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Glassfish example source code file (

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The Glassfish source code

# Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
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# holder.

# Common iAS security messages.
security.exception=SEC1000: Caught exception.
security.secmgron=SEC1001: Security Manager is ON.
security.secmgroff=SEC1002: Security Manager is OFF.
security.secmgr.could.not.override=SEC1003: Could not override SecurityManager.

#Security Service messages
sec.service.startup.enter=SEC1010: Entering Security Startup Service
sec.service.startup.exit=SEC1011: Security Service(s) Started Successfully

# General login processing messages: start 1050
certlogin.badrealm=SEC1050: Certificate authentication requires certificate realm. Check server configuration.

# Realms and Login Modules: start at 1100

realmconfig.disable=SEC1100: Disabled realm [{0}] due to errors.
realmconfig.nogood=SEC1101: No realms available. Authentication services disabled.
realmconfig.noctx=SEC1102: Incomplete configuration, login module not specified.
iasrealm.noauth=SEC1103: No AuthenticationHandler available for this realm.
passwordlm.nocreds=SEC1104: Error while obtaining private subject credentials.
passwordlm.nopwdcred=SEC1105: A PasswordCredential was required but not provided.
ldaprealm.searcherror=SEC1106: Error during LDAP search with filter [{0}].
filerealm.readerror=SEC1109: Error reading file realm data.
certrealm.nojaas=SEC1110: JAAS context requested from certificate realm. Configuration error is likely.
jdbcrealm.grouperror=SEC1111: Cannot load group for JDBC realm user [{0}].
jdbcrealm.invaliduser=SEC1112: Cannot validate user [{0}] for JDBC realm.
ldaprealm.exception=SEC1113: Exception in LdapRealm when trying to authenticate user.
ldaprealm.groupsearcherror=SEC1114: Exception in LdapRealm when trying to locate groups for user.
realm.loaded.successfully=SEC1115: Realm [{0}] of classtype [{1}] successfully created.
cannot.locate.realm.class=SEC1116: Unable to locate Realm class [{0}]
realm.updated.successfully=SEC1117: Realm [{0}] successfully updated.
ldaprealm.pwd.dealiasing.failed=SEC1118: Error while de-aliasing the aliased password

# Audit: start at 1120
audit.badinit=SEC1120: Error reading audit configuration.
audit.enabled=SEC1122: Audit enabled.
audit.string_private_audit=SEC1123: Audit: principal=
# Note- these are partial strings, no message code.
audit.denied= DENIED
audit.ok= OK
audit.methodname= method=
audit.session= session=

# Programmatic Login: start at 1130
proglogin.noperm=SEC1130: Code does not have permission to invoke programmatic login mechanism.
prologout.noperm=SEC1131: Code does not have permission to invoke programmatic logout mechanism.
prologin.web.badclass=SEC1132: Bad runtime object type. Programmatic login failed.
prologin.web.badcall=SEC1133: Application does not have permission to call web programmatic login.

# JACC and policy: start at 1140
policy.propoverride=SEC1140: Policy provider configuration overridden by property {0} with value {1}
policy.nosuchname=SEC1141: Requested jacc-provider [{0}] is not configured in domain.xml.
policy.errorreading=SEC1142: Error while reading policy-provider in domain.xml.
policy.loading=SEC1143: Loading policy provider {0}.
policy.installerror=SEC1144: Error while installing policy provider: 
policy.notloading=SEC1145: No policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation.
policy.factoryoverride=SEC1146: Policy configuration factory overridden by property {0} with value {1}
policy.nofactory=SEC1147: Policy configuration factory not defined.
policy.configure=SEC1148: Cannot load policy file for Application.
# JMAC: start at 1200 : The JASPIC Provider Framework has some of these, need to cleanup
jmac.unexpandedproperty=SEC1200: Unable to expand provider property value, unexpanded value passed to provider.
jmac.loginfail=SEC1201: Login failed for user: {0}
jmac.unsupportreadprinciple=SEC1202: No support to read Principals in SecretKeyCallback.
jmac.factory_unable_to_load_provider=SEC1203: GFAuthConfigFactory unable to load Provider: {0}, reason: {1}
jmac.factory_auth_config_loader_failure=SEC1204: GFAuthConfigFactory loader failure.
jmac.factory_cannot_write_file=SEC1205: Cannot write to file {0}. Updated provider list will not be persisted.
jmac.factory_could_not_persist=SEC1206: Could not persist updated provider list due to {0},  Will use default providers when reloaded.
jmac.factory_could_not_read=SEC1207: Could not read auth configuration file due to {0} Will use default providers.
jmac.factory_file_not_found=SEC1208: Configuration file does not exist at {0}. Will use default providers.
jmac.provider_unable_load_authmodule=SEC1209: GFAuthConfigProvider is unable to load AuthModule: {0}, reason: {1}

# WS Security: start at 2000
ws.process_request=SEC2000: Container-auth: ServletSystemHandlerDelegate: processRequest.
ws.process_response=SEC2001: Container-auth: ServletSystemHandlerDelegate: processResponse.
ws.error_validate_request=SEC2002: Container-auth: wss: Error validating request 
ws.error_secure_response=SEC2003: Container-auth: wss: Error securing response 
ws.error_secure_request=SEC2004: Container-auth: wss: Error securing request
ws.error_validate_response=SEC2005: Container-auth: wss: Error validating response
ws.error_not_soap=SEC2006: Container-auth: wss: Not a SOAP message context.

# Existing RI: start at 5001
java_security.unknown_credential=SEC5019:ERROR: Unknown credential provided. Class: [{0}]
java_security.anonymous_role_reading_exception=SEC5022: Error reading anonymous role.
java_security.retrieving_group_membership_exception=SEC5023: Exception retrieving group membership for [{0}] 
java_security.credential_exception=SEC5024: Exception getting security credential 
java_security.gen_security_context=SEC5026: Exception generating security context 
java_security.KeyStore_load_exception=SEC5028: Exception loading keystore
java_security.KeyStore_store_exception=SEC5029: Exception storing keystore
java_security.provider_exception=SEC5030: Exception loading security provider
java_security.getName_exception=SEC5031: Exception getting security provider name 
java_security.main_exception=SEC5032: Security main exception
java_security.create_realms_exception=SEC5034: Exception creating security realm
java_security.realm_manager_exception=SEC5035: Exception in security realm manager
java_security.security_context_exception=SEC5036: Exception in getting security context
java_security.principal_configuration_exception=SEC5037: Exception configuring security principal
java_security.default_user_login_Exception=SEC5038: Default user login exception.
java_security.name_password_entry_exception=SEC5039: Exception entering name and password for security
java_security.initkeystore_exception=SEC5040: Exception initing keystore 
java_security.realm_initialization_exception=SEC5041: Exception initializing security realm
java_security.realm_instantiation_exception=SEC5042: Exception instantiating security realm
java_security.accesscontroller_action_exception=SEC5043: Exception in security accesscontroller action
java_security.login_exception=SEC5044:Security login exception
java_security.audit_auth_refused=SEC5046: Audit: Authentication refused for [{0}].
java_security.audit_auth_accepted=SEC5047: Audit: Authentication granted for [{0}].
java_security.security_context_permission_exception=SEC5048: doAsPrivileged AuthPermission required to set SecurityContext.
java_security.security_context_unexpected_exception=SEC5049: Unexpected exception while attempting to set SecurityContext.
java_security.security_context_nochange=SEC5050: Current Context unchanged.
java_security.setRemoteHost_exception=SEC5051: Cannot setRemoteHost.
java_security.null_subject=SEC5052: null Subject used in SecurityContext construction.
java_security.bsm_audit_failure=SEC5053: BSM audit failure on {0}: {1}.
java_security.role_mapping_conflict=SEC5055: Role mapping conflicts found in application {0}. Some roles may not be mapped.

java_security.acl_nonegative=SEC5100: A negative access control entry presented for role {0} will be ignored.
java_security.init_securitylifecycle_fail=SEC5101: Fail to instantiate the SecurityLifecycle.

# EE specific: start at 8001
nss.init_SunPKCS11_failed=SEC8001: Exception in initializing SunPKCS11.
nss.rename_alias=SEC8002: Alias {0} in slot {1} has been renamed to {2}.
nss.cantloadcert=SEC8003: Can''t load cert: {0}. 

#ACC specific: start at 9001
main.jmac_default_factory=SEC9001: ACC: Error in initializing JSR 196 Default Factory
acc.secmgron=SEC9002: ACC: Security Manager is ON
acc.secmgroff=SEC9003: ACC: Security Manager is OFF

#programmatic login specific
prog.login.failed=SEC9050: Programmatic login failed
prog.logout.failed=SEC9051: Programmatic logout failed log messages
iiop.createcontextsec_exception=IIOP1000: Exception creating ASContext
iiop.user_password_exception=IIOP1001: Exception getting username and password
iiop.principal_error=IIOP1002: Principal propagation: Cannot find principal information in subject
iiop.credential_error=IIOP1003: Principal propagation: Cannot find credential information in subject.
iiop.cannot_find_keyalias=IIOP1004: Key alias {0} not found in keystore
iiop.Exception=IIOP1005: An exception has occured in the ejb security initialization.

#Diagnostic messages for security/core

SEC1105.diag.cause.1=PasswordCredential was required, but not supplied.
SEC1105.diag.check.1=Please check if the password is provided
SEC1104.diag.cause.1=Private Credentials of Subject not available
SEC1104.diag.check.1=Please check if the private credentials are available
SEC5028.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while loading keystore
SEC5028.diag.check.1=Please check the if the file path and password are correct
SEC5029.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while storing the keystore
SEC5029.diag.check.1=Please check the if the file path and password are correct
SEC5030.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while loading the security provider
SEC5030.diag.check.1=Please check the if the Provider classname is correct.
SEC5031.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while obtaining the name of the Provider.
SEC5031.diag.check.1=Please check the if the Provider name is correct.
SEC1114.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while installing the Policy Provider.
SEC1114.diag.check.1=Please check the if the Policy Provider is correct
SEC1118.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while de-aliasing the aliased password provided as the ldaprealm property.
SEC1118.diag.check.1=Please check the if the alias and the password configured are correct
SEC1146.diag.cause.1=Policy Configuration Factory overridden
SEC1146.diag.check.1=Please check if the system property has not been set.
SEC1147.diag.cause.1=Policy Configuration Factory not defined
SEC1147.diag.check.1=Please check if the Policy Configuration Factory has been defined.
SEC1145.diag.cause.1=No policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation.
SEC1145.diag.check.1=No policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation.
SEC1142.diag.cause.1=Error while reading policy-provider in domain.xml.
SEC1142.diag.check.1=Please check if the policy provider defined is correct.
SEC1140.diag.cause.1=Policy Provider Configuration Property is overridden by property
SEC1140.diag.check.1=Policy Provider Configuration Property is overridden by property
SEC1141.diag.cause.1=JaccProvider class not found for name defined.
SEC1141.diag.check.1=Please check if the name of the Jacc provider is defined correctly.
SEC5038.diag.cause.1=There was an exception while authenticating the default caller principal
SEC5038.diag.check.1=There was an exception while authenticating the default caller principal
SEC5036.diag.cause.1=There was an exception obtaining the default security context.
SEC5036.diag.check.1=There was an exception obtaining the default security context.
SEC5048.diag.cause.1=AuthPermission required to set SecurityContext,
SEC5048.diag.check.1=AuthPermission required to set SecurityContext,
SEC5049.diag.cause.1=There was an unexpected exception while setting the security context
SEC5049.diag.check.1=There was an unexpected exception while setting the security context
SEC5051.diag.cause.1=null Subject used in SecurityContext construction.
SEC5051.diag.check.1=null Subject used in SecurityContext construction.
SEC5039.diag.cause.1=An exception occurred while processing username and password for security
SEC5039.diag.check.1=An exception occurred while processing username and password for security
SEC5055.diag.cause.1=Principal-Group-Role Mapping conflicts in the application
SEC5055.diag.check.1=Please check if the roles have been mapped to the same principals/groups consistently in all the descriptors.
SEC1103.diag.cause.1=The Realm configured is not an instance of CertificateRealm, Certificate authentication requires certificate realm. 
SEC1103.diag.check.1=Please check if the realm class is an instance of CertificateRealm
SEC1112.diag.cause.1=Cannot obtain the password for the user provided.
SEC1112.diag.check.1=Please check the JDBC configuration, encoding algorithm and the password for the user.
SEC1111.diag.cause.1=Exception while obtaining groups for the users.
SEC1111.diag.check.1=Please check the JDBC configuration, encoding algorithm and the groups for the user.
SEC5043.diag.cause.1=Exception while extracting username and realm from the subject post login
SEC5043.diag.check.1=Exception while extracting username and realm from the subject post login
SEC1130.diag.cause.1=Code does not have permission to invoke programmatic login mechanism.
SEC1130.diag.check.1=Code does not have permission to invoke programmatic login mechanism.
SEC1103.diag.cause.1=No AuthenticationHandler available for this realm.
SEC1103.diag.check.1=Check of the Realm has been configured correctly. This is the base class method that has to be overridden
SEC1110.diag.cause.1=JAAS context requested from certificate realm. 
SEC1110.diag.check.1=Certificate Realm does not have a JAAS context. Please check the configuration
SEC1109.diag.cause.1=Error reading keyfile of filerealm
SEC1109.diag.check.1=Please check if the keyfile for the filerealm is configured correctly and is in place.
SEC1000.diag.cause.1=A Security Exception has been  thrown
SEC1000.diag.check.1=A Security Exception has been  thrown
SEC1106.diag.cause.1=Error during LDAP search
SEC1106.diag.check.1=Please check the LDAP configuration
SEC1102.diag.cause.1=Error during SolarisRealm initialization. LoginModule not specified
SEC1102.diag.check.1=Please provide the jaas-context in the SolarisRealm configuration
SEC1203.diag.cause.1=Error while loading ConfigProvider.
SEC1203.diag.check.1=Please check if the configprovider has been configured correctly.
SEC1204.diag.cause.1=Error while loading the persisted entries of GFAuthConfigFactory
SEC1204.diag.check.1=Error while loading the persisted entries of GFAuthConfigFactory
SEC1207.diag.cause.1=Could not read auth configuration file. The default provider will be used.
SEC1207.diag.check.1=Could not read auth configuration file. The default provider will be used.
SEC1206.diag.cause.1=Could not persist updated provider list due to {0}. Will use default providers when reloaded.
SEC1206.diag.check.1=Could not persist updated provider list due to {0}. Will use default providers when reloaded.
SEC1205.diag.cause.1=Cannot write to file. Updated provider list will not be persisted.
SEC1205.diag.check.1=Cannot write to file. Updated provider list will not be persisted.
SEC1003.diag.cause.1=Could not override SecurityManager.
SEC1003.diag.check.1=Could not override SecurityManager.
SEC9001.diag.cause.1=GFAuthConfigFactory not in classpath or not enough permissions to call Security.setProperty
SEC9001.diag.check.1=Please check if appclient classpath has GFAuthConfigFactory class and ensure required permissions are given.
SEC1114.diag.cause.1=Invalid user or improper LDAPRealm configuration
SEC1114.diag.check.1=Check the LDAPRealm Configuration in GlassFish.

SEC9050.diag.cause=Check the exception stack-trace for more details
SEC9050.diag.check=Check if the credential username/password/certificate was a valid one
SEC9051.diag.cause=Check the exception stack-trace for more details
SEC9051.diag.check=Check the exception stack-trace, could be an internal server error or a bug. Diagnostic messages

IIOP1000.diag.cause.1=An error occured while creating the ASContext or SASContext
IIOP1000.diag.check.1=Please check the values provided in the descriptor for the IOR security config
IIOP1001.diag.cause.1=An exception occured while obtaining the username and password
IIOP1001.diag.check.1=Please check the username and password provided
IIOP1002.diag.cause.1=The principal information is not found in the subject
IIOP1002.diag.check.1=Please check the config settings for identity propagation
IIOP1003.diag.cause.1=Credential information is not found in the subject
IIOP1003.diag.check.1=Please check the config settings for identity propogation
IIOP1004.diag.cause.1=Alias key is not found in the keystore
IIOP1004.diag.check.1=Please check the if the name of the alias is right and of the keystore contains the key of the alias
IIOP1005.diag.cause.1=An Exception has occured in the ejb security initialization
IIOP1005.diag.check.1=Please check the if the IOR security configuration of the ejb is correct

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

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