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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Tom Schindl - bug 151205
package org.eclipse.jface.viewers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.IOpenEventListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTreeItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Transfer;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Item;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;

 * Abstract base implementation for structure-oriented viewers (trees, lists,
 * tables). Supports custom sorting, filtering, and rendering.
 * <p>
 * Any number of viewer filters can be added to this viewer (using
 * <code>addFilter). When the viewer receives an update, it asks each
 * of its filters if it is out of date, and refilters elements as required.
 * </p>
 * @see ViewerFilter
 * @see ViewerComparator
public abstract class StructuredViewer extends ContentViewer implements IPostSelectionProvider {

	 * A map from the viewer's model elements to SWT widgets. (key type:
	 * <code>Object, value type: Widget, or Widget[]).
	 * <code>null means that the element map is disabled.
	private CustomHashtable elementMap;

	 * The comparer to use for comparing elements, or <code>null to use
	 * the default <code>equals and hashCode methods on
	 * the element itself.
	private IElementComparer comparer;

	 * This viewer's comparator used for sorting. <code>null means there is no comparator.
	private ViewerComparator sorter;

	 * This viewer's filters (element type: <code>ViewerFilter).
	 * <code>null means there are no filters.
	private List filters;

	 * Indicates whether a selection change is in progress on this viewer.
	 * @see #setSelection(ISelection, boolean)
	private boolean inChange;

	 * Used while a selection change is in progress on this viewer to indicates
	 * whether the selection should be restored.
	 * @see #setSelection(ISelection, boolean)
	private boolean restoreSelection;

	 * List of double-click state listeners (element type:
	 * <code>IDoubleClickListener).
	 * @see #fireDoubleClick
	private ListenerList doubleClickListeners = new ListenerList();

	 * List of open listeners (element type:
	 * <code>ISelectionActivateListener).
	 * @see #fireOpen
	private ListenerList openListeners = new ListenerList();

	 * List of post selection listeners (element type:
	 * <code>ISelectionActivateListener).
	 * @see #firePostSelectionChanged
	private ListenerList postSelectionChangedListeners = new ListenerList();

	 * The colorAndFontCollector is an object used by viewers that
	 * support the IColorProvider, the IFontProvider and/or the 
	 * IViewerLabelProvider for color and font updates.
	 * Initialize it to have no color or font providing
	 * initially.
	 * @since 3.1
	private ColorAndFontCollector colorAndFontCollector = new ColorAndFontCollector();
	 * Empty array of widgets.
	private static Widget[] NO_WIDGETS = new Widget[0];

	 * The ColorAndFontCollector is a helper class for viewers
	 * that have color and font support ad optionally decorators.
	 * @see IColorDecorator
	 * @see IFontDecorator
	 * @see IColorProvider
	 * @see IFontProvider
	 * @see IDecoration
	protected class ColorAndFontCollectorWithProviders extends ColorAndFontCollector{

		IColorProvider colorProvider;

		IFontProvider fontProvider;
		 * Create a new instance of the receiver using the supplied
		 * label provider. If it is an IColorProvider or IFontProvider
		 * set these values up.
		 * @param provider IBaseLabelProvider
		 * @see IColorProvider
		 * @see IFontProvider
		public ColorAndFontCollectorWithProviders(IBaseLabelProvider provider) {
			if (provider instanceof IColorProvider) {
				colorProvider = (IColorProvider) provider;
			if (provider instanceof IFontProvider) {
				fontProvider = (IFontProvider) provider;
		/* (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontManager#setFontsAndColors(java.lang.Object)
		public void setFontsAndColors(Object element){
			if(fontProvider != null){
				if(font == null) {
					font = fontProvider.getFont(element);
			if(colorProvider == null) {
			//Set the colors if they are not set yet
			if(background == null) {
				background = colorProvider.getBackground(element);
			if(foreground == null) {
				foreground = colorProvider.getForeground(element);
		 * Apply the fonts and colors to the control if
		 * required.
		 * @param control
		public void applyFontsAndColors(TableItem control) {
			if(colorProvider == null){
					//If there is no provider only apply set values
					if(background != null) {
					if(foreground != null) {
				//Always set the value if there is a provider
			if(fontProvider == null){
				if(usedDecorators && font != null) {
			} else {

		/* (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontManager#applyFontsAndColors(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem)
		public void applyFontsAndColors(TreeItem control) {
			if(colorProvider == null){
					//If there is no provider only apply set values
					if(background != null) {
					if(foreground != null) {
				//Always set the value if there is a provider
			if(fontProvider == null){
				if(usedDecorators && font != null) {
			} else {
		/* (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.ColorAndFontManager#applyFontsAndColors(org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableTreeItem)
		public void applyFontsAndColors(TableTreeItem control) {
			if(colorProvider == null){
					//If there is no provider only apply set values
					if(background != null) {
					if(foreground != null) {
				//Always set the value if there is a provider
			if(fontProvider == null){
				if(usedDecorators && font != null) {
			} else {
	 * The ColorAndFontCollector collects fonts and colors without a
	 * a color or font provider.
	protected class ColorAndFontCollector {

		Color foreground = null;

		Color background = null;

		Font font = null;

		boolean usedDecorators = false;

		 * Create a new instance of the receiver with
		 * no color and font provider.	
		public ColorAndFontCollector(){

		 * Clear all of the results.
		public void clear() {
			foreground = null;
			background = null;
			font = null;
			usedDecorators = false;

		 * Set the initial fonts and colors for the element from the
		 * content providers.
		 * @param element Object
		public void setFontsAndColors(Object element){
			//Do nothing if there are no providers

		 * Set that decorators were applied.
		public void setUsedDecorators() {
			this.usedDecorators = true;

		 * Apply the fonts and colors to the control if
		 * required.
		 * @param control
		public void applyFontsAndColors(TableItem control) {
				//If there is no provider only apply set values
				if(background != null) {
				if(foreground != null) {
				if(font != null) {
		 * Apply the fonts and colors to the control if
		 * required.
		 * @param control
		public void applyFontsAndColors(TreeItem control) {
				//If there is no provider only apply set values
				if(background != null) {
				if(foreground != null) {
				if(font != null) {
		 * Apply the fonts and colors to the control if
		 * required.
		 * @param control
		public void applyFontsAndColors(TableTreeItem control) {
				//If there is no provider only apply set values
				if(background != null) {
				if(foreground != null) {
				if(font != null) {
		 * Set the background color.
		 * @param background 
		public void setBackground(Color background) {
			this.background = background;
		 * Set the font.
		 * @param font 
		public void setFont(Font font) {
			this.font = font;
		 * Set the foreground color.
		 * @param foreground
		public void setForeground(Color foreground) {
			this.foreground = foreground;

	 * The safe runnable used to update an item.
	class UpdateItemSafeRunnable extends SafeRunnable {
		private Widget widget;

		private Object element;

		private boolean fullMap;

		UpdateItemSafeRunnable(Widget widget, Object element, boolean fullMap) {
			this.widget = widget;
			this.element = element;
			this.fullMap = fullMap;

		public void run() {
			doUpdateItem(widget, element, fullMap);
	 * Creates a structured element viewer. The viewer has no input, no content
	 * provider, a default label provider, no sorter, and no filters.
	protected StructuredViewer() {
		// do nothing

	 * Adds a listener for double-clicks in this viewer. Has no effect if an
	 * identical listener is already registered.
	 * @param listener
	 *            a double-click listener
	public void addDoubleClickListener(IDoubleClickListener listener) {

	 * Adds a listener for selection-open in this viewer. Has no effect if an
	 * identical listener is already registered.
	 * @param listener
	 *            a double-click listener
	public void addOpenListener(IOpenListener listener) {

	 * (non-Javadoc) Method declared on IPostSelectionProvider.
	public void addPostSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener listener) {

	 * Adds support for dragging items out of this viewer via a user
	 * drag-and-drop operation.
	 * @param operations
	 *            a bitwise OR of the supported drag and drop operation types (
	 *            <code>DROP_COPY,DROP_LINK, and
	 *            <code>DROP_MOVE)
	 * @param transferTypes
	 *            the transfer types that are supported by the drag operation
	 * @param listener
	 *            the callback that will be invoked to set the drag data and to
	 *            cleanup after the drag and drop operation finishes
	 * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
	public void addDragSupport(int operations, Transfer[] transferTypes, DragSourceListener listener) {

		Control myControl = getControl();
		final DragSource dragSource = new DragSource(myControl, operations);

	 * Adds support for dropping items into this viewer via a user drag-and-drop
	 * operation.
	 * @param operations
	 *            a bitwise OR of the supported drag and drop operation types (
	 *            <code>DROP_COPY,DROP_LINK, and
	 *            <code>DROP_MOVE)
	 * @param transferTypes
	 *            the transfer types that are supported by the drop operation
	 * @param listener
	 *            the callback that will be invoked after the drag and drop
	 *            operation finishes
	 * @see org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
	public void addDropSupport(int operations, Transfer[] transferTypes,
			final DropTargetListener listener) {
		Control control = getControl();
		DropTarget dropTarget = new DropTarget(control, operations);

	 * Adds the given filter to this viewer, and triggers refiltering and
	 * resorting of the elements. If you want to add more than one filter
	 * consider using {@link StructuredViewer#setFilters(ViewerFilter[])}.
	 * @param filter
	 *            a viewer filter
	 * @see StructuredViewer#setFilters(ViewerFilter[])
	public void addFilter(ViewerFilter filter) {
		if (filters == null) {
			filters = new ArrayList();

	 * Asserts that the given array of elements is itself non- <code>null
	 * and contains no <code>null elements.
	 * @param elements
	 *            the array to check
	protected void assertElementsNotNull(Object[] elements) {
		for (int i = 0, n = elements.length; i < n; ++i) {

	 * Associates the given element with the given widget. Sets the given item's
	 * data to be the element, and maps the element to the item in the element
	 * map (if enabled).
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param item
	 *            the widget
	protected void associate(Object element, Item item) {
		Object data = item.getData();
		if (data != element) {
			if (data != null) {
		// Always map the element, even if data == element,
		// since unmapAllElements() can leave the map inconsistent
		// See bug 2741 for details.
		mapElement(element, item);

	 * Disassociates the given SWT item from its corresponding element. Sets the
	 * item's data to <code>null and removes the element from the
	 * element map (if enabled).
	 * @param item
	 *            the widget
	protected void disassociate(Item item) {
		Object element = item.getData();
		//Clear the map before we clear the data
		unmapElement(element, item);

	 * Returns the widget in this viewer's control which represents the given
	 * element if it is the viewer's input.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 * @return the corresponding widget, or <code>null if none
	protected abstract Widget doFindInputItem(Object element);

	 * Returns the widget in this viewer's control which represent the given
	 * element. This method searches all the children of the input element.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 * @return the corresponding widget, or <code>null if none
	protected abstract Widget doFindItem(Object element);

	 * Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item. The
	 * element map is updated according to the value of <code>fullMap.
	 * If <code>fullMap is true then the current mapping
	 * from element to widgets is removed and the new mapping is added. If
	 * full map is <code>false then only the new map gets installed.
	 * Installing only the new map is necessary in cases where only the order of
	 * elements changes but not the set of elements.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param item
	 * @param element element
	 * @param fullMap
	 *            <code>true if mappings are added and removed, and
	 *            <code>false if only the new map gets installed
	protected abstract void doUpdateItem(Widget item, Object element, boolean fullMap);

	 * Compares two elements for equality. Uses the element comparer if one has
	 * been set, otherwise uses the default <code>equals method on the
	 * elements themselves.
	 * @param elementA
	 *            the first element
	 * @param elementB
	 *            the second element
	 * @return whether elementA is equal to elementB
	protected boolean equals(Object elementA, Object elementB) {
		if (comparer == null) {
			return elementA == null ? elementB == null : elementA.equals(elementB);
		} else {
			return elementA == null ? elementB == null : comparer.equals(elementA, elementB);

	 * Returns the result of running the given elements through the filters.
	 * @param elements
	 *            the elements to filter
	 * @return only the elements which all filters accept
	protected Object[] filter(Object[] elements) {
		if (filters != null) {
			ArrayList filtered = new ArrayList(elements.length);
			Object root = getRoot();
			for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
				boolean add = true;
				for (int j = 0; j < filters.size(); j++) {
					add = ((ViewerFilter) filters.get(j)).select(this, root, elements[i]);
					if (!add) {
				if (add) {
			return filtered.toArray();
		return elements;

	 * Finds the widget which represents the given element.
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this method tries first to find the widget
	 * for the given element assuming that it is the viewer's input; this is
	 * done by calling <code>doFindInputItem. If it is not found
	 * there, it is looked up in the internal element map provided that this
	 * feature has been enabled. If the element map is disabled, the widget is
	 * found via <code>doFindInputItem.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @return the corresponding widget, or <code>null if none
	protected final Widget findItem(Object element) {
		Widget[] result = findItems(element);
		return result.length == 0 ? null : result[0];

	 * Finds the widgets which represent the given element. The returned array
	 * must not be changed by clients; it might change upon calling other
	 * methods on this viewer.
	 * <p>
	 * This method was introduced to support multiple equal elements in a viewer
	 * (@see {@link AbstractTreeViewer}). Multiple equal elements are only
	 * supported if the element map is enabled by calling
	 * {@link #setUseHashlookup(boolean)} and passing <code>true.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this method tries first to find the widget
	 * for the given element assuming that it is the viewer's input; this is
	 * done by calling <code>doFindInputItem. If it is not found
	 * there, the widgets are looked up in the internal element map provided
	 * that this feature has been enabled. If the element map is disabled, the
	 * widget is found via <code>doFindInputItem.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @return the corresponding widgets
	 * @since 3.2
	protected final Widget[] findItems(Object element) {
		Widget result = doFindInputItem(element);
		if (result != null) {
			return new Widget[] { result };
		// if we have an element map use it, otherwise search for the item.
		if (usingElementMap()) {
			Object widgetOrWidgets = elementMap.get(element);
			if (widgetOrWidgets==null) {
				return NO_WIDGETS;
			} else if (widgetOrWidgets instanceof Widget) {
				return new Widget[] {(Widget) widgetOrWidgets};
			} else {
				return (Widget[])widgetOrWidgets;
		result = doFindItem(element);
		return result == null ? NO_WIDGETS : new Widget[] { result };

	 * Notifies any double-click listeners that a double-click has been
	 * received. Only listeners registered at the time this method is called are
	 * notified.
	 * @param event
	 *            a double-click event
	 * @see IDoubleClickListener#doubleClick
	protected void fireDoubleClick(final DoubleClickEvent event) {
		Object[] listeners = doubleClickListeners.getListeners();
		for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) {
			final IDoubleClickListener l = (IDoubleClickListener) listeners[i]; SafeRunnable() {
				public void run() {

	 * Notifies any open event listeners that a open event has been received.
	 * Only listeners registered at the time this method is called are notified.
	 * @param event
	 *            a double-click event
	 * @see IOpenListener#open(OpenEvent)
	protected void fireOpen(final OpenEvent event) {
		Object[] listeners = openListeners.getListeners();
		for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) {
			final IOpenListener l = (IOpenListener) listeners[i]; SafeRunnable() {
				public void run() {;

	 * Notifies any post selection listeners that a post selection event has
	 * been received. Only listeners registered at the time this method is
	 * called are notified.
	 * @param event
	 *            a selection changed event
	 * @see #addPostSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener)
	protected void firePostSelectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
		Object[] listeners = postSelectionChangedListeners.getListeners();
		for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; ++i) {
			final ISelectionChangedListener l = (ISelectionChangedListener) listeners[i]; SafeRunnable() {
				public void run() {

	 * Returns the comparer to use for comparing elements, or
	 * <code>null if none has been set.  If specified,
	 * the viewer uses this to compare and hash elements rather
	 * than the elements' own equals and hashCode methods.
	 * @return the comparer to use for comparing elements or
	 *            <code>null
	public IElementComparer getComparer() {
		return comparer;

	 * Returns the filtered array of children of the given element. The
	 * resulting array must not be modified, as it may come directly from the
	 * model's internal state.
	 * @param parent
	 *            the parent element
	 * @return a filtered array of child elements
	protected Object[] getFilteredChildren(Object parent) {
		Object[] result = getRawChildren(parent);
		if (filters != null) {
			for (Iterator iter = filters.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
				ViewerFilter f = (ViewerFilter);
				result = f.filter(this, parent, result);
		return result;

	 * Returns this viewer's filters.
	 * @return an array of viewer filters
	 * @see StructuredViewer#setFilters(ViewerFilter[])
	public ViewerFilter[] getFilters() {
		if (filters == null) {
			return new ViewerFilter[0];
		ViewerFilter[] result = new ViewerFilter[filters.size()];
		return result;

	 * Returns the item at the given display-relative coordinates, or
	 * <code>null if there is no item at that location or 
	 * the underlying SWT-Control is not made up of {@link Item} 
	 * (e.g {@link ListViewer}) 
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this method returns <code>null.
	 * </p>
	 * @param x
	 *            horizontal coordinate
	 * @param y
	 *            vertical coordinate
	 * @return the item, or <code>null if there is no item at the given
	 *         coordinates
	 * @deprecated This method is deprecated in 3.3 in favor of {@link ColumnViewer#getItemAt(}. 
	 * Viewers who are not subclasses of {@link ColumnViewer} should consider using a
	 * widget relative implementation like {@link ColumnViewer#getItemAt(}.
	protected Item getItem(int x, int y) {
		return null;

	 * Returns the children of the given parent without sorting and filtering
	 * them. The resulting array must not be modified, as it may come directly
	 * from the model's internal state.
	 * <p>
	 * Returns an empty array if the given parent is <code>null.
	 * </p>
	 * @param parent
	 *            the parent element
	 * @return the child elements
	protected Object[] getRawChildren(Object parent) {
		Object[] result = null;
		if (parent != null) {
			IStructuredContentProvider cp = (IStructuredContentProvider) getContentProvider();
			if (cp != null) {
				result = cp.getElements(parent);
		return (result != null) ? result : new Object[0];

	 * Returns the root element.
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this framework method forwards to
	 * <code>getInput. Override if the root element is different from
	 * the viewer's input element.
	 * </p>
	 * @return the root element, or <code>null if none
	protected Object getRoot() {
		return getInput();

	 * The <code>StructuredViewer implementation of this method returns
	 * the result as an <code>IStructuredSelection.
	 * <p>
	 * Subclasses do not typically override this method, but implement
	 * <code>getSelectionFromWidget(List) instead.
	 * <p>
	 * @return ISelection
	public ISelection getSelection() {
		Control control = getControl();
		if (control == null || control.isDisposed()) {
			return StructuredSelection.EMPTY;
		List list = getSelectionFromWidget();
		return new StructuredSelection(list, comparer);

	 * Retrieves the selection, as a <code>List, from the underlying
	 * widget.
	 * @return the list of selected elements
	protected abstract List getSelectionFromWidget();

	 * Returns the sorted and filtered set of children of the given element. The
	 * resulting array must not be modified, as it may come directly from the
	 * model's internal state.
	 * @param parent
	 *            the parent element
	 * @return a sorted and filtered array of child elements
	protected Object[] getSortedChildren(Object parent) {
		Object[] result = getFilteredChildren(parent);
		if (sorter != null) {
			// be sure we're not modifying the original array from the model
			result = (Object[]) result.clone();
			sorter.sort(this, result);
		return result;

	 * Returns this viewer's sorter, or <code>null if it does not have
	 * one.  If this viewer has a comparator that was set via 
	 * <code>setComparator(ViewerComparator) then this method will return 
	 * <code>null if the comparator is not an instance of ViewerSorter.
     * <p>
     * It is recommended to use <code>getComparator() instead.
     * </p>
	 * @return a viewer sorter, or <code>null if none or if the comparator is 
	 * 				not an instance of ViewerSorter
	public ViewerSorter getSorter() {
		if (sorter instanceof ViewerSorter)
			return (ViewerSorter)sorter;
		return null;

	 * Return this viewer's comparator used to sort elements.
	 * This method should be used instead of <code>getSorter().
	 * @return a viewer comparator, or <code>null if none
	 * @since 3.2
	public ViewerComparator getComparator(){
		return sorter;
	 * Handles a double-click select event from the widget.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param event
	 *            the SWT selection event
	protected void handleDoubleSelect(SelectionEvent event) {
		// This method is reimplemented in AbstractTreeViewer to fix bug 108102.
		// handle case where an earlier selection listener disposed the control.
		Control control = getControl();
		if (control != null && !control.isDisposed()) {
			// If the double-clicked element can be obtained from the event, use it
			// otherwise get it from the control.  Some controls like List do
			// not have the notion of item.
			// For details, see bug 90161 [Navigator] DefaultSelecting folders shouldn't always expand first one
			ISelection selection;
			if (event.item != null && event.item.getData() != null) {
				selection = new StructuredSelection(event.item.getData());
			else {
				selection = getSelection();
			fireDoubleClick(new DoubleClickEvent(this, selection));

	 * Handles an open event from the OpenStrategy.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param event
	 *            the SWT selection event
	protected void handleOpen(SelectionEvent event) {
		Control control = getControl();
		if (control != null && !control.isDisposed()) {
			ISelection selection = getSelection();
			fireOpen(new OpenEvent(this, selection));

	 * Handles an invalid selection.
	 * <p>
	 * This framework method is called if a model change picked up by a viewer
	 * results in an invalid selection. For instance if an element contained in
	 * the selection has been removed from the viewer, the viewer is free to
	 * either remove the element from the selection or to pick another element
	 * as its new selection. The default implementation of this method calls
	 * <code>updateSelection. Subclasses may override it to implement
	 * a different strategy for picking a new selection when the old selection
	 * becomes invalid.
	 * </p>
	 * @param invalidSelection
	 *            the selection before the viewer was updated
	 * @param newSelection
	 *            the selection after the update, or <code>null if none
	protected void handleInvalidSelection(ISelection invalidSelection, ISelection newSelection) {
		SelectionChangedEvent event = new SelectionChangedEvent(this, newSelection);

	 * The <code>StructuredViewer implementation of this
	 * <code>ContentViewer method calls update if the
	 * event specifies that the label of a given element has changed, otherwise
	 * it calls super. Subclasses may reimplement or extend.
	 * </p>
	 * @param event the event that generated this update
	protected void handleLabelProviderChanged(LabelProviderChangedEvent event) {
		Object[] elements = event.getElements();
		if (elements != null) {
			update(elements, null);
		} else {

	 * Handles a select event from the widget.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param event
	 *            the SWT selection event
	protected void handleSelect(SelectionEvent event) {
		// handle case where an earlier selection listener disposed the control.
		Control control = getControl();
		if (control != null && !control.isDisposed()) {

	 * Handles a post select event from the widget.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param e the SWT selection event
	protected void handlePostSelect(SelectionEvent e) {
		SelectionChangedEvent event = new SelectionChangedEvent(this, getSelection());

	 * (non-Javadoc) Method declared on Viewer.
	protected void hookControl(Control control) {
		OpenStrategy handler = new OpenStrategy(control);
		handler.addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener() {
			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
				// On Windows, selection events may happen during a refresh.
				// Ignore these events if we are currently in preservingSelection().
				// See bug 184441.
				if (!inChange) {

			public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
		handler.addPostSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
		handler.addOpenListener(new IOpenEventListener() {
			public void handleOpen(SelectionEvent e) {

	 * Returns whether this viewer has any filters.
	 * @return boolean
	protected boolean hasFilters() {
		return filters != null && filters.size() > 0;

	 * Refreshes this viewer starting at the given element.
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	protected abstract void internalRefresh(Object element);

	 * Refreshes this viewer starting at the given element. Labels are updated
	 * as described in <code>refresh(boolean updateLabels).
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation simply calls
	 * <code>internalRefresh(element), ignoring
	 * <code>updateLabels.
	 * <p>
	 * If this method is overridden to do the actual refresh, then
	 * <code>internalRefresh(Object element) should simply call
	 * <code>internalRefresh(element, true).
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param updateLabels
	 *            <code>true to update labels for existing elements,
	 *            <code>false to only update labels as needed, assuming
	 *            that labels for existing elements are unchanged.
	 * @since 2.0
	protected void internalRefresh(Object element, boolean updateLabels) {

	 * Adds the element item pair to the element map.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param item
	 *            the corresponding widget
	protected void mapElement(Object element, Widget item) {
		if (elementMap != null) {
			Object widgetOrWidgets = elementMap.get(element);
			if (widgetOrWidgets == null) {
				elementMap.put(element, item);
			} else if (widgetOrWidgets instanceof Widget) {
				if (widgetOrWidgets != item) {
					elementMap.put(element, new Widget[] {
							(Widget) widgetOrWidgets, item });
			} else {
				Widget[] widgets = (Widget[]) widgetOrWidgets;
				int indexOfItem = Arrays.asList(widgets).indexOf(item);
				if (indexOfItem == -1) {
					int length = widgets.length;
					System.arraycopy(widgets, 0,
							widgets = new Widget[length + 1], 0, length);
					widgets[length] = item;
					elementMap.put(element, widgets);

	 * Determines whether a change to the given property of the given element
	 * would require refiltering and/or resorting.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param property
	 *            the property
	 * @return <code>true if refiltering is required, and
	 *         <code>false otherwise
	protected boolean needsRefilter(Object element, String property) {
		if (sorter != null && sorter.isSorterProperty(element, property)) {
			return true;

		if (filters != null) {
			for (int i = 0, n = filters.size(); i < n; ++i) {
				ViewerFilter filter = (ViewerFilter) filters.get(i);
				if (filter.isFilterProperty(element, property)) {
					return true;
		return false;

	 * Returns a new hashtable using the given capacity and this viewer's element comparer.
	 * @param capacity the initial capacity of the hashtable
	 * @return a new hashtable
	 * @since 3.0
	CustomHashtable newHashtable(int capacity) {
		return new CustomHashtable(capacity, getComparer());

	 * Attempts to preserves the current selection across a run of the given
	 * code.
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this method:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>discovers the old selection (via getSelection)
	 * <li>runs the given runnable
	 * <li>attempts to restore the old selection (using
	 * <code>setSelectionToWidget
	 * <li>rediscovers the resulting selection (via getSelection)
	 * </li>
	 * <li>calls handleInvalidSelection if the resulting selection is different from the old selection
	 * </ul>
	 * </p>
	 * @param updateCode
	 *            the code to run
	protected void preservingSelection(Runnable updateCode) {
		preservingSelection(updateCode, false);

	 * Attempts to preserves the current selection across a run of the given
	 * code, with a best effort to avoid scrolling if <code>reveal is false,
	 * or to reveal the selection if <code>reveal is true.
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this method:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>discovers the old selection (via getSelection)
	 * <li>runs the given runnable
	 * <li>attempts to restore the old selection (using
	 * <code>setSelectionToWidget
	 * <li>rediscovers the resulting selection (via getSelection)
	 * </li>
	 * <li>calls handleInvalidSelection if the selection did not
	 * take</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * </p>
	 * @param updateCode
	 *            the code to run
	 * @param reveal
	 *            <code>true if the selection should be made visible,
	 *            <code>false if scrolling should be avoided
	 * @since 3.3
	void preservingSelection(Runnable updateCode, boolean reveal) {

		ISelection oldSelection = null;
		try {
			// preserve selection
			oldSelection = getSelection();
			inChange = restoreSelection = true;

			// perform the update;

		} finally {
			inChange = false;

			// restore selection
			if (restoreSelection) {
				setSelectionToWidget(oldSelection, reveal);

			// send out notification if old and new differ
			ISelection newSelection = getSelection();
			if (!newSelection.equals(oldSelection)) {
				handleInvalidSelection(oldSelection, newSelection);
	 * Non-Javadoc. Method declared on Viewer.
	public void refresh() {

	 * Refreshes this viewer with information freshly obtained from this
	 * viewer's model. If <code>updateLabels is true
	 * then labels for otherwise unaffected elements are updated as well.
	 * Otherwise, it assumes labels for existing elements are unchanged, and
	 * labels are only obtained as needed (for example, for new elements).
	 * <p>
	 * Calling <code>refresh(true) has the same effect as
	 * <code>refresh().
	 * <p>
	 * Note that the implementation may still obtain labels for existing
	 * elements even if <code>updateLabels is false. The intent is
	 * simply to allow optimization where possible.
	 * @param updateLabels
	 *            <code>true to update labels for existing elements,
	 *            <code>false to only update labels as needed, assuming
	 *            that labels for existing elements are unchanged.
	 * @since 2.0
	public void refresh(boolean updateLabels) {
		refresh(getRoot(), updateLabels);

	 * Refreshes this viewer starting with the given element.
	 * <p>
	 * Unlike the <code>update methods, this handles structural changes
	 * to the given element (e.g. addition or removal of children). If only the
	 * given element needs updating, it is more efficient to use the
	 * <code>update methods.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	public void refresh(final Object element) {
		preservingSelection(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {

	 * Refreshes this viewer starting with the given element. Labels are updated
	 * as described in <code>refresh(boolean updateLabels).
	 * <p>
	 * Unlike the <code>update methods, this handles structural changes
	 * to the given element (e.g. addition or removal of children). If only the
	 * given element needs updating, it is more efficient to use the
	 * <code>update methods.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param updateLabels
	 *            <code>true to update labels for existing elements,
	 *            <code>false to only update labels as needed, assuming
	 *            that labels for existing elements are unchanged.
	 * @since 2.0
	public void refresh(final Object element, final boolean updateLabels) {
		preservingSelection(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				internalRefresh(element, updateLabels);

	 * Refreshes the given item with the given element. Calls
	 * <code>doUpdateItem(..., false).
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param widget
     *            the widget
	 * @param element
     *            the element
	protected final void refreshItem(Widget widget, Object element) { UpdateItemSafeRunnable(widget, element, true));

	 * Removes the given open listener from this viewer. Has no affect if an
	 * identical listener is not registered.
	 * @param listener
	 *            a double-click listener
	public void removeOpenListener(IOpenListener listener) {

	 * (non-Javadoc) Method declared on IPostSelectionProvider.
	public void removePostSelectionChangedListener(ISelectionChangedListener listener) {

	 * Removes the given double-click listener from this viewer. Has no affect
	 * if an identical listener is not registered.
	 * @param listener
	 *            a double-click listener
	public void removeDoubleClickListener(IDoubleClickListener listener) {

	 * Removes the given filter from this viewer, and triggers refiltering and
	 * resorting of the elements if required. Has no effect if the identical
	 * filter is not registered. If you want to remove more than one filter
	 * consider using {@link StructuredViewer#setFilters(ViewerFilter[])}.
	 * @param filter
	 *            a viewer filter
	 * @see StructuredViewer#setFilters(ViewerFilter[])
	public void removeFilter(ViewerFilter filter) {
		if (filters != null) {
			// Note: can't use List.remove(Object). Use identity comparison
			// instead.
			for (Iterator i = filters.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
				Object o =;
				if (o == filter) {
					if (filters.size() == 0) {
						filters = null;

	 * Sets the filters, replacing any previous filters, and triggers
	 * refiltering and resorting of the elements.
	 * @param filters
	 *            an array of viewer filters
	 * @since 3.3
	public void setFilters(ViewerFilter[] filters) {
		if (filters.length == 0) {
		} else {
			this.filters = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(filters));
	 * Discards this viewer's filters and triggers refiltering and resorting of
	 * the elements.
	public void resetFilters() {
		if (filters != null) {
			filters = null;

	 * Ensures that the given element is visible, scrolling the viewer if
	 * necessary. The selection is unchanged.
	 * @param element
	 *            the element to reveal
	public abstract void reveal(Object element);

	 *  (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ContentViewer#setContentProvider(org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IContentProvider)
	public void setContentProvider(IContentProvider provider) {

	 * Assert that the content provider is of one of the
	 * supported types.
	 * @param provider
	protected void assertContentProviderType(IContentProvider provider) {
		Assert.isTrue(provider instanceof IStructuredContentProvider);

	 *  (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer#setInput(java.lang.Object)
	public final void setInput(Object input) {

		try {
			//		fInChange= true;



		} finally {
			//		fInChange= false;

	 *  (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer#setSelection(org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection, boolean)
	public void setSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal) {
		 * <p>
		 * If the new selection differs from the current selection the hook
		 * <code>updateSelection is called.
		 * </p>
		 * <p>
		 * If <code>setSelection is called from within
		 * <code>preserveSelection, the call to
		 * <code>updateSelection is delayed until the end of
		 * <code>preserveSelection.
		 * </p>
		 * <p>
		 * Subclasses do not typically override this method, but implement
		 * <code>setSelectionToWidget instead.
		 * </p>
		Control control = getControl();
		if (control == null || control.isDisposed()) {
		if (!inChange) {
			setSelectionToWidget(selection, reveal);
			ISelection sel = getSelection();
			firePostSelectionChanged(new SelectionChangedEvent(this, sel));
		} else {
			restoreSelection = false;
			setSelectionToWidget(selection, reveal);

	 * Parlays the given list of selected elements into selections on this
	 * viewer's control.
	 * <p>
	 * Subclasses should override to set their selection based on the given list
	 * of elements.
	 * </p>
	 * @param l
	 *            list of selected elements (element type: <code>Object)
	 *            or <code>null if the selection is to be cleared
	 * @param reveal
	 *            <code>true if the selection is to be made visible,
	 *            and <code>false otherwise
	protected abstract void setSelectionToWidget(List l, boolean reveal);

	 * Converts the selection to a <code>List and calls
	 * <code>setSelectionToWidget(List, boolean). The selection is
	 * expected to be an <code>IStructuredSelection of elements. If
	 * not, the selection is cleared.
	 * <p>
	 * Subclasses do not typically override this method, but implement
	 * <code>setSelectionToWidget(List, boolean) instead.
	 * @param selection
	 *            an IStructuredSelection of elements
	 * @param reveal
	 *            <code>true to reveal the first element in the
	 *            selection, or <code>false otherwise
	protected void setSelectionToWidget(ISelection selection, boolean reveal) {
		if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
			setSelectionToWidget(((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList(), reveal);
		} else {
			setSelectionToWidget((List) null, reveal);

	 * Sets this viewer's sorter and triggers refiltering and resorting of this
	 * viewer's element. Passing <code>null turns sorting off.  
     * <p>
     * It is recommended to use <code>setComparator() instead.
     * </p>
	 * @param sorter
	 *            a viewer sorter, or <code>null if none
	public void setSorter(ViewerSorter sorter) {
		if (this.sorter != sorter) {
			this.sorter = sorter;

	 * Sets this viewer's comparator to be used for sorting elements, and triggers refiltering and 
	 * resorting of this viewer's element.  <code>null turns sorting off.
	 * To get the viewer's comparator, call <code>getComparator().
     * <p>
     * IMPORTANT: This method was introduced in 3.2. If a reference to this viewer object 
     * is passed to clients who call <code>getSorter(), null may be returned from
     * from that method even though the viewer is sorting its elements using the
     * viewer's comparator.
     * </p>
	 * @param comparator a viewer comparator, or <code>null if none
     * @since 3.2
	public void setComparator(ViewerComparator comparator){
		if (this.sorter != comparator){
			this.sorter = comparator;
	 * Configures whether this structured viewer uses an internal hash table to
	 * speeds up the mapping between elements and SWT items. This must be called
	 * before the viewer is given an input (via <code>setInput).
	 * @param enable
	 *            <code>true to enable hash lookup, and
	 *            <code>false to disable it
	public void setUseHashlookup(boolean enable) {
		Assert.isTrue(getInput() == null,
				"Can only enable the hash look up before input has been set");//$NON-NLS-1$
		if (enable) {
			elementMap = newHashtable(CustomHashtable.DEFAULT_CAPACITY);
		} else {
			elementMap = null;

	 * Sets the comparer to use for comparing elements, or <code>null
	 * to use the default <code>equals and hashCode
	 * methods on the elements themselves.
	 * @param comparer
	 *            the comparer to use for comparing elements or
	 *            <code>null
	public void setComparer(IElementComparer comparer) {
		this.comparer = comparer;
		if (elementMap != null) {
			elementMap = new CustomHashtable(elementMap, comparer);

	 * Hook for testing.
	 * @param element
	 * @return Widget
	public Widget testFindItem(Object element) {
		return findItem(element);

	 * Hook for testing.
	 * @param element
	 * @return Widget[]
	 * @since 3.2
	public Widget[] testFindItems(Object element) {
		return findItems(element);
	 * Removes all elements from the map.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	protected void unmapAllElements() {
		if (elementMap != null) {
			elementMap = newHashtable(CustomHashtable.DEFAULT_CAPACITY);

	 * Removes the given element from the internal element to widget map. Does
	 * nothing if mapping is disabled. If mapping is enabled, the given element
	 * must be present.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	protected void unmapElement(Object element) {
		if (elementMap != null) {

	 * Removes the given association from the internal element to widget map.
	 * Does nothing if mapping is disabled, or if the given element does not map
	 * to the given item.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param item the item to unmap
	 * @since 2.0
	protected void unmapElement(Object element, Widget item) {
		// double-check that the element actually maps to the given item before
		// unmapping it
		if (elementMap != null) {
			Object widgetOrWidgets = elementMap.get(element);
			if (widgetOrWidgets == null) {
				// item was not mapped, return
			} else if (widgetOrWidgets instanceof Widget) {
				if (item == widgetOrWidgets) {
			} else {
				Widget[] widgets = (Widget[]) widgetOrWidgets;
				int indexOfItem = Arrays.asList(widgets).indexOf(item);
				if (indexOfItem == -1) {
				int length = widgets.length;
				if (indexOfItem == 0) {
					if(length == 1) {
					} else {
						Widget[] updatedWidgets = new Widget[length - 1];
						System.arraycopy(widgets, 1, updatedWidgets, 0, length -1 );
						elementMap.put(element, updatedWidgets);
				} else {
					Widget[] updatedWidgets = new Widget[length - 1];
					System.arraycopy(widgets, 0, updatedWidgets, 0, indexOfItem);
					System.arraycopy(widgets, indexOfItem + 1, updatedWidgets, indexOfItem, length - indexOfItem - 1);
					elementMap.put(element, updatedWidgets);

	// flag to indicate that a full refresh took place. See bug 102440.
	private boolean refreshOccurred;
	 * Updates the given elements' presentation when one or more of their
	 * properties change. Only the given elements are updated.
	 * <p>
	 * This does not handle structural changes (e.g. addition or removal of
	 * elements), and does not update any other related elements (e.g. child
	 * elements). To handle structural changes, use the <code>refresh
	 * methods instead.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * This should be called when an element has changed in the model, in order
	 * to have the viewer accurately reflect the model. This method only affects
	 * the viewer, not the model.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * Specifying which properties are affected may allow the viewer to optimize
	 * the update. For example, if the label provider is not affected by changes
	 * to any of these properties, an update may not actually be required.
	 * Specifying <code>properties as null forces a full
	 * update of the given elements.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * If the viewer has a sorter which is affected by a change to one of the
	 * properties, the elements' positions are updated to maintain the sort
	 * order. Note that resorting does not happen if <code>properties
	 * is <code>null.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * If the viewer has a filter which is affected by a change to one of the
	 * properties, elements may appear or disappear if the change affects
	 * whether or not they are filtered out.
	 * </p>
	 * @param elements
	 *            the elements
	 * @param properties
	 *            the properties that have changed, or <code>null to
	 *            indicate unknown
	public void update(Object[] elements, String[] properties) {
		boolean previousValue = refreshOccurred;
		refreshOccurred = false;
		try {
			for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
				update(elements[i], properties);
				if (refreshOccurred) {
		} finally {
			refreshOccurred = previousValue;

	 * Updates the given element's presentation when one or more of its
	 * properties changes. Only the given element is updated.
	 * <p>
	 * This does not handle structural changes (e.g. addition or removal of
	 * elements), and does not update any other related elements (e.g. child
	 * elements). To handle structural changes, use the <code>refresh
	 * methods instead.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * This should be called when an element has changed in the model, in order
	 * to have the viewer accurately reflect the model. This method only affects
	 * the viewer, not the model.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * Specifying which properties are affected may allow the viewer to optimize
	 * the update. For example, if the label provider is not affected by changes
	 * to any of these properties, an update may not actually be required.
	 * Specifying <code>properties as null forces a full
	 * update of the element.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * If the viewer has a sorter which is affected by a change to one of the
	 * properties, the element's position is updated to maintain the sort order.
	 * Note that resorting does not happen if <code>properties is
	 * <code>null.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * If the viewer has a filter which is affected by a change to one of the
	 * properties, the element may appear or disappear if the change affects
	 * whether or not the element is filtered out.
	 * </p>
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	 * @param properties
	 *            the properties that have changed, or <code>null to
	 *            indicate unknown
	public void update(Object element, String[] properties) {
		Widget[] items = findItems(element);

		boolean mayExitEarly = !refreshOccurred;
		for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
			internalUpdate(items[i], element, properties);
			if (mayExitEarly && refreshOccurred) {
				// detected a change from refreshOccurred==false to refreshOccurred==true 

     * Updates the given element's presentation when one or more of its
     * properties changes. Only the given element is updated.
     * <p>
     * EXPERIMENTAL.  Not to be used except by JDT.
     * This method was added to support JDT's explorations
     * into grouping by working sets, which requires viewers to support multiple 
     * equal elements.  See bug 76482 for more details.  This support will
     * likely be removed in Eclipse 3.3 in favor of proper support for
     * multiple equal elements (which was implemented for AbtractTreeViewer in 3.2). 
     * </p>
     * @param widget
     *            the widget for the element
     * @param element
     *            the element
     * @param properties
     *            the properties that have changed, or <code>null to
     *            indicate unknown
	protected void internalUpdate(Widget widget, Object element, String[] properties) {
		boolean needsRefilter = false;
		if (properties != null) {
			for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
				needsRefilter = needsRefilter(element, properties[i]);
				if (needsRefilter) {
		if (needsRefilter) {
			preservingSelection(new Runnable() {
				public void run() {
					refreshOccurred = true;

		boolean needsUpdate;
		if (properties == null) {
			needsUpdate = true;
		} else {
			needsUpdate = false;
			IBaseLabelProvider labelProvider = getLabelProvider();
			for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
				needsUpdate = labelProvider.isLabelProperty(element, properties[i]);
				if (needsUpdate) {
		if (needsUpdate) {
			updateItem(widget, element);

	 * Copies attributes of the given element into the given widget.
	 * <p>
	 * This method is internal to the framework; subclassers should not call
	 * this method. Calls <code>doUpdateItem(widget, element, true).
	 * </p>
	 * @param widget
	 *            the widget
	 * @param element
	 *            the element
	protected final void updateItem(Widget widget, Object element) { UpdateItemSafeRunnable(widget, element, true));

	 * Updates the selection of this viewer.
	 * <p>
	 * This framework method should be called when the selection in the viewer
	 * widget changes.
	 * </p>
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this method notifies all selection change
	 * listeners recorded in an internal state variable. Overriding this method
	 * is generally not required; however, if overriding in a subclass,
	 * <code>super.updateSelection must be invoked.
	 * </p>
	 * @param selection
	 *            the selection, or <code>null if none
	protected void updateSelection(ISelection selection) {
		SelectionChangedEvent event = new SelectionChangedEvent(this, selection);

	 * Returns whether this structured viewer is configured to use an internal
	 * map to speed up the mapping between elements and SWT items.
	 * <p>
	 * The default implementation of this framework method checks whether the
	 * internal map has been initialized.
	 * </p>
	 * @return <code>true if the element map is enabled, and
	 *         <code>false if disabled
	protected boolean usingElementMap() {
		return elementMap != null;

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ContentViewer#setLabelProvider(org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IBaseLabelProvider)
	public void setLabelProvider(IBaseLabelProvider labelProvider) {
		if (labelProvider instanceof IColorProvider || labelProvider instanceof IFontProvider) {
			colorAndFontCollector = new ColorAndFontCollectorWithProviders(labelProvider);
		} else {
			colorAndFontCollector = new ColorAndFontCollector();
	 * Build a label up for the element using the supplied label provider.
	 * @param updateLabel The ViewerLabel to collect the result in
	 * @param element The element being decorated.
	protected void buildLabel(ViewerLabel updateLabel, Object element){

		if (getLabelProvider() instanceof IViewerLabelProvider) {
			IViewerLabelProvider itemProvider = (IViewerLabelProvider) getLabelProvider();
			itemProvider.updateLabel(updateLabel, element);
			if(updateLabel.hasNewBackground()) {
			if(updateLabel.hasNewForeground()) {
			if(updateLabel.hasNewFont()) {

		if(getLabelProvider() instanceof ILabelProvider){
			ILabelProvider labelProvider = (ILabelProvider) getLabelProvider();
	 * Build a label up for the element using the supplied label provider.
	 * @param updateLabel The ViewerLabel to collect the result in
	 * @param element The element being decorated.
	 * @param labelProvider ILabelProvider the labelProvider for the receiver.
	void buildLabel(ViewerLabel updateLabel, Object element,IViewerLabelProvider labelProvider){

			labelProvider.updateLabel(updateLabel, element);
			if(updateLabel.hasNewBackground()) {
			if(updateLabel.hasNewForeground()) {
			if(updateLabel.hasNewFont()) {
	 * Build a label up for the element using the supplied label provider.
	 * @param updateLabel The ViewerLabel to collect the result in
	 * @param elementPath The path of the element being decorated.
	 * @param labelProvider ILabelProvider the labelProvider for the receiver.
	void buildLabel(ViewerLabel updateLabel, TreePath elementPath,ITreePathLabelProvider labelProvider){

			labelProvider.updateLabel(updateLabel, elementPath);
			if(updateLabel.hasNewBackground()) {
			if(updateLabel.hasNewForeground()) {
			if(updateLabel.hasNewFont()) {
	 * Build a label up for the element using the supplied label provider.
	 * @param updateLabel The ViewerLabel to collect the result in
	 * @param element The element being decorated.
	 * @param labelProvider ILabelProvider the labelProvider for the receiver.
	void buildLabel(ViewerLabel updateLabel, Object element,ILabelProvider labelProvider){

	 * Get the ColorAndFontCollector for the receiver.
	 * @return ColorAndFontCollector 
	 * @since 3.1
	protected ColorAndFontCollector getColorAndFontCollector() {
		return colorAndFontCollector;
	protected void handleDispose(DisposeEvent event) {
		sorter = null;
		comparer = null;
		if (filters != null)
		elementMap = newHashtable(1);

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