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Glassfish example source code file (

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Java - Glassfish tags/keywords

context, context, error, error, exception, exception, gpl, host, license, license, servlet, this, unable, url

The Glassfish source code

# Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
# General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
# and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You can
# obtain a copy of the License at
# or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
# When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
# file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
# GPL Classpath Exception:
# Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
# exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
# file that accompanied this code.
# Modifications:
# If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
# enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
# "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
# Contributor(s):
# If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL or
# only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding "[Contributor]
# elects to include this software in this distribution under the [CDDL or GPL
# Version 2] license."  If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a
# recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under
# either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to
# its licensees as provided above.  However, if you add GPL Version 2 code
# and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies
# only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright
# holder.
# This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
# permission notice:
# Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Message IDs reserved for this file: PWC1220-PWC1619
applicationContext.attributeEvent=PWC1220: Exception thrown by attributes event listener
applicationContext.mapping.error=PWC1221: Error during mapping
applicationContext.requestDispatcher.iae=PWC1222: Path {0} does not start with ''/'' and is not empty
applicationContext.resourcePaths.iae=PWC1223: Path {0} does not start with ''/''
applicationContext.alreadyInitialized=Unable to call method {0} on servlet context {1}, because this servlet context has already been initialized
applicationContext.sessionTrackingModes.iae.unsupported=Unable to set {0} session tracking mode on servlet context {1}, because it is not supported
applicationContext.setAttribute.namenull=PWC1224: Name cannot be null
applicationDispatcher.allocateException=PWC1225: Allocate exception for servlet {0}
applicationDispatcher.deallocateException=PWC1226: Deallocate exception for servlet {0}
applicationDispatcher.forward.ise=PWC1227: Cannot forward after response has been committed
applicationDispatcher.forward.throw=PWC1228: Forwarded resource threw an exception
applicationDispatcher.include.throw=PWC1229: Included resource threw an exception
#no ID on applicationDispatcher.isUnavailable as it is sent to client
applicationDispatcher.isUnavailable=Servlet {0} is currently unavailable
applicationDispatcher.serviceException=PWC1231: Servlet.service() for servlet {0} threw exception
# START S1AS 4703023
applicationDispatcher.maxDispatchDepthReached=PWC1232: Exceeded maximum depth for nested request dispatches: {0}
# END S1AS 4703023
applicationRequest.badParent=PWC1233: Cannot locate parent Request implementation
applicationRequest.badRequest=PWC1234: Request is not a javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper
applicationResponse.badParent=PWC1235: Cannot locate parent Response implementation
applicationResponse.badResponse=PWC1236: Response is not a javax.servlet.ServletResponseWrapper
containerBase.addDefaultMapper=PWC1237: Exception configuring default mapper of class {0}
containerBase.alreadyStarted=PWC1238: Container {0} has already been started
containerBase.notConfigured=PWC1239: No basic Valve has been configured
containerBase.notStarted=PWC1240: Container {0} has not been started
fastEngineMapper.alreadyStarted=PWC1241: FastEngineMapper {0} has already been started
fastEngineMapper.notStarted=PWC1242: FastEngineMapper {0} has not yet been started
filterChain.filter=PWC1243: Filter execution threw an exception
filterChain.servlet=PWC1244: Servlet execution threw an exception
httpContextMapper.container=PWC1245: This container is not a StandardContext
httpEngineMapper.container=PWC1246: This container is not a StandardEngine
httpHostMapper.container=PWC1247: This container is not a StandardHost
interceptorValve.alreadyStarted=PWC1248: InterceptorValve has already been started
interceptorValve.notStarted=PWC1249: InterceptorValve has not yet been started
naming.bindFailed=PWC1250: Failed to bind object: {0}
naming.unbindFailed=PWC1251: Failed to unbind object: {0}
naming.invalidEnvEntryType=PWC1252: Environment entry {0} has an invalid type
naming.invalidEnvEntryValue=PWC1253: Environment entry {0} has an invalid value
naming.namingContextCreationFailed=PWC1254: Creation of the naming context failed: {0}
standardContext.invalidWrapperClass=PWC1255: {0} is not a subclass of StandardWrapper
standardContext.alreadyStarted=PWC1256: Context has already been started
standardContext.applicationListener=PWC1257: Error configuring application listener of class {0}
standardContext.applicationSkipped=PWC1258: Skipped installing application listeners due to previous error(s)
standardContext.badRequest=PWC1259: Invalid request path ({0}).
standardContext.crlfinurl=PWC1260: The URL pattern {0} contains a CR or LF and so can never be matched.
standardContext.containerListener=PWC1261: Error creating container listener {0}
standardContext.createWrapperInstance=PWC1262: Error creating servlet wrapper {0}
standardContext.dependencyCheck=PWC1263: Error in dependency check for standard context {0}
standardContext.errorPage.error=PWC1264: Error page location {0} must start with a ''/''
standardContext.errorPage.required=PWC1265: ErrorPage cannot be null
standardContext.errorPage.warning=PWC1266: Error page location {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4
standardContext.filterMap.either=PWC1267: Filter mapping must specify either a <url-pattern> or a Filter mapping specifies an unknown filter name {0}
standardContext.filterMap.pattern=PWC1269: Invalid <url-pattern> {0} in filter mapping
standardContext.filterStart=PWC1270: Exception starting filter {0}
standardContext.filterStartFailed=PWC1271: Failed to start application Filters successfully
standardContext.instanceListener=PWC1272: Error creating instance listener {0}
#no ID on standardContext.isUnavailable as it is sent to client
standardContext.isUnavailable=This application is not currently available
standardContext.lifecycleListener=PWC1274: Error creating lifecycle listener {0}
standardContext.listenerStart=PWC1275: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class {0}
standardContext.listenerStartFailed=PWC1276: Failed to start application Listeners successfully
standardContext.listenerStop=PWC1277: Exception sending context destroyed event to listener instance of class {0}
standardContext.loginConfig.errorPage=PWC1278: Form error page {0} must start with a ''/''
standardContext.loginConfig.errorWarning=PWC1279: Form error page {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4
standardContext.loginConfig.loginPage=PWC1280: Form login page {0} must start with a ''/''
standardContext.loginConfig.loginWarning=PWC1281: Form login page {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4
standardContext.loginConfig.required=PWC1282: LoginConfig cannot be null
# START PWC 6403328
standardContext.logPrefix=PWC1412: {0} ServletContext.log():
# END PWC 6403328
standardContext.mappingError=PWC1283: MAPPING configuration error for relative URI {0}
standardContext.malformedName=PWC1284: Malformed name {0}, value of name attribute does not start with ''//''
standardContext.missingNameAttributeInName=PWC1285: Missing name attribute in {0}
standardContext.notFound=PWC1286: The requested resource ({0}) is not available.
standardContext.notReloadable=PWC1287: Reloading is disabled on this Context
standardContext.notStarted=PWC1288: Context has not yet been started
standardContext.notWrapper=PWC1289: Child of a Context must be a Wrapper
standardContext.parameter.duplicate=PWC1290: Duplicate context initialization parameter {0}
standardContext.parameter.required=PWC1291: Both parameter name and parameter value are required
standardContext.reloadingCompleted=PWC1292: Reloading this Context is completed
standardContext.reloadingFailed=PWC1293: Reloading this Context failed due to previous errors
standardContext.reloadingStarted=PWC1294: Reloading this Context has started
standardContext.requestListenerStartFailed=PWC1295: Failed to start request listener valve successfully
standardContext.requestListenerConfig.added=PWC1296: Added request listener Valve
standardContext.requestListenerConfig.error=PWC1297: Exception adding request listener Valve: {0}
standardContext.reset=PWC1298: Error resetting context {0}
standardContext.resourcesInit=PWC1299: Error initialzing resources
standardContext.resourcesStart=PWC1300: Error starting resources in context {0}
standardContext.resourcesStop=PWC1301: Error stopping static resources
standardContext.securityConstraint.pattern=PWC1302: Invalid <url-pattern> {0} in security constraint Servlet mapping specifies an unknown servlet name {0}
standardContext.servletMap.pattern=PWC1304: Invalid <url-pattern> {0} in servlet mapping
standardContext.startCleanup=PWC1305: Exception during cleanup after start failed
standardContext.startFailed=PWC1306: Startup of context {0} failed due to previous errors
standardContext.startingContext=PWC1307: Error starting context {0}
standardContext.startingLoader=PWC1308: Exception starting Loader
standardContext.startingManager=PWC1309: Exception starting Manager
standardContext.startingWrapper=PWC1310: Exception starting Wrapper for servlet {0}
standardContext.stoppingContext=PWC1311: Error stopping context {0}
standardContext.stoppingLoader=PWC1312: Exception stopping Loader
standardContext.stoppingManager=PWC1313: Exception stopping Manager
standardContext.stoppingWrapper=PWC1314: Exception stopping Wrapper for servlet {0}
standardContext.tldConfig=PWC1315: Error reading listeners from TLD
standardContext.urlDecode=PWC1316: Cannot URL decode request path {0}
standardContext.urlPattern.patternWarning=PWC1317: URL pattern {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4
standardContext.urlValidate=PWC1318: Cannot validate URL decoded request path {0}
standardContext.wrapper.error=PWC1319: JSP file {0} must start with a ''/''
standardContext.wrapper.warning=PWC1320: JSP file {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4
standardContextValve.requestListener.requestInit=PWC1321: Error invoking requestInitialized method on ServletRequestListener {0}
standardContextValve.requestListener.requestDestroyed=PWC1322: Error invoking requestDestroyed method on ServletRequestListener {0}
standardEngine.alreadyStarted=PWC1323: Engine has already been started
standardEngine.mappingError=PWC1324: MAPPING configuration error for server name {0}
#no ID on standardEngine.noHost as it is sent to client
standardEngine.noHost=No Host matches server name {0}
standardEngine.noHostHeader=PWC1326: HTTP/1.1 request with no Host: header
standardEngine.notHost=PWC1327: Child of an Engine must be a Host
standardEngine.notParent=PWC1328: Engine cannot have a parent Container
standardEngine.notStarted=PWC1329: Engine has not yet been started
standardEngine.unfoundHost=PWC1330: Virtual host {0} not found
standardEngine.unknownHost=PWC1331: No server host specified in this request
standardEngine.unregister.mbeans.failed=PWC1332: Error in destroy() for mbean file {0}
standardHost.accessBase=PWC1333: Cannot access document base directory {0}
standardHost.alreadyStarted=PWC1334: Host has already been started
standardHost.appBase=PWC1335: Application base directory {0} does not exist
standardHost.clientAbort=PWC1336: Remote Client Aborted Request, IOException: {0}
standardHost.configRequired=PWC1337: URL to configuration file is required
standardHost.configNotAllowed=PWC1338: Use of configuration file is not allowed
standardHost.installBase=PWC1339: Only web applications in the Host web application directory can be installed
standardHost.installing=PWC1340: Installing web application at context path {0} from URL {1}
standardHost.installingWAR=PWC1341: Installing web application from URL {0}
standardHost.installingXML=PWC1342: Processing Context configuration file URL {0}
standardHost.installError=PWC1343: Error deploying application at context path {0}
standardHost.invalidErrorReportValveClass=PWC1344: Couldn''t load specified error report valve class: {0}
standardHost.docBase=PWC1345: Document base directory {0} already exists
standardHost.mappingError=PWC1346: MAPPING configuration error for request URI {0}
#no ID on standardHost.noContext as it is sent to client
standardHost.noContext=No Context configured to process this request
standardHost.noHost=PWC1348: No Host configured to process this request
standardHost.notContext=PWC1349: Child of a Host must be a Context
standardHost.notStarted=PWC1350: Host has not yet been started
standardHost.nullName=PWC1351: Host name is required
standardHost.pathFormat=PWC1352: Invalid context path: {0}
standardHost.pathMatch=PWC1353: Context path {0} must match the directory or WAR file name: {1}
standardHost.pathMissing=PWC1354: Context path {0} is not currently in use
standardHost.pathRequired=PWC1355: Context path is required
standardHost.pathUsed=PWC1356: Context path {0} is already in use
standardHost.removing=PWC1357: Removing web application at context path {0}
standardHost.removeError=PWC1358: Error removing application at context path {0}
standardHost.start=PWC1359: Starting web application at context path {0}
standardHost.stop=PWC1360: Stopping web application at context path {0}
standardHost.unfoundContext=PWC1361: Cannot find context for request URI {0}
standardHost.warRequired=PWC1362: URL to web application archive is required
standardHost.warURL=PWC1363: Invalid URL for web application archive: {0}
standardHost.validationEnabled=PWC1364: XML validation enabled
standardHost.validationDisabled=PWC1365: XML validation disabled
standardPipeline.alreadyStarted=PWC1366: Pipeline has already been started
standardPipeline.notStarted=PWC1367: Pipeline has not been started
standardPipeline.noValve=PWC1368: No more Valves in the Pipeline processing this request
standardServer.addContainer.ise=PWC1369: No connectors available to associate this container with
standardServer.initialize.initialized=PWC1370: This server has already been initialized
standardServer.start.connectors=PWC1371: At least one connector is not associated with any container
standardServer.start.started=PWC1372: This server has already been started
standardServer.stop.notStarted=PWC1373: This server has not yet been started
standardService.initialize.initialized=PWC1374: This service has already been initialized
standardService.initialize.failed=PWC1375: Service initializing at {0} failed
standardService.register.failed=PWC1376: Error registering Service at domain {0} Starting service {0}
standardService.start.started=PWC1378: This service has already been started Stopping service {0}
standardService.stop.notStarted=PWC1380: This service has not yet been started
standardWrapper.allocate=PWC1381: Error allocating a servlet instance
standardWrapper.allocateException=PWC1382: Allocate exception for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.containerServlet=PWC1383: Loading container servlet {0}
standardWrapper.createFilters=PWC1384: Create filters exception for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.deallocateException=PWC1385: Deallocate exception for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.destroyException=PWC1386: Servlet.destroy() for servlet {0} threw exception
standardWrapper.exception0=PWC1387: Tomcat Exception Report
standardWrapper.exception1=PWC1388: A Servlet Exception Has Occurred
standardWrapper.exception2=PWC1389: Exception Report:
standardWrapper.exception3=PWC1390: Root Cause:
standardWrapper.initException=PWC1391: Servlet.init() for servlet {0} threw exception
standardWrapper.instantiate=PWC1392: Error instantiating servlet class {0}
#no ID on standardWrapper.isUnavailable as it is sent to client
standardWrapper.isUnavailable=Servlet {0} is currently unavailable
standardWrapper.jasperLoader=PWC1394: Using Jasper classloader for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.jspFile.format=PWC1395: JSP file {0} does not start with a ''/'' character
standardWrapper.loadException=PWC1396: Servlet {0} threw load() exception
standardWrapper.missingClass=PWC1397: Wrapper cannot find servlet class {0} or a class it depends on
standardWrapper.missingLoader=PWC1398: Wrapper cannot find Loader for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.notChild=PWC1399: Wrapper container may not have child containers
standardWrapper.notClass=PWC1400: No servlet class has been specified for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.notContext=PWC1401: Parent container of a Wrapper must be a Context
#no ID on standardWrapper.notFound as it is sent to client
standardWrapper.notFound=Servlet {0} is not available
standardWrapper.notServlet=PWC1403: Class {0} is not a Servlet
standardWrapper.privilegedServlet=PWC1404: Servlet of class {0} is privileged and cannot be loaded by this web application
standardWrapper.releaseFilters=PWC1405: Release filters exception for servlet {0}
standardWrapper.serviceException=PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet {0} threw exception
standardWrapper.statusHeader=PWC1407: HTTP Status {0} - {1}
standardWrapper.statusTitle=PWC1408: Tomcat Error Report
standardWrapper.unavailable=PWC1409: Marking servlet {0} as unavailable
standardWrapper.unloadException=PWC1410: Servlet {0} threw unload() exception
standardWrapper.unloading=PWC1411: Cannot allocate servlet {0} because it is being unloaded
standardHost.errorPage.required=PWC1413: ErrorPage must not be null
standardWrapper.waiting=PWC1414: Waiting for {0} instance(s) of {1} to be deallocated
containerBase.errorStopping=PWC1415: Error stopping container {0}
standardContext.invalidErrorPageCode=PWC1416: Invalid status code {0} for error-page mapping. HTTP error codes are defined in the range from 400-600
standardContext.alternateDocBase.missingPathOrUrlPattern=PWC1417: Missing alternate docbase URL pattern or directory location
standardContext.startManager.error=PWC1418: Error manager.start()
standardContext.duplicateListener=PWC1419: The listener "{0}" is already configured for this context. The duplicate definition has been ignored
standardContext.servletContainerInitializer.error=PWC1420: Error invoking ServletContainerInitializer {0}
servletRegistration.mappingWithNullOrEmptyUrlPatterns=PWC1421: Unable to configure mapping for servlet {0} of servlet context {1}, because URL patterns are null or empty
servletRegistration.alreadyInitialized=PWC1422: Unable to configure {0} for servlet {1} of servlet context {2}, because this servlet context has already been initialized
filterRegistration.alreadyInitialized=PWC1423: Unable to configure {0} for filter {1} of servlet context {2}, because this servlet context has already been initialized
filterRegistration.mappingWithNullOrEmptyServletNames=PWC1424: Unable to configure mapping for filter {0} of servlet context {1}, because servlet names are null or empty
filterRegistration.mappingWithNullOrEmptyUrlPatterns=PWC1425: Unable to configure mapping for filter {0} of servlet context {1}, because URL patterns are null or empty
sessionCookieConfig.alreadyInitialized=PWC1426: Unable to configure {0} session tracking cookie property for servlet context {1}, because this servlet context has already been initialized
standardContext.duplicateServletMapping=PWC1427: Unable to map Servlet [{0}] to URL pattern [{1}], because Servlet [{2}] is already mapped to it
standardContext.servletWithoutAnyClassOrJspFile=PWC1428: Servlet with name {0} does not have any servlet-class or jsp-file configured
standardContext.filterWithoutAnyClass=PWC1429: Filter with name {0} does not have any class configured
standardContext.invalidListenerType=PWC1430: Unable to add listener of type: {0}, because it does not implement any of the required ServletContextListener, ServletContextAttributeListener, ServletRequestListener, ServletRequestAttributeListener, HttpSessionListener, or HttpSessionAttributeListener interfaces
applicationContext.restrictedMethod=PWC1431: Not allowed to call this javax.servlet.ServletContext method from a ServletContextListener that was neither declared in the application's deployment descriptor nor annotated with WebListener

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Glassfish source code file:

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