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HSQLDB example source code file (tls.xml)

This example HSQLDB source code file (tls.xml) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The HSQLDB tls.xml source code

<!-- $Id: tls.xml,v 1.16 2005/11/06 20:03:37 unsaved Exp $ -->

<chapter id='tls-chapter'>
    <title id='tls-title'>TLS
    <subtitle>TLS Support (a.k.a. SSL)
                    <orgname>HSQLDB Development Group
        <edition>$Revision: 1.16 $
        <pubdate>$Date: 2005/11/06 20:03:37 $
        The instructions in this document are liable to change at any time.
        In particular, we will be changing the method to supply the server-side
        certificate password.
            <title>Hsqldb TLS Support Requirements
                Sun Java 2.x and up.
                (This is probably possible with IBM's Java, but I don't think
                anybody has attempted to run HSQLDB with TLS under IBM's Java, 
                and I'm sure that nobody in the HSQLDB Development Group has
                documented how to set up the environment).
                If Java 2.x or 3.x, then you will need need to
                <link linkend='jsse-section'>install JSSE.
                Your server and/or client will start up much slower than that 
                of Java 4.x users.
                Client-side users will not be able to use the https: JDBC 
                protocol (because the https protocol handler is not implemented 
                in 2.x/3.x Java JSSE;
                if there is demand, we could work around this).
                A <link linkend='privatekey-section'>JKS keystore containing a 
                private key</link>, in order to run a server.
                If you are running the server side, then you'll need to run a
                HSQLDB Server or WebServer.
                It doesn't matter if the underlying database instances are
                new, and it doesn't matter if you are making a new Server 
                configuration or encrypting an existing Server configuration.
                (You can turn encryption on and off at will).
                You need a HSQLDB jar file that was built with JSSE present.
                If you got your HSQLDB 1.7.2 distribution from us, you are
                all set, because we build with Java 1.4 (which contains JSSE).
                If you build your own jar file with Java 1.3, make sure to
                install JSSE first.
        <title>Encrypting your JDBC connection
            At this time, only 1-way, server-cert encryption is tested.
                Just use one of the following protocol prefixes.
                <title>Hsqldb TLS URL Prefixes
                At this time, the latter will only work for clients running 
                with Java 1.4.
                If the server you wish to connect to is using a certificate 
                approved by your default trust keystores, then there is nothing 
                else to do.
                If not, then you need to tell Java to "trust" the server cert.
                (It's a slight over-simplification to say that if the server
                certificate was purchased, then you are all set;
                if somebody "signed their own" certificate by self-signing or
                using a private ca certificate, then you need to set up trust).
                First, you need to obtain the cert (only the "public" part of 
                Since this cert is passed to all clients, you could obtain it 
                by writing a java client that dumps it to file, or perhaps by 
                using <emphasis>openssl s_client.
                Since in most cases, if you want to trust a non-commercial 
                cert, you probably have access to the server keystore, I'll 
                show an example of how to get what you need from the 
                server-side JKS keystore.
                    You may already have an X509 cert for your server.
                    If you have a server keystore, then you can generate a
                    X509 cert like this.
                <title>Exporting certificate from the server's keystore
    keytool -export -keystore -alias existing_alias -file server.cer</screen>
                In this example, <filename>server.cer is the X509
                certificate that you need for the next step.
                Now, you need to add this cert to one of the system trust 
                keystores or to a keystore of your own.
                See <ulink url="">
                the Customizing Stores section in JSSERefGuide.html</ulink> to 
                see where your system trust keystores are.
                You can put private keystores anywhere you want to.
                The following command will add the cert to an existing 
                keystore, or create a new keystore if 
                <filename> doesn't exist.
                <title>Adding a certificate to the client keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore -alias new_alias -file server.cer</screen>
                If you are making a new keystore, you probably want to start
                with a copy of your system default keystore which you can
                find somewhere under your JAVA_HOME directory (typically
                jre/lib/security/cacerts for a JDK, but I forget exactly
                where it is for a JRE).
                Unless your OS can't stop other people from writing to your 
                files, you probably do not want to set a password on the trust 
                If you added the cert to a system trust store, then you are 
                Otherwise you will need to specify your custom trust keystore
                to your client program.
                The generic way to set the trust keystore is to set the sytem 
                <classname> every time that 
                you run your client program.
                For example
                <title>Specifying your own trust store to a JDBC client
    java -jar /path/to/hsqldb.jar dest-urlid</screen>
                This example runs the program
                <link linkend='unix-chapter'>SqlTool.
                SqlTool has built-in TLS support, however, so, for SqlTool
                you can set <literal>truststore on a per-urlid
                basis in the SqlTool configuration file.
                N.b.  The hostname in your database URL must match the 
                <emphasis>Common Name of the server's certificate 
                That means that if a site certificate is 
                <literal>, you can not use
                <literal>jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls://localhost or
                <literal>jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls:// to 
                connect to it.
                If you want more details on anything, see JSSERefGuide.html on
                <ulink url= "">
                Sun's site</ulink>, or in the subdirectory 
                <filename>docs/guide/security/jsse of your Java SE 
                Get yourself a <link linkend='privatekey-section'>JKS keystore 
                containing a private key</link>.
                Then set the system property to the path 
                to that file, and
                <classname> to the 
                password of the keystore (and to the private key-- they have 
                to be the same).
                <title>Running an Hsqldb server with TLS encryption
    java  \  \
        -cp /path/to/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server</screen>
                (This is a single command that I have broken into 2 lines using
                my shell's \ line-continuation feature.
                In this example, I'm using a file so that I
                don't need to give arguments to specify database instances or
                the server endpoint).
            <caution id='tlspassword-caution'>
                Specifying a password on the command-line is definitely
                <emphasis role='bold'>not secure.
                It's really only appropriate when untrusted users do not have 
                any access to your computer.
                If there is any user demand, we will have a more secure way to 
                supply the password before long.

    <section id='jsse-section'>
            If you are running Java 4.x, then you are all set.
            Java 1.x users, you are on your own (Sun does not provide a JSSE 
            that will work with 1.x).
            Java 2.x and 3.x users continue...
            Go to
            <ulink url=""/>.
            If you agree to the terms and meet the requirements, download the 
            domestic or global JSSE software.
            All you need from the software distro is the three jar files.
            If you have a JDK installation, then move the 3 jar files into the 
            directory <filename>$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext.
            If you have a JRE installation, then move the 3 jar files into the 
            directory <filename>$JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.
            Pretty painless.
    <section id='privatekey-section'>
        <title>Making a Private-key Keystore
            There are two main ways to do this.
            Either you can use a certificate signed by a certificate authority,
            or you can make your own.
            One thing that you need to know in both cases is, the 
            <emphasis>Common Name of the cert has to be the exact 
            hostname that JDBC clients will use in their database URL.
            <title>CA-Signed Cert
                I'm not going to tell you how to get a CA-signed SSL 
                That is well documented at many other places.
                Assuming that you have a standard pem-style private key 
                certificate, here's how you can use
                <ulink url="">openssl and the 
                program <classname>DERImport to get it into a JKS 
                Because I have spent a lot of time on this document already, I 
                am just giving you an example.
            <title>Getting a pem-style private key into a JKS keystore
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in Xpvk.pem -inform PEM -out Xpvk.pk8 -nocrypt

openssl x509 -in Xcert.pem -out Xcert.der -outform DER

java DERImport new.keystore NEWALIAS Xpvk.pk8 Xcert.der</screen>
                Make sure to set the password of the key exactly the same as 
                the password for the keystore!
                You need the program <filename>DERImport.class of 
                Do some internet searches to find
                <filename> or
                <filename>DERImport.class and download it.
                If DERImport has become difficult to obtain, I can write a 
                program to do the same thing-- just let me know.
            <title>Non-CA-Signed Cert
                Run <literal>man keytool or see
                <ulink url="">
                the Creating a Keystore section of JSSERefGuide.html</ulink>.
        <title>Automatic Server or WebServer startup on UNIX
            If you are on UNIX and want to automatically start and stop a
            Server or WebServer running with encryption, follow the 
            instructions in the
            <link linkend='unix-chapter' endterm='unix-title'/> chapter, and
            remember to make the init script configuration file readable only
            to root and to set the variables
            <literal>TLS_PASSWORD and TLS_KEYSTORE.
            If you are using a private server certificate, make sure to also
            set the trust store filepath as shown in the sample init script 
            configuration file.
            The <link linkend='tlspassword-caution'>cautionary warning
            above</link> still applies.
            The password will be visible to any minimally competent local
            UNIX user who wants to see it.

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB tls.xml source code file:

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