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HSQLDB example source code file (

This example HSQLDB source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - HSQLDB tags/keywords

august, datalink=legal, date=legal, java, java, other=legal, sql, sql/xml, timestamp=legal, timestamp=legal, wd, wg3:drs-020, wg3:drs-020, xml=legal

The HSQLDB source code

# default data-type-remarks
BINARY=legal literal character range: { '0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' }; must be a case-insensitive hex value string consisting of a whole number of octets, e.g. '00af0b12'
DATALINK=legal literal formats: '[scheme:]scheme-specific-part[#fragment]' (see and
DATE=legal literal formats: [ {d ] 'yyyy-mm-dd' [ } ]
OTHER=legal literal character range: { '0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' }; must be a case-insentivie hex value string consisting of a whole number of octets representing a valid serialization of a Java object
TIME=legal literal formats: [ {t ] 'hh:mm:ss' [ } ]
TIMESTAMP=legal literal formats: [ {ts ] 'yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]]' [ } ]
XML=legal literal formats: '...'; must be a valid XML document with SQL<=>XML encodings as descibed in WG3:DRS-020 = H2-2002-365, WD 9075-14 (SQL/XML), August, 2002

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB source code file:

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