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Glassfish example source code file (

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class, class, collection, collection, object, object, persistencemanager, persistencemanagerfactory, properties, query, query, string, transaction, util

The Glassfish source code

 * Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
 * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
 * obtain a copy of the License at
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 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
 * file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
 * GPL Classpath Exception:
 * Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
 * exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
 * file that accompanied this code.
 * Modifications:
 * If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
 * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
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 * Created on February 25, 2000
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.lang.Class;

/** PersistenceManager is the primary interface for JDO-aware application
 * components.  It is the factory for Query and Transaction instances,
 * and contains methods to manage the life cycle of PersistenceCapable
 * instances.
 * <P>A PersistenceManager is obtained from the
 * {@link PersistenceManagerFactory}
 * (recommended) or by construction.
 * @author Craig Russell
 * @version 0.1

public interface PersistenceManager 
    /** A PersistenceManager instance can be used until it is closed.
   * @return if this PersistenceManager has been closed
   * @see #close()
  boolean isClosed();
    /** A PersistenceManager instance can be used until it is closed.
     * <P>This method closes the PersistenceManager, which if pooled, releases it
     * to the pool of available PersistenceManagers.
    void close();

    /** There is exactly one Transaction associated with a PersistenceManager.
     * @return the Transaction associated with this
     * PersistenceManager.
    Transaction currentTransaction();

    /** Create a new Query with no elements.
     * @return a new Query instance with no elements.
    Query newQuery();
    /** Create a new Query using elements from another Query.  The other Query
     * must have been created by the same JDO implementation.  It might be active
     * in a different PersistenceManager or might have been serialized and
     * restored.
     * @return the new Query
     * @param compiled another Query from the same JDO implementation
    Query newQuery(Object compiled);
    /** Create a new Query specifying the Class of the candidate instances.
     * @param cls the Class of the candidate instances
     * @return the new Query
    Query newQuery(Class cls);
    /** Create a new Query with the Class of the candidate instances and candidate Collection.
     * specified.
     * @param cls the Class of the candidate instances
     * @param cln the Collection of candidate instances
     * @return the new Query
    Query newQuery(Class cls,Collection cln);
    /** Create a new Query with the Class of the candidate instances and Filter.
     * specified.
     * @param cls the Class of the candidate instances
     * @param filter the Filter for candidate instances
     * @return the new Query
    Query newQuery (Class cls, String filter);
    /** Create a new Query with the Class of the candidate instances, candidate Collection,
     * and Filter.
     * @param cls the Class of the candidate instances
     * @param cln the Collection of candidate instances
     * @param filter the Filter for candidate instances
     * @return the new Query
    Query newQuery (Class cls, Collection cln, String filter);
    /** The PersistenceManager may manage a collection of instances in the data
     * store based on the class of the instances.  This method returns a
     * Collection of instances in the data store that might be iterated or
     * given to a Query as the Collection of candidate instances.
     * @param persistenceCapableClass Class of instances
     * @param subclasses whether to include instances of subclasses
     * @return a Collection of instances
     * @see Query
    Collection getExtent(Class persistenceCapableClass,boolean subclasses);

    /** This method locates a persistent instance in the cache of instances
     * managed by this PersistenceManager.  If an instance with the same ObjectId
     * is found it is returned.  Otherwise, a new instance is created and
     * associated with the ObjectId.
     * <P>If the instance does not exist in the data store, then this method will
     * not fail.  However, a request to access fields of the instance will
     * throw an exception.
     * @param oid an ObjectId
     * @return the PersistenceCapable instance with the specified
     * ObjectId
    Object getObjectById(Object oid);
    /** The ObjectId returned by this method represents the JDO identity of
     * the instance.  The ObjectId is a copy (clone) of the internal state
     * of the instance, and changing it does not affect the JDO identity of
     * the instance.
     * @param pc the PersistenceCapable instance
     * @return the ObjectId of the instance
    Object getObjectId(Object pc);
    /** This method is used to get a PersistenceCapable instance
     * representing the same data store object as the parameter, that is valid
     * for this PersistenceManager.
     * @param pc a PersistenceCapable instance
     * @return the PersistenceCapable instance representing the
     * same data store object
    Object getTransactionalInstance(Object pc);
    /** Make the transient instance persistent in this PersistenceManager.
     * This method must be called in an active transaction.
     * The PersistenceManager assigns an ObjectId to the instance and
     * transitions it to persistent-new.
     * The instance will be managed in the Extent associated with its Class.
     * The instance will be put into the data store at commit.
     * @param pc a transient instance of a Class that implements
     * PersistenceCapable
    void makePersistent(Object pc);
    /** Make an array of instances persistent.
     * @param pcs an array of transient instances
     * @see #makePersistent(Object pc)
    void makePersistent(Object[] pcs);
    /** Make a Collection of instances persistent.
     * @param pcs a Collection of transient instances
     * @see #makePersistent(Object pc)
    void makePersistent (Collection pcs);
    /** Delete the persistent instance from the data store.
     * This method must be called in an active transaction.
     * The data store object will be removed at commit.
     * Unlike makePersistent, which makes the closure of the instance persistent,
     * the closure of the instance is not deleted from the data store.
     * This method has no effect if the instance is already deleted in the
     * current transaction.
     * This method throws an exception if the instance is transient or is managed by another
     * PersistenceManager.
     * @param pc a persistent instance
    void deletePersistent(Object pc);
    /** Delete an array of instances from the data store.
     * @param pcs a Collection of persistent instances
     * @see #deletePersistent(Object pc)
    void deletePersistent (Object[] pcs);
    /** Delete a Collection of instances from the data store.
     * @param pcs a Collection of persistent instances
     * @see #deletePersistent(Object pc)
    void deletePersistent (Collection pcs);
    /** This method returns the PersistenceManagerFactory used to create
     * this PersistenceManager.  It returns null if this instance was
     * created via a constructor.
     * @return the PersistenceManagerFactory that created
     * this PersistenceManager
    PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory();
    /** The application can manage the PersistenceManager instances
     * more easily by having an application object associated with each
     * PersistenceManager instance.
     * @param o the user instance to be remembered by the PersistenceManager
     * @see #getUserObject
    void setUserObject(Object o);
    /** The application can manage the PersistenceManager instances
     * more easily by having an application object associated with each
     * PersistenceManager instance.
     * @return the user object associated with this PersistenceManager
     * @see #setUserObject
    Object getUserObject();
    /** The JDO vendor might store certain non-operational properties and
     * make those properties available to applications (for troubleshooting).
     * <P>Standard properties include:
     * <li>VendorName
     * <li>VersionNumber
     * @return the Properties of this PersistenceManager
    Properties getProperties();
    /** In order for the application to construct instance of the ObjectId class
     * it needs to know the class being used by the JDO implementation.
     * @param cls the PersistenceCapable Class
     * @return the Class of the ObjectId of the parameter
    Class getObjectIdClass(Class cls);

     * Returns a new Second Class Object instance of the type specified, 
     * with the owner and field name to notify upon changes to the value 
     * of any of its fields. If a collection class is created, then the 
     * class does not restrict the element types, and allows nulls to be added as elements.
     * @param type Class of the new SCO instance
     * @param owner the owner to notify upon changes
     * @param fieldName the field to notify upon changes 
     * @return the object of the class type
    Object newSCOInstance (Class type, Object owner, String fieldName);

     * Returns a new Collection instance of the type specified, with the 
     * owner and field name to notify upon changes to the value of any of its fields. 
     * The collection class restricts the element types allowed to the elementType or 
     * instances assignable to the elementType, and allows nulls to be added as 
     * elements based on the setting of allowNulls. The Collection has an initial size 
     * as specified by the initialSize parameter.
     * @param type Class of the new SCO instance 
     * @param owner the owner to notify upon changes 
     * @param fieldName the field to notify upon changes  
     * @param elementType the element types allowed
     * @param allowNulls true if allowed
     * @param initialSize initial size of the Collection
     * @return the object of the class type 
    Object newCollectionInstance (Class type, Object owner, String fieldName, 
		Class elementType, boolean allowNulls, int initialSize);

    /** This method locates a persistent instance in the cache of instances
     * managed by this <code>PersistenceManager.
     * The <code>getObjectById method attempts
     * to find an instance in the cache with the specified JDO identity.
     * The <code>oid parameter object might have been returned by an earlier call
     * to <code>getObjectId or might have been constructed by the application.
     * <P>If the PersistenceManager is unable to resolve the oid parameter
     * to an ObjectId instance, then it throws a <code>JDOUserException.
     * <P>If the validate flag is false, and there is already an instance in the
     * cache with the same JDO identity as the <code>oid parameter, then this method
     * returns it. There is no change made to the state of the returned
     * instance.
     * <P>If there is not an instance already in the cache with the same JDO
     * identity as the <code>oid parameter, then this method creates an instance
     * with the specified JDO identity and returns it. If there is no
     * transaction in progress, the returned instance will be hollow or
     * persistent-nontransactional, at the choice of the implementation.
     * <P>If there is a transaction in progress, the returned instance will
     * be hollow, persistent-nontransactional, or persistent-clean, at the
     * choice of the implementation.
     * <P>It is an implementation decision whether to access the data store,
     * if required to determine the exact class. This will be the case of
     * inheritance, where multiple <code>PersistenceCapable classes share the
     * same ObjectId class.
     * <P>If the validate flag is false, and the instance does not exist in
     * the data store, then this method might not fail. It is an
     * implementation choice whether to fail immediately with a
     * <code>JDODataStoreException. But a subsequent access of the fields of the
     * instance will throw a <code>JDODataStoreException if the instance does not
     * exist at that time. Further, if a relationship is established to this
     * instance, then the transaction in which the association was made will
     * fail.
     * <P>If the validate flag is true, and there is already a transactional
     * instance in the cache with the same JDO identity as the <code>oid parameter,
     * then this method returns it. There is no change made to the state of
     * the returned instance.
     * <P>If there is an instance already in the cache with the same JDO
     * identity as the <code>oid parameter, but the instance is not transactional,
     * then it must be verified in the data store. If the instance does not
     * exist in the datastore, then a <code>JDODataStoreException is thrown.
     * <P>If there is not an instance already in the cache with the same JDO
     * identity as the <code>oid parameter, then this method creates an instance
     * with the specified JDO identity, verifies that it exists in the data
     * store, and returns it. If there is no transaction in progress, the
     * returned instance will be hollow or persistent-nontransactional,
     * at the choice of the implementation.
     * <P>If there is a data store transaction in progress, the returned
     * instance will be persistent-clean.
     * If there is an optimistic transaction in progress, the returned
     * instance will be persistent-nontransactional.
     * @see #getObjectId(Object pc)
     * @see #getObjectById(Object oid)
     * @return the <code>PersistenceCapable instance with the specified ObjectId
     * @param oid an ObjectId
     * @param validate if the existence of the instance is to be validated
    Object getObjectById (Object oid, boolean validate);

     * Returns the boolean value of the supersedeDeletedInstance flag
     * for this PersistenceManager. If set to true, deleted instances are
     * allowed to be replaced with persistent-new instances with the equal
     * Object Id.
     * @return      boolean supersedeDeletedInstance flag
    boolean getSupersedeDeletedInstance ();
     * Sets the supersedeDeletedInstance flag for this PersistenceManager.
     * @param flag          boolean supersedeDeletedInstance flag
    void setSupersedeDeletedInstance (boolean flag);

     * Returns the boolean value of the requireCopyObjectId flag
     * for this PersistenceManager. If set to false, the PersistenceManager
     * does not create a copy of an ObjectId for <code>PersistenceManager.getObjectId(Object pc)
     * and <code>PersistenceManager.getObjectById(Object oid) requests.
     * @see #getObjectId(Object pc)
     * @see #getObjectById(Object oid)
     * @return      boolean requireCopyObjectId flag
    boolean getRequireCopyObjectId();

     * Sets the requireCopyObjectId flag for this PersistenceManager.
     * If set to false, the PersistenceManager will not create a copy of
     * an ObjectId for <code>PersistenceManager.getObjectId(Object pc)
     * and <code>PersistenceManager.getObjectById(Object oid) requests.
     * @see #getObjectId(Object pc)
     * @see #getObjectById(Object oid)
     * @param flag          boolean requireCopyObjectId flag
    void setRequireCopyObjectId (boolean flag);

     * Returns the boolean value of the requireTrackedSCO flag
     * for this PersistenceManager. If set to false, the PersistenceManager
     * will not create tracked SCO instances for new persistent instances at 
     * commit with retainValues set to true and while retrieving data from a datastore. 
     * @return      boolean requireTrackedSCO flag
    boolean getRequireTrackedSCO();

     * Sets the requireTrackedSCO flag for this PersistenceManager.
     * If set to false, the PersistenceManager will not create tracked
     * SCO instances for new persistent instances at commit with retainValues 
     * set to true and while retrieving data from a datastore.
     * @param flag          boolean requireTrackedSCO flag
    void setRequireTrackedSCO (boolean flag);


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