Commons JXPath example source code file (XPathParserConstants.java)
The Commons JXPath XPathParserConstants.java source code/* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. XPathParserConstants.java */ package org.apache.commons.jxpath.ri.parser; public interface XPathParserConstants { int EOF = 0; int SLASH = 6; int SLASHSLASH = 7; int UNION = 8; int PLUS = 9; int MINUS = 10; int EQ = 11; int NEQ = 12; int LT = 13; int LTE = 14; int GT = 15; int GTE = 16; int VARIABLE = 17; int Literal = 18; int Digit = 19; int Number = 20; int Letter = 21; int BaseChar = 22; int Ideographic = 23; int CombiningChar = 24; int UnicodeDigit = 25; int Extender = 26; int OR = 27; int AND = 28; int MOD = 29; int DIV = 30; int NODE = 31; int TEXT = 32; int COMMENT = 33; int PI = 34; int AXIS_SELF = 35; int AXIS_CHILD = 36; int AXIS_PARENT = 37; int AXIS_ANCESTOR = 38; int AXIS_ATTRIBUTE = 39; int AXIS_NAMESPACE = 40; int AXIS_PRECEDING = 41; int AXIS_FOLLOWING = 42; int AXIS_DESCENDANT = 43; int AXIS_ANCESTOR_OR_SELF = 44; int AXIS_FOLLOWING_SIBLING = 45; int AXIS_PRECEDING_SIBLING = 46; int AXIS_DESCENDANT_OR_SELF = 47; int FUNCTION_LAST = 48; int FUNCTION_POSITION = 49; int FUNCTION_COUNT = 50; int FUNCTION_ID = 51; int FUNCTION_KEY = 52; int FUNCTION_LOCAL_NAME = 53; int FUNCTION_NAMESPACE_URI = 54; int FUNCTION_NAME = 55; int FUNCTION_STRING = 56; int FUNCTION_CONCAT = 57; int FUNCTION_STARTS_WITH = 58; int FUNCTION_CONTAINS = 59; int FUNCTION_SUBSTRING_BEFORE = 60; int FUNCTION_SUBSTRING_AFTER = 61; int FUNCTION_SUBSTRING = 62; int FUNCTION_STRING_LENGTH = 63; int FUNCTION_NORMALIZE_SPACE = 64; int FUNCTION_TRANSLATE = 65; int FUNCTION_BOOLEAN = 66; int FUNCTION_NOT = 67; int FUNCTION_TRUE = 68; int FUNCTION_FALSE = 69; int FUNCTION_NULL = 70; int FUNCTION_LANG = 71; int FUNCTION_NUMBER = 72; int FUNCTION_SUM = 73; int FUNCTION_FLOOR = 74; int FUNCTION_CEILING = 75; int FUNCTION_ROUND = 76; int FUNCTION_FORMAT_NUMBER = 77; int NCName = 78; int DEFAULT = 0; String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\f\"", "\"/\"", "\"//\"", "\"|\"", "\"+\"", "\"-\"", "\"=\"", "\"!=\"", "\"<\"", "\"<=\"", "\">\"", "\">=\"", "\"$\"", "<Literal>", "<Digit>", "<Number>", "<Letter>", "<BaseChar>", "<Ideographic>", "<CombiningChar>", "<UnicodeDigit>", "<Extender>", "\"or\"", "\"and\"", "\"mod\"", "\"div\"", "\"node\"", "\"text\"", "\"comment\"", "\"processing-instruction\"", "\"self::\"", "\"child::\"", "\"parent::\"", "\"ancestor::\"", "\"attribute::\"", "\"namespace::\"", "\"preceding::\"", "\"following::\"", "\"descendant::\"", "\"ancestor-or-self::\"", "\"following-sibling::\"", "\"preceding-sibling::\"", "\"descendant-or-self::\"", "\"last\"", "\"position\"", "\"count\"", "\"id\"", "\"key\"", "\"local-name\"", "\"namespace-uri\"", "\"name\"", "\"string\"", "\"concat\"", "\"starts-with\"", "\"contains\"", "\"substring-before\"", "\"substring-after\"", "\"substring\"", "\"string-length\"", "\"normalize-space\"", "\"translate\"", "\"boolean\"", "\"not\"", "\"true\"", "\"false\"", "\"null\"", "\"lang\"", "\"number\"", "\"sum\"", "\"floor\"", "\"ceiling\"", "\"round\"", "\"format-number\"", "<NCName>", "\":\"", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\".\"", "\"..\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\"@\"", "\",\"", "\"*\"", }; } Other Commons JXPath examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Commons JXPath XPathParserConstants.java source code file: |
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