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HSQLDB example source code file (

This example HSQLDB source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - HSQLDB tags/keywords

boolean, boolean, ditypeinfo, exception, exception, integer, integer, jdbc, long, n/a, sql_bit_varying, sql_udt, string, string, util

The HSQLDB source code

/* Copyright (c) 2001-2008, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 * software without specific prior written permission.

package org.hsqldb;

import java.util.Locale;

import org.hsqldb.resources.BundleHandler;

 * Provides information intrinsic to each standard data type known to
 * HSQLDB.  This includes all types for which standard type codes are known
 * at the time of writing and thus includes types that may not yet be
 * supported as table or procedure columns. <p>
 * @author  boucherb@users
 * @version 1.8.0
 * @since 1.7.2
final class DITypeInfo {

    // related to DatabaseMetaDataValues
    static final int columnNoNulls  = 0;
    static final int columnNullable = 1;
    static final int typePredNone   = 0;
    static final int typePredChar   = 1;
    static final int typePredBasic  = 2;
    static final int typeSearchable = 3;

    /** BundleHandler id for create params resource bundle. */
    private int hnd_create_params = -1;

    /** BundleHandler id for local names resource bundle. */
    private int hnd_local_names = -1;

    /** BundleHandler id for data type remarks resource bundle. */
    private int hnd_remarks = -1;

    /** The SQL type code on which this object is reporting. */
    private int type = Types.NULL;

    /** The HSQLDB subtype code on which this object is reporting. */
    private int typeSub = Types.TYPE_SUB_DEFAULT;
    boolean     locale_set;

    /** Creates a new DITypeInfo object having the default Locale. */
    DITypeInfo() {

        // boucherb@users 20050515 - patch 1.8.0 - make setLocale lazy

     * Retrieves the maximum Integer.MAX_VALUE bounded length, in bytes, for
     * character types. <p>
     * @return the maximum Integer.MAX_VALUE bounded length, in
     *    bytes, for character types
    Integer getCharOctLen() {
        return null;

     * Retrieves the maximum Long.MAX_VALUE bounded length, in bytes, for
     * character types. <p>
     * @return the maximum Long.MAX_VALUE bounded length, in
     *    bytes, for character types
    Long getCharOctLenAct() {

        switch (type) {

            case Types.CHAR :
            case Types.LONGVARCHAR :
            case Types.VARCHAR :
                return ValuePool.getLong(2L * Integer.MAX_VALUE);

            case Types.CLOB :
                return ValuePool.getLong(Long.MAX_VALUE);

            default :
                return null;

     * Retrieves the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances
     * are manufactured by HSQLDB to store table column values in
     * memory. <p>
     * This is also typically the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose
     * instances are manufactured by HSQLDB in response to
     * jdbcResultSet.getObject(int). <p>
     * @return the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose
     *    instances are manufactured by HSQLDB to store
     *    table column values in memory
    String getColStClsName() {
        return Types.getColStClsName(type);

     * Retrieves a character sequence representing a CSV list, in
     * DDL declaraion order, of the create parameters for the type. <p>
     * @return a character sequence representing a CSV
     *    list, in DDL declaraion order, of the create
     *    parameters for the type.
    String getCreateParams() {

        if (!locale_set) {

        String names;

        switch (type) {

            case Types.CHAR :
            case Types.VARCHAR :
                names = "LENGTH";

            case Types.DECIMAL :
            case Types.NUMERIC :
                names = "PRECISION,SCALE";

            case Types.FLOAT :
            case Types.TIMESTAMP :
                names = "PRECISION";

            default :
                names = null;

        return names;

     * Retrieves the fully-qualified name of the HSQLDB-provided java.sql
     * interface implementation class whose instances would be manufactured
     * by HSQLDB to retrieve column values of this type, if the
     * the type does not have a standard Java mapping.  <p>
     * This value is simply the expected class name, regardless of whether
     * HSQLDB, the specific HSQLDB distribution instance or the hosting JVM
     * actually provide or support such implementations. That is, as of a
     * specific release, HSQLDB may not yet provide such an implementation
     * or may not automatically map to it or may not support it as a table
     * column type, the version of java.sql may not define the interface to
     * implement and the HSQLDB jar may not contain the implementation
     * classes, even if they are defined in the corresponding release
     * and build options and are supported under the hosting JVM's java.sql
     * version.<p>
     * @return the fully-qualified name of the HSQLDB-provided java.sql
     *    interface implementation class whose instances would
     *    be manufactured by HSQLDB to retrieve column values of
     *    this type, given that the type does not have a standard Java
     *    mapping and regardless of whether a class with the indicated
     *    name is actually implemented or available on the class path
    String getCstMapClsName() {

        switch (type) {

            case Types.ARRAY :
                return "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcArray";

            case Types.BLOB :
                return "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcBlob";

            case Types.CLOB :
                return "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcClob";

            case Types.DISTINCT :
                return "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcDistinct";

            case Types.REF :
                return "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcRef";

            case Types.STRUCT :
                return "org.hsqldb.jdbc.jdbcStruct";

            default :
                return null;

// From recent usability testing, this patch and the corresponding patch in
// jdbcResultSetMetaData together provide better compatibility with existing
// tools than through the previous method of dynamically scanning each result
// in jdbcResultSetMetaData.  This is especially true given that many tools use
// the display size to set their internal max # of characters reserved for
// result columns at said position. Also, since adding implementation of
// ResultSetMetaData retreived from PreparedStatement's getMetaData method,
// there exists the case where there is no data to scan in order to determine
// an approximation.  Finally, since for plain old Statement objects the only
// way to get metadata is to execute the query and since the scan approximation
// can vary from one execution to the next, it turns out it's much "safer" and
// more usable in a tool setting to simply indicate a large but expected
// acceptable number of characters, rather than report either a number generally
// too large to handle or a number too small to hold the actual expected maximum
// number of characters for result colums of CHAR or VARCHAR types

     * Retrieves the maximum length that a String representation of
     * the type may have. <p>
     * The calculation follows these rules: <p>
     * <ol>
     * <li>Long character and datetime types:

* * The maximum length/precision, repectively.<p> * * <li>CHAR and VARCHAR types:

* * The value of the system property hsqldb.max_xxxchar_display_size * or the magic value 32766 (0x7FFE) (tested usable/accepted by most * tools and compatible with assumptions made by read/write * UTF) when the system property is not defined or is not accessible, * due to security constraints. <p> * * <li>Number types:

* * The max precision, plus the length of the negation character (1), * plus (if applicable) the maximum number of characters that may * occupy the exponent character sequence. <p> * * <li>BOOLEAN/BIT types:

* * The length of the character sequence "false" (5), the longer of the * two boolean value String representations. <p> * * <li>All remaining types:

* * The result of whatever calculation must be performed to determine * the maximum length of the type's String representation. If the * maximum display size is unknown, unknowable or inapplicable, then * zero is returned. <p> * * </ol> * * @return the maximum length that a String representation of * the type may have, or zero (0) if unknown or unknowable */ int getMaxDisplaySize() { return Types.getMaxDisplaySize(type); } /** * Retrieves the data type, as an Integer. <p> * * @return the data type, as an Integer. */ Integer getDataType() { return ValuePool.getInt(type); } /** * Retrieves the data subtype, as an Integer. <p> * * @return the data subtype, as an Integer */ Integer getDataTypeSub() { return ValuePool.getInt(typeSub); } /** * Retrieves the implied or single permitted scale for exact numeric * types, when no scale is declared or no scale declaration is * permitted. <p> * * @return the implied or single permitted scale for exact numeric * types, when no scale is declared or no scale declaration * is permitted */ Integer getDefaultScale() { switch (type) { case Types.BIGINT : case Types.INTEGER : case Types.SMALLINT : case Types.TINYINT : return ValuePool.getInt(0); default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves null (not implemented). <p> * * @return null (not implemented) */ Integer getIntervalPrecision() { return null; } /** * Retrieves the character(s) prefixing a literal of this type. <p> * * @return the character(s) prefixing a literal of this type. */ String getLiteralPrefix() { switch (type) { case Types.BINARY : case Types.BLOB : case Types.CHAR : case Types.CLOB : case Types.LONGVARBINARY : case Types.LONGVARCHAR : case Types.VARBINARY : case Types.VARCHAR : return "'"; case Types.DATALINK : return "'"; // hypothetically: "{url '"; case Types.DATE : return "'"; // or JDBC escape: "{d '"; case Types.OTHER : return "'"; // hypothetically: "{o '"; or new "pkg.cls"(...) case Types.TIME : return "'"; // or JDBC escape: "{t '"; case Types.TIMESTAMP : return "'"; // or JDBC escape: "{ts '"; case Types.XML : return "'"; // hypothetically: "{xml '"; default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves the character(s) terminating a literal of this type. <p> * * @return the character(s) terminating a literal of this type */ String getLiteralSuffix() { switch (type) { case Types.BINARY : case Types.BLOB : case Types.CHAR : case Types.CLOB : case Types.LONGVARBINARY : case Types.LONGVARCHAR : case Types.VARBINARY : case Types.VARCHAR : return "'"; case Types.DATALINK : case Types.DATE : case Types.OTHER : case Types.TIME : case Types.TIMESTAMP : case Types.XML : return "'"; // or JDBC close escape: "'}"; default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves a localized representation of the type's name, for human * consumption only. <p> * * @return a localized representation of the type's name */ String getLocalName() { if (!locale_set) { setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); } String key = this.getTypeName(); return BundleHandler.getString(hnd_local_names, key); } /** * Retrieves the maximum Short.MAX_VALUE bounded scale supported * for the type. <p> * * @return the maximum Short.MAX_VALUE bounded scale supported * for the type */ Integer getMaxScale() { switch (type) { case Types.BIGINT : case Types.DATE : case Types.TIME : case Types.INTEGER : case Types.SMALLINT : case Types.TINYINT : return ValuePool.getInt(0); case Types.TIMESTAMP : return ValuePool.getInt(6); case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.NUMERIC : return ValuePool.getInt(Short.MAX_VALUE); case Types.FLOAT : case Types.REAL : case Types.DOUBLE : return ValuePool.getInt(306); default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves the maximum Integer.MAX_VALUE bounded scale supported for * the type. <p> * * @return the maximum Integer.MAX_VALUE bounded scale supported * for the type */ Integer getMaxScaleAct() { switch (type) { case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.NUMERIC : return ValuePool.getInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE); default : return getMaxScale(); } } /** * Retrieves the minumum Short.MIN_VALUE bounded scale supported for * the type. <p> * * @return the minumum Short.MIN_VALUE bounded scale * supported for the type */ Integer getMinScale() { switch (type) { case Types.BIGINT : case Types.DATE : case Types.INTEGER : case Types.SMALLINT : case Types.TIME : case Types.TIMESTAMP : case Types.TINYINT : case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.NUMERIC : return ValuePool.getInt(0); case Types.FLOAT : case Types.REAL : case Types.DOUBLE : return ValuePool.getInt(-324); default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves the minumum Integer.MIN_VALUE bounded scale supported * for the type. <p> * * @return the minumum Integer.MIN_VALUE bounded scale supported * for the type */ Integer getMinScaleAct() { return getMinScale(); } /** * Retrieves the DatabaseMetaData default nullability code for * the type. <p> * * @return the DatabaseMetaData nullability code for the type. */ Integer getNullability() { return ValuePool.getInt(columnNullable); } /** * Retrieves the number base which is to be used to interpret the value * reported by getPrecision(). <p> * * @return the number base which is to be used to interpret the * value reported by getPrecision() */ Integer getNumPrecRadix() { switch (type) { case Types.BIGINT : case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.DOUBLE : case Types.INTEGER : case Types.NUMERIC : case Types.REAL : case Types.SMALLINT : case Types.TINYINT : return ValuePool.getInt(10); case Types.FLOAT : return ValuePool.getInt(2); default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves the maximum Integer.MAX_VALUE bounded length or precision for * the type. <p> * * @return the maximum Integer.MAX_VALUE bounded length or * precision for the type */ Integer getPrecision() { int p = Types.getPrecision(type); return p == 0 ? null : ValuePool.getInt(p); } /** * Retrieves the maximum Long.MAX_VALUE bounded length or precision for * the type. <p> * * @return the maximum Long.MAX_VALUE bounded length or * precision for the type */ Long getPrecisionAct() { Integer temp = getPrecision(); if (temp == null) { return ValuePool.getLong(Long.MAX_VALUE); } else { return ValuePool.getLong(temp.longValue()); } } /** * Retrieves the localized remarks (if any) on the type. <p> * * @return the localized remarks on the type. */ String getRemarks() { if (!locale_set) { setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); } String key = this.getTypeName(); return BundleHandler.getString(hnd_remarks, key); } /** * Retrieves the DatabaseMetaData searchability code for the type. <p> * * @return the DatabaseMetaData searchability code for the type */ Integer getSearchability() { return Types.isSearchable(type) ? ValuePool.getInt(typeSearchable) : ValuePool.getInt(typePredNone); } /** * Retrieves the SQL CLI data type code for the type. <p> * * @return the SQL CLI data type code for the type */ Integer getSqlDataType() { // values from SQL200n SQL CLI spec, or DITypes (which in turn borrows // first from java.sql.Types and then SQL200n SQL CLI spec) if there // was no corresponding value in SQL CLI switch (type) { case Types.ARRAY : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_ARRAY); // SQL_ARRAY case Types.BIGINT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BIGINT); // SQL_BIGINT case Types.BINARY : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BLOB); // fredt- was SQL_BIT_VARYING case Types.BOOLEAN : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BOOLEAN); // SQL_BOOLEAN case Types.BLOB : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BLOB); // SQL_BLOB case Types.CHAR : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_CHAR); // SQL_CHAR case Types.CLOB : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_CLOB); // SQL_CLOB case Types.DATALINK : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DATALINK); // SQL_DATALINK case Types.DATE : // NO: This is the _concise_ code, whereas what we want to // return here is the Data Type Code column value from // Table 38 in the SQL 200n FCD. This method is used // by DatabaseInformationMain to list the sql type // column in the SYSTEM_TYPEINFO table, which is specified // by JDBC as the sql data type code, not the concise code. // That is why there is a sql datetime sub column // specified as well. // return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DATE); // fredt - was SQL_DATETIME return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DATETIME); case Types.DECIMAL : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DECIMAL); // SQL_DECIMAL case Types.DISTINCT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_UDT); // SQL_UDT case Types.DOUBLE : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DOUBLE); // SQL_DOUBLE case Types.FLOAT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_FLOAT); // SQL_FLOAT case Types.INTEGER : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_INTEGER); // SQL_INTEGER case Types.JAVA_OBJECT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.JAVA_OBJECT); // N/A - maybe SQL_UDT? case Types.LONGVARBINARY : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BLOB); // was SQL_BIT_VARYING case Types.LONGVARCHAR : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_CLOB); // case Types.NULL : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES); // SQL_ALL_TYPES case Types.NUMERIC : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_NUMERIC); // SQL_NUMERIC case Types.OTHER : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.OTHER); // N/A - maybe SQL_UDT? case Types.REAL : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_REAL); // SQL_REAL case Types.REF : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_REF); // SQL_REF case Types.SMALLINT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_SMALLINT); // SQL_SMALLINTEGER case Types.STRUCT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_UDT); // SQL_UDT case Types.TIME : // NO: This is the _concise_ code, whereas what we want to // return here is the Data Type Code column value from // Table 38 in the SQL 200n FCD. This method is used // by DatabaseInformationMain to list the sql type // column in the SYSTEM_TYPEINFO table, which is specified // by JDBC as the sql data type code, not the concise code. // That is why there is a sql datetime sub column // specified as well. // return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_TIME); // fredt - was SQL_DATETIME return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DATETIME); case Types.TIMESTAMP : // NO: This is the _concise_ code, whereas what we want to // return here is the Data Type Code column value from // Table 38 in the SQL CLI 200n FCD. This method is used // by DatabaseInformationMain to list the sql type // column in the SYSTEM_TYPEINFO table, which is specified // by JDBC as the sql data type code, not the concise code. // That is why there is a sql datetime sub column // specified as well. // return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP); // fredt - was SQL_DATETIME return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_DATETIME); case Types.TINYINT : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.TINYINT); // N/A case Types.VARBINARY : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_BLOB); // SQL_BIT_VARYING case Types.VARCHAR : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_VARCHAR); // SQL_VARCHAR case Types.XML : return ValuePool.getInt(Types.SQL_XML); // SQL_XML default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves the SQL CLI datetime subcode for the type. <p> * * @return the SQL CLI datetime subcode for the type */ Integer getSqlDateTimeSub() { switch (type) { case Types.DATE : return ValuePool.getInt(1); case Types.TIME : return ValuePool.getInt(2); case Types.TIMESTAMP : return ValuePool.getInt(3); default : return null; } } /** * Retrieve the fully qualified name of the recommended standard Java * primitive, class or java.sql interface mapping for the type. <p> * * @return the fully qualified name of the recommended standard Java * primitive, class or java.sql interface mapping for * the type */ String getStdMapClsName() { switch (type) { case Types.ARRAY : return "java.sql.Array"; case Types.BIGINT : return "long"; case Types.BINARY : case Types.LONGVARBINARY : case Types.VARBINARY : return "[B"; case Types.BOOLEAN : return "boolean"; case Types.BLOB : return "java.sql.Blob"; case Types.CHAR : case Types.LONGVARCHAR : case Types.VARCHAR : return "java.lang.String"; case Types.CLOB : return "java.sql.Clob"; case Types.DATALINK : return ""; case Types.DATE : return "java.sql.Date"; case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.NUMERIC : return "java.math.BigDecimal"; case Types.DISTINCT : case Types.JAVA_OBJECT : case Types.OTHER : case Types.XML : // ??? return "java.lang.Object"; case Types.REAL : return "float"; case Types.FLOAT : case Types.DOUBLE : return "double"; case Types.INTEGER : return "int"; case Types.NULL : return "null"; case Types.REF : return "java.sql.Ref"; case Types.SMALLINT : return "short"; case Types.STRUCT : return "java.sql.Struct"; case Types.TIME : return "java.sql.Time"; case Types.TIMESTAMP : return "java.sql.Timestamp"; case Types.TINYINT : return "byte"; default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves the data type as an int. <p> * * @return the data type as an int */ int getTypeCode() { return type; } /** * Retrieves the canonical data type name HSQLDB associates with * the type. <p> * * This typically matches the designated JDBC name, with one or * two exceptions. <p> * * @return the canonical data type name HSQLDB associates with the type */ String getTypeName() { return typeSub == Types.TYPE_SUB_IGNORECASE ? Types.getTypeName(Types.VARCHAR_IGNORECASE) : Types.getTypeName(type); } /** * Retrieves the HSQLDB data subtype as an int. <p> * * @return the HSQLDB data subtype as an int */ int getTypeSub() { return this.typeSub; } /** * Retrieves whether the type can be an IDENTITY type. <p> * * @return whether the type can be an IDENTITY type. */ Boolean isAutoIncrement() { switch (type) { case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.DOUBLE : case Types.FLOAT : case Types.NUMERIC : case Types.REAL : case Types.SMALLINT : case Types.TINYINT : return Boolean.FALSE; case Types.BIGINT : case Types.INTEGER : return Boolean.TRUE; default : return null; } } /** * Retrieves whether the type is case-sensitive in collations and * comparisons. <p> * * @return whether the type is case-sensitive in collations and * comparisons. */ Boolean isCaseSensitive() { return typeSub == Types.TYPE_SUB_IGNORECASE ? Boolean.FALSE : Types.isCaseSensitive( type); } /** * Retrieves whether, under the current release, class path and hosting * JVM, HSQLDB supports storing this type in table columns. <p> * * This value also typically represents whether HSQLDB supports retrieving * values of this type in the columns of ResultSets. * @return whether, under the current release, class path * and hosting JVM, HSQLDB supports storing this * type in table columns */ Boolean isColStClsSupported() { return ValuePool.getBoolean(type == Types.NULL ? true : getColStClsName() != null); } /** * Retrieves whether values of this type have a fixed precision and * scale. <p> * * @return whether values of this type have a fixed * precision and scale. */ Boolean isFixedPrecisionScale() { switch (type) { case Types.BIGINT : case Types.DECIMAL : case Types.DOUBLE : case Types.FLOAT : case Types.INTEGER : case Types.NUMERIC : case Types.REAL : case Types.SMALLINT : case Types.TINYINT : return Boolean.FALSE; default : return null; } } /** * Retrieve whether the fully qualified name reported by getStdMapClsName() * is supported as a jdbcResultSet.getXXX return type under the current * HSQLDB release, class path and hosting JVM. <p> * * @return whether the fully qualified name reported by getStdMapClsName() * is supported as a jdbcResultSet.getXXX return type under the current * HSQLDB release, class path and hosting JVM. */ Boolean isStdMapClsSupported() { // its ok to use Class.forName here instead of nameSpace.classForName, // because all standard map classes are loaded by the boot loader boolean isSup = false; switch (type) { case Types.ARRAY : { try { Class.forName("java.sql.Array"); isSup = true; } catch (Exception e) { isSup = false; } break; } case Types.BLOB : { try { Class.forName("java.sql.Blob"); isSup = true; } catch (Exception e) { isSup = false; } break; } case Types.CLOB : { try { Class.forName("java.sql.Clob"); isSup = true; } catch (Exception e) { isSup = false; } break; } case Types.DISTINCT : { isSup = false; break; } case Types.REF : { try { Class.forName("java.sql.Ref"); isSup = true; } catch (Exception e) { isSup = false; } break; } case Types.STRUCT : { try { Class.forName("java.sql.Struct"); isSup = true; } catch (Exception e) { isSup = false; } break; } default : { isSup = (getStdMapClsName() != null); break; } } return ValuePool.getBoolean(isSup); } /** * Retrieves whether, under the current release, class path and * hosting JVM, HSQLDB supports passing or receiving this type as * the value of a procedure column. <p> * * @return whether, under the current release, class path and * hosting JVM, HSQLDB supports passing or receiving * this type as the value of a procedure column. */ Boolean isSupportedAsPCol() { switch (type) { case Types.NULL : // - for void return type case Types.JAVA_OBJECT : // - for Connection as first parm and // Object for return type case Types.ARRAY : // - for Object[] row of return Boolean.TRUE; default : return isSupportedAsTCol(); } } /** * Retrieves whether, under the current release, class path and * hosting JVM, HSQLDB supports this as the type of a table * column. <p> * * @return whether, under the current release, class path * and hosting JVM, HSQLDB supports this type * as the values of a table column */ Boolean isSupportedAsTCol() { String columnTypeName; if (type == Types.NULL) { return Boolean.FALSE; } columnTypeName = Types.getTypeString(type); return ValuePool.getBoolean(columnTypeName != null); } /** * Retrieves whether values of this type are unsigned. <p> * * @return whether values of this type are unsigned */ Boolean isUnsignedAttribute() { return Types.isUnsignedAttribute(type); } /** * Assigns the Locale object used to retrieve this object's * resource bundle dependent values. <p> * * @param l the Locale object used to retrieve this object's resource * bundle dependent values */ void setLocale(Locale l) { if (l == null) { hnd_create_params = hnd_local_names = hnd_remarks = -1; locale_set = false; return; } Locale oldLocale; synchronized (BundleHandler.class) { oldLocale = BundleHandler.getLocale(); BundleHandler.setLocale(l); hnd_create_params = BundleHandler.getBundleHandle("data-type-create-parameters", null); hnd_local_names = BundleHandler.getBundleHandle("data-type-names", null); hnd_remarks = BundleHandler.getBundleHandle("data-type-remarks", null); BundleHandler.setLocale(oldLocale); locale_set = true; } } /** * Assigns the SQL data type code on which this object is to report. <p> * * @param type the SQL data type code on which this object is to report */ void setTypeCode(int type) { this.type = type; } /** * Assigns the HSQLDB data subtype code on which this object is * to report. <p> * * @param typeSub the HSQLDB data subtype code on which this object * is to report */ void setTypeSub(int typeSub) { this.typeSub = typeSub; } }

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

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