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Java example source code file (

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Java - Java tags/keywords

exception, gson, override, string, stringtest, testcase

The Java example source code



import junit.framework.TestCase;

 * Functional tests for Json serialization and deserialization of strings.
 * @author Inderjeet Singh
 * @author Joel Leitch
public class StringTest extends TestCase {
  private Gson gson;

  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    gson = new Gson();

  public void testStringValueSerialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "someRandomStringValue";
    assertEquals('"' + value + '"', gson.toJson(value));

  public void testStringValueDeserialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "someRandomStringValue";
    String actual = gson.fromJson("\"" + value + "\"", String.class);
    assertEquals(value, actual);

  public void testSingleQuoteInStringSerialization() throws Exception {
    String valueWithQuotes = "beforeQuote'afterQuote";
    String jsonRepresentation = gson.toJson(valueWithQuotes);
    assertEquals(valueWithQuotes, gson.fromJson(jsonRepresentation, String.class));

  public void testEscapedCtrlNInStringSerialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "a\nb";
    String json = gson.toJson(value);
    assertEquals("\"a\\nb\"", json);

  public void testEscapedCtrlNInStringDeserialization() throws Exception {
    String json = "'a\\nb'";
    String actual = gson.fromJson(json, String.class);
    assertEquals("a\nb", actual);

  public void testEscapedCtrlRInStringSerialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "a\rb";
    String json = gson.toJson(value);
    assertEquals("\"a\\rb\"", json);

  public void testEscapedCtrlRInStringDeserialization() throws Exception {
    String json = "'a\\rb'";
    String actual = gson.fromJson(json, String.class);
    assertEquals("a\rb", actual);

  public void testEscapedBackslashInStringSerialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "a\\b";
    String json = gson.toJson(value);
    assertEquals("\"a\\\\b\"", json);

  public void testEscapedBackslashInStringDeserialization() throws Exception {
    String actual = gson.fromJson("'a\\\\b'", String.class);
    assertEquals("a\\b", actual);

  public void testSingleQuoteInStringDeserialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "beforeQuote'afterQuote";
    String actual = gson.fromJson("\"" + value + "\"", String.class);
    assertEquals(value, actual);

  public void testEscapingQuotesInStringSerialization() throws Exception {
    String valueWithQuotes = "beforeQuote\"afterQuote";
    String jsonRepresentation = gson.toJson(valueWithQuotes);
    String target = gson.fromJson(jsonRepresentation, String.class);
    assertEquals(valueWithQuotes, target);

  public void testEscapingQuotesInStringDeserialization() throws Exception {
    String value = "beforeQuote\\\"afterQuote";
    String actual = gson.fromJson("\"" + value + "\"", String.class);
    String expected = "beforeQuote\"afterQuote";
    assertEquals(expected, actual);

  public void testStringValueAsSingleElementArraySerialization() throws Exception {
    String[] target = {"abc"};
    assertEquals("[\"abc\"]", gson.toJson(target));
    assertEquals("[\"abc\"]", gson.toJson(target, String[].class));

  public void testStringWithEscapedSlashDeserialization() {
    String value = "/";
    String json = "'\\/'";
    String actual = gson.fromJson(json, String.class);
    assertEquals(value, actual);

   * Created in response to
  public void testAssignmentCharSerialization() {
    String value = "abc=";
    String json = gson.toJson(value);
    assertEquals("\"abc\\u003d\"", json);

   * Created in response to
  public void testAssignmentCharDeserialization() {
    String json = "\"abc=\"";
    String value = gson.fromJson(json, String.class);
    assertEquals("abc=", value);

    json = "'abc\u003d'";
    value = gson.fromJson(json, String.class);
    assertEquals("abc=", value);

  public void testJavascriptKeywordsInStringSerialization() {
    String value = "null true false function";
    String json = gson.toJson(value);
    assertEquals("\"" + value + "\"", json);

  public void testJavascriptKeywordsInStringDeserialization() {
    String json = "'null true false function'";
    String value = gson.fromJson(json, String.class);
    assertEquals(json.substring(1, json.length() - 1), value);

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