Axis 2 example source code file (resource.properties)
The Axis 2 resource.properties source code# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Translation instructions. # 1. Each message line is of the form key=value. # Translate the value, DO NOT translate the key. # 2. The messages may contain arguments that will be filled in # by the runtime. These are of the form: {0}, {1}, etc. # These must appear as is in the message, though the order # may be changed to support proper language syntax. # 3. If a single quote character is to appear in the resulting # message, it must appear in this file as two consecutive # single quote characters. # 4. Lines beginning with "#" (like this one) are comment lines # and may contain translation instructions. They need not be # translated unless your translated file, rather than this file, # will serve as a base for other translators. # # Do not remove the following comment line. It is a variable used by a translation tool. # NLS_MESSAGEFORMAT_VAR ############################################################################# # DO NOT TOUCH THESE PROPERTIES - THEY ARE AUTOMATICALLY UPDATED BY THE BUILD # PROCESS. axisVersion=Apache Axis2 version: @axisVersion@ axisVersionRaw=@axisVersion@ axisBuiltOnRaw=@TODAY@ axisUserAgent=Axis/@axisVersion@ builtOn=Built on @TODAY@ ############################################################################# threadpoolshutdown=Thread pool is shut down. errorWhileSafeShutDown=Error during safe shutdown invaliduser=The user name is not valid. invalidSOAPversion=The SOAP URI is not valid. Axis2 supports SOAP Version 1.1 and 1.2 only. cannotInferTransport=The system cannot infer the transport information from the {0} URL. cannotInferTransportNoAddr=Address information does not exist in the Endpoint Reference (EPR).The system cannot infer the transport mechanism. cannotBeNullAxisOperation=The Axis operation cannot be null. cannotBeNullServiceContext=The ServiceContext cannot be null. cannotBeNullConfigurationContext=The ConfigurationContext cannot be null. cannotBeNullOperationContext=The OperationContext cannot be null. nowhereToSendError=The return response path is missing and faultTo is not specified. errorwhileProcessingFault=An error occurred while processing the fault. See the previous error in the stack trace for more information. unSupportedMEP=An unsupported message exchange pattern (MEP) exists in {0}. mepClientSupportOnly=This message exchange pattern (MEP) client supports {0} only and the supplied Axis operations supports {1}. inputstreamNull=The input stream for an incoming message is null. unknownTransport=An unknown transport called {0} exists. paramIsNotSpecified=The {0} parameter is not specified. groovyNoanswer=An answer has not been received from groovy. groovyUnableToLoad=The system cannot load {0} outMessageNull=The out message is NULL, nothing to write. canNotBeNull={0} cannot be NULL. notFound={0} cannot be found. transportError=Transport error: {0} Error: {1} httpTransportError=HTTP Transport error: ''{0}'' - ''{1}'' preatureEOS=A premature end of stream has occurred. responseTimeOut=Time out while waiting for the server to send the response. callBackCompletedWithError=The callback complete, but there was no envelope element or an error. 2channelNeedAddressing=To use two transport channels you must use the WS-Addressing module. useSeparateListenerLimited=Setting useSeparateListener to false is not a valid option when the Sender is {0} and Listener is {1} replyNeedStarting=Before requesting the ReplyTo value, the system must start the TransportListener. The Transport is {0} failedToOpenSocket=The system failed to open the socket. noRecep4Email=A recipient is not specified in the e-mail message. unknownMsgLabel=An unknown message label has been encountered: {0} cannotCorrelateMsg= The system cannot correlate the {0} message operation to RelatesTo {1} addAfterInvoke00={0}: The chain already has been invoked. #AandBdonotmatch=The {0} value does not match {1} value. The system expected the {2} value, but found the {3} value. rpcNeedmatchingChild=The remote procedure call (RPC) style expects the immediate child of the SOAP body. unknownStyle=The {0} style is an unknown style. rawXmlProviderIsLimited=The XML provider supports only the methods that contain the public OMElement <method-name>(OMElement) signature where the method-name variable can be any value. methodNotImplemented=The implementation class does not define a method called methodDoesNotExistInOut=The ServiceClass object does not implement the required method in the following form: OMElement {0}(OMElement e) methodDoesNotExistInOnly=RawXMLMessageReceiver can not handle this scenario since ServiceClass has implemented to take Non OMElement as method arguments. implReturnedNull=The implementation class returned a null value. invalidMethodName=The {0} method name is not valid for the service implementation class. blockInvocationExpectsRes=The blocking invocation does not contain a response. serviceGroupIDNotFound=The SOAP session information cannot be retrieved from the correlation id that was received. # Client operationnotfound=The {0} operation cannot be found. unsupportedyype=An unsupported type exists. unknownsoapversion=The system does not recognize the SOAP version. cannotfindamoduletoprocess=The system cannot find a module to process {0} type assertions. noendpointfound=An endpoint cannot be found in the Service {0} endpointnotfound=An endpoint cannot be found. unsupportdmep=An unsupported message exchange pattern (MEP) exists. noservicefound=A service was not located. # context servicenotfound=A service cannot be located. threadpoolset=The thread pool is already set. transportiniterror=A transport-OUT initialization error: {0} invalidserviceinagroup=The {0} service, which is not valid, does not belong to the {1} service group. cannotFlushRootNull=Context cannot be flushed since the root context is null # Deployment Errors invalidWSDLFound=The WSDL file found in the service archive file is not valid. The WSDL file must have either http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl or http://www.w3.org/2004/03/wsdl as the namespace of the document element. #wsdlfilenotfound=The WSDL file cannot be found for the service: {0} servicexmlnotfound=The services.xml file cannot be found for the service: {0} modulexmlnotfound=The module.xml file cannot be found for the module: {0} classnotfound=The {0} class cannot be found. fileNotFound=The {0} file cannot be found. repocannotbebull=The Axis2 repository cannot be null. confignotfound=The system cannot find the axis2.xml file. pathtoconfigcanotnull=The path to axis2.xml file cannot be NULL. modulevalfailed=Module validation failed: {0} invalidphase=Did not find the desired phase ''{0}'' while deploying handler ''{1}''. dispatchPhaseNotFoundOnInflow=The '"Dispatch'" phase is not found on the global '"InFlow'" phase of the axis2.xml file. Make sure the phase is within the axis2.xml file. #invalidmoduleref=The {0} service refers to the {1} module, which is not valid. invalidmodulerefbyop={0} operation refers to the {1} module, which is not valid. addingnewmodule=Adding new module settingcl=The service is setting the {0} class loader. deployingws=Deploying Web service: {0} invalidservice=The {0} service, which is not valid, caused {1} deployeingmodule=Deploying module: {0} invalidmodule=The {0} module, which is not valid, caused {1} serviceremoved=Undeploying Web service: {0} typemappingnotallowed=Type Mappings are not allowed in the axis2.xml file. errorinloadingmr=A {0} error occurred in loading the message receiver {1} errorinloadingts=A {0} error occurred in loading the transport sender {1} errorloadingbuilder=A {0} error occurred while validating the message builder {1} errorloadingformatter=A {0} error occurred while validating the message formatter {1} invalidconfigattribute=Attributes exist in the axis2.xml file that are not valid. {0} {1} undefinedFlowType=An undefined flow type exists in {0} flowtypeisrequird=The flow type is a required attribute in {0} elementisnotallow=The {0} element is not allowed in the axis2.xml file. # outflownotallowedintrin is not used #outflownotallowedintrin=OUTFlow does not support in AxisTransportIN {0} unknownelement=This element is unknown: {0} inflownotallowedintrout=InFlow is not supported in TransportOutDescription {0} badarguforservice=The {0} arguments are not valid for the {1} service. typemappingnotimpl=Type mapping support is not available. beanmappingnotimpl=Bean mapping support is not available. modulenotfound=The {0} module is not valid or has not been deployed. badparaagu=bad parameter arguments. name cannot be null : {0} badlistagu=The listener arguments are not valid. # invalidhandlerdif and thisshouldbeimplement are not used. #invalidhandlerdif= The Handler cannot have both a name and a ref {0} #thisshouldbeimplment=This should be implemented {0} opnotfoundinwsdl=The {0} Operation Name cannot be found in the WSDL file. # badopeattribute and unknownelementinop are not used. #badopattribute=An attribute that is not valid was found in the operation: {0} #unknownelementinop=An unknown element exists in the operation: {0} modulecannothavrbothnameandref=A module cannot have both a name and a ref {0}. invalideleinmodule=The {0} element is not allowed in the module.xml file. # invalidphase01 is not used. #invalidphase01=Invalid Phase : {0} for the handler {1} does not exit in axis2.xml or refering to phase in different flow invalidmodulerefbyconfig=A reference by the axis2.xml file is made to the {0} module, which is not valid. phasedosenotspecified=A Phase is specified for the {0} handler. servicemodulecannothaveglobal=A service-specific module cannot refer system pre-defined phases: {0} fnf=The file cannot be found. fnf_e=The {0} file cannot be found. StreamException=XMLStreamException : {0} mnf={0} : The module cannot be found. invalid_storage=The definition of the storage class is not valid because the class name is missing. no_dispatcher_found=A dispatcher cannot be found and cannot continue. noMetaInf=Invalid service. META-INF directory not found. ivs=Invalid service. META-INF directory not found. badModuleFromOperation=An error occurred in the {0} engaging module to the {1} operation. A module reference that is not valid exists at the operation. badModuleFromService=An error occurred in the {0} engaging module to the {1} service. A module reference that is not valid exists at the service. InstantiationException=An InstantiationException error occurred in Axis storage processing {0} IllegalAccessException=An IllegalAccessException error occurred in Axis storage processing {0} transportSenderError=The TransportSender implementation class is required for the transport {0} obsererror=An implemenation class of the Observer object is required. invalidmoduleconfig=A module configuration exists that is not valid. invalidhandler=Invalid handler config! Name: {0} Reason: {1} parameterlockederror=The {0} parameter is locked at the top level and cannot be overridden. op_error=Processing Operations Modules with an error of {0} servicenameeror=A service name is required. invalid_op=The operation is not valid: {0} cannotCorrelateMsg01=Cannot correlate MessageID {1} to {0} fileExistsNoOverwrite=The {0} file cannot be overwritten. cannotConnectError=Unable to connect failedJMSConnectorShutdown=A failure occurred in the JMSConnectorShutdown errorinschemagen=The following error occurred during schema generation: {0} errorininputstreamclose=An error occurred in closing input stream. phaseclassnotfound=The system cannot find the phase class: {0} : {1} modulenamecannotbenull=The following attribute /defaultModuleVersions/module/@name is not set in axis2.xml moduleversioncannotbenull=The following attribute /defaultModuleVersions/module/@version is not set in axis2.xml # documentcreatingerror is not used. #documentcreatingerror=An exception occurred when creating the document from the WSDL file: {0} noserviceelemtfound=The javax.wsdl.Service element cannot be found. serviceporterror=The system must specify at least one port. soapbindingerror=The system must specify at least one port with a SOAP binding. axisoperationcreateerror=An exception when creating AxisOperation for the AxisService: {0} wrapperelementcreaterror=An exception occurred when creating the wrapper element. policyprocessingerror=An exception occurred when processing policy elements. bothrepoandconfignull=The repository location is not specified and the axis2.xml file is not provided. The system will use the default configuration, which uses the default_axis2.xml file. cannotfindrepo=The system cannot locate the specified repository location: {0} norepofoundinaxis2=A repository location is not found in the axis2.xml file. noservicedirfound=No services directory was found under {0}. nomoduledirfound=No modules directory was found under {0}. confdirnotfound=The conf directory cannot be found and the axis2.xml file is not provided. The system will use the default_axis2.xml file. noaxis2xmlfound=The axis2.xml file cannot be found in conf directory. The system will use the default_axis2.xml file. badelementfound=The system was looking for the ''{0}'' element, but it found ''{1}'' messagelabelcannotfound=The message label cannot be null. paramterlockedbyparent=The {0} parameter is already locked and the value cannot be overridden. modulealredyengaged=The {0} module is already engaged. The operation has been stopped. mepmappingerror=The system cannot map the message exchange pattern (MEP) URI to a constant value for the axis2 MEP. mepnotyetimplemented=The message exchange pattern (MEP) {0} has not implemented the createClient method. modulealredyengagetoservice=The system is attempting to engage a module that is already engaged: {0} invalidoperation=The following operation is not valid: {0} noschemafound=A schema cannot be found for the service. modulenotavailble=The system is attempting to engage a module that is not available: {0} modulealredyengagedtoservicegroup=The {0} module has already been engaged on the service group. The operation has been stopped. servicenotfoundinwsdl=The {0} service cannot be found in the WSDL file. noservicefoundinwsdl=The service cannot be found in the given WSDL file. noporttypefoundfor=A port cannot be found for the {0} port name. noporttypefound=A port cannot be found in the service element. modulenf=A module cannot be found. mepcompleted=A message was added that is not valid. However, the operation context was complete. invalidacess= An access occurred that is not valid. mepiscomplted=The message exchange pattern (MEP) is already complete. Use the reset method before re-running. outmsgctxnull=The out message context is null. Set the out message context before calling this method. cannotreset=The message exchange pattern (MEP) is not complete. Cannot reset cannotaddmsgctx=The system cannot add the message context again until client runs. clusterImplNotFound=Clustering implementation class {0} not found contextManagerListenerIsNull=Cluster ContextManager entry not found in axis2.xml configurationManagerListenerIsNull=Cluster ConfigurationManager entry not found in axis2.xml cannotLoadClusterImpl=Cluster implementation cannot be loaded classAttributeNotFound=The element {0} must have a attribute with the name ''class'' #Policy emptypolicy=The Policy ID is either null or empty. # outMessageNull is not used. #outMessageNull=The out message is null. malformedURLException00=MalformedURLException: exception00=Exception: #Byte code reading for Java2WSDL badClassFile00=An error occurred when looking for parameter names in the bytecode. The input might not be a valid class file. cantLoadByecode=The system cannot load the bytecode for the class "{0}" unexpectedEOF00=An error occurred when looking for the parameter names in the bytecode. The end of the file was reached unexpectedly. unexpectedBytes00=An error occurred when looking for the parameter names in the bytecode. There are unexpected bytes in the file. #description servicefound=Found AxisService : {0} operationfound=Found AxisOperation : {0} checkingoperation=The system is checking for the operation using the following WSAAction: {0} checkingserviceforepr=The system is checking for the service using the following toEPR address: {0} checkingrelatesto=The system is checking the following RelatesTo: {0} twoservicecannothavesamename=Two services cannot have same name. A service with the {0} name already exists in the system. cannotaddapplicationscopeservice=The system cannot add a service with application scope after the system has started. invalidservicegroupname=The {0} service group name is not valid. modulealredyengagedglobaly=An attempt was made to engage the {0} module, which is already engaged. refertoinvalidmodule=A reference was made to a module that has not been deployed. serviceinactive=The system is attempting to access an inactive service: {0} servicenamenotvalid=The {0} service name in not valid. enginestarted=The Axis engine started. mustunderstandfailed=Must Understand check failed for header {0} : {1} receivederrormessage=The system received an error message with the {0} ID. servicenotfoundforepr=The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference (EPR) {0} operationnotfoundforepr=The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is {0} and the WSA Action = {1} unabletofindservice=The requested service could not be found -- the operation has been stopped. invalidservicegrouoid=The {0} Service Group ID is not valid. servicenotfoundinthesystem=The {0} service is not found in the system. transportnotfound=The transport is not found: {0} CannotConfigureAxis2=The system cannot configure Axis2. wsaddressingrequirednotpresent=WS-Addressing is required, but it cannot be found. nomessagereciever=Message Receiver not found for AxisOperation: {0} duplicaterelatesto=The message is a duplicate (has the same reply relationship value) of an already processed message. RelatesTo = {0} getMessageContextError=The message context could not be retrieved due to the following error: {0} mismatchedModuleVersions=Tried to deploy (to {0}) a module ''{1}'' when ''{2}'' was already deployed - version mismatch! Other Axis 2 examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Axis 2 resource.properties source code file: |
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