Commons Digester example source code file (CallMethodRuleTestCase.java)
This example Commons Digester source code file (CallMethodRuleTestCase.java) is included in the DevDaily.com
"Java Source Code
Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.
The Commons Digester CallMethodRuleTestCase.java source code
/* $Id: CallMethodRuleTestCase.java 992060 2010-09-02 19:09:47Z simonetripodi $
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.digester;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
//import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog;
* <p>Tests for the CallMethodRule and associated
* <code>CallParamRule.
* @author Christopher Lenz
public class CallMethodRuleTestCase {
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
* The digester instance we will be processing.
protected Digester digester = null;
// --------------------------------------------------- Overall Test Methods
* Set up instance variables required by this test case.
public void setUp() {
digester = new Digester();
* Tear down instance variables required by this test case.
public void tearDown() {
digester = null;
// ------------------------------------------------ Individual Test Methods
* Test method calls with the CallMethodRule rule. It should be possible
* to call a method with no arguments using several rule syntaxes.
public void testBasic() throws SAXException, IOException {
// Configure the digester as required
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", Employee.class);
// try all syntax permutations
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "toString", 0, (Class[])null);
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "toString", 0, (String[])null);
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "toString", 0, new Class[] {});
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "toString", 0, new String[] {});
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "toString");
// Parse our test input.
// An exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
Object root1 = digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
* Test method calls with the CallMethodRule reading from the element
* body, with no CallParamMethod rules added.
public void testCallMethodOnly() throws Exception {
// Configure the digester as required
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", Employee.class);
digester.addCallMethod("employee/firstName", "setFirstName", 0);
digester.addCallMethod("employee/lastName", "setLastName", 0);
// Parse our test input
Employee employee = (Employee)
assertNotNull("parsed an employee", employee);
// Validate that the property setters were called
assertEquals("Set first name", "First Name", employee.getFirstName());
assertEquals("Set last name", "Last Name", employee.getLastName());
* Test CallMethodRule variants which specify the classes of the
* parameters to target methods. String, int, boolean, float should all
* be acceptable as parameter types.
public void testSettingProperties() throws SAXException, IOException {
// Configure the digester as required
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", Employee.class);
// try all syntax permutations
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "setLastName", 1,
new String[] {"java.lang.String"});
digester.addCallParam("employee/lastName", 0);
// Parse our test input
Object root1 = null;
// an exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
root1 = digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
Employee employee = (Employee) root1;
assertEquals("Failed to call Employee.setLastName",
"Last Name", employee.getLastName());
digester = new Digester();
// Configure the digester as required
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", Employee.class);
// try out primitive convertion
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "setAge", 1,
new Class[] {int.class});
digester.addCallParam("employee/age", 0);
// Parse our test input
root1 = null;
// an exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
root1 = digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
employee = (Employee) root1;
assertEquals("Failed to call Employee.setAge", 21, employee.getAge());
digester = new Digester();
// Configure the digester as required
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", Employee.class);
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "setActive", 1,
new Class[] {boolean.class});
digester.addCallParam("employee/active", 0);
// Parse our test input
root1 = null;
// an exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
root1 = digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
employee = (Employee) root1;
assertEquals("Failed to call Employee.setActive",
true, employee.isActive());
digester = new Digester();
// Configure the digester as required
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", Employee.class);
digester.addCallMethod("employee", "setSalary", 1,
new Class[] {float.class});
digester.addCallParam("employee/salary", 0);
// Parse our test input
root1 = null;
// an exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
root1 = digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
employee = (Employee) root1;
assertEquals("Failed to call Employee.setSalary",
1000000.0f, employee.getSalary(), 0.1f);
* This tests the call methods params enhancement that provides
* for more complex stack-based calls.
public void testParamsFromStack() throws SAXException, IOException {
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer().
append("<?xml version='1.0'?>").
append(" <key name='The key'/>").
append(" <value name='The value'/>").
digester.addObjectCreate("map", HashMap.class);
digester.addCallMethod("map", "put", 2);
digester.addObjectCreate("map/key", AlphaBean.class);
digester.addCallParam("map/key", 0, true);
digester.addObjectCreate("map/value", BetaBean.class);
digester.addCallParam("map/value", 1, true);
HashMap<AlphaBean, BetaBean> map = (HashMap) digester.parse(new StringReader(xml.toString()));
assertEquals(1, map.size());
assertEquals("The key",
assertEquals("The value",
* Test that the target object for a CallMethodRule is the object that was
* on top of the object stack when the CallMethodRule fired, even when other
* rules fire between the CallMethodRule and its associated CallParamRules.
* <p>
* The current implementation of CallMethodRule ensures this works by
* firing only at the end of the tag that CallMethodRule triggered on.
public void testOrderNestedPartA() throws Exception {
// Configure the digester as required
// Here, we use the "grandchild element name" as a parameter to
// the created element, to ensure that all the params aren't
// avaiable to the CallMethodRule until some other rules have fired,
// in particular an ObjectCreateRule. The CallMethodRule should still
// function correctly in this scenario.
digester.addObjectCreate("toplevel/element", NamedBean.class);
digester.addCallMethod("toplevel/element", "setName", 1);
digester.addCallParam("toplevel/element/element/element", 0, "name");
digester.addObjectCreate("toplevel/element/element", NamedBean.class);
// Parse our test input
NamedBean root1 = null;
try {
// an exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
root1 = (NamedBean) digester.parse(getInputStream("Test8.xml"));
} catch (Throwable t) {
// this means that the method can't be found and so the test fails
fail("Digester threw Exception: " + t);
// if the CallMethodRule were to incorrectly invoke the method call
// on the second-created NamedBean instance, then the root one would
// have a null name. If it works correctly, the target element will
// be the first-created (root) one, despite the fact that a second
// object instance was created between the firing of the
// CallMethodRule and its associated CallParamRule.
assertEquals("Wrong method call order", "C", root1.getName());
* Test nested CallMethod rules.
* <p>
* The current implementation of CallMethodRule, in which the method is
* invoked in its end() method, causes behaviour which some users find
* non-intuitive. In this test it can be seen to "reverse" the order of
* data processed. However this is the way CallMethodRule has always
* behaved, and it is expected that apps out there rely on this call order
* so this test is present to ensure that no-one changes this behaviour.
public void testOrderNestedPartB() throws Exception {
// Configure the digester as required
StringBuffer word = new StringBuffer();
digester.addCallMethod("*/element", "append", 1);
digester.addCallParam("*/element", 0, "name");
// Parse our test input
Object root1 = null;
try {
// an exception will be thrown if the method can't be found
root1 = digester.parse(getInputStream("Test8.xml"));
} catch (Throwable t) {
// this means that the method can't be found and so the test fails
fail("Digester threw Exception: " + t);
assertEquals("Wrong method call order", "CBA", word.toString());
public void testPrimitiveReading() throws Exception {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
+ "<beanie bad='Fee Fie Foe Fum' good='true'/>"
+ "<beanie bad='Fee Fie Foe Fum'/>");
Digester digester = new Digester();
//SimpleLog log = new SimpleLog("[testPrimitiveReading:Digester]");
digester.addObjectCreate("root/bean", PrimitiveBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/bean", "add");
Class<?> [] params = { Boolean.TYPE };
digester.addCallMethod("root/bean", "setBoolean", 1, params);
digester.addCallParam("root/bean", 0, "good");
digester.addObjectCreate("root/beanie", PrimitiveBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/beanie", "add");
Class<?> [] beanieParams = { String.class, Boolean.TYPE };
digester.addCallMethod("root/beanie", "testSetBoolean", 2, beanieParams);
digester.addCallParam("root/beanie", 0, "bad");
digester.addCallParam("root/beanie", 1, "good");
ArrayList<PrimitiveBean> list = new ArrayList();
assertEquals("Wrong number of beans in list", 6, list.size());
PrimitiveBean bean = list.get(0);
assertTrue("Bean 0 property not called", bean.getSetBooleanCalled());
assertEquals("Bean 0 property incorrect", true, bean.getBoolean());
bean = list.get(1);
assertTrue("Bean 1 property not called", bean.getSetBooleanCalled());
assertEquals("Bean 1 property incorrect", false, bean.getBoolean());
bean = list.get(2);
// no attibute, no call is what's expected
assertTrue("Bean 2 property called", !bean.getSetBooleanCalled());
bean = list.get(3);
assertTrue("Bean 3 property not called", bean.getSetBooleanCalled());
assertEquals("Bean 3 property incorrect", true, bean.getBoolean());
bean = list.get(4);
assertTrue("Bean 4 property not called", bean.getSetBooleanCalled());
assertEquals("Bean 4 property incorrect", false, bean.getBoolean());
bean = list.get(5);
assertTrue("Bean 5 property not called", bean.getSetBooleanCalled());
assertEquals("Bean 5 property incorrect", false, bean.getBoolean());
public void testFromStack() throws Exception {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>");
Digester digester = new Digester();
Class<?> [] params = { String.class };
digester.addObjectCreate("root/one", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/one", "add");
digester.addCallMethod("root/one", "setName", 1, params);
digester.addCallParam("root/one", 0, 2);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/two", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/two", "add");
digester.addCallMethod("root/two", "setName", 1, params);
digester.addCallParam("root/two", 0, 3);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/three", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/three", "add");
digester.addCallMethod("root/three", "setName", 1, params);
digester.addCallParam("root/three", 0, 4);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/four", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/four", "add");
digester.addCallMethod("root/four", "setName", 1, params);
digester.addCallParam("root/four", 0, 5);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/five", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetNext("root/five", "add");
Class<?> [] newParams = { String.class, String.class };
digester.addCallMethod("root/five", "test", 2, newParams);
digester.addCallParam("root/five", 0, 10);
digester.addCallParam("root/five", 1, 3);
// prepare stack
digester.push("That lamb was sure to go.");
digester.push("And everywhere that Mary went,");
digester.push("It's fleece was white as snow.");
digester.push("Mary had a little lamb,");
ArrayList<NamedBean> list = new ArrayList();
assertEquals("Wrong number of beans in list", 5, list.size());
NamedBean bean = list.get(0);
assertEquals("Parameter not set from stack (1)", "Mary had a little lamb,", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(1);
assertEquals("Parameter not set from stack (2)", "It's fleece was white as snow.", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(2);
assertEquals("Parameter not set from stack (3)", "And everywhere that Mary went,", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(3);
assertEquals("Parameter not set from stack (4)", "That lamb was sure to go.", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(4);
assertEquals("Out of stack not set to null", null , bean.getName());
public void testTwoCalls() throws Exception {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
+ "<param class='int' coolness='true'>25"
+ "<param class='long'>50"
+ "<param class='float' coolness='false'>90");
Digester digester = new Digester();
//SimpleLog log = new SimpleLog("{testTwoCalls:Digester]");
digester.addObjectCreate( "root/param", ParamBean.class );
digester.addSetNext( "root/param", "add" );
digester.addCallMethod( "root/param", "setThisAndThat", 2 );
digester.addCallParam( "root/param", 0, "class" );
digester.addCallParam( "root/param", 1 );
digester.addCallMethod( "root/param", "setCool", 1, new Class[] {boolean.class } );
digester.addCallParam( "root/param", 0, "coolness" );
ArrayList<ParamBean> list = new ArrayList();
assertEquals("Wrong number of objects created", 3, list.size());
ParamBean bean = list.get(0);
assertEquals("Coolness wrong (1)", true, bean.isCool());
assertEquals("This wrong (1)", "int", bean.getThis());
assertEquals("That wrong (1)", "25", bean.getThat());
bean = list.get(1);
assertEquals("Coolness wrong (2)", false, bean.isCool());
assertEquals("This wrong (2)", "long", bean.getThis());
assertEquals("That wrong (2)", "50", bean.getThat());
bean = list.get(2);
assertEquals("Coolness wrong (3)", false, bean.isCool());
assertEquals("This wrong (3)", "float", bean.getThis());
assertEquals("That wrong (3)", "90", bean.getThat());
public void testNestedBody() throws Exception {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
+ "<spam>Simple"
+ "<spam>ComplexDeepDeeperDeepest"
+ "</root>");
Digester digester = new Digester();
//SimpleLog log = new SimpleLog("[testPrimitiveReading:Digester]");
digester.addObjectCreate("root/spam", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetRoot("root/spam", "add");
digester.addCallMethod( "root/spam", "setName", 1 );
digester.addCallParam( "root/spam", 0);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/spam/spam", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetRoot("root/spam/spam", "add");
digester.addCallMethod( "root/spam/spam", "setName", 1 );
digester.addCallParam( "root/spam/spam", 0);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/spam/spam/spam", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetRoot("root/spam/spam/spam", "add");
digester.addCallMethod( "root/spam/spam/spam", "setName", 1 );
digester.addCallParam( "root/spam/spam/spam", 0);
digester.addObjectCreate("root/spam/spam/spam/spam", NamedBean.class);
digester.addSetRoot("root/spam/spam/spam/spam", "add");
digester.addCallMethod( "root/spam/spam/spam/spam", "setName", 1 );
digester.addCallParam( "root/spam/spam/spam/spam", 0);
ArrayList<NamedBean> list = new ArrayList();
NamedBean bean = list.get(0);
assertEquals("Wrong name (1)", "Simple", bean.getName());
// these are added in deepest first order by the addRootRule
bean = list.get(4);
assertEquals("Wrong name (2)", "Complex", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(3);
assertEquals("Wrong name (3)", "Deep", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(2);
assertEquals("Wrong name (4)", "Deeper", bean.getName());
bean = list.get(1);
assertEquals("Wrong name (5)", "Deepest", bean.getName());
public void testProcessingHook() throws Exception {
class TestCallMethodRule extends CallMethodRule {
Object result;
TestCallMethodRule(String methodName, int paramCount)
super(methodName, paramCount);
protected void processMethodCallResult(Object result) {
this.result = result;
StringReader reader = new StringReader(
"<?xml version='1.0' ?>"
+ "<param class='float' coolness='false'>90");
Digester digester = new Digester();
//SimpleLog log = new SimpleLog("{testTwoCalls:Digester]");
digester.addObjectCreate( "root/param", ParamBean.class );
digester.addSetNext( "root/param", "add" );
TestCallMethodRule rule = new TestCallMethodRule( "setThisAndThat" , 2 );
digester.addRule( "root/param", rule );
digester.addCallParam( "root/param", 0, "class" );
digester.addCallParam( "root/param", 1, "coolness" );
ArrayList<ParamBean> list = new ArrayList();
assertEquals("Wrong number of objects created", 1, list.size());
assertEquals("Result not passed into hook", "The Other", rule.result);
/** Test for the PathCallParamRule */
public void testPathCallParam() throws Exception {
String xml = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
+ "<alpha>Ignore this"
+ "<beta>Ignore that"
+ "</main>";
SimpleTestBean bean = new SimpleTestBean();
bean.setAlphaBeta("[UNSET]", "[UNSET]");
StringReader in = new StringReader(xml);
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.setRules(new ExtendedBaseRules());
digester.addCallParamPath("*/alpha/?", 0);
digester.addCallParamPath("*/epsilon/?", 1);
digester.addCallMethod("main", "setAlphaBeta", 2);
assertEquals("Test alpha property setting", "main/alpha/beta" , bean.getAlpha());
assertEquals("Test beta property setting", "main/beta/epsilon/gamma" , bean.getBeta());
* Test invoking an object which does not exist on the stack.
public void testCallInvalidTarget() throws Exception {
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", HashMap.class);
// there should be only one object on the stack (index zero),
// so selecting a target object with index 1 on the object stack
// should result in an exception.
CallMethodRule r = new CallMethodRule(1, "put", 0);
digester.addRule("employee", r);
try {
fail("Exception should be thrown for invalid target offset");
catch(SAXException e) {
// ok, exception expected
* Test invoking an object which is at top-1 on the stack, like
* SetNextRule does...
public void testCallNext() throws Exception {
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", HashMap.class);
digester.addObjectCreate("employee/address", Address.class);
CallMethodRule r = new CallMethodRule(1, "put", 2);
digester.addRule("employee/address", r);
digester.addCallParam("employee/address/type", 0);
digester.addCallParam("employee/address", 1, 0);
HashMap<String, Address> map = (HashMap) digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
Set<String> keys = map.keySet();
assertEquals(2, keys.size());
Address home = map.get("home");
assertEquals("HmZip", home.getZipCode());
Address office = map.get("office");
assertEquals("OfZip", office.getZipCode());
* Test invoking an object which is at the root of the stack, like
* SetRoot does...
public void testCallRoot() throws Exception {
Digester digester = new Digester();
digester.addObjectCreate("employee", HashMap.class);
digester.addObjectCreate("employee/address", Address.class);
CallMethodRule r = new CallMethodRule(-1, "put", 2);
digester.addRule("employee/address", r);
digester.addCallParam("employee/address/type", 0);
digester.addCallParam("employee/address", 1, 0);
HashMap<String, Address> map = (HashMap) digester.parse(getInputStream("Test5.xml"));
Set<String> keys = map.keySet();
assertEquals(2, keys.size());
Address home = map.get("home");
assertEquals("HmZip", home.getZipCode());
Address office = map.get("office");
assertEquals("OfZip", office.getZipCode());
// ------------------------------------------------ Utility Support Methods
* Return an appropriate InputStream for the specified test file (which
* must be inside our current package.
* @param name Name of the test file we want
* @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
protected InputStream getInputStream(String name) throws IOException {
return (this.getClass().getResourceAsStream
("/org/apache/commons/digester/" + name));
Other Commons Digester examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Commons Digester CallMethodRuleTestCase.java source code file: