Axis 2 example source code file (BeanUtil.java)
The Axis 2 BeanUtil.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils; import org.apache.axiom.om.*; import org.apache.axiom.om.impl.builder.StAXOMBuilder; import org.apache.axiom.om.impl.llom.factory.OMXMLBuilderFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.util.Base64; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.TypeTable; import org.apache.axis2.databinding.typemapping.SimpleTypeMapper; import org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.reader.ADBXMLStreamReaderImpl; import org.apache.axis2.engine.ObjectSupplier; import org.apache.axis2.util.StreamWrapper; import org.apache.axis2.util.Loader; import org.codehaus.jam.JClass; import org.codehaus.jam.JProperty; import org.codehaus.jam.JamClassIterator; import org.codehaus.jam.JamService; import org.codehaus.jam.JamServiceFactory; import org.codehaus.jam.JamServiceParams; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; public class BeanUtil { private static int nsCount = 1; /** * To Serilize Bean object this method is used, this will create an object array using given * bean object * */ public static XMLStreamReader getPullParser(Object beanObject, QName beanName, TypeTable typeTable, boolean qualified, boolean processingDocLitBare) { try { JamServiceFactory factory = JamServiceFactory.getInstance(); JamServiceParams jam_service_parms = factory.createServiceParams(); ClassLoader cl = beanObject.getClass().getClassLoader(); if (cl == null) cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); jam_service_parms.addClassLoader(cl); jam_service_parms.includeClass(beanObject.getClass().getName()); JamService service = factory.createService(jam_service_parms); JamClassIterator jClassIter = service.getClasses(); JClass jClass; if (jClassIter.hasNext()) { jClass = (JClass)jClassIter.next(); } else { throw new AxisFault("No service class found , exception from JAM"); } QName elemntNameSpace = null; if (typeTable != null && qualified) { QName qNamefortheType = typeTable.getQNamefortheType(beanObject.getClass().getName()); if (qNamefortheType == null) { qNamefortheType = typeTable.getQNamefortheType( beanObject.getClass().getPackage().getName()); } if (qNamefortheType == null) { throw new AxisFault("Mapping qname not fond for the package: " + beanObject.getClass().getPackage().getName()); } elemntNameSpace = new QName(qNamefortheType.getNamespaceURI(), "elementName"); } // properties from JAM ArrayList propertyList = new ArrayList(); JProperty properties [] = jClass.getDeclaredProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { JProperty property = properties[i]; propertyList.add(property); } JClass supClass = jClass.getSuperclass(); while (!"java.lang.Object".equals(supClass.getQualifiedName())) { properties = supClass.getDeclaredProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { JProperty property = properties[i]; propertyList.add(property); } supClass = supClass.getSuperclass(); } properties = new JProperty[propertyList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < propertyList.size(); i++) { JProperty jProperty = (JProperty)propertyList.get(i); properties[i] = jProperty; } Arrays.sort(properties); BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanObject.getClass()); PropertyDescriptor [] propDescs = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); HashMap propertMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < propDescs.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor propDesc = propDescs[i]; propertMap.put(propDesc.getName(), propDesc); } ArrayList object = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { JProperty property = properties[i]; PropertyDescriptor propDesc = (PropertyDescriptor)propertMap.get( getCorrectName(property.getSimpleName())); if (propDesc == null) { // JAM does bad thing so I need to add this continue; } Class ptype = propDesc.getPropertyType(); if (propDesc.getName().equals("class")) { continue; } if (SimpleTypeMapper.isSimpleType(ptype)) { Method readMethod = propDesc.getReadMethod(); Object value; if(readMethod!=null){ value = readMethod.invoke(beanObject, null); } else { throw new AxisFault("can not find read method for : " + propDesc.getName()); } addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(value == null ? null : SimpleTypeMapper.getStringValue(value)); } else if (ptype.isArray()) { if (SimpleTypeMapper.isSimpleType(ptype.getComponentType())) { Method readMethod = propDesc.getReadMethod(); Object value; if(readMethod!=null){ value = readMethod.invoke(beanObject, null); } else { throw new AxisFault("can not find read method for : " + propDesc.getName()); } if (value != null) { if("byte".equals(ptype.getComponentType().getName())) { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(Base64.encode((byte[]) value)); } else { int i1 = Array.getLength(value); for (int j = 0; j < i1; j++) { Object o = Array.get(value, j); addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(o == null ? null : SimpleTypeMapper.getStringValue(o)); } } } else { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(value); } } else { Object value [] = (Object[])propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(beanObject, null); if (value != null) { for (int j = 0; j < value.length; j++) { Object o = value[j]; addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(o); } } else { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(value); } } } else if (SimpleTypeMapper.isCollection(ptype)) { Object value = propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(beanObject, null); Collection objList = (Collection)value; if (objList != null && objList.size() > 0) { //this was given error , when the array.size = 0 // and if the array contain simple type , then the ADBPullParser asked // PullParser from That simpel type for (Iterator j = objList.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Object o = j.next(); if (SimpleTypeMapper.isSimpleType(o)) { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(o); } else { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName ,processingDocLitBare); object.add(o); } } } else { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); object.add(value); } } else { addTypeQname(elemntNameSpace, object, propDesc, beanName,processingDocLitBare); Object value = propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(beanObject, null); object.add(value); } } // Added objectAttributes as a fix for issues AXIS2-2055 and AXIS2-1899 to // support polymorphism in POJO approach. // For some reason, using QName(Constants.XSI_NAMESPACE, "type", "xsi") does not generate // an xsi:type attribtue properly for inner objects. So just using a simple QName("type"). ArrayList objectAttributes = new ArrayList(); objectAttributes.add(new QName("type")); objectAttributes.add(beanObject.getClass().getName()); return new ADBXMLStreamReaderImpl(beanName, object.toArray(), objectAttributes.toArray(), typeTable, qualified); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (java.beans.IntrospectionException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static void addTypeQname(QName elemntNameSpace, ArrayList object, PropertyDescriptor propDesc, QName beanName, boolean processingDocLitBare) { if (elemntNameSpace != null) { object.add(new QName(elemntNameSpace.getNamespaceURI(), propDesc.getName(), elemntNameSpace.getPrefix())); } else { if(processingDocLitBare){ object.add(new QName(propDesc.getName())); } else { object.add(new QName(beanName.getNamespaceURI(), propDesc.getName(), beanName.getPrefix())); } } } /** * to get the pull parser for a given bean object , generate the wrpper element using class * name * * @param beanObject */ public static XMLStreamReader getPullParser(Object beanObject) { String className = beanObject.getClass().getName(); if (className.indexOf(".") > 0) { className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1, className.length()); } return getPullParser(beanObject, new QName(className), null, false, false); } public static Object deserialize(Class beanClass, OMElement beanElement, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier, String arrayLocalName) throws AxisFault { Object beanObj =null; try { // Added this block as a fix for issues AXIS2-2055 and AXIS2-1899 // to support polymorphism in POJO approach. // Retrieve the type name of the instance from the 'type' attribute // and retrieve the class. String instanceTypeName = beanElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("type")); if ((instanceTypeName != null) && (! beanClass.isArray())) { try { beanClass = Loader.loadClass(beanClass.getClassLoader(), instanceTypeName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ce) { throw AxisFault.makeFault(ce); } } if (beanClass.isArray()) { ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList(); Class arrayClassType = beanClass.getComponentType(); if ("byte".equals(arrayClassType.getName())) { return Base64.decode(beanElement.getFirstElement().getText()); } else { Iterator parts = beanElement.getChildElements(); OMElement omElement; while (parts.hasNext()) { Object objValue = parts.next(); if (objValue instanceof OMElement) { omElement = (OMElement)objValue; if (!arrayLocalName.equals(omElement.getLocalName())) { continue; } Object obj = deserialize(arrayClassType, omElement, objectSupplier, null); if (obj != null) { valueList.add(obj); } } } return ConverterUtil.convertToArray(arrayClassType, valueList); } } else { if (SimpleTypeMapper.isSimpleType(beanClass)) { return SimpleTypeMapper.getSimpleTypeObject(beanClass, beanElement); } else if ("java.lang.Object".equals(beanClass.getName())){ return beanElement.getFirstOMChild(); } HashMap properties = new HashMap(); BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass); PropertyDescriptor [] propDescs = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < propDescs.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor proprty = propDescs[i]; properties.put(proprty.getName(), proprty); } Iterator elements = beanElement.getChildren(); if (beanObj == null) { beanObj = objectSupplier.getObject(beanClass); } while (elements.hasNext()) { // the beanClass could be an abstract one. // so create an instance only if there are elements, in // which case a concrete subclass is available to instantiate. OMElement parts; Object objValue = elements.next(); if (objValue instanceof OMElement) { parts = (OMElement)objValue; } else { continue; } OMAttribute attribute = parts.getAttribute( new QName("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "nil", "xsi")); // if parts/@href != null then need to find element with id and deserialize. // before that first check whether we already have it in the hashtable String partsLocalName = parts.getLocalName(); PropertyDescriptor prty = (PropertyDescriptor)properties.remove(partsLocalName); if (prty != null) { Class parameters = prty.getPropertyType(); if (prty.equals("class")) continue; Object partObj; if (attribute != null) { partObj = null; } else { if (SimpleTypeMapper.isSimpleType(parameters)) { partObj = SimpleTypeMapper.getSimpleTypeObject(parameters, parts); } else if (SimpleTypeMapper.isCollection(parameters)) { partObj = SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList((OMElement) parts.getParent(), prty.getName()); } else if (SimpleTypeMapper.isDataHandler(parameters)){ partObj = SimpleTypeMapper.getDataHandler(parts); } else if (parameters.isArray()) { partObj = deserialize(parameters, (OMElement)parts.getParent(), objectSupplier, prty.getName()); } else { partObj = deserialize(parameters, parts, objectSupplier, null); } } Object [] parms = new Object[] { partObj }; Method writeMethod = prty.getWriteMethod(); if (writeMethod != null) { writeMethod.invoke(beanObj, parms); } } } return beanObj; } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new AxisFault("IllegalAccessException : " + e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new AxisFault("InvocationTargetException : " + e); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new AxisFault("IntrospectionException : " + e); } } public static Object deserialize(Class beanClass, OMElement beanElement, MultirefHelper helper, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier) throws AxisFault { Object beanObj; try { HashMap properties = new HashMap(); BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass); PropertyDescriptor [] propDescs = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); for (int i = 0; i < propDescs.length; i++) { PropertyDescriptor proprty = propDescs[i]; properties.put(proprty.getName(), proprty); } beanObj = objectSupplier.getObject(beanClass); Iterator elements = beanElement.getChildren(); while (elements.hasNext()) { Object child = elements.next(); OMElement parts; if (child instanceof OMElement) { parts = (OMElement)child; } else { continue; } String partsLocalName = parts.getLocalName(); PropertyDescriptor prty = (PropertyDescriptor)properties.get( partsLocalName.toLowerCase()); if (prty != null) { Class parameters = prty.getPropertyType(); if (prty.equals("class")) continue; Object partObj; OMAttribute attr = MultirefHelper.processRefAtt(parts); if (attr != null) { String refId = MultirefHelper.getAttvalue(attr); partObj = helper.getObject(refId); if (partObj == null) { partObj = helper.processRef(parameters, refId, objectSupplier); } } else { partObj = SimpleTypeMapper.getSimpleTypeObject(parameters, parts); if (partObj == null) { partObj = deserialize(parameters, parts, objectSupplier, null); } } Object [] parms = new Object[] { partObj }; Method writeMethod = prty.getWriteMethod(); if (writeMethod != null) { writeMethod.invoke(beanObj, parms); } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new AxisFault("IllegalAccessException : " + e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new AxisFault("InvocationTargetException : " + e); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { throw new AxisFault("IntrospectionException : " + e); } return beanObj; } /** * To get JavaObjects from XML elemnt , the element most of the time contains only one element * in that case that element will be converted to the JavaType specified by the javaTypes array * The algo is as follows, get the childerns of the response element , and if it conatian more * than one element then check the retuen type of that element and conver that to corresponding * JavaType * * @param response OMElement * @param javaTypes Array of JavaTypes * @return Array of objects * @throws AxisFault */ public static Object [] deserialize(OMElement response, Object [] javaTypes, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier) throws AxisFault { /* * Take the number of parameters in the method and , only take that much of child elements * from the OMElement , other are ignore , as an example * if the method is , foo(String a , int b) * and if the OMElemet * <foo> * <arg0>Val1 * <arg1>Val2 * <arg2>Val3 * * only the val1 and Val2 take into account */ int length = javaTypes.length; int count = 0; Object [] retObjs = new Object[length]; /* * If the body first child contains , then there can not be any other element withot * refs , so I can assume if the first child of the body first element has ref then * the message has to handle as mutiref message. * as an exmple if the body is like below * <foo> * <arg0 href="#0"/> * </foo> * * then there can not be any element without refs , meaning following we are not handling * <foo> * <arg0 href="#0"/> * <arg1>absbsbs * </foo> */ Iterator parts = response.getChildren(); //to handle multirefs //have to check the instanceof MultirefHelper helper = new MultirefHelper((OMElement)response.getParent()); //to support array . if the parameter type is array , then all the omelemnts with that paramtre name // has to get and add to the list Class classType; String currentLocalName; while (parts.hasNext() && count < length) { Object objValue = parts.next(); OMElement omElement; if (objValue instanceof OMElement) { omElement = (OMElement)objValue; } else { continue; } currentLocalName = omElement.getLocalName(); classType = (Class)javaTypes[count]; omElement = ProcessElement(classType, omElement, helper, parts, currentLocalName, retObjs, count, objectSupplier); while (omElement != null) { count ++; omElement = ProcessElement((Class)javaTypes[count], omElement, helper, parts, omElement.getLocalName(), retObjs, count, objectSupplier); } count ++; } // Ensure that we have at least a zero element array for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Class clazz = (Class)javaTypes[i]; if (retObjs[i] == null && clazz.isArray()) { retObjs[i] = Array.newInstance(clazz.getComponentType(), 0); } } helper.clean(); return retObjs; } private static OMElement ProcessElement(Class classType, OMElement omElement, MultirefHelper helper, Iterator parts, String currentLocalName, Object[] retObjs, int count, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier) throws AxisFault { Object objValue; if (classType.isArray()) { boolean done = true; ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList(); Class arrayClassType = classType.getComponentType(); if ("byte".equals(arrayClassType.getName())) { retObjs[count] = processObject(omElement, arrayClassType, helper, true, objectSupplier); return null; } else { valueList.add(processObject(omElement, arrayClassType, helper, true, objectSupplier)); } while (parts.hasNext()) { objValue = parts.next(); if (objValue instanceof OMElement) { omElement = (OMElement)objValue; } else { continue; } if (!currentLocalName.equals(omElement.getLocalName())) { done = false; break; } Object o = processObject(omElement, arrayClassType, helper, true, objectSupplier); valueList.add(o); } if(valueList.get(0)==null){ retObjs[count] = null; } else { retObjs[count] = ConverterUtil.convertToArray(arrayClassType, valueList); } if (!done) { return omElement; } } else { //handling refs retObjs[count] = processObject(omElement, classType, helper, false, objectSupplier); } return null; } public static Object processObject(OMElement omElement, Class classType, MultirefHelper helper, boolean isArrayType, ObjectSupplier objectSupplier) throws AxisFault { boolean hasRef = false; OMAttribute omatribute = MultirefHelper.processRefAtt(omElement); String ref = null; if (omatribute != null) { hasRef = true; ref = MultirefHelper.getAttvalue(omatribute); } if (OMElement.class.isAssignableFrom(classType)) { if (hasRef) { OMElement elemnt = helper.getOMElement(ref); if (elemnt == null) { return helper.processOMElementRef(ref); } else { return elemnt; } } else return omElement; } else { if (hasRef) { if (helper.getObject(ref) != null) { return helper.getObject(ref); } else { return helper.processRef(classType, ref, objectSupplier); } } else { OMAttribute attribute = omElement.getAttribute( new QName("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "nil", "xsi")); if (attribute != null) { return null; } if (SimpleTypeMapper.isSimpleType(classType)) { if (isArrayType && "byte".equals(classType.getName())) { String value = omElement.getText(); return Base64.decode(value); } else { return SimpleTypeMapper.getSimpleTypeObject(classType, omElement); } } else if (SimpleTypeMapper.isCollection(classType)) { return SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(omElement); } else if (SimpleTypeMapper.isDataHandler(classType)) { return SimpleTypeMapper.getDataHandler(omElement); } else { return BeanUtil.deserialize(classType, omElement, objectSupplier, null); } } } } public static OMElement getOMElement(QName opName, Object [] args, QName partName, boolean qualifed, TypeTable typeTable) { ArrayList objects; objects = new ArrayList(); int argCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; if (arg == null) { if (partName == null) { objects.add("item" + argCount); } else { objects.add(partName); } objects.add(arg); continue; } //todo if the request parameter has name other than argi (0<i |
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