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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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This is a test script for the properties dialog.

	Verify that the listbox on the left shows appropriate scrollbars 
		when its contents extends beyond its client area.
	Verify that the window grows to fit the content page of the 
		selected item.
	Verify that you can traverse all widget groups by pressing TAB.
	Verify that the title bar shows the name of the resource about 
		which the dialog shows information.

	Clicking on a item that contributes in the tree shows the 
		corresponding page on the right, including the page title.
	Clicking on a item that does not contribute in the tree shows 
		the default page on the right.
		e.g. In the packages view, open the dialog on a package. The 
			Team page should show the default page.
	Verify that OK stores all changes made to fields by doing the following:
		- make some changes to checkboxes, option buttons, and textboxes.
		- click OK.
		- open the dialog again and ensure that all the changes were saved.
	Verify that Cancel discards all changes made to fields by doing 
	the following:
		- make some changes to checkboxes, option buttons, and textboxes.
		- click Cancel.
		- open the dialog again and ensure that all the field values 
			are the same as before the change.
	Verify that ESC maps to Cancel.
	Verify that Apply stores all changes made to values by doing 
	the following:
		- make some changes to checkboxes, option buttons, and textboxes.
		- click Apply and then Cancel.
		- open the dialog again and ensure that all the changes were saved.
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