Axis 2 example source code file (DefaultSchemaGenerator.java)
The Axis 2 DefaultSchemaGenerator.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisMessage; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisOperation; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL2Constants; import org.apache.axis2.description.java2wsdl.bytecode.MethodTable; import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.*; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.utils.NamespaceMap; import org.apache.ws.commons.schema.utils.NamespacePrefixList; import org.codehaus.jam.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import java.util.*; public class DefaultSchemaGenerator implements Java2WSDLConstants, SchemaGenerator { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultSchemaGenerator.class); public static final String NAME_SPACE_PREFIX = "ax2";// axis2 name space private static int prefixCount = 1; protected Map targetNamespacePrefixMap = new Hashtable(); protected Map schemaMap = new Hashtable(); protected XmlSchemaCollection xmlSchemaCollection = new XmlSchemaCollection(); protected ClassLoader classLoader; protected String className; protected TypeTable typeTable = new TypeTable(); // to keep loadded method using JAM protected JMethod methods[]; //to store byte code method using Axis 1.x codes protected MethodTable methodTable; protected String schemaTargetNameSpace; protected String schema_namespace_prefix; protected String attrFormDefault = null; protected String elementFormDefault = null; protected ArrayList excludeMethods = new ArrayList(); protected ArrayList extraClasses = null; protected boolean useWSDLTypesNamespace = false; protected Map pkg2nsmap = null; protected NamespaceGenerator nsGen = null; protected String targetNamespace = null; //to keep the list of operation which uses MR other than RPC MR protected ArrayList nonRpcMethods = new ArrayList(); protected Class serviceClass = null; protected AxisService service; //To check whether we need to generate Schema element for Exception protected boolean generateBaseException ; public NamespaceGenerator getNsGen() throws Exception { if (nsGen == null) { nsGen = new DefaultNamespaceGenerator(); } return nsGen; } public void setNsGen(NamespaceGenerator nsGen) { this.nsGen = nsGen; } public DefaultSchemaGenerator(ClassLoader loader, String className, String schematargetNamespace, String schematargetNamespacePrefix, AxisService service) throws Exception { this.classLoader = loader; this.className = className; this.service = service; serviceClass = Class.forName(className, true, loader); methodTable = new MethodTable(serviceClass); this.targetNamespace = Java2WSDLUtils.targetNamespaceFromClassName( className, loader, getNsGen()).toString(); if (schematargetNamespace != null && schematargetNamespace.trim().length() != 0) { this.schemaTargetNameSpace = schematargetNamespace; } else { this.schemaTargetNameSpace = Java2WSDLUtils.schemaNamespaceFromClassName(className, loader, getNsGen()) .toString(); } if (schematargetNamespacePrefix != null && schematargetNamespacePrefix.trim().length() != 0) { this.schema_namespace_prefix = schematargetNamespacePrefix; } else { this.schema_namespace_prefix = SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PRFIX; } } /** * Generates schema for all the parameters in method. First generates schema for all different * parameter type and later refers to them. * * @return Returns XmlSchema. * @throws Exception */ public Collection generateSchema() throws Exception { JamServiceFactory factory = JamServiceFactory.getInstance(); JamServiceParams jam_service_parms = factory.createServiceParams(); //setting the classLoder //it can posible to add the classLoader as well jam_service_parms.addClassLoader(classLoader); jam_service_parms.includeClass(className); for (int count = 0; count < getExtraClasses().size(); ++count) { jam_service_parms.includeClass((String) getExtraClasses().get(count)); } JamService service = factory.createService(jam_service_parms); QName extraSchemaTypeName; JamClassIterator jClassIter = service.getClasses(); //all most all the time the ittr will have only one class in it while (jClassIter.hasNext()) { JClass jclass = (JClass) jClassIter.next(); if (getQualifiedName(jclass).equals(className)) { /** * Schema genertaion done in two stage 1. Load all the methods and * create type for methods parameters (if the parameters are Bean * then it will create Complex types for those , and if the * parameters are simple type which decribe in SimpleTypeTable * nothing will happen) 2. In the next stage for all the methods * messages and port types will be creteated */ JAnnotation annotation = jclass.getAnnotation(AnnotationConstants.WEB_SERVICE); if (annotation != null) { String tns = annotation.getValue(AnnotationConstants.TARGETNAMESPACE).asString(); if (tns != null && !"".equals(tns)) { targetNamespace = tns; schemaTargetNameSpace = tns; } } methods = processMethods(jclass.getDeclaredMethods()); } else { //generate the schema type for extra classes extraSchemaTypeName = typeTable.getSimpleSchemaTypeName(getQualifiedName(jclass)); if (extraSchemaTypeName == null) { generateSchema(jclass); } } } return schemaMap.values(); } protected JMethod[] processMethods(JMethod[] declaredMethods) throws Exception { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); //short the elements in the array Arrays.sort(declaredMethods); // since we do not support overload HashMap uniqueMethods = new HashMap(); XmlSchemaComplexType methodSchemaType; XmlSchemaSequence sequence = null; for (int i = 0; i < declaredMethods.length; i++) { JMethod jMethod = declaredMethods[i]; JAnnotation methodAnnon = jMethod.getAnnotation(AnnotationConstants.WEB_METHOD); if (methodAnnon != null) { if (methodAnnon.getValue(AnnotationConstants.EXCLUDE).asBoolean()) { continue; } } String methodName = getSimpleName(jMethod); // no need to think abt this method , since that is system // config method if (excludeMethods.contains(methodName)) { continue; } if (uniqueMethods.get(methodName) != null) { log.warn("We don't support method overloading. Ignoring [" + jMethod.getQualifiedName() + "]"); continue; } if (!jMethod.isPublic()) { // no need to generate Schema for non public methods continue; } boolean addToService = false; AxisOperation axisOperation = service.getOperation(new QName(methodName)); if (axisOperation == null) { axisOperation = Utils.getAxisOperationForJmethod(jMethod); if (WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_ROBUST_IN_ONLY.equals( axisOperation.getMessageExchangePattern())){ AxisMessage outMessage = axisOperation.getMessage( WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_OUT_VALUE); if (outMessage !=null ){ outMessage.setName(methodName + RESPONSE); } } addToService = true; } // Maintain a list of methods we actually work with list.add(jMethod); processException(jMethod,axisOperation); uniqueMethods.put(methodName, jMethod); JParameter[] paras = jMethod.getParameters(); String parameterNames[] = null; AxisMessage inMessage = axisOperation.getMessage(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE); if (inMessage != null) { inMessage.setName(methodName + Java2WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_SUFFIX); } if (paras.length > 0) { parameterNames = methodTable.getParameterNames(methodName); sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); methodSchemaType = createSchemaTypeForMethodPart(methodName); methodSchemaType.setParticle(sequence); inMessage.setElementQName(typeTable.getQNamefortheType(methodName)); service.addMessageElementQNameToOperationMapping(methodSchemaType.getQName(), axisOperation); } for (int j = 0; j < paras.length; j++) { JParameter methodParameter = paras[j]; String parameterName = null; JAnnotation paramterAnnon = methodParameter.getAnnotation(AnnotationConstants.WEB_PARAM); if (paramterAnnon != null) { parameterName = paramterAnnon.getValue(AnnotationConstants.NAME).asString(); } if (parameterName == null || "".equals(parameterName)) { parameterName = (parameterNames != null && parameterNames[j] != null) ? parameterNames[j] : getSimpleName(methodParameter); } JClass paraType = methodParameter.getType(); if (nonRpcMethods.contains(getSimpleName(jMethod))) { generateSchemaForType(sequence, null, getSimpleName(jMethod)); break; } else { generateSchemaForType(sequence, paraType, parameterName); } } // for its return type JClass returnType = jMethod.getReturnType(); if (!returnType.isVoidType()) { String partQname = methodName + RESPONSE; methodSchemaType = createSchemaTypeForMethodPart(partQname); sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); methodSchemaType.setParticle(sequence); JAnnotation returnAnnon = jMethod.getAnnotation(AnnotationConstants.WEB_RESULT); String returnName = "return"; if (returnAnnon != null) { returnName = returnAnnon.getValue(AnnotationConstants.NAME).asString(); if (returnName != null && !"".equals(returnName)) { returnName = "return"; } } if (nonRpcMethods.contains(getSimpleName(jMethod))) { generateSchemaForType(sequence, null, returnName); } else { generateSchemaForType(sequence, returnType, returnName); } AxisMessage outMessage = axisOperation.getMessage( WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_OUT_VALUE); outMessage.setElementQName(typeTable.getQNamefortheType(partQname)); outMessage.setName(partQname); service.addMessageElementQNameToOperationMapping(methodSchemaType.getQName(), axisOperation); } if (addToService) { service.addOperation(axisOperation); } } return (JMethod[]) list.toArray(new JMethod[list.size()]); } /** * This method will generate Schema element for all the excetion types in a given JMethod * - No matter what it will generate Schema element for java.lang.Exception so that for other * exception which extend java.lang.Excetion can use as the base class type */ protected void processException(JMethod jMethod, AxisOperation axisOperation) throws Exception { XmlSchemaComplexType methodSchemaType; XmlSchemaSequence sequence; if (jMethod.getExceptionTypes().length > 0) { if (!generateBaseException) { sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); XmlSchema xmlSchema = getXmlSchema(schemaTargetNameSpace); QName elementName = new QName(schemaTargetNameSpace, "Exception", schema_namespace_prefix); XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType(xmlSchema); complexType.setName("Exception"); xmlSchema.getItems().add(complexType); xmlSchema.getElements().add(elementName, complexType); typeTable.addComplexSchema(Exception.class.getName(), elementName); QName schemaTypeName = TypeTable.ANY_TYPE; addContentToMethodSchemaType(sequence, schemaTypeName, "Exception", false); complexType.setParticle(sequence); generateBaseException = true; } JClass[] extypes = jMethod.getExceptionTypes(); for (int j = 0; j < extypes.length; j++) { JClass extype = extypes[j]; if (AxisFault.class.getName().equals(extype.getQualifiedName())) { continue; } String partQname = extype.getSimpleName(); methodSchemaType = createSchemaTypeForFault(partQname); QName elementName = new QName(this.schemaTargetNameSpace, partQname, this.schema_namespace_prefix); sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); if (Exception.class.getName().equals(extype.getQualifiedName())) { addContentToMethodSchemaType(sequence, typeTable.getComplexSchemaType(Exception.class.getName()), partQname, false); methodSchemaType.setParticle(sequence); typeTable.addComplexSchema(Exception.class.getPackage().getName(), methodSchemaType.getQName()); } else { generateSchemaForType(sequence, extype, extype.getSimpleName()); methodSchemaType.setParticle(sequence); } typeTable.addComplexSchema(partQname,elementName); if (AxisFault.class.getName().equals(extype.getQualifiedName())) { continue; } AxisMessage faultMessage = new AxisMessage(); faultMessage.setName(extype.getSimpleName()); faultMessage.setElementQName(typeTable.getQNamefortheType(partQname)); axisOperation.setFaultMessages(faultMessage); } } } /** * JAM convert first name of an attribute into UpperCase as an example if there is a instance * variable called foo in a bean , then Jam give that as Foo so this method is to correct that * error * * @param wrongName * @return the right name, using english as the locale for case conversion */ public static String getCorrectName(String wrongName) { if (wrongName.length() > 1) { return wrongName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + wrongName.substring(1, wrongName.length()); } else { return wrongName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } } /** * Generate schema construct for given type * * @param javaType */ private QName generateSchema(JClass javaType) throws Exception { String name = getQualifiedName(javaType); QName schemaTypeName = typeTable.getComplexSchemaType(name); if (schemaTypeName == null) { String simpleName = getSimpleName(javaType); String packageName = getQualifiedName(javaType.getContainingPackage()); String targetNameSpace = resolveSchemaNamespace(packageName); XmlSchema xmlSchema = getXmlSchema(targetNameSpace); String targetNamespacePrefix = (String) targetNamespacePrefixMap.get(targetNameSpace); if (targetNamespacePrefix == null) { targetNamespacePrefix = generatePrefix(); targetNamespacePrefixMap.put(targetNameSpace, targetNamespacePrefix); } XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType(xmlSchema); XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension complexExtension = new XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension(); XmlSchemaElement eltOuter = new XmlSchemaElement(); schemaTypeName = new QName(targetNameSpace, simpleName, targetNamespacePrefix); eltOuter.setName(simpleName); eltOuter.setQName(schemaTypeName); JClass sup = javaType.getSuperclass(); if ((sup != null) && !("java.lang.Object".compareTo(sup.getQualifiedName()) == 0) && !("org.apache.axis2".compareTo(sup.getContainingPackage().getQualifiedName()) == 0)) { String superClassName = sup.getQualifiedName(); String superclassname = getSimpleName(sup); String tgtNamespace; String tgtNamespacepfx; QName qName = typeTable.getSimpleSchemaTypeName(superClassName); if (qName != null) { tgtNamespace = qName.getNamespaceURI(); tgtNamespacepfx = qName.getPrefix(); } else { tgtNamespace = resolveSchemaNamespace(sup.getContainingPackage().getQualifiedName()); tgtNamespacepfx = (String) targetNamespacePrefixMap.get(tgtNamespace); QName superClassQname = generateSchema(sup); if(superClassQname!=null){ tgtNamespacepfx = superClassQname.getPrefix(); tgtNamespace = superClassQname.getNamespaceURI(); } } if (tgtNamespacepfx == null) { tgtNamespacepfx = generatePrefix(); targetNamespacePrefixMap.put(tgtNamespace, tgtNamespacepfx); } QName basetype = new QName(tgtNamespace, superclassname, tgtNamespacepfx); complexExtension.setBaseTypeName(basetype); complexExtension.setParticle(sequence); XmlSchemaComplexContent contentModel = new XmlSchemaComplexContent(); contentModel.setContent(complexExtension); complexType.setContentModel(contentModel); } else { complexType.setParticle(sequence); } complexType.setName(simpleName); // xmlSchema.getItems().add(eltOuter); xmlSchema.getElements().add(schemaTypeName, eltOuter); eltOuter.setSchemaTypeName(complexType.getQName()); xmlSchema.getItems().add(complexType); xmlSchema.getSchemaTypes().add(schemaTypeName, complexType); // adding this type to the table typeTable.addComplexSchema(name, eltOuter.getQName()); // adding this type's package to the table, to support inheritance. typeTable.addComplexSchema(javaType.getContainingPackage().getQualifiedName(), eltOuter.getQName()); Set propertiesSet = new HashSet(); Set propertiesNames = new HashSet(); JProperty[] tempProperties = javaType.getDeclaredProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < tempProperties.length; i++) { propertiesSet.add(tempProperties[i]); } JProperty[] properties = (JProperty[]) propertiesSet.toArray(new JProperty[0]); Arrays.sort(properties); for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { JProperty property = properties[i]; boolean isArryType = property.getType().isArrayType(); String propname = getCorrectName(property.getSimpleName()); propertiesNames.add(propname); this.generateSchemaforFieldsandProperties(xmlSchema, sequence, property.getType(), propname, isArryType); } JField[] tempFields = javaType.getDeclaredFields(); HashMap FieldMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < tempFields.length; i++) { // create a element for the field only if it is public // and there is no property with the same name if (tempFields[i].isPublic()) { // skip field with same name as a property if (!propertiesNames.contains(tempFields[i].getSimpleName())) { FieldMap.put(tempFields[i].getSimpleName(), tempFields[i]); } } } // remove fields from super classes patch for defect Annogen-21 // getDeclaredFields is incorrectly returning fields of super classes as well // getDeclaredProperties used earlier works correctly JClass supr = javaType.getSuperclass(); while (supr != null && supr.getQualifiedName().compareTo("java.lang.Object") != 0) { JField[] suprFields = supr.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < suprFields.length; i++) { FieldMap.remove(suprFields[i].getSimpleName()); } supr = supr.getSuperclass(); } // end patch for Annogen -21 JField[] froperties = (JField[]) FieldMap.values().toArray(new JField[0]); Arrays.sort(froperties); for (int i = 0; i < froperties.length; i++) { JField field = froperties[i]; boolean isArryType = field.getType().isArrayType(); this.generateSchemaforFieldsandProperties(xmlSchema, sequence, field.getType(), field.getSimpleName(), isArryType); } } return schemaTypeName; } // moved code common to Fields & properties out of above method protected void generateSchemaforFieldsandProperties(XmlSchema xmlSchema, XmlSchemaSequence sequence, JClass type, String name, boolean isArryType) throws Exception { String propertyName; if (isArryType) { propertyName = getQualifiedName(type.getArrayComponentType()); } else propertyName = getQualifiedName(type); if (isArryType && "byte".equals(propertyName)) { propertyName = "base64Binary"; } if (isDataHandler(type)) { propertyName = "base64Binary"; } if (typeTable.isSimpleType(propertyName)) { XmlSchemaElement elt1 = new XmlSchemaElement(); elt1.setName(name); elt1.setSchemaTypeName(typeTable.getSimpleSchemaTypeName(propertyName)); sequence.getItems().add(elt1); if (isArryType && (!propertyName.equals("base64Binary"))) { elt1.setMaxOccurs(Long.MAX_VALUE); } elt1.setMinOccurs(0); if (!type.isPrimitiveType()) { elt1.setNillable(true); } } else { if (isArryType) { generateSchema(type.getArrayComponentType()); } else { generateSchema(type); } XmlSchemaElement elt1 = new XmlSchemaElement(); elt1.setName(name); elt1.setSchemaTypeName(typeTable.getComplexSchemaType(propertyName)); sequence.getItems().add(elt1); if (isArryType) { elt1.setMaxOccurs(Long.MAX_VALUE); } elt1.setMinOccurs(0); elt1.setNillable(true); if (!((NamespaceMap) xmlSchema.getNamespaceContext()).values(). contains(typeTable.getComplexSchemaType(propertyName).getNamespaceURI())) { XmlSchemaImport importElement = new XmlSchemaImport(); importElement.setNamespace( typeTable.getComplexSchemaType(propertyName).getNamespaceURI()); xmlSchema.getItems().add(importElement); ((NamespaceMap) xmlSchema.getNamespaceContext()). put(generatePrefix(), typeTable.getComplexSchemaType(propertyName).getNamespaceURI()); } } } private QName generateSchemaForType(XmlSchemaSequence sequence, JClass type, String partName) throws Exception { boolean isArrayType = false; if (type != null) { isArrayType = type.isArrayType(); } if (isArrayType) { type = type.getArrayComponentType(); } if (AxisFault.class.getName().equals(type)) { return null; } String classTypeName; if (type == null) { classTypeName = "java.lang.Object"; } else { classTypeName = getQualifiedName(type); } if (isArrayType && "byte".equals(classTypeName)) { classTypeName = "base64Binary"; isArrayType = false; } if (isDataHandler(type)) { classTypeName = "base64Binary"; } QName schemaTypeName = typeTable.getSimpleSchemaTypeName(classTypeName); if (schemaTypeName == null) { schemaTypeName = generateSchema(type); addContentToMethodSchemaType(sequence, schemaTypeName, partName, isArrayType); String schemaNamespace; schemaNamespace = resolveSchemaNamespace(getQualifiedName(type.getContainingPackage())); addImport(getXmlSchema(schemaNamespace), schemaTypeName); } else { addContentToMethodSchemaType(sequence, schemaTypeName, partName, isArrayType); } return schemaTypeName; } protected boolean isDataHandler(JClass clazz){ if(clazz == null ){ return false; } String classType = clazz.getQualifiedName(); if("java.lang.Object".equals(classType)){ return false; } if ("javax.activation.DataHandler".equals(classType)) { return true; } else { JClass supuerClass = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (supuerClass != null) { return isDataHandler(supuerClass); } else { return false; } } } protected void addContentToMethodSchemaType(XmlSchemaSequence sequence, QName schemaTypeName, String paraName, boolean isArray) { XmlSchemaElement elt1 = new XmlSchemaElement(); elt1.setName(paraName); elt1.setSchemaTypeName(schemaTypeName); if (sequence != null) { sequence.getItems().add(elt1); } if (isArray) { elt1.setMaxOccurs(Long.MAX_VALUE); } elt1.setMinOccurs(0); if (!("int".equals(schemaTypeName.getLocalPart()) || "double".equals(schemaTypeName.getLocalPart()) || "long".equals(schemaTypeName.getLocalPart()) || "boolean".equals(schemaTypeName.getLocalPart()) || "short".equals(schemaTypeName.getLocalPart()) || "float".equals(schemaTypeName.getLocalPart()) )) { elt1.setNillable(true); } } private XmlSchemaComplexType createSchemaTypeForMethodPart(String localPartName) { XmlSchema xmlSchema = getXmlSchema(schemaTargetNameSpace); QName elementName = new QName(this.schemaTargetNameSpace, localPartName, this.schema_namespace_prefix); XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = getComplexTypeForElement(xmlSchema, elementName); if (complexType == null) { complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType(xmlSchema); XmlSchemaElement globalElement = new XmlSchemaElement(); globalElement.setSchemaType(complexType); globalElement.setName(localPartName); globalElement.setQName(elementName); xmlSchema.getItems().add(globalElement); xmlSchema.getElements().add(elementName, globalElement); } typeTable.addComplexSchema(localPartName, elementName); return complexType; } private XmlSchemaComplexType createSchemaTypeForFault(String localPartName) { XmlSchema xmlSchema = getXmlSchema(schemaTargetNameSpace); QName elementName = new QName(this.schemaTargetNameSpace, localPartName, this.schema_namespace_prefix); XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = getComplexTypeForElement(xmlSchema, elementName); if (complexType == null) { complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType(xmlSchema); XmlSchemaElement globalElement = new XmlSchemaElement(); globalElement.setSchemaType(complexType); globalElement.setName(localPartName); globalElement.setQName(elementName); xmlSchema.getItems().add(globalElement); xmlSchema.getElements().add(elementName, globalElement); } return complexType; } protected XmlSchemaComplexType getComplexTypeForElement(XmlSchema xmlSchema, QName name) { Iterator iterator = xmlSchema.getItems().getIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { XmlSchemaObject object = (XmlSchemaObject) iterator.next(); if (object instanceof XmlSchemaElement && ((XmlSchemaElement) object).getQName().equals(name)) { return (XmlSchemaComplexType) ((XmlSchemaElement) object).getSchemaType(); } } return null; } private XmlSchema getXmlSchema(String targetNamespace) { XmlSchema xmlSchema; if ((xmlSchema = (XmlSchema) schemaMap.get(targetNamespace)) == null) { String targetNamespacePrefix = null; if (targetNamespace.equals(schemaTargetNameSpace) && schema_namespace_prefix != null) { targetNamespacePrefix = schema_namespace_prefix; } else { targetNamespacePrefix = generatePrefix(); } xmlSchema = new XmlSchema(targetNamespace, xmlSchemaCollection); xmlSchema.setAttributeFormDefault(getAttrFormDefaultSetting()); xmlSchema.setElementFormDefault(getElementFormDefaultSetting()); targetNamespacePrefixMap.put(targetNamespace, targetNamespacePrefix); schemaMap.put(targetNamespace, xmlSchema); NamespaceMap prefixmap = new NamespaceMap(); prefixmap.put(DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX, URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD); prefixmap.put(targetNamespacePrefix, targetNamespace); xmlSchema.setNamespaceContext(prefixmap); } return xmlSchema; } public TypeTable getTypeTable() { return typeTable; } public JMethod[] getMethods() { return methods; } protected String generatePrefix() { return NAME_SPACE_PREFIX + prefixCount++; } public void setExcludeMethods(ArrayList excludeMethods) { if (excludeMethods == null) excludeMethods = new ArrayList(); this.excludeMethods = excludeMethods; } public String getSchemaTargetNameSpace() { return schemaTargetNameSpace; } protected void addImport(XmlSchema xmlSchema, QName schemaTypeName) { NamespacePrefixList map = xmlSchema.getNamespaceContext(); if (map instanceof NamespaceMap && !((NamespaceMap) map).values(). contains(schemaTypeName.getNamespaceURI())) { XmlSchemaImport importElement = new XmlSchemaImport(); importElement.setNamespace(schemaTypeName.getNamespaceURI()); xmlSchema.getItems().add(importElement); ((NamespaceMap) xmlSchema.getNamespaceContext()). put(generatePrefix(), schemaTypeName.getNamespaceURI()); } } public String getAttrFormDefault() { return attrFormDefault; } public void setAttrFormDefault(String attrFormDefault) { this.attrFormDefault = attrFormDefault; } public String getElementFormDefault() { return elementFormDefault; } public void setElementFormDefault(String elementFormDefault) { this.elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault; } protected XmlSchemaForm getAttrFormDefaultSetting() { if (FORM_DEFAULT_UNQUALIFIED.equals(getAttrFormDefault())) { return new XmlSchemaForm(XmlSchemaForm.UNQUALIFIED); } else { return new XmlSchemaForm(XmlSchemaForm.QUALIFIED); } } protected XmlSchemaForm getElementFormDefaultSetting() { if (FORM_DEFAULT_UNQUALIFIED.equals(getElementFormDefault())) { return new XmlSchemaForm(XmlSchemaForm.UNQUALIFIED); } else { return new XmlSchemaForm(XmlSchemaForm.QUALIFIED); } } public ArrayList getExtraClasses() { if (extraClasses == null) { extraClasses = new ArrayList(); } return extraClasses; } public void setExtraClasses(ArrayList extraClasses) { this.extraClasses = extraClasses; } protected String resolveSchemaNamespace(String packageName) throws Exception { //if all types must go into the wsdl types schema namespace if (useWSDLTypesNamespace) { //return schemaTargetNameSpace; return (String) pkg2nsmap.get("all"); } else { if (pkg2nsmap != null && !pkg2nsmap.isEmpty()) { //if types should go into namespaces that are mapped against the package name for the type if (pkg2nsmap.get(packageName) != null) { //return that mapping return (String) pkg2nsmap.get(packageName); } else { return getNsGen().schemaNamespaceFromPackageName(packageName).toString(); } } else { // if pkg2nsmap is null and if not default schema ns found for the custom bean return getNsGen().schemaNamespaceFromPackageName(packageName).toString(); } } } public boolean isUseWSDLTypesNamespace() { return useWSDLTypesNamespace; } public void setUseWSDLTypesNamespace(boolean useWSDLTypesNamespace) { this.useWSDLTypesNamespace = useWSDLTypesNamespace; } public Map getPkg2nsmap() { return pkg2nsmap; } public void setPkg2nsmap(Map pkg2nsmap) { this.pkg2nsmap = pkg2nsmap; } public String getTargetNamespace() { return targetNamespace; } protected String getSimpleName(JMethod method) { return method.getSimpleName(); } protected String getSimpleName(JClass type) { return type.getSimpleName(); } protected String getSimpleName(JProperty peroperty) { return peroperty.getSimpleName(); } protected String getSimpleName(JParameter parameter) { return parameter.getSimpleName(); } protected String getQualifiedName(JMethod method) { return method.getQualifiedName(); } protected String getQualifiedName(JClass type) { return type.getQualifiedName(); } protected String getQualifiedName(JProperty peroperty) { return peroperty.getQualifiedName(); } protected String getQualifiedName(JParameter parameter) { return parameter.getQualifiedName(); } protected String getQualifiedName(JPackage packagez) { return packagez.getQualifiedName(); } public void setNonRpcMethods(ArrayList nonRpcMethods) { if (nonRpcMethods != null) { this.nonRpcMethods = nonRpcMethods; } } public void setAxisService(AxisService service) { this.service = service; } } Other Axis 2 examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Axis 2 DefaultSchemaGenerator.java source code file: |
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