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 * $RCSfile:,v $
 * $Revision: 1.1 $
 * $Date: 2005/02/25 21:41:42 $
 * Copyright 2003-2004 Jive Software.
 * All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.jivesoftware.smack.packet;

import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.StringUtils;

 * Represents XMPP presence packets. Every presence packet has a type, which is one of
 * the following values:
 * <ul>
 *      <li>Presence.Type.AVAILABLE -- (Default) indicates the user is available to
 *          receive messages.
 *      <li>Presence.Type.UNAVAILABLE -- the user is unavailable to receive messages.
 *      <li>Presence.Type.SUBSCRIBE -- request subscription to recipient's presence.
 *      <li>Presence.Type.SUBSCRIBED -- grant subscription to sender's presence.
 *      <li>Presence.Type.UNSUBSCRIBE -- request removal of subscription to sender's
 *          presence.
 *      <li>Presence.Type.UNSUBSCRIBED -- grant removal of subscription to sender's
 *          presence.
 *      <li>Presence.Type.ERROR -- the presence packet contains an error message.
 * </ul>

* * A number of attributes are optional: * <ul> * <li>Status -- free-form text describing a user's presence (i.e., gone to lunch). * <li>Priority -- non-negative numerical priority of a sender's resource. The * highest resource priority is the default recipient of packets not addressed * to a particular resource. * <li>Mode -- one of five presence modes: available (the default), chat, away, * xa (extended away, and dnd (do not disturb). * </ul>

* * Presence packets are used for two purposes. First, to notify the server of our * the clients current presence status. Second, they are used to subscribe and * unsubscribe users from the roster. * * @see RosterPacket * @author Matt Tucker */ public class Presence extends Packet { private Type type = Type.AVAILABLE; private String status = null; private int priority = -1; private Mode mode = Mode.AVAILABLE; /** * Creates a new presence update. Status, priority, and mode are left un-set. * * @param type the type. */ public Presence(Type type) { this.type = type; } /** * Creates a new presence update with a specified status, priority, and mode. * * @param type the type. * @param status a text message describing the presence update. * @param priority the priority of this presence update. * @param mode the mode type for this presence update. */ public Presence(Type type, String status, int priority, Mode mode) { this.type = type; this.status = status; this.priority = priority; this.mode = mode; } /** * Returns the type of this presence packet. * * @return the type of the presence packet. */ public Type getType() { return type; } /** * Sets the type of the presence packet. * * @param type the type of the presence packet. */ public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } /** * Returns the status message of the presence update, or <tt>null if there * is not a status. The status is free-form text describing a user's presence * (i.e., "gone to lunch"). * * @return the status message. */ public String getStatus() { return status; } /** * Sets the status message of the presence update. The status is free-form text * describing a user's presence (i.e., "gone to lunch"). * * @param status the status message. */ public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } /** * Returns the priority of the presence, or -1 if no priority has been set. * * @return the priority. */ public int getPriority() { return priority; } /** * Sets the priority of the presence. The valid range is -128 through 128. * * @param priority the priority of the presence. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the priority is outside the valid range. */ public void setPriority(int priority) { if (priority < -128 || priority > 128) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Priority value " + priority + " is not valid. Valid range is -128 through 128."); } this.priority = priority; } /** * Returns the mode of the presence update. * * @return the mode. */ public Mode getMode() { return mode; } /** * Sets the mode of the presence update. For the standard "available" state, set * the mode to <tt>null. * * @param mode the mode. */ public void setMode(Mode mode) { this.mode = mode; } public String toXML() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("<presence"); if (getPacketID() != null) { buf.append(" id=\"").append(getPacketID()).append("\""); } if (getTo() != null) { buf.append(" to=\"").append(StringUtils.escapeForXML(getTo())).append("\""); } if (getFrom() != null) { buf.append(" from=\"").append(StringUtils.escapeForXML(getFrom())).append("\""); } if (type != Type.AVAILABLE) { buf.append(" type=\"").append(type).append("\""); } buf.append(">"); if (status != null) { buf.append("<status>").append(status).append(""); } if (priority != -1) { buf.append("<priority>").append(priority).append(""); } if (mode != null && mode != Mode.AVAILABLE) { buf.append("<show>").append(mode).append(""); } buf.append(this.getExtensionsXML()); buf.append("</presence>"); return buf.toString(); } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(type); if (mode != null) { buf.append(": ").append(mode); } if (status != null) { buf.append(" (").append(status).append(")"); } return buf.toString(); } /** * A typsafe enum class to represent the presecence type. */ public static class Type { public static final Type AVAILABLE = new Type("available"); public static final Type UNAVAILABLE = new Type("unavailable"); public static final Type SUBSCRIBE = new Type("subscribe"); public static final Type SUBSCRIBED = new Type("subscribed"); public static final Type UNSUBSCRIBE = new Type("unsubscribe"); public static final Type UNSUBSCRIBED = new Type("unsubscribed"); public static final Type ERROR = new Type("error"); private String value; private Type(String value) { this.value = value; } public String toString() { return value; } /** * Returns the type constant associated with the String value. */ public static Type fromString(String value) { if (value == null) { return AVAILABLE; } value = value.toLowerCase(); if ("unavailable".equals(value)) { return UNAVAILABLE; } else if ("subscribe".equals(value)) { return SUBSCRIBE; } else if ("subscribed".equals(value)) { return SUBSCRIBED; } else if ("unsubscribe".equals(value)) { return UNSUBSCRIBE; } else if ("unsubscribed".equals(value)) { return UNSUBSCRIBED; } else if ("error".equals(value)) { return ERROR; } // Default to available. else { return AVAILABLE; } } } /** * A typsafe enum class to represent the presecence mode. */ public static class Mode { public static final Mode AVAILABLE = new Mode("available"); public static final Mode CHAT = new Mode("chat"); public static final Mode AWAY = new Mode("away"); public static final Mode EXTENDED_AWAY = new Mode("xa"); public static final Mode DO_NOT_DISTURB = new Mode("dnd"); public static final Mode INVISIBLE = new Mode("invisible"); private String value; private Mode(String value) { this.value = value; } public String toString() { return value; } /** * Returns the mode constant associated with the String value. */ public static Mode fromString(String value) { if (value == null) { return AVAILABLE; } value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value.equals("chat")) { return CHAT; } else if (value.equals("away")) { return AWAY; } else if (value.equals("xa")) { return EXTENDED_AWAY; } else if (value.equals("dnd")) { return DO_NOT_DISTURB; } else if (value.equals("invisible")) { return INVISIBLE; } else { return AVAILABLE; } } } }

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