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Glassfish example source code file (

This example Glassfish source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Glassfish tags/keywords

en, en, enhancedexception, jdk, license, message, oor, oor, product, provider, rpm, rpm, sims, sims

The Glassfish source code

# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# Contributor(s):
# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
# only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
# elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
# Version 2] license."  If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
# recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
# either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
# its licensees as provided above.  However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
# and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
# only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
# holder.

LOG_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT=Argument non admis
LOG_ILLEGAL_STATE=\u00c9tat non admis

# Product messages
#EN PRODUCT_NAME=Install Engine
PRODUCT_NAME=Moteur d'installation

# Generic names of things that are passed on the "left side" of the
# EnhancedException
#EN cmd=Command
#EN file=File
#EN dir=Directory
#EN output=Output
#EN url=URL
#EN urls=URLs
#EN product=Product
#EN products=Products
#EN target=Target
#EN platform=Platform
#EN method=Method
#EN class=Class
#EN count=Count
#EN frame=Frame
#EN name=Name
#EN arguments=Arguments
#EN page=Page
#EN root=Root
#EN domain=Domain
#EN data=Data
#EN install=Install {0}
install=Installer {0}
#EN uninstall=Uninstall {0}
uninstall=D\u00e9sinstaller {0}
#EN configure=Configure {0}
configure=Configurer {0}
#EN unconfigure=Unconfigure {0}
unconfigure=Annuler la configuration de {0}
#EN repair=Repair {0}
repair=R\u00e9parer {0}
#EN back=Back
#EN next=Next
#EN close=Close

# General messages.
#EN PACKAGE_DB_NO_ACCESS=Native package database not readable or writable
PACKAGE_DB_NO_ACCESS=La base de donn\u00e9es native du package n'est pas accessible en lecture ou en \u00e9criture
#EN INTERRUPTED_CMD=Interrupted while waiting for command to finish.
INTERRUPTED_CMD=Interruption durant l'attente d'ex\u00e9cution de commande.
#EN DUPLICATE_CONFIG=Duplicate configuration option specified.  This value will overwrite the previous value.
DUPLICATE_CONFIG=Option de configuration en double indiqu\u00e9e.  Cette valeur va remplacer la valeur pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente.
#EN prev-val=Previous Value
prev-val=Valeur pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente
#EN FATAL=Fatal Error
FATAL=Erreur fatale
#EN ILLEGAL_OPTION=Illegal option: {0}
ILLEGAL_OPTION=Option non admise : {0}
#EN OPTION_REQUIRES_ARG=Option requires argument: {0}
OPTION_REQUIRES_ARG=L''option requiert un argument\u00a0: {0}
#EN OPTION_CANNOT_GROUP=Cannot group option {0} with other options
OPTION_CANNOT_GROUP=Impossible de grouper l''option {0} avec d''autres options
#EN EMPTY_KEY=Key must not be empty or null
EMPTY_KEY=La cl\u00e9 ne doit pas \u00eatre vide ou null
#EN EXE_CMD_CANT_BE_NULL=ExecuteCommand: removeEnvironmentSetting: setting cannot be null
EXE_CMD_CANT_BE_NULL=ExecuteCommand: removeEnvironmentSetting: le param\u00e8tre ne peut pas \u00eatre null
#EN CMD_TO_EXECUTE_IS_NULL=Command to execute is null
CMD_TO_EXECUTE_IS_NULL=La commande \u00e0 ex\u00e9cuter est null
#EN NOT_TEXT_FILE=Not a text file
NOT_TEXT_FILE=Ce n'est pas un fichier texte
#EN LOGGER_FAILED_WITH=Logger failed to log message.
LOGGER_FAILED_WITH=Le journal n'a pas enregistr\u00e9 le message.
#EN NO_LOG_ADAPT_PROV_STDERR=No LoggerAdapter provided. Logging to STDERR
NO_LOG_ADAPT_PROV_STDERR=LoggerAdapter non fourni. Journalisation dans STDERR
#EN EXECMD_PUT_ENVIR_SET_CANT_BE_NULL=ExecuteCommand: putEnvironmentSetting: setting cannot be null
EXECMD_PUT_ENVIR_SET_CANT_BE_NULL=ExecuteCommand: putEnvironmentSetting: le param\u00e8tre ne peut pas \u00eatre null
#EN EXECUTECMD=ExecuteCommand:
EXECUTECMD=ExecuteCommand :
#EN FAILED=\ failed
FAILED=\ \u00e9chec
#EN EXECUTECMD_ERR=ExecuteCommand Error:
EXECUTECMD_ERR=Erreur ExecuteCommand :
#EN LOGTHREAD_ERR=LogThread error:
LOGTHREAD_ERR=Erreur LogThread :
#EN USAGE=Usage:
USAGE=Syntaxe :
#EN DOESNT_EXIST={0}: does not exist.
DOESNT_EXIST={0} : n''existe pas.
#EN ISNT_A_FILE={0} is not a file.
ISNT_A_FILE={0} n''est pas un fichier.
#EN IS_TEXT={0} is text.
IS_TEXT={0} est de type texte.
#EN IS_BINARY={0} is binary.
IS_BINARY={0} est de type binaire.
#EN NULL_OBJECT=Object is null
NULL_OBJECT=L'objet est null
#EN EXEC_CMD_INTERRUPTED=Interrupted executing command
EXEC_CMD_INTERRUPTED=Interruption durant l'ex\u00e9cution de la commande
INTERRUPTED_WHEN_READING_OUTPUT=Interruption durant l'attente
#EN ERROR_IN_GET_NEXT_OPTION=Error getting next option
ERROR_IN_GET_NEXT_OPTION=Erreur lors de l'obtention de l'option suivante
#EN FILE_NO_LINE_SEP=File does not end with Line separator
FILE_NO_LINE_SEP=Le fichier ne se termine pas par un s\u00e9parateur de ligne
#EN ERROR_CHECKING_TEXT_FILE=Error checking text file
ERROR_CHECKING_TEXT_FILE=Erreur lors de la v\u00e9rification du fichier texte
#EN SIMS_DRY_RUN=SIMS is running in Dry Run Mode. {0} will not be registered/unregistered in/from SIMS.
SIMS_DRY_RUN=SIMS fonctionne en mode test. L''enregistrement de {0} ne sera pas effectu\u00e9/annul\u00e9 dans SIMS.
#EN DRY_RUN_MODE=Dry run mode. Nothing will be installed or uninstalled.
DRY_RUN_MODE=Mode test. Aucun \u00e9l\u00e9ment ne sera install\u00e9 ni d\u00e9sinstall\u00e9.
#EN CANNOT_GET_ALT_ROOT=Cannot determine alternate root. Message : {0}
CANNOT_GET_ALT_ROOT=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer la racine secondaire. Message : {0}
#EN CANNOT_GET_INSTALL_LOC=Could not retrieve Install location.
CANNOT_GET_INSTALL_LOC=Impossible d'obtenir l'emplacement d'installation.
#EN FILE_NOT_FOUND=File could not be found
FILE_NOT_FOUND=Le fichier est introuvable
#EN INVALID_FILE=Not a valid file
INVALID_FILE=Fichier non valide
#EN COULD_NOT_CREATE_FILE=File could not be created
COULD_NOT_CREATE_FILE=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le fichier
#EN COULD_NOT_CHANGE_READONLY_FOR_FILE=File could not be changed to read-only mode
COULD_NOT_CHANGE_READONLY_FOR_FILE=Impossible de faire passer le fichier en mode lecture seule
#EN NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET=Functionality not implemented yet
NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET=La fonctionnalit\u00e9 n'est pas encore impl\u00e9ment\u00e9e
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_FILE=Cannot create file
CANNOT_CREATE_FILE=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le fichier
#EN CANT_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Cannot create directory
CANT_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le r\u00e9pertoire
#EN BUS_REQUEST_FAILED=Error placing a bus request
BUS_REQUEST_FAILED=Erreur lors du placement d'une requ\u00eate de bus
#EN UNEXPECTED_RUNTIME_WARNING=An unexpected, but non-fatal, error has occurred, which has been logged.
UNEXPECTED_RUNTIME_WARNING=Une erreur inattendue, mais pas fatale, s'est produite. Elle a \u00e9t\u00e9 consign\u00e9e.
#EN CONFIRM_EXIT_MESSAGE=Are you sure you want to exit?
CONFIRM_EXIT_MESSAGE=Voulez-vous vraiment fermer ?
# I18N: Do not translate the example paths in the next line.  Only translate the text around it.
#EN INVALID_JDK_HOME=Invalid JDK Directory. Please specify the path to a valid JDK. For example, c:\\Program Files\\Sun\\jdk1.6.0 (Windows) or /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0 (Unix).
INVALID_JDK_HOME=R\u00e9pertoire JDK incorrect. Indiquez le chemin d'un JDK valide. Par exemple, c:\\Programmes\\Sun\\jdk1.6.0 (Windows) ou /usr/jdk/instances/jdk1.6.0 (Unix).
# I18N: Do not translate the example paths in the next line.  Only translate the text around it.
#EN INVALID_JAVA_PER_CONSTRAINTS=Invalid or incompatible Java directory. Please specify the path to a valid Java directory.
INVALID_JAVA_PER_CONSTRAINTS=R\u00e9pertoire Java non valide ou incompatible. Indiquez le chemin d'un r\u00e9pertoire Java valide.
#EN INVALID_JAVA_REQUIREMENT_SPECIFICATION=Invalid specification supplied to Java Detection mechanism.
INVALID_JAVA_REQUIREMENT_SPECIFICATION=Sp\u00e9cification non valide fournie au m\u00e9canisme de d\u00e9tection Java.
# Util Messages
#EN ERROR_READING_STREAM=Error reading stream
ERROR_READING_STREAM=Erreur durant la lecture du flux
#EN WARN_COULDNT_DET_OSTYPE=Warning : Could not detect OS Type
WARN_COULDNT_DET_OSTYPE=Avertissement : impossible de d\u00e9tecter le type de SE
#EN WARN_COULDNT_DET_OSNAME=Warning: Could not detect OS Name
WARN_COULDNT_DET_OSNAME=Avertissement : impossible de d\u00e9tecter le nom du SE
#EN WARN_COULDNT_DET_ARCH_STR=Warning: Could not detect OS Architecture, falling back to os.arch
WARN_COULDNT_DET_ARCH_STR=Avertissement : impossible de d\u00e9tecter l'architecture du SE, recours \u00e0 os.arch
#EN INTEPRETER_CREATION_FAILED=Interpreter creation failed
INTEPRETER_CREATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la cr\u00e9ation de l'interpr\u00e9teur.
#EN NULL_STRING_PASSED=Null string passed to convert to proper case
NULL_STRING_PASSED=Cha\u00eene null transf\u00e9r\u00e9e pour conversion de casse
#EN RANGE_SPEC_NULL=Version range spec must not be null
RANGE_SPEC_NULL=La sp\u00e9cification de la plage de versions ne doit pas \u00eatre null
#EN INVALID_RANGE_SPEC_FIRST_CHAR_INCORRECT=Invalid range specification. First character is not [ or (
INVALID_RANGE_SPEC_FIRST_CHAR_INCORRECT=Sp\u00e9cification de plage non valide. Le premier caract\u00e8re n'est ni [ ni (
#EN INVALID_RANGE_SPEC_LAST_CHAR_INCORRECT=Invalid range specification. Last character is not ] or )
INVALID_RANGE_SPEC_LAST_CHAR_INCORRECT=Sp\u00e9cification de plage non valide. Le dernier caract\u00e8re n'est ni [ ni (
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_VERSION_RANGE=Invalid version range values specified
CANNOT_CREATE_VERSION_RANGE=Les valeurs de la plage de versions sont incorrectes
#EN NULL_VERSION_RANGE=One of the version range values is null
NULL_VERSION_RANGE=L'une des valeurs de la plage de versions est null
#EN key=Key
#EN subkey=Subkey

# Context Info : Util
#EN arch=Architecture
#EN low-version=Low Version
low-version=Version mini
#EN high-version=High Version
high-version=Version max

# Bus messages.
#EN NO_BUS_MEMBER=No bus member {0} on bus {1}
NO_BUS_MEMBER=Aucun membre de bus {0} sur le bus {1}
#EN CANT_CREATE_EVENT_NULLNAME=Cannot create event with null name
CANT_CREATE_EVENT_NULLNAME=Impossible de cr\u00e9er un \u00e9v\u00e9nement avec un nom null
#EN CANT_CREATE_REQUEST_NULLNAME=Cannot create request with null data value
CANT_CREATE_REQUEST_NULLNAME=Impossible de cr\u00e9er une requ\u00eate avec une valeur de donn\u00e9es null
#EN SKIPPING_NON_MATCHING_MEMBER=Skipping member {0} since it does not match {1}
SKIPPING_NON_MATCHING_MEMBER=Le membre {0} est ignor\u00e9 car il ne correspond pas \u00e0 {1}
#EN PROVIDER_FAILED_INITIALIZATION=Provider failed to initialize.
PROVIDER_FAILED_INITIALIZATION=\u00c9chec de l'initialisation du fournisseur.
#EN STACK=Stack :
STACK=Pile :
#EN ILLEGAL_EVENT=Not a valid BusEvent
ILLEGAL_EVENT=Ce n'est pas un BusEvent valide

# Context items : Bus
#EN provider=Provider

# Core messages.
#EN CANNOT_PREFILL=Error reading previous session data from Config-State directory, previous session data will be ignored
CANNOT_PREFILL=Erreur lors de la lecture des donn\u00e9es de la session pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente dans le r\u00e9pertoire Config-State, ces donn\u00e9es sont ignor\u00e9es
#EN CANT_READ=Cannot Read
CANT_READ=Lecture impossible
#EN BAD_PATH=Invalid Path
BAD_PATH=Chemin d'acc\u00e8s incorrect
#EN FATAL_ERROR=Fatal Error: {0}
FATAL_ERROR=Erreur fatale : {0}
#EN UNKNOWN_OPT=Unknown Option: {0}
UNKNOWN_OPT=Option inconnue : {0}
#EN NOT_DEFINED=is not defined
NOT_DEFINED=non d\u00e9fini
#EN NOT_CONFIG_CMD=Not a ConfigCommand
NOT_CONFIG_CMD=Ce n'est pas une ConfigCommand
#EN NOT_CONFIG_ITEM=Not a ConfigItem
NOT_CONFIG_ITEM=Ce n'est pas un ConfigItem
#EN NOT_CONFIG_SET=Not a ConfigSetting
NOT_CONFIG_SET=Ce n'est pas un ConfigSetting
#EN NOT_VALID_CMD=Not a valid command for ConfigManager
NOT_VALID_CMD=Commande non valide pour ConfigManager
#EN NOT_A_FILE={0}: is not a File
NOT_A_FILE={0} : n''est pas un fichier
#EN INIT_BUS=Initializing ControlBus
INIT_BUS=Initialisation de ControlBus
#EN READ_DEF_CONFIG=Reading default configuration
READ_DEF_CONFIG=Lecture de la configuration par d\u00e9faut
#EN IS_NOT_NAME_EQUALS_VALUE_FORM=Not in name equals value form
IS_NOT_NAME_EQUALS_VALUE_FORM=Pas de la forme 'un nom pour une valeur'
DISCOVERED_SERVICE_PROVIDERS=Fournisseurs de services d\u00e9tect\u00e9s
DISCOVERING_SERVICE_PROVIDERS=D\u00e9tection des fournisseurs de services
#EN INTERRUPTED_AT_INIT=Initialization interrupted
INTERRUPTED_AT_INIT=Initialisation interrompue
INTERRUPTED_AT_SHUTDOWN=Arr\u00eat interrompu
#EN BEGIN_EXEC=Begin Execution
BEGIN_EXEC=Lancer l'ex\u00e9cution
#EN NOT_ORCHESTRATOR_CMD={0}: is not an Orchestrator command
NOT_ORCHESTRATOR_CMD={0}: n''est pas une commande de l'orchestrateur
#EN NOT_A_URL={0}: is not a URL
NOT_A_URL={0} : n''est pas un URL
#EN DOES_NOT_EXIST={0}: does not exist
DOES_NOT_EXIST={0} : n''existe pas
#EN MALFORMED_PLATFORM_SPEC={0}: Malformed platform specification
MALFORMED_PLATFORM_SPEC={0} : sp\u00e9cification de plate-forme non conforme
#EN SKIPPING_PLATFORM=Skipping incompatible platform: {0}
SKIPPING_PLATFORM=Plate-forme incompatible ignor\u00e9e : {0}
#EN INVALID_CONFIG=Invalid configuration: {0}
INVALID_CONFIG=Configuration non valide : {0}
#EN INIT_ORCHESTRATOR=Initializing orchestrator
INIT_ORCHESTRATOR=Initialisation de l'orchestrateur
#EN ORCHESTRATOR_CMD=Orchestrator Command: {0}
ORCHESTRATOR_CMD=Commande orchestrateur : {0}
#EN CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_URL=Cannot Convert to URL: {0}
CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_URL=Impossible de convertir en URL : {0}
#EN FOUND_SERVICE_PROVIDER=Found Service Provider: {0}
FOUND_SERVICE_PROVIDER=Fournisseur de services trouv\u00e9 : {0}
#EN CANT_OPEN_OR_LOAD_STREAM=Cannot open or load stream
CANT_OPEN_OR_LOAD_STREAM=Impossible d'ouvrir ou de charger le flux
#EN ERROR_MERGING_SETTINGS=Error merging config settings
ERROR_MERGING_SETTINGS=Erreur lors de la fusion des param\u00e8tres de configuration
#EN MUST_SPECIFY_ALL_PARAMS=Must specify all the three arguments: Schema, OOR update file, operation (encode or decode)
MUST_SPECIFY_ALL_PARAMS=Les trois arguments suivants doivent \u00eatre d\u00e9finis : sch\u00e9ma, fichier de mise \u00e0 jour OOR, op\u00e9ration (encode ou decode)
#EN NO_OPERATION_SPECIFIED=Encode/Decode operation should be specified.
NO_OPERATION_SPECIFIED=Vous devez d\u00e9finir l'op\u00e9ration Encodage/D\u00e9codage.
#EN CANNOT_GET_ENGINE_CONFIG_ITEM=Cannot retrieve installer engine's configuration item
CANNOT_GET_ENGINE_CONFIG_ITEM=Impossible d'obtenir l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment de configuration du moteur d'installation
#EN UNDEFINED_ENGINE_CONFIG_ITEM=Engine configuration item is undefined
UNDEFINED_ENGINE_CONFIG_ITEM=L'\u00e9l\u00e9ment de configuration du moteur n'est pas d\u00e9fini
#EN MUST_PROVIDE_DEF_PRODUCT_ID=Must supply Default-Product-ID option using -p
MUST_PROVIDE_DEF_PRODUCT_ID=Vous devez d\u00e9finir l'option Default-Product-ID en utilisant -p
#EN INVALID_LOG_LOC=The specified log location {0} is not accessible.  Using system's temporary directory instead.
INVALID_LOG_LOC=L''emplacement de journaux indiqu\u00e9 {0} n''est pas accessible. Le r\u00e9pertoire temporaire du syst\u00e8me sera utilis\u00e9.
#EN NO_LOGGING=The specified log file location {0} is not accessible and the system's temporary directory is not accessible.  Logs will not be saved.
NO_LOGGING=L''emplacement de journaux indiqu\u00e9 {0} et le r\u00e9pertoire temporaire du syst\u00e8me ne sont pas accessibles.  Les journaux ne seront pas sauvegard\u00e9s.
#EN CANNOT_SET_PROVIDER_PATH=Path to the providers is incorrect.
CANNOT_SET_PROVIDER_PATH=Le chemin d'acc\u00e8s aux fournisseurs est incorrect.
#EN SCRIPT_LANG_NOT_BEANSHELL=Script language specified is not beanshell.
SCRIPT_LANG_NOT_BEANSHELL=Le langage de script indiqu\u00e9 n'est pas beanshell.
#EN BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED=Could not find a supported web browser.
BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED=Impossible de trouver un navigateur Web pris en charge.
#EN CANNOT_BROWSE_PAGE=Cannot load page into browser
CANNOT_BROWSE_PAGE=Impossible de charger la page sur le navigateur
#EN INVALID_LOG_LEVEL=Invalid log level specified: {0}.  Must be one of FATAL, SEVERE, WARNING, or INFO.  Using INFO.
INVALID_LOG_LEVEL=Le niveau de journalisation indiqu\u00e9 est incorrect : {0}. La valeur doit \u00eatre FATAL, SEVERE, WARNING ou INFO.  Niveau utilis\u00e9 : INFO

# L10N: YOU MUST ONLY TRANSLATE "Time Remaining" in the following string for PERCENT_COMPLETE:
#EN PROGRESS_COMPLETE={0,number,percent} Time Remaining: {1,number,00}:{2,number,00}:{3,number,00}
PROGRESS_COMPLETE={0,nombre,pourcentage} Temps restant : {1,nombre,00}:{2,nombre,00}:{3,nombre,00}

# Context items : Core
#EN config-item=Config item
config-item=\u00c9l\u00e9ment de configuration

# Package messages.
#EN pkg=Package
#EN prod=Product
#EN CANT_CREATE_TMP_DIR=Cannot create temporary directory
CANT_CREATE_TMP_DIR=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le r\u00e9pertoire temporaire
#EN PKG_ADD_FAILED=pkgadd failed
PKG_ADD_FAILED=\u00c9chec de pkgadd
#EN PKGRM_FAILED=pkgrm failed
PKGRM_FAILED=\u00c9chec de pkgrm
#EN CANT_EXEC_PKG_CMD=Cannot execute package command.
CANT_EXEC_PKG_CMD=Impossible d'ex\u00e9cuter la commande de package.
#EN MISSING_PKG_TOOL=Package tool cannot be found on the system.
MISSING_PKG_TOOL=L'outil Package est introuvable sur le syst\u00e8me.
#EN CANT_MSIEXEC=Cannot execute msiexec utility.
CANT_MSIEXEC=Impossible d'ex\u00e9cuter l'utilitaire msiexec
#EN CANT_RESOLVE_PKG_SRC=Cannot resolve path to the package source.
CANT_RESOLVE_PKG_SRC=Impossible de r\u00e9soudre le chemin de la source du package.
#EN INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Installation successful
INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Installation r\u00e9ussie
#EN INSTALL_FAILED=Installation failed.
INSTALL_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'installation.
#EN UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Uninstallation completed successfully
UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=D\u00e9sinstallation correctement effectu\u00e9e
#EN UNINSTALL_FAILED=Uninstallation failed
UNINSTALL_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la d\u00e9sinstallation
#EN RPM_INSTALLATION_FAILED=RPM installation failed.
RPM_INSTALLATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'installation de RPM.
RPM_UNINSTALLATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec du retrait de RPM.
#EN REBOOT_REQUIRED=A reboot is required after the operation is complete
REBOOT_REQUIRED=Le red\u00e9marrage est n\u00e9cessaire apr\u00e8s l'ex\u00e9cution de l'op\u00e9ration
#EN PATCH_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Patch installation successful
PATCH_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Installation du patch r\u00e9ussie
#EN PATCH_INSTALL_FAILED=Patch installation failed
PATCH_INSTALL_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'installation du patch
#EN PATCH_REMOVE_SUCCESSFUL=Patch removal was successful
PATCH_REMOVE_SUCCESSFUL=Retrait du patch r\u00e9ussi
#EN PATCH_REMOVAL_FAILED=Patch removal failed
PATCH_REMOVAL_FAILED=\u00c9chec du retrait du patch
MSI_UNINSTALLATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la d\u00e9sinstallation de MSI
MSI_INSTALLATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'installation de MSI
CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le r\u00e9pertoire
#EN CANNOT_WRITE_FILE=Cannot write file
CANNOT_WRITE_FILE=Impossible d'\u00e9crire le fichier
#EN CANNOT_INSTALL_PKG=Cannot install package
CANNOT_INSTALL_PKG=Impossible d'installer le package
#EN CANNOT_CLOSE_STREAM=Cannot close stream connection
CANNOT_CLOSE_STREAM=Impossible de fermer la connexion de flux
#EN CANNOT_READ_MANIFEST=Cannot read package manifest file
CANNOT_READ_MANIFEST=Impossible de lire le fichier manifeste du package
#EN CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE=Cannot close file
CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE=Impossible de fermer le fichier
#EN INSTALLING_SVR4_PKG=Installing SVR4 Package
INSTALLING_SVR4_PKG=Installation du package SVR4
#EN INSTALLING_RPM=Installing RPM Package
INSTALLING_RPM=Installation du package RPM
#EN PACKAGE_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Package installation successful
PACKAGE_INSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Installation du package r\u00e9ussie
#EN REMOVING_PKG=Removing Package
REMOVING_PKG=Retrait du package
#EN PACKAGE_UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Package removal successful
PACKAGE_UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL=Retrait du package r\u00e9ussi
#EN EXTRACTING_ZIP=Extracting zip package
EXTRACTING_ZIP=Extraction du package zip
#EN EXTRACTING_FILE=Extracting file
EXTRACTING_FILE=Extraction du fichier
#EN REMOVING_PKG_FILES=Removing zip package files
REMOVING_PKG_FILES=Suppression des fichiers du package zip

# Context items : Package
#EN command=Command
#EN exit-code=Exit Code
exit-code=Code de sortie
#EN rpm=RPM
#EN too=Tool
#EN temp-dir=Temp Dir
temp-dir=R\u00e9pertoire temporaire

# SIMS messages
#EN spec=Specification
#EN VAR_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Variable cannot be null
VAR_CANNOT_BE_NULL=La variable ne peut pas \u00eatre null
#EN ERROR_PKG_SELF_DEPENDENCE=Package cannot depend on itself
ERROR_PKG_SELF_DEPENDENCE=Le package ne peut pas d\u00e9pendre de lui-m\u00eame
#EN ERROR_PRODUCT_SELF_DEPENDENCE=Product cannot depend on itself
ERROR_PRODUCT_SELF_DEPENDENCE=Le produit ne peut pas d\u00e9pendre de lui-m\u00eame
#EN START_MUST_BE_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO_END=start must be less than or equal to end
START_MUST_BE_LESS_OR_EQUAL_TO_END=la valeur du d\u00e9but doit \u00eatre inf\u00e9rieure ou \u00e9gale \u00e0 la valeur de fin
#EN UNKNOWN_PARAM=Unknown parameter found in rpm query output.  Ignoring entry.
UNKNOWN_PARAM=Param\u00e8tre inconnu d\u00e9tect\u00e9 dans la sortie de la requ\u00eate rpm. Entr\u00e9e ignor\u00e9e.
#EN CORRUPT_ENTRY_IN_RPM_QUERY=Corrupt entry in package rpm query line
CORRUPT_ENTRY_IN_RPM_QUERY=Entr\u00e9e endommag\u00e9e dans la ligne de requ\u00eate du package rpm
#EN INCORRECT_DESC_IN_RPM=DESCRIPTION field within RPM not terminated properly
INCORRECT_DESC_IN_RPM=La fin du champ DESCRIPTION du RPM est incorrecte
CANNOT_READ_TAG=Impossible de lire la balise DESCRIPTION
#EN RPM_CMD_FAILED=rpm command failed (non-zero exit status) for package
RPM_CMD_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la commande rpm (code de sortie diff\u00e9rent de z\u00e9ro) pour le package
#EN FAILED_SIMS_META_RPM=rpm creation of meta SIMS RPM failed
FAILED_SIMS_META_RPM=\u00c9chec de la cr\u00e9ation de m\u00e9ta RPM SIMS par rpm
#EN MISSING_RPM_TOOL=Required RPM packaging tool not present
MISSING_RPM_TOOL=Outil d'empaquetage RPM absent
#EN SIMS_CMD_FAILED=Command failed while retrieving package list
SIMS_CMD_FAILED=\u00c9chec de commande lors de la cr\u00e9ation de la liste de packages
#EN CANNOT_GET_ALL_PKGS=cannot get all SIMS packages
CANNOT_GET_ALL_PKGS=impossible d'obtenir tous les packages SIMS
#EN CANNOT_GET_ALL_PRODUCTS=cannot get all SIMS products
CANNOT_GET_ALL_PRODUCTS=impossible d'obtenir tous les produits SIMS
#EN RPM_QUERY_CMD_FAILED=rpm command failed while querying RPM.
RPM_QUERY_CMD_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la commande rpm lors de l'interrogation de RPM
#EN INVALID_PROGRESS_VALUE=Progress value specified is not valid
INVALID_PROGRESS_VALUE=La valeur de progression indiqu\u00e9e n'est pas valide
#EN CANNOT_CROSS_LINK_PRODUCTS=Cannot determine the contained/required products for a product
CANNOT_CROSS_LINK_PRODUCTS=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer les produits contenus/requis d'un produit
#EN CANNOT_BUILD_PRODUCT_INDEX=Error constructing product structure
CANNOT_BUILD_PRODUCT_INDEX=Erreur lors de la construction de la structure du produit
#EN PROD_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Product name cannot be null
PROD_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Le nom du produit ne peut pas \u00eatre null.
#EN PKG_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Package name cannot be null
PKG_NAME_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Le nom du package ne peut pas \u00eatre null.
#EN CANNOT_REGISTER_PKG=Cannot register package in SIMS
CANNOT_REGISTER_PKG=Impossible d'enregistrer le package dans SIMS
#EN CANNOT_UNREGISTER_PKG=Cannot unregister package in SIMS
CANNOT_UNREGISTER_PKG=Impossible d'annuler l'enregistrement du package dans SIMS

# OOR Messages

# Context items : SIMS
#EN instance=Instance
#EN parameter=Parameter
#EN os=OS
# Provider: Configuration messages.
#EN DELETING_FILE=Deleting File {0}
DELETING_FILE=Suppression du fichier {0}
#EN CLI_MISSING_NEXT_STEPS=Check install directory {0} for configuration utility {1}.  Check initial install log for any failures related to configuration utilities.
CLI_MISSING_NEXT_STEPS=Recherchez dans le r\u00e9pertoire d''installation {0} l''utilitaire de configuration {1}. Recherchez dans le journal d''installation d''origine les \u00e9ventuelles erreurs li\u00e9es aux utilitaires de configuration.
#EN CLI_MISSING=Cannot locate product configurator utility
CLI_MISSING=L'utilitaire de configuration du produit est introuvable
#EN CONFIG_DRYRUN=Configuration dry-run successful
CONFIG_DRYRUN=Test de configuration r\u00e9ussi
#EN CORRUPT_CONFIG_STREAM=Config Stream is corrupted.
CORRUPT_CONFIG_STREAM=Le flux de configuration est endommag\u00e9.
#EN CONFIG_DATA_INVALID=Configuration data is not valid.
CONFIG_DATA_INVALID=Les donn\u00e9es de configuration ne sont pas valides.
#EN CANNOT_FIND_NODE=The JAXB generated node cannot be found.
CANNOT_FIND_NODE=Le noeud g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9 par JAXB est introuvable.
#EN CANNOT_FIND_PROPERTY=Unable to find JAXB generated property.
CANNOT_FIND_PROPERTY=La propri\u00e9t\u00e9 g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9e par JAXB est introuvable.
#EN CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIG_FILE=Unable to serialize in-memory data to stream.
CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIG_FILE=Impossible de s\u00e9rialiser les donn\u00e9es en m\u00e9moire sur le flux.
#EN NOT_INITIALIZED_WITH_DEF_DATA=Component data is not initialized with default data. Must call the read method to read in default data
NOT_INITIALIZED_WITH_DEF_DATA=Les donn\u00e9es du composant ne sont pas initialis\u00e9es avec les donn\u00e9es par d\u00e9faut. La m\u00e9thode read doit \u00eatre appel\u00e9e pour la lecture des donn\u00e9es par d\u00e9faut
#EN ILLEGAL_PROP_NAME=Illegal property name. Th name should be dot-separated, with each element of the name corresponding to a node in the property tree.
ILLEGAL_PROP_NAME=Nom de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 non admis. Les \u00e9l\u00e9ments du nom doivent \u00eatre s\u00e9par\u00e9s par un point, chaque \u00e9l\u00e9ment correspondant \u00e0 un noeud de l'arborescence des propri\u00e9t\u00e9s.
#EN IGNORING_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG_OPTION=Ignoring unsupported configuration option. option=<component> with something other than  element
IGNORING_UNSUPPORTED_CONFIG_OPTION=Option de configuration non prise en charge ignor\u00e9e. option=<composant> contient un \u00e9l\u00e9ment autre que 
#EN INVALID_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE=Script language is not valid
INVALID_SCRIPT_LANGUAGE=Le langage de script n'est pas valide.
#EN INVALID_CONFIG_SCHEMA=Configuration schema is not valid
INVALID_CONFIG_SCHEMA=Le sch\u00e9ma de configuration n'est pas valide.
#EN INVALID_AlIGNMENT=Alignment is not valid
INVALID_AlIGNMENT=L'alignement n'est pas valide.
#EN SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_INVALID=Constraint defined in schema is not valid
SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT_INVALID=La contrainte d\u00e9finie dans le sch\u00e9ma n'est pas valide.
#EN UI_CONFIG_DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID=UI configurations default item value is not valid
UI_CONFIG_DEFAULT_VALUE_INVALID=L'\u00e9l\u00e9ment par d\u00e9faut des configurations IU n'est pas valide
#EN CONFIG_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_INVALID=Configuration schema's default is not valid
CONFIG_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_INVALID=La valeur par d\u00e9faut du sch\u00e9ma de configuration n'est pas valide.
#EN CONFIG_LOG_OUTPUT=Configuration log output
CONFIG_LOG_OUTPUT=Sortie du journal de configuration
#EN CHECK_CONFIG=Check Configuration
CHECK_CONFIG=V\u00e9rifier la configuration
#EN CONFIG_INTERRUPTED=Configuration of {0} was interrupted: {1}
CONFIG_INTERRUPTED=La configuration de {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 interrompue : {1}
#EN CONFIG_TIMED_OUT=Configuration of {0} timed out after {1} seconds.
CONFIG_TIMED_OUT=Expiration de la configuration de {0} au bout de {1} secondes.
#EN CONFIG_TIMED_OUT_PARTIALLY=Configuration of {0} timed out after {1} seconds of inactivity.  Partial output may be available.
CONFIG_TIMED_OUT_PARTIALLY=Expiration de la configuration de {0} apr\u00e8s {1} secondes d''inactivit\u00e9.  Une sortie partielle peut \u00eatre disponible.
CHECK_INSTALL_IMAGE=V\u00e9rifier l'image d'installation
#EN CONFIG_LOC=Configurator will be executed from the specified directory or file
CONFIG_LOC=L'outil de configuration sera ex\u00e9cut\u00e9 dans le r\u00e9pertoire ou le fichier indiqu\u00e9
#EN COULD_NOT_INVOKE=could not invoke {0}
COULD_NOT_INVOKE=impossible d''appeler {0}
#EN CANNOT_DELETE_FILE=Cannot delete file
CANNOT_DELETE_FILE=Impossible de supprimer le fichier
#EN NO_SUCH_PRODUCT_CONFIG_ITEM=Could not get configuration item
NO_SUCH_PRODUCT_CONFIG_ITEM=Impossible d'obtenir l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment de configuration
#EN UI_MODEL_CORRUPT=UI Model has no category for product
UI_MODEL_CORRUPT=Le mod\u00e8le IU du produit ne comporte aucune cat\u00e9gorie
#EN CONFIG_PROVIDER_CALL_FAILED=Call to configuration provider failed
CONFIG_PROVIDER_CALL_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'appel du fournisseur de configuration
#EN INVALID_OOR_TYPE=OOR data type is not valid
INVALID_OOR_TYPE=Type de donn\u00e9es OOR non valide.
#EN OOR_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=OOR datatype not implemented yet
OOR_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Le type de donn\u00e9es OOR n'est pas encore impl\u00e9ment\u00e9
#EN OOR_TYPE_NOT_RECOGNIZED=OOR type specified cannot be recognized
#EN CANT_CONVERT_STRING_TO_CONFIG_TYPE=Cannot convert string to OOR config type
CANT_CONVERT_STRING_TO_CONFIG_TYPE=Impossible de convertir la cha\u00eene en type de configuration OOR
#EN INVALID_CONFIG_MEDIA_DIRECTORY=Configuration media directory is not valid
INVALID_CONFIG_MEDIA_DIRECTORY=Le r\u00e9pertoire du support de configuration n'est pas valide.
#EN CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SCHEMAS=Cannot locate component schemas
CANNOT_FIND_COMPONENT_SCHEMAS=Sch\u00e9mas de composant introuvables
#EN INVALID_MEDIA_UI_DIRECTORY=Media directory for UI schemas is not valid
INVALID_MEDIA_UI_DIRECTORY=Le r\u00e9pertoire du support des sch\u00e9mas IU n'est pas valide.
#EN CANNOT_FIND_UI_SCHEMAS=Cannot locate UI schemas
CANNOT_FIND_UI_SCHEMAS=Sch\u00e9mas IU introuvables
#EN CANNOT_FIND_UI_SCHEMA=Cannot locate UI definition for the specified product.
CANNOT_FIND_UI_SCHEMA=La d\u00e9finition IU du produit indiqu\u00e9 est introuvable.
#EN PARSE_ERROR=Error parsing schemas
PARSE_ERROR=Erreur lors de l'analyse des sch\u00e9mas
#EN CONFIG_SCHEMA_INVALID=OOR configuration schema is not valid
CONFIG_SCHEMA_INVALID=Le sch\u00e9ma de configuration OOR n'est pas valide
#EN CONFIG_UI_SCHEMA_INVALID=Configuration UI schema is not valid
CONFIG_UI_SCHEMA_INVALID=Le sch\u00e9ma IU de configuration n'est pas valide
#EN INVALID_CONFIG_REQUEST=Configuration request command is not valid
INVALID_CONFIG_REQUEST=La commande de demande de configuration n'est pas valide
#EN INVALID_PRODUCTLIST_REQUEST=Product list request command is not valid
INVALID_PRODUCTLIST_REQUEST=La commande de demande de liste de produits n'est pas valide
#EN INVALID_UI_CONFIG_REQUEST=UI Configuration request command is not valid
INVALID_UI_CONFIG_REQUEST=La commande de demande de configuration IU n'est pas valide
#EN INVALID_UNCONFIGURATION_REQUEST=Reset/unconfiguration command is not valid
INVALID_UNCONFIGURATION_REQUEST=La commande de r\u00e9initialisation/annulation de configuration n'est pas valide.
#EN ERROR_READING_CONFIG_DATA=Error reading Config data to property sheet
ERROR_READING_CONFIG_DATA=Erreur lors de la lecture des donn\u00e9es de configuration sur la feuille des propri\u00e9t\u00e9s
#EN CANNOT_FIND_UPDATE_FILE=Cannot find OOR update file for reading updates
CANNOT_FIND_UPDATE_FILE=Impossible de trouver le fichier de mise \u00e0 jour OOR pour lire les mises \u00e0 jour
#EN MISSING_DEFAULT_VALUE=Default value not specified for a property which must be defined
MISSING_DEFAULT_VALUE=La valeur par d\u00e9faut d'une propri\u00e9t\u00e9 qui doit \u00eatre d\u00e9finie n'est pas d\u00e9finie
#EN ILLEGAL_RELATIVE_TYPE=Illegal relative type specified in descriptor.
ILLEGAL_RELATIVE_TYPE=Type relatif non admis d\u00e9fini dans le descripteur.
#EN ILLEGAL_SHORTCUT_TYPE=Illegal shortcut type specified in descriptor. \
#EN                       Shortcut type should be APPLICATION/LINK/URL.
ILLEGAL_SHORTCUT_TYPE=Type de raccourci non admis d\u00e9fini dans le descripteur. Le type de raccourci doit \u00eatre APPLICATION/LINK/URL.
#EN SHORTCUT_CREATION_FAILED=Creation of shortcut failed.
SHORTCUT_CREATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la creation du raccourci.
#EN ADDREMOVE_CREATION_FAILED=Creation of addremove failed
ADDREMOVE_CREATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la creation de addremove.
#EN SHORTCUT_REMOVAL_FAILED=Removal of shortcut failed.
SHORTCUT_REMOVAL_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la suppression du raccourci.
#EN ADDREMOVE_REMOVAL_FAILED=Removal of addremove failed.
ADDREMOVE_REMOVAL_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la suppression de addremove.

# Dynamic configuration messages : Configuration
#EN CANT_FIND_PORT=Cannot find available port between the specified range
CANT_FIND_PORT=Port disponible introuvable dans la plage indiqu\u00e9e
#EN CANT_START_SERVER=Cannot start JMX Server on specified port
CANT_START_SERVER=Impossible de lancer le serveur JMX sur le port indiqu\u00e9
#EN CANT_STOP_SERVER=Cannot start JMX Server
CANT_STOP_SERVER=Impossible de lancer le serveur JMX
#EN READING_PORT_EXCEPTION=Error occurred while reading the user entered port number
READING_PORT_EXCEPTION=Erreur lors de la lecture du num\u00e9ro de port entr\u00e9 par l'utilisateur
#EN INVALID_MACHINE_INFO_TYPE=The target token specified by the user is wrong.
INVALID_MACHINE_INFO_TYPE=Le jeton cible indiqu\u00e9 par l'utilisateur est incorrect.
#EN SUBSTITUTION_PARSING_ERROR=Error occurred while parsing the user entered eval value.
SUBSTITUTION_PARSING_ERROR=Erreur lors de l'analyse de la valeur eval entr\u00e9e par l'utilisateur.
#EN UNKNOWN_HOST=Could not resolve the hostname specified.
UNKNOWN_HOST=Impossible de r\u00e9soudre le nom d'h\u00f4te indiqu\u00e9.
#EN INVALID_TARGET_TOKEN=The target token specified is wrong.
INVALID_TARGET_TOKEN=Le jeton cible indiqu\u00e9 est incorrect.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_HOME_DIR=could not determine the home directory for the value specified.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_HOME_DIR=impossible de d\u00e9terminer le r\u00e9pertoire de base pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_TMP_DIR=could not determine the tmp directory for the value specified.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_TMP_DIR=impossible de d\u00e9terminer le r\u00e9pertoire temp pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_OS_NAME=could not determine the OS name for the value specified.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_OS_NAME=impossible de d\u00e9terminer le nom du SE pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_OS_VERSION=could not determine the OS version for the value specified.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_OS_VERSION=impossible de d\u00e9terminer la version du SE pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_OS_ARCH=could not determine the OS architecture for the value specified.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_OS_ARCH=impossible de d\u00e9terminer l'architecture du SE pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e.
#EN EVALENGINE_INVOCATION_ERROR=Error occurred while invoking the class specified in the eval-engine attribute of value tag.
EVALENGINE_INVOCATION_ERROR=Erreur lors de l'appel de la classe  indiqu\u00e9e dans l'attribut eval-engine de la balise valeur.
#EN SUBSTITUTION_EXCEPTION=Exception occcurred during the substitution process.
SUBSTITUTION_EXCEPTION=Exception lors du processus de substitution.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_SHORTHAND_TOKEN=The shorthand token specified is wrong.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_SHORTHAND_TOKEN=Le jeton abr\u00e9g\u00e9 indiqu\u00e9 est incorrect.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_USER_CURRENT_DIRECTORY=could not determine the current directory for the value specified in the target token.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_USER_CURRENT_DIRECTORY=impossible de d\u00e9terminer le r\u00e9pertoire actuel pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e dans le jeton cible.
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_USER_NAME=could not determine the username for the value specified in the target token.
CANNOT_DETERMINE_USER_NAME=impossible de d\u00e9terminer le nom d'utilisateur pour la valeur indiqu\u00e9e dans le jeton cible.
RAW_DATA=Donn\u00e9es brutes

# Lib messages: Configuration
#EN HELPER_FAILED=Helper interface for install configuration failed.
HELPER_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'interface de l'assistant de configuration de l'installation.
#EN PARSE_CMD_LINE_USAGE="\t Usage: ParseCmdLine -f <OOR File>  OR \n  \
#EN                       \t ParseCmdLine -f <OOR File> -d  OR \n \
#EN                       \t ParseCmdLine -r"
PARSE_CMD_LINE_USAGE="\t Syntaxe : ParseCmdLine -f <Fichier OOR>  OU \n  \t ParseCmdLine -f  -d  OU \n \t ParseCmdLine -r"
#EN FILE_FORMAT_INVALID=File format provided is not valid.
FILE_FORMAT_INVALID=Le format du fichier fourni n'est pas valide.

# Context items : Configuration
#EN stream=Stream
#EN nodeorproperty=Node Or Property
nodeorproperty=N\u0153ud ou propri\u00e9t\u00e9
#EN nodename=Node
#EN propertyname=Property
#EN outputstream=Output Stream
outputstream=Flux de sortie
#EN args=Arguments
#EN option=Option
#EN OORfile=OORFile
#EN OORupdatefile=OORUpdateFile
#EN script-language=Script Language
script-language=Langage de script
#EN button-alignment=Button alignment
button-alignment=Alignement de bouton
#EN item=Item
#EN component=Component
#EN datapath=Datapath
datapath=Chemin des donn\u00e9es
#EN method-failed=Failed method
method-failed=\u00c9chec de m\u00e9thode
#EN oor-type=OOR type
oor-type=Type OOR
#EN not-boolean=Object not of type Boolean
not-boolean=L'objet n'est pas de type Boolean
#EN not-string=Object not of type String
not-string=L'objet n'est pas de type String
#EN not-double=Object not of type Double
not-double=L'objet n'est pas de type Double
#EN not-integer=Object not of type Integer
not-integer=L'objet n'est pas de type Integer
#EN not-long=Object not of type Long
not-long=L'objet n'est pas de type Long
#EN not-short=Object not of type Short
not-short=L'objet n'est pas de type Short
#EN request=Request
#EN hostname=Host Name
hostname=Nom d'h\u00f4te
#EN shortcut=Shortcut

# Provider: Configuration utilities messages.

# Provider: Configuration Constraints messages.
#EN ENUMERATION_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should be one from the following set: \n{0}
ENUMERATION_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit \u00eatre comprise dans l''ensemble suivant : \n{0}
#EN LENGTH_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should be exactly {0} character(s) in length.
LENGTH_CONSTRAINT=La longueur de la valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit \u00eatre de {0} caract\u00e8re(s) exactement.
#EN MAX_EXCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should be lesser than {0}.
MAX_EXCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit \u00eatre inf\u00e9rieure \u00e0 {0}.
#EN MAX_INCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should be lesser than or equal to {0}.
MAX_INCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit \u00eatre inf\u00e9rieure ou \u00e9gale \u00e0 {0}.
#EN MAX_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should contain a maximum of {0} character(s).
MAX_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit contenir au maximum {0} caract\u00e8re(s).
#EN MIN_EXCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should be greater than {0}.
MIN_EXCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit \u00eatre sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 {0}.
#EN MIN_INCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should be greater than or equal to {0}.
MIN_INCLUSIVE_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit \u00eatre sup\u00e9rieure ou \u00e9gale \u00e0 {0}.
#EN MIN_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT=The value specified should contain a minimum of {0} character(s).
MIN_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e doit contenir au minimum {0} caract\u00e8re(s).
#EN PATTERN_CONSTRAINT=The value specified is not of the expected format.
PATTERN_CONSTRAINT=Le format de la valeur indiqu\u00e9e n'est pas le format attendu.
#EN INVALID_VALUE=The value specified is not valid. {0}
INVALID_VALUE=La valeur indiqu\u00e9e n'est pas valide {0}

#EN value=Value

# Provider: Debug messages.
#EN CANT_LOAD_BEANSHELL=Cannot load Beanshell class:
CANT_LOAD_BEANSHELL=Impossible de charger la classe Beanshell : 
#EN CAUSED_BY=Caused by
CAUSED_BY=Caus\u00e9 par
#EN NO_DEBUG_FACIL_AVAIL=No debugging facilities available.  Is Beanshell in the CLASSPATH?
NO_DEBUG_FACIL_AVAIL=Fonctions de d\u00e9bogage non disponibles. Beanshell se trouve-t-il dans CLASSPATH ?

#Provider: Dependency messages.
#EN GRAPH_IS_EMPTY=No data was loaded; the graph is empty.
GRAPH_IS_EMPTY=Aucune donn\u00e9e charg\u00e9e, le graphique est vide.
#EN INVALID_IDENTIFIER=Identifier {0} is invalid.
INVALID_IDENTIFIER=L''identificateur {0} est incorrect.
#EN MISSING_DEPENDENCY=Product definition has a dependency on a missing product. Product: {0} onto product: {1}
MISSING_DEPENDENCY=La d\u00e9finition de produit comporte une d\u00e9pendance \u00e0 un produit manquant. Produit : {0} sur produit : {1}
#EN CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY=Product definition has circular dependency. Product: {0}
CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY=La d\u00e9finition de produit comporte une d\u00e9pendance circulaire. Produit : {0}
#EN INVALID_VERSION_RANGE=The version range {0} is invalid.
INVALID_VERSION_RANGE=La plage de versions {0} est incorrecte.
#EN UNUSABLE_DESCRIPTOR=The descriptor cannot be used.
UNUSABLE_DESCRIPTOR=Impossible d'utiliser le descripteur.
#EN CANNOT_INIT_DESCRIPTORS=Cannot initialize descriptors from specified media.
CANNOT_INIT_DESCRIPTORS=Impossible d'initialiser les descripteurs \u00e0 partir du support indiqu\u00e9.
#EN CANNOT_SET_COMPONENT_SELECTION=Cannot set the selection of Components
CANNOT_SET_COMPONENT_SELECTION=Impossible de d\u00e9finir la s\u00e9lection de composants
CANNOT_CREATE_MARSHALLER_OR_UNMARSHALLER=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le convertisseur de param\u00e8tres
#EN ERROR_CONSTRUCTING_DESCRIPTOR=Error while constructing the xml descriptor.
ERROR_CONSTRUCTING_DESCRIPTOR=Erreur lors de la construction du descripteur xml.
#EN CANT_VALIDATE_DESCRIPTOR=Cannot validate descriptor
CANT_VALIDATE_DESCRIPTOR=Impossible de valider le descripteur
#EN CANT_CREATE_XML_DESC=Cannot create XML Descriptor
CANT_CREATE_XML_DESC=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le descripteur XML
#EN MALFORMED_URL=Malformed URL encountered : {0}
MALFORMED_URL=D\u00e9tection d''URL non conforme : {0}
#EN CANT_OPEN_INDEX_FILE=Cannot open index file. File: {0}
CANT_OPEN_INDEX_FILE=Impossible d''ouvrir le fichier index Fichier : {0}
#EN CANNOT_FIND_PRODUCT_NODE=ProductNodeRoot cannot be found
CANNOT_FIND_PRODUCT_NODE=ProductNodeRoot est introuvable
#EN UNDEFINED_PRODUCT_NODE=ProductNode not defined
UNDEFINED_PRODUCT_NODE=ProductNode non d\u00e9fini
#EN INVALID_DEPENDENCY_REQUEST=invalid dependency request
INVALID_DEPENDENCY_REQUEST=demande de d\u00e9pendance non valide
#EN CANNOT_SET_DESCRIPTORS_LOCATION=Cannot set the location for descriptors
CANNOT_SET_DESCRIPTORS_LOCATION=Impossible de d\u00e9finir l'emplacement des descripteurs
#EN CANNOT_SET_HIERARCHY_ROOT=Cannot set the root hierarchy
CANNOT_SET_HIERARCHY_ROOT=Impossible de d\u00e9finir la hi\u00e9rarchie racine
#EN ILLEGAL_DATA_TYPE=Dependency requests datatype is not correct
ILLEGAL_DATA_TYPE=Le type de donn\u00e9es des demandes de d\u00e9pendance est incorrect
#EN CANNOT_RETRIEVE_PRODUCT_NODE=Cannot retrieve product node
CANNOT_RETRIEVE_PRODUCT_NODE=Impossible d'obtenir le n\u0153ud de produit
#EN CANNOT_TOGGLE_ELEMENT_SELECTION_STATUS=Cannot toggle element selection status
CANNOT_TOGGLE_ELEMENT_SELECTION_STATUS=Impossible de changer le statut de la s\u00e9lection d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
#EN CANNOT_SET_COMPONENT_SELECTION_STATUS=Cannot set component selection status
CANNOT_SET_COMPONENT_SELECTION_STATUS=Impossible de changer le statut de la s\u00e9lection de composant
#EN CANNOT_FORCE_ELEMENT_SELECTION=Cannot force selection of element
CANNOT_FORCE_ELEMENT_SELECTION=Impossible de forcer la s\u00e9lection d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
#EN CANNOT_FORCE_ELEMENT_DESELECTION=Cannot force deselection of element
CANNOT_FORCE_ELEMENT_DESELECTION=Impossible de forcer la d\u00e9s\u00e9lection d'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
#EN CANNOT_RETRIEVE_INFORMATION=Cannot retrieve information for the element
CANNOT_RETRIEVE_INFORMATION=Impossible d'obtenir les informations de l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment
#EN UNDEFINED_ENTRY=Entry not defined
UNDEFINED_ENTRY=Entr\u00e9e non d\u00e9finie
#EN CANNOT_OPEN_TOC_PAGE=Cannot open table of contents page
CANNOT_OPEN_TOC_PAGE=Impossible d'ouvrir la page de la table des mati\u00e8res
#EN COMPONENT_NOT_DEFINED=No component specified to create a hybrid component element
COMPONENT_NOT_DEFINED=Aucun composant indiqu\u00e9 pour la cr\u00e9ation d'un \u00e9l\u00e9ment de composant hybride
#EN ERROR_CREATING_VERSION_RANGE=Failed trying to create VersionRange
ERROR_CREATING_VERSION_RANGE=\u00c9chec de la cr\u00e9ation de VersionRange

# Context info : Dependency
#EN index-file=Index File
index-file=Fichier index
#EN descriptor=Descriptor
#EN product-node=Product node
product-node=N\u0153ud de produit
#EN entry=Entry

# Provider: Name messages.
#EN CANT_WAIT=Can't wait
CANT_WAIT=Attente impossible

# Provider: Package messages.
#EN LINE=Line {0}
LINE=Ligne {0}
#EN ERROR_WRITING_ADMIN_FILE=Error writing to admin file
ERROR_WRITING_ADMIN_FILE=Erreur lors de l'\u00e9criture dans le fichier d'administration
#EN EXEC_CMD_FAILED=Execution of command {0} failed. Error message : {1}
EXEC_CMD_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l''ex\u00e9cution de la commande {0}. Message d''erreur : {1}

# Provider: Operation messages
#EN id=Identifier
#EN version=Version
#EN UNDAMAGED_ALREADY_INSTALLED_IN_INSTALLHOME=An identical, undamaged version of this product already exists at the chosen location.  You must choose another location to install a new instance of this product.
UNDAMAGED_ALREADY_INSTALLED_IN_INSTALLHOME=Une version identique et non endommag\u00e9e de ce produit se trouve dans l'emplacement s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9. Choisissez un autre emplacement pour installer une nouvelle instance de ce produit.
#EN PRODUCT_SEARCH_FAILED=Could not find installed product.
PRODUCT_SEARCH_FAILED=Produit install\u00e9 introuvable.
#EN SUPPORTED_OPERATIONS=Supported operations
SUPPORTED_OPERATIONS=Op\u00e9rations prises en charge
#EN UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION=Operation is unsupported
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION=L'op\u00e9ration n'est pas prise en charge
#EN CANNOT_GET_PRODUCT_LIST=Cannot determine list of products
CANNOT_GET_PRODUCT_LIST=Impossible d'\u00e9tablir la liste de produits
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_PRODUCT_CONFIG_REQ=Cannot determine configuration requirements for product
CANNOT_DETERMINE_PRODUCT_CONFIG_REQ=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer la configuration requise pour le produit
#EN SEARCH_FAILED=Product search failed
SEARCH_FAILED=\u00c9chec de la recherche de produit
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_HYBRID_COMP=Cannot create Hybrid Component
CANNOT_CREATE_HYBRID_COMP=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le composant hybride
#EN CANNOT_GET_HYBRID_ADAPTER=Cannot get hybrid adapter for component
CANNOT_GET_HYBRID_ADAPTER=Impossible d'obtenir un adaptateur hybride pour le composant
#EN CANNOT_GENERATE_REPAIR_OPS=Cannot generate repair operation options
CANNOT_GENERATE_REPAIR_OPS=Impossible de g\u00e9n\u00e9rer les options de r\u00e9paration
#EN CANNOT_CONFIGURE_COMP=Cannot configure component
CANNOT_CONFIGURE_COMP=Impossible de configurer le composant
#EN CANNOT_GENERATE_INSTALL_OPS=Cannot generate install operations
CANNOT_GENERATE_INSTALL_OPS=Impossible de g\u00e9n\u00e9rer les op\u00e9rations d'installation
#EN INVALID_OPS_REQUEST=Invalid request to Operation provider
INVALID_OPS_REQUEST=Requ\u00eate non valide envoy\u00e9e au fournisseur d'op\u00e9ration
#EN OP_INSTALL=Installing package
OP_INSTALL=Installation du package
#EN OP_UNINSTALL=Uninstalling package
OP_UNINSTALL=D\u00e9sinstallation du package
#EN OP_CONFIGURE=Configuring product
OP_CONFIGURE=Configuration du produit
#EN OP_UNCONFIGURE=Unconfiguring product
OP_UNCONFIGURE=Annulation de la configuration du produit
#EN OP_REPAIR=Repairing product
OP_REPAIR=R\u00e9paration du produit
#EN OP_REGISTER=Registering
#EN OP_UNREGISTER=Unregistering
OP_UNREGISTER=Annulation de l'enregistrement
#EN OP_INSTALL_IMAGE_CONFIGURE=Creating desktop integration items
OP_INSTALL_IMAGE_CONFIGURE=Cr\u00e9ation des \u00e9l\u00e9ments d'int\u00e9gration au bureau
#EN OP_INSTALL_IMAGE_RESET=Removing desktop integration items
OP_INSTALL_IMAGE_RESET=Suppression des \u00e9l\u00e9ments d'int\u00e9gration au bureau

# Operation types
UPGRADE=Mettre \u00e0 niveau
UNREGISTER=Annuler l'enregistrement
#EN REREGISTER=Re-register
UNCONFIGURE=Annuler la configuration
INSTALL_IMAGE_CONFIGURE=Configurer l'image d'installation
#EN INSTALL_IMAGE_RESET=Unconfigure Install Image
INSTALL_IMAGE_RESET=Annuler la configuration de l'image d'installation

# Context info : Operation
#EN operation=Operation

# Provider: Platform messages.
#EN NOT_A_PLATFORM_CMD=Not a platform command
NOT_A_PLATFORM_CMD=Ce n'est pas une commande de plate-forme
#EN INVALID_CMD=Command is not valid
INVALID_CMD=Commande non valide.
#EN CANT_WRITE_NATIVE_FILE=Cannot write to native file
CANT_WRITE_NATIVE_FILE=Impossible d'\u00e9crire dans le fichier natif
#EN CANT_READ_FILE=Cannot read file : {0}
CANT_READ_FILE=Impossible de lire le fichier : {0}
#EN CANT_CONVERT_TO_URL=Cannot convert {0} to URL
CANT_CONVERT_TO_URL=Impossible de convertir {0} en URL
#EN CANT_LOAD_CLASS=Cannot load class : {0}
CANT_LOAD_CLASS=Impossible de charger la classe : {0}
#EN CANT_INSTANTIATE=Cannot instantiate Class : {0}
CANT_INSTANTIATE=Impossible d''instancier la classe : {0}
#EN CANNOT_INIT_PLATFORM=Cannot initialize platform
CANNOT_INIT_PLATFORM=Impossible d'initaliser la plate-forme
#EN INSTANTIATING=Instantiating ...
INSTANTIATING=Instantiation ...
#EN CANT_LOAD_PROPERTIES=Cannot load properties : {0}
CANT_LOAD_PROPERTIES=Impossible de charger les propri\u00e9t\u00e9s : {0}
#EN CANT_READ_FILE_CONTENT=Can't read file content
CANT_READ_FILE_CONTENT=Impossible de lire le contenu du fichier
#EN SUCCESS=successful
#EN NO_SCRIPT_FOUND=Cannot find native script for determining resource availability.
NO_SCRIPT_FOUND=Impossible de trouver le script natif pour d\u00e9terminer la disponibilit\u00e9 des ressources.
#EN NATIVE_PROPERTY_NOT_READ=Could not read native property {0}
NATIVE_PROPERTY_NOT_READ=Impossible de lire la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 native {0}
#EN CANT_CREATEPATCH=Cannot create patch
CANT_CREATEPATCH=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le chemin
#EN CANT_CHECKPATCH=Cannot check patch installation
CANT_CHECKPATCH=Impossible de v\u00e9rifier l'installation du patch
#EN CANNOT_INITIALIZE_SYS_INTERFACE=Cannot initialize system interface provider
CANNOT_INITIALIZE_SYS_INTERFACE=Impossible d'initialiser le fournisseur d'interface syst\u00e8me
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_PACKAGEFORMAT=Cannot determine the relevant pkg for the OS
CANNOT_DETERMINE_PACKAGEFORMAT=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le pkg appropri\u00e9 pour le SE
# Provider: Platform backend messages
#EN Attempts made={0}. Message={1}
Attempts effectu\u00e9 = {0}. Message = {1}
#EN ERROR_GETTING_PATCH_LEVEL=There was an error while retrieving OS patch level
ERROR_GETTING_PATCH_LEVEL=Erreur lors de l'obtention du niveau du patch SE
#EN CANNOT_EXECUTE_SCRIPT=Cannot execute script
CANNOT_EXECUTE_SCRIPT=Impossible d'ex\u00e9cuter le script
#EN CANNOT_CONVERT_STRING_TO_LONG=Cannot convert String to long
CANNOT_CONVERT_STRING_TO_LONG=Impossible de convertir la cha\u00eene en type Long
#EN REMOTE_SYSTEM_PATH_SPECIFIED=The path specified for does not start with a drive letter.
REMOTE_SYSTEM_PATH_SPECIFIED=Le chemin indiqu\u00e9 ne commence pas par une lettre d'unit\u00e9 de disque.
#EN script=Script
#EN string=String

# Provider: User interface messages.
#EN LOADING=Initializing...
LOADING=Initialisation en cours...
#EN NO_SUCH_PRODUCT_CONFIG=Invalid datapath variable name
NO_SUCH_PRODUCT_CONFIG=Nom de variable de chemin de donn\u00e9es non valide
#EN DATAPATH=Datapath :
DATAPATH=Chemin de donn\u00e9es :
#EN INCONSISTENT_UI=UI set Method does not match UI get Method
INCONSISTENT_UI=Non concordance entre la m\u00e9thode Set de l'IU et la m\u00e9thode Get de l'IU
#EN UNIMPLEMENTED_FIELD_ACTION=Unimplemented field type had an action performed on it
UNIMPLEMENTED_FIELD_ACTION=Une op\u00e9ration est effectu\u00e9e sur un champ de type non impl\u00e9ment\u00e9
NULL_ACTION_COMMAND_RECEIVED=Erreur de l'interface utilisateur interne
#EN SOURCE=source
#EN INTERNAL_FATAL_ERROR=An internal error has occurred.\nPlease contact your system administrator.\nDetailed information is shown below.\nFor additional information, please see the log file.\nPress OK to exit.\n{0}
INTERNAL_FATAL_ERROR=Une erreur interne s'est produite.\nVeuillez contacter votre administrateur syst\u00e8me.\nDes informations d\u00e9taill\u00e9es sont indiqu\u00e9es ci-dessous.\nPour plus d'informations, consultez le fichier journal.\nS\u00e9lectionnez OK pour sortir.\n{0}
#EN SEVERE_USER_ERROR=An error has occurred during this session.\nPlease contact your system administrator.\nDetailed information is shown below.\nFor additional information, please see the log file.\nPress OK to exit.\n{0}
SEVERE_USER_ERROR=Une erreur s'est produite durant cette session.\nVeuillez contacter votre administrateur syst\u00e8me.\nDes informations d\u00e9taill\u00e9es sont indiqu\u00e9es ci-dessous.\nPour plus d'informations, consultez le fichier journal.\nS\u00e9lectionnez OK pour sortir.\n{0}
#EN MEDIA_LOCATION_NOT_SPECIFIED=Media location is not specified
MEDIA_LOCATION_NOT_SPECIFIED=L'emplacement du support n'est pas indiqu\u00e9
#EN INVALID_MEDIA_LOCATION=Media location specified is invalid
INVALID_MEDIA_LOCATION=L'emplacement du support indiqu\u00e9 n'est pas valide
#EN COULD_NOT_CREATE_A_WIZARD=Could not create a interface wizard
COULD_NOT_CREATE_A_WIZARD=Impossible de cr\u00e9er un assistant d'interface.
#EN ERROR_LOADING_PAGEGROUP_SEQUENCE=Error while loading pagegroup sequence
ERROR_LOADING_PAGEGROUP_SEQUENCE=Erreur lors du chargement de la s\u00e9quence pagegroup
#EN STARTING_WIZARD_FAILED=Error while starting the wizard
STARTING_WIZARD_FAILED=Erreur lors du d\u00e9marrage de l'assistant
#EN COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE=Could not load resource
COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE=Impossible de charger la ressource
#EN ERROR_READING_TEMPLATE=Error reading swixml template
ERROR_READING_TEMPLATE=Erreur durant la lecture du mod\u00e8le swixml
#EN ERROR_PROCESSING_TEMPLATE=Error processing swimxl template
ERROR_PROCESSING_TEMPLATE=Erreur lors du traitement du mod\u00e8le swixml
#EN NULL_OR_EMPTY_KEY=The key is either null or empty or has null or empty components.
NULL_OR_EMPTY_KEY=La cl\u00e9 est null ou vide ou contient des composants null ou vides.
#EN NULL_OR_EMPTY_VALUE=The value is either null or empty.
NULL_OR_EMPTY_VALUE=La valeur est null ou vide.
#EN CANNOT_GET_VALUE_FOR_KEY=Cannot get value for key
CANNOT_GET_VALUE_FOR_KEY=Impossible d'obtenir une valeur pour la cl\u00e9
#EN ERROR_REACHING_KEY=Cannot find entry with the given key in global data model
ERROR_REACHING_KEY=Impossible de trouver une entr\u00e9e avec la cl\u00e9 indiqu\u00e9 dans le mod\u00e8le de donn\u00e9es global
#EN TAGS_ALREADY_REGISTERED=Tags are already registered
TAGS_ALREADY_REGISTERED=Les balises sont d\u00e9j\u00e0 enregistr\u00e9es
#EN SCRIPT_FAILED=Beanshell script failed
SCRIPT_FAILED=\u00c9chec du script Beanshell
#EN SCRIPT_UNPARSEABLE=Beanshell script cannot be parsed
SCRIPT_UNPARSEABLE=Impossible d'analyser le script Beanshell
#EN SCRIPT_NOT_INVOKEABLE=Beanshell script not invokable
SCRIPT_NOT_INVOKEABLE=Impossible d'appeler le script Beanshell
#EN UNIMPLEMENTED_FIELD_TYPE=Unimplemented field type
UNIMPLEMENTED_FIELD_TYPE=Type de champ non impl\u00e9ment\u00e9
#EN INTERNAL_ERROR_OCCURED=Internal Error: Can not continue reliably. Shutting down
INTERNAL_ERROR_OCCURED=Erreur interne : impossible de continuer de fa\u00e7on fiable. Arr\u00eat
#EN CANNOT_PARSE_NAV_EVENT=Could not process a navigation event for {0}
CANNOT_PARSE_NAV_EVENT=Impossible de traiter un \u00e9v\u00e9nement de navigation pour {0}
#EN SHUTTING_DOWN=Shutting down
#EN APOC_TEMPLATE_NULL=The APOCTemplate returned is null
APOC_TEMPLATE_NULL=Le APOCTemplate renvoy\u00e9 est null
#EN SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED=Scripting language used is not supported
SCRIPTING_LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED=Le langage de script utilis\u00e9 n'est pas pris en charge
#EN INTERPRETER_INIT_FAILED=Interpreter initialization failed
INTERPRETER_INIT_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'initialisation de l'interpr\u00e9teur
#EN COULD_NOT_LOAD_ANSWER_FILE=Could not load answer file for silent mode
COULD_NOT_LOAD_ANSWER_FILE=Impossible de charger le fichier de r\u00e9ponses pour le mode silencieux
#EN CANNOT_CONVERT_CHAR_BUF_TO_STRING=Cannot convert character buffer from serialized stream to a string.
CANNOT_CONVERT_CHAR_BUF_TO_STRING=Impossible de convertir le tampon de caract\u00e8res du flux s\u00e9rialis\u00e9 sous forme de cha\u00eene.
#EN INVALID_ORIENTATION=Scrollable Panels orientation is not valid
INVALID_ORIENTATION=L'orientation des panneaux d\u00e9roulants n'est pas valide.
#EN BUS_EVENT_REQ_FAILED=Request bus event failed
BUS_EVENT_REQ_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement de bus de requ\u00eate
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_SUMMARY=Cannot create summary report file.
CANNOT_CREATE_SUMMARY=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le fichier de rapport r\u00e9capitulatif
#EN CANNOT_SAVE_LOG=Cannot save log file.
CANNOT_SAVE_LOG=Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier journal
#EN COULD_NOT_CREATE_SILENT_WIZARD=Unable to create Silent Install Wizard. Preferences could not be loaded.
COULD_NOT_CREATE_SILENT_WIZARD=Impossible de cr\u00e9er l'assistant d'installation silencieuse. Impossible de charger les pr\u00e9f\u00e9rences.
#EN NULL_PROPERTY=Specified property must not be empty.  Please specify a value.
NULL_PROPERTY=La propri\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finie ne doit pas \u00eatre vide.  Veuillez indiquer une valeur.
# I18N: Do not localize the values in [] on the next line
#EN INVALID_PROPERTY=The specified property is not fully qualified.  It must be in [Component].[Variable]=[Value] format.
INVALID_PROPERTY=La propri\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finie n'est pas compl\u00e8te. Elle doit \u00eatre dans [Composant]Format [Variable]=[Valeur].
#EN IGNORED_PROPERTY=The specified property could not be set to the specified value.
IGNORED_PROPERTY=La propri\u00e9t\u00e9 indiqu\u00e9e ne peut avoir la valeur d\u00e9finie.
#EN property=Property
# l10n: "reason" describes the reason a failure occured
#EN reason=Reason
#EN CANT_SET_INIT_PROPERTIES=One or more specified default configuration values cannot be used: {0}
CANT_SET_INIT_PROPERTIES=Impossible d''utiliser une ou plusieurs valeurs de la configuration par d\u00e9faut : {0}
#EN NO_PARAM_FOR_PROD=The specified parameter for the specified component cannot be found.
NO_PARAM_FOR_PROD=Le param\u00e8tre d\u00e9fini pour le composant indiqu\u00e9 est introuvable.
#EN NO_JDKS_DETECTED=No valid JDKs or JREs were detected on this system. \
#EN You must either choose to install and use the default JDK, \
#EN or specify a path to a custom JDK or JRE.
NO_JDKS_DETECTED=Aucun JDK ou JRE valide d\u00e9tect\u00e9 sur ce syst\u00e8me. Installez et utilisez le JDK par d\u00e9faut, ou bien indiquez le chemin d'un JDK ou d'un JRE personnalis\u00e9.
#EN NO_JDKS_DETECTED_OR_BUNDLED=No valid JDKs or JREs were detected on this system, \
#EN and no JDK is included in this installer.  You must specify \
#EN a path to a custom JDK or JRE.
NO_JDKS_DETECTED_OR_BUNDLED=Aucun JDK ou JRE valide n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9 sur ce syst\u00e8me, et aucun JDK n'est inclus \u00e0 ce programme d'installation.  Indiquez le chemin d'un JDK ou d'un JRE personnalis\u00e9.
#EN INFO=Information
#EN SILENT_CANNOT_TRIGGER_ONLOAD=Cannot process page [{0}]: Error: {1}
SILENT_CANNOT_TRIGGER_ONLOAD=Impossible de traiter la page [{0}] : Erreur : {1}
#EN SILENT_BEANSHELL_EVAL_ERROR=Beanshell evaluation error for product {0}: File: {1} Line: {2} Reason: {3}
SILENT_BEANSHELL_EVAL_ERROR=Erreur d''\u00e9valuation Beanshell pour le produit {0} : Fichier : {1} Ligne : {2} Raison: : {3}
#EN SILENT_CANNOT_GET_UI_PROPERTIES=Cannot retrieve UI Properties for product {0}: Error: {1}
SILENT_CANNOT_GET_UI_PROPERTIES=Impossible d''obtenir les propri\u00e9t\u00e9s de l'IU du produit {0} : Erreur : {1}
#EN SILENT_CANNOT_SET_PROPERTY=Cannot set property for product {0}.  Property: {1} Error: {2}
SILENT_CANNOT_SET_PROPERTY=Impossible de d\u00e9finir la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 du produit {0}.  Propri\u00e9t\u00e9 : {1} Erreur : {2}
#EN LICENSE_NEEDS_TO_BE_ACCEPTED=License agreement has not been accepted.  To install this product, \
#EN you must accept the license by setting \"License.license.ACCEPT_LICENSE=0\" in your answer file
LICENSE_NEEDS_TO_BE_ACCEPTED=Le contrat de licence n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 accept\u00e9. Pour installer ce produit, vous devez accepter le contrat de licence en indiquant \"License.license.ACCEPT_LICENSE=0\" dans le fichier de r\u00e9ponses

# Context Info : UI
#EN mode=Mode
#EN propref=PropRef
#EN variable=Variable Name
variable=Nom de variable
#EN error=Error
#EN errorline=Error line
errorline=Ligne d'erreur
#EN source=Source
#EN type=Type

#Provider: SIMS
#EN CANT_INITIALIZE_SIMS=Cannot initialize SIMS : {0}
CANT_INITIALIZE_SIMS=Impossible d''initaliser SIMS : {0}
#EN INVALID_SIMS_REQUEST=Request made to SIMS provider is not valid.
INVALID_SIMS_REQUEST=Demande non valide envoy\u00e9e au fournisseur SIMS.

# Provider : Task
#EN DOMAIN=domain
#EN ROOT=root
#EN PKG_STATUS=Operation {1} on package {0}: {2}
PKG_STATUS=Op\u00e9ration {1} sur le package {0} : {2}
#EN PKG_STATUS_SUCCESS=Operation {1} on package {0} successful
PKG_STATUS_SUCCESS=Op\u00e9ration {1} sur le package {0} r\u00e9ussie
#EN PKG_STATUS_FAIL=Operation {1} on package {0} failed
PKG_STATUS_FAIL=\u00c9chec de l''op\u00e9ration {1} sur le package {0}
#EN CANNOT_READ_RPMOPTS=Cannot read or parse rpmoptions file.
CANNOT_READ_RPMOPTS=Impossible de lire ou analyser le fichier rpmoptions
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_TMPFILE=Cannot create temporary file in temporary directory.
CANNOT_CREATE_TMPFILE=Impossible de cr\u00e9er un fichier temporaire dans le r\u00e9pertoire temporaire
#EN UNBALANCED_QUOTES_IN_RPMOPTIONS=Unbalanced quoted string found in rpmoptions file.  Assuming end of file marks end of string.
UNBALANCED_QUOTES_IN_RPMOPTIONS=Guillemets manquants dans une cha\u00eene du fichier rpmoptions. La fin du fichier constitue la fin de la cha\u00eene.
#EN CANNOT_PERFORM_CONFIGURE_TASK=Cannot perform configuration task
CANNOT_PERFORM_CONFIGURE_TASK=Impossible d'effectuer la t\u00e2che de configuration
#EN CANNOT_SAVE_DRYRUN_FILE=Cannot save dry-run file at the specified path.
CANNOT_SAVE_DRYRUN_FILE=Impossible d'enregistrer le fichier de test dans le chemin indiqu\u00e9.
#EN DRYRUN_COMMENT=openInstaller Dry Run Answer File.  This File can be used as input to the openInstaller engine using the -a option.
DRYRUN_COMMENT=Fichier de r\u00e9ponses du test openInstaller. Ce fichier peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 en entr\u00e9e du moteur openInstaller en utilisant l'option -a.
#EN DRYRUN_FILE_NOT_PROVIDED=You must specify a dry-run file when using dry-run mode.
DRYRUN_FILE_NOT_PROVIDED=Vous pouvez d\u00e9finir un fichier de test si vous utilisez le mode test.
#EN DRYRUN_FILE_EXISTS=The specified dry-run file exists.  You must specify a path to a new, non-existent file.
DRYRUN_FILE_EXISTS=Le fichier de test indiqu\u00e9 existe. Indiquez le chemin d'un nouveau fichier (qui n'existe pas).
#EN DRYRUN_FILE_IS_A_DIR=The specified dry-run file is a directory.  You must specify a path to a new, non-existent file.
DRYRUN_FILE_IS_A_DIR=Le fichier de test indiqu\u00e9 est un r\u00e9pertoire. Indiquez le chemin d'un nouveau fichier (qui n'existe pas).
#EN DRYRUN_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE=The specified dry-run file is not writable and cannot be saved.
DRYRUN_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE=Le fichier de test indiqu\u00e9 n'est pas accessible en \u00e9criture et ne peut pas \u00eatre enregistr\u00e9. 
#EN CANNOT_GET_PRODUCT_INSTANCE=Cannot get Product instance.Message : {0}
CANNOT_GET_PRODUCT_INSTANCE=Impossible d''obtenir instance.Message du produit : {0}
#EN CANNOT_GET_ALL_UI_CONFIG_DATA=Cannot retrieve all UI configuration data : {0}.
CANNOT_GET_ALL_UI_CONFIG_DATA=Impossible d''obtenir les donn\u00e9es de configuration de l''IU : {0}.
#EN CANNOT_FORM_MEDIA_URL=Cannot construct the media URL
CANNOT_FORM_MEDIA_URL=Impossible de construire l'URL du support
#EN UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM=Platform chosen is not supported.
UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM=La plate-forme choisie n'est pas prise en charge.
#EN CANT_GET_SIMS_DOMAIN=Cannot retrieve SIMS Domain.
CANT_GET_SIMS_DOMAIN=Impossible d'obtenir le domaine SIMS
#EN INSTALL_HOME_NOT_WRITEABLE=The installation directory is not writable.  You do not have access to the specified directory.
INSTALL_HOME_NOT_WRITEABLE=Le r\u00e9pertoire d'installation n'est pas accessible en \u00e9criture.  Vous n'avez pas acc\u00e8s au r\u00e9pertoire indiqu\u00e9.
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_INSTALLHOME_DIRECTORY=Cannot create the InstallHome directory
CANNOT_CREATE_INSTALLHOME_DIRECTORY=Impossible de cr\u00e9er le r\u00e9pertoire InstallHome
#EN CANNOT_GET_CONFIG_DATA=Cannot get all configuration data. Message : {0}
CANNOT_GET_CONFIG_DATA=Impossible d''obtenir toutes les donn\u00e9es de configuration. Message : {0}
#EN CANNOT_PERSIST_CONFIG_DATA=Cannot Persist Configuration Data. Message : {0}
CANNOT_PERSIST_CONFIG_DATA=Impossible de mettre les donn\u00e9es de configuration \u00e0 l''\u00e9tat persistant. Message : {0}
#EN CANNOT_FIND_SRC_PKG=Cannot find source package
CANNOT_FIND_SRC_PKG=Le package source est introuvable
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_INSTALL_HOME=Cannot determine installation home directory
CANNOT_DETERMINE_INSTALL_HOME=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le r\u00e9pertoire d'installation
#EN CANNOT_DETERMINE_ALT_ROOT=Cannot determine alternate root path
CANNOT_DETERMINE_ALT_ROOT=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le chemin de la racine secondaire.
#EN CANT_PERFORM_INSTALL_TASK=Cannot perform installation task
CANT_PERFORM_INSTALL_TASK=Impossible d'effectuer la t\u00e2che d'installation
#EN CANT_INSTALL_PACKAGE=Cannot install package
CANT_INSTALL_PACKAGE=Impossible d'installer le package
#EN CANT_INSTALL_MSI=Cannot install Windows installation package (MSI)
CANT_INSTALL_MSI=Impossible d'installer le package d'installation Windows (MSI)
#EN UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_TYPE=Package type is not recognized
UNKNOWN_PACKAGE_TYPE=Type de package non reconnu.
#EN PROGRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE=Progress out of range
PROGRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE=Progression hors plage
#EN CANNOT_REGISTER_PACKAGE=Cannot register package into software inventory management system (SIMS)
CANNOT_REGISTER_PACKAGE=Impossible d'enregistrer le package dans le syst\u00e8me de gestion des logiciels (SIMS)
#EN CANNOT_REGISTER_PRODUCT=Cannot register product into software inventory management system (SIMS)
CANNOT_REGISTER_PRODUCT=Impossible d'enregistrer le produit dans le syst\u00e8me de gestion des logiciels (SIMS)
#EN CANT_GET_PRODUCT_FROM_SIMS=Cannot retrieve product from SIMS database
CANT_GET_PRODUCT_FROM_SIMS=Impossible d'extraire le produit de la base de donn\u00e9es SIMS
#EN NO_PKG_OR_PROD_TO_REGISTER=RegisterTask called with no product or package to register
NO_PKG_OR_PROD_TO_REGISTER=Appel de RegisterTask sans produit ou package \u00e0 enregistrer
#EN CANNOT_RETRIEVE_PKG=Cannot retrieve package from SIMS
CANNOT_RETRIEVE_PKG=Impossible d'extraire le package de SIMS
#EN CANNOT_RETRIEVE_PRODUCT=Cannot retrieve product from SIMS
CANNOT_RETRIEVE_PRODUCT=Impossible d'extraire le produit de SIMS
#EN CANT_GET_CONTENT_PATH=Cannot get content path (path to packages)
CANT_GET_CONTENT_PATH=Impossible d'obtenir le chemin du contenu (chemin d'acc\u00e8s aux packages)
#EN CANNOT_FIND_PKG=Cannot find package
CANNOT_FIND_PKG=Package introuvable
#EN UNKNOWN_OPERATION=Operation is unknown
UNKNOWN_OPERATION=L'op\u00e9ration est inconnue
#EN NO_OPERATIONS_TO_EXECUTE=No operations found for execution
NO_OPERATIONS_TO_EXECUTE=Aucune op\u00e9ration trouv\u00e9e pour l'ex\u00e9cution
#EN INVALID_ANSWER_FILE=Invalid answer file specified
INVALID_ANSWER_FILE=Le fichier de r\u00e9ponses indiqu\u00e9 n'est pas valide
#EN CANT_PERFORM_TASK=Task cannot be performed
CANT_PERFORM_TASK=Impossible d'effectuer la t\u00e2che
#EN INVALID_TASK=Invalid task specified
INVALID_TASK=La t\u00e2che indiqu\u00e9e n'est pas valide
#EN NULL_PRODUCT_NODE_ROOT=Product root node is empty
NULL_PRODUCT_NODE_ROOT=Le noeud racine du produit est vide
#EN MISSING_UNINSTALL_INFO=Cannot get required info for uninstall
MISSING_UNINSTALL_INFO=Impossible d'obtenir les informations n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 la d\u00e9sinstallation
#EN CANT_PERFORM_REMOVE_TASK=Cannot perform uninstallation task
CANT_PERFORM_REMOVE_TASK=Impossible d'effectuer la t\u00e2che de d\u00e9sinstallation
#EN CANT_REMOVE_PACKAGE=Cannot uninstall package
CANT_REMOVE_PACKAGE=Impossible de d\u00e9sinstaller le package
#EN CANT_REMOVE_MSI=Cannot uninstall Windows MSI package
CANT_REMOVE_MSI=Impossible de d\u00e9sinstaller le package MSI Windows
#EN CANNOT_UNREGISTER_PACKAGE=Cannot unregister package
CANNOT_UNREGISTER_PACKAGE=Impossible d'annuler l'enregistrement du package
#EN CANNOT_UNREGISTER=Cannot unregister
CANNOT_UNREGISTER=Impossible d'annuler l'enregistrement
#EN CANNOT_UNREGISTER_PRODUCT=Cannot unregister product
CANNOT_UNREGISTER_PRODUCT=Impossible d'annuler l'enregistrement du produit
#EN NO_PKG_OR_PROD_TO_UNREGISTER=Either a Package or a Product needs to be specified for unregistering
NO_PKG_OR_PROD_TO_UNREGISTER=Vous devez indiquer le package ou le produit pour lequel vous souhaitez annuler l'enregistrement
#EN INVALID_ANSWER_FILE_URL=Invalid answer file URL or answer file does not exist
INVALID_ANSWER_FILE_URL=L'URL du fichier de r\u00e9ponses n'est pas valide ou le fichier de r\u00e9ponses n'existe pas
#EN REGISTERED=Registered {0}
REGISTERED={0} enregistr\u00e9
#EN REGISTERING_PACKAGE=Registering package {0}
REGISTERING_PACKAGE=Enregistrement du package {0}
#EN UNREGISTERING_PACKAGE=Unregistering package {0}
UNREGISTERING_PACKAGE=Annulation de l'enregistrement du package {0}
REGISTRATION_DONE=Enregistrement effectu\u00e9
#EN UNREGISTERED=Unregistered {0}
UNREGISTERED={0} non enregistr\u00e9
UNREGISTRATION_DONE=Enregistrement annul\u00e9
#EN CREATING_SHORTCUTS_FOR=Creating shortcuts for {0}
CREATING_SHORTCUTS_FOR=Cr\u00e9ation de raccourcis pour {0}
#EN SHORTCUTS_CREATED_FOR=Shortcuts created for {0}
SHORTCUTS_CREATED_FOR=Raccourcis cr\u00e9\u00e9s pour {0}
#EN REMOVING_SHORTCUTS_FOR=Removing shortcuts for {0}
REMOVING_SHORTCUTS_FOR=Suppression des raccourcis de {0}
#EN SHORTCUTS_REMOVED_FOR=Shortcuts removed for {0}
SHORTCUTS_REMOVED_FOR=Raccourcis supprim\u00e9s pour {0}
#EN CONFIGURING_THE_INSTALL_IMAGE_FOR=Configuring the install image for {0}
CONFIGURING_THE_INSTALL_IMAGE_FOR=Configuration de l''image d''installation de {0}
#EN RESETTING_THE_INSTALL_IMAGE_FOR=Resetting the install image for {0}
RESETTING_THE_INSTALL_IMAGE_FOR=R\u00e9initialisation de l''image d''installation de {0}
#EN CHECK_INSTALL_LOG=Please refer to the installation log for more details
CHECK_INSTALL_LOG=Pour plus de d\u00e9tails, reportez-vous au journal d'installation
#EN RUNNING_CONFIGURATOR=Running {0} configurator. This may take a few minutes
RUNNING_CONFIGURATOR=Ex\u00e9cution de l'outil de configuration {0}. Ceci peut prendre quelques minutes
#EN CONFIGURING=Configuring {0}. This may take a few minutes
CONFIGURING=Configuration de {0}. Ceci peut prendre quelques minutes
CONFIGURED_PACKAGE={0} configur\u00e9
NOT_CONFIGURED=Non configur\u00e9
#EN RUNNING_UNCONFIGURATOR=Running {0} unconfigurator
RUNNING_UNCONFIGURATOR=Ex\u00e9cution de l''outil d''annulation de configuration {0}
#EN UNCONFIGURING=Unconfiguring {0}
UNCONFIGURING=Annulation de la configuration de {0}
UNCONFIGURED=Configuration annul\u00e9e
UNCONFIGURED_PACKAGE=Configuration de {0} annul\u00e9e
NOT_UNCONFIGURED=Configuration non annul\u00e9e
NOT_REPAIRED=Non r\u00e9par\u00e9
NOT_INSTALLED=Non install\u00e9
#EN INSTALLING=Installing {0}
INSTALLING=Installation de {0}
INSTALLED_PACKAGE={0} install\u00e9
#EN UNINSTALLING=Uninstalling {0}
UNINSTALLING=D\u00e9sinstallation de {0}
UNINSTALLED_PACKAGE={0} d\u00e9sinstall\u00e9
NOT_REMOVED=Non supprim\u00e9
#EN SAVING_SUMMARY=Saving detailed HTML Summary
SAVING_SUMMARY=Sauvegarde du r\u00e9capitulatif HTML d\u00e9taill\u00e9
#EN SAVING_LOG=Saving detailed log file
SAVING_LOG=Sauvegarde du fichier journal d\u00e9taill\u00e9

# Context Info : Task
#EN subtotal=Subtotal
#EN total=Total
#EN search-path=Search Path
search-path=Chemin de recherche
#EN install-home=Install Home
install-home=Base d'installation

# SIMS messages
LOADING_CLASS=Chargement de {0}
#EN CANT_LOAD=Cannot load class {0}. Message : {1}
CANT_LOAD=Impossible de charger la classe {0}. Message : {1}
REGISTERING_PRODUCT=Enregistrement de {0}
#EN UNREGISTERING=Unregistering {0}
UNREGISTERING=Annulation de l''enregistrement de {0}
#EN PRODUCT_STATE=Products that Contain {0} : {1}
PRODUCT_STATE=Produits contenant {0} : {1}
#EN REFRESHING_PRODUCT=Refreshing {0} whose state is currently {1}
REFRESHING_PRODUCT=Actualisation de {0} dont l''\u00e9tat actuel est {1}
#EN REFRESH_STATE=After refreshing {0} its state is now {1}
REFRESH_STATE=Apr\u00e8s actualisation de {0} l''\u00e9tat est {1}
#EN REMOVE_FROM_CACHE=Removing {0} from cache
REMOVE_FROM_CACHE=Suppression de {0} du cache
#EN PRODUCT_CONTAINMENT=Product {0} contains product {1} but, {2} is not installed.
PRODUCT_CONTAINMENT=Le produit {0} contient le produit {1} mais {2} n''est pas install\u00e9.
#EN CORRUPT_PKGINFO=Detected corrupt pkginfo file for package {0}
CORRUPT_PKGINFO=D\u00e9tection de fichier pkginfo endommag\u00e9 pour le package {0}
#EN PRODUCT_PKG_CONTAINMENT=Product {0} contains package {1} but, {1} is not installed.
PRODUCT_PKG_CONTAINMENT=Le produit {0} contient le package {1} mais {1} n''est pas install\u00e9.
#EN INVALID_LINE=Found invalid line in pkginfo output: Line is {0}
INVALID_LINE=D\u00e9tection de ligne non valide dans la sortie de pkginfo : ligne {0}
#EN MATCH_OPERATION_FAILED=Matching operation failed while getting all packages
MATCH_OPERATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'op\u00e9ration de concordance lors de l'obtention de tous les packages
#EN CMDLINE_EXIT_VAL=Command line {0} exited with value {1}
CMDLINE_EXIT_VAL=Sortie de la ligne de commande {0} avec la valeur {1}
#EN INTERRUPTED_WHILE_WAITING=Interrupted while waiting for {0} to finish
INTERRUPTED_WHILE_WAITING=Interruption durant l''attente de finalisation de {0}.
#EN CORRUPT_ENTRY=Corrup entry in package {0}. pkginfo file {1}
CORRUPT_ENTRY=Entr\u00e9e endommag\u00e9e dans le package {0}. Fichier pkginfo {1}
#EN CANT_CREATE_UNIQUE_PKGNAME=Cannot generate unique package name for package {0} : MD5 algorithm not available
CANT_CREATE_UNIQUE_PKGNAME=Impossible de g\u00e9n\u00e9rer un nom unique pour le package {0} : algorithme MD5 non disponible
#EN CANNOT_LOAD_SIMS_BACKEND=Cannot load SIMS backend using backend class names
CANNOT_LOAD_SIMS_BACKEND=Impossible de charger SIMS en arri\u00e8re-plan en utilisant les noms de classe d'arri\u00e8re-plan
#EN CORRUPT_PKG_SPEC=Corrupt package specification in SIMS Database.
CORRUPT_PKG_SPEC=Sp\u00e9cification de package endommag\u00e9e dans la base de donn\u00e9es SIMS.
#EN CANNOT_LOCATE_NATIVE_LIB_DIR=Cannot locate native library directory using \
#EN sims.native-file-dir property or java.library.path property
CANNOT_LOCATE_NATIVE_LIB_DIR=Impossible de trouver le r\u00e9pertoire de biblioth\u00e8que native \u00e0 l'aide de la propri\u00e9t\u00e9 sims.native-file-dir ou java.library.path
#EN SIMS_NATIVE_LIB_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST=SIMS native library directory does not exist
SIMS_NATIVE_LIB_DIR_DOES_NOT_EXIST=Le r\u00e9pertoire de biblioth\u00e8que native SIMS n'existe pas
#EN UNNECESSARY_SIMS_INIT=unnecessary call to initialize() - it has already been \
#EN called with the current alternate root and domain
UNNECESSARY_SIMS_INIT=appel de initialize() inutile car d\u00e9j\u00e0 appel\u00e9 avec la racine secondaire et le domaine en cours
#EN CANNOT_INIT_REPOSITORY=Cannot initialize repository, repository is uninitialized
CANNOT_INIT_REPOSITORY=Impossible d'initialiser le r\u00e9f\u00e9rentiel : r\u00e9f\u00e9rentiel non initialis\u00e9
#EN DOMAIN_NAME_TO_SET_IS_NULL_OR_EMPTY=Domain name to set is null or empty
DOMAIN_NAME_TO_SET_IS_NULL_OR_EMPTY=Le nom de domaine \u00e0 d\u00e9finir est null ou vide.
#EN REGISTRATION_FAILED_FOR_PROD_OR_PKG=One or more contained products or packages failed to register
REGISTRATION_FAILED_FOR_PROD_OR_PKG=\u00c9chec de l'enregistrement d'un ou plusieurs packages ou produits inclus
#EN UNREGISTRATION_FAILED_FOR_PROD_OR_PKG=One or more contained products or packages failed to unregister
UNREGISTRATION_FAILED_FOR_PROD_OR_PKG=\u00c9chec de l'annulation de l'enregistrement d'un ou plusieurs packages ou produits inclus
#EN MUST_CALL_INIT=Must call initialize() before attempting to access repository
MUST_CALL_INIT=Il est n\u00e9cessaire d'appeler initialize() avant d'acc\u00e9der au r\u00e9f\u00e9rentiel
#EN UNREADABLE_REPOSITORY=Repository is not writable
UNREADABLE_REPOSITORY=Le r\u00e9f\u00e9rentiel n'est pas accessible en \u00e9criture.
#EN CANNOT_INSTALL_PACKAGE=Could not install package
CANNOT_INSTALL_PACKAGE=Impossible d'installer le package
#EN PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_WARNING=Package {0} requires packages {1}, but {1} \
#EN was not detected. Package {0} is DAMAGED
PACKAGE_DEPENDENCY_WARNING=Le package {0} requiert les packages {1}, mais {1} n''a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9. Le package {0} est ENDOMMAG\u00c9
#EN CORRUPT_PKG_INFO=Corrupt package info file detected for package
CORRUPT_PKG_INFO=D\u00e9tection de fichier d'information de package endommag\u00e9
#EN CORRUPT_ENCODED_SPEC=Encoded specification is corrupt
CORRUPT_ENCODED_SPEC=La sp\u00e9cification cod\u00e9e est endommag\u00e9e
#EN PACKAGE_SELF_DEPEND=Package cannot depend on itself
PACKAGE_SELF_DEPEND=Le package ne peut pas d\u00e9pendre de lui-m\u00eame

# SystemResource Provider messages
CPU=Vitesse CPU
#EN RAM=Installed Memory
RAM=M\u00e9moire install\u00e9e
#EN DISK=Available Disk Space
DISK=Espace disque disponible
#EN SWAP=Installed Swap Space
SWAP=Espace de swap install\u00e9
#EN TOTAL_MEMORY=Total Memory (Swap + Memory)
TOTAL_MEMORY=M\u00e9moire totale (Swap + M\u00e9moire)
#EN INSTALL_REQ_PATCHES=Operating System Patches (Installation)
INSTALL_REQ_PATCHES=Patchs du syst\u00e8me d'exploitation (installation)
#EN EXECUTION_REQ_PATCHES=Operating System Patches (Product Execution)
EXECUTION_REQ_PATCHES=Patchs du syst\u00e8me d'exploitation (ex\u00e9cution de produit)
#EN ok=OK
#EN low=Low (less than recommended)
low=Faible (inf\u00e9rieur \u00e0 recommandation)
#EN ok_values=OK ({0} detected)
ok_values=OK ({0} d\u00e9tect\u00e9)
#EN low_values=Low (Need:{0} Have:{1})
low_values=Faible (Requis :{0} Disponible :{1}
#EN missing_patches=Missing patches
missing_patches=Patchs manquants
#EN missing_patch=Missing patch
missing_patch=Patch manquant
#EN na=Not Available
#EN mhz={0} MHz
mhz={0} MHz
#EN mb={0} MB
mb={0} Mo
# L10n: only the "GHz" (Gigahertz) should be localizd
#EN ghz={0, number,###.#} GHz
ghz={0, nombre,###.#} GHz
# L10n: only the "GB" (Gigabyte) should be localizd
#EN gb={0, number,###.#} GB
gb={0, nombre,###.#} Go
#EN COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_REQUIRED_RESOURCES=Could not retrieve the required resources from the descriptors
COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_REQUIRED_RESOURCES=Impossible d'obtenir les ressources n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 partir des descripteurs
#EN COULD_NOT_GET_SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS=Could not retrieve required system resources from descriptors
COULD_NOT_GET_SYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS=Impossible d'obtenir les ressources syst\u00e8me n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 partir des descripteurs
#EN MISSING_REQUIRED_SYSTEM_RESOURCES_INFO=Required system resources detail is missing
MISSING_REQUIRED_SYSTEM_RESOURCES_INFO=Les informations sur les ressources syst\u00e8me requises manquent
#EN MISSING_AVAILABLE_SYSTEM_RESOURCES_INFO=Available system resources detail is missing
MISSING_AVAILABLE_SYSTEM_RESOURCES_INFO=Les informations sur les ressources syst\u00e8me disponibles manquent
#EN LOW_DISK_SPACE=Available disk space is low. Please free up some of the disk space for the installer to continue.
LOW_DISK_SPACE=L'espace disque disponible est faible. Lib\u00e9rez de l'espace sur le disque pour continuer l'installation.
#EN CANNOT_GET_SWAP_SPACE=Could not retrieve systems swap space
CANNOT_GET_SWAP_SPACE=Impossible d'obtenir l'espace swap des syst\u00e8mes.
#EN CANNOT_GET_PHY_MEM=Could not retrieve systems physical memory
CANNOT_GET_PHY_MEM=Impossible d'obtenir la m\u00e9moire physique des syst\u00e8mes.
#EN CANNOT_GET_INSTALLED_PATCHES=Could not retrieve the list of installed patches
CANNOT_GET_INSTALLED_PATCHES=Impossible d'obtenir la liste des patchs install\u00e9s
#EN CANNOT_GET_CPU_SPEED=Could not retrieve systems CPU clock speed
CANNOT_GET_CPU_SPEED=Impossible d'obtenir la fr\u00e9quence d'horloge CPU des syst\u00e8mes.
#EN CANNOT_GET_USABLE_SPACE=Could not retrieve systems usable disk space
CANNOT_GET_USABLE_SPACE=Impossible d'obtenir l'espace disque utilisable des syst\u00e8mes
#EN CANNOT_DELETE_ENTRY=Could not delete ARP Entry
CANNOT_DELETE_ENTRY=Impossible de supprimer l'entr\u00e9e ARP
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_ENTRY=Could not create ARP Entry
CANNOT_CREATE_ENTRY=Impossible de cr\u00e9er l'entr\u00e9e ARP
#EN required=Required
#EN available=Available
#EN warning=WARNING

# Upgrade Messages
#EN COULD_NOT_GET_HYBRID_ELEMENTS_FOR_UPGRADE=Could not retrieve the legacy product elements for upgrade
COULD_NOT_GET_HYBRID_ELEMENTS_FOR_UPGRADE=Impossible d'obtenir les \u00e9l\u00e9ments de produit existants pour la mise \u00e0 niveau
#EN NO_MEDIA_PRODUCT_FOUND=No media product is found
NO_MEDIA_PRODUCT_FOUND=Aucun produit support n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9
#EN CANNOT_UPGRADE_IN_SILENT_MODE=Installer does not upgrade in silent mode.  \
#EN To upgrade this product, please run the installer in interactive mode
CANNOT_UPGRADE_IN_SILENT_MODE=Le programme d'installation ne peut pas effectuer la mise \u00e0 niveau en mode silencieux. Pour mettre \u00e0 niveau ce produit, ex\u00e9cutez le programme d'installation en mode interactif
#EN CANNOT_QUERY_RPM=There was an error while querying for an RPM
CANNOT_QUERY_RPM=Erreur lors de la demande d'un RPM
#EN NO_RPM_WITH_THE_NAME_FOUND=No RPM was found with the given name
NO_RPM_WITH_THE_NAME_FOUND=Aucun RPM portant le nom indiqu\u00e9 n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9
#EN NO_RPM_NAME_SPECIFIED=To find an RPM its name has to be specified
NO_RPM_NAME_SPECIFIED=Pour trouver un RPM, indiquez son nom
#EN NO_PACKAGE_NAME_FOUND_TO_DETECT=No package name was provided for detection
NO_PACKAGE_NAME_FOUND_TO_DETECT=Aucun nom de package n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 indiqu\u00e9 pour la d\u00e9tection
#EN COULD_NOT_FIND_LEGACY_PRODUCTS=Could not find any legacy products
COULD_NOT_FIND_LEGACY_PRODUCTS=Aucun produit existant n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9.
#EN COULD_NOT_GET_DISPLAY_MODE=Could not determine display mode - GUI, CUI or silent
COULD_NOT_GET_DISPLAY_MODE=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le mode d'affichage (interface graphique GUI, interface de commandes CUI ou silencieux)
#EN COULD_NOT_GET_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ID=Could not determine the product to be installed or uninstalled
COULD_NOT_GET_DEFAULT_PRODUCT_ID=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le produit \u00e0 installer ou \u00e0 d\u00e9sinstaller
#EN COULD_NOT_GET_PROCESSING_MODE=Could not determine processing mode such as Install or Uninstall
COULD_NOT_GET_PROCESSING_MODE=Impossible de d\u00e9terminer le mode de traitement tel que installation ou d\u00e9sinstallation
#EN INVALID_LEGACY_DESC_LOC=Descriptors location provided for legacy products is null
INVALID_LEGACY_DESC_LOC=L'emplacement des descripteurs des produits existants est null
#EN INVALID_GET_LEGACY_SIMS_PRODUCT_REQUEST=Request data sent for retrieving SIMS Product is invalid
INVALID_GET_LEGACY_SIMS_PRODUCT_REQUEST=Les donn\u00e9es de requ\u00eate envoy\u00e9es pour obtenir le produit SIMS ne sont pas valides
#EN LEGACY_URL_SHOULD_POINT_TO_A_DIR=Legacy directory should point to a directory which lists the versions directories
LEGACY_URL_SHOULD_POINT_TO_A_DIR=Le r\u00e9pertoire existant pointe vers un r\u00e9pertoire qui r\u00e9pertorie les r\u00e9pertoires de versions
#EN CANNOT_FORM_LEGACY_INDEX_URL=Cannot form the URL for legacy index file
CANNOT_FORM_LEGACY_INDEX_URL=Impossible de cr\u00e9er l'URL pour le fichier index existant
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_LEGACY_HYBRID_ELEMENT_ADAPTOR=Cannot create a hybrid element for legacy product
CANNOT_CREATE_LEGACY_HYBRID_ELEMENT_ADAPTOR=Impossible de cr\u00e9er un \u00e9l\u00e9ment hybride pour le produit existant
#EN CANNOT_CREATE_PRODUCT_MAP=Could not create product map to generate operations
CANNOT_CREATE_PRODUCT_MAP=Impossible de cr\u00e9er une mappe de produit pour g\u00e9n\u00e9rer des op\u00e9rations
#EN COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_LEGACY_PRODUCT=Could not retrieve legacy product
COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_LEGACY_PRODUCT=Impossible d'obtenir le produit existant
#EN ERROR_RETRIEVING_LEGACY_PRODUCT=Error occurred while retrieving the legacy product
ERROR_RETRIEVING_LEGACY_PRODUCT=Erreur lors de l'obtention du produit existant
#EN COULD_NOT_DETECT_PRODUCT=Could not detect the legacy product using legacy detection
COULD_NOT_DETECT_PRODUCT=Impossible de d\u00e9tecter le produit existant \u00e0 l'aide de la d\u00e9tection existante
#EN ERROR_DETECTING_PRODUCT=Error occurred while detecting legacy product
ERROR_DETECTING_PRODUCT=Erreur lors de la d\u00e9tection du produit existant
#EN COULD_NOT_REGISTER_LEGACY_PRODUCTS=Could not register legacy product into SIMS repository cache
COULD_NOT_REGISTER_LEGACY_PRODUCTS=Impossible d'enregistrer le produit existant dans le cache du r\u00e9f\u00e9rentiel SIMS
#EN COULD_NOT_GENERATE_UPGRADE_OPERATIONS=Could not generate upgrade operations
COULD_NOT_GENERATE_UPGRADE_OPERATIONS=Impossible de g\u00e9n\u00e9rer des op\u00e9rations de mise \u00e0 niveau
#EN COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_LEGACY_DATA=Could not retrieve dependency legacy data
COULD_NOT_RETRIEVE_LEGACY_DATA=Impossible d'obtenir les donn\u00e9es existante des d\u00e9pendances
#EN ERROR_RETRIEVING_LEGACY_DEP_MAP=There was an error when trying to get dependency graph for legacy product
ERROR_RETRIEVING_LEGACY_DEP_MAP=Erreur lors de l'obtention du graphique des d\u00e9pendances du produit existant
#EN UPGRADE_MSG=The following required software components were detected on the system, \
#EN and will be upgraded. Both existing and required \(in \[square brackets\]\) versions of the software are displayed.
UPGRADE_MSG=Les composants logiciels requis suivants ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9s sur le syst\u00e8me et vont \u00eatre mis \u00e0 niveau. Les versions existantes et requises \(entre \[crochets\]\) du logiciel sont affich\u00e9es.
#EN UPGRADE_ALERT=Performing an upgrade might alter the state of the system as other products \
#EN may depend on these software components \:
UPGRADE_ALERT=L'ex\u00e9cution d'une mise \u00e0 niveau peut affecter l'\u00e9tat du syst\u00e8me car d'autres produits peuvent d\u00e9pendre de ces composants logiciels \:
#EN NO_UPGRADE_MSG=The following required software components were detected on the system, \
#EN and will remain at their current versions (damaged or partially installed components will be completed):
NO_UPGRADE_MSG=Les composants logiciels requis suivants ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9s sur le syst\u00e8me, ils seront conserv\u00e9s dans leur version actuelle (les composants endommag\u00e9s ou partiellement endommag\u00e9s seront compl\u00e9t\u00e9s) :
#EN INSTALLED_PRODUCT_INFO=The following products are already installed in the chosen Installation directory.
INSTALLED_PRODUCT_INFO=Les produits suivants sont d\u00e9j\u00e0 install\u00e9s dans le r\u00e9pertoire d'installation choisi.
#EN INSTALL_CLEANUP_MSG=Please uninstall the current Product from the installation directory and \
#EN rerun the Installer or go back and change the installation directory if possible.
INSTALL_CLEANUP_MSG=D\u00e9sinstallez le produit qui se trouve dans le r\u00e9pertoire d'installation puis ex\u00e9cutez \u00e0 nouveau le programme d'installation ou bien revenez en arri\u00e8re et modifiez le r\u00e9pertoire d'installation si cela est possible.
#EN upgrade=Upgrade
upgrade=Mise \u00e0 niveau
#EN exit=Exit
#EN CANT_EXEC_PKGINFO_CMD=Could not execute pkginfo command
CANT_EXEC_PKGINFO_CMD=Impossible d'ex\u00e9cuter la commande pkginfo
#EN REG_KEY_NULL=Registry Key to look up for is null
REG_KEY_NULL=La cl\u00e9 de registre \u00e0 rechercher est null
#EN CANNOT_UPGRADE_BY_DEFAULT=The following list of products were found to be upgradeable, but you must \
#EN explicitly allow upgrade by specifying an answer file with \"Upgrade.upgrade.ALLOW_UPGRADE=0\".
CANNOT_UPGRADE_BY_DEFAULT=Les produits de la liste suivante ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9tect\u00e9s et peuvent \u00eatre mis \u00e0 niveau, mais vous devez autoriser explicitement la mise \u00e0 niveau avec un fichier de r\u00e9ponses en indiquant \"Upgrade.upgrade.ALLOW_UPGRADE=0\".

# Summary messages
OVERALL_STATUS=Statut global\u00a0:

# l10n: DETAILED_REPORT is a string which is used in HTML.  You should translate this
# as though it is a complete sentence, ignoring the {}'s (but they should be present in
# the translated string
#EN DETAILED_REPORT=Please see the {0}detailed summary report{1} for an overview of this session, \
#EN including {2}next steps{3} for using this installation.
DETAILED_REPORT=Veuillez consulter le {0}rapport d\u00e9taill\u00e9{1} pour obtenir une vue d'ensemble de cette session, notamment {2}les \u00e9tapes suivantes{3} pour utiliser cette installation.

# l10n: see notes above for details on how this string is used in the application
#EN LOGS_REPORT=Please see the {0}log file{1} for detailed information.
LOGS_REPORT=Pour plus d'informations, consultez le {0}fichier journal{1}

# This word is treated as a noun (plural) indicating where the log files are

# This is used as column headers in the summary table
# This is used as column headers in the summary table

# Junit test: localization strings
#EN TEST_MSG=This is a test message ....
TEST_MSG=Ce message est un test ....
#EN USER_VISIBLE_TEST_MSG=This is a test. Please ignore ...
USER_VISIBLE_TEST_MSG=Ceci est un test... Veuillez ne pas en tenir compte ...
#EN END_USER_TEST_MSG=Operation failed
END_USER_TEST_MSG=\u00c9chec de l'op\u00e9ration

#EN USER_MSG_TITLE={0} failed \n
USER_MSG_TITLE={0} a \u00e9chou\u00e9 \n
#EN USER_MSG_DESC={0} of package {1} did not complete
USER_MSG_DESC={0} du package {1} non effectu\u00e9
#EN USER_MSG_CAUSE=because path {0} to package {1} is invalid. \n
USER_MSG_CAUSE=car le chemin {0} du package {1} n''est pas valide. \n
#EN USER_MSG_RECO=Please correct the path {0} and try again.
USER_MSG_RECO=Corrigez le chemin {0} et r\u00e9essayez.

#EN USER_MSG1=Level 1 user message
USER_MSG1=Message utilisateur niveau 1
#EN USER_MSG2=Level 2 user message
USER_MSG2=Message utilisateur niveau 2
#EN USER_MSG3=Level 3 user message
USER_MSG3=Message utilisateur niveau 3
#EN LOGGABLE_TEST_MSG=This is a loggable msg.
LOGGABLE_TEST_MSG=Ce message est journalisable.
#EN TEST_OPERATION_FAILED=Test operation failed
TEST_OPERATION_FAILED=\u00c9chec de l'op\u00e9ration de test
#EN TEST_PKG_PATH_INVALID=\nReason : path to package is invalid
TEST_PKG_PATH_INVALID=\nRaison : le chemin d'acc\u00e8s au package n'est pas valide

#EN path=Path
#EN package=Package
#EN arg1=Operation
#EN arg2=task
#EN arg3=Package
#EN arg4=Path

#EN BEANSHELL_EVAL_ERROR=Beanshell evaluation error
BEANSHELL_EVAL_ERROR=Erreur d'\u00e9valuation Beanshell
#EN INVALID_UI_MODE=Invalid UI mode specified
INVALID_UI_MODE=Le mode IU indiqu\u00e9 n'est pas valide

## Junit test msgs
# L10N: Tee rest of this file does not need to be localized
#EN EE_MSG=This is an EnhancedException message
EE_MSG=Ceci est un message EnhancedException
#EN EE_LOGGED=Enhanced Exception logged: It is : {0}
EE_LOGGED=Exception am\u00e9lior\u00e9e consign\u00e9e : {0}
#EN EE_CONTEXT=This is additional context for Enhanced Exception
EE_CONTEXT=Contexte suppl\u00e9mentaire de l'exception am\u00e9lior\u00e9e
#EN TEST_PARAM=Test parameter passed is : {0}
TEST_PARAM=Param\u00e8tre de test transmis : {0}
#EN TEST_ARGS=Test args are : {0} and {1}
TEST_ARGS=Arguments de test : {0} et {1}
#EN LOG_TEST=Logging Test
LOG_TEST=Test de journalisation
#EN FORMAT_TEST=Format method Test
FORMAT_TEST=Test de m\u00e9thode Format
UNIFORM_LOG_FORMAT_TEST=Test de format de journal uniforme
#EN ULF_ARGS=Arguments are {0} and {1}
ULF_ARGS=Arguments : {0} et {1}
#EN LEVEL_1_EE_MSG=Level 1 EnhancedException message
LEVEL_1_EE_MSG=Message EnhancedException niveau 1
#EN LEVEL_1_EE_CONTEXT=Level 1 EnhancedException context
LEVEL_1_EE_CONTEXT=Contexte EnhancedException niveau 1
#EN LEVEL_2_EE_CONTEXT=Level 2 EnhancedException context
LEVEL_2_EE_CONTEXT=Contexte EnhancedException niveau 2
#EN LEVEL_3_EE_CONTEXT=Level 3 EnhancedException context
LEVEL_3_EE_CONTEXT=Contexte EnhancedException niveau 3
#EN EXCEP_MSG1=This is a RuntimeException message
EXCEP_MSG1=Ceci est un message RuntimeException...
#EN key1=Key1
#EN key2=Key2
#EN key3=Key3
#EN key4=Key4
#EN UNEXPECTED_PROCESSING_MODE=Unexpected processing mode
UNEXPECTED_PROCESSING_MODE=Mode de traitement inattendu

# Product Selection Page labels
ADD_BUTTON_LABEL=S\u00e9lectionner >
ADD_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL=Tout s\u00e9lectionner >>
REMOVE_BUTTON_LABEL=< D\u00e9s\u00e9lectionner
REMOVE_ALL_BUTTON_LABEL=<Please make your product selections
PSP_INTRO_TEXT=<html>Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner les produits
#EN SKIP_AND_SHOW_MODES_CONFLICT=Skip and show modes for a page conflict with each other
SKIP_AND_SHOW_MODES_CONFLICT=Conflit entre modes saut et affichage d'une page
# System Resources Page labels and messages

#EN CAN_NOT_PARSE_PAGE_SHOW_CONDITION=The page show condition is malformed.
CAN_NOT_PARSE_PAGE_SHOW_CONDITION=La condition d'affichage de la page n'est pas conforme.
#EN CANNOT_GET_PKG_INFO=Can not get package information
CANNOT_GET_PKG_INFO=Impossible d'obtenir les informations du package
#EN CANNOT_GET_SIMS_RPM_INFO=Can not get SIMS RPM information
CANNOT_GET_SIMS_RPM_INFO=Impossible d'obtenir les informations RPM SIMS
#EN CANNOT_SET_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS=Can not set directory permissions
CANNOT_SET_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS=Impossible de d\u00e9finir les autorisations de r\u00e9pertoire

#EN PASSWORDS_DONOT_MATCH=Entered passwords must match
PASSWORDS_DONOT_MATCH=Les mots de passe saisis doivent concorder

#Registration Related.
#EN REGISTRATION_USE_EXISTING_SUCCESSFUL=Product successfully registered with the given Account.
REGISTRATION_USE_EXISTING_SUCCESSFUL=Le produit a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9 sur le compte indiqu\u00e9.
#EN REGISTRATION_FAILURE=Product registration failed.
REGISTRATION_FAILURE=\u00c9chec de l'enregistrement du produit
#EN INSTALLATION_TITLE=GlassFish Installation Program.
INSTALLATION_TITLE=Programme d'installation GlassFish.
#EN REGISTRATION_CREATE_NEWACCT_SUCCESSFUL=Account created and product registered successfully.
REGISTRATION_CREATE_NEWACCT_SUCCESSFUL=Le compte a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9 et le produit a \u00e9t\u00e9 enregistr\u00e9.

#EN PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE=Port is out of range
PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE=Le port est hors plage
#EN PORT_NOT_NUMERIC=Port is not a number
PORT_NOT_NUMERIC=Le port n''est pas un nombre
#EN PORT_OCCUPIED=Port is currently occupied
PORT_OCCUPIED=Le port est actuellement occup\u00e9
HOST_NAME_CANNOT_BE_FOUND_WARNING=Le nom d''h\u00f4te n''a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9
#EN PORTS_HAVE_SAME_VALUE=Admin port and HTTP port cannot have the same value
PORTS_HAVE_SAME_VALUE=Le port d''administration et le port HTTP ne peuvent pas poss\u00e9der la m\u00eame valeur

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Glassfish source code file:

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