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Axis 2 example source code file (eBaySvc.wsdl)

This example Axis 2 source code file (eBaySvc.wsdl) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Axis 2 tags/keywords

callinfo, callinfo, callname, callname, context, detaillevels, detaillevels, for, if, requiredinput, returnall, returned, returned, the

The Axis 2 eBaySvc.wsdl source code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Version 471 -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 2003-2006 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. -->
		<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"  
		xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

	<!-- Custom Security header element-->
	<xs:element name="RequesterCredentials" type="ns:CustomSecurityHeaderType">
				Authentication information for the user on whose behalf the
				application is making the request. Only registered eBay users are
				allowed to make API calls. To verify that a user is registered,
				your application needs to pass a user-specific value called an
				"authentication token" in the request. This is equivalent to
				signing in on the eBay Web site. As API calls do not pass session
				information, you need to pass the user's authentication token every
				time you invoke a call on their behalf. All calls require an
				authentication token, except the calls you use to retrieve a token
				in the first place. (For such calls, you use the eBay member's
				username and password instead.)
		<!--  Call: AddDispute -->
	<xs:element name="AddDisputeRequest" type="ns:AddDisputeRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddDisputeRequestType">
				Allows a seller to create a new Unpaid Item dispute. Can only be used by
				the seller at least 7 days after the transaction is created, unless the
				buyer is no longer a registered eBay user or has requested shipment to a
				country the seller does not ship to. A buyer creates an Item Not
				Received dispute on the eBay site.
						Enables a seller to use an item ID and transaction ID to create a new Unpaid Item dispute.  
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="DisputeExplanation" type="ns:DisputeExplanationCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								An explanation of the dispute that supplements the
								DisputeReason. The allowed value depends on the value of
					<xs:element name="DisputeReason" type="ns:DisputeReasonCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The top-level reason for the Unpaid Item Dispute.
								DisputeReasonCodeType has several possible values. However, only
								BuyerHasNotPaid and TransactionMutuallyCanceled apply to
								AddDispute--you can only use AddDisputeCall to create Unpaid
								Item disputes.
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The eBay ID of the item in dispute, an item which has been
								sold but not yet paid for.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The eBay ID of a transaction, created when the buyer committed
								to purchasing the item. A transaction ID is unique to the item
								but not across the entire eBay site. The transaction ID must be
								combined with an item ID to uniquely identify an item.
	<!--  Call: AddDispute -->
	<xs:element name="AddDisputeResponse" type="ns:AddDisputeResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddDisputeResponseType">
				Returned after calling AddDisputeRequest. The response confirms that
				the Unpaid Item dispute was successfully created.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="DisputeID" type="ns:DisputeIDType" minOccurs="0">
	    					The unique identifier of the Unpaid Item dispute.
	<!--  Call: AddDisputeResponse -->
	<xs:element name="AddDisputeResponseRequest" type="ns:AddDisputeResponseRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddDisputeResponseRequestType">
				Allows a seller to respond to an Unpaid Item or Item Not Received dispute.
				The response can add a comment or close the dispute.
						Adds a response or comment to a dispute, or closes a dispute.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="DisputeID" type="ns:DisputeIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier of the dispute,
								returned when the dispute was created.
					<xs:element name="MessageText" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The text of a comment or response being posted
								to the dispute. Required when DisputeActivity is
								SellerAddInformation, SellerComment, or
								SellerPaymentNotReceived; otherwise, optional.
					<xs:element name="DisputeActivity" type="ns:DisputeActivityCodeType"  minOccurs="0">
								The type of activity the seller is taking on the dispute.
								The allowed value is determined by the current value of
								DisputeState, returned by GetDispute or GetUserDisputes.
								Some values are for Unpaid Item disputes and some are for Item
								Not Received disputes.
					<xs:element name="ShippingCarrierUsed" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The shipping carrier used for the item in dispute. Required if DisputeActivity
								is SellerShippedItem; otherwise, optional.
					<xs:element name="ShipmentTrackNumber" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The shipper's tracking number for the item being shipped. Required
								if DisputeActivity is SellerShippedItem; otherwise, optional.
					<xs:element name="ShippingTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								The date the item under dispute was shipped. Required if DisputeActivity
								is SellerShippedItem; otherwise, optional.
	<!--  Call: AddDisputeResponse -->
	<xs:element name="AddDisputeResponseResponse" type="ns:AddDisputeResponseResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddDisputeResponseResponseType">
				Returned after taking an action on a dispute with AddDisputeResponseRequest.
				Includes the status of the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: AddItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddItemRequest" type="ns:AddItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddItemRequestType">
				Defines a single new item and lists it on a specified eBay site.
				To list multiple new items, execute AddItem once for each item,
				with a new item definition each time.
						Sends data defining a new item (specified by a seller) to eBay,
						where it becomes a new listing. Returns the item ID for the new listing
						and estimates fees the seller will incur for the listing
						(not including the Final Value Fee, which cannot be calculated until the item is sold). 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType"  minOccurs="0">
								Child elements hold the values that define the new item. Item is a
								required input.
								Also applicable to
					<xs:element name="ExternalProductID" type="ns:ExternalProductIDType" minOccurs="0">
								This field will be removed from the schema
								in a future release. Recommended usage as of release 439 varies for listings and listings.
								For listings:
								As of release 439, this field can still be passed in, but we recommend
								that you update your applications to use the ExternalProductID field
								defined on the item instead (i.e., Item.ExternalProductID).
								If you specify both Item.ExternalProductID and this field in the same
								request, eBay uses the value in Item.ExternalProductID and ignores the
								value in this field. See Item.ExternalProductID for information on using
								an external ID for listings.
								For listings:
								As of release 439, this field is required for listings.
								Causes to list the item with Pre-filled Item Information based
								on an ISBN value or other supported external ID, plus other meta-data
								that you specify. See the eBay Web Services guide for information about
								listing to
	<!--  Call: AddItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddItemResponse" type="ns:AddItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddItemResponseType">
          Returns the item ID and the estimated fees for the new listing, as well as
          the start and end times of the listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID for the new listing.
								Also applicable to
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Starting date and time for the new listing.
								Also returned for (for, the start time is always the time the item was listed).
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Date and time when the new listing ends. This is the starting time
								plus the listing duration.
								Also returned for, but for the actual end time is GTC
								(not the end time returned in the response).
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements contain the estimated listing fees for the new item listing.
								The fees do not include the Final Value Fee (FVF), which cannot be determined
								until an item is sold.
								Also returned for, but the values are not applicable to listings.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the primary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID you passed in PrimaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								CategoryID does not return a value.
								Not applicable to
					<xs:element name="Category2ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the secondary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID you passed in SecondaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								Category2ID does not return a value.
								Not applicable to
	<!--  Call: AddLiveAuctionItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddLiveAuctionItemRequest" type="ns:AddLiveAuctionItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddLiveAuctionItemRequestType">
				Lists a lot item on the eBay Live Auctions site. The lot item will
				also be visible to users who search and browse the US
				site. Only authorized eBay Live Auctions sellers can list lot
						Available to eBay Live Auctions sellers. Sends data defining a single new lot item
						to the eBay Live Auctions site, where it becomes a new lot in a seller's Live Auction catalog.
						The listing also appears on the main eBay site. As in the case of AddItem,
						the data returned includes an item ID for the new listing and estimated fees,
						not including the Final Value Fee. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType"  minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the values that define the new lot item.
								Item is a required input.
	<!--  Call: AddLiveAuctionItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddLiveAuctionItemResponse" type="ns:AddLiveAuctionItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddLiveAuctionItemResponseType">
				Returns the item ID and the estimated fees for the new lot item listing,
				as well as the state of the lot item (e.g., categories that changed).
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The item ID of the lot.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements contain the estimated listing fees for the new item listing.
								The fees do not include the Final Value Fee (FVF), which cannot be determined
								until an item is sold.
								For consistency in the response, the call returns the same kinds of fees
								as other listing calls, but some fees are not applicable to eBay Live Auctions listings.
								See "Fees Resulting from Listing an Item" in the eBay Web Services guide
								for information about fees.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the primary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID you passed in PrimaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								CategoryID does not return a value.
					<xs:element name="Category2ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the secondary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID you passed in SecondaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								Category2ID does not return a value.
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessage -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessageRequest" type="ns:AddMemberMessageRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessageRequestType">
				Enables a seller to respond to eBay users who have asked
				questions about an active item listings. To be deprecated in Oct 2006.
						Enables a seller to respond to eBay users who have asked
						questions about an active item listing.
						To be deprecated in Oct 2006. Use AddMemberMessageRTQ instead.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique ID of the item about which
								the question was asked. Required input
								for AddMemberMessage MessageType = ResponseToASQQuestion.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="MemberMessage" type="ns:MemberMessageType" minOccurs="0">
								The message itself.
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessage -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessageResponse" type="ns:AddMemberMessageResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessageResponseType">
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerRequest" type="ns:AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerRequestType">
				Enables a buyer and seller in a transactional relationship to send messages to each other
				within 90 days of the creation of the transaction.
						Enables a buyer and seller in a transactional relationship to
						send messages to each other's My Messages Inboxes within 90 days of the creation of
						the transaction. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique ID of the item about which the question was asked.
					<xs:element name="MemberMessage" type="ns:MemberMessageType" minOccurs="0">
								The message itself.
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerResponse" type="ns:AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerResponseType">
				Response to AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessageRTQ -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessageRTQRequest" type="ns:AddMemberMessageRTQRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessageRTQRequestType">
				Enables a seller to reply to a question about an active item listing.
						Enables a seller to reply to a question about an active item listing. The reply is sent
						to the user's My Messages inbox.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique ID of the item about which
								the question was asked.
					<xs:element name="MemberMessage" type="ns:MemberMessageType" minOccurs="0">
								The message itself.
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessageRTQ -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessageRTQResponse" type="ns:AddMemberMessageRTQResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessageRTQResponseType">
				Response to AddMemberMessageRTQ request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder -->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderRequest" type="ns:AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderRequestType">
				Enables a seller to send up to 10 messages to bidders and
				users who have made offers (via Best Offer) during an
				active listing.
						Enables a seller to send up to 10 messages to bidders and
						users who have made offers (via Best Offer) during an
						active listing. Messages to a user appear in the user's My Messages inbox. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderRequestContainer" type="ns:AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderRequestContainerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
							Allows a seller to send up to 10 messages to
							bidders and users who have made offers (via Best
							Offer) during an active listing.
	<!--  Call: AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder -->
<!-- auto-generated by API Schema Generation Tool-->
	<xs:element name="AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderResponse" type="ns:AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderResponseType">
				Contains the response information.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderResponseContainer" type="ns:AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidderResponseContainerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Contains the response information.
	<!--  Call: AddOrder -->
	<xs:element name="AddOrderRequest" type="ns:AddOrderRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddOrderRequestType">
				Combines two or more transactions into a single order. A transaction is
				the commitment by a buyer to purchase an item. On a successful call to
				AddOrder, the multiple transactions are combined into a single order.
				We strongly recommend that you avoid mixing digital and non-digital listings in the same order.
				(In the future, AddOrder may enforce this recommendation.)
						Combines two or more transactions into a single order. The order has a unique identifier and the buyer can make a single payment for purchases. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Order" type="ns:OrderType" minOccurs="0">
								The order that is being created.
	<!--  Call: AddOrder -->
	<xs:element name="AddOrderResponse" type="ns:AddOrderResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddOrderResponseType">
				Returns a unique identifier for the order. A buyer may make a single
				payment to purchase all of the item transactions that are included
				in the order.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="OrderID" type="ns:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier for the order.
					<xs:element name="CreatedTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								The date and time the order was created.
	<!--  Call: AddSecondChanceItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddSecondChanceItemRequest" type="ns:AddSecondChanceItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddSecondChanceItemRequestType">
				Creates a new Second Chance Offer listing for an item to one of that item's
				non-winning bidders.
						Creates a new Second Chance Offer (that is, an offer for an unsold item) to a non-winning bidder.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="RecipientBidderUserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the bidder from the original,
								ended listing to whom the seller is extending
								the second chance offer. Specify only one
								RecipientBidderUserID per call. If multiple
								users are specified (each in a
								RecipientBidderUserID node), only the last one
								specified receives the offer.
					<xs:element name="BuyItNowPrice" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the amount the offer recipient
								must pay to purchase the item from the second
								chance offer listing. Use only when the original
								item was an eBay Motors (or in some categories
								on U.S. and international sites for high-priced
								items, such as items in many U.S. and Canada
								Business and Industrial categories) and it ended
								unsold because the reserve price was not met.
								Call fails with an error for any other item
					<xs:element name="CopyEmailToSeller" type="xs:boolean">
								Specifies whether to send a
								copy to the seller of the second chance offer
								notification email that goes to the recipient
								user. With 457, the seller always receives a
								copy of the email, and this tag is ignored as
					<xs:element name="Duration" type="ns:SecondChanceOfferDurationCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the length of time the second
								chance offer listing will be active. The
								recipient bidder has that much time to
								purchase the item or the listing expires.
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the item ID for the original,
								ended listing from which the second chance
								offer item comes. A new ItemID is returned for
								the second chance offer item.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Site" type="ns:SiteCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Reserved for internal or future use.
					<xs:element name="SellerMessage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Message content. Cannot contain HTML,
								asterisks, or quotes. This content is
								included in the second chance offer email sent
								to the recipient, which can be retrieved with
	<!--  Call: AddSecondChanceItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddSecondChanceItemResponse" type="ns:AddSecondChanceItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddSecondChanceItemResponseType">
				AddSecondChanceItem response for a new Second Chance
				Offer listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the listing fees for the new second
								chance offer listing.
									<Title>Value-Added Tax (VAT)
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the item ID for the new second chance
								offer listing. Different from the original ItemID passed in the request.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the date and time when the the new
								second chance offer listing became active and
								the recipient user could purchase the item.
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the date and time when the second
								chance offer listing expires, at which time
								the listing ends (if the recipient user does
								not purchase the item first).
	<!--  Call: AddToItemDescription -->
	<xs:element name="AddToItemDescriptionRequest" type="ns:AddToItemDescriptionRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddToItemDescriptionRequestType">
				Adds text to the end of the description section of an item listing.
						Adds text to the end of the description section of an item listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID that identifies the target item listing, the description
								of which is appended with the text specified in Description.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the text to append to the end of the listings description.
								Text appended to a listing's description must abide by the rules
								applicable to this data (such as no JavaScript) as is the case when
								first listing the item.
	<!--  Call: AddToItemDescription -->
	<xs:element name="AddToItemDescriptionResponse" type="ns:AddToItemDescriptionResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddToItemDescriptionResponseType">
				Indicates the success or failure of the attempt to add text to the end of the 
				description section of an item listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: AddToWatchList -->
	<xs:element name="AddToWatchListRequest" type="ns:AddToWatchListRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddToWatchListRequestType">
				Adds one or more items to the user's My eBay watch list.
						Adds one or more items to the user's My eBay watch list.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The ItemID of the item that is to be added
								to the watch list. The item must be a currently
								active item, and the total number of items in
								the watchlist (after the items in the request
								have been added) cannot exceed the maximum
								allowed number of watch list items.
								One or more ItemIDs can be specified, each in
								its own ItemID container. A separate error node
								will be returned for each item that fails.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
	<!--  Call: AddToWatchList -->
	<xs:element name="AddToWatchListResponse" type="ns:AddToWatchListResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddToWatchListResponseType">
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="WatchListCount" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The number of items in the user's watch list (after those specified
								in the call request have been added)
					<xs:element name="WatchListMaximum" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The maximum number of items allowed in watch lists. Currently this
								value is the same for all sites and all users.
	<!--  Call: AddTransactionConfirmationItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddTransactionConfirmationItemRequest" type="ns:AddTransactionConfirmationItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddTransactionConfirmationItemRequestType">
				Ends the listing specified by ItemID and creates a new Transaction
				Confirmation Request (TCR) for an item. A TCR enables a buyer
				to purchase an item. Applies to the US eBay Motors site (except
				Parts and Accessories category), effective in early July 2006.
				You can use this call for an item after the item has been
				listed for at least 24 hours. A TCR is sent by a seller to one
				of the following: a bidder, a best offer buyer, a member with
				an ASQ question, or any member with a postal code.
				Alternatively, this call can be used to verify that a new TCR
				can be created.
						Ends the listing specified by ItemID and creates a new Transaction
						Confirmation Request (TCR) for an item.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="RecipientUserID" type="ns:UserIDType">
								Specifies the user to whom the seller is offering the Transaction Confirmation Request.
					<xs:element name="VerifyEligibilityOnly" type="xs:string">
								If true, specifies that the seller is verifying whether a new Transaction Confirmation Request
								(TCR) can be created.
								Thus, if this value is passed as true, then no Transaction Confirmation Request is actually made. If VerifyEligibilityOnly
								is not passed, or is false, a Transaction Confirmation Request is actually made.
					<xs:element name="RecipientPostalCode" type="xs:string">
								Specifies the postal code of the user to whom the seller is offering the Transaction Confirmation Request.
								Required only if the user does not meet the other options listed in RecipientRelationCodeType.
								An error is returned if RecipientUserID and RecipientPostalCode do not match for more than 3 times
								for a seller per day.
					<xs:element name="RecipientRelationType" type="ns:RecipientRelationCodeType">
								Specifies the current relationship between the seller and the potential buyer.
								A seller can make a Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR) for an item
								to a potential buyer if the buyer meets one of several criteria.
								A TCR is sent by a seller to one of the following: a bidder, a best offer buyer,
								a member with an ASQ question, or any member with a postal code. See the values and annotations in RecipientRelationCodeType.
					<xs:element name="NegotiatedPrice" type="ns:AmountType">
								The amount the offer recipient must pay to buy the item
								specified in the Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR).
								A negotiated amount between the buyer and the seller.
					<xs:element name="ListingDuration" type="ns:SecondChanceOfferDurationCodeType">
								Specifies the length of time the item in the Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR) will be
								available for purchase.
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType">
							  The ItemID of the item that the seller wants to end in order to create a Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR).
					<xs:element name="Comments" type="xs:string">
								Comments the seller wants to send to the recipient (bidder, best offer buyer, member with an ASQ question, or
								member with a postal code).
	<!--  Call: AddTransactionConfirmationItem -->
	<xs:element name="AddTransactionConfirmationItemResponse" type="ns:AddTransactionConfirmationItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="AddTransactionConfirmationItemResponseType">
          Returns an item ID for a new Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR). 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
                  The new item ID for the item in the new Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR). 
                  This field is not returned if the request was only used to verify that a new TCR could be created.
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
                  The date and time when the item in the new Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR)
                  becomes available for purchase.
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
                  The date and time when the item in the new Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR)
                  is no longer available for purchase.
	<!--  Call: ApproveLiveAuctionBidders -->
	<xs:element name="ApproveLiveAuctionBiddersRequest" type="ns:ApproveLiveAuctionBiddersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ApproveLiveAuctionBiddersRequestType">
				Provides Live Auction sellers with the ability to approve, decline,
				and set the bidding limit of the bidders that have signed up for a catalog.
				Includes the list of bidders for the requested item as part of the
				general item listing data.
						Provides Live Auction sellers with the ability to approve, decline,
						and set the bidding limit of the bidders that have signed up for a catalog.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="UserCatalogID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number that identifies the seller's eBay Live Auctions catalog for which
								they want to set bidding limits and approve or decline bidders.
					<xs:element name="BidApproval" type="ns:BidApprovalArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Approval details for a specific set of bidders.
					<xs:element name="ApproveAllPending" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								This will approve all bidders in the catalog in the pending status only.
								This is an optional field. If provided and set to true, do not send BidApproval.
					<xs:element name="AllApprovedBiddingLimit" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								This is the amount that bidders are beings approved for.
								This is required if user has set ApproveAllPending to true.
								It only applies to bidder requests that are in pending status.
	<!--  Call: ApproveLiveAuctionBidders -->
<!-- W3C Schema generated by XMLSPY v5 rel. 4 U (
	<xs:element name="ApproveLiveAuctionBiddersResponse" type="ns:ApproveLiveAuctionBiddersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ApproveLiveAuctionBiddersResponseType">
			Provides the Live Auction sellers with the ability to approve, decline,
			and set the bidding limit of the bidders that have signed up for a catalog.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BidderUpdateStatus" type="ns:LiveAuctionApprovalStatusArrayType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains the results of the request for each item.
							Mulitple bidders can be approved with one call.
	<!--  Call: CompleteSale -->
	<xs:element name="CompleteSaleRequest" type="ns:CompleteSaleRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="CompleteSaleRequestType">
				Enables a seller to do various tasks after processing a
				The seller can leave feedback for the buyer, change the paid
				status in My eBay, and/or change the shipped status in My eBay.
				Only the seller who listed the item can perform these tasks. This
				call can be executed at any time after a transaction has been
				created. However, it is a good idea to wait until the sale is
				complete before using this call.
						Enables a seller to do the following tasks after processing a
						transaction: leave feedback for the buyer, change the paid status in My eBay, or change the shipped status in My eBay (or any combination of these). 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the listing associated with the transaction that the
								seller is completing.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Unique identifier for a transaction from the listing indicated by ItemID.
								Call GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions to determine
								the appropriate transaction ID.
								Required for all listing types (pass 0 for Chinese auctions).
					<xs:element name="FeedbackInfo" type="ns:FeedbackInfoType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies feedback the seller is leaving for the buyer.
								For a given transaction, the seller can leave feedback once,
								and no further modifications can be made to that feedback entry.
								If feedback has already been left, FeedbackInfo is not allowed.
								Call GetFeedback to determine whether feedback has already been left.
					<xs:element name="Shipped" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, the transaction is marked as shipped in My eBay
								(applicable for Selling Manager Pro users).
								If false, the transaction is marked as not shipped in My eBay.
								If not specified, the shipped status in My eBay is not modified.
					<xs:element name="Paid" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, the transaction is marked as paid in My eBay.
								If false, the transaction is marked as not paid in My eBay.
								If not specified, the paid status in My eBay is not modified.
	<!--  Call: CompleteSale -->
	<xs:element name="CompleteSaleResponse" type="ns:CompleteSaleResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="CompleteSaleResponseType">
      Indicates the success or failure of the attempt to leave feedback for the buyer, 
      change the paid status in My eBay, and/or change the shipped status in My eBay.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: DeleteMyMessages -->
	<xs:element name="DeleteMyMessagesRequest" type="ns:DeleteMyMessagesRequestType" />
	<xs:complexType name="DeleteMyMessagesRequestType">
				Removes selected alerts and messages for a given user. Alerts that
				require action and have not been resolved by the user cannot be
						Removes selected alerts and messages for a given user.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AlertIDs" type="ns:MyMessagesAlertIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of up to 10 AlertID values.
					<xs:element name="MessageIDs" type="ns:MyMessagesMessageIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of up to 10 MessageID values.
	<!--  Call: DeleteMyMessages -->
	<xs:element name="DeleteMyMessagesResponse" type="ns:DeleteMyMessagesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="DeleteMyMessagesResponseType">
				The response to DeleteMyMessagesRequestType. If the request was successful, 
				DeleteMyMessages returns nothing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: EndItem -->
	<xs:element name="EndItemRequest" type="ns:EndItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="EndItemRequestType">
				Ends the specified item listing. Used by a seller to end the
				listing before it would normally end, such as before the
				specified duration has passed or the item was purchased via
				a Buy It Now option. Only the item's seller may call EndItem
				to end the item listing. Applicable to items listed on
				For eBay Live Auctions, you cannot delete items that have been closed or that
				are part of a Live Auction event that has started.
						Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which
						it would normally end (per the listing duration). For competitive-bidding listings
						that have bids on them, the listing ends as a successful auction with
						winning bidder(s) unless the seller first cancels the bids. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID that identifies the item listing to end.
								Also applicable to For listings, you can either
								specify ItemID or SellerInventoryID.
								For eBay Live Auctions, you cannot delete items that have been closed
								or that are part of a Live Auction event that has started.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="EndingReason" type="ns:EndReasonCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the seller's reason for ending the listing early.
								This field is required if the seller is ending the item early and the item
								did not successfully sell.
								Also applicable to
					<xs:element name="SellerInventoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Unique identifier that the seller specified when they listed the item. For items, you can either specify ItemID or SellerInventoryID.
								If you specify both ItemID and SellerInventoryID, they must be for the same item
								(otherwise an error will occur).
								Only applicable to
	<!--  Call: EndItem -->
	<xs:element name="EndItemResponse" type="ns:EndItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="EndItemResponseType">
				Includes the acknowledgement of date and time the auction was
				ended due to the call to EndItem.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the date and time (returned in GMT) the specified item listing
								was ended.
								Also applicable to
	<!--  Call: FetchToken -->
	<xs:element name="FetchTokenRequest" type="ns:FetchTokenRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="FetchTokenRequestType">
				Retrieves an authentication token for the user. Can be used to get
				the token only after the user gives consent for the token to be
				generated via the eBay signin page. This call must be
				authenticated using the username and password of the application,
				rather than a token. After retrieval, the token can be used to authenticate other calls. 
						Retrieves an authentication token for the user.
					<Title>Authentication & Authorization
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="SecretID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A value that is associated with the token retrieval request. The secret ID
								is a value that is defined by the application, and is passed in redirect
								URL to the eBay signin page. eBay recommends using a UUID for the secret
								ID value. You must also set Username (part of the RequesterCredentials)
								for the particular user of interest.
	<!--  Call: FetchToken -->
	<xs:element name="FetchTokenResponse" type="ns:FetchTokenResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="FetchTokenResponseType">
				Includes the authentication token for the user and the date it expires.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="eBayAuthToken" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The authentication token for the user.
									<Title>Authentication & Authorization
					<xs:element name="HardExpirationTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Date and time at which the token returned in eBayAuthToken expires
								and can no longer be used to authenticate the user for that application.
	<!--  Call: GetAccount -->
	<xs:element name="GetAccountRequest" type="ns:GetAccountRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAccountRequestType">
				Enables a seller to retreive his or her own account data. Returns account
				entries, including credits and debits, in a report format the user selects.
				Also returns summary data for the account.
						Enables a seller to retreive his or her own account data.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AccountHistorySelection" type="ns:AccountHistorySelectionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the report format in which to return account entries.
					<xs:element name="InvoiceDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
							Specifies the month and year of the invoice requested. The report
							includes only the entries that appear on the seller's invoice in the specified month
							and year. An entry can occur in one month and appear on the next month's
							invoice. Used with SpecifiedInvoice reports.
					<xs:element name="BeginDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
							Specifies the beginning of a date range during which a credit or debit
							occurred. Used when AccountHistorySelection is BetweenSpecifiedDates.
							Value must be less than or equal to the value specified in EndDate. The allowed date
							formats are YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
					<xs:element name="EndDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
							Specifies the end of a date range during which a credit or debit
							occurred. Used when AccountHistorySelection is BetweenSpecifiedDates.
							Value must be greater than or equal to the value specified in BeginDate. The
							allowed date formats are YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
							Controls pagination of the response. For this request, the valid values
							of Pagination.EntriesPerPage are 0 to 2000, with a default of 500.
					<xs:element name="ExcludeBalance" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
					          Specifies whether to calculate balances. Default is
							  false, which calculates balances. The value true means
							  do not calculate balances. If true, AccountEntry.Balance and
							  AccountSummary.CurrentBalance are never returned in the response.
					<xs:element name="ExcludeSummary" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether to return account summary information in an
								AccountSummary node. Default is true, to return AccountSummary.
					<xs:element name="AccountEntrySortType" type="ns:AccountEntrySortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how account entries should be sorted in
								the response, by an element and then in ascending or
								descending order.
					<xs:element name="Currency" type="ns:CurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						  	Specifies the currency used in the account report. Do not specify Currency in the request
						  	unless the following conditions are met. First, the user has or had multiple accounts under
						  	the same UserID. Second, the account identified in the request uses the currency you specify in the request. An error is returned if no account is found that uses the currency you specify in the request.
	<!--  Call: GetAccount -->
	<xs:element name="GetAccountResponse" type="ns:GetAccountResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAccountResponseType">
				Returns information about an eBay seller's own account.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="AccountID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the seller's unique account number. 
					<xs:element name="AccountSummary" type="ns:AccountSummaryType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains summary data for the seller's account, such as the overall
								balance, bank account and credit card information, and amount and
								date of any past due balances. Can also contain data for
								one or more additional accounts, if the user has changed country
								of residence.
					<xs:element name="Currency" type="ns:CurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the currency used for monetary amounts in the report.
					<xs:element name="AccountEntries" type="ns:AccountEntriesType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains individual account entries, according to the report's scope and date range.
							Each account entry represents one credit, debit, or administrative account action.
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the total number of pages (TotalNumberOfPages) and the total
								number of account entries (TotalNumberOfEntries) that can be returned
								on repeated calls with the same format and report criteria.
					<xs:element name="HasMoreEntries" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether there are more items yet to be retrieved. Additional calls 
								must be made to retrieve those items.
					<xs:element name="EntriesPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Specifies the number of items that are being returned per virtual page of date.
							Value is the same as that specified in Pagination.EntriesPerPage.
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Indicates which page of data was just returned. Value is the same as the value
							specified in Pagination.PageNumber. If PageNumber in the request is higher than
							the total number of pages, the call fails with an error.)
	<!--  Call: GetAdFormatLeads -->
	<xs:element name="GetAdFormatLeadsRequest" type="ns:GetAdFormatLeadsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAdFormatLeadsRequestType">
				Retrieve sales lead information for a real estate
				advertisement listing. GetAdFormatLeadsRequest returns
				the number of leads for an ad and any contact
				information that the buyer submitted.
						Retrieve sales lead information for a real estate
						advertisement listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier of an item listed on the eBay site.
								Returned by eBay when the item is created. This ID must correspond to an ad format item.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
	<!--  Call: GetAdFormatLeads -->
	<xs:element name="GetAdFormatLeadsResponse" type="ns:GetAdFormatLeadsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAdFormatLeadsResponseType">
				(out) Returns number of leads and contact and other information for each lead. One AdFormatLead node is returned for each lead.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="AdFormatLead" type="ns:AdFormatLeadType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
							(out) Contains contact and other information for one lead. One node is returned for each lead. Only returned at a detail level of ReturnAll. At least one lead must be available for the specified item to return AdFormatLead.
					<xs:element name="AdFormatLeadCount" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							(out) The total number of leads returned. Only returned if you do not specify a detail level.
	<!--  Call: GetAllBidders -->
	<xs:element name="GetAllBiddersRequest" type="ns:GetAllBiddersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAllBiddersRequestType">
				Includes the list of bidders for the requested item as part of the general item listing data.
						Provides three modes for retrieving a list of the users that bid
						on a listing. One of the modes is of particular value in support of
						the Second Chance Offer feature. Includes the list of bidders for the
						requested item as part of the general item listing data.
					<Title>Extending a Second Chance Offer
					<For>detailed information on working with the result set
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The item ID for which to retrieve the list of bidders.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="CallMode" type="ns:GetAllBiddersModeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies which bidder information to return.
	<!--  Call: GetAllBidders -->
	<xs:element name="GetAllBiddersResponse" type="ns:GetAllBiddersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAllBiddersResponseType">
				Includes the list of bidders for the requested item as part of the general item listing data.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BidArray" type="ns:OfferArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of OfferType objects. Each
								OfferType object represents the data for one bidder and bid.
					<xs:element name="HighBidder" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								eBay user ID for the user with the highest bid (or the earliest timestamp, in the
								event of a tie); a second chance off candidate.
					<xs:element name="HighestBid" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Bid amount offered by the HighBidder.
					<xs:element name="ListingStatus" type="ns:ListingStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow.
								If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details
								(e.g., winning bidder) and other information. This processing
								can take several minutes. If you retrieve a sold item, use this listing status information
								to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing so that you can
								be sure the winning bidder and other details are correct and complete.
	<!--  Call: GetApiAccessRules -->
	<xs:element name="GetApiAccessRulesRequest" type="ns:GetApiAccessRulesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetApiAccessRulesRequestType">
				Requests the rules for accessing eBay API calls and your
				application's daily, hourly, and periodic usage of each call.
						Requests the rules for accessing eBay API calls and your
						application's daily, hourly, and periodic usage of each call.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
	<!--  Call: GetApiAccessRules -->
	<xs:element name="GetApiAccessRulesResponse" type="ns:GetApiAccessRulesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetApiAccessRulesResponseType">
Returns a list of API access rules, in response
to a GetApiAccessRulesRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ApiAccessRule" type="ns:ApiAccessRuleType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Contains the description of an API access rule, including the
								call name, the application's current daily and hourly usage,
								and other values.
	<!--  Call: GetAttributesCS -->
	<xs:element name="GetAttributesCSRequest" type="ns:GetAttributesCSRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAttributesCSRequestType">
				Retrieves an XML string that describes how to present Item
				Specifics to a seller. Use this information to present users with
				the equivalent of the Item Specifics portion of the eBay Title
				and Description pages and to validate selected eBay attributes on
				the client before including them in an AddItem call or related
				calls. The XML string contains a list of all the attributes that
				are applicable for one or more requested categories, along with
				related meta-data. The meta-data specifies all the possible
				values of each attribute, the logic for presenting the attributes
				to a user, and rules for validating the user's selections. See
				the Developer's Guide for an overview of Item Specifics and
				details about the eBay attribute model.
						Retrieves an XML string that describes how to present Item
						Specifics to a seller. Item Specifics are optional when listing in most categories;
						however, some categories (such as Real Estate, US Tickets, and US eBay Motors)
						require Item Specifics to be specified.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A version of the Item Specifics meta-data definitions for the site.
								Typically, an application passes the version value that was returned the last
								time the application executed this call.
								Filter that causes the call to return only the characteristics sets
								for which the attribute meta-data has changed since the specified version.
								If not specified, all characteristics sets are returned.
								The latest version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
								value that was returned. Therefore, when comparing versions, only
								compare whether the value has changed.
					<xs:element name="AttributeSetID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								An array of characteristic setIDs (which always correspond to attribute set IDs).
								Each characteristic setcorresponds to a level in the eBay category hierarchy at
								which all items share common characteristics.
								Multiple categories can be mapped to the same characteristics set.
								AttributeSetIDs is an optional input. When IDs are specified, the call
								only returns meta-data for the corresponding characteristics sets.
								When no IDs are specified, the call returns all the current meta-data in the system.
					<xs:element name="IncludeCategoryMappingDetails" type="xs:boolean" default="false" minOccurs="0">
								If true, includes a list of CategoryMapping nodes in the response.
								Each CategoryMapping node specifies category information as well as
								attributes and values that your application can auto-fill for
								items listed in that category. See the eBay Web Services Guide for more
								information about options for maintaining category data and
								auto-filling Item Specifics.
					<xs:element name="DigitalDelivery" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, the characteristic set data is customized for digitally delivered items.
								In the digital delivery variation of the response, there are no changes to the attribute set IDs,
								attribute IDs, or value IDs, but "return policy" text is replaced with "refund policy" text
								and the Item Condition attribute is removed from all applicable characteristic sets.
								If a seller specifies that they are listing a digital item,
								you can render this variation of the applicable meta-data in your Item Specifics or Return Policy form.
								(You can use the Item Specifics SYI XSL stylesheet to render the data as usual.)
								Usage of this information is optional.
	<!--  Call: GetAttributesCS -->
	<xs:element name="GetAttributesCSResponse" type="ns:GetAttributesCSResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAttributesCSResponseType">
				Returns XML that describes how to present Item Specifics to a seller
				and how to validate selected eBay attributes on the client before including
				them in an AddItem call or related calls.
				See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Item Specifics and details about
				the eBay attribute model. Also returns the current version of the meta-data system.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Current version of the Item Specifics meta-data system for the site.
								This value changes each time changes are made to the meta-data.
								The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
								value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the
								value has changed.
					<xs:element name="AttributeData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A string containing a list of all the attributes that are applicable
								to the site (or characteristic sets in the request), along with related meta-data.
								The meta-data specifies all the possible values of each attribute, the
								logic for presenting attributes to a user, and rules for validating the
								user's selections. This data is in the same XML format that was used in the
								Legacy XML API so that you can apply the same Item Specifics XSL stylesheet and
								your own patching stylesheets to it. That is, individual
								elements are not described using the new eBay XML schema format.
								For information about each element in the AttributeData string,
								see the attribute model documentation in the eBay Web Services guide (see links below).<br>
								Because this is returned as a string, the XML markup elements are escaped with
								character entity references (e.g.,&amp;lt;eBay&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Attributes&amp;gt;...).
								See the appendices in the eBay Web Services guide for general information about
								string data types.
									<Title>The Attribute Meta-Data Model
	<!--  Call: GetAttributesXSL -->
	<xs:element name="GetAttributesXSLRequest" type="ns:GetAttributesXSLRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAttributesXSLRequestType">
				Retrieves the Item Specifics SYI XSL stylesheet. Apply the stylesheet to the
				XML returned from a call to GetAttributesCS or GetProductSellingPages to
				render a form like the Item Specifics portion of eBay's Title and Description page.
				See the eBay Web Services Guide for an overview of Item Specifics and information
				on working with the XSL.
						Retrieves the Item Specifics SYI XSL stylesheet for use with
						the GetAttributesCS and GetProductSellingPages response.
						You use the stylesheet to render Item Specifics in a user interface,
						as applicable within a particular category.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="FileName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The name of the XSL file to retrieve. If not specified, the call
								returns the latest versions of all available XSL files.
								FileName is an optional input. Valid values<br>
					<xs:element name="FileVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The desired version of the XSL file. Required if FileName is specified.
								If not specified, the call returns the latest version of the file.
								(This is not a filter for retrieving changes to the XSL file.)
	<!--  Call: GetAttributesXSL -->
	<xs:element name="GetAttributesXSLResponse" type="ns:GetAttributesXSLResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetAttributesXSLResponseType">
				Retrieves the Item Specifics SYI XSL stylesheet.Apply the stylesheet to the
				XML returned from a call to GetAttributesCS or GetProductSellingPages to
				render a form like the Item Specifics portion of eBay's Title and Description page.
				See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Item Specifics and information
				on working with the XSL.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="XSLFile" type="ns:XSLFileType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Child elements contain data related to one XSL file.
 								Multiple XSLFile objects can be returned. However, currently only
 								one is returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetBestOffers -->
	<xs:element name="GetBestOffersRequest" type="ns:GetBestOffersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetBestOffersRequestType">
				Retrieves the best offers associated with ItemID according to the
				BestOfferStatus filter, where Active is the default.
						Retrieves the best offers associated with ItemID according to the
						BestOfferStatus filter, where Active is the default.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The item for which Best Offer information is to be returned.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="BestOfferID" type="ns:BestOfferIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The specific Best Offer for which details are to be
								retrieved. Omit this tag to get a list of all best offers
								(according to BestOfferStatus).
					<xs:element name="BestOfferStatus" type="ns:BestOfferStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								A filter determining which Best Offers to return for an item. Active is the default.
	<!--  Call: GetBestOffers -->
	<xs:element name="GetBestOffersResponse" type="ns:GetBestOffersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetBestOffersResponseType">
				All best offers for the item according to the filter or best offer 
				id (or both) used in the input.
				For the notification client usage, this response includes a 
				single Best Offer.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BestOfferArray" type="ns:BestOfferArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								All best offers for the item according to the filter or 
								best offer id (or both) used in the input. The buyer and 
								seller messages are returned only if the detail level is 
								defined. Includes the buyer and seller message only if 
								detail level ReturnAll is used.
								Only returned if best offers have been made.
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								The item for which Best Offers are being returned.
								Only returned if best offers have been made.
	<!--  Call: GetBidderList -->
	<xs:element name="GetBidderListRequest" type="ns:GetBidderListRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetBidderListRequestType">
				Retrieves all items on which the user is currently bidding or
				which the buyer has won or purchased.
						Retrieves all items on which the user is currently bidding or
						which the buyer has won or purchased.
					Retrieves all items on which the user is currently bidding or
					which the buyer has won or purchased.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ActiveItemsOnly" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether to limit the result set to active items.
								If true, only active items are returned and the EndTimeFrom
								and EndTimeTo filters are ignored. If false (or not sent),
								active and ended items are returned.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Limits returned items to only those for which the item's
								end date is on or after the date-time specified. Specify an
								end date within 30 days prior to today. Items that ended
								more than 30 days ago are omitted from the results. If
								specified, EndTimeTo must also be specified. Express
								date-time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in GMT.
								(For information on how to convert between your local time zone
								and GMT, see Time Values Note.) This field is ignored if ActiveItemsOnly is true.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Limits returned items to only those for which the item's
								end date is on or before the date-time specified. If
								specified, EndTimeFrom must also be specified. Express
								date-time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and in GMT.
								This field is ignored if ActiveItemsOnly is true.
					<xs:element name="UserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The user for whom information should be returned. If
								provided, overrides user defined via RequesterCredentials
								in header.
					<xs:element name="GranularityLevel" type="ns:GranularityLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								For GetBidderList, you can reduce the ItemType fields and other fields returned
								by specifying one of two values in the GranularityLevel field, Coarse or Medium.
								If you specify Coarse, the primary fields returned are the following: Item.ItemID and Item.ListingDetails.EndTime. If you specify Medium, an abbreviated result set is returned
								that includes many more fields than in the case of Coarse, including the following:
								Item.BuyItNowPrice, Item.Currency, Item.Site, and Item.Title.
	<!--  Call: GetBidderList -->
	<xs:element name="GetBidderListResponse" type="ns:GetBidderListResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetBidderListResponseType">
				Response to GetBidderListRequest.
					Response to GetBidderListRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Bidder" type="ns:UserType" minOccurs="0">
								Data for one eBay bidder.
					<xs:element name="BidItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Array of items the bidder has bid on, has won or has lost.
	<!--  Call: GetCategories -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoriesRequest" type="ns:GetCategoriesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoriesRequestType">
				Contains the inputs that determine which categories to return and from
				which eBay site to get them. Retrieves the category hierarchy including
				and under the category (or categories) specified in CategoryParent.
						Retrieves from eBay the latest category hierarchy.
						Information returned for each category includes the category name
						and the unique identifier for the category
						(unique within the eBay site for which categories are retrieved).
						A category ID is a required input for most new items.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategorySiteID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the eBay site for which to retrieve the category hierarchy.
								Use the numeric site code (e.g., 77 for eBay Germany).
								Only necessary if you want to retrieve category data
								for a site other than the site to which you are submitting the request.
									<Default>The site ID of the request
					<xs:element name="CategoryParent" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Specifies the ID of the highest-level category to return, along with its subcategories.
								If no parent category is specified, all categories are returned for the specified site.
								To determine available category IDs, call GetCategories with no filters and use a DetailLevel value of ReturnAll.
								If you specify multiple parent categories, the hierarchy for each one is returned.
					<xs:element name="LevelLimit" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the maximum depth of the category hierarchy to retrieve, where the top-level categories
								(meta-categories) are at level 1. Retrieves all category nodes with
								a category level less than or equal to this value.
								If not specified, then categories at all applicable levels can be returned.
								As with all calls, the actual data returned will vary depending on how you configure
								other fields in the request (inicluding the DetailLevel).
					<xs:element name="ViewAllNodes" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If false or omitted, only leaf categories are returned.
								(You can only list in leaf categories.)
								If true, both leaf and internal (non-leaf) categories are returned.
								As with all calls, the actual data returned will vary depending on how you configure
								other fields in the request.
	<!--  Call: GetCategories -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoriesResponse" type="ns:GetCategoriesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoriesResponseType">
				Contains the category data for the eBay site specified as input. The category
				data is contained in a CategoryArrayType object, within which are zero, one, or
				multiple CategoryType objects. Each CategoryType object contains the detail data
				for one category. Other fields tell how many categories are returned in a call,
				when the category hierarchy was last updated, and the version of the category
				hierarchy (all three of which can differ from one eBay site to the next).
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryArray" type="ns:CategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								List of the returned categories. The category array contains one CategoryType
								object for each returned category. Returns empty if no detail level is specified.
					<xs:element name="CategoryCount" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the number of categories returned (i.e., the number of CategoryType
								objects in CategoryArray).
					<xs:element name="UpdateTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the last date and time that eBay modified the category hierarchy for the
								specified eBay site.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="CategoryVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the version of the category hierarchy on the 
								specified eBay site.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="ReservePriceInclusive" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							The ReservePriceInclusive and ReduceReserveInclusive fields will be deprecated 
							in a future release. We recommend that you start using ReduceReserveAllowed and 
							ReservePriceAllowed instead of these "inclusive" fields as soon as possible.
							The names of ReservePriceInclusive and ReduceReserveInclusive are REVERSED.
							If true, ReservePriceInclusive indicates that all categories on the 
							site allow the seller to REDUCE an item's reserve price. 
							If false, all categories on the site do not normally allow sellers to reduce an 
							item's reserve price.
							The Category.ORRA (override reduce reserve price) field can override (or toggle)
							the reserve price reduction setting for a given category.
							For example, if ReservePriceInclusive is false and Category.ORRA is true,
							the category overrides the site setting and supports reducing reserve prices. 
							If ReservePriceInclusive is true and Category.ORRA is true, the category
							overrides the site setting and does does not support reducing reserve prices.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="ReservePriceAllowed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							If true, ReservePriceAllowed indicates that all categories on the 
							site allow the seller to specify a reserve price for an item.
							If false, all categories on the site do not normally allow sellers to specify reserve prices.
							The Category.ORPA (override reserve price allowed) field can override (or toggle)
							the reserve price allowed setting for a given category.
							For example, if ReservePriceAllowed is false and Category.ORPA is true,
							the category overrides the site setting and supports reserve prices. 
							If ReservePriceAllowed is true and Category.ORPA is true, the category
							overrides the site setting and does does not support reserve prices.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="MinimumReservePrice" type="xs:double" minOccurs="0">
	    					Indicates the lowest possible reserve price allowed for any item
	    					listed in any category on the site. You can use the fields returned by GetCategoryFeatures to determine if a different Minimum Reserve Price is defined for the category you want to use.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="Currency" type="ns:CurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
							Not used.
					<xs:element name="ReduceReserveInclusive" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							The ReservePriceInclusive and ReduceReserveInclusive fields will be deprecated 
							in a future release. We recommend that you start using ReduceReserveAllowed and 
							ReservePriceAllowed instead of these "inclusive" fields as soon as possible.
							The names of ReservePriceInclusive and ReduceReserveInclusive are REVERSED.
							If true, ReduceReserveInclusive indicates that all categories on the 
							site allow the seller to SPECIFY a reserve price for an item.
							If false, all categories on the site do not normally allow sellers to specify reserve prices.
							The Category.ORPA (override reserve price allowed) field can override (or toggle)
							the reserve price inclusive setting for a given category.
							For example, if ReduceReserveInclusive is false and Category.ORPA is true,
							the category overrides the site setting and supports reserve prices. 
							If ReduceReserveInclusive is true and Category.ORPA is true, the category
							overrides the site setting and does does not support reserve prices.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="ReduceReserveAllowed" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							If true, ReduceReserveAllowed indicates that all categories on the 
							site allow the seller to reduce an item's reserve price. 
							If false, all categories on the site do not normally allow sellers to reduce an 
							item's reserve price.
							The Category.ORRA (override reduce reserve price) field can override (or toggle)
							the reserve price reduction setting for a given category.
							For example, if ReduceReserveAllowed is false and Category.ORRA is true,
							the category overrides the site setting and supports reducing reserve prices. 
							If ReduceReserveAllowed is true and Category.ORRA is true, the category
							overrides the site setting and does does not support reducing reserve prices.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
	<!--  Call: GetCategory2CS -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategory2CSRequest" type="ns:GetCategory2CSRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategory2CSRequestType">
				Retrieves mappings between categories and characteristics sets that are available for an eBay site.
				Retrieves all mappings or just those that match category IDs passed in the call.
						Retrieves mappings between categories and characteristics
						sets that are available for an eBay site.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of a category for which to retrieve mappings. If not specified, the call
								retrieves a map for all categories.
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A version of the mappings for the site.
								Typically, an application passes the version value that was returned the last
								time the application executed this call.
								Filter that causes the call to return only the categories
								for which the mappings have changed since the specified version.
								If not specified, all category-to-characteristics set mappings are returned.
								This value changes each time changes are made to the mappings.
								The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
								value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the
								value has changed.
	<!--  Call: GetCategory2CS -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategory2CSResponse" type="ns:GetCategory2CSResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategory2CSResponseType">
				Returns data that indicates the categories that are mapped to characteristics sets,
				for the eBay site to which the call was routed.
				Retrieves all mappings or just the one that matches the category ID passed as input.
				The data is returned in a CategoryArrayType object, which can contain multiple mappings.
				The response also contains information about categories for which the mappings have changed.<br>
				<span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> The Pre-filled Item Information feature depends on the Item Specifics feature.
				This means the set of catalog-enabled categories is a subset of the categories
				that are mapped to characteristic sets. That is, there are no catalog-enabled categories
				that are not mapped to characteristic sets.</span>
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="MappedCategoryArray" type="ns:CategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains data about categories that are mapped to characteristics sets.
								Use this data to determine:
								- The names and IDs of the characteristics sets
								- The availability of the Pre-filled Item Information feature for listings in that category
									(i.e., whether the category is catalog-enabled)
								- For catalog-enabled categories, the available product search methods
								- The current version information for the complete mapping
								- The version information for each characteristics set
					<xs:element name="UnmappedCategoryArray" type="ns:CategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains data about categories (if any) whose characteristics set mappings have changed
								since the version specified in the request. When a characteristics set mapping
								changes, the data appears in both the UnmappedCategoryArray object
								(to indicate that the change occurred) and the MappedCategoryArray object.
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Current version of the mappings for the site.
								This value changes each time changes are made to the mappings.
								The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
								value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the
								value has changed.
					<xs:element name="SiteWideCharacteristicSets" type="ns:SiteWideCharacteristicsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A list of one or more characteristics sets mapped to the category, if any. Use this
								information when working with Item Specifics (Attributes) and Pre-filled Item
								Information (Catalogs) functionality.
	<!--  Call: GetCategory2FinanceOffer -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategory2FinanceOfferRequest" type="ns:GetCategory2FinanceOfferRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategory2FinanceOfferRequestType">
				Retrieves the promotional financing offers available in a specified category
						Retrieves the promotional financing offers available in a specified category.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Retrieve the promotional financing offers for this category.
					<xs:element name="LastModifiedDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Date from which to retrieve financing offers.
	<!--  Call: GetCategory2FinanceOffer -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategory2FinanceOfferResponse" type="ns:GetCategory2FinanceOfferResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategory2FinanceOfferResponseType">
					Contains either the set of finance offers for a given category, or the number
					of finance offers for a given category.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Count" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number of finance offers that apply to the specified category.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="CategoryFinanceOfferArray" type="ns:CategoryFinanceOfferArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Set of finance offers that apply to the specified category.
	<!--  Call: GetCategoryFeatures -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoryFeaturesRequest" type="ns:GetCategoryFeaturesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoryFeaturesRequestType">
				Returns the categories on the site that have the features you
				requested in FeatureDefinitions. The return set might have fewer
				categories than the site has defined, because only some
				categories implement those features.
						Returns information about features that may only be applicable to
						certain categories on the site, such as particular listing durations,
						shipping term requirements, and Best Offer features.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Defines the category for which you want information.
								If not specified, returns all categories for the site.
					<xs:element name="LevelLimit" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the levels of categories to return. By specifying a value in
								LevelLimit, you retrieve all category nodes with a CategoryLevel less
								than or equal to the LevelLimit value.
					<xs:element name="ViewAllNodes" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies, when false or not specified, that just leaf category nodes
								be returned. When true, all applicable category nodes are returned.
					<xs:element name="FeatureID" type="ns:FeatureIDCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Identifies the feature you want information about. If no value is
								specified, the value defaults to all feature IDs.
	<!--  Call: GetCategoryFeatures -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoryFeaturesResponse" type="ns:GetCategoryFeaturesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoryFeaturesResponseType">
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Returns the categories on the site that have the features you requested in FeatureIds. 
								The return set might have fewer categories than the site has defined, because only 
								some categories implement those features.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="UpdateTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Gives the time in GMT that the category hierarchy was last updated. 
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="Category" type="ns:CategoryFeatureType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Lists the categories on the site that have the features you requested in FeatureID. 
								The return set might have fewer categories than the site has defined, because only
								some categories implement those features. 
					<xs:element name="SiteDefaults" type="ns:SiteDefaultsType" minOccurs="0">
								Returns feature definitions defined for the entire site. Each feature has a node
								in this section.
					<xs:element name="FeatureDefinitions" type="ns:FeatureDefinitionsType" minOccurs="0">
								Returns definitions and values for the various features you requested. Each feature
								has a node within FeatureDefinitions.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetCategoryListings -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoryListingsRequest" type="ns:GetCategoryListingsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoryListingsRequestType">
				Returns items in a specified category.
						Returns items in a specified category. A number of inputs are provided
						for filtering the item listings returned using such criteria as
						location, whether the item is listed in an ebay Store, the listing type, and including or excluding specified sellers. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="MotorsGermanySearchable" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Filters the response based on each item's eligibility to appear on the site.
								If false, excludes eligible items from search results. If true, queries for
								eligible items only. If not specified, the search results are not affected.
								Only applicable for items listed on the eBay Germany site (site ID 77) in subcategories of search-enabled categories.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the category for which to retrieve item listings.
					<xs:element name="AdFormat" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Reserved for future use.
					<xs:element name="Currency" type="ns:CurrencyCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Numeric ID for a currency type. Limits the result set to just those items listed
								using a specified currency. Not applicable to US eBay Motors searches.
					<xs:element name="ItemTypeFilter" type="ns:ItemTypeFilterCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Filters items based on the ListingType set for the items. 
								If you search for Store Inventory items, you should use values in ItemTypeFilter
								instead of StoresFixedPrice.								
								If ItemTypeFilter is not specified (or if the AllItemTypes value of ItemTypeFilter is specified), all listing types can be returned unless another relevant filter is specified.
					<xs:element name="StoresFixedPrice" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Ignored if Store-related values in ItemTypeFilterCodeType are used as input filters.
								Using values in ItemTypeFilterCodeType is preferable to using StoresFixedPrice.
								StoresFixedPrice controls whether or not to use Store Inventory format as a filtering criterion.
								If true, the results only include Store Inventory listings (with no listings in other formats).
								If false, the results only include listings in other formats (with no Store Inventory listings).
								If not specified (the default), this filter is not applied at all, so all formats can be returned.
								If you do not sort the results, Store Inventory listings normally appear after
								all matching auction and basic fixed price listings
								(for eBay sites that default to sorting by items ending soonest).
								If you pass StoresFixedPrice in the same request with ItemTypeFilter,
								"AND" logic may be applied, and you might not get the desired results.
								For example, if you specify StoresFixedPrice=true and ItemTypeFilter=AuctionItemsOnly,
								the call will succeed but no listings will be returned (because no listings can use both
								auction and Store Inventory formats).
								This is why it is recommended that you use values in ItemTypeFilterCodeType instead of StoresFixedPrice.
					<xs:element name="SearchType" type="ns:CategoryListingsSearchCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether to limit the item listings to just those that are
								category featured or super featured or all items.
					<xs:element name="OrderBy" type="ns:CategoryListingsOrderCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the order in which the item listings returned will be sorted.
								Store Inventory listings are usually returned after other listing types, regardless of the sort order.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements specify the
								maximum number of item listings to return per call and which page of data
								to return.
					<xs:element name="SearchLocation" type="ns:SearchLocationType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items that meet location criteria:
								listed in a specified eBay site, location where the seller has the item,
								location from which the user is searching, and/or items listed with a
								specified currency.
					<xs:element name="ProximitySearch" type="ns:ProximitySearchType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items that meet proximity search criteria:
								postal code and max distance.
					<xs:element name="IncludeGetItFastItems" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								(in) When passed with a value of 1 (true), only Get It Fast listings are returned.
								Controls the set of listings to return (not the details to return for each listing).
					<xs:element name="PaymentMethod" type="ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies items that accept a specific payment method or methods.
					<xs:element name="IncludeCondition" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								For eBay Germany only. If true, each item in the result set can also include the item condition attribute
								(whether the item is new or used). The item's condition is returned in Item.AttributeSetArray.
								An item only includes condition attribute if the item's seller filled in
								the Item Condition in the Item Specifics section of the listing.
								(That is, the condition attribute is not returned if the seller only put the word
								"New" in the listing's title but did not specify the condition in the listing's Item Specifics.)
					<xs:element name="IncludeFeedback" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							If true, each item in the result set also includes information about the seller's feedback.
					<xs:element name="LocalSearchPostalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
							Include local items in returning results near this postal code. This postal code is the basis for local search.
	<!--  Call: GetCategoryListings -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoryListingsResponse" type="ns:GetCategoryListingsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoryListingsResponseType">
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
                  Contains the item listings for the specified category and which meet the
                  input filtering criteria (if any is specified). Consists of one ItemType
                  object for each returned item listing.
					<xs:element name="Category" type="ns:CategoryType" minOccurs="0">
                  Indicates the category from which the listings were drawn.
					<xs:element name="SubCategories" type="ns:CategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
                  Collection of the sub-categories that are child to the category indicated
                  in Category. Data for each sub-category is conveyed in a CategoryType
					<xs:element name="ItemsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
                  Indicates the maximum number of item listings that will be returned per
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
                  Indicates the page of data returned in the current call.
					<xs:element name="HasMoreItems" type="xs:boolean">
                  Indicates whether there are more item listings that can be returned
                  (items listed in the specified category and that meet any input filtering
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
                  Indicates the results of the pagination, including the total number of
                  pages of data there are to be returned and the total number of items
                  there are to be returned.
					<xs:element name="BuyingGuideDetails" type="ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType" minOccurs="0">
                  Contains information about relevant buying guides (if any) and the site's buying guide hub.
                  Buying guides are useful to buyers who do not have a specific product in mind. 
                  For example, a digital camera buying guide could help a buyer determine what kind of 
                  digital camera is right for them.
	<!--  Call: GetCategoryMappings -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoryMappingsRequest" type="ns:GetCategoryMappingsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoryMappingsRequestType">
				Retrieves a map of old category IDs and corresponding active
				category IDs defined for the site to which the request is sent.
				Typically used to update an older item definition with a new
				category ID prior to listing the item.
						Retrieves a map of old category IDs and corresponding active
						category IDs defined for the site to which the request is sent.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								 A version of the category mapping for the site. Filters
								 out data from the call to return only the category
								 mappings for which the data has changed since the
								 specified version. If not specified, all category
								 mappings are returned. Typically, an application passes
								 the version value of the last set of category mappings
								 that the application stored locally. The latest version
								 value is not necessarily greater than the previous value
								 that was returned. Therefore, when comparing versions,
								 only compare whether the value has changed.
	<!--  Call: GetCategoryMappings -->
	<xs:element name="GetCategoryMappingsResponse" type="ns:GetCategoryMappingsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCategoryMappingsResponseType">
Returns a map of old category IDs and corresponding active category IDs defined for 
the site to which the request was sent.
Typically used to update an older item definition with a new category ID 
prior to listing the item.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryMapping" type="ns:CategoryMappingType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
               Mapping between an old category ID and an active category ID. 
               Returned when category mappings exist and the value of CategoryVersion is 
               different from the current version on the site.
					<xs:element name="CategoryVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
                  Version value assigned to the current category mapping data for the site. 
                  Compare this value to the version value the application stored with the mappings 
                  the last time the application executed the call. If the versions are the same, 
                  the data has not changed since the last time the data was retrieved and stored.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetCharities -->
	<xs:element name="GetCharitiesRequest" type="ns:GetCharitiesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCharitiesRequestType">
				Searches for nonprofit charity organizations that meet the criteria specified in the request.
						Searches for nonprofit charity organizations that meet the criteria specified in the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CharityID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A unique identification number assigned by eBay to registered nonprofit charity organizations.
					<xs:element name="CharityName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A name assigned to a specified nonprofit
								organization. Accepts full charity nonprofit name
								or partial name as input. For example, enter a
								CharityName of "heart" (case-insensitive) to
								return all charity nonprofits that start with
								"heart." Use with a MatchType value of "Contains"
								to return all charity nonprofits that contain the
								string "heart."
					<xs:element name="Query" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Accepts a case-insensitive string used to
								find a nonprofit charity organization. Default
								behavior is to search the CharityName field. Use
								with an IncludeDescription value of true to
								include the Mission field in the search.
								<MaxLength>350 (characters)
					<xs:element name="CharityRegion" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Region that the nonprofit charity organization is associated
								with. A specific nonprofit charity organization may be associated
								with only one region. Meaning of input values differs depending on
								the site. See GetCharities in the API Developer's Guide for the meaning
								of each input/output value. CharityRegion input value must be
								valid for that SiteID.
					<xs:element name="CharityDomain" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Domain (mission area) that a nonprofit charity organization
								belongs to. Nonprofit charity organizations may belong to multiple
								mission areas. Meaning of input values differs depending on the
								site. See GetCharities in the API Developer's Guide for the meaning
								of each input/output value. CharityDomain input value must be valid for
								that SiteID.
					<xs:element name="IncludeDescription" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Used with Query to search for charity nonprofit
								organizations. A value of true will search the Mission field as
								well as the CharityName field for a string specified in Query.
					<xs:element name="MatchType" type="ns:StringMatchCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the type of string matching to use
								when a value is submitted in CharityName. If no
								value is specified, default behavior is
								"StartsWith." Does not apply to Query.
	<!--  Call: GetCharities -->
	<xs:element name="GetCharitiesResponse" type="ns:GetCharitiesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCharitiesResponseType">
			Contains information about charity nonprofit organizations that meet the 
			criteria specified in the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Charity" type="ns:CharityInfoType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
							Contains information about charity nonprofit organizations that 
							meet the criteria specified in the request. One Charity node is 
							returned for each applicable nonprofit charity organization. The 
							CharityID value is returned as an id attribute of this node. If no 
							nonprofit charity organization is applicable, this node is not 
	<!--  Call: GetContextualKeywords -->
	<xs:element name="GetContextualKeywordsRequest" type="ns:GetContextualKeywordsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetContextualKeywordsRequestType">
				Retrieves top-ranked contextual eBay keywords and categories
				for a specified web page. Results are ranked according
				to score. This enables developers to create applications that are different from
				traditional contextual ad serving. For instance, instead of building a standard
				ad banner or skyscraper ad like those from eBay AdContext, a developer could
				create an application that does inline hyperlinking of keywords on any page or
				create widgets for blog platforms.
				Not available for CN, TW, SG and HK sites.
						Retrieves top-ranked contextual eBay keywords and categories
						for a specified web page.
					<ExcludeFromDefaultSites>CN, TW, SG, HK
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="URL" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
								The URL of the web page from which eBay is to extract keywords.
					<xs:element name="Encoding" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Web page encoding by which the URL is to be handled, such as ISO-8859-1.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The ID of the category to which keywords are to be limited.
								Zero or more category IDs can be specified.
	<!--  Call: GetContextualKeywords -->
	<xs:element name="GetContextualKeywordsResponse" type="ns:GetContextualKeywordsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetContextualKeywordsResponseType">
				Response to a GetContextualKeywords request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ContextSearchAsset" type="ns:ContextSearchAssetType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								An array of either keyword/category pairs or categories, with ranking and score.
	<!--  Call: GetCrossPromotions -->
	<xs:element name="GetCrossPromotionsRequest" type="ns:GetCrossPromotionsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCrossPromotionsRequestType">
				Requests a list of cross-promoted items associated with a
				referring item.
						Requests a list of cross-promoted items associated with a
						referring item.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique ID of the referring item. The cross-promoted
								items will supplement this item.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="PromotionMethod" type="ns:PromotionMethodCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The cross-promotion method you want to use for the
								returned list, either UpSell or CrossSell.
					<xs:element name="PromotionViewMode" type="ns:TradingRoleCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The role of the person requesting to view the cross-promoted
								items, either seller or buyer. Default is buyer.
	<!--  Call: GetCrossPromotions -->
	<xs:element name="GetCrossPromotionsResponse" type="ns:GetCrossPromotionsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetCrossPromotionsResponseType">
				Returns a list of either upsell or cross-sell items for a given item ID.
				The list can be filtered by the viewer's role, either buyer or seller. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CrossPromotion" type="ns:CrossPromotionsType" minOccurs="0">
							  A list of cross-promoted items defined for a specific
							  referring item. The list is either upsell or cross-sell
							  items, according to the value of PromotionMethod in 
	<!--  Call: GetDescriptionTemplates -->
	<xs:element name="GetDescriptionTemplatesRequest" type="ns:GetDescriptionTemplatesRequestType">
				Retrieves the DescriptionTemplates for a category.
	<xs:complexType name="GetDescriptionTemplatesRequestType">
				Request for DescriptionTemplates.
						Retrieves the DescriptionTemplates for a category.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The category for which to retrieve templates. Enter any
								category ID, including Motors vehicle categories. This
								is ignored if you also send MotorVehicles.
					<xs:element name="LastModifiedTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								If specified, only those templates modified on or after the
								specified date are returned. If not specified, all templates are returned.
					<xs:element name="MotorVehicles" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether to retrieve templates for motor vehicle
								categories for eBay Motors (site 100). If true, templates
								are returned for motor vehicle categories. If false,
								templates are returned for non-motor vehicle categories
								such as Parts and Accessories. If included as an input field (whether true or false), this overrides any value provided for CategoryID.
	<!--  Call: GetDescriptionTemplates -->
	<xs:element name="GetDescriptionTemplatesResponse" type="ns:GetDescriptionTemplatesResponseType">
				Returns one or more DescriptionTemplate nodes. Each DescriptionTemplate node contains the information for one Theme or one Layout. DescriptionTemplate.DescriptionTemplateType indicates whether it contains data for a Theme or a Layout.
	<xs:complexType name="GetDescriptionTemplatesResponseType">
				Returned after calling GetDescriptionTemplatesRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="DescriptionTemplate" type="ns:DescriptionTemplateType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The information for one Theme or one Layout. There 
								can be multiple DescriptionTemplates.
					<xs:element name="LayoutTotal" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The number of Layout templates returned (that is, the 
								number of DescriptionTemplates for which Type is "Layout").
					<xs:element name="ObsoleteLayoutID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The ID of a returned layout that is obsolete. There can be zero or more IDs.
					<xs:element name="ObsoleteThemeID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The ID of a returned theme that is obsolete. There can be zero or more IDs.
					<xs:element name="ThemeGroup" type="ns:ThemeGroupType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Data for one theme group. There can be multiple 
								ThemeGroups in the response.
					<xs:element name="ThemeTotal" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The number of Theme templates returned (that is, the number 
								of DescriptionTemplates for which Type is "Theme").					
	<!--  Call: GetDispute -->
	<xs:element name="GetDisputeRequest" type="ns:GetDisputeRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetDisputeRequestType">
				Requests the record of a dispute with a given dispute ID.
				The dispute record contains the dispute state, dispute type, and other
				information. Can be used with Unpaid Item or Item Not Received disputes.
						Requests the record of a dispute with a given dispute ID. Returns the entire record of a dispute,
						any time after the dispute was opened and up to five years after it was closed.
						Returns just one dispute, including any comments
						and resolutions and the dispute state. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="DisputeID" type="ns:DisputeIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier of the dispute, returned when the dispute is created.
	<!--  Call: GetDispute -->
	<xs:element name="GetDisputeResponse" type="ns:GetDisputeResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetDisputeResponseType">
        Returned after calling GetDisputeRequest. Returns the record of
      	a dispute, including the dispute state and other information.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Dispute" type="ns:DisputeType" minOccurs="0">
								The dispute record, containing information about
								the buyer, seller, dispute state, dispute status,
								comments added to the dispute, or resolutions.
	<!--  Call: GetFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="GetFeedbackRequest" type="ns:GetFeedbackRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetFeedbackRequestType">
				Retrieves the accumulation of feedback left for the specified user by
				other users. Returns summary feedback data and (in a detail level value
				of ReturnAll is specified) individual feedbacks.
						Retrieves the accumulation of feedback left for the specified user
						by other users.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements specify the
								maximum number of individual feedbacks to return per call and which page
								of data to return. Only applicable if a detail level value of ReturnAll
								is specified to return feedback details. feedback summary data is not
								paginated (but is still returned when pagination is used).
					<xs:element name="UserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the user whose feedback data is to be returned. If not specified,
								then the feedback returned is that for the requesting user.
					<xs:element name="FeedbackID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An ID that uniquely identifies a feedback to be retrieved.
								Used by the Feedback notification only.
	<!--  Call: GetFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="GetFeedbackResponse" type="ns:GetFeedbackResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetFeedbackResponseType">
				The GetFeedback response contains the specified user's total
				feedback score, feedback summary data, and (if the applicable
				detail level is specified) an array of individual feedbacks.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="FeedbackDetailArray" type="ns:FeedbackDetailArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Contains the individual feedbacks for the user, one FeedbackDetailType
								object for each feedback. Only populated with data when a detail level of
								ReturnAll is specified in the request. Not returned if you specify FeedbackID in the request.
					<xs:element name="FeedbackDetailItemTotal" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Indicates the number of FeedbackDetailType objects returned in the
								FeedbackDetailArray property. Only applicable if feedback details are
					<xs:element name="FeedbackSummary" type="ns:FeedbackSummaryType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Summary feedback data for the user. Contains counts of positive, neutral,
								and negative feedback for predefined time periods. Only applicable if feedback details are
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="FeedbackScore" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Indicates the total feedback score for the user.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetFinanceOffers -->
	<xs:element name="GetFinanceOffersRequest" type="ns:GetFinanceOffersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetFinanceOffersRequestType">
					Retrieves either the current set of finance offers or a specific
					finance offer. Only supported on US and Canada sites. Payment method must be PayPal.
						Retrieves either the current set of finance offers or a specific
						finance offer. Only supported on US and Canada sites. Payment method must be PayPal.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="FinanceOfferID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          			ID for promotional financing offer with which the seller is listing an item. If this is specified, the function returns only the finance offer associated with this ID number. If FinanceOfferID and LastModifiedDate are both used as input, LastModifiedDate is ignored.
					<xs:element name="LastModifiedDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
          			Date from which to search for finance offers. If this is specified but
          			FinanceOfferID is not, this call will return those finance offers that
          			have been changed since this date.
	<!--  Call: GetFinanceOffers -->
	<xs:element name="GetFinanceOffersResponse" type="ns:GetFinanceOffersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetFinanceOffersResponseType">
				Contains the number of finance offers and the current set of finance offers.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Count" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The number of finance offers available on the
								site and specified in the call request. If no
								finance offers exist that meet the request
								criteria, a count of 0 is returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="FinanceOfferArray" type="ns:FinanceOfferArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Set of currently available finance offers or a
								set that contains a specific finance offer (if a
								particular finance offer ID was specified in the
								call input). Only returned if finance offers
								meeting the request criteria exist.
	<!--  Call: GetHighBidders -->
	<xs:element name="GetHighBiddersRequest" type="ns:GetHighBiddersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetHighBiddersRequestType">
				Retrieves a list of high bidders for the Dutch auction specified
				in the ItemID property of the request.
						Retrieves a list of high bidders for the Dutch auction specified
						in the ItemId property of the request. A seller can use
						this list to determine which buyers
						are winning bidders and how many items each is able to purchase. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID that identifies the Dutch auction listing for which to
								retrieve a list of the high bidders.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
	<!--  Call: GetHighBidders -->
	<xs:element name="GetHighBiddersResponse" type="ns:GetHighBiddersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetHighBiddersResponseType">
				Returns a list of high bidders for the Dutch auction specified in the
				ItemId property of the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BidArray" type="ns:OfferArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of zero, one, or multiple OfferType objects. Each
								OfferType object represents the data for one high bidder. See the schema
								documentation for OfferType for details on its properties and their
					<xs:element name="ListingStatus" type="ns:ListingStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
							Specifies an active or ended listing's status in eBay's processing workflow.
							If a listing ends with a sale (or sales), eBay needs to update the sale details 
							(e.g., winning bidder) and other information. This processing 
							can take several minutes. If you retrieve a sold item, use this listing status information 
							to determine whether eBay has finished processing the listing so that you can 
							be sure the winning bidder and other details are correct and complete.
	<!--  Call: GetItem -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemRequest" type="ns:GetItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemRequestType">
				Requests data for a specific item identified by item ID. Use no
				DetailLevel to return all item fields without Item.Description.
				Use a DetailLevel of ReturnAll to return all item fields. See
				GetItem in the eBay Web Services Guide for more information.
						Requests data for a specific item identified by item ID.
						Data returned includes title, description,
						minimum bid price, seller information, high bidder information (if there currently is a high bidder),
						and shipping specifications (if the seller elected to have the buyer pay for shipping). 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which
								to retrieve the data. ItemID is a required input.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="IncludeWatchCount" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates if the caller wants to include watch count for that item in the response.
					<xs:element name="IncludeCrossPromotion" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates if the caller wants to include cross promotions for that item in the response. Default is set to true for backward compatibility.
	<!--  Call: GetItem -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemResponse" type="ns:GetItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemResponseType">
				Contains the item data returned by the call. The data for the specified item
				listing is returned in an ItemType object.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								ItemType object that contains the data for the specified item.
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ItemReturnAttributes, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetItemRecommendations -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemRecommendationsRequest" type="ns:GetItemRecommendationsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemRecommendationsRequestType">
				Examines potential item data that a seller
				has specified and returns recommended changes or opportunities for
				improvement. The types of recommendations returned for a given
				item can be configured by choosing one or more recommendation
				engines in the request. This call supports batch requests. That
				is, you can retrieve recommendations for multiple items at once.
						Examines potential item data that a seller
						has specified and returns recommended changes or opportunities for
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="GetRecommendationsRequestContainer" type="ns:GetRecommendationsRequestContainerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Specifies the data for a single item and configures the recommendation engines to use
								when processing the item.
								To retrieve recommendations for multiple items, pass a separate
								GetRecommendationsRequestContainer for each item. In this case,
								pass a user-defined correlation ID for each item to identify the matching response.
	<!--  Call: GetItemRecommendations -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemRecommendationsResponse" type="ns:GetItemRecommendationsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemRecommendationsResponseType">
GetItemRecommendations returns recommended changes or opportunities for improvement 
related to listing data that was passed in the request.
This call supports batch requests. That is, it can retrieve recommendations for multiple 
items at once.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="GetRecommendationsResponseContainer" type="ns:GetRecommendationsResponseContainerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  Specifies recommended changes or opportunities for improving the data of a single item.
                  If multiple items were processed, a separate GetRecommendationsResponseContainer
                  is returned for each item. Each container includes a user-defined correlation ID 
                  to help you match items in the request to recommendations in the response.
	<!--  Call: GetItemShipping -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemShippingRequest" type="ns:GetItemShippingRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemShippingRequestType">
				Contains the input necessary to determine shipping information
				for an item.
						Returns shipping cost estimates for an item.
						This is analogous to the Shipping Calculator seen in both the buyer and seller web pages.
						It is another way for a buyer or seller to obtain shipping cost information for
						an existing item (for which the caller is either the buyer or seller)
						at any point in the life of of the listing, before or after a buyer has committed to purchasing the item(s).
						This enables the user to determine the costs associated with a particular
						shipping service shipping to a specified postal code.
						(Note, however, that shipping insurance cost can only be determined once the final item price is known.) 
					<Title>Getting Shipping Cost Information
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing for which
								to retrieve the data. Required input.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="QuantitySold" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number of items sold to a single buyer and to be shipped together.
					<xs:element name="DestinationPostalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Destination country postal code (or zipcode, for US). Ignored if no
								country code is provided. Optional tag for some countries. More likely to
								be required for large countries.
					<xs:element name="DestinationCountryCode" type="ns:CountryCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Destination country code. If DestinationCountryCode is US,
								postal code is required and represents US zip code.
	<!--  Call: GetItemShipping -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemShippingResponse" type="ns:GetItemShippingResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemShippingResponseType">
				Contains the data returned by the call. The shipping
				details for the specified item are returned in a
				ShippingDetails object.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ShippingDetails" type="ns:ShippingDetailsType" minOccurs="0">
								Shipping-related details for the specified item. Any error about shipping services
								(returned by a vendor of eBay's who calculates shipping costs) is returned in
								ShippingRateErrorMessage. Errors from a shipping service are likely to be related to
								issues with shipping specifications, such as package size and the selected shipping
								method not supported by a particular shipping service.
	<!--  Call: GetItemTransactions -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemTransactionsRequest" type="ns:GetItemTransactionsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemTransactionsRequestType">
				Returns the transactions associated with the sale of one or more items. A
				transaction contains the information about the sale of one or more items by one
				buyer from a single listing. GetItemTransactions retrieves a report containing
				information you can use to process one listing's transactions. (Often, it is more
				efficient to use GetSellerTransactions instead. See the reference guide for more
				information.) As some listings can return large numbers of transactions, use the
				supplied time filters to retrieve only those transactions whose status has been
				modified between two dates. Optionally, also configure the request to retrieve one
				page of data at a time (where each page contains a more manageable number of
				transactions). All the listing's transactions that were modified within the
				specified date range can be retrieved, or a single transaction can be retrieved.
				However, retrieving transactions one at a time is inefficent and requires more API
				In general, only fields that are necessary for processing transactions are
				returned. For example, reserve price information would not be returned because the
				data is not relevant once the agreement to purchase the item has occurred. Also,
				fields that are not logically applicable are not returned. For example,
				TransactionArray.Transaction.Buyer.SellerInfo is not returned because the buyer is
				not acting in the role of a seller for the transaction.
				As the ItemType object is returned at the root level of the response, and as all
				transactions returned from this call are from the same item, each individual
				TransactionType object does not return an ItemType object.
				- In the TransactionArray.Transaction.ShippingDetails object, only one of
				FlatShippingRate or CalculatedRate will be returned, depending on which one the
				seller set.
				- In the Item.Buyer and Item.Seller objects, email and address data is only
				returned under certain conditions.
				- The Item.ListingDetails.RelistedItemID object is only returned if the item was
						Retrieves data for transactions created by the sale
						of items from a single, specified listing. Input is the
						item ID for the item that spawned the transactions. GetItemTransactions
						returns zero, one, or multiple transactions (depending on the sale of
						items from the listing and the listing type). The result set can include
						only the transactions created between two specified dates. 
					<Title>Email and Address Privacy Policy
					<For>the conditions under which buyer and seller email and address are returned
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID for the item for which to retrieve transactions.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="ModTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on the
								time the transaction status was modified. Filters out transactions whose status was
								last modified before this date. The date range between ModTimeFrom to ModTimeTo
								cannot be greater than 30 days.
					<xs:element name="ModTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on the
								time a transaction's status was modified. Filters out transactions whose status
								was last modified after this date. The date range between ModTimeFrom to ModTimeTo
								cannot be greater than 30 days. It is considered a best practice to always pass
								the current date-time, to ensure that no data is missed.
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Identifies one transaction for a listing.
								For Chinese auctions listings (single-item listings for which there can be
								only one transaction), TransactionID is always 0, and for multi-quantity
								listings (for which there can be multiple transactions), TransactionID has
								a non-0 value.
								To determine the valid transaction IDs
								for a listing, you typically need to have previously executed GetItemTransactionsCall
								or GetSellerTransactionsCall and stored all the listing's transactions.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements control pagination of the output. Use its EntriesPerPage
								property to control the number of transactions to return per call and its
								PageNumber property to specify the page of data to return.
					<xs:element name="IncludeFinalValueFee" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether to include final value fees in the response.
								For most listing types, the fee is returned in Transaction.FinalValueFee.
								For Dutch auctions that end with bids (not Buy It Now purchases), the fee
								is returned in Item.SellingStatus.FinalValueFee.
								The Final Value Fee for FixedPriceItem, StoresFixedPrice, and Buy It Now
								Dutch listing types is returned on a transaction by transaction basis.
								For all other listing types, including Chinese and Dutch (no Buy It Now
								purchases), the Final Value Fee is returned when the listing status is
					<xs:element name="IncludeContainingOrder" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								For future use.
	<!--  Call: GetItemTransactions -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemTransactionsResponse" type="ns:GetItemTransactionsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemTransactionsResponseType">
				Returns an array of transaction data for the item specified in the request.
				The results can be used to create a report of data that is commonly
				necessary for end-of-auction processing.
				Zero, one, or many Transaction objects can be returned in the array.
				The set of transactions returned is limited to those that were modified between
				the times specified in the request's ModTimeFrom and ModTime filters.
				Also returns the item object that spawned the transactions.
				If pagination filters were specified in the request, returns meta-data describing
				the effects of those filters on the current response and the estimated effects if
				the same filters are used in subsequent calls.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the total number of pages (TotalNumberOfPages) and the total number
								of entries (TotalNumberOfEntries) that could be returned given repeated calls
								that use the same selection criteria as the call that returned this response.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="HasMoreTransactions" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether there are additional transactions to retrieve.
								That is, indicates whether more pages of data are available to be
								returned, given the filters that were specified in the request.
								Returns false for the last page of data.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="TransactionsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number of transactions returned per page (per call). May be a higher value
								than ReturnedTransactionCountActual if the page returned is the last page
								and more than one page of data exists.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Page number for the page of transactions the response returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="ReturnedTransactionCountActual" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number of transactions retrieved in the current page of results just returned.
								May be a lower value than TransactionsPerPage if the page returned is the last
								page and more than one page of data exists.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								Item object that spawned the transaction. It is a purchase from this item's listing
								that the transaction represents.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="TransactionArray" type="ns:TransactionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								List of Transaction objects representing the transactions resulting
								from the listing. Each Transaction object contains the data for one purchase
								(of one or more items in the same listing). The Transaction.Item field is not
								returned because the Item object is returned at the root level of the response.
								See the reference guide for more information about the fields that are returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="PayPalPreferred" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether the item's seller has the preference enabled that shows that the seller
								prefers PayPal as the method of payment for an item. This preference is indicated on
								an item's View Item page and is intended to influence a buyer to use PayPal
								to pay for the item.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
	<!--  Call: GetItemsAwaitingFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemsAwaitingFeedbackRequest" type="ns:GetItemsAwaitingFeedbackRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemsAwaitingFeedbackRequestType">
				Requests items awaiting feedback from the user's My eBay account.
						Requests items awaiting feedback from the user's My eBay account.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Sort" type="ns:ItemSortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how the returned feedback items should be sorted. Valid values
								are Title, TitleDescending, UserID, UserIDDescending, EndTime, EndTimeDescending,
								FeedbackReceived, FeedbackReceivedDescending, FeedbackLeft, and
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the number of entries per page and the page number to return
								in the result set.
	<!--  Call: GetItemsAwaitingFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="GetItemsAwaitingFeedbackResponse" type="ns:GetItemsAwaitingFeedbackResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetItemsAwaitingFeedbackResponseType">
				(out) Returns items from a user's My eBay account that
				do not yet have feedback.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemsAwaitingFeedback" type="ns:PaginatedTransactionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Contains the items awaiting feedback.
								Returned only if there are items that do not yet
								have feedback.
	<!--  Call: GetLiveAuctionBidders -->
	<xs:element name="GetLiveAuctionBiddersRequest" type="ns:GetLiveAuctionBiddersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetLiveAuctionBiddersRequestType">
				Includes the list of bidders for the requested catalog.
						Gets a list of users who have
						signed up to participate in their auctions,
						including the bid approval status of each user. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="UserCatalogID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number that identifies the seller's eBay Live Auctions catalog for which they
								want to retrieve bidder requests.
					<xs:element name="BidderStatus" type="ns:BidderStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The seller can ask to retrieve a subset of users in the bidder approval list
								who are either "approved","denied", or "pending" or a combination of these.
								If this field is not specified in the request, all records are returned.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements control pagination of the output.
								Use its EntriesPerPage property to control the number of bidders to return per call
								and its PageNumber property to specify the page of data to return.
	<!--  Call: GetLiveAuctionBidders -->
<!-- W3C Schema generated by XMLSPY v5 rel. 4 U (
	<xs:element name="GetLiveAuctionBiddersResponse" type="ns:GetLiveAuctionBiddersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetLiveAuctionBiddersResponseType">
			Includes the list of bidders for the requested catalog.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BidderDetails" type="ns:BidderDetailArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the bidder details that match the bidder query 
								passed in the request. 
								Returned when bidder search results are found.
					<xs:element name="TotalPending" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Total number of bidders in Pending state.
					<xs:element name="TotalApproved" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Total number of bidders in Approved state.
					<xs:element name="TotalDenied" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Total number of bidders in Denied state.
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							The page number for the page of data returned.
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
							Shows the pagination of data returned by requests. Only returned
							if Pagination was specified in the request.
	<!--  Call: GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetailsRequest" type="ns:GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetailsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetailsRequestType">
				Retrieves all the eBay Live Auctions catalogs and upcoming sale
				schedules that the user has created. Only returns data if the
				requestor is an authorized eBay Live Auctions seller with at least
				one catalog. If the seller's auction house has no upcoming sales,
				no schedules are returned.
						Retrieves all the eBay Live Auctions catalogs and upcoming
						sale schedules that the user has created.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
	<!--  Call: GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetailsResponse" type="ns:GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetailsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetLiveAuctionCatalogDetailsResponseType">
				Returns all the upcoming eBay Live Auctions catalogs and sale schedules that the user has created.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="LiveAuctionCatalog" type="ns:LiveAuctionCatalogType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Each eBay Live Auctions catalog describes one live auction catalog created by the user,
								along with one or more sale schedules.
								Use this information to determine an appropriate combination of catalog and schedule IDs
								in which to list lot items with AddLiveAuctionItem.
								Only returns details about catalogs that contain pending sales. 
								That is, if a catalog has no sales or all its sales have ended, 
								the catalog details are not returned.
	<!--  Call: GetMemberMessages -->
	<xs:element name="GetMemberMessagesRequest" type="ns:GetMemberMessagesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMemberMessagesRequestType">
				Retrieves a list of the messages buyers have posted about your
				active item listings.
						Retrieves messages
						posted to the
						Ask Seller A Question messaging system. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The ID of the message.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="MailMessageType" type="ns:MessageTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The type of message.
					<xs:element name="MessageStatus" type="ns:MessageStatusTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The status of the message.
					<xs:element name="DisplayToPublic" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies if the message should be displayed on the
								website with the item listing.
					<xs:element name="StartCreationTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Used as beginning of date range filter.
					<xs:element name="EndCreationTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Used as end of date range filter.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Standard pagination argument used to reduce response.
					<xs:element name="MemberMessageID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An ID that uniquely identifies the message for a given user to be retrieved.
								Used for the AskSellerQuestion notification only.
	<!--  Call: GetMemberMessages -->
	<xs:element name="GetMemberMessagesResponse" type="ns:GetMemberMessagesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMemberMessagesResponseType">
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="MemberMessage" type="ns:MemberMessageExchangeArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The returned member messages. Returned if messages that meet the request criteria exist.
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Shows the pagination of data returned by requests.
					<xs:element name="HasMoreItems" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether the response has more items.
	<!--  Call: GetMyMessages -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyMessagesRequest" type="ns:GetMyMessagesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyMessagesRequestType">
				Used to retrieve information about the messages and alerts sent
				to a given user. Depending on the detail level, this information
				can include message and alert counts, resolution and flagged
				status, message and/or alert headers, and message and/or alert
				body text. Note that this call requires a DetailLevel in the
				request. Omitting the Detail Level returns an error.
						Retrieves information about the messages and alerts sent to
						a given user.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AlertIDs" type="ns:MyMessagesAlertIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of up to 10 AlertID values.
								When AlertID values are used as input, you must
								generally specify either AlertID values, or
								MessageID values, or both.
					<xs:element name="MessageIDs" type="ns:MyMessagesMessageIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of up to 10 MessageID values.
								When MessageID values are used as input, you must
								generally specify either AlertID values, or
								MessageID values, or both.
					<xs:element name="FolderID" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
								An ID that uniquely identifies the My Messages folder from which to retrieve alerts or messages.
	<!--  Call: GetMyMessages -->
  <xs:element name="GetMyMessagesResponse" type="ns:GetMyMessagesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyMessagesResponseType">
			Conains information about the messages and alerts sent to
			a given user. Depending on the detail level, this
			information can include message and alert counts,
			resolution and flagged status, message and/or alert
			headers, and message and/or alert body text.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Summary" type="ns:MyMessagesSummaryType" minOccurs="0">
								Summary data for a given user's alerts and
								messages. This includes the numbers of
								new alerts and messages, unresolved alerts,
								flagged messages, and total alerts and messages.
								The amount and type of data returned is the same
								whether or not the request included specific
								AlertID or MessageID values.
								Always/Conditionally returned logic assumes a
								detail level of ReturnMessages.
					<xs:element name="Alerts" type="ns:MyMessagesAlertArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the alert information for each alert
								specified in AlertIDs. The amount and type of
								information returned varies based on the
								requested detail level. Contains one
								MyMessagesAlertType object per alert. Returned
								as an empty node if user has no alerts.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnHeaders, ReturnMessages
					<xs:element name="Messages" type="ns:MyMessagesMessageArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the message information for each
								message specified in MessageIDs. The amount and
								type of information returned varies based on the
								requested detail level. Contains one
								MyMessagesMessageType object per message.
								Returned as an empty node if user has no
									<DetailLevels>ReturnHeaders, ReturnMessages
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBay -->
  <xs:element name="GetMyeBayRequest" type="ns:GetMyeBayRequestType"/>
  <xs:complexType name="GetMyeBayRequestType">
				GetMyeBay will be DEPRECATED SOON and should not be used.
				Instead, please use GetMyeBayBuying and related calls to retrieve
				a users's My eBay data. Retrieves data for the requesting user's
				My eBay page. This data includes a list of items the user is
				watching and a list of items the user has bid on. You must
				specify at least one field in the request to receive data in the
				response. In addition, you must include at least one sort field -
				BiddingSort, LostSort, WatchSort, or WonSort.
						To be deprecated. Use GetMyeBayBuying and related calls.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="BiddingSort" type="ns:ItemSortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how the items in the active list (the items the user has bid
								on) are sorted in the result set. The items may be sorted by item ID,
								price, title, bid count, and listing end time. See the code list
								ItemSortTypeCodeType for valid input values.
					<xs:element name="LostSort" type="ns:ItemSortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how the items in the lost list (items the user has bid on but has
								not won) are sorted in the result set. The items may be sorted by item ID,
								price, title, bid count, and listing end time. See the code list
								ItemSortTypeCodeType for valid input values.
					<xs:element name="MaxItemsPerList" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies maximum number of items to display in each of the lists.
								Recommended value is 5. If not specified, all possible items for each
								list are returned. One maximum is specified and applies to all of the
								lists in the result set.
					<xs:element name="MaxItemAgeInDays" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the number of days prior to the current time (based on item
								end time) to retrieve items. Applies only to the items won and items
								lost lists. Default value is 2. Maximum value is 30.
					<xs:element name="WatchSort" type="ns:ItemSortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how the items in the watch list (the items the user is watching)
								are sorted in the result set. The valid values of ItemSortTypeCodeType
								are ItemID, ItemIDDescending, Price, PriceDescending,
								BidCount, BidCountDescending, SellerUserID, SellerUserIDDescending,
								TimeLeft, and TimeLeftDescending.
					<xs:element name="WonSort" type="ns:ItemSortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how the items in the won list (the items the user has won)
								are sorted in the result set. The items may be sorted by item ID,
								price, title, bid count, and listing end time. See the code list
								ItemSortTypeCodeType for valid input values.
					<xs:element name="FavoriteSearches" type="ns:MyeBaySelectionType" minOccurs="0">
                A user's favorite eBay searches. Corresponds to the Searches selection under All Favorites
                on the My eBay page.
					<xs:element name="FavoriteSellers" type="ns:MyeBaySelectionType" minOccurs="0">
                A user's favorite eBay sellers. Corresponds to the Sellers selection under All Favorites
                on the My eBay page.
					<xs:element name="SecondChanceOffers" type="ns:MyeBaySelectionType" minOccurs="0">
                Second Chance Offers for items. Corresponds to the Second Chance Offers listed
                on the My eBay page.
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBay -->
  <xs:element name="GetMyeBayResponse" type="ns:GetMyeBayResponseType"/>
  <xs:complexType name="GetMyeBayResponseType">
GetMyeBay will be DEPRECATED SOON and should not be used. Instead, please use 
GetMyeBayBuying and related calls to retrieve a users's My eBay data.
Contains the lists of items from the requesting user's My
eBay page. This includes a list of the items the user has bid
on and a list of the items the user is watching. The number of
items returned in any list can be controlled using the MaxItemsPerList
property of the request object.
      <xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
          <xs:element name="BiddingItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
                  Contains the list of items the requesting user has bid on. BiddingItemArray is
                  an array of ItemType objects, each of which represents one item.
          <xs:element name="LostItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the requesting user has bid on but not has won. 
								LostItemArray is an array of ItemType objects, each of which represents one item.
          <xs:element name="WatchItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the requesting user is watching. WatchItemArray is
								an array of ItemType objects, each of which represents one item.
          <xs:element name="WonItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the requesting user has won. WonItemArray is
								an array of ItemType objects, each of which represents one item.
          <xs:element name="FavoriteSearches" type="ns:MyeBayFavoriteSearchListType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of the user's My eBay Favorite Searches.
          <xs:element name="FavoriteSellers" type="ns:MyeBayFavoriteSellerListType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of the user's My eBay Favorite Sellers.
          <xs:element name="SecondChanceOffers" type="ns:MyeBaySecondChanceOfferListType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of the user's My eBay Second Chance Offers.
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBayBuying -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyeBayBuyingRequest" type="ns:GetMyeBayBuyingRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyeBayBuyingRequestType">
				Returns items from the All Buying section of the user's My eBay
				account, including items the user is watching, bidding on, has
				won, has not won, or has made best offers on. Use DetailLevel of
				ReturnSummary to return only the BuyingSummary and the specific
				containers requested. The DetailLevel ReturnAll returns the
				BuyingSummary and all containers.
						Returns items from the All Buying section of the user's My eBay
						account, including items the user is watching, bidding on, has
						won, has not won, or has made best offers on.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="WatchList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of watched items in the user's My eBay list. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="BidList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of items bid on in the user's My eBay list.
								Allowed values are Sort and IncludeNotes.Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="BestOfferList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of items on which the user has placed best offers.
								Allowed values are Include, ListingType, Sort, DurationInDays (0-60 valid), IncludeNotes, and
								Pagination. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="WonList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of items bid on and won in the user's My eBay list.
								Allowed values are DurationInDays (valid values 0-60), Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="LostList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of items bid on and lost in the user's My eBay list.
								Allowed values are DurationInDays (valid values 0-60), Sort, IncludeNotes,
								and Pagination. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="FavoriteSearches" type="ns:MyeBaySelectionType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of favorite searches in the user's My eBay list.
								All values are allowed. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="FavoriteSellers" type="ns:MyeBaySelectionType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of favorite sellers in the user's My eBay list.
								All values are allowed. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
					<xs:element name="SecondChanceOffer" type="ns:MyeBaySelectionType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies how to return the list of second chance offers in the user's My eBay list.
								All values are allowed. Include in the request to return this container at a DetailLevel of ReturnSummary.
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBayBuying -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyeBayBuyingResponse" type="ns:GetMyeBayBuyingResponseType">
				Returns items from All Buying or All Favorites in the user's GetMyeBay account.
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyeBayBuyingResponseType">
				Returns items from All Buying or All Favorites in the user's My eBay account.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BuyingSummary" type="ns:BuyingSummaryType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a summary of the items the user has bid on. Returned at all detail levels.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="WatchList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user is watching. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="BidList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains all the items the user has bid on. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="BestOfferList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user has placed best offers on. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="WonList" type="ns:PaginatedOrderTransactionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user has bid on and won. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="LostList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user has bid on and lost. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="FavoriteSearches" type="ns:MyeBayFavoriteSearchListType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of the user's favorite searches. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="FavoriteSellers" type="ns:MyeBayFavoriteSellerListType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of the user's favorite sellers. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="SecondChanceOffer" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Contains the list of second chance offers the user has received. Only returned if items exist that meet the request criteria.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSummary, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBayReminders -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyeBayRemindersRequest" type="ns:GetMyeBayRemindersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyeBayRemindersRequestType">
				Requests reminder type totals from the user's MyeBay account.
						Requests totals of various reminder types from the user's
						MyeBay account.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="BuyingReminders" type="ns:ReminderCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the type of buying reminders for which you want information.
					<xs:element name="SellingReminders" type="ns:ReminderCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the type of selling reminders for which you want information.
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBayReminders -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyeBayRemindersResponse" type="ns:GetMyeBayRemindersResponseType">
			Returns totals of various reminder types from the user's My eBay account.
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyeBayRemindersResponseType">
				Returns totals of various reminder types from the user's My eBay account.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BuyingReminders" type="ns:RemindersType" minOccurs="0">
									(out) Contains the buying reminders in the user's My eBay account that match
									the request criteria.
					<xs:element name="SellingReminders" type="ns:RemindersType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Contains the selling reminders in the user's My eBay account that match
								the request criteria.
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBaySelling -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyeBaySellingRequest" type="ns:GetMyeBaySellingRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyeBaySellingRequestType">
				Returns a summary and details of items a user is selling from the
				user's My eBay account. Use no DetailLevel to return
				SellingSummary and any containers specified in the request. The
				DetailLevel ReturnAll returns SellingSummary and all containers.
						Returns a summary and details of items a user is selling from the
						user's My eBay account.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ScheduledList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the user has scheduled to sell but whose listings have not yet opened.
								Valid subelements are Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination.
					<xs:element name="ActiveList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the user is actively selling whose listings are active.
								Valid subelements are Sort, IncludeNotes, Pagination, and ListingType (with valid
								values Auction, FixedPriceItem, StoresFixedPrice, or AdType).
								Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.
					<xs:element name="SoldList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the user has sold. Valid subelements are DurationInDays
								(with valid values 0-60), IncludeNotes, and Pagination.
								Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.
					<xs:element name="UnsoldList" type="ns:ItemListCustomizationType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of items the user has listed but whose listings have ended
								without being sold. Valid subelements are DurationInDays (with valid values 0-60),
								Sort, IncludeNotes, and Pagination.
								Note that if a DetailLevel of ReturnAll is specified in the request, this element is ignored as a way to filter the response, and ALL containers are returned.
	<!--  Call: GetMyeBaySelling -->
	<xs:element name="GetMyeBaySellingResponse" type="ns:GetMyeBaySellingResponseType">
				Returns summary and detail information about items the user is selling,
				items scheduled to sell, currently listed, sold, and closed but not sold.
	<xs:complexType name="GetMyeBaySellingResponseType">
					Returns summary and detail information about items the user is selling,
					items scheduled to sell, currently listed, sold, and closed but not sold.
			<xs:extension base="AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="SellingSummary" type="ns:SellingSummaryType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains summary information about the items the user is selling.
					<xs:element name="ScheduledList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user has scheduled for sale, but whose listings have
								not yet started.
					<xs:element name="ActiveList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user is selling that have active listings.
					<xs:element name="SoldList" type="ns:PaginatedOrderTransactionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items the user has sold.
					<xs:element name="UnsoldList" type="ns:PaginatedItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the items whose listings have ended but that have not sold.
	<!--  Call: GetNotificationPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="GetNotificationPreferencesRequest" type="ns:GetNotificationPreferencesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetNotificationPreferencesRequestType">
				Retrieves the requesting application's notification preferences.
				GetNotificationPreferences retrieves preferences that you have
				deliberately set. For example, if you enable the EndOfAuction
				event and then later disable it, the response shows the
				EndOfAuction event preference as Disabled. But if you have never
				set a preference for the EndOfAuction event, no EndOfAuction
				preference is returned at all.
						Retrieves the requesting application's notification preferences.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="PreferenceLevel" type="ns:NotificationRoleCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies what type of Preference to retrieve.
	<!--  Call: GetNotificationPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="GetNotificationPreferencesResponse"  type="ns:GetNotificationPreferencesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetNotificationPreferencesResponseType">
				Contains the requesting application's notification preferences.
				GetNotificationPreferences retrieves preferences that you have
				deliberately set. For example, if you enable the EndOfAuction event and
				then later disable it, the response shows the EndOfAuction event
				preference as Disabled. But if you have never set a preference for the
				EndOfAuction event, no EndOfAuction preference is returned at all.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ApplicationDeliveryPreferences" type="ns:ApplicationDeliveryPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Specifies application-based event preferences that have been enabled.
					<xs:element name="UserDeliveryPreferenceArray" type="ns:NotificationEnableArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) Specifies user-based event preferences that have been enabled or disabled.
					<xs:element name="UserData" type="ns:NotificationUserDataType" minOccurs="0">
								(out) return user data for notification settings such as set mobile phone number etc.
					<xs:element name="EventProperty" type="ns:NotificationEventPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								(out) Characteristics or details of an event such as type, name and value.
	<!--  Call: GetNotificationsUsage -->
	<xs:element name="GetNotificationsUsageRequest" type="ns:GetNotificationsUsageRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetNotificationsUsageRequestType">
				Retrieves information about notifications sent to a given application. The
				application (AppID) is determined the requester credentials. Use this
				notification information to troubleshoot issues with platform notifications.
				Developers can make up to 50 GetNotificationsUsage calls per hour for a
				given application.
					Retrieves information about platform notifications sent to a given application.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the start date and time for which notification information
								will be retrieved. StartTime is optional. If no StartTime is specified,
								the default value of 24 hours prior to the call time is used. If no
								StartTime is specified or if an invalid StartTime is specified, date
								range errors are returned in the response. For a StartTime to be valid,
								it must be no more than 72 hours before the time of the call, it cannot
								be more recent than the EndTime, and it cannot be later than the time of
								the call. If an invalid StartTime is specified, the default value is
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the end date and time for which notification information
								will be retrieved. EndTime is optional. If no EndTime is specified,
								the current time (the time the call is made) is used. If no EndTime
								is specified or if an invalid EndTime is specified, date range errors
								are returned in the response. For an EndTime to be valid, it must be no
								more than 72 hours before the time the of the call, it cannot be before
								the StartTime, and it cannot be later than the time of the call. If an
								invalid EndTime is specified, the current time is used.
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies an item ID for which detailed notification information will be
								retrieved. ItemID is optional. If no ItemID is specified, the response
								will not include any individual notification details.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
	<!--  Call: GetNotificationsUsage -->
	<xs:element name="GetNotificationsUsageResponse" type="ns:GetNotificationsUsageResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetNotificationsUsageResponseType">
				Returns an array of notifications sent to a given application identified by the appID
				(comes in the credentials). The result can be used by third-party developers troubleshoot
				issues with notifications.
				Zero, one or many notifications can be returned in the array. The set of notifications
				returned is limited to those that were sent between the StartTime and EndTime specified
				in the request. If StartTime or EndTime filters were not found in the request, then
				the response will contain the data for only one day (Now-1day). By default, maximum
				duration is limited to 3 days (Now-3days). These min (1day) and max(3days) applies
				to Notifications,MarkDownMarkUpHistory and NotificationStatistics.

				Notifications are sent only if the ItemID is included in the request. If there is no
				ItemID, then only Statistics and MarkDownMarkUpHistory information is included.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Returns the start date and time for the notification information that is
								returned by this call. The oldest date allowed for this field is Now-3days.
								Default is Now-1day.
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Returns the end date and time for the notification information that is
								returned by this call. The default is Now.
					<xs:element name="NotificationDetailsArray" type="ns:NotificationDetailsArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								List of notification objects representing the notifications sent to an 
								application for the given time period. It will only be returned if ItemID 
								was specified in the input request.
					<xs:element name="MarkUpMarkDownHistory" type="ns:MarkUpMarkDownHistoryType" minOccurs="0">
								List of objects representing MarkUp or MarkDown history for a given appID
								and for given StartTime and EndTime. This node will always be returned.
					<xs:element name="NotificationStatistics" type="ns:NotificationStatisticsType" minOccurs="0">
								Summary information about number of notifications that were successfully
								delivered, queued, failed, connection attempts made, connection timeouts,
								http errors for the given appID and given time period. By default, statistics
								for only one day (Now-1day) is included. Maximum time duration allowed is 3 days
	<!--  Call: GetOrderTransactions -->
	<xs:element name="GetOrderTransactionsRequest" type="ns:GetOrderTransactionsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetOrderTransactionsRequestType">
				Retrieves information about one or more orders or one or more transactions
				(or both), thus displacing the need to call GetOrders and GetItemTransactions
						Retrieves information about one or more orders or one or more
						transactions (or both). You can use GetOrderTransactions instead of
						making separate GetOrders and GetItemTransactions calls.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemTransactionIDArray" type="ns:ItemTransactionIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								An array of ItemTransactionIDs.
					<xs:element name="OrderIDArray" type="ns:OrderIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								An array of OrderIDs.
	<!--  Call: GetOrderTransactions -->
	<xs:element name="GetOrderTransactionsResponse" type="ns:GetOrderTransactionsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetOrderTransactionsResponseType">
				Response to GetOrderTransactions request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="OrderArray" type="ns:OrderArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								An array of Orders.
	<!--  Call: GetOrders -->
	<xs:element name="GetOrdersRequest" type="ns:GetOrdersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetOrdersRequestType">
				Retrieves all of the orders for which the user is a participant (as
				either buyer or seller) that meet the criteria specified in the request
				There are two mutually exclusive sets of filtering input arguments
				that can be used to query for orders. The first set is based on specific
				order IDs (one or more order IDs are passed in the call). The second set
				is a combination of date range, order role, and order status. If one set
				of filtering arguments is used, the arguments for the other set should not
				be specified in the same call. If a given call to GetOrders includes both
				criteria sets, the query based on order IDs is used, and the criteria for
				date range/order status/order role is ignored.
				This call can also be used to retrieve unshipped orders (i.e.,
				orders that the seller has received but has not yet processed).
						Retrieves all of the orders for which the user is a participant (as
						either buyer or seller) that meet the criteria specified in the request
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="OrderIDArray" type="ns:OrderIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								A set of orders to retrieve.
								Not applicable to
					<xs:element name="CreateTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								The starting date of the date range for the orders to retrieve.
								Also applicable to
					<xs:element name="CreateTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								The ending date of the date range for the orders to retrieve.
								Also applicable to
					<xs:element name="OrderRole" type="ns:TradingRoleCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Filters the returned orders to only those where the user for
								whom the call is being made is a participant in the order in the specified role.
								Not applicable to
					<xs:element name="OrderStatus" type="ns:OrderStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Filters the returned orders by order status. <br>
								Not applicable to If you set ListingType to Half and you
								include OrderStatus in the request, GetOrders may return incomplete information
								or have indeterminate results. Therefore, please do not specify OrderStatus
								when you retrieve orders.
					<xs:element name="ListingType" type="ns:ListingTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Cannot be used as a filter on If not provided or if any value other than Half is specified,
								the call retrieves eBay orders. If Half is specified,
								the call retrieves orders. (You cannot retrieve both
								eBay and orders in the same response.)
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
							Not applicable to Applicable to If many orders are available,
							you may need to call GetOrders multiple times to retrieve all the data.
							Each result set is returned as a page of entries.
							Use this Pagination information to indicate the maximum number of entries to
							retrieve per page (i.e., per call), the page number to retrieve, and other data.
	<!--  Call: GetOrders -->
	<xs:element name="GetOrdersResponse" type="ns:GetOrdersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetOrdersResponseType">
				Returns the set of orders that match the order IDs or filter criteria specified.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
							Applies only to Contains information regarding the pagination of data (if pagination is used),
							including total number of pages and total number of entries. 
					<xs:element name="HasMoreOrders" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							Applies only to If true, there are more orders yet to be retrieved. Additional GetOrders calls
							with higher page numbers or more entries per page must be made to retrieve these orders.
							If false, no more orders are available or no orders match the request
							(based on the input filters).
					<xs:element name="OrderArray" type="ns:OrderArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The set of orders that match the order IDs or filter criteria specified.
								Also applicable to (only returns orders that have not been marked as shipped).
					<xs:element name="OrdersPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Applies only to Indicates the number of orders that can be returned per page of data
							(i.e., per call). This is the same as the value specified in the Pagination.EntriesPerPage input
							(or the default value, if EntriesPerPage was not specified).
							This is not necessarily the actual number of orders returned per page (see ReturnedOrderCountActual).
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Applies only to Indicates which page of data holds the current result set. Will be the same as the value specified in the Pagination.PageNumber input. If orders are returned, the first page is 1.
					<xs:element name="ReturnedOrderCountActual" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							Applies only to Indicates the total number of orders returned.
	<!--  Call: GetPictureManagerDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GetPictureManagerDetailsRequest" type="ns:GetPictureManagerDetailsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPictureManagerDetailsRequestType">
				Requests information about folders or pictures in a Picture Manager account
				or the account settings.
						Requests information about folders or pictures in a Picture
						Manager account or the account settings.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="FolderID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The ID of a folder in the user's Picture Manager album for which you want information.
								If you specify both FolderID and PictureURL, the picture must exist
								in the folder.
					<xs:element name="PictureURL" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The URL of a picture in the user's Picture Manager album.
								If you specify both FolderID and PictureURL, the picture must
								exist in the folder.
					<xs:element name="PictureManagerDetailLevel" type="ns:PictureManagerDetailLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The type of information you want returned, about pictures and folders,
								the account subscription, or both. Use this element rather than the generic DetailLevel element defined in AbstractRequestType. You can use the following values: ReturnAll, ReturnSubscription, or ReturnPicture.
	<!--  Call: GetPictureManagerDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GetPictureManagerDetailsResponse" type="ns:GetPictureManagerDetailsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPictureManagerDetailsResponseType">
				Responds with information about content in a Picture Manager album
				or the account settings.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PictureManagerDetails" type="ns:PictureManagerDetailsType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains details of the account settings, folders or
								pictures in the user's album, or both.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnSubscription, ReturnPicture, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetPictureManagerOptions -->
	<xs:element name="GetPictureManagerOptionsRequest" type="ns:GetPictureManagerOptionsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPictureManagerOptionsRequestType">
	      Requests a list of Picture Manager options and allowed values,
				such as subscription type and picture display.
						Requests a list of Picture Manager options and allowed values,
						such as subscription type and picture display.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType"/>
	<!--  Call: GetPictureManagerOptions -->
	<xs:element name="GetPictureManagerOptionsResponse" type="ns:GetPictureManagerOptionsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPictureManagerOptionsResponseType">
	      Returns a list of Picture Manager options and allowed values.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Subscription" type="ns:PictureManagerSubscriptionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					     A type of Picture Manager subscription, with a subscription level, fee, and allowed storage size.
					<xs:element name="PictureType" type="ns:PictureManagerPictureDisplayType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
					     A global definition for displaying pictures, with a maximum size.
	<!--  Call: GetPopularKeywords -->
	<xs:element name="GetPopularKeywordsRequest" type="ns:GetPopularKeywordsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPopularKeywordsRequestType">
				Retrieves the words more frequently used by eBay users when
				searching for listings. These keywords are generated weekly by
				eBay. Thus, calls retrieve static data. GetPopularKeywords is not
				available for the following SiteIDs 71 ,201, 207, 211, 212, 216,
						Retrieves the words more frequently used by eBay users
						when searching for listings.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A category ID for which you want keywords returned.
								When IncludeChildCategories is true, one and only one
								CategoryID is allowed. Otherwise, up
								to 100 CategoryIds are allowed.
								To retrieve the keywords for root category, set one of
								the CategoryIDs to -1 or submit no CategoryIDs at all.
					<xs:element name="IncludeChildCategories" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, only one CategoryID can be specified, and keywords
								are returned for that category and its subcategories.
								If false, keywords are returned only for the categories
								identified by CategoryID. Default is false.
					<xs:element name="MaxKeywordsRetrieved" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The maximum number of keywords to be retrieved per category
								for this call.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Details about how many categories to return per
								page and which page to view.
	<!--  Call: GetPopularKeywords -->
	<xs:element name="GetPopularKeywordsResponse" type="ns:GetPopularKeywordsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPopularKeywordsResponseType">
				Contains the keyword data for the requested categories. A category's data are contained in a CategoryArrayType object if there is no error (one or more CategoryType objects). Each CategoryType contains its ID, parent ID and keyword list.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
											Contains information regarding the pagination of data (if pagination is used),
											including total number of pages and total number of entries.
					<xs:element name="CategoryArray" type="ns:CategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Organization of keywords by category. For each
								category, its ID and its parent's ID and keywords
								are listed.
					<xs:element name="HasMore" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether there are more categories beyond the 
								subset returned in the last 
								call to GetPopularKeywords. Returned only when 
								IncludeChildCategories is true.
	<!--  Call: GetProductFamilyMembers -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductFamilyMembersRequest" type="ns:GetProductFamilyMembersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductFamilyMembersRequestType">
GetProductFamilyMembers is intended to be used combination with GetProductSearchResults.
If a search result returned from GetProductSearchResults does not return all
product versions in a family, and if the user wants to see more versions (editions)
of the product, you can use GetProductFamilyMembers to retrieve all versions of the product.
That is, if GetProductSearchResultsonly returns the product family header (ParentProduct),
use this call to zoom in on a particular family of product versions.
(This situation usually occurs when you call GetProductSearchResults and more more
matches are found than the MaxChildrenPerFamily value you specified.)<br>
The structure of tGetProductFamilyMembers is similar to that of GetProductSearchResults.
Instead of passing in a query, you pass in a product ID. This product ID is used to
find all the members of the product family that the specified product is a member of.
The results are compatible with the results from GetProductSearchResults,
so similar application logic can be used to handle both requests and responses.
This call supports batch requests. This means you can retrieve products in
multiple families by using a single request. To perform a batch request,
pass an array of ProductSearch objects in the call.<br>
For each ProductSearch object, GetProductFamilyMembers returns a list of all the
products in the specified product family. Each product is represented as a list of
attributes (Item Specifics) plus other identifying information, such as a product ID
and a stock photo.<br>
Once the user selects a product from the results, pass its ID in a GetProductSellingPages
request to retrieve more detailed information about the product, including a set of
optional Item Specifics that the seller can use in addition to the
pre-filled Item Specifics (see GetProductSellingPages). <br>
To use this data in a listing, pass the product ID and the optional Item Specifics
in the seller's listing request (AddItem).
						If a search result returned from GetProductSearchResults
						does not return all product versions in a family, and if the user wants to
						see more versions (editions) of the product, you can use
						GetProductFamilyMembers to retrieve all versions of the product.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ProductSearch" type="ns:ProductSearchType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Specifies the ID of a product in the family to be retrieved,
								along with pagination and sorting instructions.
								ProductSearch is a required input.
	<!--  Call: GetProductFamilyMembers -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductFamilyMembersResponse" type="ns:GetProductFamilyMembersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductFamilyMembersResponseType">
				GetProductFamilyMembers performs a product search and returns results comprising
				all the children in the product family identified by a product ID that was 
				specified in the request. Use this call when more matches are found than the 
				max amount specified per family in a call to GetProductSearchResults.
				This call supports batch requests. This means you can retrieve products in 
				multiple families by using a single request.
				The results are compatible with the results from GetProductSearchResults,  
				so similar application logic can be used to handle both requests and responses.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="DataElementSets" type="ns:DataElementSetType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Container for one or more DataElement fields containing supplemental helpful data. 
								A DataElement field is an HTML snippet that specifies hints for the user, help links, 
								help graphics, and other supplemental information that varies per characteristics set. 
								Usage of this information is optional and may require developers to inspect the information 
								to determine how it can be applied in an application. 
					<xs:element name="ProductSearchResult" type="ns:ProductSearchResultType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Contains the attributes and summary product details for all products that match  
								the product ID (or IDs) passed in the request.
	<!--  Call: GetProductFinder -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductFinderRequest" type="ns:GetProductFinderRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductFinderRequestType">
				Retrieves data that you use to construct valid "product finder" queries
				(queries against multiple attributes) against catalog products or listed items.
				The attributes describe search criteria (e.g., Manufacturer), as appropriate for the category.
				Use the results in combination with GetProductFinderXSL to render the Product Finder
				in a graphical user interface.
				GetProductFinder does not conduct the actual product or listing search.
				It only returns data about what you can search on. Use the data as input to
				GetProductSearchResults to conduct the actual search for product information
				or as input to GetSearchResults to conduct the search for listed items.
				To retrieve single-attribute search criteria (querying against a single attribute, like UPC),
				use GetProductSearchPage instead (only applicable for catalog searches).
				See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Pre-filled Item Information and details about
				searching for catalog products and for information about searching for listed items.
						Retrieves data that you use to construct valid "product
						finder" queries (queries against multiple attributes) against
						catalog products or listed items.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A version of the product finder attribute definitions for the site.
								Typically, an application passes the version value that was returned the last
								time the application executed this call.
								Filter that causes the call to return only the Product Finders
								for which the attribute meta-data has changed since the specified version.
								The latest version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
								value that was returned. Therefore, when comparing versions, only
								compare whether the value has changed.
					<xs:element name="ProductFinderID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A number that uniequely identifies a product finder. To determine the
								product finder IDs for a category, call GetCategory2CS.
								Multiple categories can be mapped to the same product finder ID.
								You can pass zero or multiple IDs in the request. When IDs are specified, the call
								only returns product finder meta-data for the specified product finders.
								When no IDs are specified, the call returns all the current product finder
								meta-data available on the site.
	<!--  Call: GetProductFinder -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductFinderResponse" type="ns:GetProductFinderResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductFinderResponseType">
      For a category that supports product finders, GetProductFinder returns an XML string
      that decribes the attributes a seller can use to form a query when searching for
      Pre-filled Item Information, or attributes that can be used to search for listed items.
      Specifically, it retrieves data that you use to construct valid "product finder" queries
      (queries against multiple attributes).
      Use the results in combination with GetProductFinderXSL to render the Product Finder
      in a graphical user interface.
      See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Pre-filled Item Information and details about
      searching for catalog products and for information about searching for listed items.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                  Current version of the product search page data for the site.
                  This value changes each time changes are made to the search page data.
                  The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
                  value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the
                  value has changed.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="ProductFinderData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
							A string containing a list of search attributes that can be used in a
							"Product Finder" style query, along with related meta-data.
							The meta-data specifies possible values of each attribute, the
							logic for presenting attributes to a user, and rules for validating the
							user's selections. For backward compatibility, this data is in
							the same XML format that was used in the Legacy XML API so that you can
							apply the same Product Finder XSL stylesheet to it. That is, individual
							elements are not described using the new eBay XML schema format.
							For information about each element in the ProductFinderData string,
							see the product finder model documentation in the eBay Web Services guide (see links below).<br>
							Because this is returned as a string, the XML markup is escaped with
							character entity references (e.g., &amp;lt;eBay&amp;gt;&amp;lt;ProductFinders&amp;gt;...).
							See the appendices in the eBay Web Services guide for general information about
							string data types.
									<Title>The Product Finder Meta-Data Model
									<Title>Data Types
	<!--  Call: GetProductFinderXSL -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductFinderXSLRequest" type="ns:GetProductFinderXSLRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductFinderXSLRequestType">
				Retrieves the Product Finder XSL stylesheet. Apply the stylesheet
				to the XML returned from a call to GetProductFinder to render a
				form that lets a user form a multi-attribute query against eBay
				catalog data. See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Pre-
				filled Item Information and information on searching for catalog
						Retrieves the Product Finder XSL stylesheet for use with
						the XML returned from GetProductFinder.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="FileName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The name of the XSL file to retrieve. If not specified, the call
								returns the latest versions of all available XSL files.
								FileName is an optional input.
					<xs:element name="FileVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The desired version of the XSL file. Required if FileName is specified.
								IIf not specified, the call returns the latest versions of all
								available XSL files that could be returned by the call.
								This is not a filter for retrieving changes to the XSL files.
	<!--  Call: GetProductFinderXSL -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductFinderXSLResponse" type="ns:GetProductFinderXSLResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductFinderXSLResponseType">
				Retrieves the Product Finder XSL stylesheet. Apply the stylesheet to the 
				XML returned from a call to GetProductFinder to
				render a form that lets a user form a multi-attribute query against 
				eBay catalog data.
				See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Pre-filled Item Information
				and information on searching for catalog products.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="XSLFile" type="ns:XSLFileType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Child elements specify data related to one XSL file. See XSLFileType.
								Multiple XSLFile objects can be returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetProductSearchPage -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductSearchPageRequest" type="ns:GetProductSearchPageRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductSearchPageRequestType">
				Retrieves the attributes a seller can use to form a query when
				searching for Pre-filled Item Information to use in a listing for
				a category that is catalog-enabled. This call is applicable for
				use cases related to listing items with Pre-filled Item
				Information. Specifically, it retrieves data
				that you use to construct valid "single-attribute" queries. The
				attributes describe search criteria (e.g., Author) and sorting
				criteria (e.g., Publication Year), as appropriate for the
				category. GetProductSearchPage does not conduct the actual
				product search. It only returns data about what you can search
				on. Use the data as input to GetProductSearchResults to conduct
				the actual search for product information. To retrieve Product
				Finder search criteria (querying against multiple attributes),
				use GetProductFinder instead. See the eBay Web Services guide for
				an overview of Pre-filled Item Information and details about
				searching for catalog products.
						Retrieves the attributes a seller can use to form a query when
						searching for Pre-filled Item Information to use in a listing for
						a category that is catalog-enabled.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A version of the search page definitions for the site. Typically, an
								application passes the version value that was returned the last time the
								application executed this call. Filter that causes the call to return only
								the search pages for which the attribute meta-data has changed since the
								specified version. The latest version value is not necessarily greater
								than the previous value that was returned. Therefore, when comparing
								versions, only compare whether the value has changed.
					<xs:element name="AttributeSetID" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A characteristic set ID that is associated with a
								catalog-enabled category that supports product search pages.
								You can pass an array of these IDs in the request.
								Each characteristic set corresponds to a level in the
								eBay category hierarchy at which all items share common characteristics.
								Multiple categories can be mapped to the same characteristic set.
								Each ID is used as a filter to limit the response content to fewer
								characteristic sets. When IDs are specified, the call only returns
								search page data for the corresponding characteristic sets.
								When no IDs are specified, the call returns all the current
								search page data in the system.
	<!--  Call: GetProductSearchPage -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductSearchPageResponse" type="ns:GetProductSearchPageResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductSearchPageResponseType">
      For a category that is catalog-enabled, GetProductSearchPage retrieves the attributes 
      a seller can use to form a query when searching for Pre-filled Item Information. 
      See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Pre-filled Item Information and details about 
      searching for catalog products.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="AttributeSystemVersion" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Current version of the product search page data for the site.
								This value changes each time changes are made to the search page data.
								The current version value is not necessarily greater than the previous
								value. Therefore, when comparing versions, only compare whether the 
								value has changed.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="ProductSearchPage" type="ns:ProductSearchPageType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A list of catalog search criteria and sort keys associated with a catalog-enabled category, 
								plus supplemental information to help the seller understand how to make selections.
	<!--  Call: GetProductSearchResults -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductSearchResultsRequest" type="ns:GetProductSearchResultsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductSearchResultsRequestType">
Searches for Pre-filled Item Information within one or more
characteristic sets. This kind of search is only applicable in the context of the Sell Your Item use case.
Use the response to present the seller with a list of products found in a catalog.
(For buy-side searches, use GetSearchResults.)<br>
See the Attributes and Catalogs section of the eBay Web Services guide for background information
and terminology definitions, as well as information about how to use this call in the Sell Your Item flow.<br>
You can use this call to search for different products at the same time.
That is, this call can perform batch searches.<br>
Given an array of ProductSearch properties that are configured with a list of search attributes or keywords
(and other information), GetProductSearchResults searches an eBay catalog for products that match each query.
Some queries can be configured to also specify a sort order for the results.<br>
To configure a ProductSearch object to search by attributes, you need a valid combination of search attributes.
If you want to use a sort order other than the default order, you also need a valid sort attribute.
We offer two calls that return product search and sort attributes.
Use GetCategory2CS to determine which one of these calls you can use for a given category.
At least one approach is offered for each catalog-enabled category, and some cases, both are offered.<br>
<b>GetProductSearchPage</b>: Use this call when you want to configure a simple query that consists of a
single search attribute (with a value). This retrieves a single product or a very short list of search results
to choose from. Some products are fairly easy to find based on a single attribute. For example, in
Consumer Electronics categories (Digital Cameras, Cell Phones, and PDAs), you can specify a unique (or nearly unique) identifier, like a part number. In Media categories (Books, DVDs & Movies, Music, and Video Games), you can specify a descriptive name, like a title. <br>
<b>GetProductFinder</b>: Use this call when you want to configure a complex query. In the Sell Your Item flow, this is a complex query against the eBay product catalog. Currently, this type of search is available in Consumer Electronics categories only. In this type of search, you specify values for multiple attributes, like Brand and Resolution (i.e., number of megapixels). This retrieves a list of matching products.
This approach is useful when the user does not know the part number, or a product does not have a single, distinguishing feature that is easy to search on. For example, searching for a digital camera based solely on the brand would likely yield far too many results to be useful. Searching on the brand, product line, and resolution will retrieve a much shorter list of results. <br>
Alternatively, you can search on a particular keyword that appears in a product's title or Item Specifics.
For this, you use GetProductSearchResults and and pass in one or more text strings (with optional wildcards)
in ProductSearch.QueryKeywords. <br>
When you use a keyword query, the search criteria are not restricted to the results of a product search page or
product finder, so the criteria are not tied to a particular characteristic set. This means you can search across
multiple characteristic sets using the same query. This is useful when the user wants to broaden their search
across multiple categories. For example, a seller who sells Jazz books, Jazz CDs, and Jazz movies may want to
search for "Bird" across multiple categories. Specify the characteristic set IDs of interest by using CharacteristicSetIDs. <br>
GetProductSearchResults returns a list of matching products, if any. Each product is represented as a list of
attributes (Item Specifics) plus other identifying information, such as a product ID and a stock photo. <br>
Once the user selects a product from the list (this may require a call to GetProductFamilyMembers to retrieve
additional products to choose from), pass its ID in a GetProductSellingPages request to retrieve more
detailed information about each product, including a set of optional Item Specifics that the seller
can use in addition to the pre-filled Item Specifics (see GetProductSellingPages). <br>
To use this data in a listing, pass the product ID and the optional Item Specifics in the seller's listing request (AddItem).
						Searches for Pre-filled Item Information within one or more
						characteristic sets.
						Use the response from GetProductSearchPage or GetProductFinder to determine
						the attributes that can be used as criteria for the search.
						After a user selects a product by its ID, use the ID as input to GetProductSellingPages.
						This call also supports batch requests (i.e., searching for several products in the same call). 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ProductSearch" type="ns:ProductSearchType"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  Specifies the keywords or attributes that make up the product query,
                  with pagination instructions.
								ProductSearch is a required input. To search for multiple different products at the same time
								(i.e., to perform a batch search), pass in multiple ProductSearch properties.
	<!--  Call: GetProductSearchResults -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductSearchResultsResponse" type="ns:GetProductSearchResultsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductSearchResultsResponseType">
      GetProductSearchResults performs a product search and collects the results. 
      Result attributes for each product/product family are grouped and identified 
      with a product ID. If more matches are found than the max amount specified per family, 
      only the product family information is returned. In this case, call GetProductFamilyMembers 
      to retrieve more products within the same family.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="DataElementSets" type="ns:DataElementSetType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  Container for one or more DataElement fields containing supplemental helpful data. 
                  A DataElement field is an HTML snippet that specifies hints for the user, help links, 
								help graphics, and other supplemental information that varies per characteristic set.
								Usage of this information is optional and may require you to inspect the information
                  to determine how it can be applied in an application. 
                  Also returned with warnings when no matches are found.
					<xs:element name="ProductSearchResult" type="ns:ProductSearchResultType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Contains the attributes and product details that match the attributes or query keywords
                  passed in the request. Always returned when product search results are found.
	<!--  Call: GetProductSellingPages -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductSellingPagesRequest" type="ns:GetProductSellingPagesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductSellingPagesRequestType">
      	Retrieves information that describes how to present catalog
				product information to a seller. Use this information to present
				users with the equivalent of the Item Specifics portion of the
				eBay Title and Description pages and to validate user-specified
				values for eBay attributes on the client before including them in
				an AddItem call or related calls. The data contains a list of all
				the attributes that are applicable for one or more requested
				products, along with related meta-data. The meta-data specifies
				the pre-filled values of each attribute, the possible values of
				attributes that are not pre-filled, the logic for presenting the
				attributes to a user, and rules for validating the user's
				selections. Use the results in combination with GetAttributesXSL
				to render the Item Specifics in a graphical user interface. See
				the eBay Web Services Guide for an overview of Pre-filled Item
				Information, details about searching for catalog products, and
				information about the ProductSellingPages content model.
						Retrieves information that describes how to present catalog
						product information to a seller.
						Use this data when listing an item with Pre-filled
						Item Information. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="UseCase" type="ns:ProductUseCaseCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the context in which the call is being executed, which will imply
								certain validation rules. Use this property to make sure you retrieve the
								appropriate version of product information and attribute meta-data
								when you are listing, revising, or relisting an item with Pre-filled Item Information.
								Valid values:<br>
								<b>SYI</b> = Sell Your Item. Use before adding an item. Causes the response to include the
								latest product ID in the system (given an ID specified in the Products element)
								and the corresponding characteristic meta-data.<br>
								<b>RYI</b> = Revise Your Item. Use this before revising an item. Causes the response to return
								the product ID, attribute data, and other data associated with the version of the product
								that you pass in the Products element. This is useful in case the product ID or associated data
								has changed in the system since the item was originally listed. When revising
								an item, this helps you make changes that are consistent with the original listing.<br>
								<b>RELIST</b> = Use this before relisting an item. Causes the response to include the
								latest product ID in the system (given an ID specified in the Products element)
								and the corresponding characteristic meta-data. (Same as SYI).
					<xs:element name="Product" type="ns:ProductType"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A catalog product identifies a prototype description
								of a well-known type of item, such as a popular book.
								As this call supports batch requests, you can pass in an array of products
								to retrieve data for several products at the same time.
	<!--  Call: GetProductSellingPages -->
	<xs:element name="GetProductSellingPagesResponse" type="ns:GetProductSellingPagesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetProductSellingPagesResponseType">
      Retrieves an XML string that describes how to present catalog product information to a seller.
      Use this information to present users with the equivalent of the Item Specifics portion
      of the eBay Title and Description pages and to validate user-specified values for
      eBay attributes on the client before including them in an AddItem call or related calls. 
      Use the results in combination with GetAttributesXSL to render the Item Specifics
      in a graphical user interface.
      See the Developer's Guide for an overview of Pre-filled Item Information and details about 
      searching for catalog products.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ProductSellingPagesData" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
							A string containing a list of all the attributes that are applicable 
							to the products specified in the request, along with related meta-data. 
							The meta-data specifies the pre-filled values of each attribute, the 
							possible values of attributes that are not pre-filled, the logic for presenting 
							the attributes to a user, and rules for validating the user's selections.
							For backward compatibility, this data is in
							the same XML format that was used in the Legacy XML API so that you can 
							apply the same Item Specifics XSL stylesheet to it. That is, individual 
							elements are not described using the unified schema format.
							The data is based on the GetAttributesCS response (AttributeData), with 
							additional information that is specific to catalog products.
							Product and attribute information is nested within a set of Product tags. 
							The product-specific data is merged into the attribute data so that the same 
							XSL stylesheet used to render the results of GetAttributeCS can be used to render 
							catalog product data. See GetAttributesXSL.
							See the Attribute Meta-Data Model section of the eBay Web Services guide 
							for information about each element in the ProductSellingPagesData string.
							Because the content is returned as a string, the XML markup elements are escaped with 
							character entity references (e.g.,&amp;lt;eBay&amp;gt;&amp;lt;Attributes&amp;gt;...). 
							See the appendices in the eBay Web Services guide for general information about 
							string data types.
	<!--  Call: GetPromotionRules -->
	<xs:element name="GetPromotionRulesRequest" type="ns:GetPromotionRulesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPromotionRulesRequestType">
				Requests a list of the cross-promotion rules associated with
				a specific referring item or store category.
						Requests a list of the cross-promotion rules associated
						with a specific referring item or store category.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique ID of the referring item for which
								you want promotion rules. Specify a value for
								either ItemID or StoreCategoryID, never both.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="StoreCategoryID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The unique ID of the store category for which you
								want promotion rules. Specify a value for
								either ItemID or StoreCategoryID, never both.
					<xs:element name="PromotionMethod" type="ns:PromotionMethodCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The type of promotion rules to retrieve, either UpSell
								or CrossSell.
	<!--  Call: GetPromotionRules -->
	<xs:element name="GetPromotionRulesResponse" type="ns:GetPromotionRulesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetPromotionRulesResponseType">
				Returns a list of promotion rules associated with a specific
				item or store category. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PromotionRuleArray" type="ns:PromotionRuleArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								An array of upsell or cross-sell promotion rules
								associated with the item or category specified in
								the request. All rules in the array are either
								upsell or cross-sell, according to the value of
								PromotionMethod specified in GetPromotionRulesRequest.
	<!--  Call: GetRecommendations -->
	<xs:element name="GetRecommendationsRequest" type="ns:GetRecommendationsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetRecommendationsRequestType">
				(Use GetItemRecommendations instead of GetRecommendations.
				GetItemRecommendations supports
				all the same features as GetRecommendations and adds support for batch requests.)
				Invokes one or more specified recommendation engines. These engines can examine potential item data
				that a seller has specified and return recommended changes or opportunities for improvement.
						Deprecated soon.
						Please use GetItemRecommendations instead.
						Invokes one or more specified recommendation engines.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ListingFlow" type="ns:ListingFlowCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The listing flow for which the seller is seeking Listing Analyzer recommendations.
								Not applicable to results from other recommendation engines.
								The default flow is AddItem.
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains fields that describe the item for which you are seeking recommendations.
								If the Listing Analyzer recommendation engine is run, the applicable fields are
								the same as the fields for AddItem, ReviseItem, or RelistItem
								requests, as determined by the value specified in ListingFlow.
								The item ID (Item.ItemID) is required when the ListingFlow is ReviseItem or RelistItem.
								All other item fields are optional, even if listed as required for other calls.
								However, as some tips are dependent on the properties of the item, and as some properties
								have dependencies on other properties, we strongly recommend that you include all the item properties
								that will be included in the AddItem, ReviseItem, or RelistItem request.
					<xs:element name="ExternalProductID" type="ns:ExternalProductIDType" minOccurs="0">
								An ISBN value, UPC value, or eBay catalog product ID. Identifies
								Pre-filled Item Information that the seller wants to include in the listing.
								Only applicable for certain categories and only applicable when the value of
								ListingFlow is AddItem. Not applicable when the recommendation engine is ProductPricing.
								See the Developer's Guide for information on the categories
								that currently support usage of this field.
								Either ExternalProductID or Item.ProductListingDetails can be specified
								in the request, but not both.
								If the primary and secondary category are both catalog-enabled,
								this ID must be for a product associated with the primary category.
								If only one category is catalog-enabled, this ID must be for a product
								that is associated with the catalog-enabled category.
					<xs:element name="ModifiedFields" type="ns:ModifiedFieldType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Applicable when the ListingFlow is ReviseItem or RelistItem.
								Array of item properties that are being changed.
								See the Developer's Guide for rules on adding, modifying, and removing
								values when revising or relisting items.
								In release 439 and later, ModifiedFields is no longer required to revise
								field values, but it is still supported for backward compatibility.
								See the Developer's Guide for rules on adding, modifying, and removing
								values when revising or relisting items.
					<xs:element name="RecommendationEngine" type="ns:RecommendationEngineCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								An array of recommendation engines. If no engines are specified, all available
								recommendation engines will run. Certain input fields (such as Item.PrimaryCategory.CategoryID)
								are required in order to run all engines with no errors.
					<xs:element name="Query" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the search string, consisting of one or
								more words to search for in the listing title.
								The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other
								Required when the Suggested Attributes engine is used.
								<MaxLength>350 (characters)
	<!--  Call: GetRecommendations -->
	<xs:element name="GetRecommendationsResponse" type="ns:GetRecommendationsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetRecommendationsResponseType">
Please use GetItemRecommendations instead of GetRecommendations. GetItemRecommendations supports 
all the same features as GetRecommendations and adds support for batch requests.
GetRecommendations returns recommended changes or opportunities for improvement 
related to listing data that was passed in the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ListingAnalyzerRecommendations" type="ns:ListingAnalyzerRecommendationsType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains tips returned from the Listing Analyzer recommendation engine, 
								if this engine was specified in the request (or if no engine was specified).
					<xs:element name="SIFFTASRecommendations" type="ns:SIFFTASRecommendationsType" minOccurs="0">
								Reserved for future use.
					<xs:element name="PricingRecommendations" type="ns:PricingRecommendationsType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains pricing data returned from the Product Pricing engine, 
								if this engine was specified in the request (or if no engine was specified).
					<xs:element name="AttributeRecommendations" type="ns:AttributeRecommendationsType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains attribute suggestions returned from the Suggested Attributes engine, 
								if this engine was specified in the request.
								The results include suggested attributes and values based on the primary category 
								and a string you specify in the Query field. Suggestions may only be returned when the 
								Suggested Attributes engine is specified alone. If you request recommendations by using 
								multiple engines, suggested attribute data might not be returned. If attributes are returned 
								with multiple values, the values are returned in order of rank (i.e., the value that best meets 
								eBay's recommendation criteria is returned first). 
					<xs:element name="ProductRecommendations" type="ns:ProductRecommendationsType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains zero or more product titles and IDs returned from the Suggested Attributes engine, 
								if this engine was specified in the request (or if no engine was specified).
								If applicable, use one of the suggested product IDs to list the item with Pre-filled Item Information. 
	<!--  Call: GetReturnURL -->
	<xs:element name="GetReturnURLRequest" type="ns:GetReturnURLRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetReturnURLRequestType">
				Returns all of your application's authentication and authorization
				preferences and related data, such as the URLs that eBay should
				redirect users to after they complete the authentication and
				authorization process. This call must be authenticated using the
				application's username and password (not an authentication token).
						Returns all of your application's authentication and authorization
						preferences and related data.
					<Title>Authentication & Authorization
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType"/>
	<!--  Call: GetReturnURL -->
	<xs:element name="GetReturnURLResponse" type="ns:GetReturnURLResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetReturnURLResponseType">
				Returns all the authentication and authorization preferences and related data for
				the application.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ApplicationDisplayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Display name for the application. When your application
								redirects users to eBay to complete the authentication and
								authorization process, eBay displays this value to identify
								your application to the user.
					<xs:element name="AuthenticationEntryArray" type="ns:AuthenticationEntryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
						    One or more sets of authentication preferences and other data that you
								have configured for your application (if any). Call SetReturnURL to
								configure this data.
									<Title>Authentication & Authorization
	<!--  Call: GetRuName -->
	<xs:element name="GetRuNameRequest" type="ns:GetRuNameRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetRuNameRequestType">
				Returns a globally unique runame (unique identifier for an authentication data
				entry). This call must be authenticated using the application's username and
				password, rather than a token.
						Returns a globally unique runame (unique identifier for an authentication data entry).
					<Title>Authentication & Authorization
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ClientUseCase" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Optional value that is appended to the generated runame.
	<!--  Call: GetRuName -->
	<xs:element name="GetRuNameResponse" type="ns:GetRuNameResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetRuNameResponseType">
				Contains the generated runame (unique identifier for an authentication data entry).
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="RuName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The generated globally unique runame.
	<!--  Call: GetSearchResults -->
	<xs:element name="GetSearchResultsRequest" type="ns:GetSearchResultsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSearchResultsRequestType">
				Conducts a search for items on eBay based on a user-specified set of one or more
				keywords. Returns those item listings where the keywords appear in the
				title, subtitle, and (optionally) the description. The request includes
				various kinds of fields that control the output. Some fields (e.g.,
				Query) are primary search criteria that let you specify data to match in
				listings. For example, you can search for all listings that include the
				word "Toy" in the title. Some fields (e.g., ItemTypeFilter) are
				secondary search criteria that let you further refine data to match in
				listings. For example, you can search for all toys that are listed as
				auctions. In general, the effect of secondary search fields is
				cumulative (using "AND" logic) unless otherwise specified. Some fields
				(e.g., TotalOnly) control what is actually returned in the result set.
				For example, you can search for all toys that are listed as Chinese
				auctions, but just retrieve the total count (not the listings
				themselves). Some fields (e.g., IncludeCondition) affect the data to
				retrieve for each listing in the result set. For example, for each toy
				returned in the result, you can also choose to see the toy's new or used
				condition. Some fields (e.g., Order) control the way the listings are
				organized in the response. For example, you can retrieve all the toy
				listings in chronological order, with the newest one first. Use the
				DetailLevel ItemReturnCategories to return the primary category and, if
				applicable, the secondary category. Use the DetailLevel
				ItemReturnAttributes (or ReturnAll) to return summary Item Specifics
				(only returned for categories that support summary Item Specifics in
				search results).<br><br>Not applicable to eBay Express or
						Retrieves item listings based on keywords you specify. 
						The keywords can include wildcards. 
						The response is in the form of an array whose size and contents you specify,
						using a variety of input fields.  
						You can filter the item listings returned
						using such criteria as the listing category, location, whether the item is listed
						in an ebay Store, and listing type. You can include or exclude specified sellers.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="MotorsGermanySearchable" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the results based on each item's eligibility to appear on the site. If false, excludes eligible items from search results. If
								true, queries for eligible items only. If not specified, the search
								results are not affected. Only applicable for items listed on the eBay
								Germany site (site ID 77) in subcategories of search-enabled
					<xs:element name="Query" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A query that specifies a search string. The search string consists of one or more
								keywords to search for in the listing title and/or description.
								The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use "and",
								"or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these words.
								You can use AND or OR logic by including certain modifiers.
								Wildcards (e.g., *) are also supported. Be careful when using spaces before
								or after modifiers and wildcards (+, -, or *). See the
								eBay Web Services Guide	for a list of valid modifiers and examples.
								Query is not applicable in combination with ExternalProductID or ProductID.
								<MaxLength>350 (characters)
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items listed in the specified
								category. You can use the ItemReturnCategories detail level. If you use
								the ItemReturnCategories detail level, the results include the primary
								category of retrieved items and, if applicable, the secondary category.
								Defaults to all categories if no category ID is specified. If
								the specified category ID does not match an existing category for the
								site, an invalid-category error message is returned.
								You must pass ProductID, Query, ExternalProductID, or CategoryID in the request.
								CategoryID can be used in combination with Query. It is not
								allowed with ExternalProductID, ProductID, or when SearchRequest is used.
								If you pass CategoryID without Query, it must specify a leaf category ID.
								That is, it cannot be a meta-category ID (e.g., 267 for "Books").
					<xs:element name="SearchFlags" type="ns:SearchFlagsCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Secondary search criterion that checks item descriptions for keywords that
								match the query, limits the search results to only charity items, limits
								the result set to those items with PayPal as a payment method, and/or
								provides other criteria to refine the search. Not allowed with
								UserIdFilter (IncludeSellers or ExcludeSellers).
					<xs:element name="PriceRangeFilter" type="ns:PriceRangeFilterType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items where the price is within the
								specified range. The PriceRangeFilterType includes a minimum and a maximum
					<xs:element name="ProximitySearch" type="ns:ProximitySearchType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items whose location is within a
								specified distance of a postal code. The ProximitySearchType includes
								a maximum distance and a postal code.
					<xs:element name="ItemTypeFilter" type="ns:ItemTypeFilterCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Filters items based on the ListingType set for the items. 
								If you search for Store Inventory items, you should use values in ItemTypeFilter
								instead of StoresFixedPrice.								
								If ItemTypeFilter is not specified (or if the AllItemTypes value of ItemTypeFilter is specified), all listing types can be returned unless another relevant filter is specified.
								You cannot use GetSearchResults to search eBay Express.
					<xs:element name="SearchType" type="ns:SearchTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the listings in the result set based on whether they are in the
								Gallery. The choices are items in the Gallery or Gallery and non-Gallery
					<xs:element name="UserIdFilter" type="ns:UserIdFilterType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the the result set to just those items listed by one or more
								specified sellers or those items not listed by the one or more specified
					<xs:element name="SearchLocationFilter" type="ns:SearchLocationFilterType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items that meet location criteria:
								listed in a specified eBay site, location where the seller has the item,
								location from which the user is searching, and/or items listed with a
								specified currency. You cannot use GetSearchResults to search eBay Express.
					<xs:element name="StoreSearchFilter" type="ns:SearchStoreFilterType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those items that meet criteria related to
								eBay Stores sellers and eBay Stores. Use this to retrieve items listed in a particular
								seller's eBay Store or in all store sellers' eBay Stores.
					<xs:element name="Order" type="ns:SearchSortOrderCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the order in which listings are returned in a result set. Listings may be
								sorted by end time, start time, and in other ways listed in the
								SearchSortOrderCodeType. Controls the way the listings are organized in the response
								(not the details to return for each listing).
								For most sites, the default sort order is by items ending soonest.
								Store Inventory listings are usually returned after other listing types, regardless of the sort order.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements specify the maximum number of
								item listings to return per call and which page of data to return. Controls the way the
								listings are organized in the response (not the details to return for each listing).
					<xs:element name="SearchRequest" type="ns:SearchRequestType" minOccurs="0">
								A query consisting of a set of attributes (Item Specifics). Use this kind of
								query to search against the Item Specifics in listings (e.g., to search for
								a particular shoe size). If the query includes multiple attributes, the search engine will apply "AND"
								logic to the query and narrow the results. Use GetProductFinder to determine the list of
								valid attributes and how many are permitted for the specified characteristic set.
								Retrieves items along with any buying guide details that are associated with
								the specified product finder.
								Applicable in combination with the Query argument. Cannot be used in
								combination with ProductID or ExternalProductID.
					<xs:element name="ProductID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An exclusive query to retrieve items that were listed with the specified eBay catalog
								product. You must pass ProductID, Query, ExternalProductID, or CategoryID in the
								request. If you use ProductID, do not use Query, ExternalProductID, or CategoryID.
					<xs:element name="ExternalProductID" type="ns:ExternalProductIDType" minOccurs="0">
								An exclusive query to only retrieve items that were listed with the specified ISBN or UPC.
								Only applicable for items that were listed with Pre-filled Item Information
								in media categories (Books, Music, DVDs and Movies, and Video Games).
								You must pass ProductID, Query, ExternalProductID, or CategoryID in the request.
								If you use ExternalProductID, do not use Query, ProductID, or CategoryID.
					<xs:element name="Categories" type="ns:RequestCategoriesType" minOccurs="0">
                  Retrieves statistical information about categories that contain items that match the query.
                  Can also cause the result to include information about buying guides that are
                  associated with the matching categories.
                  Does not control the set of listings to return or the details to return for each listing.
					<xs:element name="TotalOnly" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Retrieves the total quantity of matching items, without
								returning the item data. See PaginationResult.TotalNumberOfEntries
								in the response. If TotalOnly and Categories.CategoriesOnly are both specified
								in the request and their values are inconsistent with each other,
								TotalOnly overrides Categories.CategoriesOnly.
								That is, if TotalOnly is true and Categories.CategoriesOnly is false,
								the results include matching categories but no item data or buying guides.
								If TotalOnly is false and Categories.CategoriesOnly is true, the results
								include matching categories, item data, and buying guides.
								If TotalOnly is not specified, it has no logical effect.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the results to items ending within a time range.
								EndTimeFrom specifies the beginning of the time range. Specify a time in the future.
								If you specify a time in the past, the current time is used. If specified,
								EndTimeTo must also be specified (with a value equal to or later than EndTimeFrom).
								Express the time in GMT. Cannot be used with the ModTimeFrom filter.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the results to items ending within a time range. EndTimeTo specifies
								the end of the time range. If specified, EndTimeFrom must also be specified
								(with a value equal to or earlier than EndTimeTo). Express the time in GMT.
								Cannot be used with the ModTimeFrom filter.
					<xs:element name="ModTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the results to active items whose status has changed
								since the specified time. Specify a time in the past.
								Time must be in GMT. Cannot be used with the EndTime filters.
					<xs:element name="IncludeGetItFastItems" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								When passed with a value of true, limits the results to Get It Fast listings.
					<xs:element name="StoresFixedPrice" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Ignored if Store-related values in ItemTypeFilterCodeType are used as input filters.
								Using values in ItemTypeFilterCodeType is preferable to using StoresFixedPrice.
								StoresFixedPrice controls whether or not to use the Store Inventory format as a filtering criterion.<br><br>
								For US, Canada, and Motors:<br>
								The StoresFixedPrice input field does not currently work for these sites.
								For all other sites:<br>
								If true, the results only include Store Inventory listings (with no listings in other formats).<br>
								If false, the results only include listings in other formats (with no Store Inventory listings).<br>
								If omitted (the default), this filter is not applied at all,
								so all formats can be returned (depending on other criteria you pass in the request).
								In this case, Store Inventory listings appear after
								all other matching auction and basic fixed price listings. <br><br>
								You can use this filter regardless of whether you are searching in eBay Stores.
								If you pass StoresFixedPrice in the same request with StoreSearchFilter or ItemTypeFilter,
								"AND" logic may be applied, and you might not get the desired results.
								For example, if you specify StoresFixedPrice=true and ItemTypeFilter=AuctionItemsOnly,
								the call will succeed but no listings will be returned (because no listings can use both
								auction and Store Inventory formats).
								This is why it is recommended that you use values in ItemTypeFilterCodeType instead of StoresFixedPrice.
					<xs:element name="PaymentMethod" type="ns:PaymentMethodSearchCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the results to items that accept a specific payment method or methods.
					<xs:element name="GranularityLevel" type="ns:GranularityLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Optional tag that currently accepts only one value for this call: Coarse. Other values
								return an error. Specify the value Coarse if you want only the following fields to be
								returned for items (if applicable to the result set): ItemID, Title, ViewItemURL,
								ListingType, StartTime, EndTime, BuyItNowPrice, CurrentPrice, ConvertedCurrentPrice,
								LocalizedCurrentPrice, Currency, ShippingType, DefaultShippingCost, Country,
								PostalCode, and any tags resulting from the detail level you specify. Controls the
								details to return for each listing (not the set of listings that match the query).
					<xs:element name="ExpandSearch" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Expands search results when a small result set is returned. For example, on the US site
								(site ID 0), if a search would normally result in fewer than 10 items, then if you
								specify true for this tag, the search results are expanded. Specifically, the search
								returns items (if there are matches) in one or more of the following containers:
								InternationalExpansionArray (for items available from international sellers),
								FilterRemovedExpansionArray (items that would be returned if filters such as PriceRangeFilter are removed),
								and AllCategoriesExpansionArray (for items available if category filters are removed).
								Maximum number of items returned in each expansion container is 6 to 10.
					<xs:element name="Lot" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							Limits the results to only those listings for which Item.LotSize is 2 or greater.
					<xs:element name="AdFormat" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							  Restricts listings to return only items that have the Ad Format feature.
								If true, the values of ItemTypeFilter, StoresFixedPrice, and
								StoreSearchFilter are ignored (if they are specified). That is, "AND"
								logic is not applied.
					<xs:element name="Quantity" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							  Limits the results to listings that offer a certain number of items
								matching the query. If Lot is also specified, then Quantity is the number
								of lots multiplied by the number of objects in each lot. Use
								QuantityOperator to specify that you are seeking listings with quantities
								greater than, equal to, or less than Quantity.
					<xs:element name="QuantityOperator" type="ns:QuantityOperatorCodeType" minOccurs="0">
							  Limits the results to listings with quantities greater than, equal to, or
								less than Quantity. Controls the set of listings to return (not the
								details to return for each listing).
					<xs:element name="SellerBusinessType" type="ns:SellerBusinessCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the results to those of a particular seller
								business type such as commercial or private.

					<xs:element name="DigitalDelivery" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
							If true, limits the results to digitally delivered good only. If false, this flag is
							ignored (i.e., false is the same as not specifying the flag at all).
					<xs:element name="IncludeCondition" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								For eBay Germany only. If true, each item in the result set can also include the item condition attribute
								(e.g., New or Used) in the ItemSpecific property of the response.
								An item only includes a condition attribute in the response if the seller filled in
								the Item Condition in the Item Specifics section of the listing.
								(That is, the condition attribute is not returned if the seller only put the word
								"New" in the listing's title but did not specify the condition in the listing's Item Specifics.)
								Controls the details to return for each listing (not the set of listings that match the query).
								Note: This field does not control whether to retrieve only new or used items.
								In some categories, you can use a product finder search (SearchRequest)
								to only retrieve new or used items.
					<xs:element name="IncludeFeedback" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, each item in the result set also includes information about the seller's feedback.
								Controls the details to return for each listing (not the set of listings that match the query).
					<xs:element name="CharityID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
							(in) Restricts listings to return only items that support the specified nonprofit charity organization. Retrieve CharityID values with GetCharities.
					<xs:element name="LocalSearchPostalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
							Include local items in returning results near this postal code. This postal code is the basis for local search.
	<!--  Call: GetSearchResults -->
	<xs:element name="GetSearchResultsResponse" type="ns:GetSearchResultsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSearchResultsResponseType">
				Response contains the item listings that have the specified keyword(s) in the 
				title, sub-title, and (optionally) the description. If the request uses any of 
				the optional filtering properties, the item listings returned are those 
				containing the keyword(s) and meeting the filter criteria. <br><br>
				Not applicable to eBay Express or
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="SearchResultItemArray" type="ns:SearchResultItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the returned item listings, if any. The data for each listing is 
								returned in an ItemType object.
					<xs:element name="ItemsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the maximum number of ItemType objects that can be returned in 
								SearchResultItemArray for any given call.
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the page of data returned by the current call. For instance, 
								for the first set of items can be returned, this field has a value of 
					<xs:element name="HasMoreItems" type="xs:boolean">
								Indicates whether there are more items, not yet returned, that match the 
								search criteria.
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the results of the pagination, including the total number of 
								pages of data that can be returned and the total number of items that can 
								be returned.
					<xs:element name="CategoryArray" type="ns:CategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Statistical information about categories that contain items that match 
								the query, if any. Returns empty if no matches are found or when the 
								Categories filter was not passed in the request. (For categories 
								associated with specific items, see items returned in each search 
								result.) Shows the distribution of items across each category.
					<xs:element name="BuyingGuideDetails" type="ns:BuyingGuideDetailsType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains URLs and other information about relevant buying guides (if 
								any), as well as the site's buying guide hub. Unavailable in the Sandbox 
								environment. Buying guides are useful to buyers who do not have a 
								specific product in mind. For example, a digital camera buying guide 
								could help a buyer determine what kind of digital camera is right for 
								them. Only returned for product finder searches (using 
								SearchRequest.SearchAttributes) and for searches that retrieve matching 
								categories along with item data (using Categories.CategoriesOnly=false).
					<xs:element name="StoreExpansionArray" type="ns:ExpansionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								No longer returned as of mid-February 2006 (because Store
								Inventory listings are no longer limited to searches within eBay Stores).
								Used to contain items that were listed in the Store Inventory Format,
								if the request specified that ExpandSearch was true. 
					<xs:element name="InternationalExpansionArray" type="ns:ExpansionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Can be returned if the request specifies that ExpandSearch is true. 
								Provides additional search results when a small result set would have 
								been returned with the original search. For example, on the US site (site 
								ID 0), if a search would normally result in fewer than 10 items, and 
								ExpandSearch is true, the search results are expanded to include (if 
								matching the query) the InternationalExpansionArray container for items, 
								as well as other containers. The InternationalExpansionArray container 
								contains items available from international sellers.
					<xs:element name="FilterRemovedExpansionArray" type="ns:ExpansionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Can be returned if the request specifies that ExpandSearch is true. 
								Provides additional search results when a small result set would have 
								been returned with the original search. For example, on the US site (site 
								ID 0), if a search would normally result in fewer than 10 items, and 
								ExpandSearch is true, the search results are expanded to include (if 
								matching the query) the FilterRemovedExpansionArray container for items, 
								as well as other containers. The FilterRemovedExpansionArray container 
								contains items that would be returned if filters such as PriceRangeFilter 
								are removed.
					<xs:element name="AllCategoriesExpansionArray" type="ns:ExpansionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Can be returned if the request specifies that ExpandSearch is true. 
								Provides additional search results when a small result set would have 
								been returned with the original search. For example, on the US site (site 
								ID 0), if a search would normally result in fewer than 10 items, and 
								ExpandSearch is true, the search results are expanded to include (if 
								matching the query) the AllCategoriesExpansionArray container for items, 
								as well as other containers. The AllCategoriesExpansionArray container 
								contains items available if category filters are removed. 
					<xs:element name="SpellingSuggestion" type="ns:SpellingSuggestionType" minOccurs="0">
								Suggestion for a different spelling of the search term or terms, along 
								with the number of matching items that would have been returned if the 
								suggestions had been used. The suggestions are given in Text tags and the 
								suggestion for the first word is given before the suggestion for 
								subsequent words. Suggestions are based on correctly-spelled terms in 
								items, so suggestions vary over time and depend on whether a word or word 
								combination is in one or more items.
	<!--  Call: GetSearchResultsExpress -->
	<xs:element name="GetSearchResultsExpressRequest" type="ns:GetSearchResultsExpressRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSearchResultsExpressRequestType">
				Retrieves brief details about active items that are listed on eBay Express, eBay
				catalog products that have been used to pre-fill data in these items, and a
				histogram that shows the distribution of items and catalog products across Express
				departments, aisles, and/or product types.<br>
				<p>This call only returns Express data for the site associated with the site
				ID that you specify in the request URL (for the SOAP API) or the X-EBAY-API-SITEID
				header (for the XML API). For example, if you specify site ID 0, then data for
				Express US is returned. <br>
				Currently, this call is only supported for site ID 0 (Express US).
				The Sandbox does not support GetSearchResultsExpress.<br>
				You can configure the call to retrieve only the item data, only the catalog
				product data, only the histogram, or any combination of these results. By default,
				the call returns brief summaries of each.<br>
				<b>Item Results:</b> For each item returned (if any), the response
				includes a brief set of details, such as the item price (including shipping). You
				can retrieve more or fewer details about each item by using the ItemDetails field.
				To retrieve other details about a given item, use a call like GetSellerList or
				<b>Catalog Product Results:</b> For each eBay catalog product returned
				(if any), the response includes a brief set of details, such as the minimum and
				maximum price of listings that have been pre-filled based on that product. You can
				retrieve more or fewer details about each product by using the ProductDetails
				<b>Histogram Results:</b> Instead of grouping items by category, the
				Express search engine groups items into <i>domains</i>. A domain is a
				set of items to which Express can apply a common set of search rules. Express
				supports three kinds of domains: <i>Product types</i>,
				<i>aisles</i>, and <i>departments</i>, like a typical
				department store. (The fact that we call these "domains" is not important to
				buyers and sellers, but it can be helpful to understand the domain relationships
				when you are working with the API.)<br>
				Listings with similar properties are classified into product type domains. For
				example, "DVDs & Movies" is a product type domain. Think of a product type as
				a type of good or service that can be purchased and as a leaf domain (which cannot
				be the parent of other domains).<br>
				<span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> An Express product type is
				not the same as an eBay catalog product. Some Express product types are associated
				with eBay catalog products, but other Express product types are not.</span>
				When multiple product types share a common theme, Express groups them into an
				aisle or a department. For example, the Men's Jeans product type can be grouped
				with Men's Pants into a Men's Clothing aisle. When multiple aisles share a common
				theme, Express groups them into departments. For example, the Men's Clothing aisle
				can be grouped with a Men's Accessories aisle to form an Apparel & Accessories
				department. If no groups make sense, a product type can stand alone without being
				grouped. For example, "DVDs & Movies" would not be grouped with other product
				types like Men's Jeans, so "DVDs & Movies" has no parent aisle or department.
				(From a user's perspective, this product type is elevated to look like a
				department, but in the API it is still classified as a product type.) Similarly,
				an aisle can stand alone without being grouped with other aisles into a
				See <a
				eBay_XML_API&topic=ExpressSearch" target="_blank">Searching and Browsing
				eBay Express</a> for more information about departments, aisles, and product
				This call returns a histogram that shows the number of items and catalog products
				that were found in each department, aisle, and/or product type that matches your
				search criteria.<br>
				The domain names and groupings are subject to change. They are determined by the
				Express search engine based on the items that are currently listed on Express as
				well as historical buyer behavior. This means you need to call
				GetSearchResultsExpress to determine the current domain names and their
				hierarchical relationships.<br>
				<span class="tablenote"><b>Note:</b> A domain is a search notion
				only. That is, items are not stored in domains on eBay, and domains are not
				equivalent to eBay categories (although Express may choose to organize and name
				some domains to match eBay categories).</span> <br>
				<b>Search Tips:</b></p>
					<li>Use either Query, ProductReferenceID, or the ExternalProductID fields
					to search for specific items and/or products. See the descriptions below for
					information about using these fields. (Only one of these query formats can be
					used per request.)</li>
					<li>Use DepartmentName, AisleName, and/or ProductTypeName to browse or
					search within a particular domain. You can also specify the value "Express" in
					DepartmentName to retrieve a complete list of all available department, aisle,
					and product type names.</li>
					<li>Use one or more filters like HighestPrice to refine the
					<li>Use sort options like ItemSort to control the order in which the
					results are returned.</li>
					<li>Use pagination options like EntriesPerPage to control how many results
					to return at a time.</li>
					<li>Use verbose controls like ItemDetails to specify the data to return
					within each result.</li>
				<p>The item results, catalog product results, and histogram results do not
				provide references to each other. That is, the items don't indicate which domains
				they were found in, and the histogram doesn't specify which items were counted.
				However, you can infer these relationships by modifying your search parameters.
				For example, once you determine which domains match your query, you can call
				GetSearchResultsExpress again to browse or search each of those domains to find
				out which items they contain.
						Retrieves brief details about active items that are listed on eBay Express,
						eBay catalog products that have been used to pre-fill data in these items, and
						a histogram that shows the distribution of items and catalog products across
						Express departments, aisles, and/or product types.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Query" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A free-text query that retrieves items, information about eBay catalog
								products that were used to list the items, and/or applicable domain
								details. For a quick, targeted search, use keywords that best fit the item
								you're looking for. You can also search by brand name or descriptive
								features. The search engine checks all specified keywords against the item
								title, description, eBay category, Item Specifics, and/or Pre-filled Item
								Information. (Express does not necessarily check all Item Specifics
								defined on the item.) The exact combination of fields that are checked for
								any given set of keywords varies by a number of factors that are not
								disclosed in this documentation.<br>
								Specify at least two characters when you use Query. If you specify
								multiple words, AND logic is used. The keywords can be specified any
								order. The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other word. Only use
								"and", "or", or "the" if you are searching for listings containing these
								You can control AND or OR logic by including certain modifiers. Wildcards
								(e.g., *) are also supported. Be careful when using spaces before or after
								modifiers and wildcards (+, -, or *). These are the same modifiers that
								GetSearchResults supports. See "Searching by Keywords" in the eBay Web
								Services Guide for a list of valid modifiers and examples. Modifiers do
								not count in the 2-character minimum.
								Alternatively, you can specify an item ID to retrieve a specific item's
								Express search details. To search by ISBN or UPC, use
								ExternalProductIDType and ExternalProductIDValue instead.<br>
								The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are
								mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same
								request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue
								(and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is
					<xs:element name="ExternalProductIDType" type="ns:ExternalProductCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The combination of ExternalProductIDType and ExternalProductIDValue create
								a query that only retrieves items that were listed with Pre-filled Item
								Information in categories that support ISBN or UPC codes.
								ExternalProductIDType identifies whether the search is by ISBN or UPC. If
								specified, also specify the ISBN or UPC code in
								The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are
								mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same
								request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue
								(and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is
								<b>Note:</b> The ExternalProductID type and value structure is
								flat to support REST API requests in the future.
					<xs:element name="ExternalProductIDValue" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An ISBN or UPC code (depending on ExternalProductIDType) for the eBay
								catalog product that you are searching for. Only valid when
								ExternalProductIDType is specified.
					<xs:element name="ProductReferenceID" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
								The global reference ID for an eBay catalog product. eBay catalog products
								provide stock information that sellers can use to pre-fill Item Specifics
								and other listing details. Use this query to retrieve items that were
								listed with any version of the catalog product.<br>
								To determine valid reference IDs, call GetSearchResultsExpress without
								using this value. The IDs that match the query (if any) are returned in
								ProductArray.Product.ProductReferenceID fields.<br>
								<b>Note:</b> This value is not the same as the ProductID used
								in AddItem and related calls. You cannot use this call or the catalog
								search calls to determine a relationship between ProductReferenceID and
								The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are
								mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same
								request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue
								(and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is
					<xs:element name="DepartmentName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								A department is a grouping of aisles and/or product types that share a
								common theme. This filter limits the search to the specified Express
								department. If not specified, this filter is ignored by the search
								You can specify the value "Express" (without quotes) as the department
								name to retrieve all departments on Express. With this use case, the
								ItemArray and ProductArray nodes aren't returned. The valid department
								names are returned in the Histogram.Department.DomainDetails.Name fields.
								When DepartmentName=Express, you can only specify HistogramSort and/or
								HistogramDetails. Set HistogramDetail to Fine to also retrieve all aisles
								and product types. Do not specify ItemDetails or ProductDetails at all in
								the request. (Setting the values to None will return an error). Also do
								not specify any other query, pagination, price, or sorting fields in the
								The Query, ProductReferenceID, and ExternalProductID query formats are
								mutually exclusive. That is, they cannot be used together in the same
								request. At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue
								(and Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is
								Note: The potential max length will be documented in a future release.
					<xs:element name="AisleName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								An aisle is a grouping of product types that share a common theme. This
								filter limits the search to the specified Express aisle. If not specified,
								this filter is ignored by the search engine.<br>
								See DepartmentName for information about how to retrieve all available
								department, aisle, and product type names. The valid aisle names are
								returned in the Histogram.Department.Aisle.DomainDetails.Name
								At least one of Query, ProductReferenceID, ExternalProductIDValue (and
								Type), SellerID, DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName is required.
								Optionally, both DepartmentName and AisleName can be specified in the same
								request. In this case, the search engine treats the combination as a fully
								qualified aisle name (and it returns an error if the combination is
					<xs:element name="ProductTypeName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								A product type is a type of good or service that can be purchased. This
								filter limits the search to the specified Express product type. If not
								specified, this filter is ignored by the search engine.<br>
								<b>Note:</b> Express product types are not eBay catalog
								products. This field does not support eBay catalog product names or
								See DepartmentName for information about how to retrieve all available
								department, aisle, and product type names. The valid product type names
								are returned in Histogram.Department.Aisle.ProductType.DomainDetails.Name
								Optionally, DepartmentName and/or AisleName can be specified in the same
								request with ProductTypeName. In this case, the search engine treats the
								combination as a fully qualified product type name (and it returns an
								error if the combination is invalid).
					<xs:element name="HistogramSort" type="ns:ExpressHistogramSortCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the order of the data in the histogram (if any). Controls the
								way the histogram data is organized in the response (not the details to
								return). If not specified, the default sort order is ItemCount.<br>
								This option has no effect on how item or product results are sorted.
								Histogram, item, and product results are sorted independently.<br>
								Note: If you want to sort the results by criteria that eBay has not
								defined, retrieve the desired histogram data and then sort the results
								locally in your application.
					<xs:element name="ItemSort" type="ns:ExpressItemSortCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the order in which listings (if any) are returned in the result
								set. If not specified, the items are sorted by relevance (as determined by
								eBay). If you choose to sort by total cost, a PostalCode must also be
								specified (so that eBay can calculate the shipping cost as part of the
								total cost for each item).<br>
								Controls the way the data is organized in the response (not the details to
								This option has no effect on how histogram or product results are sorted.
								Histogram, item, and product results are sorted independently.<br>
								Note: If you want to sort the results by criteria that eBay has not
								defined, retrieve all available pages and then sort the results locally in
								your application.
					<xs:element name="ProductSort" type="ns:ExpressProductSortCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the order in which Express products are returned in a result
								set. If not specified, the products are sorted by sales rank (bestselling
								This option has no effect on how histogram or item results are sorted.
								Histogram, item, and product results are sorted independently.<br>
								Note: If you want to sort the results by criteria that eBay has not
								defined, retrieve all available pages and then sort the results locally in
								your application.<br>
								Controls the way the data is organized in the response (not the details to
					<xs:element name="HighestPrice" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								A filter that limits the results to items with a SellingStatus.CurrentPrice
								value lower than this value. For example, if you specify 10.01, the results
								will include items with a CurrentPrice of 10.00 or lower. Use without
								LowestPrice to specify a maximum price, or use with LowestPrice to define a
								price range that bounds the results. Must be higher than LowestPrice if both
								are specified. If not specified, no maximum price filter is applied to the
								You can specify any double value, but in practice the highest price of any
								item on Express is USD 10000 for Express US and (in the future) EUR 10000
								for Express Germany. If you specify a value of 0.0 or lower, this filter is
								ignored. See "Data Types" in the eBay Web Services Guide for information
								about specifying double values.<br>
								Does not control the order in which items are returned. (To sort by highest
								total price, use ItemSort.)
					<xs:element name="LowestPrice" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								A filter that limits the results to items with a
								SellingStatus.CurrentPrice value equal to or higher than this value. For
								example, if you specify 6.00, the results will include items with a
								CurrentPrice of 6.00 or higher. If specified, HighestPrice must also be
								specified; otherwise, the lowest price filter is ignored. Must be lower
								than HighestPrice. If not specified or if the value is less than 0.0, no
								minimum price filter is applied to the query.<br>
								You can specify any double value, but in practice the highest price of any
								item on Express is USD 10000 for Express US and (in the future) EUR 10000
								for Express Germany. See "Data Types" in the eBay Web Services Guide for
								information about specifying double values .<br>
								Does not control the order in which items are returned. (To sort by lowest
								total price, use ItemSort.)
					<xs:element name="Condition" type="ns:ConditionSelectionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								A filter that limits the results by the item condition. If not specified,
								the default is New. If the item is listed in a category that does not
								normally require the condition to be specified (like Event Tickets), the
								item is returned regardless of this condition setting.
					<xs:element name="SellerID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								A filter that limits the search to a particular seller's listings that are
								included on Express. Retrieves all of the seller's eligible items, without
								consolidating (deduping) similar items into single representative results.
								If specified, you can only search within one seller's listings per call.
								(It is not possible to exclude a particular seller's listings from the
								search.) If not specified, the engine searches across all listings on
								Express. If the seller has no items listed on Express, no results are
					<xs:element name="PostalCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Postal code of the buyer. For the US site, this is a 5-digit zip code.
								(Other sites may support longer alphanumeric values in the future.) The
								postal code enables Express to calculate the item's default shipping cost
								based on the buyer's postal code, the postal code defined on the item, and
								the cost of the default shipping service that the seller specified in the
								listing. The default shipping cost is returned in the
								Item.ShippingDetails.DefaultShippingCost field. If not specified, items
								with calculated shipping will return an
								Item.ShippingDetails.ShippingRateErrorMessage string that indicates that a
								postal code is needed to calculate shipping.<br>
								Required if ItemSort is set to LowestTotalCost or HighestTotalCost
								(because the total cost calculation depends on the shipping cost
								This is not a query or filter, so it has no effect on which items or
								products are returned.
					<xs:element name="HistogramDetails" type="ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Controls the amount of statistical data to return in the response. If not
								specified, the default is Coarse.<br>
								This setting is not a filter that limits the search; it only configures
								how much detail to retrieve in the resulting histogram. This setting has
								no effect on the product or item details.
					<xs:element name="ProductDetails" type="ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Selects the set of fields to retrieve for each catalog product that
								matches the query. If not specified, the default is Coarse.<br>
								This setting is not a filter that limits the search; it only configures
								which fields to retrieve for each product found. This setting has no
								effect on the histogram or item details.
					<xs:element name="ItemDetails" type="ns:ExpressDetailLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Selects the set of fields to retrieve for each item that matches the
								query. If not specified, the default is Coarse.<br>
								This setting is not a filter that limits the search; it only configures
								which fields to retrieve for each item found. This setting has no effect
								on the histogram or product details.
					<xs:element name="EntriesPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The maximum number of entries to return in the ProductArray or ItemArray.
								That is, if you specify 10, then up to 10 products and up to 10 items are
								returned in the current call's response.<br>
								If the number of entries found is less than the value specified in
								EntriesPerPage, then that number of entries is returned instead. For
								example, if you specify 10, Express might only return 4 products and 9
								items (if no more matches are found). If not specified, the default is 15.
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call. If
								not specified, the default is 1 (the first page).
	<!--  Call: GetSearchResultsExpress -->
	<xs:element name="GetSearchResultsExpressResponse" type="ns:GetSearchResultsExpressResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSearchResultsExpressResponseType">
The GetSearchResultsExpress response contains the listings that match the query or ID
specified in the request,
related eBay catalog product information, and a histogram showing the the quantity (count)
of matching items
in Express departments, aisles, and product types.
The results may be limited by filters that were specified in the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Histogram" type="ns:DomainHistogramType" minOccurs="0">
							Indicates the quantity of items and catalog products that fall into
							departments, aisles,
							and/or product types that match the criteria in the request.
							The sort order is controlled by the value of HistogramSort in the
							Only returned when matching data is found and HistogramDetails is
							Coarse (the default) or Fine.<br>
							When HistogramDetails==Coarse and no DepartmentName, AisleName, or
							ProductTypeName is specified in the request, Express only returns
							histogram details for departments. In this particular case, Express
							returns no histogram details when no departments match the request.
							This could occur when Express only finds matching results in
							stand-alone product types or stand-alone aisles (because they aren't
							grouped into departments).
					<xs:element name="ItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains a list of items on Express that match all the criteria
							specified in the request.
							The sort order is controlled by the value of ItemSort in the request.
							Only returned when matching data is found and ItemDetails is Coarse
							(the default) or Fine.<br>
							If the same seller has listed multiple items with the same title and
							costs, only one of
							those items is returned by default. This is treated as a consolidated
							(deduped) search result item
							that represents the seller's other, identical items.
							If you want to retrieve all duplicates for an item, pass the seller's
							user ID in the SellerID field
							in the request. Use the results to identify items with duplicate
							titles and costs.<br>
							Items can belong to multiple departments, aisles, or product types at
							any given time,
							and this information is not stored or returned in the item data. To
							determine which items
							are currently available in a given domain, specify the
							DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName
							in the request.
					<xs:element name="ProductArray" type="ns:ProductArrayType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains a list of eBay catalog products have been used to pre-fill
							that match the criteria specified in the request.
							The sort order is controlled by the value of ProductSort in the
							Only returned when matching data is found and ProductDetails is
							Coarse (the default) or Fine.
							To determine which products are currently available in a given
							specify the DepartmentName, AisleName, or ProductTypeName in the
					<xs:element name="EntriesPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the number of item and product results per page that you
								To determine how many items or products were actually returned,
								count the number of Item nodes in ItemArray (if any) and the
								number of
								Product nodes in ProductArray (if any).
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
                  Indicates the page of data returned by the current call.
					<xs:element name="HasMoreEntries" type="xs:boolean">
								If true, there are additional item and/or product results (on
								higher-numbered pages)
								that match the query.
								To retrieve them, call GetSearchResultsExpress again
								and increment the page number or specify a higher value for
								EntriesPerPage in the request.

	<!--  Call: GetSellerEvents -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerEventsRequest" type="ns:GetSellerEventsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerEventsRequestType">
				Contains the inputs that control the items that are returned for seller events.
				This includes time-based filtering on the start time, end time, and/or modification
				time of the item listings.
					Retrieves price changes, item revisions, description revisions,
					and other changes that have occurred within the last 48 hours
					related to a seller's eBay listings.
					Input is the user ID for the seller whose events are returned.
					GetSellerEvents returns zero, one, or multiple item events.
					The result set is filtered to include only events for those items
					that start, end, or are modified within a span of time delineated by input values. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="UserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								eBay user ID for the seller whose events are to be returned.
								If not specified, retrieves events for the user identified by
								the authentication token passed in the request.
					<xs:element name="StartTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based
								on item start time. Must be specified if StartTimeTo is specified. Either
								the StartTime, EndTime, or ModTime filter must be specified.
					<xs:element name="StartTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter
								based on item start time. Must be specified if StartTimeFrom is specified.
								Either the StartTime, EndTime, or ModTime filter must be specified.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based
								on item end time. Must be specified if EndTimeTo is specified. Either the
								StartTime, EndTime, or ModTime filter must be specified.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter
								based on item end time. Must be specified if EndTimeFrom is specified.
								Either the StartTime, EndTime, or ModTime filter must be specified.
					<xs:element name="ModTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based
								on the time an item's record was modified. Must be specified if ModTimeTo
								is specified. Either the StartTime, EndTime, or ModTime filter must be
					<xs:element name="ModTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter
								based on the time an item's record was modified. Must be specified if
								ModTimeFrom is specified. Either the StartTime, EndTime, or ModTime filter
								must be specified.
					<xs:element name="NewItemFilter" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies that only new items are to be returned. NewItemFilter is an
								optional input.
					<xs:element name="IncludeWatchCount" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether to include WatchCount in Item nodes returned. WatchCount
								is the number of watches buyers have placed on the item from their My eBay
	<!--  Call: GetSellerEvents -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerEventsResponse" type="ns:GetSellerEventsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerEventsResponseType">
          Contains the items returned by the call. Items for which a seller event has
          occurred (and that meet any filters specified as input) are returned in an
          ItemArrayType object, within which are zero, one, or multiple ItemType objects.
          Each ItemType object contains the detail data for one item listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="TimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
                      Indicates the latest (most recent) date for any date-based filtering specified as
                      input. Specifically, this field contains the value you specified in the StartTimeTo, EndTimeTo, or ModTimeTo filter, if you used a time filter in the request. If no time filter was specified, TimeTo returns the current time.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="ItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
                      Collection of Item objects, each of which represents an item listing
                      that incurred the type of seller event change specified in the call's
                      inputs. Returns empty if the seller has no item events within the 
                      time window indicated in the request.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetSellerList -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerListRequest" type="ns:GetSellerListRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerListRequestType">
				Requests a list of items a seller has listed for auction. Use no
				DetailLevel to return brief item information (ItemID, StartTime,
				and EndTime only). Use the DetailLevel ReturnAll to return all
				information on the item, including Item.Description. Use
				ItemReturnDescription to return a shorter item description (see
				the eBay Web Services Guide for details).
						Retrieves a list of the items a specified seller has
						listed on eBay. Input is the ID for the seller whose
						items are returned. Returns an array of
						zero, one, or multiple items for that seller. Inputs are
						provided to filter the returned items to just those that
						end within a specified date range or those items for
						which the listings start within a date range. A special
						set of inputs is provided to retrieve the list of items
						in smaller, more manageable chunks, or pages.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="UserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								Specifies the seller whose items will be returned. UserID is an optional input.
								If not specified, the requesting user is the seller whose items are returned.
					<xs:element name="MotorsDealerUsers" type="ns:UserIDArrayType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								Reserved for future use.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time.
								Specify either the end time range or start time range filter in every request.
					<xs:element name="EndTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item end time.
								Must be specified if EndTimeFrom is specified.
					<xs:element name="Sort" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the order in which returned items are sorted (based on the end dates of the
								item listings). Valid values:<br>
									0 = No sorting<br>
									1 = Sort in descending order<br>
									2 = Sort in ascending order<br>
					<xs:element name="StartTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based on item
								start time. Specify either the end time range or start time range filter in every request.
					<xs:element name="StartTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on item
								start time. Must be specified if StartTimeFrom is specified.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the data controlling the pagination of the returned values: how many items
								are returned per page of data (per call) and the number of the page to return with
								the current call.
					<xs:element name="GranularityLevel" type="ns:GranularityLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the subset of item and user fields to return.
								See GetSellerList in the eBay Web Services guide for a list
								of the fields that are returned for each granularity level.
								For GetSellerList, use DetailLevel or GranularityLevel in a request, but not both.
								For GetSellerList, if GranularityLevel is specified, DetailLevel is ignored.
					<xs:element name="SKUArray" type="ns:SKUArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies a set of seller SKUs to use as a filter. Only items with the specified SKUs are
								returned. Do not specify this tag if you do not want to filter by SKU. Corresponds to the SKU property
								that is part of ItemType and that can be provided when, for example, you use the AddItem call.
					<xs:element name="IncludeWatchCount" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether to include WatchCount in Item nodes returned.
								WatchCount is only returned with DetailLevel ReturnAll.
	<!--  Call: GetSellerList -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerListResponse" type="ns:GetSellerListResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerListResponseType">
				Contains a list of the items listed by the seller specified as input. The list of
				items is returned in an ItemArrayType object, in which are returned zero, one, or
				multiple ItemType objects. Each ItemType object contains the detail data for one
				item listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains information regarding the pagination of data (if pagination is 
								used), including total number of pages and total number of entries.
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="HasMoreItems" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, there are more items yet to be retrieved. Additional 
								GetSellerList calls with higher page numbers or more items per page must 
								be made to retrieve these items. Not returned if no items match the 
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="ItemArray" type="ns:ItemArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the list of the seller's items, one ItemType object per item.
								Returns empty if no items are available that match the request.
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="ItemsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the number of items that are being returned per page of data 
								(i.e., per call). Will be the same as the value specified in the 
								Pagination.EntriesPerPage input. Only returned if items are returned. 
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates which page of data was just returned. Will be the same as the 
								value specified in the Pagination.PageNumber input. (If the input is 
								higher than the total number of pages, the call fails with an error.)
								Only returned if items are returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="ReturnedItemCountActual" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the total number of items returned (i.e., the number of 
								ItemType objects in ItemArray). 
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="Seller" type="ns:UserType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the seller whose items are returned. The seller is the eBay 
								member whose UserID was passed in the request. If UserID was not 
								specified, the seller is the user who made the request (identified by 
									<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetSellerPayments -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerPaymentsRequest" type="ns:GetSellerPaymentsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerPaymentsRequestType">
				Retrieves a summary of pending or paid payments that created for the
				seller identified by the authentication token in the request. Only retrieves
				payments that occurred within a particular pay period. Each payment is for one
				transaction for one item in one order. An order can contain transactions for
				multiple items from multiple sellers, but this call only retrieves payments that
				are relevant to one seller. The financial value of a payment is typically based on
				an amount that a buyer paid to for a transaction, with adjustments for
				shipping costs and's commission. For most sellers, each month contains
				two pay periods: One from the 1st to the 15th of the month, and one from the 16th
				to the last day of the month. Sellers can refer to their account information on
				the site to determine their pay periods. (You cannot retrieve a seller's
				pay periods by using eBay Web Services.) When a buyer makes a purchase and an
				order is created, creates a payment for the seller and marks it as
				Pending in the seller's account. Within a certain number of days after
				the pay period ends, settles payments for that period and marks each
				completed payment as Paid. See the Web site online help for more
				information about how payments are managed.
						Retrieves a summary of pending or paid payments that
						created for the seller identified by the authentication token
						in the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="PaymentStatus" type="ns:RCSPaymentStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Filter to retrieve only items with the specified payment status (Paid or
								Pending). "Pending payments" are payments that has created but
								that have not yet been sent to the seller's financial institution. Pending
								payments are typically available once a buyer pays for an order. As processes payments by using periodic batch jobs, the
								GetSellerPayments response might not include a transaction's payment for
								up to 20 minutes after the buyer has paid. You can retrieve pending
								payments for the current pay period. Pending payments that have not been
								settled yet can also be retrieved for previous pay periods. "Paid
								payments" are payments that processed during previous pay
								periods. Paid payments might not appear in the seller's financial
								institution account balance until a certain number of days after the
								current pay period ends (see the online help for details). You
								can only retrieve paid payments for one previous pay period at a time.
					<xs:element name="PaymentTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Time range filter that retrieves payments that were created within
								a single pay period. Sellers can refer to the site to determine
								their pay periods. PaymentTimeFrom is the earliest (oldest) time and
								PaymentTimeTo is the latest (most recent) time in the range. pay
								periods start and end at midnight Pacific time, but the time values are
								stored in the database in GMT (not Pacific time). See "Time Values" in the
								eBay Web Services guide for information about converting between GMT and
								Pacific time. <br>
								If you specify a PaymentStatus of Pending, add a buffer of one hour (or one
								day) to both ends of the time range to retrieve more data than you need, and
								then filter the results on the client side as needed. If any pending
								payments match the request, the response may include all payments since the
								beginning of the period. <br>
								If you specify a PaymentStatus of Paid, the time range must contain one
								full pay period. That is, PaymentTimeFrom must be earlier or equal the
								start time of the pay period, and PaymentTimeTo must be later than or
								equal to the end time of the pay period. Otherwise, no paid payments are
								returned. For example, if the pay period starts on 2005-09-16 and ends on
								2005-09-30, you could specify an earlier PaymentTimeFrom value of
								2005-09-16T00:00:00.000Z and a later PaymentTimeTo value of
								2005-10-01T12:00:00.000Z. <br>
								If you specify a time range that covers two pay periods, only the payments
								from the most recent pay period are returned. The earliest time you can
								specify is 18 months ago.
					<xs:element name="PaymentTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Time range filter that retrieves payments for a single pay
								period. See the description of PaymentTimeTo for details about using this
								time range filter. For paid payments, this value should be equal to or
								later than the end of the last day of the pay period, where the time is
								converted to GMT. For example, if the period ends on 2005-09-30, you could
								specify 2005-10-01T09:00:00.000Z, which is later than the end of the last
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								If many payments are available, you may need to call GetSellerPayments
								multiple times to retrieve all the data. Each result set is returned as a
								page of entries. Use this Pagination information to indicate the maximum
								number of entries to retrieve per page (i.e., per call), the page number
								to retrieve, and other data.
	<!--  Call: GetSellerPayments -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerPaymentsResponse" type="ns:GetSellerPaymentsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerPaymentsResponseType">
				Returns a summary of pending or paid payments that created for the seller
				identified by the authentication token in the request. Only returns payments that
				occurred within a particular pay period. Each payment is for one transaction for
				one item in one order. An order can contain transactions for multiple items from
				multiple sellers, but this call only retrieves payments that are relevant to one
				seller. Payments are only issued for items and transactions that the seller has
				confirmed (see the online help for details). The financial value of a
				payment is typically based on an amount that a buyer paid to for a
				transaction, plus the shipping cost the buyer paid to for the item, minus's commission. For most sellers, each month contains two pay periods: One
				from the 1st to the 15th of the month, and one from the 16th to the last day of
				the month. Payments are submitted to the seller's financial institution a certain
				number of days after the current pay period ends (see the online help for
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains information regarding the pagination of data (if pagination is used),
							including total number of pages and total number of entries.
					<xs:element name="HasMorePayments" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, there are more payments yet to be retrieved. Additional
								GetSellerPayments calls with higher page numbers or more entries per page
								must be made to retrieve these payments. If false, no more payments are
								available or no payments match the request (based on the payment status
								and time filter).
					<xs:element name="SellerPayment" type="ns:SellerPaymentType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Information about a single payment that matches the criteria in the
								request. A payment is between and a seller. Each payment is for
								one transaction for one item in one order. An order can contain
								transactions for multiple items from multiple sellers, but this call only
								retrieves payments that are relevant to one seller. The financial value of
								a payment is typically based on an amount that a buyer paid to
								for a transaction, plus the shipping cost the buyer paid for the item,
								minus's commission. Payments can also describe refunds that the
								seller has issued. Multiple SellerPayment entries can be returned per page
								of results. Typically, they are returned in reverse chronological order
								(most recent PaidTime first). Only returned if payments exist that match
								the request.
					<xs:element name="PaymentsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the number of payments that can be returned per page of data
								(i.e., per call). This is the same as the value specified in the
								Pagination.EntriesPerPage input (or the default value, if EntriesPerPage
								was not specified). This is not necessarily the actual number of payments
								returned per page (see ReturnedPaymentCountActual).
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates which page of data holds the current result set. Will be the
								same as the value specified in the Pagination.PageNumber input. (If the
								input is higher than the total number of pages, the call fails with an
								error.) If no payments are returned, the value is 0. If payments are
								returned, the first page number is 1.
					<xs:element name="ReturnedPaymentCountActual" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the total number of payments returned (i.e., the number of
								SellerPayment entries returned.
	<!--  Call: GetSellerTransactions -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerTransactionsRequest" type="ns:GetSellerTransactionsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerTransactionsRequestType">
				Retrieves a report containing information you can use to process the requesting
				seller's transactions. A transaction contains the information about the sale of
				one or more items by one buyer from a single listing. As some listings can return
				large numbers of transactions, use the supplied time filters to retrieve only
				those transactions whose status has been modified between two dates. Optionally,
				also configure the request to retrieve one page of data at a time (where each page
				contains a more manageable number of transactions). The user making the request
				can only retrieve their own transactions. That is, a user cannot retrieve all the
				transactions for another seller. If the user needs to retrieve transactions for
				another seller's listing, use GetItemTransactions instead.
				In general, only fields that are necessary for processing transactions are
				returned. For example, reserve price information would not be returned because the
				data is not relevant once the agreement to purchase the item has occurred. Also,
				fields that are not logically applicable are not returned. For example,
				TransactionArray.Transaction.Buyer.SellerInfo is not returned because the buyer is
				not acting in the role of a seller for the transaction.
				As the SellerType object is returned at the root level of the response, and as all
				transactions returned from this call are for the same seller, each individual
				Transaction.Item object does not return a SellerType object.
				Some fields that are defined on Transaction.Item (e.g.,
				Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold) sound similar to fields defined on Transaction
				(e.g., QuantityPurchased). The difference is that the item fields are applicable
				across the entire listing; whereas the transaction fields are only applicable for
				the particular transaction identified. For example, suppose a listing has 20 items
				and 10 of them have sold. This would cause the
				Transaction.Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold value to be set to 10. If one
				transaction returned from GetSellerTransactionsCall represents one buyer's
				purchase of 3 of those items, the Transaction.QuantityPurchased value would be set
				3 for that particular transaction.
				- In the TransactionArray.Transaction.ShippingDetails object, only one of
				FlatShippingRate or CalculatedRate will be returned, depending on which one the
				seller set.
				- In the Seller and Transaction.Item.Buyer objects, email and address data is only
				returned under certain conditions.
				- The TransactionArray.Transaction.Item.ListingDetails.RelistItemID object is only
				returned if the item was re-listed.
						Retrieves data for transactions created by the sale of
						items that were listed by the user making the request.
						GetSellerTransactions returns zero, one, or multiple
						transactions (depending on the sale of items from the
						listing and the listing type). Input values allow the
						result set to contain just those transactions created between two
						specified dates.
						The return data contains information you can use to
						process transactions.
					<Title>Email and Address Privacy Policy
					<For>the conditions under which buyer and seller email and address are returned
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ModTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the earliest (oldest) date to use in a date range filter based
								on the time a transaction's status was modified. Filters out transactions
								whose status was last modified before this date. The date range between
								ModTimeFrom to ModTimeTo cannot be greater than 30 days.
					<xs:element name="ModTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Describes the latest (most recent) date to use in a date range filter based on the
								time a transaction's status was modified. Filters out transactions whose status
								was last modified after this date. The date range between ModTimeFrom to ModTimeTo
								cannot be greater than 30 days. It is considered a best practice to always pass
								the current date-time, to ensure that no data is missed.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements control pagination of the output. Use its EntriesPerPage
								property to control the number of transactions to return per call and its
								PageNumber property to specify the page of data to return.
					<xs:element name="IncludeFinalValueFee" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether to include final value fees in the response.
								For most listing types, the fee is returned in Transaction.FinalValueFee.
								For Dutch auctions that end with bids (not Buy It Now purchases), the fee
								is returned in Item.SellingStatus.FinalValueFee.
								The Final Value Fee for FixedPriceItem, StoresFixedPrice, and Buy It Now
								Dutch listing types is returned on a transaction by transaction basis.
								For all other listing types, including Chinese and Dutch (no Buy It Now
								purchases), the Final Value Fee is returned when the listing status is
					<xs:element name="IncludeContainingOrder" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								For future use.
					<xs:element name="SKUArray" type="ns:SKUArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies a set of seller SKUs to use as a filter. Only items with the
								specified SKUs are returned. Do not specify this tag if you do not want to
								filter by SKU. Corresponds to the SKU property that is part of ItemType
								and that can be provided when, for example, you use the AddItem call.
	<!--  Call: GetSellerTransactions -->
	<xs:element name="GetSellerTransactionsResponse" type="ns:GetSellerTransactionsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSellerTransactionsResponseType">
				Returns an array of transaction data for the seller specified in the request.
				The results can be used to create a report of data that is commonly
				necessary for end-of-auction processing.
				Zero, one, or many Transaction objects can be returned in the array.
				The set of transactions returned is limited to those that were modified between
				the times specified in the request's ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo filters.
				The transactions returned are sorted by Transaction.Status.LastTimeModified,
				ascending order (that is, transactions that more recently were modified are returned last).
				Also returns information about the seller whose transactions were requested.
				If pagination filters were specified in the request, returns meta-data describing
				the effects of those filters on the current response and the estimated effects if
				the same filters are used in subsequent calls.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the total number of pages (TotalNumberOfPages) and the total number
								of entries (TotalNumberOfEntries) that could be returned given repeated calls
								that use the same selection criteria as the call that returned this response.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="HasMoreTransactions" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether there are additional transactions to retrieve.
								That is, indicates whether more pages of data are available to be
								returned, given the filters that were specified in the request.
								Returns false for the last page of data.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="TransactionsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number of transactions returned per page (per call). May be a higher value
								than ReturnedTransactionCountActual if the page returned is the last page
								and more than one page of data exists.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Page number for the page of transactions the response returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="ReturnedTransactionCountActual" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Number of transactions retrieved in the current page of results just returned.
								May be a lower value than TransactionsPerPage if the page returned is the last
								page and more than one page of data exists.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
					<xs:element name="Seller" type="ns:UserType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains information about the seller whose transactions are being returned.
								See the reference guide for information about the fields of the Seller object
								that are returned.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="TransactionArray" type="ns:TransactionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								List of Transaction objects representing the seller's recent sales.
								Each Transaction object contains the data for one purchase
								(of one or more items in the same listing).
								See the reference guide for more information about the fields that are returned
								for each transaction.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
					<xs:element name="PayPalPreferred" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether the seller has the preference enabled that shows that the seller
								prefers PayPal as the method of payment for an item. This preference is indicated on
								an item's View Item page and is intended to influence a buyer to use PayPal
								to pay for the item.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll, ItemReturnDescription
	<!--  Call: GetStore -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreRequest" type="ns:GetStoreRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreRequestType">
				Requests data about a seller's eBay store. The caller must be the owner of an
				eBay store. The return value from GetStoreResponse is a StoreType, which contains
				the store's configuration, including the store name, URL, subscription level, and
				other data. You can set CategoryStructureOnly to True to retrieve information
				about the category hierarchy of the store only.
						Requests data about a seller's eBay store.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryStructureOnly" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								 If this is set to True, only the category structure of the store is
								 returned. If this is not specified or set to False, the complete store
								 configuration is returned.
					<xs:element name="RootCategoryID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the category ID for the topmost category to return (along with
								the subcategories under it, the value of the LevelLimit property
								determining how deep). This tag is optional. If RootCategoryID is not
								specified, then the category tree starting at that root Category is
					<xs:element name="LevelLimit" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								 Specifies the limit for the number of levels of the category hierarchy
								 to return, where the given root category is level 1 and its children are
								 level 2. Only categories at or above the level specified are returned.
								 This tag is optional. If LevelLimit is not set, the complete category
								 hierarchy is returned. Stores support category hierarchies up to 3
								 levels only.
	<!--  Call: GetStore -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreResponse" type="ns:GetStoreResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreResponseType">
				Returns the data describing a seller's eBay store, including name, description,
				URL, and other information. The caller making the request must be the owner
				of an eBay store. If the authenticated caller does not have an eBay store, the
				response is an error. A successful response contains either the complete store
				configuration or information about the category hierarchy for the store only.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Store" type="ns:StoreType" minOccurs="0">
								The data describing the store configuration.
	<!--  Call: GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatus -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatusRequest" type="ns:GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatusRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatusRequestType">
				Returns the status of the processing progress for category structure changes
				specified with a SetStoreCategories request. Use this call to retrieve status
				when the SetStoreCategories call is being processed asynchronously.
				SetStoreCategories will be processed asynchronously when many listings are
				affected by the category structure changes.
						Returns the status of the processing progress for category
						structure changes specified with a SetStoreCategories request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="TaskID" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
								The task ID returned by the SetStoreCategories call. If the
								SetStoreCategories call was processed asynchronously, the TaskID will be
								a positive number, otherwise the TaskID will be 0.
	<!--  Call: GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatus -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatusResponse" type="ns:GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatusResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatusResponseType">
				Returns the store category structure update status, when a prior 
				SetStoreCategories call was processed asynchronously. If a SetStoreCategories 
				request affects many listings, then the category structure changes will be 
				processed asynchronously. If not many listings are affected by category structure 
				changes, the status is returned in the SetStoreCategories response.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Status" type="ns:TaskStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The status (Pending, InProgress, Complete, or Failed) of an update to the 
								store category structure. 
	<!--  Call: GetStoreCustomPage -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreCustomPageRequest" type="ns:GetStoreCustomPageRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreCustomPageRequestType">
				Retrieves the custom page or pages for the user's Store.
						Retrieves the custom page or pages for the user's Store.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="PageID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								If a PageID is specified, then that page is returned, and
								the returned page contains the page Content.
								If no PageID is specified, then all pages are returned, without
								the page Content.
	<!--  Call: GetStoreCustomPage -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreCustomPageResponse" type="ns:GetStoreCustomPageResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreCustomPageResponseType">
				Contains the custom page or pages for the user's Store.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CustomPageArray" type="ns:StoreCustomPageArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The custom page or custom pages.
	<!--  Call: GetStoreOptions -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreOptionsRequest" type="ns:GetStoreOptionsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreOptionsRequestType">
				Retrieves the current list of Store configuration options.
						Retrieves the current list of Store configuration options.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
	<!--  Call: GetStoreOptions -->
	<xs:element name="GetStoreOptionsResponse" type="ns:GetStoreOptionsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStoreOptionsResponseType">
				Contains the current list of options for Store configurations.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BasicThemeArray" type="ns:StoreThemeArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The current set of basic themes. Each basic theme definition
								specifies a valid color scheme for the theme.
					<xs:element name="AdvancedThemeArray" type="ns:StoreThemeArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The current set of advances themes. Unlike basic themes, you
								can use any color	scheme with an advanced theme. These themes 
								are suitable for more advanced customization.
					<xs:element name="LogoArray" type="ns:StoreLogoArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The current set of Store logos. These logos are used in the Store header.
					<xs:element name="SubscriptionArray" type="ns:StoreSubscriptionArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The current set of eBay Store subscription tiers and corresponding 
								subscription prices.
					<xs:element name="MaxCategories" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The maximum number of categories in this store.
					<xs:element name="MaxCategoryLevels" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The maximum number of category levels in this store.
	<!--  Call: GetStorePreferences -->
	<xs:element name="GetStorePreferencesRequest" type="ns:GetStorePreferencesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStorePreferencesRequestType">
				Retrieves a user's Store preferences.
						Retrieves a user's Store preferences.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType"/>
	<!--  Call: GetStorePreferences -->
	<xs:element name="GetStorePreferencesResponse" type="ns:GetStorePreferencesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetStorePreferencesResponseType">
				Contains the Store preferences retrieved for a user.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="StorePreferences" type="ns:StorePreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The user's Store preferences.
	<!--  Call: GetSuggestedCategories -->
	<xs:element name="GetSuggestedCategoriesRequest" type="ns:GetSuggestedCategoriesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSuggestedCategoriesRequestType">
				Requests a list of up to 10 categories with
				the highest percentage of listings whose titles or descriptions
				contain the keywords you specify.
						Requests a list of up to 10 categories with
						the highest percentage of listings whose titles or descriptions
						contain the keywords you specify.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Query" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the search string, consisting of one or
								more words to search for in the listing title.
								The words "and" and "or" are treated like any other
								<MaxLength>350 (characters)
	<!--  Call: GetSuggestedCategories -->
	<xs:element name="GetSuggestedCategoriesResponse" type="ns:GetSuggestedCategoriesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetSuggestedCategoriesResponseType">
				Returns a list of categories with the highest number 
				of listings whose titles or descriptions contain the keywords 
				specified in a GetSuggestedCategoriesRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="SuggestedCategoryArray" type="ns:SuggestedCategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains the categories that contain listings
							that match the query string in the request. The array
							can have up to 10 categories. Not returned if no categories match 
							the query in the request.
					<xs:element name="CategoryCount" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the number of categories in the array.
	<!--  Call: GetTaxTable -->
	<xs:element name="GetTaxTableRequest" type="ns:GetTaxTableRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetTaxTableRequestType">
				Retrieves the tax table for a user on a given site or retrieves the valid jurisdictions (if any) for a given site.
						Retrieves the tax table for a user on a given site or retrieves the valid
						jurisdictions (if any) for a given site.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
	<!--  Call: GetTaxTable -->
	<xs:element name="GetTaxTableResponse" type="ns:GetTaxTableResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetTaxTableResponseType">
				Response to GetTaxTableRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="LastUpdateTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								The last time (in GMT) that the tax table was updated.
								Only returned if the user previously created a tax table
								and if the site has jurisdictions.
								LastUpdateTime is useful for synchronization. If you cache the user's
								tax table, you can use GetTaxTable to check if it has changed and
								whether you need to update the cached tax table.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="TaxTable" type="ns:TaxTableType" minOccurs="0">
								A container of tax jurisdiction information unique to
								a user/site combination. Empty if not set for user.
								If DetailLevel is not specified, information is only
								returned for the jurisdictions for which the user provided tax
								information. If DetailLevel is ReturnAll, tax information
								is returned for all possible jurisdictions, whether
								specified by the user or not. ShippingIncludedInTax and
								SalesTaxPercent are returned but are empty.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
	<!--  Call: GetUser -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserRequest" type="ns:GetUserRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserRequestType">
				Retrieves information about a user. Inputs controls what user
				data is returned. This includes the eBay user ID for the user
				whose data is to be returned and the item ID for a listing to
				indicate a transactional relationship between the requestor and
				the target user.
						Retrieves data for one eBay user. Input is the eBay user
						ID for the user about whom to return data.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
 								Specifies the item ID for a successfully concluded listing in which
								the requestor and target user were participants (one as seller and
								the other as buyer). Necessary to return certain data (like an email
								address). Not necessary of the requestor is retrieving own data.
								ItemID is an optional input.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="UserID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the user whose data will returned by the call. UserID is
								optional. If not specified, the user data returned is that for
								the requesting user.
	<!--  Call: GetUser -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserResponse" type="ns:GetUserResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserResponseType">
				Contains the data retrieved by the call. User data is returned in a User object.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="User" type="ns:UserType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the returned user data for the specified eBay user.
									<DetailLevels>none, ReturnAll
	<!--  Call: GetUserContactDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserContactDetailsRequest" type="ns:GetUserContactDetailsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserContactDetailsRequestType">
				Returns contact information for a specified user if a
				bidding relationship exists between them. That is, the
				bidder must be bidding on the seller's active
				item, or an eBay user must have made an offer on
				the item via Best Offer.
				The item must be in the Motors or Business & Industrial categories.
				Note that GetUserContactDetails does NOT return an email address.
						Returns contact information for a specified user. Sellers
						can retrieve contact information for both bidders and
						users who have made offers (via Best Offer) during an
						active listing. Buyers can also use this call to contact
						sellers of an item they are bidding on or have made an
						offer on (via Best Offer). Note that this call does not
						return an email address. Sellers who wish to send an
						email message to their bidders should use
						AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder instead.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a given
								item. Must be a currently active item.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="ContactID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a given
								user. The same as the contact's eBay username.
								Either the seller's or bidder's username may be
								specified here, as long as a bidding
								relationship exists between them. That is, the
								bidder must be bidding on the seller's active
								item, or an eBay user must have made an offer on
								the item via Best Offer.
					<xs:element name="RequesterID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a given
								user. The same as the seller's eBay username.
								Either the seller's or bidder's username may be
								specified here, as long as a bidding
								relationship exists between them. That is, the
								bidder must be bidding on the seller's active
								item, or an eBay user must have made an offer on
								the item via Best Offer.
	<!--  Call: GetUserContactDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserContactDetailsResponse" type="ns:GetUserContactDetailsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserContactDetailsResponseType">
				Returns contact information to a seller for both bidders
				and users who have made offers (via Best Offer) during
				an active listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="UserID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								An eBay ID that uniquely identifies a given
								user. The eBay username of the requested
					<xs:element name="ContactAddress" type="ns:AddressType" minOccurs="0">
								Contact information for the requested contact.
								Note that the email address is NOT returned.
					<xs:element name="RegistrationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								The date and time that the requested contact
								registered with eBay.
	<!--  Call: GetUserDisputes -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserDisputesRequest" type="ns:GetUserDisputesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserDisputesRequestType">
				Requests a list of disputes the requester is involved in as buyer or seller.
				The list includes both Unpaid Item and Item Not Received disputes and can
				be filtered according to DisputeFilterType. Use a DetailLevel of ReturnAll to
				return all data about each dispute, including DisputeResolution and DisputeMessage
						Requests a list of disputes the requester is involved in as buyer or seller.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="DisputeFilterType" type="ns:DisputeFilterTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								A filter that specifies a subset of disputes to return. The return list
								includes both Item Not Received and Unpaid Item disputes.
					<xs:element name="DisputeSortType" type="ns:DisputeSortTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The value and sequence to use to sort the returned disputes.
					<xs:element name="ModTimeFrom" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
							A filter that retrieves disputes whose DisputeModifiedTime is later
							than or equal to this value. Specify the time value in GMT.
							See the eBay Web Services documentation for information about specifying time values.
							For more precise control of the date range filter, it is a good practice to also
							specify ModTimeTo. Otherwise, the end of the date range is the present time.
							Filtering by date range is optional. You can use date range filters in combination
							with other filters like DisputeFilterType to control the amount of data returned.
					<xs:element name="ModTimeTo" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
							A filter that retrieves disputes whose DisputeModifiedTime is earlier
							than or equal to this value. Specify the time value in GMT.
							See the eBay Web Services documentation for information about specifying time values.
							For more precise control of the date range filter, it is a good practice to also
							specify ModTimeFrom. Otherwise, all available disputes modified prior to the ModTimeTo value are returned.
							Filtering by date range is optional. You can use date range filters in combination
							with other filters like DisputeFilterType to control the amount of data returned.
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								The virtual page number of the result set to display. A result set has a number of disputes
								divided into virtual pages, with 200 disputes per page. The response can only display one page.
								The first page in the result set is number 1. Required. If not specified, a warning is returned
								and Pagination.PageNumber is set to 1 by default.
	<!--  Call: GetUserDisputes -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserDisputesResponse" type="ns:GetUserDisputesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserDisputesResponseType">
				Returns a list of disputes that involve the calling user
				as buyer or seller, in response to a GetUserDisputesRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="StartingDisputeID" type="ns:DisputeIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The index of the first dispute in the current result set, relative
								to the total number of disputes available.
								Primarily useful for interpreting paginated results.
								For example, if 228 disputes are available and
								200 results are returned per page: The first page returns
								a StartingDisputeID value of 1 and the second page returns a
								StartingDisputeID value of 201.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="EndingDisputeID" type="ns:DisputeIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The index of the last dispute in the current result set, relative
								to the total number of disputes available.
								Primarily useful for interpreting paginated results.
								For example, if 228 disputes are available and
								200 results are returned per page: The first page returns
								an EndingDisputeID value of 200 and the second page returns an
								EndingDisputeID value of 228.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="DisputeArray" type="ns:DisputeArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								The array of disputes returned.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="ItemsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The number of disputes on each virtual page in the result set.
								The virtual page returned is determined by PageNumber.
								Default is 200.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The page of the total result set returned in the call. The entire result set
								is virtual and the call returns only one page of it.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="DisputeFilterCount" type="ns:DisputeFilterCountType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The number of disputes that involve the requester as
								buyer or seller and match a given filter type.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								The result of the pagination, including the total number
								of virtual pages in the result set and the total number of
								disputes returned.
									<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
	<!--  Call: GetUserPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserPreferencesRequest" type="ns:GetUserPreferencesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserPreferencesRequestType">
				Retrieves some or all of a user's preferences. The set of preferences retrieved depends
				on the set of flags specified in the request.
						Retrieves some or all of a user's preferences.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ShowBidderNoticePreferences" type="xs:boolean">
								If true, requests a seller's preferences for receiving bidder notices.
					<xs:element name="ShowCombinedPaymentPreferences" type="xs:boolean">
								If true, requests a seller's preferences for accepting payments
								that combine item purchases into one order.
					<xs:element name="ShowCrossPromotionPreferences"  type="xs:boolean">
								If true, requests a seller's cross-promotion preferences, such as
								whether cross-promotions are enabled and the sort filters used.
					<xs:element name="ShowSellerPaymentPreferences"  type="xs:boolean">
								If true, displays a seller's payment preferences, for displaying
								a Pay Now button, accepting PayPal, and so on.
					<xs:element name="ShowEndOfAuctionEmailPreferences"  type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, displays the seller's end of auction email preferences.
					<xs:element name="ShowSellerFavoriteItemPreferences" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, retrieves preferences the seller has set for displaying items
								on a buyer's favorite sellers page and in the favorite sellers email digest.
					<xs:element name="ShoweBxOptInPreference" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, displays the seller's preference regarding
								whether they want their eligible listings to be included on eBay Express.<br>
								As of release 463, this flag is no longer recommended.
								Instead, the ExpressPreferences node will always be returned if the user is
								eligible for Express, and it will never be returned if the user is not eligible.
								That is, there is no "Show" filter to retrieve the ExpressPreferences node.
								Express preferences are dependent on the user's site of registration, not
								the site to which you send the request.
						<xs:element name="ShowProStoresPreferences" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, returns ProStores checkout preferences.
	<!--  Call: GetUserPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="GetUserPreferencesResponse" type="ns:GetUserPreferencesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetUserPreferencesResponseType">
				Returns some or all of a user's preferences. The preferences are grouped
				in sets, according to the sets requested.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="BidderNoticePreferences" type="ns:BidderNoticePreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a seller's preferences for receiving bidder notices.
								Returned when the request sets ShowBidderNoticePreferences to true.
					<xs:element name="CombinedPaymentPreferences" type="ns:CombinedPaymentPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a seller's preferences for accepting combined payments.
								Returned when ShowCombinedPaymentPreferences is true.
					<xs:element name="CrossPromotionPreferences" type="ns:CrossPromotionPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a seller's cross-promotion preferences.
								Returned when ShowCrossPromotionPreferences is true.
					<xs:element name="SellerPaymentPreferences" type="ns:SellerPaymentPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a seller's preferences for accepting payments.
								Returned when ShowSellerPaymentPreferences is true.
					<xs:element name="SellerFavoriteItemPreferences" type="ns:SellerFavoriteItemPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a seller's preferences for displaying items on a buyer's
								Favorite Sellers' Items page or Favorite Sellers' Items digest.
					<xs:element name="EndOfAuctionEmailPreferences" type="ns:EndOfAuctionEmailPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the user's end of auction email preferences.
					<xs:element name="eBxOptInPreference" type="ns:eBxOptInPreferenceType" minOccurs="0">
							Contains a seller's eBay Express preference regarding
							whether they want their eligible listings to be included on eBay Express.
							Returned when the request sets ShoweBxOptInPreference to true.<br>
							As of release 463, applications should start using ExpressPreferences instead.
					<xs:element name="ExpressPreferences" type="ns:ExpressPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The seller's Express preferences.
								Always returned for sellers who are eligible to list on Express.
								Not returned for sellers who are not eligible per eBay's requirements.
								If ExpressPreferences is not returned, call GetUser and check the value
								of SellerInfo.ExpressEligible. If the seller is not eligible, see
								"eBay Express" in the eBay Web Services guide for possible reasons.
								Note that if the seller opts out of Express themselves (but would otherwise be eligible),
								ExpressPreferences is returned. In this case, GetUser may show that the user is
								not eligible to list on Express.<br>
								Express preferences are returned based on the seller's registration site,
								not the site to which you send the request. For example, a US seller's
								preferences will be returned even if you submit the request to site 77 (Germany).
					<xs:element name="ProStoresPreference" type="ns:ProStoresCheckoutPreferenceType" minOccurs="0">
								Details about ProStores and checkout preferences.
	<!--  Call: GetWantItNowPost -->
	<xs:element name="GetWantItNowPostRequest" type="ns:GetWantItNowPostRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetWantItNowPostRequestType">
				Requests data for a specific, active Want It Now post identified by a post ID.
						Requests data for a specific, active Want It Now post identified by a post ID.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="PostID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the post ID that uniquely identifies the Want It Now post for
								which to retrieve the data. PostID is a required input. PostID is unique
								across all eBay sites.
	<!--  Call: GetWantItNowPost -->
	<xs:element name="GetWantItNowPostResponse" type="ns:GetWantItNowPostResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetWantItNowPostResponseType">
				Contains the Want It Now post data returned by the call. The data for the 
				specified post listing is returned in a WantItNowPostType object.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="WantItNowPost" type="ns:WantItNowPostType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the data defining a single Want It Now post. 
	<!--  Call: GetWantItNowSearchResults -->
	<xs:element name="GetWantItNowSearchResultsRequest" type="ns:GetWantItNowSearchResultsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GetWantItNowSearchResultsRequestType">
				Retrieves a list of active Want It Now posts that match specified keywords and/or other
				search criteria.
						Retrieves a list of active Want It Now posts that match specified keywords and/or other
						search criteria.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Limits the result set to just those Want It Now posts listed in the
								specified category. Defaults to all categories if no category ID is
								specified. If the specified category ID does not match an existing
								category for the site, an invalid-category error message is returned.
								Controls the set of listings to return (not the details to return for each
								You must specify a Query and/or a CategoryID in the request.
					<xs:element name="Query" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies a search string. The search string consists of one or more
								keywords to search for in the listing title. Note that the post
								description will also be searched if SearchInDescription is enabled.
								By default, requests return a list of Want It Now posts that include all
								of the keywords specified in the Query. All words used in the query,
								including "and," "or," and "the,"  will be treated as keywords. You can,
								however, use modifiers and wildcards (e.g., +, -, and *) in the Query
								field to create more complex searches. Be careful when using spaces before
								or after modifiers and wildcards (+, -, or *), as the spaces can affect
								the query logic.
								See the eBay Web Services Guide for a list of valid search keyword query
								operators and examples.
								<MaxLength>350 (characters)
					<xs:element name="SearchInDescription" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, include the description field of Want It Now posts in the keyword search. Want
								It Now posts returned are those where specified search keywords appear in
								either the description or the title. This is the default behavior if SearchInDescription
								is not specified. If false, only the title will be searched. SearchInDescription is an
								optional input.
					<xs:element name="SearchWorldwide" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, the search applies to all eBay sites. If false, the search is
								limited to the site specified in the URL query string when the call is
					<xs:element name="Pagination" type="ns:PaginationType" minOccurs="0">
								Controls the pagination of the result set. Child elements specify the
								maximum number of item listings to return per call and which page of data
								to return.
	<!--  Call: GetWantItNowSearchResults -->
	<xs:element name="GetWantItNowSearchResultsResponse" type="ns:GetWantItNowSearchResultsResponseType">
				Response contains the Want It Now posts that have the specified keyword(s) in the 
				title and (optionally) the description. 
	<xs:complexType name="GetWantItNowSearchResultsResponseType">
				Response contains the Want It Now posts that have the specified keyword(s) in the 
				title and (optionally) the description. 
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="WantItNowPostArray" type="ns:WantItNowPostArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains the returned Want It Now posts, if any. The data for each post is 
								returned in a WantItNowPostType object. 
					<xs:element name="HasMoreItems" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates whether there are additional Want It Now posts that meet the 
								search criteria. 
					<xs:element name="ItemsPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the maximum number of Want It Now posts that can be returned in 
								a WantItNowPostArray for a request. This value can be specified in the 
								request by  EntriesPerPage in Pagination in the request.
					<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the page of data returned by the current call.
					<xs:element name="PaginationResult" type="ns:PaginationResultType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the results of the pagination, including the total number of 
								pages of data there are to be returned and the total number of posts there 
								are to be returned.
	<!--  Call: GeteBayDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GeteBayDetailsRequest" type="ns:GeteBayDetailsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GeteBayDetailsRequestType">
				Retrieves eBay IDs and codes (e.g., site IDs and shipping service
				codes), enumerated data (e.g., payment methods), and other common eBay
				meta-data. This call enables you to keep certain data up to date in your
				applications without referring to the schema, the documentation, or the
				eBay online help. Other data is returned for your reference, but you may
				need to refer to the schema or the documentation for information about
				valid values and usage.
				<br><br> In some cases, the data returned in the response
				will vary according to the site that you use for the request.
						Retrieves eBay IDs and codes (e.g., site IDs and shipping service
						codes), enumerated data (e.g., payment methods), and other common
						eBay meta-data.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="DetailName" type="ns:DetailNameCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								A designation of what kind of information you wish returned
								for the specified eBay site. If omitted, all details are
								The possible values for input (the enumeration values of
								DetailNameCodeType) are the same name as fields returned by
								the response. See the documentation for the
								GeteBayDetails response to better understand the DetailName
	<!--  Call: GeteBayDetails -->
	<xs:element name="GeteBayDetailsResponse" type="ns:GeteBayDetailsResponseType">
				Details about a specified site in response to GeteBayDetailsRequest.
				If no DetailName is identified in the request, all elements of
				GeteBayDetailsResponse are returned. Otherwise, only the element
				corresponding to the specified DetailName is returned.
	<xs:complexType name="GeteBayDetailsResponseType">
				Details about a specified site in response to GeteBayDetailsRequest.
				If no DetailName is identified in the request, all elements of
				GeteBayDetailsResponse are returned. Otherwise, only the element
				corresponding to the specified DetailName is returned.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CountryDetails" type="ns:CountryDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific country. GeteBayDetails returns all countries in
								the system, regardless of the site to which you sent the request.
					<xs:element name="CurrencyDetails" type="ns:CurrencyDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific currency that can be used for listing on an eBay
								site. GeteBayDetails returns all site currencies in the system, regardless
								of the site to which you sent the request.
					<xs:element name="DispatchTimeMaxDetails" type="ns:DispatchTimeMaxDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific max dispatch time. A dispatch time specifies the
								maximum number of business days a seller commits to for shipping an item
								to domestic buyers after receiving a cleared payment. GeteBayDetails
								returns all dispatch times in the system, regardless of the site to which
								you sent the request.
					<xs:element name="PaymentOptionDetails" type="ns:PaymentOptionDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific buyer payment method. GeteBayDetails only returns
								payment methods that are applicable to the site to which you sent the
					<xs:element name="RegionDetails" type ="ns:RegionDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific geographical region. GeteBayDetails only returns
								regions that are applicable to the site to which you sent the request.
								However, you should ignore region values for all sites except China.
					<xs:element name="ShippingLocationDetails" type="ns:ShippingLocationDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a location or region to which the seller is willing to ship.
								GeteBayDetails returns all shipping locations in the system, regardless of
								the site to which you sent the request.
					<xs:element name="ShippingServiceDetails" type="ns:ShippingServiceDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific shipping service. GeteBayDetails only returns
								shipping services that are applicable to the site to which you sent the
					<xs:element name="SiteDetails" type ="ns:SiteDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific eBay site. GeteBayDetails returns all sites in
								the system, regardless of the site to which you sent the request.
					<xs:element name="TaxJurisdiction" type="ns:TaxJurisdictionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific tax jurisdiction or tax region. GeteBayDetails
								only returns jurisdictions that are applicable to the site to which you
								sent the request.<br><br>
								Related fields:<br>
								TaxTable.TaxJurisdiction in SetTaxTable<br>
								Item.UseTaxTable in Additem
					<xs:element name="URLDetails" type="ns:URLDetailsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Details about a specific eBay URL. GeteBayDetails only returns URLs that
								are applicable to the site to which you sent the request.
	<!--  Call: GeteBayOfficialTime -->
	<xs:element name="GeteBayOfficialTimeRequest" type="ns:GeteBayOfficialTimeRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GeteBayOfficialTimeRequestType">
				Gets the official eBay system time in GMT.
						Gets the official eBay system time in GMT.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
	<!--  Call: GeteBayOfficialTime -->
	<xs:element name="GeteBayOfficialTimeResponse" type="ns:GeteBayOfficialTimeResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="GeteBayOfficialTimeResponseType">
				The Timestamp field indicates the official eBay system time in GMT.
				For information about converting between GMT and other time zones, 
				see "Time Values" in the Data Types appendix in the eBay Web Services guide.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: IssueRefund -->
	<xs:element name="IssueRefundRequest" type="ns:IssueRefundRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="IssueRefundRequestType">
				Issues a refund for a single transaction. Can only be
				called by a seller. Refunds may only be issued for a specific
				transaction. Sellers do not have the ability to issue a general
				refund (not tied to a transaction) to a buyer.
						Issues a refund for a single transaction.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the item associated with the refund payment to the buyer.
								To uniquely identify a transaction, you need to specify both ItemID
								and TransactionID. Use GetSellerPayments to determine the item ID
								and transaction ID associated with the original sale payment.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the transaction associated with the refund payment.
								To uniquely identify a transaction, you need to specify both ItemID
								and TransactionID. Use GetSellerPayments to determine the item ID
								and transaction ID associated with the original sale payment.
					<xs:element name="RefundReason" type="ns:RefundReasonCodeType" minOccurs="0">
							Explanation of the reason that the refund is being issued.
					<xs:element name="RefundType" type="ns:RefundTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
							Explanation of the costs that the refund amount covers.
					<xs:element name="RefundAmount" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								The amount the seller wants to refund to the buyer, in US Dollars (USD).
								Must be greater than 0.00. allows a maximum of the original item
								sale price (transaction price plus original shipping reimbursement) plus
								return shipping costs (the amount the buyer paid to return the item).
								Typically, the return shipping cost is based on the current cost of
								shipping the individual item (not the discounted cost calculated during
								the original checkout for a multi-item order). You can also issue a
								partial refund for the amount you want the buyer to receive. If
								RefundType=Full or RefundType=FullPlusShipping and you do not pass
								RefundAmount in the request, will calculate the refund amount for
								you. If you pass RefundAmount in the request, the amount you specify will
								override's calculated value. Required if RefundType=
					<xs:element name="RefundMessage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Note to the buyer. Cannot include HTML.
	<!--  Call: IssueRefund -->
	<xs:element name="IssueRefundResponse" type="ns:IssueRefundResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="IssueRefundResponseType">
Indicates the refund amount that a seller issued to a buyer for a single transaction.
Refunds may only be issued for a specific transaction. Sellers do not have the ability to issue a 
general refund (not tied to a transaction) to a buyer.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="RefundFromSeller" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
							Total amount that the seller asked to refund to 
							a buyer for a transaction.
					<xs:element name="TotalRefundToBuyer" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
							Total amount that refunded to the buyer (which could include the refund amount 
							from the seller plus a refund amount from
	<!--  Call: LeaveFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="LeaveFeedbackRequest" type="ns:LeaveFeedbackRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="LeaveFeedbackRequestType">
				Enables a user to leave feedback about another user. Both users (the
				sender  and the recipient) must have a transactional relationship.
				That is, they must have both been participants in a successfully
				concluded item sale transaction that took place no more than 90 days
				prior. Also, the sending user cannot have already left feedback for
				the recipient for the transaction.
						Enables a user to leave feedback about another user.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Item ID for the listing from which the transaction relating the users
								(the feedback sender and recipient). Transaction must not have been
								created more than 90 days prior to the attempt to leave feedback.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="CommentText" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Textual comment that explains, clarifies, or justifies the feedback
								score specified in CommentType.
					<xs:element name="CommentType" type="ns:CommentTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Score for the feedback being left. May be Positive, Neutral, or
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								The item purchase transaction from the listing specified in ItemID for
								which the feedback is being left. Required if the listing identified in
								ItemID was a multi-item listing (Dutch auction or multi-item fixed-price
					<xs:element name="TargetUser" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the recipient user about whom the feedback is being left.
	<!--  Call: LeaveFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="LeaveFeedbackResponse" type="ns:LeaveFeedbackResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="LeaveFeedbackResponseType">
          LeaveFeedback response message includes an acknowledgement if the
          feedback was successfully left.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="FeedbackID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								(out) The ID of the feedback that has been left.
	<!--  Call: PlaceOffer -->
	<xs:element name="PlaceOfferRequest" type="ns:PlaceOfferRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="PlaceOfferRequestType">
				Enables the requesting user to submit a bid (make an offer) on the
				item listing specified in ItemID. For competitive-bidding listings
				(Chinese and Dutch auctions), makes a bid. For fixed-price listings
				(Basic Fixed-Price and eBay Stores Inventory listings), purchases
				the item.
						Enables the requesting user to submit a bid (make an offer) on the
						item listing specified in ItemID.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Offer" type="ns:OfferType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the type of offer being made. If the item is a
								competitive-bidding listing, the offer is a bid. If the item is a
								fixed-price listing, then the offer purchases the item. If the item is a
								competitive-bidding listing and the offer is of type with an active,
								unexercised Buy It Now option, then the offer can either purchase the
								item or be a bid. See the schema documentation for OfferType for deatils
								on its properties and their meanings.
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID that identifies the item listing for which the offer is
								being submitted.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="BlockOnWarning" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								(in) If a warning message exists and BlockOnWarning is true,
								the warning message is returned and the bid is blocked. If no warning message
								exists and BlockOnWarning is true, the bid is placed. If BlockOnWarning
								is false, the bid is placed, regardless of warning.
	<!--  Call: PlaceOffer -->
	<xs:element name="PlaceOfferResponse" type="ns:PlaceOfferResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="PlaceOfferResponseType">
				The PlaceOffer result set provides feedback on the success and result
				of the offer made.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="SellingStatus" type="ns:SellingStatusType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the current bidding/purchase state of the item listing, as of
								the offer extended using PlaceOffer. See the schema documentation for
								the SellingStatus object, the properties of which contain such
								post-offer information as the current high bidder, the current price for
								the item, and the bid increment.
	<!--  Call: RelistItem -->
	<xs:element name="RelistItemRequest" type="ns:RelistItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RelistItemRequestType">
				Enables a seller to take a single item (or a single multi-item
				listing) that ended without bidders or buyers and re-list it on a
				specified eBay site. The listing may be re-listed with the same item
				properties as the original or the seller may change a number of the
				item's defining properties at re-listing time. The new listing will
				have a different item ID than the original one. RelistItem re-lists a
				single item (or a single multi-item listing) that has already ended.
				To re-list multiple items (multiple listings) that have ended,
				execute RelistItem once for each ended listing.
						Enables a seller to take a single item (or a single multi-item
						listing) that ended without bidders or buyers and re-list it on a
						specified eBay site.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements hold the values for item properties that change for the
								item re-list. Item is a required input. At a minimum, the Item.ItemID
								property must be set to the ID of the listing being re-listed (a
								listing that ended in the past 90 days). By default, the new listing's
								Item object properties are the same as those of the original (ended)
								listing. By setting a new value in the Item object, the new listing
								uses the new value rather than the corresponding value from the old
					<xs:element name="ModifiedFields" type="ns:ModifiedFieldType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								In release 439 and later, ModifiedFields is no longer required to change
								field values, but it is still supported for backward compatibility.
								It is strongly recommended that you do not use ModifiedFields in this call.
								See the eBay Web Services Guide for information about the DeletedField tag and for
								rules and guidelines for changing values when relisting items.
								ModifiedFields contains an array of item property changes.
								Each element in the array indicates a first
								level property in the Item object (specified in the Item property) that is
								changing in the re-list. Item properties not specified in ModifiedFields are
								not changed in the item re-list, even if a new value is specified in the
								property in the Item object. Properties not specified retain the same value
								as is present in the ended item listing being re-listed.
					<xs:element name="DeletedField" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Specifies the name of the field to delete from a listing.
								See the eBay Web Services guide for rules on deleting values when relisting items.
								Also see the relevant field descriptions to determine when to use DeletedField (and potential consequences).
								The request can contain zero, one, or many instances of DeletedField (one for each field to be deleted).
								DeletedField accepts the following path names, which delete the corresponding nodes:<br><br>
								<!-- Item.ApplicationData (coming soon)<br> -->
								<!-- Item.BuyItNowPrice (coming soon)<br> -->
								<!-- Item.ReservePrice (coming soon)<br> -->
								These values are case-sensitive. Use values that match the case of the schema element names
								(Item.PictureDetails.GalleryURL) or make the initial letter of each field name lowercase (item.pictureDetails.galleryURL).
								However, do not change the case of letters in the middle of a field name.
								For example, item.picturedetails.galleryUrl is not allowed.<br><br>
								To delete a listing enhancement like Featured, specify the value you are deleting;
								for example, Item.ListingEnhancement[Featured].
	<!--  Call: RelistItem -->
	<xs:element name="RelistItemResponse" type="ns:RelistItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RelistItemResponseType">
				Returns the item ID and the estimated fees for the re-listed listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique item ID for the new listing.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements contain the estimated listing fees for the new item
								listing. The fees do not include the Final Value Fee (FVF), which cannot
								be determined until an item is sold.
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Date and time the new listing became active on the eBay site.
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Date and time when the new listing ends. This is the starting time plus
								the listing duration.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the primary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID passed in Item.PrimaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								CategoryID does not return a value.
					<xs:element name="Category2ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the secondary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID passed in Item.SecondaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								Category2ID does not return a value.
	<!--  Call: RemoveFromWatchList -->
	<xs:element name="RemoveFromWatchListRequest" type="ns:RemoveFromWatchListRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RemoveFromWatchListRequestType">
				Provides users the ability to remove items from their
				My eBay watch list.
						Provides users the ability to remove items from their
						My eBay watch list.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The ID of the item to be removed from the
								watch list. Either ItemID or RemoveAllItems must
								be specified, but NOT both. One or more Item IDs
								can be specified, each in it's own ItemID container.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="RemoveAllItems" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								If true, then all the items in the user's
								watch list are removed. Either ItemID or
								RemoveAllItems must be specified, but NOT both.
	<!--  Call: RemoveFromWatchList -->
	<xs:element name="RemoveFromWatchListResponse" type="ns:RemoveFromWatchListResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RemoveFromWatchListResponseType">
				Returns information about the user's My eBay watch list.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="WatchListCount" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								(out) The current number of items in the user's
								watch list (after those specified in the call
								request have been removed)
					<xs:element name="WatchListMaximum" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								(out) The maximum number of items allowed in
								watch lists. Currently this value is the same
								for all sites and all users.
	<!--  Call: RespondToBestOffer -->
	<xs:element name="RespondToBestOfferRequest" type="ns:RespondToBestOfferRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RespondToBestOfferRequestType">
				Enables the seller of a Best Offer item to respond
				with Accept or Decline to offers made by bidders.
						Enables the seller of a Best Offer item to respond
						with Accept or Decline to offers made by bidders.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the item for which the BestOffer data is to be returned.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="BestOfferID" type="ns:BestOfferIDType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								The ID of a Best Offer for the item.
					<xs:element name="Action" type="ns:BestOfferActionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The action taken on the best offer by the seller (e.g.,
								Accept, Decline, or Counter). Bulk Accept and Bulk 
								Counter are not supported. That is, you cannot accept or 
								counter multiple offers in a single call. You can, 
								however, decline multiple offers in a single call.
					<xs:element name="SellerResponse" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								A comment from the seller to the buyer.
					<xs:element name="CounterOfferPrice" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								The counter offer price. When Action is set to Counter, 
								you must specify the amount for the counteroffer with 
								CounterOfferPrice. The value of CounterOfferPrice cannot 
								exceed the Buy It Now price for a single quantity item. 
								The value of CounterOfferPrice may exceed the Buy It Now 
								price if the value for CounterOfferQuantity is greater 
								than 1.
					<xs:element name="CounterOfferQuantity" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								The counter offer quantity. When Action is set to 
								Counter you must specify the quantity of items for the 
								counteroffer with CounterOfferQuantity. 
	<!--  Call: RespondToBestOffer -->
	<xs:element name="RespondToBestOfferResponse" type="ns:RespondToBestOfferResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RespondToBestOfferResponseType">
				Contains a list of BestOffers that were either accepted or declined.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="RespondToBestOffer" type="ns:BestOfferArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								A list of BestOffers that were either accepted or declined.
	<!--  Call: RespondToFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="RespondToFeedbackRequest" type="ns:RespondToFeedbackRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RespondToFeedbackRequestType">
				Enables users to reply to feedback left by the other
				party in the transaction and/or follow up on the
				feedback left for the other party.
						Enables users to reply to feedback left by the other
						party in the transaction and/or follow up on the
						feedback left for the other party.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="FeedbackID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID that uniquely identifies the feedback.
								FeedbackIDs can be retrieved by using
								GetFeedback. Required if ItemID is not
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique identifier of an item to which the
								feedback is attached. Required if FeedbackID is
								not provided.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Unique identifier for a purchase from an
								eBay Stores Inventory or basic fixed price
								listing. If TransactionID is specified, ItemID
								must also be specified.
					<xs:element name="TargetUserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								User who left the feedback that is being
								replied to or followed up on.
					<xs:element name="ResponseType" type="ns:FeedbackResponseCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether the response is a reply
								or a follow-up.
					<xs:element name="ResponseText" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Textual comment that the user who is
								subject of feedback may leave in response or
								rebuttal to the feedback. Alternatively, when
								the  ResponseType is FollowUp, this value
								contains the text of the follow-up comment. Max
								length is 125 for the Taiwan site.
	<!--  Call: RespondToFeedback -->
	<xs:element name="RespondToFeedbackResponse" type="ns:RespondToFeedbackResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RespondToFeedbackResponseType">
				Indicates the success or failure of the attempt to reply
				to feedback that has been left for a user, or to post a
				follow-up comment to a feedback comment a user has left
				for someone else.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: RespondToWantItNowPost -->
	<xs:element name="RespondToWantItNowPostRequest" type="ns:RespondToWantItNowPostRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RespondToWantItNowPostRequestType">
				Enables a seller to respond to a Want It Now post with an item listed on the eBay
						Enables a seller to respond to a Want It Now post with an item listed on the eBay
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier of an item listed on the eBay site.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="PostID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier of a Want It Now post on the eBay site.
	<!--  Call: RespondToWantItNowPost -->
	<xs:element name="RespondToWantItNowPostResponse" type="ns:RespondToWantItNowPostResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="RespondToWantItNowPostResponseType">
				Indicates the success or failure of the attempt to respond to a Want It Now post.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType" />
	<!--  Call: ReviseCheckoutStatus -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseCheckoutStatusRequest" type="ns:ReviseCheckoutStatusRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseCheckoutStatusRequestType">
				Enables a seller to update the payment status of an item.
						Enables a seller to update the payment status of an item.
					<Title>Third Party Checkout
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique ID for the item associated with the checkout. A transaction is
								uniquely identified by one of two means: (a) You provide a TransactionID
								and ItemID. (This is the preferred approach.), OR, (b) You provide a
								BuyerID and ItemID and eBay identifies only one transaction for that
								combination (an error is returned if there are multiple transactions for
								that combination). Note: If all three are provided (that is, BuyerID,
								ItemID and TransactionID), BuyerID is ignored.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Unique ID for the transaction associated with the checkout. For Chinese
								auctions, the value passed in the TransactionID argument must be 0 or the
								call will fail with an error. For all other auction types, TransactionID
								accepts the actual, nonzero transaction ID. Call GetItemTransactionsCall
								or GetSellerTransactionsCall to determine the correct transaction ID. A
								transaction is uniquely identified by one of two means: (a) You provide a
								TransactionID and ItemID. (This is the preferred approach.), OR, (b) You
								provide a BuyerID and ItemID and eBay identifies only one transaction for
								that combination (an error is returned if there are multiple transactions
								for that combination). Note: If all three are provided (that is, BuyerID,
								ItemID and TransactionID), BuyerID is ignored.
					<xs:element name="OrderID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Unique ID for a multi-item order. If specified, ItemID and
								TransactionID are ignored if specified in the same call.
								Changes to the checkout status are applied to the specified
								order as a whole (and thus the child transactions
								associated with the order).
					<xs:element name="AmountPaid" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								The amount paid by the buyer. For an eBay Stores item, the value passed in
								AmountPaid is the transaction/item price. For a US eBay Motors item,
								AmountPaid is the total amount paid by the buyer for the deposit.
					<xs:element name="PaymentMethodUsed" type="ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Payment method used by the buyer.
								Required if CheckoutStatus is Complete.
					<xs:element name="CheckoutStatus" type="ns:CompleteStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The current status of the checkout process for the transaction.
					<xs:element name="ShippingService" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0">
								The shipping service selected by the buyer from among the shipping
								services offered by the seller (such as UPS Ground). For a list of valid
								values that you can cache for future use, call GeteBayDetails with
								DetailName set to ShippingServiceDetails.
					<xs:element name="ShippingIncludedInTax" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								An indicator of whether shipping costs were included in the
								taxable amount. For Third-Party Checkout applications.
					<xs:element name="CheckoutMethod" type="ns:CheckoutMethodCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Not supported.
					<xs:element name="InsuranceType" type="ns:InsuranceSelectedCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The insurance option selected by the buyer.
					<xs:element name="PaymentStatus" type="ns:RCSPaymentStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Not supported.
					<xs:element name="AdjustmentAmount" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Discount or charge agreed to by the buyer and seller. A positive value
								indicates that the amount is an extra charge being paid to the seller by
								the buyer. A negative value indicates that the amount is a discount given
								to the buyer by the seller.
					<xs:element name="ShippingAddress" type="ns:AddressType" minOccurs="0">
							  For internal use.
					<xs:element name="BuyerID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								eBay ID for the buyer in the transaction being revised. A transaction is
								uniquely identified by one of two means: (a) You provide a TransactionID
								and ItemID. (This is the preferred approach.), OR, (b) You provide a
								BuyerID and ItemID and eBay identifies only one transaction for that
								combination (an error is returned if there are multiple transactions for
								that combination). Note: If all three are provided (that is, BuyerID,
								ItemID and TransactionID), BuyerID is ignored.
					<xs:element name="ShippingInsuranceCost" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Amount of money paid for insurance. For Third Party Checkout
					<xs:element name="SalesTax" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Amount of money paid for sales tax. For Third-Party Checkout
					<xs:element name="ShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Amount of money paid for shipping. For Third-party Checkout
					<xs:element name="EncryptedID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Not supported.
					<xs:element name="ExternalTransaction" type="ns:ExternalTransactionType" minOccurs="0">
								Not supported.
					<xs:element name="MultipleSellerPaymentID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Not supported.
	<!--  Call: ReviseCheckoutStatus -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseCheckoutStatusResponse" type="ns:ReviseCheckoutStatusResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseCheckoutStatusResponseType">
      	Indicates success or failure of the attempt to revise the listing's checkout status.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: ReviseItem -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseItemRequest" type="ns:ReviseItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseItemRequestType">
				Enables a seller to make changes to the definition of an active item
						Enables a seller to change the properties of a
						currently active listing. Inputs are the item ID of
						the ended item being re-listed and any properties
						that are being changed for the revision.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								Required. Child elements hold the values for properties that are changing.
								The Item.ItemID property must always be set to the ID of the item listing being
								changed. Set values in the Item object only for those properties that are
								changing. Use DeletedField to remove a property.
				  			Also applicable to
					<xs:element name="ModifiedFields" type="ns:ModifiedFieldType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								In release 439 and later, ModifiedFields is no longer required to change
								field values, but it is still supported for backward compatibility.
								It is strongly recommended that you do not use ModifiedFields in this call.
								See the eBay Web Services Guide for information about the DeletedField tag and for
								rules and guidelines for changing values when revising items.
								ModifiedFields contains an array of item property changes. Each element in the array indicates a
								first level property in the Item object (specified in the Item property)
								that is changing in the revision. Item properties not specified in
								ModifiedFields are not changed in the item revision - even if a new value
								is specified in the property in the Item object. Properties not specified
								retain the same value as is present in the active item listing being
								revised. To remove a property from the item, specify it as changed
								in ModifiedFields, but do not specify a value in Item.
								Also applicable to
					<xs:element name="DeletedField" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Specifies the name of a field to delete from a listing.
								You cannot delete required fields from a listing.<br><br>
								Some fields are optional when you first list an item (e.g., ListingEnhancement),
								but once they are set they cannot be deleted when you revise an item.
								Some optional fields cannot be deleted if the item has bids and/or ends within 12 hours.
								Some optional fields cannot be deleted if other fields depend on them.
								For example, if GalleryType was already set for the item you are revising,
								you cannot remove it. Therefore, you still need to include at least one picture URL, a gallery URL,
								or a catalog stock photo in your revised listing.
								See the eBay Web Services guide for rules on removing values when revising items.
								Also see the relevant field descriptions for details on when to use DeletedField
								(and potential consequences).<br><br>
								The request can contain zero, one, or many instances of DeletedField (one for each field to be deleted).
								DeletedField accepts the following path names, which delete the corresponding nodes:<br><br>
								<!-- Item.ApplicationData (coming soon)<br> -->
								<!-- Item.BuyItNowPrice (coming soon)<br> -->
								<!-- Item.ReservePrice (coming soon)<br> -->
								These values are case-sensitive. Use values that match the case of the schema element names
								(Item.PictureDetails.GalleryURL) or make the initial letter of each field name lowercase (item.pictureDetails.galleryURL).
								However, do not change the case of letters in the middle of a field name.
								For example, item.picturedetails.galleryUrl is not allowed.
	<!--  Call: ReviseItem -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseItemResponse" type="ns:ReviseItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseItemResponseType">
				Returns the item ID and the estimated fees for the revised listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing that was revised.
								Provided for confirmation purposes. The value returned should be the
								same as the item ID specified in the ItemID property of the Item object
								specified as input for the call.
								Also applicable to
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Starting date and time for the new listing.
								Also returned for (for, the start time is
								always the time the item was listed).
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Date and time when the new listing ends. This is the starting time
								plus the listing duration.
								Also returned for, but for the actual end time is GTC
								(not the end time returned in the response).
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements contain the estimated listing fees for the revised item
								listing. The fees do not include the Final Value Fee (FVF), which cannot
								be determined until an item is sold. Revising an item does not itself
								incur a fee. However, certain item properties are fee-based and result
								in the return of fees in the call's response.
								Not applicable to
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the primary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID passed in Item.PrimaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								CategoryID does not return a value.
								Not applicable to
					<xs:element name="Category2ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the secondary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID passed in Item.SecondaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								Category2ID does not return a value.
								Not applicable to
	<!--  Call: ReviseLiveAuctionItem -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseLiveAuctionItemRequest" type="ns:ReviseLiveAuctionItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseLiveAuctionItemRequestType">
				Enables a seller to make changes to the definition of an active item
				listing that listed for the Live Auction.
						Enables an eBay Live Auctions seller to modify a
						single lot item on the eBay Live Auctions site.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								Required. Child elements hold the values for properties that are changing.
								The Item.ID property must always be set to the ID of the item listing being
								changed. Set values in the Item object only for those properties that are
								changing. To remove a property, do not give it a value in Item, but
								specify it as changed in ModifiedFields. Each first-level property
								that has a changed value must be listed in the ModifiedFields property.
					<xs:element name="ModifiedFields" type="ns:ModifiedFieldType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Array of item property changes. Each element in the array indicates a
								first level property in the Item object (specified in the Item property)
								that is changing in the revision. Item properties not specified in
								ModifiedFields are not changed in the item revision - even if a new value
								is specified in the property in the Item object. Properties not specified
								retain the same value as is present in the active item listing being
								revised. To remove a property from the item, specify it as changed
								in ModifiedFields, but do not specify a value in Item.
					<xs:element name="DeletedField" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
							Reserved for future use.
	<!--  Call: ReviseLiveAuctionItem -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseLiveAuctionItemResponse" type="ns:ReviseLiveAuctionItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseLiveAuctionItemResponseType">
				Returns the item ID and the estimated fees for the revised listing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Item ID that uniquely identifies the item listing that was revised.
								Provided for confirmation purposes. The value returned should be the
								same as the item ID specified in the ItemID property of the Item object
								specified as input for the call.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements contain the estimated listing fees for the revised item
								listing. The fees do not include the Final Value Fee (FVF), which cannot
								be determined until an item is sold. Revising an item does not itself
								incur a fee. However, certain item properties are fee-based and result
								in the return of fees in the call's response.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the primary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID passed in Item.PrimaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								CategoryID does not return a value.
					<xs:element name="Category2ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the secondary category in which the item was listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID passed in Item.SecondaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								Category2ID does not return a value.
	<!--  Call: ReviseMyMessages -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseMyMessagesRequest" type="ns:ReviseMyMessagesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseMyMessagesRequestType">
				Sets the read state for messages and alerts, the flagged state of messages, and moves
				alerts and messages into and out of folders.
						Sets the read state for messages and alerts, the flagged state of messages, and moves
						alerts and messages into and out of folders.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="MessageIDs" type="ns:MyMessagesMessageIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of up to 10 MessageID values. Either AlertIDs, MessageIDs,
								or both must be included in the request.
					<xs:element name="AlertIDs" type="ns:MyMessagesAlertIDArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains a list of up to 10 AlertID values. Either AlertIDs, MessageIDs,
								or both must be included in the request
					<xs:element name="Read" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Changes the read states of all alerts and
								messages specified in a request by their AlertID
								or MessageID values. At least one of Read,
								Flagged, or FolderID must be specified in the
								request. Note that alerts and messages retrieved
								with the API are not automatically marked Read,
								and must be marked Read with this call.
					<xs:element name="Flagged" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Changes the flagged states of all messages specified in a request
								by their MessageID values. At least one of Read, Flagged, or FolderID
								 must be specified in the request.
					<xs:element name="FolderID" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
								An ID that uniquely identifies the My Messages folder to move
								alerts and messages into. At least one of Read, Flagged, or FolderID
								 must be specified in the request.
	<!--  Call: ReviseMyMessages -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseMyMessagesResponse" type="ns:ReviseMyMessagesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseMyMessagesResponseType">
				The response to ReviseMyMessagesRequestType. If the request was successful, 
				ReviseMyMessages returns nothing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: ReviseMyMessagesFolders -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseMyMessagesFoldersRequest" type="ns:ReviseMyMessagesFoldersRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseMyMessagesFoldersRequestType">
				Renames, removes, or restores specified My Messages folders for
				a given user.
						Renames, removes, or restores specified My Messages folders
						for a given user.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Operation" type="ns:MyMessagesFolderOperationCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates the type of operation to perform on a
								specified My Messages folder. Operations include
								renaming, removing, and restoring folders. Operations
								cannot be performed on the Inbox and Sent folders.
					<xs:element name="FolderID" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								An ID that uniquely identifies the My Messages
								folder to perform the operation on. Retrieve FolderIDs
								by calling GetMyMessages with a DetailLevel of
								ReturnSummary. Inbox is FolderID = 0, and Sent is
								FolderID = 1.
					<xs:element name="FolderName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
							The name of a specified My Messages folder. Depending
							on the specified Operation, the value is an existing
							folder name or a new folder name. Retrieve existing
							FolderNames by calling GetMyMessages with a DetailLevel
							of ReturnSummary. Inbox is FolderID = 0, and Sent is
							FolderID = 1.
	<!--  Call: ReviseMyMessagesFolders -->
	<xs:element name="ReviseMyMessagesFoldersResponse" type="ns:ReviseMyMessagesFoldersResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ReviseMyMessagesFoldersResponseType">
				The response to ReviseMyMessagesFoldersRequestType. If the request was successful, 
				ReviseMyMessagesFolders returns nothing.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SellerReverseDispute -->
	<xs:element name="SellerReverseDisputeRequest" type="ns:SellerReverseDisputeRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SellerReverseDisputeRequestType">
				Enables a seller to reverse an Unpaid Item dispute that has been
				closed, for example, if buyer and seller reach an agreement. The
				seller's Final Value Fee credit and the buyer's strike are both
						Enables a seller to reverse an Unpaid Item dispute that has been
						closed, for example, if buyer and seller reach an agreement.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="DisputeID" type="ns:DisputeIDType" minOccurs="0">
								The unique identifier of the dispute that was returned when the dispute was created.
								The dispute must be an Unpaid Item dispute that the seller opened. Required.
					<xs:element name="DisputeResolutionReason" type="ns:DisputeResolutionReasonCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								The reason the dispute is being reversed. Required.
	<!--  Call: SellerReverseDispute -->
	<xs:element name="SellerReverseDisputeResponse" type="ns:SellerReverseDisputeResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SellerReverseDisputeResponseType">
            		 Returned after calling SellerReverseDisputeRequest. Contains the status
            		 of the call and any errors or warnings.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SendInvoice -->
	<xs:element name="SendInvoiceRequest" type="ns:SendInvoiceRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SendInvoiceRequestType">
				Enables a seller to send an invoice to buyer for a transaction.
						Enables a seller to send an invoice to a buyer for a transaction.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Item ID. If OrderID is not provided, both ItemID and
								TransactionID must be provided.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="TransactionID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID for the transaction with which the item was sold.
								If OrderID is not provided, both ItemID and
								TransactionID must be provided.
								For Chinese auctions, the value passed in the TransactionId
								argument must be 0 or the call will fail with an error.
								Call GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions to
								determine the correct transaction ID.
					<xs:element name="OrderID" type="ns:OrderIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Unique ID for a multi-item order. Either this OrderID must
								be specified or ItemID plus TransactionID must be specified.
								If OrderID is specified, ItemID and
								TransactionID are ignored if present in the same request. Changes to the
								checkout status are applied to the specified order as a whole
								(and thus to the child transactions associated with the order).
					<xs:element name="InternationalShippingServiceOptions" type="ns:InternationalShippingServiceOptionsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Shipping costs and options related to an international
								shipping service. When used as input, if one is provided,
								at least one domestic ShippingService must be provided.<br>
								Not applicable to invoices for digital listings.
					<xs:element name="ShippingServiceOptions" type="ns:ShippingServiceOptionsType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Indicates the shipping service that would be used to ship the item (such
								as UPS Ground). Seller can provide up to three. Shipping insurance cost
								should be identical for all domestic services.<br>
								Not applicable to invoices for digital listings.
					<xs:element name="SalesTax" type="ns:SalesTaxType" minOccurs="0">
								The details of the sales tax added to the invoice.
					<xs:element name="InsuranceOption" type="ns:InsuranceOptionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether insurance fee is required. An InsuranceOption value of
								IncludedInShippingHandling cannot be used if the item will use calculated
								shipping. Some shipping carriers automatically include shipping insurance
								for qualifying items.<br>
								Not applicable to invoices for digital listings.
									<Title>Getting Shipping Cost Information
					<xs:element name="InsuranceFee" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
							<xs:documentation>Insurance cost, as set by seller, if ShippingType = 1.
								Specify if InsuranceOption is optional or required. Must
								be greater than zero value if a value of Optional or Required is passed in
								InsuranceOption. Value specified should be the total cost of insuring the
								Not applicable to invoices for digital listings.
									<Title>Getting Shipping Cost Information
					<xs:element name="PaymentMethods" type="ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType" minOccurs="0"  maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Optional ability for the seller to add certain payment methods on
								transaction if they were not originally specified on the item.  Valid
								values are PayPal in the US, MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout (CIP+) in
								Germany, and Escrow in China
					<xs:element name="PayPalEmailAddress" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Provide PayPal email address if the payment method added is PayPal.
								For digital listings, this must be an email address associated with
								a verified PayPal Premier or Business account.
					<xs:element name="CheckoutInstructions" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								 Seller's Payment instructions/message to the buyer and return policy.
								 Default is null.
					<xs:element name="EmailCopyToSeller" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether the seller wishes to be copied on the invoice email that
								will be sent to the buyer. Default will be true.
	<!--  Call: SendInvoice -->
	<xs:element name="SendInvoiceResponse" type="ns:SendInvoiceResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SendInvoiceResponseType">
				Returns the status.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SetNotificationPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="SetNotificationPreferencesRequest"	type="ns:SetNotificationPreferencesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetNotificationPreferencesRequestType">
				Manages a user's notification preferences. These preferences can be at the application
				level, or at the user level.
						Manages a user's notification preferences. Part of
						eBay Platform Notifications, which
						can be used to alert Production-certified
						applications when certain events occur on the eBay
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ApplicationDeliveryPreferences" type="ns:ApplicationDeliveryPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies application-based event preferences that have been enabled.
					<xs:element name="UserDeliveryPreferenceArray" type="ns:NotificationEnableArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Array of NotificationEventEnableTypes. Each NotificationEventEnableType
								contains an EventSetting and an EventType.
					<xs:element name="UserData" type="ns:NotificationUserDataType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies user data for notification settings such as mobile phone number.
					<xs:element name="EventProperty" type="ns:NotificationEventPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
								Characteristics or details of an event such as type, name and value.
								Currently can only be set for wireless applications.
	<!--  Call: SetNotificationPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="SetNotificationPreferencesResponse"  type="ns:SetNotificationPreferencesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetNotificationPreferencesResponseType">
				(out) Returned after a call to SetNotificationPreferences to indicate that the call succeeded.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: SetPictureManagerDetails -->
	<xs:element name="SetPictureManagerDetailsRequest" type="ns:SetPictureManagerDetailsRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetPictureManagerDetailsRequestType">
	      Creates, updates, or deletes Picture Manager account settings, folders, or pictures.
						Creates, updates, or deletes Picture Manager account settings, folders, or pictures.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="PictureManagerDetails" type="ns:PictureManagerDetailsType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the setting or folder to create, update, or delete, or the picture to update. You cannot upload or delete pictures using SetPictureManagerDetails; you must use the eBay site.
					<xs:element name="Action" type="ns:PictureManagerActionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the action to take on the setting, folder, or picture.
								The values Add and Delete apply only to folders.
	<!--  Call: SetPictureManagerDetails -->
	<xs:element name="SetPictureManagerDetailsResponse" type="ns:SetPictureManagerDetailsResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetPictureManagerDetailsResponseType">
	     Returns the status of an action on a setting, folder, or picture in a Picture Manager account.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SetPromotionRules -->
	<xs:element name="SetPromotionRulesRequest" type="ns:SetPromotionRulesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetPromotionRulesRequestType">
				Requests to define cross-promotion rules for an item
				or store category.
						Requests to define cross-promotion rules for an item
						or store category.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="OperationType" type="ns:OperationTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether the update is for item rules or default rules for the promotion
								type. Allowed values are ItemRules or ReplaceAllDefaultRules. Required when
								setting default rules.
					<xs:element name="PromotionRuleArray" type="ns:PromotionRuleArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies a list of cross-promotion rules to set.
								Each rule defines a referring item or store category
								and the cross-promoted items or store categories.
	<!--  Call: SetPromotionRules -->
	<xs:element name="SetPromotionRulesResponse" type="ns:SetPromotionRulesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetPromotionRulesResponseType">
          	  Returned after calling SetPromotionRulesRequest to indicate
			  whether the rules have been set successfully.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SetReturnURL -->
	<xs:element name="SetReturnURLRequest" type="ns:SetReturnURLRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetReturnURLRequestType">
				Configures your application's Auth n Auth preferences and other data, such as the
				URLs that eBay should redirect users to after they complete the authentication and
				authorization process. This call must be authenticated using the application's
				username and password (not an authentication token).
						Configures your application's authentication and authorization preferences and
						other data, such as the URLs that eBay should redirect users to after they
						complete the authentication and authorization process.
					<Title>Authentication & Authorization
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="AuthenticationEntry" type="ns:AuthenticationEntryType" minOccurs="0">
								The authentication preferences and other data that you are
								adding, deleting, or modifying.
									<Title>Authentication & Authorization
					<xs:element name="ApplicationDisplayName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Sets an application display name for the eBay sign-in page.
								Need not be set with every call. Optional.
									<Title>Authentication & Authorization
					<xs:element name="Action" type="ns:ModifyActionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether the authentication entry is being added, deleted, or
									<Title>Authentication & Authorization
	<!--  Call: SetReturnURL -->
	<xs:element name="SetReturnURLResponse" type="ns:SetReturnURLResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetReturnURLResponseType">
				Confirms whether your application's authentication preferences and other details
				were configured successfully.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SetStore -->
	<xs:element name="SetStoreRequest" type="ns:SetStoreRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStoreRequestType">
				Contains the Store configuration that is being set by this call.
						Contains the Store configuration that is being set by this call.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Store" type="ns:StoreType" minOccurs="0">
					      Specifies the Store configuration that is being set for the user.
	<!--  Call: SetStore -->
	<xs:element name="SetStoreResponse" type="ns:SetStoreResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStoreResponseType">
	      Returned after calling SetStoreRequest. This serves as confirmation that
        the Store configuration was successfully submitted.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: SetStoreCategories -->
	<xs:element name="SetStoreCategoriesRequest" type="ns:SetStoreCategoriesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStoreCategoriesRequestType">
				Requests changes to the category structure for a store. Use this
				call to add, delete, move, or rename a list of categories.
						Requests changes to the category structure for a store.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Action" type="ns:StoreCategoryUpdateActionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the type of action (Add, Move, Delete, or Rename) to carry out
								for the specified categories.
					<xs:element name="ItemDestinationCategoryID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Items can only be contained within child categories. A parent category
								cannot contain items. If adding, moving, or deleting categories displaces
								items, you must specify a destination child category under which the
								displaced items will be moved. The destination category must have no
								child categories.
					<xs:element name="DestinationParentCategoryID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								When adding or moving store categories, specifies the category under
								which the listed categories will be located. To add or move categories to
								the top level, set the value to -999.
					<xs:element  name="StoreCategories"  type="ns:StoreCustomCategoryArrayType" minOccurs="0">
								Contains information for specifying the store categories being acted on.
	<!--  Call: SetStoreCategories -->
	<xs:element name="SetStoreCategoriesResponse" type="ns:SetStoreCategoriesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStoreCategoriesResponseType">
				Returns the status of the processing progress for changes to the category 
				structure for a store.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="TaskID" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0">
								The task ID associated with the category structure change request. If the 
								SetStoreCategories call is process synchronously, the task ID is 0. If the 
								category structure changes affect many listings, the changes will be 
								processed asynchronously and the task ID will be a positive number. Use 
								the task ID with GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatus to monitor the status of 
								asynchronously processed changes.
					<xs:element name="Status" type="ns:TaskStatusCodeType" minOccurs="0">  
								When a category structure change is processed synchronously, the status 
								is returned as Complete or Failed. For asynchronously processed changes, 
								the status is reported as Pending. Use GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatus to 
								monitor the status of asynchronously processed changes.
	<!--  Call: SetStoreCustomPage -->
	<xs:element name="SetStoreCustomPageRequest" type="ns:SetStoreCustomPageRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStoreCustomPageRequestType">
	      Sets a Store custom page.
			      Sets a custom page for a user's eBay Store. The
			      page can include static HTML content as well as
			      dynamic content that is added using the special eBay
			      Stores tags.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="CustomPage" type="ns:StoreCustomPageType" minOccurs="0">
	   				  	The custom page being submitted.
	<!--  Call: SetStoreCustomPage -->
	<xs:element name="SetStoreCustomPageResponse" type="ns:SetStoreCustomPageResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStoreCustomPageResponseType">
	      Returned after calling SetStoreCustomPageRequest. This serves as
	      confirmation that the custom page was successfully submitted.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="CustomPage" type="ns:StoreCustomPageType" minOccurs="0">
	   				  	The custom page that was submitted.
	<!--  Call: SetStorePreferences -->
	<xs:element name="SetStorePreferencesRequest" type="ns:SetStorePreferencesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStorePreferencesRequestType">
				Contains the Store configuration that is being set by this call.
						Sets the preferences for a user's eBay Store. These
						preferences include various seller vacation options.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="StorePreferences" type="ns:StorePreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
					      Specifies the store preferences.
	<!--  Call: SetStorePreferences -->
	<xs:element name="SetStorePreferencesResponse" type="ns:SetStorePreferencesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetStorePreferencesResponseType">
	      Returned after calling SetStorePreferencesRequest. This serves as confirmation that 
        the Store preferences were successfully submitted.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SetTaxTable -->
	<xs:element name="SetTaxTableRequest" type="ns:SetTaxTableRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetTaxTableRequestType">
				Sets the tax table for a seller on a given site.
						Sets the tax table for a seller on a given site.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="TaxTable" type="ns:TaxTableType" minOccurs="0">
								A container of tax jurisdiction information unique to a user/site combination.
	<!--  Call: SetTaxTable -->
	<xs:element name="SetTaxTableResponse" type="ns:SetTaxTableResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetTaxTableResponseType">
				Response to SetTaxTableRequest.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: SetUserNotes -->
	<xs:element name="SetUserNotesRequest" type="ns:SetUserNotesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetUserNotesRequestType">
				Enables users to add, modify and delete Notes from the items that are being tracked in
				the My eBay All Selling and All Buying areas.
						Enables users to add, modify and delete Notes from the items that are being tracked in
						the My eBay All Selling and All Buying areas.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the item to which the note will be attached.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Action" type="ns:SetUserNotesActionCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies whether to add/update the note or delete.
					<xs:element name="NoteText" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Text of the note. Maximum 250 characters.
								Required only if the Action is AddOrUpdate.
	<!--  Call: SetUserNotes -->
	<xs:element name="SetUserNotesResponse" type="ns:SetUserNotesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetUserNotesResponseType">
				Returns the status of the call.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType"/>
	<!--  Call: SetUserPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="SetUserPreferencesRequest" type="ns:SetUserPreferencesRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetUserPreferencesRequestType">
				Sets the user's preferences to those specified in the request. As
				a general rule, once you set a preference,  GetUserPreferences
				and the user's preferences displayed on the eBay Web site should
				reflect the new setting immediately. However, it could take up to
				7 days for the change to have any logical or functional effect.
				For example, if you change your combined payment preferences, it
				could take up to 7 days for eBay to apply the updated combined
				payment settings to your listings. Also, once you set a
				preference, you cannot change its setting again within 7 days.
						Sets the user's preferences to those specified in the request.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="BidderNoticePreferences" type="ns:BidderNoticePreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The user's bidder notice preferences to be set.
					<xs:element name="CombinedPaymentPreferences" type="ns:CombinedPaymentPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The user's combined payment preferences to be set.
								When you change these preferences, it can take up to 7 days for the change
								to have any logical or functional effect on eBay. <br>
								For the US and Germany sites, combined payment preferences can also affect whether a
								seller is eligible to list on Express.
								A seller needs to allow shoppers to pay by single, combined payments for their purchases.
								A seller is not eligible for Express if they don't allow combined payments.
								Once changes to these preferences take effect on eBay (within 7 days), it can take up to 7 more days for
								existing items to be added to or removed from Express. Thus, it can take up to 14 days (total)
								for combined payment preference changes to affect whether listings appear on Express.
								Also see ExpressPreferences.ExpressSellingPreferences.
					<xs:element name="CrossPromotionPreferences" type="ns:CrossPromotionPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The user's cross promotion preferences to be set.
					<xs:element name="SellerPaymentPreferences" type="ns:SellerPaymentPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The user's seller payment preferences to be set.
					<xs:element name="SellerFavoriteItemPreferences" type="ns:SellerFavoriteItemPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								Seller's favorite item preferences to be set.
					<xs:element name="EndOfAuctionEmailPreferences" type="ns:EndOfAuctionEmailPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The seller's end of auction email preferences to be set.
					<xs:element name="eBxOptInPreference" type="ns:eBxOptInPreferenceType" minOccurs="0">
								TThe seller's Express opt-in preference, which indicates
								whether they want their eligible listings to be included on eBay Express.
								As of release 463, you should use ExpressPreferences instead.
								Only applicable to sellers who are eligible to list on Express.
								Call GetUser to determine the seller's eligibility.
								This flag may be obsolete soon.
					<xs:element name="ExpressPreferences" type="ns:ExpressPreferencesType" minOccurs="0">
								The seller's Express preferences. Currently used to indicate
								which of the seller's eligible listings to include on Express.
								You can only set these preferences for sellers who are eligible
								to list on Express.
								To determine the seller's eligibility, call GetUser and check the value of SellerInfo.ExpressEligible.
								Once you set Express preferences, you cannot set them again
								(e.g., to change the value) within 7 days.
								Also see CombinedPaymentPreferences, which affect a seller's
								eligibility to list on Express.
	<!--  Call: SetUserPreferences -->
	<xs:element name="SetUserPreferencesResponse" type="ns:SetUserPreferencesResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SetUserPreferencesResponseType">
				Returned after a call to SetUserPreferences to indicate that the call succeeded.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: ValidateTestUserRegistration -->
	<xs:element name="ValidateTestUserRegistrationRequest" type="ns:ValidateTestUserRegistrationRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ValidateTestUserRegistrationRequestType">
				Requests to enable a test user to sell items in the Sandbox environment.
						Requests to enable a test user to sell items in the Sandbox environment.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="FeedbackScore" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
								Value for the feedback score of a user. If no value is passed in the request,
								or if the value is zero, the feedback score is unchanged. This element is not intended
								for regularly testing feedback because the feedback value can change after the request.
					<xs:element name="RegistrationDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
								Value for the date and time that a user's registration begins.
					<xs:element name="SubscribeSA" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates if a user subscribes to Seller's Assistant. You cannot
								request to subscribe a user to both Seller's Assistant and
								Seller's Assistant Pro. You cannot request to unsubscribe a user.
					<xs:element name="SubscribeSAPro" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates if a user subscribes to Seller's Assistant Pro. You cannot
								request to subscribe a user to both Seller's Assistant and
								Seller's Assistant Pro. You cannot request to unsubscribe a user.
					<xs:element name="SubscribeSM" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates if a user subscribes to Selling Manager. You cannot
								request to subscribe a user to both Selling Manager and
								Selling Manager Pro. You cannot request to unsubscribe a user.
					<xs:element name="SubscribeSMPro" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
								Indicates if a user subscribes to Selling Manager Pro. You cannot
								request to subscribe a user to both Selling Manager and
								Selling Manager Pro. You cannot request to unsubscribe a user.
	<!--  Call: ValidateTestUserRegistration -->
	<xs:element name="ValidateTestUserRegistrationResponse" type="ns:ValidateTestUserRegistrationResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="ValidateTestUserRegistrationResponseType">
	      Returned after calling ValidateTestUserRegistrationRequest; confirms a successful
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
	<!--  Call: VerifyAddItem -->
	<xs:element name="VerifyAddItemRequest" type="ns:VerifyAddItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="VerifyAddItemRequestType">
				Defines a single new item and tests the definition for validity. Behaves exactly
				the same as AddItem (same inputs, same outputs, and same behavior and usage rules),
				but without actually listing the item to an eBay site. Applications can use this call
				to test the definition of an item before actually listing it to eBay with AddItem,
				reducing item listing-related errors.
						Enables a seller to specify the properties for a new
						item and submit to eBay without creating a
						listing. This enables the seller to test
						the specified item properties for validity and get
						an estimate of the listing fees before actually
						listing the item. Inputs are the same as for AddItem.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="Item" type="ns:ItemType" minOccurs="0">
								ItemType object, the properties of which define the new item listing.
					<xs:element name="ExternalProductID" type="ns:ExternalProductIDType" minOccurs="0">
								<b>Deprecated.</b> This field will be removed from the schema
								in a future release. Recommended usage as of release 439 varies for listings and listings.
								For listings:
								As of release 439, this field can still be passed in, but we recommend
								that you update your applications to use the ExternalProductID field
								defined on the item instead (i.e., Item.ExternalProductID). If you
								specify both Item.ExternalProductID and this field in the same request,
								eBay uses the value in Item.ExternalProductID and ignores the value in
								this field. See Item.ExternalProductID for information on using an
								external ID for listings.
								For listings:
								As of release 439, this field is required for listings.
								Causes to list the item with Pre-filled Item Information based on
								an ISBN value or other supported external ID, plus other meta-data that
								you specify. See the eBay Web Services guide for information about
								listing to
	<!--  Call: VerifyAddItem -->
	<xs:element name="VerifyAddItemResponse" type="ns:VerifyAddItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="VerifyAddItemResponseType">
				Returns the estimated fees that would be applicable for a new listing
				(were the item actually listed to eBay with AddItem).
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Represents the item ID for the new listing. VerifyAddItem does not
								actually list an item, so 0 is returned instead of a normal item ID.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType" minOccurs="0">
								Child elements contain the estimated listing fees for the new item listing.
								The fees do not include the Final Value Fee (FVF), which cannot be determined
								until an item is sold.
					<xs:element name="CategoryID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the primary category in which the item would be listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID you passed in PrimaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the primary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								CategoryID does not return a value.
					<xs:element name="Category2ID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								ID of the secondary category in which the item would be listed.
								Only returned if you set Item.CategoryMappingAllowed to true in the request
								and the ID you passed in SecondaryCategory was mapped to a new ID by eBay.
								If the secondary category has not changed or it has expired with no replacement,
								Category2ID does not return a value.
	<!--  Call: VerifyAddSecondChanceItem -->
	<xs:element name="VerifyAddSecondChanceItemRequest" type="ns:VerifyAddSecondChanceItemRequestType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="VerifyAddSecondChanceItemRequestType">
				Emulates the creation of a new Second Chance Offer
				listing for an item to one of that item's non-winning
						Tests the input for AddSecondChanceItem, without
						actually creating the second chance offer listing.
						Used for testing the listing of an item
						that will be made for one of the item's non-winning
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractRequestType">
					<xs:element name="RecipientBidderUserID" type="ns:UserIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the bidder from the original,
								ended listing to whom the seller is extending
								the second chance offer. Specify only one
								RecipientBidderUserID per call. If multiple
								users are specified (each in a
								RecipientBidderUserID node), only the last one
								specified receives the offer.
					<xs:element name="BuyItNowPrice" type="ns:AmountType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the amount the offer recipient
								must pay to purchase the item from the second
								chance offer listing. Use only when the original
								item was an eBay Motors (or in some categories
								on U.S. and international sites for high-priced
								items, such as items in many U.S. and Canada
								Business and Industrial categories) and it ended
								unsold because the reserve price was not met.
								Call fails with an error for any other item
					<xs:element name="CopyEmailToSeller" type="xs:boolean">
									Specifies whether to send a
									copy to the seller of the second chance offer
									notification email that goes to the recipient
									user. With 457, the seller always receives a
									copy of the email, and this tag is ignored as
					<xs:element name="Duration" type="ns:SecondChanceOfferDurationCodeType" minOccurs="0">
									Specifies the length of time the second
									chance offer listing will be active. The
									recipient bidder has that much time to
									purchase the item or the listing expires.
					<xs:element name="ItemID" type="ns:ItemIDType" minOccurs="0">
								Specifies the item ID for the original,
								ended listing from which the second chance
								offer item comes. A new ItemID is returned for
								the second chance offer item.
								<MaxLength>19 (Note: The eBay database specifies 38. Currently, Item IDs are usually 9 to 12 digits)
					<xs:element name="Site" type="ns:SiteCodeType" minOccurs="0">
								Reserved for internal or future use.
					<xs:element name="SellerMessage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
								Message content. Cannot contain HTML,
								asterisks, or quotes. This content is
								included in the second chance offer email sent
								to the recipient, which can be retrieved with

	<!--  Call: VerifyAddSecondChanceItem -->
	<xs:element name="VerifyAddSecondChanceItemResponse" type="ns:VerifyAddSecondChanceItemResponseType"/>
	<xs:complexType name="VerifyAddSecondChanceItemResponseType">
				VerifyAddSecondChanceItem request to emulate creation of a new Second Chance Offer for an item to one of
				that item's bidders.
			<xs:extension base="ns:AbstractResponseType">
					<xs:element name="Fees" type="ns:FeesType"  minOccurs="0">
								Contains the listing fees for the new second
								chance offer listing. No fees are actually
								assessed as VerifyAddSecondChanceItem does not actually create the new second chance offer
								listing. Provides an estimate of the fees should
								the offer actually be made using
								See the documentation on Value-Added Tax.
									<Title>Value-Added Tax (VAT)
					<xs:element name="StartTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
									Indicates the date and time when the the new
									second chance offer listing became active and
									the recipient user could purchase the item.
					<xs:element name="EndTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
									Indicates the date and time when the second
									chance offer listing expires, at which time
									the listing ends (if the recipient user does
									not purchase the item first).

##### from file ../Shared/public/AbstractRequestType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="AbstractRequestType" abstract="true">
				Base type definition of the request payload, which can carry any type of payload
				content plus optional versioning information and detail level requirements. All
				concrete request types (e.g., AddItemRequestType) are derived from the abstract
				request type. The naming convention we use for the concrete type names is the name
				of the service (the verb or call name) followed by "RequestType":
			<xs:element name="DetailLevel" type="ns:DetailLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						Detail levels are instructions that define standard subsets of
						data to return for particular data components (e.g., each
						Item, Transaction, or User) within the response payload.
						For example, a particular detail level might cause the
						response to include buyer-related data in every result
						(e.g., for every Item), but no seller-related data.
						Specifying a detail level is like using a
						predefined attribute list in the SELECT clause of an SQL query.
						Use the DetailLevel element to specify the required detail level
						that the client application needs pertaining to the data components
						that are applicable to the request.<br>
						The DetailLevelCodeType defines the
						global list of available detail levels for all request types.
						Most request types support certain detail
						levels or none at all. If you pass a detail level that exists
						in the schema but that isn't valid for a particular request,
						eBay ignores it processes the request without it.
						For each request type, see the detail level tables in the
						Input/Output Reference to determine which detail levels are
						applicable and which elements are returned for each applicable
						detail level. (Some detail level tables are still in the
						eBay Web Services guide. They will be moved to the
						Input/Output Reference in a future release.)<br>
						<br>Note that DetailLevel is required input for
						GetMyMessages. <br>
						With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets,
						please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use
						GetSellerList, use a GranularityLevel or use the
						GetSellerEvents call instead. If you do use ReturnAll with
						GetSellerList, use a small EntriesPerPage value and a short
						EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo range for better performance.
			<xs:element name="ErrorLanguage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Use ErrorLanguage to return error strings for the call in a different language
						from the language commonly associated with the site that the requesting user
						is registered with. Specify the standard RFC 3066 language identification tag
						(e.g., en_US).
						ID--- country<br>
						----- -----<br>
						de_AT Austria<br>
						de_CH Switzerland<br>
						de_DE Germany <br>
						en_AU Australia <br>
						en_CA Canada <br>
						en_GB United Kingdom<br>
						en_SG Singapore<br>
						en_US United States <br>
						es_ES Spain <br>
						fr_BE Belgium (French)<br>
						fr_FR France <br>
						it_IT Italy <br>
						nl_BE Belgium (Dutch)<br>
						nl_NL Netherlands <br>
						zh_TW Taiwan<br>
						zh_CN China<br>
						en_IN India<br>
						en_IE Ireland<br>
						zh_HK Hong Kong<br>
							<Title>Tags for the Identification of Languages
			<xs:element name="MessageID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						In most cases, all calls support a MessageID element in the request and a
						CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass a message ID in a request,
						we will return the same value in CorrelationID in the response. You can use
						this for tracking that a response is returned for every request and to match
						particular responses to particular requests. If you do not pass MessageID in
						the request, CorrelationID is not returned. Note that some calls are designed
						to retrieve large sets of meta-data that only change once a day or less often.
						To improve performance, these calls return cached responses when you request
						all available data (with no filters). In these cases, the correlation ID is
						not applicable. However, if you specify an input filter to reduce the amount
						data returned, you can use MessageID and CorrelationID for these meta-data
						calls. These are the meta-data calls that can return cached responses:
						GetCategories, GetAttributesCS, GetCategory2CS, GetAttributesXsl,
						GetProductFinder, GetProductFinderXsl, and GetProductSearchPage.
			<xs:element name="Version" type="xs:string"  minOccurs="0">
						The version of the request payload schema. If you are using the SOAP API, this
						field is required in the body of the request. Specify the version of the
						schema your application is using. If you are using the XML API, this field has
						no effect. Instead, specify the version in the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL
						HTTP header. (eBay only uses the value in this HTTP header when processing XML
						API requests. If you specify Version in the body of an XML API request and it
						is different from the value in the HTTP header, eBay returns an informational
						warning that the value in the HTTP header was used instead.) The version you
						specify for a call has two effects:<br>
						- It directly indicates the version of the code lists and other data that eBay
						should use to process your request.<br>
						- It indirectly indicates the API compatibility level of the data and
						functionality you are using.<br>
						See the eBay Web Services guide for information about schema versions, code
						lists, and compatibility levels.
			<xs:element name="ErrorHandling" type="ns:ErrorHandlingCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						Error tolerance level for the call. For calls that support Item Specifics,
						this is a preference that controls how eBay handles listing requests when
						invalid attribute data is passed in. See Attribute Error Handling in the
						eBay Web Services guide for details about this field in listing requests.
			<xs:element name="InvocationID" type="ns:UUIDType" minOccurs="0">
						A unique identifer for a particular call. If the same InvocationID is passed
						in after it has been passed in once on a call that succeeded for a particular
						application and user, then an error will be returned. The identifier can
						only contain digits from 0-9 and letters from A-F. The
						identifier must be 32 characters long.  For example,
			<xs:element name="WarningLevel" type="ns:WarningLevelCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						Controls whether or not to return warnings when the application passes
						unrecognized elements in a request (i.e., elements that are not defined in the
						schema). (This does not control warnings related to unrecognized values within
						elements.) Schema element names are case-sensitive, so this option can also
						help you remove any potential hidden bugs within your application due to
						incorrect case or spelling in tag names before you put your application into
						the Production environment. Note that this setting only validates elements; it
						does not validate XML attributes.<br>
						We recommend that you only use this during development and debugging. Do not
						use this in requests in your production code.<br>
							<Title>Warning Level
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/AbstractResponseType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="AbstractResponseType" abstract="true">
				Base type definition of a response payload that can carry any
				type of payload content with following optional elements:<br>
				- timestamp of response message<br>
				- application-level acknowledgement<br>
				- application-level (business-level) errors and warnings
			<xs:element name="Timestamp" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
						This value represents the date and time when eBay processed the
						request. The time zone of this value is GMT and the format is the
						ISO 8601 date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ). See Time
						Values in the eBay Web Services guide for information about this
						time format and converting to and from the GMT time zone. Certain
						calls, such as GetCategories, can return very large responses that
						change once a day or less often. For better performance, such calls
						may return cached data. In these cases, this time value reflects the
						time the cached response was created. Thus, this value is not
						necessarily within a few seconds of the time you submitted the
						These are the meta-data calls that can return cached responses:
						GetCategories, GetAttributesCS, GetCategory2CS, GetAttributesXsl,
						GetProductFinder, GetProductFinderXsl, and GetProductSearchPage.
			<xs:element name="Ack" type="ns:AckCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						A token representing the application-level acknowledgement code that indicates
						the response status (e.g., success). The AckCodeType list specifies
						the possible values for Ack.
			<xs:element name="CorrelationID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						In most cases, all calls support a MessageID element in the request
						and a CorrelationID element in the response. If you pass a message
						ID in a request, we will return the same value in CorrelationID in
						the response. You can use this for tracking that a response is
						returned for every request and to match particular responses to
						particular requests. If you do not pass MessageID in the request,
						CorrelationID is not returned. Note that some calls are designed to
						retrieve large sets of meta-data that only change once a day or less
						often. To improve performance, these calls return cached responses
						when you request all available data (with no filters). In these
						cases, the correlation ID is not applicable. However, if you specify
						an input filter to reduce the amount data returned, you can use
						MessageID and CorrelationID for these meta-data calls.
						These are the calls that can return cached responses:
						GetCategories, GetAttributesCS, GetCategory2CS, GetAttributesXsl,
						GetProductFinder, GetProductFinderXsl, and GetProductSearchPage.
			<xs:element name="Errors" type="ns:ErrorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						A list of application-level errors (if any) that occurred when eBay
						processed the request.
			<xs:element name="Message" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Supplemental information from eBay, if applicable. May elaborate on errors or
						provide useful hints for the seller. This data can accompany the call's normal
						data result set or a result set that contains only errors. The string can
						return HTML, including TABLE, IMG, and HREF elements. In this case, an HTML-
						based application should be able to include the HTML as-is in the HTML page
						that displays the results. A non-HTML application would need to parse the HTML
						and convert the table elements and image references into UI elements
						particular to the programming language used. Because this data is returned as
						a string, the HTML markup elements are escaped with character entity
						references (e.g.,&lt;table&gt;&lt;tr&gt;...). See the
						appendices in the eBay Web Services guide for general information about string
						data types.
			<xs:element name="Version" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						The version of the response payload schema. Indicates the version of the
						schema that eBay used to process the request.
						See "Standard Data for All Calls" in the eBay Web Services Guide for information
						on using the response version when troubleshooting "CustomCode" values that appear
						in the response.
			<xs:element name="Build" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						This refers to the specific software build that eBay used when processing the request
						and generating the response. This includes the version number plus additional
						information. eBay Developer Support may request the build information
						when helping you resolve technical issues.
			<xs:element name="NotificationEventName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Event name of the notification. Only returned by Platform Notifications.
			<xs:element name="DuplicateInvocationDetails" type="ns:DuplicateInvocationDetailsType" minOccurs="0">
						Information that explains a failure due to a duplicate InvocationID being
						passed in.
			<xs:element name="RecipientUserID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Recipient user ID of the notification. Only returned by Platform Notifications.
			<xs:element name="EIASToken" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Unique Identifier of Recipient user ID of the notification. Only returned by
						Platform Notifications (not for regular API call responses).
			<xs:element name="NotificationSignature" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						A Base64-encoded MD5 hash that allows the recipient of a Platform
						Notification to verify this is a valid Platform Notification sent by
			<xs:element name="HardExpirationWarning" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned
						within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure
						that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a
						user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A
						token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this
						amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced
						with a new token.
							<AllCallsExcept>FetchToken, GetReturnURL, GetRuName, SetReturnURL
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/AckCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="AckCodeType">
AckCodeType - Type declaration to be used by other schema.
This code identifies the acknowledgement code types that 
eBay could use to communicate the status of processing a 
(request) message to an application. This code would be used 
as part of a response message that contains an  
application-level acknowledgement element.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Success">
					   (out) Request processing succeeded
			<xs:enumeration value="Failure">
					   (out) Request processing failed
			<xs:enumeration value="Warning">
					   (out) Request processing completed with warning information
					   being included in the response message
			<xs:enumeration value="PartialFailure">
						(out) Request processing completed with some failures.
						See the Errors data to determine which portions of the request failed.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
					   (out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/BuyerPaymentMethodCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType">
				Identifies payment methods used by a buyer to pay a
				seller. On item listings, identifies one of the payment methods
				seller will accept for the item. Available payment methods can 
				differ by site and item. Payment methods are not applicable to eBay 
				Real Estate ad format listings.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="None">
						(in/out) No payment method specified.
						For example, no payment methods would be specified for Ad format listings.
			<xs:enumeration value="MOCC">
						(in/out) Money order/cashiers check.
			<xs:enumeration value="AmEx">
						(in/out) American Express.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentSeeDescription">
						(in/out) Payment instructions are contained in the item's description.
			<xs:enumeration value="CCAccepted">
						(in/out) Credit card. 
						Not applicable to Real Estate or US/CA eBay Motors listings.  
			<xs:enumeration value="PersonalCheck">
						(in/out) Personal check.
			<xs:enumeration value="COD">
						(in/out) Cash on delivery. 
						This payment method is obsolete (ignored) for the US, US eBay Motors, UK, and Canada sites. 
						See "Field Differences for eBay Sites" in the eBay Web Services Guide for a list of sites 
						that accept COD as a payment method. Not applicable to Real Estate listings. 
						When revising an item (on sites that still support COD), you can add or change its value. 
			<xs:enumeration value="VisaMC">
						(in/out) Visa/Mastercard.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaisaPayAccepted">
						(in/out) PaisaPay (for India site only).
			<xs:enumeration value="Other">
						(in/out) Other forms of payment. Some custom methods are accepted by seller
						as the payment method in the transaction.
			<xs:enumeration value="PayPal">
						(in/out) PayPal is accepted as a payment method. If true for a listing, Item.PayPalEmailAddress 
						must also be set for the listing.
						If you don't pass PayPal in the listing request but the seller's eBay preferences are set to accept PayPal 
						on all listings, eBay will add PayPal as a payment method and return a warning.
						PayPal must be accepted when the seller requires immediate payment (Item.AutoPay) or 
						offers other PayPal-based features, such as a finance offer (Item.FinanceOfferID).
						PayPal must be accepted for charity listings.
						PayPal must be accepted for event ticket listings when the venue is in New York state or Illinois, 
						so that eBay can offer buyer protection (per state law). (For some applications, it may be 
						simplest to use errors returned from VerifyAddItem to flag the PayPal requirement for 
						New York and Illinois ticket listings.) 
						For additional information about PayPal, see the eBay Web Services Guide.
			<xs:enumeration value="Discover">
						(in/out) Discover card.
			<xs:enumeration value="CashOnPickup">
						(in/out) Payment on delivery.
						Not applicable to Real Estate or US/CA eBay Motors listings. 
			<xs:enumeration value="MoneyXferAccepted">
						(in/out) Direct transfer of money.
			<xs:enumeration value="MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout">
						(in/out) If the seller has bank account information on file, and
						MoneyXferAcceptedInCheckout = true, then the bank account information will
						be displayed in Checkout. Applicable only to certain global eBay sites. See
						the "International Differences Overview" in the eBay Web Services Guide.
			<xs:enumeration value="OtherOnlinePayments">
						(in/out) All other online payments.
			<xs:enumeration value="Escrow">
						(in/out) China site payment method: Escrow managed payment.
						If a seller on the eBay China site has a feedback score less than 5 
						OR a positive feedback rate less than 90% OR the seller is unverified 
						(CN verified status), then escrow is required for the seller to list an 
						item. If escrow is required and an attempt is made to list an item 
						without offering escrow, then an error message is returned. For additional
						information, see the International Differences Overview in the eBay Web Services Guide.
			<xs:enumeration value="PrePayDelivery">
						(in/out) China site payment method: PrePayDelivery.  
						NOTE: This value is deprecated.
			<xs:enumeration value="CODPrePayDelivery">
						(in/out) Cash On Delivery After Paid. Applicable for eBay China site only (site ID 223).
			<xs:enumeration value="PostalTransfer">
						(in/out) China site payment method: PostalTransfer.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
						(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
			<xs:enumeration value="LoanCheck">
						(in/out) Loan check option (applicable only to the US eBay Motors site,
						except in the Parts and Accessories category, and the eBay Canada site for motors).
			<xs:enumeration value="CashInPerson">
						(in/out) Cash-in-person option. Applicable only to US and Canada eBay Motors vehicles,
						(not the Parts and Accessories category).
##### from file ../Shared/public/CustomSecurityHeaderType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="CustomSecurityHeaderType">
				Security header used for SOAP API calls.
			<xs:element name="eBayAuthToken" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Authentication token representing the user who is making the
						request. The user's token must be retrieved from eBay. To determine
						a user's authentication token, see the Authentication and
						Authorization information in the eBay Web Services guide. For calls
						that list or retrieve item or transaction data, the user usually
						needs to be the seller of the item in question or, in some cases,
						the buyer. Similarly, calls that retrieve user or account data may
						be restricted to the user whose data is being requested. The
						documentation for each call includes information about such
							<AllCallsExcept>FetchToken, GetReturnURL, GetRuName, SetReturnURL
							<Title>Authentication & Authorization
			<xs:element name="HardExpirationWarning" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Expiration date of the user's authentication token. Only returned
						within the 7-day period prior to a token's expiration. To ensure
						that user authentication tokens are secure and to help avoid a
						user's token being compromised, tokens have a limited life span. A
						token is only valid for a period of time (set by eBay). After this
						amount of time has passed, the token expires and must be replaced
						with a new token.
							<AllCallsExcept>FetchToken, GetReturnURL, GetRuName, SetReturnURL
			<xs:element name="Credentials" type="ns:UserIdPasswordType" minOccurs="0">
						Authentication information for the user on whose behalf the
						application is making the request, and authorization information for
						the application making the request. Only registered eBay users are
						allowed to make API calls. To verify that a user is registered, your
						application normally needs to pass a user-specific value called an
						"authentication token" in the request. This is equivalent to signing
						in on the eBay Web site. As API calls do not pass session
						information, you need to pass the user's authentication token every
						time you invoke a call on their behalf. All calls require an
						authentication token, except the calls you use to retrieve a token
						in the first place. For such calls, you use the eBay member's
						username and password instead.
			<xs:element name="NotificationSignature" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						A Base64-encoded MD5 hash that allows the recepient of a Platform
						Notification to verify this is a valid Platform Notification sent by
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/DetailLevelCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DetailLevelCodeType">
DetailLevelCodeType - Type declaration to be used by other schema.
Specifies standard subsets of data to return for each result
within the set of results in the response payload. If no
detail level is specified, a base set of data is returned.
The base set of data varies per call.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="ReturnAll">
						(in) Returns all available data.
						With GetSellerList and other calls that retrieve large data sets,
						please avoid using ReturnAll when possible. For example, if you use
						GetSellerList, use a GranularityLevel or use the
						GetSellerEvents call instead. If you use ReturnAll with GetSellerList,
						use a small EntriesPerPage value and a short
						EndTimeFrom/EndTimeTo range for better performance.
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemReturnDescription">
						  (in) Returns Description, plus the
						  ListingDesigner node and some additional information if applicable
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemReturnAttributes">
						  (in) Returns Item Specifics and Pre-filled Item Information,
						  if applicable
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemReturnCategories">
						  (in) For the GetSearchResults call, returns the primary category and, if applicable, the secondary category
			<xs:enumeration value="ReturnSummary">
						(in) Returns the summary data.
						For GetMyMessages, this detail level returns the same data
						whether or not you include MessageIDs or AlertIDs in the
						request. Returns up to 10 FolderID and FolderName values.
						Currently, this detail level is the only way to retrieve
						FolderID and FolderName values. See "GetMyMessages" in the
						eBay Web Services Guide for a code sample that demonstrates
							<Title>"Retrieving FolderID and FolderName Values"
			<xs:enumeration value="ReturnHeaders">
						(in) Returns message headers.
						For GetMyMessages, if you include MessageIDs or AlertIDs in
						the request, this detail level returns header information,
						without body text, for the specified message ID or alert ID
						values. If you include a FolderID, header information is
						returned only for the messages and alerts in the specified
						If you do not include MessageIDs or AlertIDs, this detail
						level returns header information for:
						- All alerts in priority order with the highest priority
						  alerts first
						- All messages in ascending order by date received with the
						  oldest messages first.
						Note that even when restricted by this detail level to
						return only header information, GetMyMessages may return a
						high volume of data.
			<xs:enumeration value="ReturnMessages">
						(in) Returns full message information.
						For GetMyMessages, if you include MessageIDs or AlertIDs in
						the request, this detail level returns message information
						for the specified message ID or alert ID values. If you
						include a FolderID, message information is returned only for
						the messages and alerts in the specified folder.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeActivityCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeActivityCodeType">
				Defines the action taken on a dispute with AddDisputeResponse. The value
				you can use at a given time depends on the current value of DisputeState
				(see the Developer Guide for more information). Some values are for
				Unpaid Item disputes and some are for Item Not Received disputes.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerAddInformation">
						(in) The seller wants to add a response to the dispute. For Unpaid
						Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerCompletedTransaction">
						(in) The buyer has paid or the seller otherwise does not need to
						pursue the dispute any longer. For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="CameToAgreementNeedFVFCredit">
						(in) The seller has made an agreement with the buyer and requires a
						credit for a Final Value Fee already paid. For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerEndCommunication">
						(in) The seller wants to end communication or stop waiting for the
						buyer. For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="MutualAgreementOrNoBuyerResponse">
						(in) The seller wants to end communication or stop waiting for the
						buyer. Mutual agreement has been reached or the buyer has not
						responded within 7 days. For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerOffersRefund">
						(in) The seller offers a full refund if the buyer did not receive
						the item or a partial refund if the item is significantly not as
						described. For Item Not Received or Significantly Not As Described
						disputes. Can be used when DisputeState is:<br>
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerShippedItem">
						(in) The seller has shipped the item or a replacement and provides
						shipping information. For Item Not Received and Significantly Not As
						Described disputes. Can be used when DisputeState is:<br>
						NotReceivedNoSellerResponse<br> NotReceivedMutualCommunication
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerComment">
						(in) The seller communicates with the buyer, offering a response or
						comment. For Item Not Received and Significantly Not As Described
						disputes. Can be used when DisputeState is:<br>
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerPaymentNotReceived">
						(in) Seller hasn't received payment or the payment hasn't cleared
						yet. For Item Not Received disputes. Can be used when DisputeState
						is:<br> NotReceivedNoSellerResponse<br>
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
						(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeCreditEligibilityCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeCreditEligibilityCodeType">
			Indicates whether the dispute is currently eligible for Final Value Fee credit. The value
			does not indicate whether the credit will actually be made. Applies to Unpaid Item
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="InEligible">
    					(out) The seller is not currently eligible for a credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="Eligible">
    					(out) The seller is eligible for a credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                			(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeExplanationCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeExplanationCodeType">
			 Contains the dispute explanation, entered when the dispute was created.
			 Provides additional information to supplement the dispute reason. The values allowed
			 depend on the value of DisputeReason.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerHasNotResponded">
					 (in/out) The buyer has not responded within the 7-day waiting period.
					 Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerRefusedToPay">
					(in/out) The buyer has refused to pay. Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerNotClearedToPay">
					(in/out) The buyer is not cleared to pay. Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerReturnedItemForRefund">
    				(in/out) The buyer returned the item for a refund. Allowed when DisputeReason is TransactionMutuallyCanceled.
			<xs:enumeration value="UnableToResolveTerms">
    				(in/out) The buyer and seller were unable to resolve a disagreement over terms. Allowed when DisputeReason
    				is TransactionMutuallyCanceled.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerNoLongerWantsItem">
    				(in/out) The buyer no longer wants the item. Allowed when DisputeReason is
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerPurchasingMistake">
    				(in/out) The buyer made a mistake. Allowed when DisputeReason is
			<xs:enumeration value="ShipCountryNotSupported">
    				(in/out) The buyer requests shipment to a country that the seller
    				does not ship to. Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid.
			<xs:enumeration value="ShippingAddressNotConfirmed">
    				(in/out) The buyer requests shipment to an unconfirmed address.
    				Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid or TransactionMutuallyCanceled.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentMethodNotSupported">
    				(in/out) The buyer requests a payment method that the seller does not accept.
    				Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid or TransactionMutuallyCanceled.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerNoLongerRegistered">
    				(in/out) The buyer is no longer a registered user.
    				Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid.
			<xs:enumeration value="OtherExplanation">
    				(in/out) Some other reason not specified in this code list.
    				Allowed when DisputeReason is BuyerHasNotPaid or TransactionMutuallyCanceled.
			<xs:enumeration value="Unspecified">
					(in/out) Used when DisputeReason is ItemNotReceived or SignificantlyNotAsDescribed.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                	(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeFilterCountType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="DisputeFilterCountType">
				The number of disputes that match a given filter.
			<xs:element name="DisputeFilterType" type="ns:DisputeFilterTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						A filter used to reduce the number of disputes returned. The filter uses criteria
						such as whether the dispute is awaiting a response, is closed, or is eligible for
						credit. Both Unpaid Item and Item Not Received disputes can be returned for the
						same filter value.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
			<xs:element name="TotalAvailable" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
						The number of disputes that match the filter.
						In the GetUserDisputes response, not returned for the filter type
						that was used in the request.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnSummary, ReturnAll, none
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeFilterTypeCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeFilterTypeCodeType">
			Specifies which disputes are returned. Filtering is done for disputes
			that are awaiting a certain party's response or are closed. The returned list
			can contain both Unpaid Item and Item Not Received disputes.
			All disputes returned involve the requester as buyer or seller.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="AllInvolvedDisputes">
					(in) All disputes that involve me as buyer or seller.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputesAwaitingMyResponse">
					(in) All disputes that involve me as buyer or seller and
					are awaiting my response. Default value.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputesAwaitingOtherPartyResponse">
					(in) All disputes that involve me as buyer or seller and
					are awaiting the other party's response.
			<xs:enumeration value="AllInvolvedClosedDisputes">
					(in) All disputes that involve me as buyer or seller and
					are closed.
			<xs:enumeration value="EligibleForCredit">
					(in) All disputes that involve me as buyer or seller and
					are eligible for a Final Value Fee credit, whether or not
					the credit has been granted.
			<xs:enumeration value="UnpaidItemDisputes">
					(in) All Unpaid item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemNotReceivedDisputes">
					(in) All Item Not Received disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                	(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeIDType.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeIDType">
				An identifier of a dispute.			
		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeMessageSourceCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeMessageSourceCodeType">
			  Defines who added a message to a dispute. Used for both Unpaid Item
			  and Item Not Received disputes.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Buyer">
					(out) The buyer of the item under dispute.
			<xs:enumeration value="Seller">
					(out) The seller of the item under dispute.
			<xs:enumeration value="eBay">
					(out) eBay, either an administrator or the site itself.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                	(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeMessageType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="DisputeMessageType">
				Contains a message posted to a dispute. The message can be posted
				by the buyer, the seller, or an eBay representative.
			<xs:element name="MessageID" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
						(out) An ID that uniquely identifies the message.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:element name="MessageSource" type="ns:DisputeMessageSourceCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						The party who posted the message: the buyer, the seller,
						or an eBay representative.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:element name="MessageCreationTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
						The date and time the message was created, in GMT.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:element name="MessageText" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						The text of the message.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeReasonCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeReasonCodeType">
			Specifies the top-level reason for the dispute and determines the values you
			can use for DisputeExplanation. Some values are for Item Not Received disputes
			and others are for Unpaid Item Process disputes.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerHasNotPaid">
    					(in/out) The buyer has not paid for the item. For Unpaid Item Process disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="TransactionMutuallyCanceled">
    				(in/out) The buyer and seller have agreed not to complete the transaction.
    				For Unpaid Item Process disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemNotReceived">
					(out) The buyer did not receive the item. An output value for Item Not Received disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="SignificantlyNotAsDescribed">
					(out) The item was significantly not as described in the listing. 
					An output value for Item Not Received disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                			(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeRecordTypeCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeRecordTypeCodeType">
			Describes the type of dispute, either Unpaid Item or Item Not Received.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="UnpaidItem">
    					(out) An Unpaid Item dispute.
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemNotReceived">
    				(out) An Item Not Received dispute.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                	(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeResolutionReasonCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeResolutionReasonCodeType">
			Defines the reason a dispute was resolved. 
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Unresolved">
					(out) The dispute was not resolved.			
			<xs:enumeration value="ProofOfPayment">
					(out) The buyer provided proof of payment in feedback.
			<xs:enumeration value="ComputerTechnicalProblem">
					(out) The buyer or seller had a technical problem with a computer.
			<xs:enumeration value="NoContact">
					(out) The buyer and seller have not made contact.
			<xs:enumeration value="FamilyEmergency">
					(out) The buyer or seller had a family emergency.
			<xs:enumeration value="ProofGivenInFeedback">
					(out) The buyer provided proof of payment in feedback.
			<xs:enumeration value="FirstInfraction">
					(out) The dispute was the buyer's first infraction.
			<xs:enumeration value="CameToAgreement">
					(out) The buyer and seller came to agreement.
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemReturned">
					(out) The buyer returned the item.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerPaidAuctionFees">
 					(out) The buyer reimbursed the seller's auction fees.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerReceivedPayment">
					(out) The seller received payment.
			<xs:enumeration value="OtherResolution">
					(out) Some other resolution occurred.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                			(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeResolutionRecordTypeCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeResolutionRecordTypeCodeType">
			Specifies the action taken by eBay as a result of the dispute resolution.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="StrikeBuyer">
					(out) The buyer received an Unpaid Item Strike.
			<xs:enumeration value="SuspendBuyer">
					(out) The buyer is suspended and unable to use
					the eBay site.
			<xs:enumeration value="FVFCredit">
					(out) The seller received a Final Value Fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="InsertionFeeCredit">
					(out) The seller's listing fee was credited.
			<xs:enumeration value="AppealBuyerStrike">
					(out) The buyer's unpaid item strike was appealed.
			<xs:enumeration value="UnsuspendBuyer">
					(out)The buyer's suspension was reversed.
			<xs:enumeration value="ReverseFVFCredit">
					(out) The seller's Final Value Fee credit was reversed.
			<xs:enumeration value="ReverseInsertionFeeCredit">
					(out) The seller's listing fee was reversed.
			<xs:enumeration value="GenerateCSTicketForSuspend">
					(out) The buyer is given a ticket.
			<xs:enumeration value="FVFCreditNotGranted">
					(out) The seller did not receive a Final Value Fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                	(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeResolutionType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="DisputeResolutionType">
				Contains all information about a dispute resolution. A dispute
				can have a resolution even if the seller does not receive payment.
				The resolution can have various results, including a Final Value Fee credit to
				the seller or a strike to the buyer.
			<xs:element name="DisputeResolutionRecordType" type="ns:DisputeResolutionRecordTypeCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						The action resulting from the resolution, affecting either
						the buyer or the seller.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:element name="DisputeResolutionReason" type="ns:DisputeResolutionReasonCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						The reason for the resolution. The DisputeResolutionReason
						results in the action described by the DisputeResolutionRecordType.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:element name="ResolutionTime" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
						The date and time the dispute was resolved, in GMT.
							<DetailLevels>ReturnAll, none
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeSortTypeCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeSortTypeCodeType">
			Specifies how a list of returned disputes should be sorted.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="None">
					(in) Sort by the time the dispute was created, in descending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputeCreatedTimeAscending">
					(in) Sort by the time the dispute was created, in ascending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputeCreatedTimeDescending">
					(in) Sort by the time the dispute was created, in descending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputeStatusAscending">
					(in) Sort by the dispute status, in ascending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputeStatusDescending">
					(in) Sort by the dispute status, in descending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputeCreditEligibilityAscending">
					(in) Sort by whether the dispute is eligible for
					Final Value Fee credit, in ascending
					order. Ineligible disputes are listed before eligible disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="DisputeCreditEligibilityDescending">
					(in) Sort by whether the dispute is eleigible for
					Final Value Fee credit, in descending
					order. Eligible disputes are listed before i(ineligible disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                			(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeStateCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeStateCodeType">
				Defines the current state of the dispute, which determines the values
				that are valid for DisputeActivity. DisputeState is an internal value
				returned in the response. A value can apply to an Unpaid Item or Item
				Not Received dispute. A dispute filed when an item is significantly not
				as described in the product listing is a variation of an Item Not
				Received dispute.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Locked">
						(out) The dispute is locked and cannot be updated. For any type of
						dispute. No values of DisputeActivity are vald.
			<xs:enumeration value="Closed">
						(out) The dispute is closed. In some cases, it can be reversed with
						SellerReverseDispute. For any type of dispute. No values of
						DisputeActivity are valid.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerFirstResponsePayOption">
						(out) eBay sent the buyer an Unpaid Item Reminder with a Pay Now
						option. Waiting for the buyer's first response. It is within the 7-
						day grace period. For Unpaid Item disputes. DisputeActivity can be
						SellerAddInformation or SellerCompletedTransaction.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerFirstResponseNoPayOption">
						(out) eBay sent the buyer an Unpaid Item Reminder with no Pay Now
						option. Waiting for the buyer's first response. It is within the 7-
						day grace period. For Unpaid Item disputes. DisputeActivity can be
						SellerAddInformation or SellerCompletedTransaction.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerFirstResponsePayOptionLateResponse">
						(out) eBay sent the buyer an Unpaid Item Reminder with a Pay Now
						option. Waiting for the buyer's first response. The 7-day grace
						period has expired. For Unpaid Item disputes. DisputeActivity can be
						SellerAddInformation, SellerCompletedTransaction, or
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyerFirstResponseNoPayOptionLateResponse">
						(out) eBay sent the buyer an Unpaid Item Reminder with no Pay Now
						option. Waiting for the buyer's first response. The 7-day grace
						period has expired. For Unpaid Item disputes. DisputeActivity can be
						SellerAddInformation, SellerCompletedTransaction, or
			<xs:enumeration value="MutualCommunicationPayOption">
						(out) The buyer and seller have communicated, and the buyer was
						offered a Pay Now option. For Unpaid Item disputes. DisputeActivity
						can be SellerAddInformation, SellerCompletedTransaction,
						SellerEndCommunication, or CameToAgreementNeedFVFCredit.
			<xs:enumeration value="MutualCommunicationNoPayOption">
				    (out) The buyer and seller have communicated. The buyer does not
						have a Pay Now option. For Unpaid Item disputes. DisputeActivity can
						be SellerAddInformation, SellerCompletedTransaction,
						SellerEndCommunication, or CameToAgreementNeedFVFCredit.
			<xs:enumeration value="PendingResolve">
						(out) The dispute is pending resolution. For Unpaid Item disputes.
						No values of DisputeActivity are valid.
			<xs:enumeration value="MutualWithdrawalAgreement">
						(out) The buyer and seller have agreed within the grace period not
						to complete the transaction. For Unpaid Item disputes.
						DisputeActivity can be SellerAddInformation.
			<xs:enumeration value="MutualWithdrawalAgreementLate">
						(out) The buyer and seller have agreed not to complete the
						transaction, after the grace period. For Unpaid Item disputes.
						DisputeActivity can be SellerAddInformation,
						SellerCompletedTransaction, or SellerEndCommunication.
			<xs:enumeration value="NotReceivedNoSellerResponse">
						(out) The buyer filed an Item Not Received dispute, and the seller
						has not responded. For Item Not Received disputes. DisputeActivity
						can be SellerOffersRefund, SellerShippedItem, or SellerComment.
			<xs:enumeration value="NotAsDescribedNoSellerResponse">
						(out) The buyer filed an Item Not Received dispute for an item
						significantly not as described, and the seller has not responded.
						DisputeActivity can be SellerOffersRefund or SellerComment.
			<xs:enumeration value="NotReceivedMutualCommunication">
						(out) The buyer filed an Item Not Received dispute and is
						communicating with the seller. DisputeActivity can be
						SellerOffersRefund, SellerShippedItem, or SellerComment.
			<xs:enumeration value="NotAsDescribedMutualCommunication">
						(out) The buyer filed an Item Not Received dispute for an item
						significantly not as described and is communicating with the seller.
						DisputeActivity can be SellerOffersRefund.
			<xs:enumeration value="MutualAgreementOrBuyerReturningItem">
						(out) The seller says mutual agreement has been reached and is
						waiting for the buyer to confirm, or the buyer is returning the item
						to the seller. DisputeActivity can be SellerAddInformation.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
						(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DisputeStatusCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="DisputeStatusCodeType">
			Describes the status of the dispute, which supplements the DisputeState.
			Some values apply to Unpaid Item disputes and some to Item Not Received disputes.
			Disputes can be sorted by DisputeStatus. Ascending order is:<br>
			 1 - WaitingForSellerResponse<br>
			 2 - WaitingForBuyerResponse<br>
			 3 - ClosedFVFCreditStrike<br>
			 4 - ClosedNoFVFCreditStrike<br>
			 5 - ClosedFVFCreditNoStrike<br>
			 6 - ClosedNoFVFCreditNoStrike<br>
			 7 - Closed<br>
			 8 - StrikeAppealedAfterClosing<br>
			 9  - FVFCreditReversedAfterClosing<br>
			 10 - StrikeAppealedAndFVFCreditReversed<br>
			Descending order is the reverse.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Closed">
					(out) The dispute is closed. For Item Not Received disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="WaitingForSellerResponse">
					(out) The dispute is waiting for the seller's response. For both
					Unpaid Item and Item Not Received disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="WaitingForBuyerResponse">
					(out) The dispute is waiting for the buyer's response. For both
					Unpaid Item and Item Not Received disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="ClosedFVFCreditStrike">
					(out) The dispute is closed, the seller received
					a Final Value Fee credit, and the buyer received a strike.
					For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="ClosedNoFVFCreditStrike">
					(out) The dispute is closed, the seller did not receive
					a Final Value Fee credit, and the buyer received a strike.
					For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="ClosedFVFCreditNoStrike">
					(out) The dispute is closed, the seller received a
					Final Value Fee credit, and the buyer did not receive a strike.
					For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="ClosedNoFVFCreditNoStrike">
					(out) The dispute is closed, the seller did not receive
					a Final Value Fee credit, and the buyer did not receive a strike.
					For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="StrikeAppealedAfterClosing">
					(out) The buyer's strike was appealed after the dispute was closed.
					For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="FVFCreditReversedAfterClosing">
					(out) The seller's Final Value Fee credit was reversed after the
					dispute was closed. For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="StrikeAppealedAndFVFCreditReversed">
					(out) Both the seller's Final Value Fee credit and the buyer's strike
					were reversed after the dispute was closed. For Unpaid Item disputes.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                			(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/DuplicateInvocationDetailsType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="DuplicateInvocationDetailsType">
				Contains properties that provide information on duplicate uses of InvocationIDs.
			<xs:element name="DuplicateInvocationID" type="ns:UUIDType" minOccurs="0">
						The duplicate InvocationID.
			<xs:element name="Status" type="ns:InvocationStatusType" minOccurs="0">
						The status of the previous call that used the InvocationID.
			<xs:element name="InvocationTrackingID" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						The id that identifies the business item the previous API invocation 
						created. For example, the ItemID of the item created by an AddItem call.
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/ErrorClassificationCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="ErrorClassificationCodeType">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="RequestError">
					An error has occurred either as a result of a problem in the sending application or because
					the application's end-user has attempted to submit invalid data (or missing data).
					In these cases, do not retry the request. The problem must be corrected before the request
					can be made again. If the problem is due to something in the application (such as a missing
					required field), the application must be changed. If the problem is a result of end-user data,
					the application must alert the end-user to the problem and provide the means for the end-user
					to correct the data. Once the problem in the application or data is resolved, resend the request to eBay
					with the corrected data.
			<xs:enumeration value="SystemError">
					Indicates that an error has occurred on the eBay system side, such as a database or server down.
					An application can retry the request as-is a reasonable number of times (eBay recommends twice).
					If the error persists, contact Developer Technical Support. Once the problem has been resolved,
					the request may be resent in its original form.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
						(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
##### from file ../Shared/public/ErrorHandlingCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="ErrorHandlingCodeType">
Preferences that specify how eBay should handle certain requests that contain 
invalid data or that could partially fail. 
These preferences give you some control over whether eBay returns warnings or errors in response to 
invalid data and how eBay handles listing requests when such data is passed in. 
For example, these preferences are applicable to AddItem and related calls when Item Specifics 
are specified, and to CompleteSale.
See the developer guide for details about these preferences, their effects, and defaults for
applicable calls, 
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Legacy">
         (in) Apply validation rules that were in effect prior to the time the 
         call started supporting ErrorHandling. 
         As of March 2005, only applicable to listing requests that include Item Specifics.
			<xs:enumeration value="BestEffort">
         (in) Drop the invalid data, continue processing the request with the valid data.
         If dropping the invalid data leaves the request in a state where required data is missing, 
         reject the request. See the developer guide for applicable calls and features.
         For the AddItem family of calls, this value is used as the default error handling preference 
         (if no preference is specified).
			<xs:enumeration value="AllOrNothing">
         (in) As of March 2005, only applicable to listing requests that include Item Specifics. 
         If any attribute data is invalid, drop the entire attribute set and proceed with listing the item. 
         If the category has required attributes and the attribute set is dropped, reject the listing. 
			<xs:enumeration value="FailOnError">
         (in) If any data is invalid, reject the request.
         See the developer guide for information about applicable calls and features.
         For CompleteSale, this value is used as the default error handling preference 
         (if BestEffort is not specified).
##### from file ../Shared/public/ErrorParameterType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="ErrorParameterType">
				A variable that contains specific information about the context of this error.
				For example, if you pass in an attribute set ID that does not match
				the specified category, the attribute set ID might be returned as an error parameter.
				Use error parameters to flag fields that users need to correct.
				Also use error parameters to distinguish between errors when multiple
				errors are returned.
			<xs:element name="Value" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						The value of the variable (e.g., the attribute set ID)
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
		<xs:attribute name="ParamID" type="xs:string">
				The index of the parameter in the list of parameter types returned
				within the error type.
##### from file ../Shared/public/ErrorType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="ErrorType">
				These are request errors (as opposed to system errors) that occur due to problems
				with business-level data (e.g., an invalid combination of arguments) that
				the application passed in.
			<xs:element name="ShortMessage" type="xs:string"  minOccurs="0">
						A brief description of the condition that raised the error.
			<xs:element name="LongMessage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						A more detailed description of the condition that raised the error.
			<xs:element name="ErrorCode" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0">
						A unique code that identifies the particular error condition that occurred.
						Your application can use error codes as identifiers
						in your customized error-handling algorithms.
			<xs:element name="UserDisplayHint" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0">
						Indicates whether the error message text is intended to be displayed to an end user
						or intended only to be parsed by the application. If true or not present (the default),
						the message text is intended for the end user. If false, the message text is intended for
						the application, and the application should translate the error into a more appropriate message.
						Only applicable to Item Specifics errors and warnings returned from listing requests.
			<xs:element name="SeverityCode" type="ns:SeverityCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail)
						or an informational error (a warning) that should be communicated to the user.
			<xs:element name="ErrorParameters" type="ns:ErrorParameterType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						This optional element carries a list of context-specific
						error variables that indicate details about the error condition.
						These are useful when multiple instances of ErrorType are returned.
			<xs:element name="ErrorClassification" type="ns:ErrorClassificationCodeType" minOccurs="0">
						API errors are divided between two classes: system errors and request errors.
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/FaultDetailsType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="FaultDetailsType">
            SOAP faults are used to indicate that an infrastructure error has occurred, 
            such as a problem on eBay's side with database or server going down, or a 
            problem with the client or server-side SOAP framework.
			<xs:element name="ErrorCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                  Error code can be used by a receiving application to debug a SOAP response 
                  message that contains one or more SOAP fault details. 
                  Each error code is uniquely defined for each fault scenario.
                  See the eBay documentation for more information.
                  Your application can use error codes as identifiers 
                  in your customized error-handling algorithms.
			<xs:element name="Severity" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                   Indicates whether the error is a severe error (causing the request to fail)
                   or an informational error (a warning).
			<xs:element name="DetailedMessage" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
                   Description of the condition that caused the SOAP fault.
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/InvocationStatusCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="InvocationStatusType">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="InProgress">
			<xs:enumeration value="Success">
			<xs:enumeration value="Failure">
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/MeasureType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="MeasureType">
				Basic type for specifying measures and the system of measurement.
				A decimal value (e.g., 10.25) is meaningful
				as a measure when accompanied by a definition of the unit of measure (e.g., Pounds),
				in which case the value specifies the quantity of that unit.
				A MeasureType expresses both the value (a decimal) and, optionally, the unit and
				the system of measurement.
				Details such as shipping weights are specified as measure types.
			<xs:extension base="xs:decimal">
				<xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:token" use="optional">
							The unit of measure (e.g., Pounds).
								<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ItemReturnAttributes, ReturnAll
				<xs:attribute name="system" type="ns:MeasurementSystemCodeType" use="optional">
							The system of measurement (e.g., Metric).
								<DetailLevels>none, ItemReturnDescription, ItemReturnAttributes, ReturnAll
##### from file ../Shared/public/MeasurementSystemCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="MeasurementSystemCodeType">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="English">
					(in/out) English system of measurement.
			<xs:enumeration value="Metric">
					(in/out) Metric system of measurement.
##### from file ../Shared/public/PaginationType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="PaginationType">
				(in) Contains data for controlling pagination in API requests.
				Pagination of returned data is required for some calls and not
				needed in or not supported for some calls. See the documentation
				for individual calls to determine whether pagination is supported,
				required, or desirable.
			<xs:element name="EntriesPerPage" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
						(in) Specifies the maximum number of entries to return in a single call.
						If the number of entries that can be returned is less
						than the value in EntriesPerPage, then the lower number
						is returned.
						For most calls, the max is 200 and the default is 25.
						For GetUserDisputes, the value is hard-coded at 200, and any input is ignored.
						See the documentation for other individual calls to determine the correct
						max and default values. For GetOrders, not applicable to (for GetOrders, applicable to
			<xs:element name="PageNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0">
						(in) Specifies the number of the page of data to return in the current call.
						Default is 1 for most calls. For some calls, the default is 0.
						Specify a positive value equal to or lower than the number of pages available (which you determine by examining
						the results of your initial request).
						See the documentation for other individual calls to determine the correct
						default value. For GetOrders, not applicable to (for GetOrders, applicable to
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/QuantityType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="QuantityType">
        Basic type for specifying quantities.
			<xs:extension base="xs:decimal">
				<xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:token" use="optional"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/SeverityCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="SeverityCodeType">
SeverityCodeType - Type declaration to be used by other schema.
This code identifies the severity of an API error. A code indicates
whether there is an API-level error or warning that needs to be
communicated to the client.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Warning">
					   (out) Warning or informational error
			<xs:enumeration value="Error">
					   (out) Application-level error										
<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
						  (out) Reserved for internal or future use
##### from file ../Shared/public/UUIDType.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="UUIDType">
		  	Specifies a universally unique identifier. The identifier can 
        only contain digits from 0-9 and letters from A-F. The 
        identifier must be 32 characters long.  For example, 
		<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/UserIdPasswordType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="UserIdPasswordType">
			<xs:element name="AppId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						The application ID that is unique to each application you (or your company)
						has registered with the eBay Developers Program. If you are executing a call
						in the Sandbox, this is the "AppId" value that eBay issued to you when you
						received your Sandbox keys. If you are executing a call in Production, this is
						the "AppId" value that eBay issued to you when you received your Production
			<xs:element name="DevId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						The unique developer ID that the eBay Developers Program issued to you (or
						your company). If you are executing a call in the Sandbox, this is the "DevId"
						value that eBay issued to you when you received your Sandbox keys. Typically,
						you receive your Sandbox keys when you register as a new developer. If you are
						executing a call in Production, this is the "DevId" value that eBay issued to
						you when you received your Production keys. Typically, you receive your
						Production keys when you certify an application.
			<xs:element name="AuthCert" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Authentication certificate that authenticates the application when making API
						calls. If you are executing a call in the Sandbox, this is the "CertId" value
						that eBay issued to you when you received your Sandbox keys. If you are
						executing a call in Production, this is the "CertId" value that eBay issued to
						you when you received your Production keys. This is unrelated to auth tokens.
			<xs:element name="Username" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						eBay user ID (i.e., Web site login name) for the user the application
						is retrieving a token for. This is typically the application's end-user (not
						the developer).
			<xs:element name="Password" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Password for the user specified in Username.
							<!-- N/A: FetchToken -->
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
##### from file ../Shared/public/WarningLevelCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="WarningLevelCodeType">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Low">
					Do not return warnings when the application passes
					unrecognized elements in a request.
					This is the default value if WarningLevel is not specified.
			<xs:enumeration value="High">
					Return warnings when the application passes
					unrecognized elements in a request.
##### from file ../Shared/public/XMLRequesterCredentialsType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="XMLRequesterCredentialsType">
			<xs:element name="Username" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						eBay user ID (i.e., Web site login name) for the user the application
						is retrieving a token for. This is typically the application's end-user (not
						the developer).
			<xs:element name="Password" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Password for the user specified in Username.
							<!-- N/A: FetchToken -->
			<xs:element name="eBayAuthToken" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						Authentication token representing the user who is making the request. The
						user's token must be retrieved from eBay. To determine a user's authentication
						token, see the Authentication and Authorization information in the eBay Web
						Services guide. For calls that list or retrieve item or transaction data, the
						user usually needs to be the seller of the item in question or, in some cases,
						the buyer. Similarly, calls that retrieve user or account data may be
						restricted to the user whose data is being requested. The documentation for
						each call includes information about such restrictions.
							<AllCallsExcept>FetchToken, GetReturnURL, GetRuName, SetReturnURL
							<Title>Authentication & Authorization
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


##### from file eBLBaseComponents/public/AccessRuleCurrentStatusCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="AccessRuleCurrentStatusCodeType">
Describes the current status of your application with regard to 
rules governing the number of times your application can
execute API calls.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="NotSet">
	    			  (out) The rule is not set and usage limits do not apply.
			<xs:enumeration value="HourlyLimitExceeded">
	    			 (out) Your application has exceeded its hourly hard limit.
			<xs:enumeration value="DailyLimitExceeded">
					(out) Your application has exceeded its daily hard limit.
			<xs:enumeration value="PeriodicLimitExceeded">
					(out) Your application has exceeded its periodic hard limit.
			<xs:enumeration value="HourlySoftLimitExceeded">
					(out) Your application has exceeded its hourly soft limit.
			<xs:enumeration value="DailySoftLimitExceeded">
					(out) Your application has exceeded its daily soft limit.
			<xs:enumeration value="PeriodicSoftLimitExceeded">
					(out) Your application has exceeded its periodic soft limit.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
	    			 (out) Reserved for internal or future use.

##### from file eBLBaseComponents/public/AccessRuleStatusCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="AccessRuleStatusCodeType">
					Defines values that describe an application's current status
					with respect to an API access rule. The rules specify daily,
					hourly, and periodic usage limits for various eBay Web Services calls.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="RuleOff">
						(out) The rule is turned off, and no rule validation
						was performed.
			<xs:enumeration value="RuleOn">
						(out) The rule is turned on, and rule validation was
			<xs:enumeration value="ApplicationBlocked">
						(out) The application is blocked from making
						requests to the call named in this rule.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
						(out) Reserved for internal or future use.

##### from file eBLBaseComponents/public/AccountDetailEntryCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="AccountDetailEntryCodeType">
			  Specifies values that describe a transaction on an account. Details of
			  the transaction are returned in AccountEntry. The transaction can
			  be a debit or credit to the account.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="Unknown">
					 (out) The reason for the charge is unknown.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeInsertion">
					  (out) The fee for listing an item for sale on eBay.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeBold">
					 (out) The fee for a listing title in boldface font.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeFeatured">
					  (out) The fee for adding an optional feature to a listing,
					  such as a reserve fee or a listing upgrade fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeCategoryFeatured">
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeFinalValue">
					 (out) The fee charged when a listed item sells. The fee
					 is a percentage of the final sale price.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentCheck">
					(out) A payment by check made by a seller to eBay.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentCC">
					(out) A payment by credit card made by a seller to eBay.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditCourtesy">
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditNoSale">
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditPartialSale">
			<xs:enumeration value="RefundCC">
					 (out) A refund made by eBay to the seller's credit card.
			<xs:enumeration value="RefundCheck">
					(out) A refund made by eBay to the seller by check.
			<xs:enumeration value="FinanceCharge">
					(out) A finance charge made to the seller's account, for example,
					the monthly finance charge added to an account whose balance has not been
			<xs:enumeration value="AWDebit">
			<xs:enumeration value="AWCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="AWMemo">
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditDuplicateListing">
					(out) A credit made by eBay for a duplicate listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeePartialSale">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for a partial sale.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentElectronicTransferReversal">
					(out) A reversal of an electronic transfer payment.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentCCOnce">
					(out) A one-time payment to the account made by
					credit card.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeReturnedCheck">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for a returned check.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeRedepositCheck">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay when a check must be redeposited
					to collect funds.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentCash">
					(out) A cash payment made on the seller's account.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditInsertion">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for an insertion fee.
					If a listed item does not sell or results in an
					Unpaid Item (UPI) dispute, the seller can relist
					the item. If the item sells the second time, eBay
					credits the insertion fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditBold">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the Bold listing fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditFeatured">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the Featured listing fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditCategoryFeatured">
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditFinalValue">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the Final Value Fee.
					Issued as a result of an Unpaid Item dispute, under
					some circumstances.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeNSFCheck">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay when the seller's check does not clear
					due to insufficient funds.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeReturnCheckClose">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay when the seller's check does not clear
					because the account has been closed.
			<xs:enumeration value="Memo">
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentMoneyOrder">
					(out) A payment made to the account by money order.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditCardOnFile">
					(out) An automatic monthly charge of the seller's invoice
					amount made by eBay to a credit card the seller has placed
					on file.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditCardNotOnFile">
					(out) A one-time payment made by a credit card
					that is not on file with eBay for automatic monthly
			<xs:enumeration value="Invoiced">
			<xs:enumeration value="InvoicedCreditCard">
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditTransferFrom">
					(out) A transfer from another account to this account,
					resulting in a credit to this account.
			<xs:enumeration value="DebitTransferTo">
					(out) A transfer from this account to another account,
					resulting in a debit to this account.
			<xs:enumeration value="InvoiceCreditBalance">
					(out) A credit balance for an account's invoice period,
					meaning that the seller should not pay.
			<xs:enumeration value="eBayDebit">
					(out) An all-purpose code for debits that are manually applied to auctions,
					for example, when the credit cannot be applied to an item number
			<xs:enumeration value="eBayCredit">
					(out) An all-purpose code for credits that are manually applied to auctions,
					for example, when the credit cannot be applied to an item number
			<xs:enumeration value="PromotionalCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="CCNotOnFilePerCustReq">
					(out) A note that the credit card is not
					on file at the customer's request.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditInsertionFee">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for an insertion
					fee when an item is relisted.
			<xs:enumeration value="CCPaymentRejected">
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeGiftIcon">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for adding a gift icon to
					a listing. The gift icon highlights the item as a good
					gift and might offer gift services, such as wrapping
					or shipping.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditGiftIcon">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the gift item
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeGallery">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for listing an item
					in the Picture Gallery. A buyer sees a picture of
					the item when browsing a category, before moving to
					the item's listing page.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeFeaturedGallery">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for listing an item
					in the Featured section at the top of the Picture Gallery
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditGallery">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the Gallery fee
					charged when the item was listed.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditFeaturedGallery">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the Featured Gallery
					fee charged when the item was listed.
			<xs:enumeration value="ItemMoveFee">
			<xs:enumeration value="OutageCredit">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay when listings are not available
					due to system downtime. The downtime can be a title search
					outage or a hard outage. See the online help for details.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditPSA">
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditPCGS">
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeReserve">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay when an item is listed with
					a reserve price. The fee is credited when the auction
					completes successfully.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditReserve">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for a reserve price auction
					when the auction completes successfully.
			<xs:enumeration value="eBayVISACredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="BBAdminCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="BBAdminDebit">
			<xs:enumeration value="ReferrerCredit">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay to a Store owner
					who has promoted items outside of eBay.
			<xs:enumeration value="ReferrerDebit">
			<xs:enumeration value="SwitchCurrency">
					(out) A switch from one billing currency to another.
					The billing currency can be USD, EUR, CAD, GBP, AUD,
					JPY, or TWD.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentGiftCertificate">
					(out) A payment made to the account by gift certificate.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentWireTransfer">
					(out) A payment made to the account by wire transfer.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentHomeBanking">
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentElectronicTransfer">
					(out) A one-time payment made to the account by electronic
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentAdjustmentCredit">
					(out) A credit (addition) made by eBay to the seller's account
					when a payment needs to be adjusted.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentAdjustmentDebit">
					(out) A debit (deduction) made by eBay to the seller's account
					when a payment needs to be adjusted.
			<xs:enumeration value="Chargeoff">
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeoffRecovery">
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeoffBankruptcy">
					(out) A writeoff of the account charge by eBay
					because the seller has declared bankruptcy.
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeoffSuspended">
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeoffDeceased">
					(out) A writeoff of the account charge by eBay
					because the seller is deceased.
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeoffOther">
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeoffWacko">
			<xs:enumeration value="FinanceChargeReversal">
					(out) A reversal of a finance charge, made by eBay.
					The finance charge is added if the seller does not pay
					the monthly account balance on time.
			<xs:enumeration value="FVFCreditReversal">
					(out) A reversal of a Final Value Fee credit, resulting
					in the fee being charged to the seller. The Final Value
					Fee can be credited as a result of an Unpaid Item Dispute.
					If the buyer later pays, the seller can request a reversal.
			<xs:enumeration value="ForeignFundsConvert">
					(out) A fee charged for currency conversion.
			<xs:enumeration value="ForeignFundsCheckReversal">
			<xs:enumeration value="EOMRestriction">
			<xs:enumeration value="AllFeesCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="SetOnHold">
			<xs:enumeration value="RevertUserState">
			<xs:enumeration value="DirectDebitOnFile">
					(out) A monthly payment made by automatic direct debit to the
					seller's checking account, when the account information
					is on file.
			<xs:enumeration value="DirectDebitNotOnFile">
					(out) A one-time payment made by direct debit to the seller's
					checking account, when the account information is not on file,
					but is provided for this payment.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentDirectDebit">
					(out) A payment made by direct debit from the seller's
					checking account when the seller has requested automatic
					monthly invoice payments.
			<xs:enumeration value="DirectDebitReversal">
					(out) A reversal of a payment made by direct debit
					from the seller's checking account.
			<xs:enumeration value="DirectDebitReturnedItem">
					(out) A reversal of a payment made by direct debit
					from a seller's checking account when an item is returned
					by the buyer.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeHighlight">
					 (out) A fee charged by eBay for adding a colored band to
					 emphasize a listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditHighlight">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for a highlight fee on an
					item's listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="BulkUserSuspension">
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeRealEstate30DaysListing">
					(out) A fee charged for a 30-day real estate
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditRealEstate30DaysListing">
					(out) A credit for a 30-day real estate listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="TradingLimitOverrideOn">
			<xs:enumeration value="TradingLimitOverrideOff">
			<xs:enumeration value="EquifaxRealtimeFee">
					(out) A fee charged to sellers who do not provide a credit card
					or checking account number to verify identify.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditEquifaxRealtimeFee">
					(out) A credit granted for an EquifaxRealtimeFee.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentEquifaxDebit">
			<xs:enumeration value="PaymentEquifaxCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="Merged">
					(out) Two accounts with the same owner but different user IDs
					have been merged into one.
			<xs:enumeration value="AutoTraderOn">
			<xs:enumeration value="AutoTraderOff">
			<xs:enumeration value="PaperInvoiceOn">
					(out) The option to send the seller paper invoices
					has been turned on.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaperInvoiceOff">
					(out) The option to send the seller paper invoices
					has been turned off.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountStateSwitch">
			<xs:enumeration value="FVFCreditReversalAutomatic">
					(out) An automatic reversal of a Final Value Fee
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditSoftOutage">
					(out) A credit granted by eBay when a title search
					outage of one hour or longer occurs on the site.
			<xs:enumeration value="LACatalogFee">
					(out) A fee charged for listing a lot (one or more items) in a
					Live Auction catalog.
			<xs:enumeration value="LAExtraItem">
					(out) A fee charged for listing an extra item in a Live Auction.
			<xs:enumeration value="LACatalogItemFeeRefund">
			<xs:enumeration value="LACatalogInsertionRefund">
					(out) A credit for listing an item in a Live Auction catalog.
			<xs:enumeration value="LAFinalValueFee">
					(out) A Final Value Fee charged by eBay when a lot listed
					on a Live Auction is sold.
			<xs:enumeration value="LAFinalValueFeeRefund">
					(out) A refund of a Final Value Fee that was charged
					when a Live Auction lot was sold.
			<xs:enumeration value="LABuyerPremiumPercentageFee">
					(out) A fee paid by the buyer to the auction house for
					a purchase in a Live Auction.
			<xs:enumeration value="LABuyerPremiumPercentageFeeRefund">
					(out) A refund of the fee paid by a buyer to the auction
					house for a purchase in a Live Auction.
			<xs:enumeration value="LAAudioVideoFee">
					(out) A fee charged for audio or video services provided
					during the sale of lots at a Live Auction.
			<xs:enumeration value="LAAudioVideoFeeRefund">
					(out) A refund for audio or video services provided at
					a Live Auction.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeIPIXPhoto">
					(out) A fee charged for a panoramic 360-degree photo
					in a listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeIPIXSlideShow">
					(out) A fee charged for a slide show of panoramic 360-degree
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditIPIXPhoto">
					(out) A credit granted to reverse an IPIX photo fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditIPIXSlideShow">
					(out) A credit granted to reverse an IPIX slideshow fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeTenDayAuction">
					(out) A fee charged for listing an item for 10 days,
					rather than one, three, five, or seven days.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditTenDayAuction">
					(out) A credit granted to reverse a 10-day auction
			<xs:enumeration value="TemporaryCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="TemporaryCreditReversal">
			<xs:enumeration value="SubscriptionAABasic">
				      (out) A fee charged for a subscription to Auction Assistant Basic.
			<xs:enumeration value="SubscriptionAAPro">
				      (out) A fee charged for a subscription to Auction Assistant Pro.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditAABasic">
				     (out) A credit granted for a subscription fee charged for Auction Assistant Basic.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditAAPro">
					(out) A credit granted for a subscription fee charged for Auction Assistant Pro.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeLargePicture">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for a supersized picture
					in a listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditLargePicture">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for a supersized picture.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeePicturePack">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for the Picture Pack feature.
					The fee differs according to the number of pictures you
					use. See the online help for details.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditPicturePackPartial">
					 (out) A partial credit issued by eBay for the Picture Pack fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditPicturePackFull">
					 (out) A full credit issued by eBay for the Picture Pack fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="SubscriptioneBayStores">
					 (out) A monthly subscription fee charged for an eBay Store.
					  The fee can be Basic, Featured, or Anchor.
			<xs:enumeration value="CrediteBayStores">
					 (out) A credit issued by eBay for the monthly fee charged
					 for an eBay store.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeInsertionFixedPrice">
					(out) The fee charged by eBay for listing a Fixed Price item.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditInsertionFixedPrice">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for listing a Fixed Price item.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeFinalValueFixedPrice">
					 (out) The Final Value Fee credit charged by eBay when
					 a fixed price item sells.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditFinalValueFixedPrice">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the Final Value Fee
					for a fixed price item.
			<xs:enumeration value="ElectronicInvoiceOn">
			<xs:enumeration value="ElectronicInvoiceOff">
			<xs:enumeration value="FlagDDDDPending">
			<xs:enumeration value="FlagDDPaymentConfirmed">
			<xs:enumeration value="FixedPriceDurationFee">
					(out) The fee charged by eBay for creating a Fixed Price
					listing with a 10-day duration. Fixed Price listings
					of 1, 3, 5, and 7 days are not charged this fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="FixedPriceDurationCredit">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for a Fixed Price listing
					with a 10-day duration.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyItNowFee">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for listing a Buy It Now item.
			<xs:enumeration value="BuyItNowCredit">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for the fee charged for a
					Buy It Now listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeSchedule">
					(out) A fee for scheduling a listing to start at some
					later time, up to 3 weeks after the listing is created.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditSchedule">
					(out) A credit made by eBay for the fee charged for
					scheduling a listing to start after the listing is created.
			<xs:enumeration value="SubscriptionSMBasic">
					 (out) The monthly subscription fee charged for
					 Selling Manager Basic. The monthly charge is billed
					 in advance.
			<xs:enumeration value="SubscriptionSMBasicPro">
					(out) The monthly subscription fee charged for
					Selling Manager Pro. The monthly charge is billed
					in advance.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditSMBasic">
					(out) A one-time credit for a free one-month
					trial of Selling Manager Basic.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditSMBasicPro">
					(out) A one-time credit for a free one-month
					trial of Selling Manager Pro.
			<xs:enumeration value="StoresGTCFee">
					(out) The fee charged for a Good-Til-Cancelled
					listing in an eBay Store. The charge is made once
					each 30 days, until the listing ends.
			<xs:enumeration value="StoresGTCCredit">
					(out) A credit for the fee charged for a Good-Til-Cancelled
					listing in an eBay Store.
			<xs:enumeration value="ListingDesignerFee">
					(out) The fee charged for using a Listing Designer theme and layout
					template for a listing. The fee is displayed to the seller during
					the listing process.
			<xs:enumeration value="ListingDesignerCredit">
					(out) A credit issued by eBay for a Listing Designer fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="ExtendedAuctionFee">
					(out) The fee charged for listing an auction item
					for 10 days.
			<xs:enumeration value="ExtendedAcutionCredit">
					(out) A credit for the fee charged for listing an
					auction item for 10 days.
			<xs:enumeration value="PayPalOTPSucc">
			<xs:enumeration value="PayPalOTPPend">
			<xs:enumeration value="PayPalFailed">
			<xs:enumeration value="PayPalChargeBack">
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeBack">
			<xs:enumeration value="ChargeBackReversal">
			<xs:enumeration value="PayPalRefund">
			<xs:enumeration value="BonusPointsAddition">
					(out) An addition to the seller's eBay
					Anything Points account. Each point is
					equivalent to $0.01.
			<xs:enumeration value="BonusPointsReduction">
					(out) A reduction to the seller's eBay
					Anything Points account. Each point is
					equivalent to $0.01.
			<xs:enumeration value="BonusPointsPaymentAutomatic">
					(out) An automatic payment of seller fees
					from the seller's eBay Anything Points account.
			<xs:enumeration value="BonusPointsPaymentManual">
					(out) A one-time payment of seller fees from
					the seller's eBay Anything Points account.
			<xs:enumeration value="BonusPointsPaymentReversal">
					(out) A reversal of a seller fee payment made
					from the seller's eBay Anything Points account.
			<xs:enumeration value="BonusPointsCashPayout">
					(out) A cash payment made from the seller's eBay
					Anything Points account and credited to the seller's
			<xs:enumeration value="VATCredit">
					(out) A credit (return) to your account of Value-Added Tax
					previously paid.
			<xs:enumeration value="VATDebit">
					 (out) A debit to your account for a Value-Added Tax charge.
			<xs:enumeration value="VATStatusChangePending">
			<xs:enumeration value="VATStatusChangeApproved">
			<xs:enumeration value="VATStatusChange_Denied">
			<xs:enumeration value="VATStatusDeletedByCSR">
			<xs:enumeration value="VATStatusDeletedByUser">
			<xs:enumeration value="SMProListingDesignerFee">
			<xs:enumeration value="SMProListingDesignerCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="StoresSuccessfulListingFee">
					(out) A fee charged for the difference between an eBay Store inventory listing
					fee and an auction listing fee if a Store inventory item sells.
			<xs:enumeration value="StoresSuccessfulListingFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit for a StoresSuccessfulListingFee.
			<xs:enumeration value="StoresReferralFee">
			<xs:enumeration value="StoresReferralCredit">
					(out) A credit posted to a seller's account
					for sale of Stores Inventory items by buyers
					referred to the seller's Store by printed materials
					and emails outside eBay.
			<xs:enumeration value="SubtitleFee">
					(out) The fee charged for adding a subtitle
					to a listing. The subtitle adds information
					to the title.
			<xs:enumeration value="SubtitleFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit of the fee charged for adding a
					subtitle to a listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="eBayStoreInventorySubscriptionCredit">
			<xs:enumeration value="AutoPmntReqExempt">
			<xs:enumeration value="AutoPmntReqRein">
			<xs:enumeration value="PictureManagerSubscriptionFee">
					(out) The monthly fee charged for subscribing to
					Picture Manager. The fee varies according to
					the level of subscription.
			<xs:enumeration value="PictureManagerSubscriptionFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit granted for a Picture Manageer subscription
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerReportsBasicFee">
					(out) A fee charged for a basic subscription to Seller Reports.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerReportsBasicCredit">
					(out) A credit granted for a basic subscription to Seller Reports.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerReportsPlusFee">
					(out) A fee charged for a subscription to Seller Reports Plus.
			<xs:enumeration value="SellerReportsPlusCredit">
					(out) A credit granted for a subscription to Seller Reports Plus.
			<xs:enumeration value="PaypalOnFile">
			<xs:enumeration value="PaypalOnFileByCSR">
			<xs:enumeration value="PaypalOffFile">
			<xs:enumeration value="BorderFee">
					(out) The fee for adding a border that outlines a listing with a frame.
			<xs:enumeration value="BorderFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit for the border fee charged for a listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeSearchableMobileDE">
					(out) A fee charged to a seller for upgrading
					a listing from eBay Germany's Car, Motorcycle,
					and Special Vehicle categories so that it is also
					searchable on the classifieds site.
			<xs:enumeration value="SalesReportsPlusFee">
					(out) A monthly subscription fee charged for
					Sales Reports Plus.
			<xs:enumeration value="SalesReportsPlusCredit">
					(out) A credit granted for a Sales Reports Plus
					monthly subscription fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditSearchableMobileDE">
					(out) A credit granted for upgrading a listing
					to make it searchable on the platform.
			<xs:enumeration value="EmailMarketingFee">
					(out) A fee charged to owners of eBay Stores
					who have a sent a marketing email to buyers,
					for the number of email recipients over
					the Store's monthly free allocation. The
					monthly allocation varies according to the type
					of Store.
			<xs:enumeration value="EmailMarketingCredit">
					(out) A credit granted for an email marketing fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeePictureShow">
					(out) A fee charged for the Picture Show
					service, which lets buyers browse or see a slide
					show of 2 or more pictures at the top of the
					item page.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditPictureShow">
					(out) A credit granted for a Picture Show fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="ProPackBundleFee">
					(out) A fee charged for the ProPackBundle feature pack (currently available to US and Canada eBay motor vehicle sellers).
			<xs:enumeration value="ProPackBundleFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit granted by eBay for the ProPackBundle feature pack (currently available to US and Canada eBay motor vehicle sellers).
			<xs:enumeration value="BasicUpgradePackBundleFee">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for the BasicUpgradePackBundle feature pack. Australia site (site ID 15, abbreviation AU) only. Effective beginning February 22, 2006.
			<xs:enumeration value="BasicUpgradePackBundleFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit granted by eBay for the BasicUpgradePackBundle feature pack. Australia site (site ID 15, abbreviation AU) only. Effective beginning February 22, 2006.
			<xs:enumeration value="ValuePackBundleFee">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for the ValuePackBundle feature pack. Effective beginning February 22, 2006.
			<xs:enumeration value="ValuePackBundleFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit granted by eBay for the ValuePackBundle feature pack. Effective beginning February 22, 2006.
			<xs:enumeration value="ProPackPlusBundleFee">
					(out) A fee charged by eBay for the ProPackPlusBundle feature pack. Effective beginning February 22, 2006.
			<xs:enumeration value="ProPackPlusBundleFeeCredit">
					(out) A credit granted by eBay for the ProPackPlusBundle feature pack. Effective beginning February 22, 2006.
			<xs:enumeration value="FinalEntry">
					(out) The final entry in an account before it is closed
					or merged with another account.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
					(out) Reserved for future use.
			<xs:enumeration value="ExtendedDurationFee">
						(out) A fee charged for extended listing duration.
			<xs:enumeration value="ExtendedDurationFeeCredit">
						(out) A credit granted by eBay for extended listing duration.
			<xs:enumeration value="InternationalListingFee">
					  (out) The fee for an international listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="InternationalListingCredit">
					  (out) A credit issued by eBay for an international listing.
			<xs:enumeration value="MarketplaceResearchExpiredSubscriptionFee">
					  (out) A MarketPlace Research fee for expired subscriptions.
			<xs:enumeration value="MarketplaceResearchExpiredSubscriptionFeeCredit">
					  (out) A MarketPlace Research credit for expired subscriptions.
			<xs:enumeration value="MarketplaceResearchBasicSubscriptionFee">
					  (out) A MarketPlace Research basic subscription fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="MarketplaceResearchBasicSubscriptionFeeCredit">
					  (out) A MarketPlace Research basic subscription credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="MarketplaceResearchProSubscriptionFee">
					  (out) A MarketPlace Research pro subscription fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="BasicBundleFee">
					  (out) Basic bundle fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="BasicBundleFeeCredit">
					  (out) Basic bundle fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="MarketplaceResearchProSubscriptionFeeCredit">
					  (out) A MarketPlace Research pro subscription fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalSubscriptionFee">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local subscription fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalSubscriptionFeeCredit">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local subscription fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalInsertionFee">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local insertion fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalInsertionFeeCredit">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local insertion fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalFinalValueFee">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local final value fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalFinalValueFeeCredit">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local final value fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalGTCFee">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local GTC fee.
			<xs:enumeration value="VehicleLocalGTCFeeCredit">
					  (out) A Vehicle Local GTC fee credit.
			<xs:enumeration value="FeeGalleryPlus">
						(out) A fee charged by eBay for listing an item with the
						Gallery Plus feature enabled. This feature cannot be removed
						with ReviseItem or RelistItem. However, if the feature is
						upgraded, for example, to Gallery Featured, the fee for
						Gallery Plus is refunded and a fee for Gallery Feature is
						charged instead.
			<xs:enumeration value="CreditGalleryPlus">
						(out) A credit issued by eBay when refunding the fee for
						enabling the Gallery Plus feature. A Gallery Plus credit may
						be issued if, for example, a user upgrades their feature
						with ReviseItem or RelistItem to Gallery Featured. In this
						case, the original Gallery Plus fee is refunded and a
						Gallery Featured fee is charged instead.

##### from file eBLBaseComponents/public/AccountEntriesType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="AccountEntriesType">
        Collection of zero, one, or multiple individual detail account entries. Contains
        one AccountEntry object for each account entry returned. See the schema
        documentation for AccountEntryType for details on its properties. You can uniquely identify
        the entries that the GetAccount call returns within the AccountEntries tag.
        Specifically, the following fields, returned within the AccountEntries tag,
        can be used in combination as a unique key: AccountEntry.Date, AccountEntry.AccountDetailsEntryType,
        AccountEntry.ItemID, and AccountEntry.RefNumber. 
			<xs:element name="AccountEntry" type="ns:AccountEntryType"  minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                Contains the data for one account entry. (See the schema
                documentation for AccountEntryType for details on its properties.)
			<xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

##### from file eBLBaseComponents/public/AccountEntrySortTypeCodeList.xsd #####

	<xs:simpleType name="AccountEntrySortTypeCodeType">
			  Specifies how account entries should be sorted in a response
			  from eBay.
		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
			<xs:enumeration value="None">
					 (in) Sort by the AccountEntry.Date value in the response,
					 in ascending order. Same as AccountEntryCreatedTimeAscending.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountEntryCreatedTimeAscending">
					 (in) Sort by the AccountEntry.Date value in the response,
					 in ascending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountEntryCreatedTimeDescending">
					(in) Sort by the AccountEntry.Date value in the response, in
					descending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountEntryItemNumberAscending">
					(in) Sort by the AccountEntry.ItemID value in the response, in
					ascending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountEntryItemNumberDescending">
					(in) Sort by the AccountEntry.ItemID value in the response,
					in descending order.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountEntryFeeTypeAscending">
					(in) Sort by the value returned in AccountEntry.Description,
					with entries starting with lowercase letters before entries starting
					with uppercase letters and each group in alphabetical order.
			<xs:enumeration value="AccountEntryFeeTypeDescending">
					(in) Sort by the value returned in AccountEntry.Description, with entries 
					starting with uppercase letters before entries starting with lowercase
					letters and each group in reverse alphabetical order.
			<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode">
                    (out) Reserved for internal or future use.

##### from file eBLBaseComponents/public/AccountEntryType.xsd #####

	<xs:complexType name="AccountEntryType">
        Contains the data for a single account detail entry. Each detail entry is a
        transaction posted to the account and may be: a credit, a debit, or an
        administrative action (such as an update putting a credit card on file for
        the account). You can uniquely identify
        the entries that the GetAccount call returns within the AccountEntries tag.
        Specifically, the following fields, returned within the AccountEntries tag,
        can be used in combination as a unique key: AccountEntry.Date, AccountEntry.AccountDetailsEntryType,
        AccountEntry.ItemID, and AccountEntry.RefNumber.
			<xs:element name="AccountDetailsEntryType" type="ns:AccountDetailEntryCodeType" minOccurs="0">