Commons Math example source code file (Mavro.txt)
The Commons Math Mavro.txt source codeFile Name: Mavro.dat File Format: ASCII Header : lines 1 to 60 (= 60) Certified Values: lines 41 to 43 (= 3) Data : lines 61 to 110 (= 50) Dataset Name: Mavro (Filter Transmittance Data) Description: This is an observed/"real world" data set consisting of 50 transmittance measurements (at a sampling rate of 10 observations per second) from a filter with a nominal value of 2. The experimenter was Radu Mavrodineaunu, a member of the chemistry staff at NIST. We here use this data to test accuracy in summary statistics calculations. Stat Category: Univariate: Summary Statistics Reference: None Data: "Real World" 1 Response : y = transmittance 0 Predictors 50 Observations Model: Lower Level of Difficulty 2 Parameters : mu, sigma 1 Response Variable : y 0 Predictor Variables y = mu + e Certified Values Sample Mean ybar: 2.00185600000000 Sample Standard Deviation (denom. = n-1) s: 0.000429123454003053 Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient (lag 1) r(1): 0.937989183438248 Number of Observations: 50 Data: Y ------------- 2.00180 2.00170 2.00180 2.00190 2.00180 2.00170 2.00150 2.00140 2.00150 2.00150 2.00170 2.00180 2.00180 2.00190 2.00190 2.00210 2.00200 2.00160 2.00140 2.00130 2.00130 2.00150 2.00150 2.00160 2.00150 2.00140 2.00130 2.00140 2.00150 2.00140 2.00150 2.00160 2.00150 2.00160 2.00190 2.00200 2.00200 2.00210 2.00220 2.00230 2.00240 2.00250 2.00270 2.00260 2.00260 2.00260 2.00270 2.00260 2.00250 2.00240 Other Commons Math examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Commons Math Mavro.txt source code file: |
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