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Glassfish example source code file (

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Java - Glassfish tags/keywords

bitset, bitset, hashmap, jacc, jacc, log, logging, mapvalue, methodvalue, methodvalue, permission, permissions, pt_prefix, security, string, string, util, webpermissionutil

The Glassfish source code

 * Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * GPL Classpath Exception:
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import java.util.*;

import java.util.logging.*; 
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;

import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.web.*;
 * This class is used for generating Web permissions based on the 
 * deployment descriptor.
 * @author Harpreet Singh
 * @author Jean-Francois Arcand
 * @author Ron Monzillo
public class WebPermissionUtil {

    static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LogDomains.SECURITY_LOGGER);
    public WebPermissionUtil() {
    /* changed to order default pattern / below extension */
    private static final int PT_DEFAULT      = 0;
    private static final int PT_EXTENSION    = 1;
    private static final int PT_PREFIX	     = 2;
    private static final int PT_EXACT 	     = 3;
    static int patternType(Object urlPattern) {
	String pattern = urlPattern.toString();
	if (pattern.startsWith("*.")) return PT_EXTENSION;
	else if (pattern.startsWith("/") && pattern.endsWith("/*")) 
	    return PT_PREFIX;
	else if (pattern.equals("/")) return PT_DEFAULT;
	else return PT_EXACT;

    static boolean implies(String pattern, String path) {

        // Check for exact match
        if (pattern.equals(path))
            return (true);

        // Check for path prefix matching
        if (pattern.startsWith("/") && pattern.endsWith("/*")) {
            pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 2);

	    int length = pattern.length();

            if (length == 0) return (true);  // "/*" is the same as "/"

	    return (path.startsWith(pattern) && 
		    (path.length() == length || 

        // Check for suffix matching
        if (pattern.startsWith("*.")) {
            int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
            int period = path.lastIndexOf('.');
            if ((slash >= 0) && (period > slash) &&
                path.endsWith(pattern.substring(1))) {
                return (true);
            return (false);

        // Check for universal mapping
        if (pattern.equals("/"))
            return (true);

        return (false);

    public static HashMap parseConstraints(WebBundleDescriptor wbd)
      if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
	  logger.entering("WebPermissionUtil", "parseConstraints");

      Set<Role> roleSet = wbd.getRoles();

      HashMap<String, MapValue> qpMap = new HashMap();

      // bootstrap the map with the default pattern;
      qpMap.put("/", new MapValue("/"));

      //Enumerate over security constraints
      Enumeration<SecurityConstraint> esc = wbd.getSecurityConstraints();
      while (esc.hasMoreElements()) {
	  if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
	      logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint translation: begin parsing security constraint");

	  SecurityConstraint sc = esc.nextElement();
	  AuthorizationConstraint ac = sc.getAuthorizationConstraint();
	  UserDataConstraint udc = sc.getUserDataConstraint();

	  // Enumerate over collections of URLPatterns within constraint
	  for (WebResourceCollection wrc: sc.getWebResourceCollections()) {

	      if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
		  logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint translation: begin parsing web resource collection");

	      // Enumerate over URLPatterns within collection
	      for (String url: wrc.getUrlPatterns()) {
                  if (url != null) {
 		      // FIX TO BE CONFIRMED: encode all colons
 		      url = url.replaceAll(":","%3A");

		  if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
		      logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint translation: process url: "+url);

		  // determine if pattern is already in map
		  MapValue mValue = qpMap.get(url);

		  // apply new patterns to map
		  if (mValue == null) {
		      mValue = new MapValue(url);

		      //Iterate over patterns in map
		      for(Map.Entry<String, MapValue> qpVal:qpMap.entrySet()) {

			  String otherUrl = qpVal.getKey();

			  int otherUrlType = patternType(otherUrl);
			  switch(patternType(url)) {

			      // if the new url/pattern is a path-prefix 
			      // pattern, it must be qualified by every 
			      // different (from it) path-prefix pattern 
			      // (in the map) that is implied by the new 
			      // pattern, and every exact pattern (in the map)
			      // that is implied by the new url.
			      // Also, the new pattern  must be added as a 
			      // qualifier of the default pattern, and every 
			      // extension pattern (existing in the map), and 
			      // of every different path-prefix pattern that 
			      // implies the new pattern.
			      // Note that we know that the new pattern does
			      // not exist in the map, thus we know that the
			      // new pattern is different from any existing
			      // path prefix pattern.
			      case PT_PREFIX:
				  if ((otherUrlType == PT_PREFIX || 
				      otherUrlType == PT_EXACT) &&
				  else if (otherUrlType == PT_PREFIX &&
				  else if (otherUrlType == PT_EXTENSION ||
				       otherUrlType == PT_DEFAULT)

			      // if the new pattern is an extension pattern,
			      // it must be qualified by every path-prefix
			      // pattern (in the map), and every exact
			      // pattern (in the map) that is implied by
			      // the new pattern.
			      // Also, it must be added as a qualifier of
			      // the defualt pattern, if it exists in the
			      // map.
			      case PT_EXTENSION:
				  if (otherUrlType == PT_PREFIX || 
				       (otherUrlType == PT_EXACT &&

				  else if (otherUrlType == PT_DEFAULT)

			      // if the new pattern is the default pattern
			      // it must be qualified by every other pattern
			      // in the map.
			      case PT_DEFAULT:
				  if (otherUrlType != PT_DEFAULT) 

			      // if the new pattern is an exact pattern, it
			      // is not be qualified, but it must be added as 
			      // as a qualifier to the default pattern, and to
			      // every path-prefix or extension pattern (in 
			      // the map) that implies the new pattern.
			      case PT_EXACT:
				  if ((otherUrlType == PT_PREFIX || 
				       otherUrlType == PT_EXTENSION) &&
				  else if (otherUrlType == PT_DEFAULT)

		      // add the new pattern and its pattern spec to the map
		      qpMap.put(url, mValue);


		  String[] methodNames = wrc.getHttpMethodsAsArray();
		  BitSet methods = MethodValue.methodArrayToSet(methodNames);

		  BitSet omittedMethods = null;

		  if (methods.isEmpty()) {
		      String[] omittedNames = 
		      omittedMethods = 

		  // note that an empty omitted method set is used to represent
		  // the set of all http methods


		  if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
		      logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint translation: end processing url: "+url);

	      if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
		  logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint translation: end parsing web resource collection");
	  if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
	      logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint translation: end parsing security constraint");

      if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){

        return qpMap;

    static void handleExcluded(Permissions collection, MapValue m, String name) {
	String actions = null;
	BitSet excludedMethods = m.getExcludedMethods();
	if (m.otherConstraint.isExcluded()) {
	    BitSet methods = m.getMethodSet();
	    if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
		actions = "!" + MethodValue.getActions(methods);
	} else if (!excludedMethods.isEmpty()) { 
	    actions = MethodValue.getActions(excludedMethods);
	} else {

	collection.add(new WebResourcePermission(name,actions));
	collection.add(new WebUserDataPermission(name,actions));

	if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
	    logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint capture: adding excluded methods: "+ actions);

    static Permissions addToRoleMap(HashMap<String, Permissions> map,
				    String roleName, Permission p) {
        Permissions collection = map.get(roleName);
	if (collection == null) {
	    collection = new Permissions();
	if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
	    logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint capture: adding methods to role: "+ roleName+" methods: " + p.getActions());
	return collection;
    static void handleRoles(HashMap<String,Permissions> map, MapValue m, 
			    String name) {
	HashMap<String,BitSet> rMap = m.getRoleMap();
	List<String> roleList = null;
	// handle the roles for the omitted methods
	if (!m.otherConstraint.isExcluded() && m.otherConstraint.isAuthConstrained()) {
	    roleList = m.otherConstraint.roleList;
	    for (String roleName : roleList) {
         	BitSet methods = m.getMethodSet();
		//reduce ommissions for explicit methods granted to role  
		BitSet roleMethods = rMap.get(roleName);
		if (roleMethods != null) {
		String actions = null;
		if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
		    actions = "!" + MethodValue.getActions(methods);
		addToRoleMap(map,roleName,new WebResourcePermission(name,actions)); 
	//handle explicit methods, skip roles that were handled above 
	BitSet methods = m.getMethodSet();
	if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
	    for (Map.Entry<String,BitSet> rval:rMap.entrySet()) {
		String roleName = rval.getKey();
		if (roleList == null || !roleList.contains(roleName)) {
		    BitSet roleMethods = rval.getValue();
		    if (!roleMethods.isEmpty()) {
			String actions = MethodValue.getActions(roleMethods);
		    	addToRoleMap(map,roleName,new WebResourcePermission(name,actions));

    static void handleNoAuth(Permissions collection, MapValue m, 
			     String name) {
	String actions = null;
	BitSet noAuthMethods = m.getNoAuthMethods();
	if (!m.otherConstraint.isAuthConstrained()) {
	    BitSet methods = m.getMethodSet();
	    if (!methods.isEmpty()) {
		actions = "!" + MethodValue.getActions(methods);
	} else if (!noAuthMethods.isEmpty()) { 
	    actions = MethodValue.getActions(noAuthMethods);
	} else {

	collection.add(new WebResourcePermission(name,actions));

	if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
	    logger.log(Level.FINE,"JACC: constraint capture: adding unchecked (for authorization) methods: "+ actions);

    static void handleConnections(Permissions collection, MapValue m, 
				  String name) {
	BitSet allConnectMethods = null;
	boolean allConnectAtOther = m.otherConstraint.isConnectAllowed

	for (int i=0; i<ConstraintValue.connectKeys.length; i++) {

	    String actions = null;
	    String transport = ConstraintValue.connectKeys[i];

	    BitSet connectMethods = m.getConnectMap(1<();
	for (int i=0; i<connectKeys.length; i++)
	    connectHash.put(connectKeys[i], Integer.valueOf(1<();
    int connectSet;

    ConstraintValue() {
	excluded = false;
	ignoreRoleList = false;
	//roleList = new ArrayList<String>();
	connectSet = 0;
    static boolean bitIsSet(int map , int bit) {
        return (map & bit) == bit ? true : false;

    void setRole(String role) {
	synchronized(roleList) {
	    if (!roleList.contains(role)) {

    void setPredefinedOutcome(boolean outcome) {
	if (!outcome) {
	    excluded = true;
	} else {
	    ignoreRoleList = true;

    void addConnectType(String guarantee) {
	int b = ConnectTypeNone;
	if (guarantee != null) {
	    Integer bit = connectHash.get(guarantee);
	    if (bit == null) 
		throw new IllegalArgumentException
		    ("constraint translation error-illegal trx guarantee");
	    b = bit.intValue();

	connectSet |= b;

    boolean isExcluded() {
	return excluded;

    /* ignoreRoleList is true if  there was a security-constraint
     * without an auth-constraint; such a constraint combines to
     * allow access without authentication.
    boolean isAuthConstrained() {
	if (excluded) {
	    return true;
	} else if (ignoreRoleList || roleList.isEmpty()) {
	    return false;
	return true;

    boolean isTransportConstrained() {
	if (excluded || (connectSet != 0 &&
			 !bitIsSet(connectSet,ConnectTypeNone))) {
	    return true;
	return false;

    boolean isConnectAllowed(int cType) {
	if (!excluded && (connectSet == 0 ||
			  bitIsSet(connectSet,ConnectTypeNone) ||
			  bitIsSet(connectSet,cType))) {
	    return true;
	return false;

    void setOutcome(Set<Role> roleSet,
		    AuthorizationConstraint ac, UserDataConstraint udc) {
	if (ac == null) {
	} else {
	    Enumeration eroles = ac.getSecurityRoles();
	    if (!eroles.hasMoreElements()) {
	    else while (eroles.hasMoreElements()) {
		SecurityRoleDescriptor srd = 
		String roleName = srd.getName();
		if ("*".equals(roleName)) {
		    Iterator it = roleSet.iterator();
		    while(it.hasNext()) {
		} else {
	addConnectType(udc == null? null :  udc.getTransportGuarantee());

	if (WebPermissionUtil.logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
		(Level.FINE,"JACC: setOutcome yields: " + toString());


    void setValue(ConstraintValue constraint) {
	excluded = constraint.excluded;
	ignoreRoleList = constraint.ignoreRoleList;
	Iterator rit = constraint.roleList.iterator();
	while(rit.hasNext()) {
	    String role = (String);
	connectSet = constraint.connectSet;

    public String toString() {
	StringBuilder roles =new StringBuilder(" roles: ");
	Iterator rit = roleList.iterator();
	while(rit.hasNext()) {
	    roles.append(" ").append((String);
	StringBuilder transports = new StringBuilder("transports: ");
	for (int i=0; i<connectKeys.length; i++) {
	    if (isConnectAllowed(1<();

        synchronized (methodValues) {

            Collection<MethodValue> values = methodValues.values();

            for (MethodValue v : values) {
                if (!v.isExcluded() && v.isAuthConstrained()) {
                    for (String role : v.roleList) {
                        BitSet methodSet = roleMap.get(role);

                        if (methodSet == null) {
                            methodSet = new BitSet();
                            roleMap.put(role, methodSet);


        return roleMap;

    BitSet getConnectMap(int cType) {
        BitSet methodSet = new BitSet();

        synchronized (methodValues) {

            Collection<MethodValue> values = methodValues.values();
            for (MethodValue v : values) {
                 * NOTE WELL: prior version of this method
                 * could not be called during constraint parsing
                 * because it finalized the connectSet when its
                 * value was 0 (indicating any connection, until
                 * some specific bit is set)
                if (v.connectSet == 0) {
                v.connectSet = MethodValue.connectTypeNone;


                if (v.isConnectAllowed(cType)) {

        return methodSet;

    BitSet getMethodSet() {
        BitSet methodSet = new BitSet();

        synchronized (methodValues) {

            Collection<MethodValue> values = methodValues.values();
            for (MethodValue v : values) {

        return methodSet;

    void setMethodOutcomes(Set<Role> roleSet,
			   AuthorizationConstraint ac, UserDataConstraint udc, 
			   BitSet methods,BitSet omittedMethods) {

	if (omittedMethods != null) {
	    // get the ommitted methodSet
	    BitSet methodsInMap = getMethodSet();

	    BitSet saved = (BitSet) omittedMethods.clone();

	    // determine methods being newly omitted

	    // create values for newly omitted, init from otherConstraint
	    for (int i = omittedMethods.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; 
		 i = omittedMethods.nextSetBit(i+1)) {
	    //combine this constraint into constraint on all other methods


	    // recursive call to combine constraint into prior omitted methods 
	} else {

	    for (int i = methods.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; 
		 i = methods.nextSetBit(i+1)){
		// create values (and init from otherConstraint) if not in map
		// then combine with this constraint.

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

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