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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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This is a test list for the tasks view.

	Verify that appropriate strings appear in all menu items and text fields.
	Verify icons for task items and problem items.
	Verify that the title bar shows the correct number of filtered items and total items.
	Verify that the view shows appropriate scrollbars when its contents extends beyond its client area.

Common Actions
	Verify that header buttons in the table sort records by their respective column values in ascending/descending order alternatively.
	Verify that items that belong to files such as compile time errors are displayed only if their projects are open.
	Verify that Go To File is enabled only on file-bound items.
	Verify that double-click or Go To File on a file-bound item opens the file, if not alreadly open, and locates the code in the editor.

Task Actions in Tasks View
	Verify that New Task, Delete, Delete Completed Tasks work.
	Verify that Delete is enabled only on task items.
	Verify that invoking Delete on a task item in an open file deletes the task marker from the editor.
	Verify that the enablement and action of the New Task and Delete buttons are consistent with those in the context menu.
	Verify that the DELETE button on the keyboard maps to Delete.
	Verify that the task status( completion ) and priority can be set for task items only.

Problem Actions in Tasks View
	Verify that selecting a problem item displays its description message in the status bar of the workbench window.

Filter Tasks Dialog
	Change the values then verify that the Reset button sets those values to default.
	Verify that tasks are filtered by the corresponding criterion of the On-any-resouce, On-selected-resouce-only, and 
		On-selected-resouce-and-its-children radio buttons.
	Verify that tasks are filtered based on query word iff the description text box is not empty.
	Verify that only those tasks that contain( do not contain ) the query string show in the task view if the description combo-box 
		has the value "Contains"( Does not contain ).
	Verify that the Where-problem-severity-is checkbox is enabled iff at least one of Build-path-Problem and Java-Problem in the tree is checked.
	Verify that the Where-task-priority-is and Where-task-status-is check boxes are enabled iff Task in the tree is checked.
	Verify that the enablement of the Where~ checkboxes determines the enablement of their option check boxes.
	Verify that a newly created task by New Task is affected by the current setting of the filter.

Actions in Text Editor
	Verify that for a line that doesn't have a task, you can add one. It should appear in the vertical ruler and in the view
		with adequate values set in the Resouce, In Folder, and Location fields.
	Verify that for a line that has a task. you can remove the task. It disappears from the vertical ruler and from the view.
	Verify that selecting a task item from the view opens the file, if not already open, and locates the code. 

	Verify that the view retains its items after being closed and reopened.
	Verify that the view maintains the sort order and filtering between sessions.
	Verify that the top index and the selection of the view are consistent between sessions, and after inserting or detaching the view.
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