Java example source code file (QuantilesTest.java)
The QuantilesTest.java Java example source code/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.math; import static com.google.common.math.Quantiles.median; import static com.google.common.math.Quantiles.percentiles; import static com.google.common.math.Quantiles.quartiles; import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; import static java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; import static java.lang.Double.NaN; import static java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; import static java.math.RoundingMode.CEILING; import static java.math.RoundingMode.FLOOR; import static java.math.RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Ordering; import com.google.common.math.Quantiles.ScaleAndIndexes; import com.google.common.primitives.Doubles; import com.google.common.primitives.Ints; import com.google.common.primitives.Longs; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; /** * Tests for {@link Quantiles}. * * @author Pete Gillin */ public class QuantilesTest extends TestCase { /* * Since Quantiles provides a fluent-style API, each test covers a chain of methods resulting in * the computation of one or more quantiles (or in an error) rather than individual methods. The * tests are divided into three sections: * 1. Tests on a hardcoded dataset for chains starting with median(), quartiles(), and scale(10); * 2. Tests on hardcoded datasets include non-finite values for chains starting with scale(10); * 3. Tests on a mechanically generated dataset for chains starting with percentiles(); * 4. Tests of illegal usages of the API. */ /* * Covering every combination would lead to an explosion in the number of tests. So we cover only: * - median with compute taking a double-collection and with computeInPlace; * - quartiles with index and with indexes taking int-varargs, and with compute taking a * double-collection and with computeInPlace; * - scale with index and with indexes taking int-varargs, and with all overloads of compute * taking a double-collection and with computeInPlace; * - scale with indexes taking integer-collection with compute taking a double-collection and with * computeInPlace; * - (except that, for non-finite values, we don't do all combinations exhaustively); * - percentiles with index and with indexes taking int-varargs, and with compute taking a * double-collection and with computeInPlace. */ private static final double ALLOWED_ERROR = 1.0e-10; // 1. Tests on a hardcoded dataset for chains starting with median(), quartiles(), and scale(10): /** * The squares of the 16 integers from 0 to 15, in an arbitrary order. */ private static final ImmutableList<Double> SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES = ImmutableList.of(25.0, 100.0, 0.0, 144.0, 9.0, 121.0, 4.0, 225.0, 169.0, 64.0, 49.0, 16.0, 36.0, 1.0, 81.0, 196.0); private static final ImmutableList<Long> SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS = ImmutableList.of(25L, 100L, 0L, 144L, 9L, 121L, 4L, 225L, 169L, 64L, 49L, 16L, 36L, 1L, 81L, 196L); private static final ImmutableList<Integer> SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS = ImmutableList.of(25, 100, 0, 144, 9, 121, 4, 225, 169, 64, 49, 16, 36, 1, 81, 196); private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN = 0.0; private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1 = 0.5 * (1.0 + 4.0); private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_1 = 0.25 * 9.0 + 0.75 * 16.0; private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN = 0.5 * (49.0 + 64.0); private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_3 = 0.75 * 121.0 + 0.25 * 144.0; private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 = 144.0; private static final double SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX = 225.0; public void testMedian_compute_doubleCollection() { assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, median().compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testMedian_computeInPlace() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, median().computeInPlace(dataset)); assertDatasetAnyOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testQuartiles_index_compute_doubleCollection() { assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_1, quartiles().index(1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testQuartiles_index_computeInPlace() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_1, quartiles().index(1).computeInPlace(dataset)); assertDatasetAnyOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testQuartiles_indexes_varargs_compute_doubleCollection() { ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_1, 3, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_3 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, quartiles().indexes(1, 3).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testQuartiles_indexes_varargs_computeInPlace() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_1, 3, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_QUARTILE_3 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, quartiles().indexes(1, 3).computeInPlace(dataset)); assertDatasetAnyOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testScale_index_compute_doubleCollection() { assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testScale_index_compute_longCollection() { assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS)); } public void testScale_index_compute_integerCollection() { assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS)); } public void testScale_index_compute_doubleVarargs() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).compute(dataset)); assertDatasetInOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testScale_index_compute_longVarargs() { long[] dataset = Longs.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS); assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).compute(dataset)); assertDatasetInOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS, dataset); } public void testScale_index_compute_intVarargs() { int[] dataset = Ints.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS); assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).compute(dataset)); assertDatasetInOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS, dataset); } public void testScale_index_computeInPlace() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); assertQuantile(1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, Quantiles.scale(10).index(1).computeInPlace(dataset)); assertDatasetAnyOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testScale_index_computeInPlace_explicitVarargs() { assertQuantile(1, 45.6, Quantiles.scale(10).index(5).computeInPlace(78.9, 12.3, 45.6)); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_doubleCollection() { ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); // Note that we specify index 1 twice, which by the method contract should be ignored. assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_doubleCollection_snapshotsIndexes() { // This test is the same as testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_doubleCollection except that the // array of indexes to be calculated is modified between the calls to indexes and compute: since // the contract is that it is snapshotted, this shouldn't make any difference to the result. ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); int[] indexes = { 0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 10 }; ScaleAndIndexes intermediate = Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(indexes); indexes[0] = 3; assertQuantilesMap(expected, intermediate.compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testScale_indexes_largeVarargs_compute_doubleCollection() { int scale = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int otherIndex = (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1) / 3; // this divides exactly // For the otherIndex calculation, we have q=Integer.MAX_VALUE, k=(Integer.MAX_VALUE-1)/3, and // N=16. Therefore k*(N-1)/q = 5-5/Integer.MAX_VALUE, which has floor 4 and fractional part // (1-5/Integer.MAX_VALUE). double otherValue = 16.0 * 5.0 / Integer.MAX_VALUE + 25.0 * (1.0 - 5.0 / Integer.MAX_VALUE); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, scale, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, otherIndex, otherValue ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(scale).indexes(0, scale, otherIndex).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_longCollection() { ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); // Note that we specify index 1 twice, which by the method contract should be ignored. assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS)); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_integerCollection() { ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); // Note that we specify index 1 twice, which by the method contract should be ignored. assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS)); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_doubleVarargs() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).compute(dataset)); assertDatasetInOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_longVarargs() { long[] dataset = Longs.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).compute(dataset)); assertDatasetInOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_LONGS, dataset); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_intVarargs() { int[] dataset = Ints.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).compute(dataset)); assertDatasetInOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_INTEGERS, dataset); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_computeInPlace() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1).computeInPlace(dataset)); assertDatasetAnyOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } public void testScale_indexes_varargs_computeInPlace_explicitVarargs() { ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, 12.3, 10, 78.9 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 10).computeInPlace(78.9, 12.3, 45.6)); } public void testScale_indexes_collection_compute_doubleCollection() { ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); // Note that we specify index 1 twice, which by the method contract should be ignored. assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(ImmutableList.of(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1)) .compute(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES)); } public void testScale_indexes_collection_computeInPlace() { double[] dataset = Doubles.toArray(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES); ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap.of( 0, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MIN, 10, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MAX, 5, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_MEDIAN, 1, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_1, 8, SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DECILE_8 ); assertQuantilesMap(expected, Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(ImmutableList.of(0, 10, 5, 1, 8, 1)).computeInPlace(dataset)); assertDatasetAnyOrder(SIXTEEN_SQUARES_DOUBLES, dataset); } // 2. Tests on hardcoded datasets include non-finite values for chains starting with scale(10): private static final ImmutableList<Double> ONE_TO_FIVE_AND_POSITIVE_INFINITY = ImmutableList.of(3.0, 5.0, POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0); private static final ImmutableList<Double> ONE_TO_FIVE_AND_NEGATIVE_INFINITY = ImmutableList.of(3.0, 5.0, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0); private static final ImmutableList<Double> NEGATIVE_INFINITY_AND_FIVE_POSITIVE_INFINITIES = ImmutableList.of(POSITIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY, NEGATIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY); private static final ImmutableList<Double> ONE_TO_FIVE_AND_NAN = ImmutableList.of(3.0, 5.0, NaN, 1.0, 4.0, 2.0); public void testScale_indexes_varargs_compute_doubleCollection_positiveInfinity() { Map<Integer, Double> actual = Quantiles.scale(10).indexes(0, 1, 2, 8, 9, 10).compute(ONE_TO_FIVE_AND_POSITIVE_INFINITY); Map<Integer, Double> expected = ImmutableMap. 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