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This is a test script for the export wizard.

Common Properties for All Pages
	Verify that all listboxes show appropriate scrollbars when 
		their contents extends beyond their client area.
	The Cancel button is enabled all the time.
	Verify that Cancel discards all changes made to the wizard by 
		doing the following:
		- on the Select page, choose any one of items in the list and click Next.
		- make change to the destination or the option settings or both.
		- cancel the wizard.
		- open the wizard again and ensure that the preselection of the Select page( if there was any ), and the values of 
			the destination and the options remain the same as before the change.

Select Page( first page )
	The Next button is enabled only if there is selection in the list.
	Verify that the destination from the most recent export, regardless 	
		of session, is preselected in the listbox.
	Verify icons for items in the list.

Common Properties for the File System Page and the Zip File Page( second page )
* Please run this test separately for each of the pages.
		The folder tree shows open projects only.
		Verify icons for files in the file listbox.
		The Back and Browse button are enabled and the Next button 
			is disabled all the time.
		Finish is disabled if the destination folder is empty.
		If nothing is selected when Finish is pressed a warning dialog 
		The 'Select Types', 'Select All', and 'Deselect All' buttons 
			are always enabled.
	[Selection Action]
		Verify that 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' work.
		Selecting a folder resource shows all files it has in the 
			file listbox.
		Checking a folder resource checks all of its subfolders and 
			its files, and always grey-checks its ancestor folders.
		Unchecking a folder unchecks files and subfolders underneath it. 
			It unchecks its ancestor folder recursively. 
			If it is last resource checked. Otherwise, it grey-checks 
				its ancestor recursively.
		Checking a file always grey-checks the folder it is in.
		Unchecking a file unchecks its ancestor folder recursively 
			if it is last resource selected. 
			Otherwise, it grey-checks its ancestor recursively.
	[Select Types Dialog]
		Verify that the 'Other Extensions' text box shows only those 
			user-defined file types that are not in the list.
			- type in *.java and click OK
			- open the dialog again and ensure that the .java check box is checked and the textbox does NOT have .java in it.
			- in the dialog, type in *.eclipse and click OK
			- open the dialog again and ensure that the textbox has .eclipse in it.
		The filter selects files by both checked file types and 
			specified types from entire resources.
		Invoking the filter updates appropriate checkboxes of files and 
		The destination combo listbox is preselected with the most 
			recent destination to which the user exported.
		The destination combo listbox in the wizard stores the five 
			most recent destinations to which resources were exported.
		The setting for common options are shared by pages.
		If the Overwrite checkbox is unchecked, exporting a resource 
			to the same destination twice pops up the Confirm Overwrite 
		If the Overwrite checkbox is checked, exporting a resource 
			to the same destination twice does not invoke confirmation.
		Verify that the five most recent destinations stored in 
			the destination listbox are persistent between sessions.
		Verify that the settings of the options are persistent 
			between sessions.
	[Navigator View]
		If the wizard is invoked while there is a resource(s) selected 
			in the navigator view, those resource(s) are checked in the folder tree.

File System Page
		Verify that all files are exported successfully to the 
			specified destination.
		If the 'Create directory structure' checkbox is unchecked, 
			exporting creates a directory structure that roots from 
			the root of the folder tree within the destination directory.
		If the 'Create directory structure' checkbox is checked, 
			exporting creates the same directory structure as the 
			workspace within the destination directory.
	[Browse for Folder Dialog]
		The destination textbox of the dialog is preselected with 
			the current destination folder from the dialog.
		Specifying the destination in the dialog and then clicking OK 
			updates the destination textbox of the wizard. Otherwise, 
			the wizard is not updated.

Zip File Page
	Verify that a .zip file is exported successfully to the 
		specified destination.	
	Use an external ZIP program to verify the following:
		- the ZIP file is extracted successfully by the ZIP program.
		- the ZIP file made with the 'Create directory structure' 
			checkbox turned on has the same directory structure 
			as the workspace.		
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