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_days:one (8322936701279692779) -->
    <!-- no translation found for in_num_days:other (658136621160189483) -->
    <!-- no translation found for preposition_for_date (4483314319280837203) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for preposition_for_time (2418513265256868602) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for preposition_for_year (9051607877448685435) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="day">"den"
    <string name="days">"dnů"
    <string name="hour">"hodinu"
    <string name="hours">"hodin"
    <string name="minute">"minutu"
    <string name="minutes">"minut"
    <string name="second">"sekund"
    <string name="seconds">"sekund"
    <string name="week">"týden"
    <string name="weeks">"týdnů"
    <!-- no translation found for year (5375206817352906858) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for years (128479863713620632) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="sunday">"Neděle"
    <string name="monday">"Pondělí"
    <string name="tuesday">"Úterý"
    <string name="wednesday">"Středa"
    <string name="thursday">"Čtvrtek"
    <string name="friday">"Pátek"
    <string name="saturday">"Sobota"
    <string name="every_weekday">"Každý den v týdnu (Po–Pá)"
    <string name="daily">"Denně"
    <string name="weekly">"Týdně (%s)"
    <string name="monthly">"Měsíčně"
    <string name="yearly">"Ročně"
    <!-- no translation found for VideoView_error_title (5406669033696890732) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for VideoView_error_text_unknown (3234116551564954490) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for VideoView_error_button (1956613631760007392) -->
    <skip />
    <string name="am">"dop."
    <string name="pm">"odp."
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_date (5537215108967329745) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for wday1_date1_time1_wday2_date2_time2 (4940249386933477371) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for wday1_date1_wday2_date2 (6162304186030460128) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for date1_time1_date2_time2 (5086674353732914035) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for date1_date2 (4999413823491345308) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for time1_time2 (7352424395730190132) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for time_wday_date (4483235851779001947) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for wday_date (3784331705660617343) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for time_date (4203403078726533702) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for time_wday (1135597972760130419) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for full_date_month_first (6765119621838442622) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for full_date_day_first (8548303304557204445) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for medium_date_month_first (6029784196508615386) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for medium_date_day_first (3320502187434648694) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for twelve_hour_time_format (1703275942207421544) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for twenty_four_hour_time_format (4232948486163453036) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for noon (976912139203160612) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for Noon (5482477317663798478) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for midnight (8170788186773373591) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for Midnight (5200839672839721862) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_day (7499042050131251201) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month (6139958096004807506) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_day_year (8496651941588185404) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_year (4203026942816797297) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for time_of_day (6471098604161002691) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for date_and_time (353898423108629694) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_md1_md2 (1913592924775163754) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_wday1_md1_wday2_md2 (8538208217687455937) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_mdy1_mdy2 (8803113142048778740) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_wday1_mdy1_wday2_mdy2 (8653575596583621250) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_md1_time1_md2_time2 (1936168363706653158) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_wday1_md1_time1_wday2_md2_time2 (5253308427362664400) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_mdy1_time1_mdy2_time2 (1156044641089359002) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_year_wday1_mdy1_time1_wday2_mdy2_time2 (8217769676915261665) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_md1_md2 (7704860524310687233) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_wday1_md1_wday2_md2 (4457217258791236682) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_mdy1_mdy2 (2454834316710354478) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_wday1_mdy1_wday2_mdy2 (6608981263431875893) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_md1_time1_md2_time2 (7052516651154735802) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_wday1_md1_time1_wday2_md2_time2 (4413239144281215068) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_mdy1_time1_mdy2_time2 (1950242078692660895) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for numeric_wday1_mdy1_time1_wday2_mdy2_time2 (8448509937925329519) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_md1_md2 (6526797542081853816) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_wday1_md1_wday2_md2 (1787234186810580198) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_mdy1_mdy2 (7435771784337950986) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_wday1_mdy1_wday2_mdy2 (8855261061654553494) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_md1_time1_md2_time2 (4413534429251263892) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_wday1_md1_time1_wday2_md2_time2 (5341646631339271465) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_mdy1_time1_mdy2_time2 (2314226618696595926) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for same_month_wday1_mdy1_time1_wday2_mdy2_time2 (5949498546679587989) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for abbrev_month_day_year (1525618678262513796) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for abbrev_month_year (2472439356396865995) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for abbrev_month_day (638853287340366072) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for abbrev_month (1202649842240095747) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_sunday (4633703321435945321) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_monday (111519775281266598) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_tuesday (6709453549158673577) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_wednesday (5428308263247361380) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_thursday (3966328723472824757) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_friday (8628536770779492321) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_long_saturday (3995191605202281809) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_sunday (8862520089931476552) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_monday (8667936385385838835) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_tuesday (5435845380277407023) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_wednesday (3261417337200494780) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_thursday (4451781952403011031) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_friday (5328462624873059219) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_medium_saturday (572232089651504011) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_sunday (6451882614262431047) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_monday (3663219731684543140) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_tuesday (7191094666788530103) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_wednesday (6608589786375397607) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_thursday (3324510056694186903) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_friday (5071593930149438772) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_short_saturday (295751082821598277) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_sunday (876739805959067360) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_monday (4682484723759727861) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_tuesday (7703533134201075316) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_wednesday (6829039610648266797) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_thursday (7014306464974526356) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_friday (7640644893690229243) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shorter_saturday (4847529327150593187) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shortest_sunday (6253209490153711844) -->
    <skip />
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    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shortest_tuesday (7529374423002593501) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shortest_wednesday (6398399648509559128) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shortest_thursday (7954958993207517797) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shortest_friday (1656823578584414030) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for day_of_week_shortest_saturday (1881373869277947663) -->
    <skip />
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    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_february (4023979191726883470) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_march (2213587513368588603) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_april (235512541508381389) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_may (5246422351163013134) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_june (5012783275975597489) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_july (3038561496174882535) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_august (7125010461505985786) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_september (7224645427570351189) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_october (3226831224703366350) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_november (6971417724505416894) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_long_december (334160711188879330) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_january (5107754376288902184) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_february (2780205427018642476) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_march (8615061217629874655) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_april (4556035679926103303) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_may (6800227253091820830) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_june (5701793777440929097) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_july (4610630213767809085) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_august (5241233468592927183) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_september (8521532254596613350) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_october (7131479271043630241) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_november (4552512582317907640) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_medium_december (3395661059484181995) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_january (7414420832071741236) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_february (4499453209796452714) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_march (6355152316607337364) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_april (4536507001293473483) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_may (4065331213504090118) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_june (2192991530121764190) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_july (7624401431995137592) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_august (7972448287296218024) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_september (1730693109261957171) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_october (7844774774335786926) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_november (4551415035095695297) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for month_shortest_december (4069722095308716098) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for elapsed_time_short_format_mm_ss (865627577136658093) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for elapsed_time_short_format_h_mm_ss (835789027406860839) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for selectAll (1785014864099402150) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for cut (8269158326907106428) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for cutAll (8757523045115019902) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for copy (2367205380002625292) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for copyAll (718530447851625917) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for paste (3595711048095848340) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for copyUrl (4786524774299060816) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for low_internal_storage_view_title (4254220545443180303) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for low_internal_storage_view_text (925609980977940625) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ok (3021595914728226574) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for cancel (6248462943641915216) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for yes (8474458921589911181) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for no (6181860061338066453) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for capital_on (6558261811480886123) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for capital_off (8848395737475926709) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for whichApplication (8868215299601278004) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for alwaysUse (1082708004171426249) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for clearDefaultHintMsg (5893573266570790718) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for chooseActivity (439522881908255130) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for noApplications (3556267305225490341) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for aerr_title (7860555645054985438) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for aerr_application (5243505533802574236) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for aerr_process (1768848654326610071) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for anr_title (2302845176394561871) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for anr_activity_application (6842695352485932290) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for anr_activity_process (2819245689897829368) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for anr_application_process (6584061179380724064) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for anr_process (1021167103147381390) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for force_close (4980231416756478499) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for wait (8972811780346354947) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for debug (2262068193539994871) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for sendText (4162428764496828639) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for volume_ringtone (8463063686879777945) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for volume_music (2897603194292522667) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for volume_call (9026734481889057569) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for volume_alarm (531975347445165554) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for volume_unknown (8377870485804009699) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ringtone_default (5520453304771540862) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ringtone_default_with_actual (7992212461290969229) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ringtone_silent (38452138685305326) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ringtone_picker_title (8867525047528227960) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for ringtone_unknown (576480144692772276) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for wifi_available:one (2440148520097723146) -->
    <!-- no translation found for wifi_available:other (6530849333260462868) -->
    <!-- no translation found for wifi_available_detailed:one (7072421694819223520) -->
    <!-- no translation found for wifi_available_detailed:other (3639993180937672066) -->
    <!-- no translation found for select_character (7630516536047106751) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for sms_control_default_app_name (4173189444401857594) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for sms_control_title (3613511821132860848) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for sms_control_message (4534315555954209605) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for sms_control_yes (871054435709379398) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for sms_control_no (1526742164306147715) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for date_time_set (680562755072980774) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for compass_accuracy_banner (4580155651760510097) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for compass_accuracy_notificaction_title (9024938051766588091) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for compass_accuracy_notificaction_body (70248152575891650) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for default_permission_group (5363818210679369008) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for no_permissions (505651487569538333) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for perms_hide (2911816972270660825) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for perms_show_all (1992613622880254687) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for googlewebcontenthelper_loading (1431111203033151708) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_title (3230666460107986136) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_message (3872843892366565274) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_button_mount (4225703125986958849) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_button_unmount (2144180302681068593) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_error_message (7625899268456182435) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_notification_title (3277716744265606454) -->
    <skip />
    <!-- no translation found for usb_storage_notification_message (2484989409388278307) -->
    <skip />

Other Android examples (source code examples)

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