Axis 2 example source code file (AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter.java)
The Axis 2 AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.emitter; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingConstants; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisBinding; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisBindingMessage; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisBindingOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisEndpoint; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisMessage; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL20DefaultValueHolder; import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants; import org.apache.axis2.util.CommandLineOptionConstants; import org.apache.axis2.util.JavaUtils; import org.apache.axis2.util.PolicyUtil; import org.apache.axis2.util.Utils; import org.apache.axis2.util.XSLTUtils; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.HTTPHeaderMessage; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.SOAPHeaderMessage; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.SOAPModuleMessage; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLUtil; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenConfiguration; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenerationException; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.AntBuildWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.CallbackHandlerWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.FileWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.ExceptionWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.InterfaceImplementationWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.InterfaceWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.MessageReceiverWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.SchemaWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.ServiceXMLWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.SkeletonInterfaceWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.SkeletonWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.TestClassWriter; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.WSDL11Writer; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.writer.WSDL20Writer; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.databinding.TypeMapper; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.util.Constants; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.util.MessagePartInformationHolder; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.util.TypeTesterUtil; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.util.XSLTIncludeResolver; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.neethi.Policy; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.XmlSchema; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Text; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter implements Emitter { protected static final String CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX = "CallbackHandler"; protected static final String STUB_SUFFIX = "Stub"; protected static final String TEST_SUFFIX = "Test"; protected static final String SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX = "Skeleton"; protected static final String SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX_BACK = "Impl"; protected static final String SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX = "SkeletonInterface"; // keep a seperate variable for SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK although it is // "" to accomadate any future changes easily. protected static final String SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK = ""; protected static final String STUB_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK = "Stub"; protected static final String MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX = "MessageReceiver"; protected static final String DATABINDING_SUPPORTER_NAME_SUFFIX = "DatabindingSupporter"; protected static Map mepToClassMap; protected static Map mepToSuffixMap; protected AxisBinding axisBinding; protected AxisEndpoint axisEndpoint; protected int uniqueFaultNameCounter = 0; /** * Field constructorMap */ protected static HashMap constructorMap = new HashMap(50); //~--- static initializers ------------------------------------------------ static { // Type maps to a valid initialization value for that type // Type var = new Type(arg) // Where "Type" is the key and "new Type(arg)" is the string stored // Used in emitting test cases and server skeletons. constructorMap.put("int", "0"); constructorMap.put("float", "0"); constructorMap.put("boolean", "true"); constructorMap.put("double", "0"); constructorMap.put("byte", "(byte)0"); constructorMap.put("short", "(short)0"); constructorMap.put("long", "0"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Boolean", "new java.lang.Boolean(false)"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Byte", "new java.lang.Byte((byte)0)"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Double", "new java.lang.Double(0)"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Float", "new java.lang.Float(0)"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Integer", "new java.lang.Integer(0)"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Long", "new java.lang.Long(0)"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Short", "new java.lang.Short((short)0)"); constructorMap.put("java.math.BigDecimal", "new java.math.BigDecimal(0)"); constructorMap.put("java.math.BigInteger", "new java.math.BigInteger(\"0\")"); constructorMap.put("java.lang.Object", "new java.lang.String()"); constructorMap.put("byte[]", "new byte[0]"); constructorMap.put("java.util.Calendar", "java.util.Calendar.getInstance()"); constructorMap.put("javax.xml.namespace.QName", "new javax.xml.namespace.QName(\"http://foo\", \"bar\")"); //populate the MEP -> class map mepToClassMap = new HashMap(); mepToClassMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, "org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractInMessageReceiver"); mepToClassMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, "org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractRobustInMessageReceiver"); mepToClassMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, "org.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver"); //populate the MEP -> suffix map mepToSuffixMap = new HashMap(); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDLConstants.WSDL20_2004_Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "InOnly"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDLConstants.WSDL20_2006Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "InOnly"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_ONLY, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "InOnly"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDLConstants.WSDL20_2004_Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "RobustInOnly"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDLConstants.WSDL20_2006Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "RobustInOnly"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "RobustInOnly"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDLConstants.WSDL20_2004_Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "InOut"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDLConstants.WSDL20_2006Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "InOut"); mepToSuffixMap.put(WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT, MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX + "InOut"); //register the other types as necessary } //~--- fields ------------------------------------------------------------- protected static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter.class); protected URIResolver resolver; // this is used to keep the current service infoHolder protected Map infoHolder; // this is used to keep infoHolders for all services protected Map allServiceInfoHolder; protected CodeGenConfiguration codeGenConfiguration; protected TypeMapper mapper; protected AxisService axisService; protected List axisServices; //a map to keep the fault classNames protected Map fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap = new HashMap(); protected Map faultClassNameMap = new HashMap(); protected Map faultElementQNameMap = new HashMap(); protected Map instantiatableMessageClassNames = new HashMap(); protected static final String TEST_SRC_DIR_NAME = "test"; /** * default constructor - builds */ public AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter() { infoHolder = new HashMap(); allServiceInfoHolder = new HashMap(); } /** * Sets the relevant codegen configuration * * @param configuration * @see Emitter#setCodeGenConfiguration(org.apache.axis2.wsdl.codegen.CodeGenConfiguration) */ public void setCodeGenConfiguration(CodeGenConfiguration configuration) { this.codeGenConfiguration = configuration; this.axisServices = codeGenConfiguration.getAxisServices(); this.axisService = codeGenConfiguration.getAxisService(); this.axisEndpoint = axisService.getEndpoint(axisService.getEndpointName()); this.axisBinding = axisEndpoint.getBinding(); resolver = new XSLTIncludeResolver(codeGenConfiguration); } /** * Sets the type mapper * * @param mapper * @see Emitter#setMapper(org.apache.axis2.wsdl.databinding.TypeMapper) */ public void setMapper(TypeMapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } private Object getBindingPropertyFromOperation(String name, QName qName) { // Get the correct AxisBindingOperation coresponding to the AxisOperation AxisBindingOperation axisBindingOperation = null; if (axisBinding != null) { axisBindingOperation = (AxisBindingOperation) axisBinding.getChild(qName); } Object property = null; if (axisBindingOperation != null) { property = axisBindingOperation.getProperty(name); } if ((property == null) && (axisBinding != null)) { property = axisBinding.getProperty(name); } if (property == null) { property = WSDL20DefaultValueHolder.getDefaultValue(name); } return property; } private Policy getBindingPolicyFromMessage(QName qName, String key) { AxisBindingOperation axisBindingOperation = null; if (axisBinding != null) { axisBindingOperation = (AxisBindingOperation) axisBinding.getChild(qName); } AxisBindingMessage axisBindingMessage = null; if (axisBindingOperation != null) { axisBindingMessage = (AxisBindingMessage) axisBindingOperation.getChild(key); if (axisBindingMessage != null) { try { return axisBindingMessage.getEffectivePolicy(); } catch (RuntimeException ex){ System.out.println("ERROR: Ignoring policy - " + ex.getMessage()); log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } } } return null; } private Object getBindingPropertyFromMessage(String name, QName qName, String key) { Object property = null; // Get the correct AxisBindingOperation coresponding to the AxisOperation AxisBindingOperation axisBindingOperation = null; if (axisBinding != null) { axisBindingOperation = (AxisBindingOperation) axisBinding.getChild(qName); } AxisBindingMessage axisBindingMessage = null; if (axisBindingOperation != null) { axisBindingMessage = (AxisBindingMessage) axisBindingOperation.getChild(key); if (axisBindingMessage != null) { property = axisBindingMessage.getProperty(name); } if (property == null) { property = axisBindingOperation.getProperty(name); } } if ((property == null) && (axisBinding != null)) { property = axisBinding.getProperty(name); } if (property == null) { property = WSDL20DefaultValueHolder.getDefaultValue(name); } return property; } private Object getBindingPropertyFromMessageFault(String name, QName qName, String key) { Object property = null; // Get the correct AxisBindingOperation coresponding to the AxisOperation AxisBindingOperation axisBindingOperation = (AxisBindingOperation) axisBinding.getChild(qName); AxisBindingMessage axisBindingMessageFault = null; AxisBindingMessage axisBindingFault = null; if (axisBindingOperation != null) { axisBindingMessageFault = (AxisBindingMessage) axisBindingOperation.getFault(key); if (axisBindingMessageFault != null) { property = axisBindingMessageFault.getProperty(name); } if (property == null) { axisBindingFault = axisBinding.getFault(key); property = axisBindingFault.getProperty(name); } } if (property == null) { property = WSDL20DefaultValueHolder.getDefaultValue(name); } return property; } /** * Update mapper for the stub */ protected void updateMapperForStub() { updateMapperClassnames(getFullyQualifiedStubName()); } /** * Returns the fully qualified Stub name reused in many methods * * @return classname */ protected String getFullyQualifiedStubName() { String packageName = codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(); String localPart = null; if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()); } else { localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); } return packageName + "." + localPart + STUB_SUFFIX; } /** * rests the fault name maps */ protected void resetFaultNames() { fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.clear(); faultClassNameMap.clear(); faultElementQNameMap.clear(); } /** * Populate a map of fault class names */ protected void generateAndPopulateFaultNames() { //loop through and find the faults Iterator operations = axisService.getOperations(); AxisOperation operation; AxisMessage faultMessage; while (operations.hasNext()) { operation = (AxisOperation) operations.next(); ArrayList faultMessages = operation.getFaultMessages(); for (int i = 0; i < faultMessages.size(); i++) { faultMessage = (AxisMessage) faultMessages.get(i); //make a unique name and put that in the hashmap if (!fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap. containsKey(faultMessage.getName())) { //make a name String className = makeJavaClassName(faultMessage.getName()); QName faultQName = new QName(codeGenConfiguration.getTargetNamespace(), faultMessage.getName()); if (this.mapper.getQNameToMappingObject(faultQName) != null) { // i.e we already have an entry className = makeJavaClassName(className + "Exception" + (uniqueFaultNameCounter++)); } while (fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.containsValue(className)) { className = makeJavaClassName(className + (uniqueFaultNameCounter++)); } fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.put( faultMessage.getName(), className); //we've to keep track of the fault base names seperately faultClassNameMap.put(faultMessage.getName(), className); faultElementQNameMap.put(faultMessage.getName(), faultMessage.getElementQName()); } } } } /** * Emits the stubcode with bindings. * * @throws CodeGenerationException * @see Emitter#emitStub() */ public void emitStub() throws CodeGenerationException { try { //first keep a seperate copy of the original map to use in // every iteration // for every iteration qName2NameMap is changed in updateMapperForStub // method if in the packing mode Map originalTypeMap = getNewCopy(mapper.getAllMappedNames()); for (Iterator axisServicesIter = this.axisServices.iterator(); axisServicesIter.hasNext();) { this.axisService = (AxisService) axisServicesIter.next(); //we have to generate the code for each bininding //for the moment lets genrate the stub name with the service name and end point name if (!codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) { // write the call back handlers writeCallBackHandlers(); } Map endpoints = this.axisService.getEndpoints(); for (Iterator endPointsIter = endpoints.values().iterator(); endPointsIter.hasNext();) { // set the end point details. this.axisEndpoint = (AxisEndpoint) endPointsIter.next(); this.axisBinding = this.axisEndpoint.getBinding(); axisService.setEndpointName(this.axisEndpoint.getName()); axisService.setBindingName( this.axisEndpoint.getBinding().getName().getLocalPart()); // see the comment at updateMapperClassnames for details and reasons for // calling this method if (mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { // initialize the map to original one copyMap(originalTypeMap, mapper.getAllMappedNames()); updateMapperForStub(); } else { copyToFaultMap(); } //generate and populate the fault names before hand. We need that for //the smooth opration of the thing //first reset the fault names and recreate it resetFaultNames(); generateAndPopulateFaultNames(); updateFaultPackageForStub(); // write the inteface // feed the binding information also // note that we do not create this interface if the user switched on the wrap classes mode // this interface also depends on the binding if (!codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) { writeInterface(false); } if (codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) { // write the call back handlers writeCallBackHandlers(); } // write the Exceptions writeExceptions(); // write interface implementations writeInterfaceImplementation(); // write the test classes writeTestClasses(); } } // save back type map if (this.mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { copyMap(originalTypeMap, this.mapper.getAllMappedNames()); } if (!codeGenConfiguration.isSkipBuildXML()) { // write an ant build file // Note that ant build is generated only once // and that has to happen here only if the // client side code is required if (!codeGenConfiguration.isGenerateAll()) { //our logic for the build xml is that it will //only be written when not flattened if (!codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles()) { writeAntBuild(); } } } } catch (CodeGenerationException ce) { throw ce; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CodeGenerationException(e); } } private Map getNewCopy(Map copyFormMap) { Map copyToMap = new HashMap(); Object key; for (Iterator iter = copyFormMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { key = iter.next(); copyToMap.put(key, copyFormMap.get(key)); } return copyToMap; } private void copyMap(Map copyFormMap, Map copyToMap) { Object key; for (Iterator iter = copyFormMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { key = iter.next(); copyToMap.put(key, copyFormMap.get(key)); } } /** * Writes the Ant build. * * @throws Exception */ protected void writeAntBuild() throws Exception { // Write the service xml in a folder with the Document skeletonModel = createDOMDocumentForAntBuild(); debugLogDocument("Document for ant build:", skeletonModel); AntBuildWriter antBuildWriter = new AntBuildWriter(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); antBuildWriter.setDatabindingFramework(codeGenConfiguration.getDatabindingType()); antBuildWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(skeletonModel, antBuildWriter); codeGenConfiguration.addXmlFileName(antBuildWriter.getOutputFile().getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Creates the DOM tree for the Ant build. Uses the interface. */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForAntBuild() { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("ant"); String serviceName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); String packageName = codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(); String[] dotSeparatedValues = packageName.split("\\."); addAttribute(doc, "package", dotSeparatedValues[0], rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "name", serviceName, rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "servicename", serviceName, rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "src", codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation(), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "resource", codeGenConfiguration.getResourceLocation(), rootElement); if (codeGenConfiguration.getAxisServices().size() > 1){ addAttribute(doc, "artifactname", "Services", rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "artifactname", this.axisService.getName() , rootElement); } if (!codeGenConfiguration.isWriteTestCase()) { addAttribute(doc, "testOmit", "true", rootElement); } if (codeGenConfiguration.isServerSide()) { addAttribute(doc, "isserverside", "yes", rootElement); } doc.appendChild(rootElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return doc; } /** * Write the test classes */ protected void writeTestClasses() throws Exception { if (codeGenConfiguration.isWriteTestCase()) { Document classModel = createDOMDocumentForTestCase(); debugLogDocument("Document for test case:", classModel); TestClassWriter callbackWriter = new TestClassWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), TEST_SRC_DIR_NAME), codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); callbackWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(classModel, callbackWriter); } } /** * Creates the XML Model for the test case * * @return DOM document */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForTestCase() { String coreClassName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("class"); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()) + TEST_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + TEST_SUFFIX, rootElement); } //todo is this right ??? addAttribute(doc, "namespace", axisService.getTargetNamespace(), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "interfaceName", coreClassName, rootElement); if (codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) { if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } } else { addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", coreClassName + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "stubname", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getBindingName()) + STUB_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { addAttribute(doc, "stubname", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()) + STUB_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "stubname", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + STUB_SUFFIX, rootElement); } } //add backwordcompatibility attribute addAttribute(doc, "isbackcompatible", String.valueOf(codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()), rootElement); fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement); loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); // add the databind supporters. Now the databind supporters are completly contained inside // the stubs implementation and not visible outside rootElement.appendChild(createDOMElementforDatabinders(doc, false)); doc.appendChild(rootElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return doc; } /** * Writes the implementations. * * @throws Exception */ protected void writeInterfaceImplementation() throws Exception { // first check for the policies in this service and write them Document interfaceImplModel = createDOMDocumentForInterfaceImplementation(); debugLogDocument("Document for interface implementation:", interfaceImplModel); InterfaceImplementationWriter writer = new InterfaceImplementationWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); writer.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(interfaceImplModel, writer); } /** * Creates the DOM tree for implementations. */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForInterfaceImplementation() throws Exception { String packageName = codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(); String localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); String stubName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()) + STUB_SUFFIX; Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("class"); addAttribute(doc, "package", packageName, rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "servicename", localPart, rootElement); //The target nemespace is added as the namespace for this service addAttribute(doc, "namespace", axisService.getTargetNamespace(), rootElement); if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "interfaceName", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getEndpointName()) + STUB_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getBindingName()) + STUB_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { addAttribute(doc, "interfaceName", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "name", stubName, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "interfaceName", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + STUB_SUFFIX, rootElement); } } if (codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) { if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } } else { addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", localPart + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } //add backwordcompatibility attribute addAttribute(doc, "isbackcompatible", String.valueOf(codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()), rootElement); // add the wrap classes flag if (codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses()) { addAttribute(doc, "wrapped", "yes", rootElement); } // add SOAP version addSoapVersion(doc, rootElement); // add the end point addEndpoint(doc, rootElement); // set the sync/async attributes fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement); // ########################################################################################### // this block of code specifically applies to the integration of databinding code into the // generated classes tightly (probably as inner classes) // ########################################################################################### // check for the special models in the mapper and if they are present process them if (mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { // add an attribute to the root element showing that the writing has been skipped addAttribute(doc, "skip-write", "yes", rootElement); // process the mapper objects processModelObjects(mapper.getAllMappedObjects(), rootElement, doc); } // ############################################################################################# // load the operations loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); // add the databind supporters. Now the databind supporters are completly contained inside // the stubs implementation and not visible outside rootElement.appendChild(createDOMElementforDatabinders(doc, false)); Object moduleCodegenPolicyExtensionElement; //if some extension has added the stub methods property, add them to the //main document if ((moduleCodegenPolicyExtensionElement = codeGenConfiguration.getProperty("module-codegen-policy-extensions")) != null) { rootElement.appendChild( doc.importNode((Element) moduleCodegenPolicyExtensionElement, true)); } //add another element to have the unique list of faults rootElement.appendChild(getUniqueListofFaults(doc)); doc.appendChild(rootElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return doc; } /** * A util method that returns a unique list of faults * * @param doc * @return DOM element */ protected Element getUniqueListofFaults(Document doc) { Element rootElement = doc.createElement("fault-list"); Element faultElement; String key; Iterator iterator = fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { faultElement = doc.createElement("fault"); key = (String) iterator.next(); //as for the name of a fault, we generate an exception addAttribute(doc, "name", (String) fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.get(key), faultElement); addAttribute(doc, "shortName", (String) faultClassNameMap.get(key), faultElement); //the type represents the type that will be wrapped by this //name String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName((QName) faultElementQNameMap.get(key)); addAttribute(doc, "type", (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping, faultElement); String attribValue = (String) instantiatableMessageClassNames. get(key); addAttribute(doc, "instantiatableType", attribValue == null ? "" : attribValue, faultElement); // add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is // the default if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(typeMapping)) { addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", faultElement); } addAttribute(doc, "value", getParamInitializer(typeMapping), faultElement); rootElement.appendChild(faultElement); } return rootElement; } /** * add the qNames of the operation fault message names to faultMessages Mep * * @param operationFaultMessages * @param faultMessagesToMep */ private void addFaultMessages(List operationFaultMessages, Set faultMessagesToMep) { AxisMessage faultMessage; for (Iterator iter = operationFaultMessages.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { faultMessage = (AxisMessage) iter.next(); faultMessagesToMep.add(faultMessage.getName()); } } /** * A util method that returns a unique list of faults for a given mep * * @param doc * @return DOM element */ protected Element getUniqueListofFaultsofMep(Document doc, String mep) { // list to keep fault message qnames for this mep Set faultListForMep = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = this.axisService.getOperations(); AxisOperation axisOperation; for (; iter.hasNext();) { axisOperation = (AxisOperation) iter.next(); if (mep == null) { // add the fault messages addFaultMessages(axisOperation.getFaultMessages(), faultListForMep); } else { if (mep.equals(axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern())) { // add the fault messages addFaultMessages(axisOperation.getFaultMessages(), faultListForMep); } } } Element rootElement = doc.createElement("fault-list"); Element faultElement; String key; Iterator iterator = faultListForMep.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { faultElement = doc.createElement("fault"); key = (String) iterator.next(); //as for the name of a fault, we generate an exception addAttribute(doc, "name", (String) fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.get(key), faultElement); addAttribute(doc, "shortName", (String) faultClassNameMap.get(key), faultElement); //the type represents the type that will be wrapped by this //name String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName((QName) faultElementQNameMap.get(key)); addAttribute(doc, "type", (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping, faultElement); String attribValue = (String) instantiatableMessageClassNames. get(key); addAttribute(doc, "instantiatableType", attribValue == null ? "" : attribValue, faultElement); String exceptionName = ((QName) faultElementQNameMap.get(key)).getLocalPart(); addAttribute(doc, "localname", exceptionName == null ? "" : exceptionName, faultElement); // add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is // the default if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(typeMapping)) { addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", faultElement); } addAttribute(doc, "value", getParamInitializer(typeMapping), faultElement); rootElement.appendChild(faultElement); } return rootElement; } /** * Adds the endpoint to the document. * * @param doc * @param rootElement */ protected void addEndpoint(Document doc, Element rootElement) throws Exception { Element endpointElement = doc.createElement("endpoint"); String endpoint = this.axisEndpoint.getEndpointURL(); Text text = doc.createTextNode((endpoint != null) ? endpoint : ""); endpointElement.appendChild(text); rootElement.appendChild(endpointElement); } /** * Looks for the SOAPVersion and adds it. * * @param doc * @param rootElement */ protected void addSoapVersion(Document doc, Element rootElement) { // loop through the extensibility elements to get to the bindings element addAttribute(doc, "soap-version", (String) axisBinding.getProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_VERSION), rootElement); } /** * Writes the exceptions. */ protected void writeExceptions() throws Exception { Element faultElement; String key; Iterator iterator = fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); faultElement = doc.createElement("fault"); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), faultElement); key = (String) iterator.next(); //as for the name of a fault, we generate an exception addAttribute(doc, "name", (String) faultClassNameMap.get(key), faultElement); addAttribute(doc, "shortName", (String) faultClassNameMap.get(key), faultElement); //the type represents the type that will be wrapped by this //name String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName((QName) faultElementQNameMap.get(key)); addAttribute(doc, "type", (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping, faultElement); String attribValue = (String) instantiatableMessageClassNames. get(key); addAttribute(doc, "instantiatableType", attribValue == null ? "" : attribValue, faultElement); // add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is // the default if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(typeMapping)) { addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", faultElement); } addAttribute(doc, "value", getParamInitializer(typeMapping), faultElement); ExceptionWriter exceptionWriter = new ExceptionWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); doc.appendChild(faultElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(doc)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exceptionWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(doc, exceptionWriter); } } /** * Generates the model for the callbacks. */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForException() { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("callback"); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); // TODO JAXRPC mapping support should be considered here ?? this.loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); doc.appendChild(rootElement); return doc; } /** * Writes the callback handlers. */ protected void writeCallBackHandlers() throws Exception { if (codeGenConfiguration.isAsyncOn()) { Document interfaceModel = createDOMDocumentForCallbackHandler(); debugLogDocument("Document for callback handler:", interfaceModel); CallbackHandlerWriter callbackWriter = new CallbackHandlerWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); callbackWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(interfaceModel, callbackWriter); } } /** * Generates the model for the callbacks. */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForCallbackHandler() { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("callback"); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); if (codeGenConfiguration.isPackClasses() && this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); } // TODO JAXRPC mapping support should be considered here ?? this.loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); doc.appendChild(rootElement); return doc; } /** * Writes the interfaces. * * @throws Exception */ protected void writeInterface(boolean writeDatabinders) throws Exception { Document interfaceModel = createDOMDocumentForInterface(writeDatabinders); debugLogDocument("Document for interface:", interfaceModel); InterfaceWriter interfaceWriter = new InterfaceWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); interfaceWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(interfaceModel, interfaceWriter); } /** * Creates the DOM tree for the interface creation. Uses the interface. */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForInterface(boolean writeDatabinders) { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface"); String localPart = null; if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getEndpointName() + STUB_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK); } else { if (this.axisService.getEndpoints().size() > 1) { localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName() + axisService.getEndpointName()); } else { localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); } } addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "name", localPart, rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()) + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); //add backwordcompatibility attribute addAttribute(doc, "isbackcompatible", String.valueOf(codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()), rootElement); fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement); loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); // ########################################################################################### // this block of code specifically applies to the integration of databinding code into the // generated classes tightly (probably as inner classes) // ########################################################################################### // check for the special models in the mapper and if they are present process them if (writeDatabinders) { if (mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { // add an attribute to the root element showing that the writing has been skipped addAttribute(doc, "skip-write", "yes", rootElement); // process the mapper objects processModelObjects(mapper.getAllMappedObjects(), rootElement, doc); } } // ############################################################################################# doc.appendChild(rootElement); return doc; } /** * Update mapper for message receiver */ protected void updateMapperForMessageReceiver() { updateMapperClassnames(getFullyQualifiedMessageReceiverName()); } /** * @return fully qualified MR name */ protected String getFullyQualifiedMessageReceiverName() { String packageName = codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(); String localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); return packageName + "." + localPart + MESSAGE_RECEIVER_SUFFIX; } /** * @return fully qualified skeleton name */ protected String getFullyQualifiedSkeletonName() { String packageName = codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(); String localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); String skeltonName; if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { skeltonName = packageName + "." + makeJavaClassName(axisService.getBindingName()) + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX_BACK; } else { skeltonName = packageName + "." + localPart + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX; } return skeltonName; } /** * @return fully qualified skeleton interface name */ protected String getFullyQualifiedSkeletonInterfaceName() { String packageName = codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(); String localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); String skeltonInterfaceName; if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { skeltonInterfaceName = packageName + "." + makeJavaClassName(axisService.getEndpointName()) + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK; } else { skeltonInterfaceName = packageName + "." + localPart + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX; } return skeltonInterfaceName; } /** * Emits the skeleton * * @throws CodeGenerationException */ public void emitSkeleton() throws CodeGenerationException { try { allServiceInfoHolder = new HashMap(); Map originalMap = getNewCopy(this.mapper.getAllMappedNames()); // we are going to generate following files seperately per service for (Iterator axisServicesIter = this.axisServices.iterator(); axisServicesIter.hasNext();) { // create a new hash map for each service this.infoHolder = new HashMap(); this.axisService = (AxisService) axisServicesIter.next(); this.axisBinding = axisService.getEndpoint(axisService.getEndpointName()).getBinding(); // see the comment at updateMapperClassnames for details and reasons for // calling this method if (mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { copyMap(originalMap, this.mapper.getAllMappedNames()); updateMapperForMessageReceiver(); } else { copyToFaultMap(); } //handle faults generateAndPopulateFaultNames(); // if (codeGenConfiguration.isServerSideInterface()) { //write skeletonInterface writeSkeletonInterface(); } // write skeleton only if the used has // asked for the deployment descriptor in the interface mode // else write it anyway :) if (codeGenConfiguration.isServerSideInterface()) { if (codeGenConfiguration.isGenerateDeployementDescriptor()) { writeSkeleton(); } } else { writeSkeleton(); } if (!codeGenConfiguration.isSkipMessageReceiver()) { // write a MessageReceiver for this particular service. writeMessageReceiver(); } // write the Exceptions writeExceptions(); if (!codeGenConfiguration.isSkipWriteWSDLs()) { //for the server side codegen //we need to serialize the WSDL's writeWSDLFiles(); } // save the info holder with the service allServiceInfoHolder.put(this.axisService.getName(),this.infoHolder); } // save back type map if (this.mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { copyMap(originalMap, this.mapper.getAllMappedNames()); } // write service xml // if asked if (codeGenConfiguration.isGenerateDeployementDescriptor()) { writeServiceXml(); } if (!codeGenConfiguration.isSkipBuildXML()) { //write the ant build //we skip this for the flattened case if (!codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles()) { writeAntBuild(); } } } catch (CodeGenerationException cgExp) { throw cgExp; } catch (Exception e) { throw new CodeGenerationException(e); } } /** * Write out the WSDL files (and the schemas) writing the WSDL (and schemas) is somewhat special * so we cannot follow the usual pattern of using the class writer */ protected void writeWSDLFiles() { //first modify the schema names (and locations) so that //they have unique (flattened) names and the schema locations //are adjusted to suit it axisService.setCustomSchemaNamePrefix("");//prefix with nothing axisService.setCustomSchemaNameSuffix(".xsd");//suffix with .xsd - the file name extension //force the mappings to be reconstructed axisService.setSchemaLocationsAdjusted(false); Map changedMap = axisService.populateSchemaMappings(); // add these two attribute to use the user defined wsdl to use. try { axisService.addParameter(new Parameter("useOriginalwsdl", "true")); axisService.addParameter(new Parameter("modifyUserWSDLPortAddress", "false")); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { // there is no way to get this excpetion while in codegeneration } //now get the schema list and write it out SchemaWriter schemaWriter = new SchemaWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getResourceLocation())); // first write all the schmas. // then use the changedMap got above to adjust the names. Map schemaMappings = axisService.getSchemaMappingTable(); Iterator keys = schemaMappings.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { Object key = keys.next(); schemaWriter.writeSchema( (XmlSchema) schemaMappings.get(key), (String) key ); } //switch between the correct writer if (CommandLineOptionConstants.WSDL2JavaConstants.WSDL_VERSION_2. equals(codeGenConfiguration.getWSDLVersion())) { // Woden cannot serialize the WSDL as yet, so lets serialize the axisService for now. WSDL20Writer wsdl20Writer = new WSDL20Writer( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getResourceLocation())); wsdl20Writer.writeWSDL(axisService); } else { // here we are going to write the wsdl and its imports // with out using the axis service. WSDL11Writer wsdl11Writer = new WSDL11Writer( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getResourceLocation())); wsdl11Writer.writeWSDL(axisService, codeGenConfiguration.getWsdlDefinition(), changedMap); } } /** * Utility method to copy the faults to the correct map */ protected void copyToFaultMap() { Map classNameMap = mapper.getAllMappedNames(); Iterator keys = classNameMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { Object key = keys.next(); instantiatableMessageClassNames.put(key, classNameMap.get(key)); } } /** * Change the fault classnames to go with the package and stub */ protected void updateFaultPackageForStub() { Iterator faultClassNameKeys = fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.keySet().iterator(); while (faultClassNameKeys.hasNext()) { Object key = faultClassNameKeys.next(); String className = (String) fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.get(key); //append the skelton name String fullyQualifiedStubName = getFullyQualifiedStubName(); fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.put(key, codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName() + "." + className); } } /** * Writes the message receiver * * @throws Exception */ protected void writeMessageReceiver() throws Exception { //loop through the meps and generate code for each mep Iterator it = mepToClassMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String mep = (String) it.next(); Document classModel = createDocumentForMessageReceiver( mep, codeGenConfiguration.isServerSideInterface()); debugLogDocument("Document for message receiver (mep=" + mep + "):", classModel); //write the class only if any methods are found if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(infoHolder.get(mep))) { MessageReceiverWriter writer = new MessageReceiverWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory( codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory( codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()), codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); writer.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(classModel, writer); } } } /** * Creates the XML model for the message receiver * * @param mep * @param isServerSideInterface * @return DOM Document */ protected Document createDocumentForMessageReceiver(String mep, boolean isServerSideInterface) { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface"); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); String localPart = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); addAttribute(doc, "name", localPart + mepToSuffixMap.get(mep), rootElement); //add backwordcompatibility attribute addAttribute(doc, "isbackcompatible", String.valueOf(codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()), rootElement); if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonname", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getBindingName()) + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); if (isServerSideInterface) { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonInterfaceName", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getEndpointName()) + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonInterfaceName", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getBindingName()) + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); } } else { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonname", localPart + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX, rootElement); if (isServerSideInterface) { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonInterfaceName", localPart + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonInterfaceName", localPart + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX, rootElement); } } addAttribute(doc, "basereceiver", (String) mepToClassMap.get(mep), rootElement); fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement); // ########################################################################################### // this block of code specifically applies to the integration of databinding code into the // generated classes tightly (probably as inner classes) // ########################################################################################### // check for the special models in the mapper and if they are present process them if (mapper.isObjectMappingPresent()) { // add an attribute to the root element showing that the writing has been skipped addAttribute(doc, "skip-write", "yes", rootElement); // process the mapper objects processModelObjects(mapper.getAllMappedObjects(), rootElement, doc); } // ############################################################################################# boolean isOpsFound = loadOperations(doc, rootElement, mep); //put the result in the property map infoHolder.put(mep, isOpsFound ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); //create the databinder element with serverside as true rootElement.appendChild(createDOMElementforDatabinders(doc, true)); //attach a list of faults rootElement.appendChild(getUniqueListofFaultsofMep(doc, mep)); doc.appendChild(rootElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return doc; } /** * create a dom element for databinders. This is called by other * * @param doc */ protected Element createDOMElementforDatabinders(Document doc, boolean isServerside) { // First Iterate through the operations and find the relevant fromOM and toOM methods to be generated ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator operationsIterator = axisService.getOperations(); operationsIterator.hasNext();) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) operationsIterator.next(); // Add the parameters to a map with their type as the key // this step is needed to remove repetitions // process the input parameters String MEP = axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(); if (WSDLUtil.isInputPresentForMEP(MEP)) { Element[] inputParamElement = getInputParamElement(doc, axisOperation); for (int i = 0; i < inputParamElement.length; i++) { //add an attribute to the parameter saying that this is an //input addAttribute(doc, "direction", "in", inputParamElement[i]); //add the short type name parameters.add( inputParamElement[i]); } } // process output parameters if (WSDLUtil.isOutputPresentForMEP(MEP)) { Element outputParamElement = getOutputParamElement(doc, axisOperation); if (outputParamElement != null) { //set the direction as out addAttribute(doc, "direction", "out", outputParamElement); parameters.add(outputParamElement); } } //process faults Element[] faultParamElements = getFaultParamElements(doc, axisOperation); for (int i = 0; i < faultParamElements.length; i++) { //set the direction as out - all faults are out messages ? addAttribute(doc, "direction", "out", faultParamElements[i]); parameters.add(faultParamElements[i]); } // process the header parameters Element newChild; List headerParameterQNameList = new ArrayList(); addHeaderOperations(headerParameterQNameList, axisOperation, true); List parameterElementList = getParameterElementList(doc, headerParameterQNameList, WSDLConstants.SOAP_HEADER); for (int i = 0; i < parameterElementList.size(); i++) { newChild = (Element) parameterElementList.get(i); parameters.add(newChild); } headerParameterQNameList.clear(); parameterElementList.clear(); addHeaderOperations(headerParameterQNameList, axisOperation, false); parameterElementList = getParameterElementList(doc, headerParameterQNameList, WSDLConstants.SOAP_HEADER); for (int i = 0; i < parameterElementList.size(); i++) { newChild = (Element) parameterElementList.get(i); parameters.add(newChild); } } Element rootElement = doc.createElement("databinders"); //add the db type attribute - the name of the databinding type //this will be used to select the correct template addAttribute(doc, "dbtype", codeGenConfiguration.getDatabindingType(), rootElement); //add the wrapped flag state - this is used by JiBX, but may be useful //for other frameworks in the future String wrapflag = Boolean.toString(codeGenConfiguration.isParametersWrapped()); addAttribute(doc, "wrapped", wrapflag, rootElement); //at this point we may need to capture the extra parameters passes to the //particular databinding framework //these parameters showup in the property map with String keys, and we //can just copy these items as attributes of the <extra> element. Element extraElement = addElement(doc, "extra", null, rootElement); Map propertiesMap = codeGenConfiguration.getProperties(); for (Iterator it = propertiesMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object key = it.next(); if (key instanceof String) { Object value = propertiesMap.get(key); //if the value is null set it to empty string if (value == null) value = ""; //add key="value" attribute to element iff value a string if (value instanceof String) { addAttribute(doc, (String) key, (String) value, extraElement); } } } //add the server side attribute. this helps the databinding template //to determine the methods to generate if (isServerside) { addAttribute(doc, "isserverside", "yes", rootElement); } // add the names of the elements that have base 64 content // if the base64 name list is missing then this whole step is skipped rootElement.appendChild(getBase64Elements(doc)); //add the method names rootElement.appendChild(getOpNames(doc)); for (Iterator iterator = parameters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { rootElement.appendChild((Element) iterator.next()); } // finish with any extra information from service and operations Parameter details = axisService.getParameter(Constants.DATABINDING_SERVICE_DETAILS); if (details != null) { Object value = details.getValue(); if (value instanceof Element) { rootElement.appendChild(doc.importNode((Element) value, true)); } else if (value instanceof List) { for (Iterator iter = ((List) value).iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { rootElement.appendChild(doc.importNode((Element) iter.next(), true)); } } } for (Iterator operationsIterator = axisService.getOperations(); operationsIterator.hasNext();) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) operationsIterator.next(); details = axisOperation.getParameter(Constants.DATABINDING_OPERATION_DETAILS); if (details != null) { rootElement.appendChild(doc.importNode((Element) details.getValue(), true)); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println("databinding root element " + DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////// return rootElement; } /** * set the short type as it is in the data binding * * @param paramElement * @param xmlName */ protected void addShortType(Element paramElement, String xmlName) { if (xmlName != null) { String javaName; if (JavaUtils.isJavaKeyword(xmlName)) { javaName = JavaUtils.makeNonJavaKeyword(xmlName); } else { javaName = JavaUtils.capitalizeFirstChar(JavaUtils .xmlNameToJava(xmlName)); } addAttribute(paramElement.getOwnerDocument(), "shorttype", javaName, paramElement); } else { addAttribute(paramElement.getOwnerDocument(), "shorttype", "", paramElement); } } /** * Gets an element representing the operation names * * @param doc * @return Returns Element. */ protected Element getOpNames(Document doc) { Element root = doc.createElement("opnames"); Element elt; for (Iterator operationsIterator = axisService.getOperations(); operationsIterator.hasNext();) { AxisOperation axisOperation = (AxisOperation) operationsIterator.next(); elt = doc.createElement("name"); elt.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart())); //what needs to be put here as the opertation namespace is actually the //traget namespace of the service addAttribute(doc, "opnsuri", axisService.getTargetNamespace(), elt); root.appendChild(elt); } return root; } /** * Gets the base64 types. If not available this will be empty!!! * * @param doc * @return Returns Element. */ protected Element getBase64Elements(Document doc) { Element root = doc.createElement("base64Elements"); Element elt; QName qname; // this is a list of QNames List list = (List) codeGenConfiguration.getProperties().get(Constants.BASE_64_PROPERTY_KEY); if ((list != null) && !list.isEmpty()) { int count = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { qname = (QName) list.get(i); elt = doc.createElement("name"); addAttribute(doc, "ns-url", qname.getNamespaceURI(), elt); addAttribute(doc, "localName", qname.getLocalPart(), elt); root.appendChild(elt); } } return root; } /** * @param objectMappings * @param root * @param doc */ protected void processModelObjects(Map objectMappings, Element root, Document doc) { Iterator objectIterator = objectMappings.values().iterator(); while (objectIterator.hasNext()) { Object o = objectIterator.next(); if (o instanceof Document) { //we cannot have an empty document root.appendChild(doc.importNode(((Document) o).getDocumentElement(), true)); } else { // oops we have no idea how to do this, if the model provided is not a DOM document // we are done. we might as well skip it here } } } /** * we need to modify the mapper's class name list. The issue here is that in this case we do not * expect the fully qulified class names to be present in the class names list due to the simple * reason that they've not been written yet! Hence the mappers class name list needs to be * updated to suit the expected package to be written in this case we modify the package name to * have the class a inner class of the stub, interface or the message receiver depending on the * style */ protected void updateMapperClassnames(String fullyQulifiedIncludingClassNamePrefix) { Map classNameMap = mapper.getAllMappedNames(); Iterator keys = classNameMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { Object key = keys.next(); String className = (String) classNameMap.get(key); String realClassName = className; if (className.endsWith("[]")){ realClassName = realClassName.substring(0,realClassName.indexOf("[]")); } //this is a generated class name - update the name if (!TypeTesterUtil.hasPackage(realClassName) && !TypeTesterUtil.isPrimitive(realClassName)) { classNameMap.put(key, fullyQulifiedIncludingClassNamePrefix + "." + className); instantiatableMessageClassNames.put(key, fullyQulifiedIncludingClassNamePrefix + "$" + className); } else { //this is a fully qualified class name - just leave it as it is classNameMap.put(key, className); instantiatableMessageClassNames.put(key, className); } } } /** * Write the service XML * * @throws Exception */ protected void writeServiceXml() throws Exception { // Write the service xml in a folder with the Document serviceXMLModel = createDOMDocumentForServiceXML(); debugLogDocument("Document for service XML:", serviceXMLModel); FileWriter serviceXmlWriter = new ServiceXMLWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getResourceLocation()), this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); serviceXmlWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(serviceXMLModel, serviceXmlWriter); codeGenConfiguration.addXmlFileName(serviceXmlWriter.getOutputFile().getAbsolutePath()); } protected Document createDOMDocumentForServiceXML() { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); String className = null; String serviceName = null; Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interfaces"); doc.appendChild(rootElement); for (Iterator iter = this.axisServices.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { this.axisService = (AxisService) iter.next(); this.axisBinding = axisService.getEndpoint(axisService.getEndpointName()).getBinding(); serviceName = axisService.getName(); if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { className = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getBindingName()); } else { className = makeJavaClassName(serviceName); } rootElement.appendChild(getServiceElement(serviceName, className, doc)); } return doc; } /** * A resusable method to return the service element for creating the service xml * * @param serviceName * @param className * @param doc * @return DOM Element */ protected Element getServiceElement(String serviceName, String className, Document doc) { if (allServiceInfoHolder.get(serviceName) != null){ this.infoHolder = (Map) allServiceInfoHolder.get(serviceName); } Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface"); addAttribute(doc, "package", "", rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "classpackage", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "name", className + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "name", className + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX, rootElement); } if (!codeGenConfiguration.isWriteTestCase()) { addAttribute(doc, "testOmit", "true", rootElement); } addAttribute(doc, "servicename", serviceName, rootElement); Iterator it = mepToClassMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key = it.next(); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(infoHolder.get(key))) { Element elt = addElement(doc, "messagereceiver", makeJavaClassName(serviceName) + mepToSuffixMap.get(key), rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "mepURI", key.toString(), elt); } } loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); return rootElement; } protected void writeSkeleton() throws Exception { Document skeletonModel = createDOMDocumentForSkeleton(codeGenConfiguration.isServerSideInterface()); debugLogDocument("Document for skeleton:", skeletonModel); FileWriter skeletonWriter = new SkeletonWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()) , this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); skeletonWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(skeletonModel, skeletonWriter); } /** * Write the skeletonInterface * * @throws Exception */ protected void writeSkeletonInterface() throws Exception { Document skeletonModel = createDOMDocumentForSkeletonInterface(); debugLogDocument("Document for skeleton Interface:", skeletonModel); FileWriter skeletonInterfaceWriter = new SkeletonInterfaceWriter( codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ? getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) : getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), codeGenConfiguration.getSourceLocation()) , this.codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLanguage()); skeletonInterfaceWriter.setOverride(codeGenConfiguration.isOverride()); writeFile(skeletonModel, skeletonInterfaceWriter); } /** * Creates the XMLModel for the skeleton * * @param isSkeletonInterface * @return DOM Document */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForSkeleton(boolean isSkeletonInterface) { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface"); String serviceName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getBindingName()) + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "name", serviceName + SKELETON_CLASS_SUFFIX, rootElement); } addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", serviceName + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); //add backwordcompatibility attribute addAttribute(doc, "isbackcompatible", String.valueOf(codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()), rootElement); if (isSkeletonInterface) { if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonInterfaceName", makeJavaClassName( axisService.getEndpointName()) + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "skeletonInterfaceName", serviceName + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX, rootElement); } } fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement); loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); //attach a list of faults rootElement.appendChild(getUniqueListofFaults(doc)); doc.appendChild(rootElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return doc; } /** * Creates the XML model for the skeleton interface * * @return DOM Document */ protected Document createDOMDocumentForSkeletonInterface() { Document doc = getEmptyDocument(); Element rootElement = doc.createElement("interface"); String serviceName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); addAttribute(doc, "package", codeGenConfiguration.getPackageName(), rootElement); if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()) { addAttribute(doc, "name", makeJavaClassName(axisService.getEndpointName()) + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX_BACK, rootElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "name", serviceName + SKELETON_INTERFACE_SUFFIX, rootElement); } addAttribute(doc, "callbackname", serviceName + CALL_BACK_HANDLER_SUFFIX, rootElement); //add backwordcompatibility attribute addAttribute(doc, "isbackcompatible", String.valueOf(codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode()), rootElement); fillSyncAttributes(doc, rootElement); loadOperations(doc, rootElement, null); //attach a list of faults rootElement.appendChild(getUniqueListofFaults(doc)); doc.appendChild(rootElement); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // System.out.println(DOM2Writer.nodeToString(rootElement)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return doc; } /** * Loads the operations * * @param doc * @param rootElement * @param mep * @return boolean */ protected boolean loadOperations(Document doc, Element rootElement, String mep) { Element methodElement; String serviceName = makeJavaClassName(axisService.getName()); Iterator operationNames = axisService.getOperationsNameList().iterator(); boolean opsFound = false; QName operationName; while (operationNames.hasNext()) { operationName = (QName) operationNames.next(); AxisOperation axisOperation = axisService.getOperation(operationName); // populate info holder with mep information. This will used in determining which // message receiver to use, etc., String messageExchangePattern = axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(); if (infoHolder.get(messageExchangePattern) == null) { infoHolder.put(messageExchangePattern, Boolean.TRUE); } if (mep == null) { opsFound = true; methodElement = generateMethodElement(doc, serviceName, axisOperation); rootElement.appendChild(methodElement); } else { //mep is present - we move ahead only if the given mep matches the mep of this operation if (mep.equals(axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern())) { //at this point we know it's true opsFound = true; methodElement = generateMethodElement(doc, serviceName, axisOperation); rootElement.appendChild(methodElement); ////////////////////// } } } return opsFound; } /** * Common code to generate a <method> element from an operation. * * @param doc * @param endpointName * @param axisOperation * @return generated element * @throws DOMException */ private Element generateMethodElement(Document doc, String endpointName, AxisOperation axisOperation) throws DOMException { Element methodElement; List soapHeaderInputParameterList = new ArrayList(); List soapHeaderOutputParameterList = new ArrayList(); methodElement = doc.createElement("method"); String localPart = axisOperation.getName().getLocalPart(); addAttribute(doc, "name", JavaUtils.xmlNameToJava(localPart), methodElement); addAttribute(doc, "namespace", axisOperation.getName().getNamespaceURI(), methodElement); addAttribute(doc, "style", (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation( WSDLConstants.WSDL_1_1_STYLE, axisOperation.getName()), methodElement); addAttribute(doc, "dbsupportname", endpointName + localPart + DATABINDING_SUPPORTER_NAME_SUFFIX, methodElement); String messageExchangePattern = axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(); addAttribute(doc, "mep", Utils.getAxisSpecifMEPConstant(messageExchangePattern) + "", methodElement); addAttribute(doc, "mepURI", messageExchangePattern, methodElement); Parameter wsdl2StyleParameter = axisOperation.getParameter(WSDL2Constants.OPERATION_STYLE); if (wsdl2StyleParameter != null) { // provide WSDL2 styles to allow templates to take advantage of them, if desired addAttribute(doc, "wsdl2Styles", arrayToString((URI[])wsdl2StyleParameter.getValue()), methodElement); } // check for this operation to be handled directly by databinding code generation Parameter dbmethname = axisOperation.getParameter(Constants.DATABINDING_GENERATED_RECEIVER); if (dbmethname != null) { addAttribute(doc, "usedbmethod", (String) dbmethname.getValue(), methodElement); } Parameter dbgenimpl = axisOperation.getParameter(Constants.DATABINDING_GENERATED_IMPLEMENTATION); if (dbgenimpl != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(dbgenimpl.getValue())) { addAttribute(doc, "usdbimpl", "true", methodElement); } else { addAttribute(doc, "usdbimpl", "false", methodElement); } addSOAPAction(doc, methodElement, axisOperation.getName()); addOutputAndFaultActions(doc, methodElement, axisOperation); addHeaderOperations(soapHeaderInputParameterList, axisOperation, true); // addHeaderOperations(soapHeaderOutputParameterList, axisOperation, false); if (WSDLUtil.isInputPresentForMEP(messageExchangePattern)) { methodElement.appendChild(getInputElement(doc, axisOperation, soapHeaderInputParameterList)); } if (WSDLUtil.isOutputPresentForMEP(messageExchangePattern)) { methodElement.appendChild(getOutputElement(doc, axisOperation, soapHeaderOutputParameterList)); } methodElement.appendChild(getFaultElement(doc, axisOperation)); setTransferCoding(axisOperation, methodElement, doc); String property = (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_QUERY_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR, axisOperation.getName()); if (property != null) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_QUERY_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR", "\"" + property + "\"")); } property = (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, axisOperation.getName()); if (property != null) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION", "\"" + property + "\"")); } String mep = (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_MEP, axisOperation.getName()); String bindingType = null; if (axisBinding != null) { bindingType = axisBinding.getType(); } if (WSDL2Constants.URI_WSOAP_MEP.equalsIgnoreCase(mep)) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.ENABLE_REST", "true")); methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD", "\"" + org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration .HTTP_METHOD_GET + "\"")); methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.CONTENT_TYPE", "\"" + org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants .MEDIA_TYPE_X_WWW_FORM + "\"")); methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE", "\"" + org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants .MEDIA_TYPE_X_WWW_FORM + "\"")); methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.SOAP_RESPONSE_MEP", "true")); } else if (bindingType != null && bindingType.equals(WSDL2Constants.URI_WSDL2_HTTP)) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.ENABLE_REST", "true")); property = (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_METHOD, axisOperation.getName()); if (property != null) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD", "\"" + property + "\"")); } else if (!WSDL2Constants.URI_WSOAP_MEP.equalsIgnoreCase(mep)) { // If there is no WHTTP_METHOD defined then we better compute the default value which is get if the operation // is wsdlx:safe or post otherwise Parameter safe = axisOperation.getParameter(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSDLX_SAFE); if (safe != null) { if (((Boolean) safe.getValue()).booleanValue()) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD", "\"" + org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration .HTTP_METHOD_GET + "\"")); } else { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD", "\"" + org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration .HTTP_METHOD_POST + "\"")); } } } Boolean value = (Boolean) getBindingPropertyFromOperation( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_IGNORE_UNCITED, axisOperation.getName()); if (value != null) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_IGNORE_UNCITED", "\"" + value.booleanValue() + "\"")); } property = (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_CODE, axisOperation.getName()); if (property != null) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_CODE", "\"" + property + "\"")); } property = (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_INPUT_SERIALIZATION, axisOperation.getName()); if (property != null) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.CONTENT_TYPE", "\"" + property + "\"")); methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE", "\"" + property + "\"")); } } return methodElement; } /** * Returns a comma-separated list of the string representations of the array elements. * @param array the array to be processed * @return the empty string "" if array is null or empty, the array element if size is 1, * or a comma-separated list when size > 1. */ private String arrayToString(Object[] array) { if (array == null || array.length == 0) { return ""; } int size = array.length; if (size == 1) { return String.valueOf(array[0]); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(array[0])); for (int i=1; i<size; i++) { result.append(","); result.append(String.valueOf(array[i])); } return result.toString(); } /** * Set the transfer coding property of the input message * * @param axisOperation * @param methodElement * @param doc */ private void setTransferCoding(AxisOperation axisOperation, Element methodElement, Document doc) { // Add a optionParam element which holds the value of transferCoding String transferCoding = (String) getBindingPropertyFromMessage(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING, axisOperation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN); if (!"".equals(transferCoding)) { if ("gzip".equals(transferCoding) || "compress".equals(transferCoding)) { methodElement.appendChild(generateOptionParamComponent(doc, "org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants.MC_GZIP_REQUEST", "true")); } } } /** * Set thttp header properties needed for the stub * * @param axisOperation * @param methodElement * @param doc */ private void setHttpHeaderOptions(AxisOperation axisOperation, Element methodElement, Document doc) { // Add a optionParam elements here } // ================================================================== // Util Methods // ================================================================== protected Document getEmptyDocument() { try { DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); return documentBuilder.newDocument(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * @param word * @return Returns character removed string. */ protected String makeJavaClassName(String word) { if (JavaUtils.isJavaKeyword(word)) { return JavaUtils.makeNonJavaKeyword(word); } else { return JavaUtils.capitalizeFirstChar(JavaUtils.xmlNameToJava(word)); } } /** * Utility method to add an attribute to a given element. * * @param document * @param AttribName * @param attribValue * @param element */ protected void addAttribute(Document document, String AttribName, String attribValue, Element element) { XSLTUtils.addAttribute(document, AttribName, attribValue, element); } /** * @param doc * @param rootElement */ protected void fillSyncAttributes(Document doc, Element rootElement) { addAttribute(doc, "isAsync", this.codeGenConfiguration.isAsyncOn() ? "1" : "0", rootElement); addAttribute(doc, "isSync", this.codeGenConfiguration.isSyncOn() ? "1" : "0", rootElement); } /** * debugging method - write the output to the debugger * * @param description * @param doc */ protected void debugLogDocument(String description, Document doc) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { try { DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); StringWriter swrite = new StringWriter(); swrite.write(description); swrite.write("\n"); Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty("omit-xml-declaration", "yes"); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); transformer.transform(source, new StreamResult(swrite)); log.debug(swrite.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Gets the output directory for source files. * * @param outputDir * @return Returns File. */ protected File getOutputDirectory(File outputDir, String dir2) { if (dir2 != null && !"".equals(dir2)) { outputDir = new File(outputDir, dir2); } if (!outputDir.exists()) { outputDir.mkdirs(); } return outputDir; } /** * A resusable method for the implementation of interface and implementation writing. * * @param model * @param writer * @throws java.io.IOException * @throws Exception */ protected void writeFile(Document model, FileWriter writer) throws IOException, Exception { writer.loadTemplate(); String packageName = model.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("package"); String className = model.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("name"); writer.createOutFile(packageName, className); // use the global resolver writer.parse(model, resolver); } /** * Adds the soap action * * @param doc * @param rootElement * @param qName */ protected void addSOAPAction(Document doc, Element rootElement, QName qName) { addAttribute(doc, "soapaction", (String) getBindingPropertyFromOperation(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_ACTION, qName), rootElement); } /** * Adds the output and fault actions * * @param doc * @param methodElement * @param operation */ private void addOutputAndFaultActions(Document doc, Element methodElement, AxisOperation operation) { String outputAction = operation.getOutputAction(); if (outputAction != null) { Element outputActionElt = doc.createElement(org.apache.axis2.Constants.OUTPUT_ACTION_MAPPING); outputActionElt.setAttribute(AddressingConstants.WSA_ACTION, outputAction); methodElement.appendChild(outputActionElt); } String[] faultActionNames = operation.getFaultActionNames(); if (faultActionNames != null) { for (int i = 0; i < faultActionNames.length; i++) { Element faultActionElt = doc.createElement(org.apache.axis2.Constants.FAULT_ACTION_MAPPING); faultActionElt.setAttribute(org.apache.axis2.Constants.FAULT_ACTION_NAME, faultActionNames[i]); faultActionElt.setAttribute(AddressingConstants.WSA_ACTION, operation.getFaultAction(faultActionNames[i])); methodElement.appendChild(faultActionElt); } } } /** * populate the header parameters * * @param soapHeaderParameterQNameList * @param axisOperation * @param input */ protected void addHeaderOperations(List soapHeaderParameterQNameList, AxisOperation axisOperation, boolean input) { ArrayList headerparamList = new ArrayList(); String MEP = axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern(); if (input) { if (WSDLUtil.isInputPresentForMEP(MEP)) { headerparamList = (ArrayList) getBindingPropertyFromMessage( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_HEADER, axisOperation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN); } } else { if (WSDLUtil.isOutputPresentForMEP(MEP)) { headerparamList = (ArrayList) getBindingPropertyFromMessage( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_HEADER, axisOperation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_OUT); } } if (headerparamList != null) { for (Iterator iterator = headerparamList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SOAPHeaderMessage header = (SOAPHeaderMessage) iterator.next(); soapHeaderParameterQNameList.add(header); } } } /** * populate the header parameters to faults * * @param soapHeaderParameterQNameList * @param axisOperation */ protected void addHeaderOperationsToFault(List soapHeaderParameterQNameList, AxisOperation axisOperation) { ArrayList headerparamList = new ArrayList(); ArrayList faultMessages = axisOperation.getFaultMessages(); Iterator iter = faultMessages.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AxisMessage axisFaultMessage = (AxisMessage) iter.next(); headerparamList.addAll((ArrayList) getBindingPropertyFromMessageFault( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_HEADER, axisOperation.getName(), axisFaultMessage.getName())); } if (headerparamList != null) { for (Iterator iterator = headerparamList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SOAPHeaderMessage header = (SOAPHeaderMessage) iterator.next(); soapHeaderParameterQNameList.add(header.getElement()); } } } /** * Get the input element * * @param doc * @param operation * @param headerParameterQNameList * @return DOM element */ protected Element getInputElement(Document doc, AxisOperation operation, List headerParameterQNameList) { Element inputElt = doc.createElement("input"); String mep = operation.getMessageExchangePattern(); if (WSDLUtil.isInputPresentForMEP(mep)) { Element[] param = getInputParamElement(doc, operation); for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { inputElt.appendChild(param[i]); } List parameterElementList = getParameterElementList(doc, headerParameterQNameList, WSDLConstants.SOAP_HEADER); parameterElementList.addAll(getParameterElementListForHttpHeader(doc, (ArrayList) getBindingPropertyFromMessage( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_HEADER, operation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN), WSDLConstants.HTTP_HEADER)); parameterElementList.addAll(getParameterElementListForSOAPModules(doc, (ArrayList) getBindingPropertyFromMessage( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSOAP_MODULE, operation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN))); for (int i = 0; i < parameterElementList.size(); i++) { inputElt.appendChild((Element) parameterElementList.get(i)); } /* * Setting the effective policy of input message */ Policy policy = getBindingPolicyFromMessage(operation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN); if (policy != null) { try { addAttribute(doc, "policy", PolicyUtil.getSafeString(PolicyUtil.policyComponentToString(policy)), inputElt); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("can't serialize the policy .."); } } } return inputElt; } /** * Get the fault element - No header faults are supported * * @param doc * @param operation */ protected Element getFaultElement(Document doc, AxisOperation operation) { Element faultElt = doc.createElement("fault"); Element[] param = getFaultParamElements(doc, operation); for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { faultElt.appendChild(param[i]); } return faultElt; } /** * Finds the output element. * * @param doc * @param operation * @param headerParameterQNameList */ protected Element getOutputElement(Document doc, AxisOperation operation, List headerParameterQNameList) { Element outputElt = doc.createElement("output"); String mep = operation.getMessageExchangePattern(); if (WSDLUtil.isOutputPresentForMEP(mep)) { Element param = getOutputParamElement(doc, operation); if (param != null) { outputElt.appendChild(param); } List outputElementList = getParameterElementList(doc, headerParameterQNameList, WSDLConstants.SOAP_HEADER); outputElementList.addAll(getParameterElementListForHttpHeader(doc, (ArrayList) getBindingPropertyFromMessage( WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_HEADER, operation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_OUT), WSDLConstants.HTTP_HEADER)); for (int i = 0; i < outputElementList.size(); i++) { outputElt.appendChild((Element) outputElementList.get(i)); } /* * Setting the effective policy for the output message. */ Policy policy = getBindingPolicyFromMessage(operation.getName(), WSDLConstants.WSDL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_OUT); if (policy != null) { try { addAttribute(doc, "policy", PolicyUtil.getSafeString(PolicyUtil.policyComponentToString(policy)), outputElt); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("can't serialize the policy .."); } } } return outputElt; } /** * @param doc * @param operation * @return Returns the parameter element. */ protected Element[] getFaultParamElements(Document doc, AxisOperation operation) { ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); ArrayList faultMessages = operation.getFaultMessages(); if (faultMessages != null && !faultMessages.isEmpty()) { Element paramElement; AxisMessage msg; for (int i = 0; i < faultMessages.size(); i++) { paramElement = doc.createElement("param"); msg = (AxisMessage) faultMessages.get(i); if (msg.getElementQName() == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Element QName is null for " + msg.getName() + "!"); } //as for the name of a fault, we generate an exception addAttribute(doc, "name", (String) fullyQualifiedFaultClassNameMap.get(msg.getName()), paramElement); addAttribute(doc, "shortName", (String) faultClassNameMap.get(msg.getName()), paramElement); // attach the namespace and the localName addAttribute(doc, "namespace", msg.getElementQName().getNamespaceURI(), paramElement); addAttribute(doc, "localname", msg.getElementQName().getLocalPart(), paramElement); //the type represents the type that will be wrapped by this //name String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName(msg.getElementQName()); addAttribute(doc, "type", (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping, paramElement); //add the short name addShortType(paramElement, (msg.getElementQName() == null) ? null : msg.getElementQName().getLocalPart()); String attribValue = (String) instantiatableMessageClassNames. get(msg.getElementQName()); addAttribute(doc, "instantiatableType", attribValue == null ? "" : attribValue, paramElement); // add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is // the default if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(typeMapping)) { addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", paramElement); } addAttribute(doc, "value", getParamInitializer(typeMapping), paramElement); Iterator iter = msg.getExtensibilityAttributes().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { // process extensibility attributes } params.add(paramElement); } return (Element[]) params.toArray(new Element[params.size()]); } else { return new Element[]{};//return empty array } } /** * @param doc * @param operation * @return Returns the parameter element. */ protected Element[] getInputParamElement(Document doc, AxisOperation operation) { AxisMessage inputMessage = operation.getMessage(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE); List paramElementList = new ArrayList(); if (inputMessage != null) { // This is the wrapped component - add the type mapping Element mainParameter = generateParamComponent(doc, this.mapper.getParameterName( inputMessage.getElementQName()), this.mapper.getTypeMappingName( inputMessage.getElementQName()), operation.getName(), inputMessage.getElementQName() ); paramElementList.add(mainParameter); //if the unwrapping or backWordCompatibility flag is on then we have to //put the element complex type if it exits if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode() || !this.codeGenConfiguration.isParametersWrapped()) { if (inputMessage.getParameter(Constants.COMPLEX_TYPE) != null) { Parameter parameter = inputMessage.getParameter(Constants.COMPLEX_TYPE); addAttribute(doc, "complextype", (String) parameter.getValue(), mainParameter); } } // this message has been unwrapped - find the correct references of the // the message by looking at the unwrapped details object and attach the // needed parameters inside main parameter element if (inputMessage.getParameter(Constants.UNWRAPPED_KEY) != null) { //we have this unwrapped earlier. get the info holder //and then look at the parameters Parameter detailsParameter = inputMessage.getParameter(Constants.UNWRAPPED_DETAILS); MessagePartInformationHolder infoHolder = (MessagePartInformationHolder) detailsParameter.getValue(); List partsList = infoHolder.getPartsList(); //populate the parts list - this list is needed to generate multiple //parameters in the signatures for (int i = 0; i < partsList.size(); i++) { QName qName = (QName) partsList.get(i); mainParameter.appendChild(generateParamComponent(doc, this.mapper.getParameterName( qName), this.mapper.getTypeMappingName( qName), operation.getName(), qName, qName.getLocalPart(), (this.mapper .getTypeMappingStatus( qName) != null), Constants.ARRAY_TYPE.equals( this.mapper.getTypeMappingStatus( qName))) ); } } } return (Element[]) paramElementList.toArray( new Element[paramElementList.size()]); } /** * A convenient method for the generating the parameter element * * @param doc * @param paramName * @param paramType * @return DOM Element */ protected Element generateParamComponent(Document doc, String paramName, String paramType, QName operationName, QName paramQName) { return generateParamComponent(doc, paramName, paramType, operationName, paramQName, null, false, false); } /** * A convenient method for the generating the parameter element * * @param doc * @param paramName * @param paramType * @return DOM Element */ protected Element generateParamComponent(Document doc, String paramName, String paramType, QName paramQName) { return generateParamComponent(doc, paramName, paramType, null, paramQName, null, false, false); } /** * A convenient method for the generating optionParam components * * @param doc * @param name * @param value * @return Element */ protected Element generateOptionParamComponent(Document doc, String name, String value) { Element optionParamElement = doc.createElement("optionParam"); addAttribute(doc, "name", name, optionParamElement); addAttribute(doc, "value", value, optionParamElement); return optionParamElement; } /** * A convenient method for the generating the parameter element * * @param doc * @param paramName * @param paramType * @param opName * @param paramName */ protected Element generateParamComponent(Document doc, String paramName, String paramType, QName opName, QName paramQName, String partName, boolean isPrimitive, boolean isArray) { Element paramElement = doc.createElement("param"); addAttribute(doc, "name", paramName, paramElement); addAttribute(doc, "type", (paramType == null) ? "" : paramType, paramElement); //adds the short type addShortType(paramElement, (paramQName == null) ? null : paramQName.getLocalPart()); // add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is the default if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(paramType)) { addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", paramElement); } addAttribute(doc, "value", getParamInitializer(paramType), paramElement); // add this as a body parameter addAttribute(doc, "location", "body", paramElement); //if the opName and partName are present , add them if (opName != null) { addAttribute(doc, "opname", opName.getLocalPart(), paramElement); } if (paramQName != null) { Element qNameElement = doc.createElement("qname"); addAttribute(doc, "nsuri", paramQName.getNamespaceURI(), qNameElement); addAttribute(doc, "localname", paramQName.getLocalPart(), qNameElement); paramElement.appendChild(qNameElement); } if (partName != null) { String javaName = null; if (JavaUtils.isJavaKeyword(partName)) { javaName = JavaUtils.makeNonJavaKeyword(partName); } else { javaName = JavaUtils.capitalizeFirstChar(JavaUtils.xmlNameToJava(partName)); } addAttribute(doc, "partname", javaName, paramElement); } if (isPrimitive) { addAttribute(doc, "primitive", "yes", paramElement); } if (isArray) { addAttribute(doc, "array", "yes", paramElement); } return paramElement; } /** * @param doc * @param operation * @return Returns Element. */ protected Element getOutputParamElement(Document doc, AxisOperation operation) { Element paramElement = doc.createElement("param"); AxisMessage outputMessage = operation.getMessage(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_OUT_VALUE); String typeMappingStr; String parameterName; if (outputMessage != null) { parameterName = this.mapper.getParameterName(outputMessage.getElementQName()); String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName(outputMessage.getElementQName()); typeMappingStr = (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping; } else { parameterName = ""; typeMappingStr = ""; } addAttribute(doc, "name", parameterName, paramElement); addAttribute(doc, "type", typeMappingStr, paramElement); //adds the short type addShortType(paramElement, (outputMessage.getElementQName() == null) ? null : outputMessage.getElementQName().getLocalPart()); // add an extra attribute to say whether the type mapping is the default if (mapper.getDefaultMappingName().equals(typeMappingStr)) { addAttribute(doc, "default", "yes", paramElement); } // add this as a body parameter addAttribute(doc, "location", "body", paramElement); addAttribute(doc, "opname", operation.getName().getLocalPart(), paramElement); //if the unwrapping or backWordCompatibility flag is on then we have to //put the element complex type if it exits if (this.codeGenConfiguration.isBackwordCompatibilityMode() || !this.codeGenConfiguration.isParametersWrapped()) { if (outputMessage.getParameter(Constants.COMPLEX_TYPE) != null) { Parameter parameter = outputMessage.getParameter(Constants.COMPLEX_TYPE); addAttribute(doc, "complextype", (String) parameter.getValue(), paramElement); } } // this message has been unwrapped - find the correct references of the // the message by looking at the unwrapped details object and attach the // needed parameters inside main parameter element if (outputMessage.getParameter(Constants.UNWRAPPED_KEY) != null) { //we have this unwrapped earlier. get the info holder //and then look at the parameters Parameter detailsParameter = outputMessage.getParameter(Constants.UNWRAPPED_DETAILS); MessagePartInformationHolder infoHolder = (MessagePartInformationHolder) detailsParameter.getValue(); List partsList = infoHolder.getPartsList(); //populate the parts list - this list is needed to generate multiple //parameters in the signatures // in out put params we only intersted if there is only one parameter // otherwise we can not unwrap it. if (partsList.size() == 1) { QName qName = (QName) partsList.get(0); paramElement.appendChild(generateParamComponent(doc, this.mapper.getParameterName(qName), this.mapper.getTypeMappingName( qName), operation.getName(), qName, qName.getLocalPart(), (this.mapper.getTypeMappingStatus( qName) != null), Constants.ARRAY_TYPE.equals( this.mapper.getTypeMappingStatus( qName))) ); } } QName paramQName = outputMessage.getElementQName(); if (paramQName != null) { Element qNameElement = doc.createElement("qname"); addAttribute(doc, "nsuri", paramQName.getNamespaceURI(), qNameElement); addAttribute(doc, "localname", paramQName.getLocalPart(), qNameElement); paramElement.appendChild(qNameElement); } return paramElement; } /** * @param paramType */ protected String getParamInitializer(String paramType) { // Look up paramType in the table String out = (String) constructorMap.get(paramType); if (out == null) { out = "null"; } return out; } /** * @param doc * @param parameters * @param location */ protected List getParameterElementList(Document doc, List parameters, String location) { List parameterElementList = new ArrayList(); if ((parameters != null) && !parameters.isEmpty()) { int count = parameters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Element param = doc.createElement("param"); SOAPHeaderMessage header = (SOAPHeaderMessage) parameters.get(i); QName name = header.getElement(); addAttribute(doc, "name", this.mapper.getParameterName(name), param); String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName(name); String typeMappingStr = (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping; addAttribute(doc, "type", typeMappingStr, param); addAttribute(doc, "location", location, param); if (header.isMustUnderstand()) { addAttribute(doc, "mustUnderstand", "true", param); } parameterElementList.add(param); } } return parameterElementList; } protected List getParameterElementListForHttpHeader(Document doc, List parameters, String location) { List parameterElementList = new ArrayList(); if ((parameters != null) && !parameters.isEmpty()) { int count = parameters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Element param = doc.createElement("param"); HTTPHeaderMessage httpHeaderMessage = (HTTPHeaderMessage) parameters.get(i); QName qName = httpHeaderMessage.getqName(); String name = httpHeaderMessage.getName(); // use name as the name attribute of the parameter addAttribute(doc, "name", JavaUtils.xmlNameToJavaIdentifier(name), param); // header name is to set the header value addAttribute(doc, "headername", name, param); String typeMapping = this.mapper.getTypeMappingName(qName); String typeMappingStr = (typeMapping == null) ? "" : typeMapping; addAttribute(doc, "type", typeMappingStr, param); addAttribute(doc, "location", location, param); parameterElementList.add(param); } } return parameterElementList; } protected List getParameterElementListForSOAPModules(Document doc, List parameters) { List parameterElementList = new ArrayList(); if ((parameters != null) && !parameters.isEmpty()) { int count = parameters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Element param = doc.createElement("param"); SOAPModuleMessage soapModuleMessage = (SOAPModuleMessage) parameters.get(i); // header name is to set the header value addAttribute(doc, "uri", soapModuleMessage.getUri(), param); addAttribute(doc, "location", "wsoap_module", param); parameterElementList.add(param); } } return parameterElementList; } /** * Utility method to add an attribute to a given element. * * @param document * @param eltName * @param eltValue * @param element */ protected Element addElement(Document document, String eltName, String eltValue, Element element) { Element elt = XSLTUtils.addChildElement(document, eltName, element); if (eltValue != null) { elt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(eltValue)); } return elt; } } Other Axis 2 examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Axis 2 AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter.java source code file: |
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