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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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This is a test list for the properties view. The properties view is a container for pages contributed by open views and editors.
We test the contribution and activation of pages in the view.

	Verify that the view shows appropriate scrollbars when its contents extends beyond its client area.

	If you open a view with properties, verify that the page, the local toolbar and local menu bar in properties view are updated.
		e.g. Open the navigator view and see the change in the properties view.
	If you open another view, its own properties page should appear.
	Switch between two or more components to see page in view change.
	Close one part, activating another, to see page in view change.
	Close last editor to see default blank page in the view.
	Verify that the view shows the default page when the active view doesn't have source.
	Make sure Edit menu in the workbench targets the active page in the view.
	Verify that the enablement and action of the Categories, Filter, and Defaults buttons are consistent with the view's 

		pulldown menu.

Navigator View
	Verify that toggling the Show/Hide-Categories button shows/hides items in the corresponding category tree.
	Verify that the properties view shows correct values in the following fields for a selected resource in the navigator view
		editable, last modified, name, and path
	Verify that only files have values in the size field.

	Verify that on start-up of the view, the view displays properties for the active part and selection of the contributing view.

Property Sheet Example
	Before verifying any of the following tests, do:
		1. Make sure the workbench example is already installed
		   i.e., checkout org.eclipse.ui.examples.propertysheet and launch a run-time workbench
		2. Create a .usr file and open it 
		3. Show both the outline view and the properties view	

	Verify that the 'Show/Hide Category' toggle button and the 'Restore Default' button work.
	Verify that selecting an item in the outline view shows all properties in the properties view.
	Verify that multiselecting items shows only their common properties.
	Verify that change made to a value for an item is persistent in same session.
	Verify that modifying a value for multiselected items changes the values for all of the selected items.
	Verify that changing the Name value for an item updates the page in the outline view.
	Verify that changing the Name values for multiselected items in the outline view updates the page in the outline view.	
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