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HSQLDB example source code file (

This example HSQLDB source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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a, a, also, code, code, for, java, java, md5, meta-inf, only, similarly, url, url

The HSQLDB source code

jarLoad(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)=Loads the resources stored in the specified archive into the database specified by the <CODE>conn argument. 

Only entries that pass an acceptance test are actually stored. For instance, entries whose content is Java bytecode are accepted only if the classes they define are not in a java.* package. Similarly, all entries of the jar archive special form "META-INF/*" are rejected. Also, for each loading entry that has a resource with the same name already loaded, the MD5 hash values of the contents are compared; if the hash values are equal, then loading entry is ignored. jarLoad(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)@0=A <CODE>Result object describing the result of loading the archive jarLoad(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)@1=conn - A <CODE>Connection object identifying the target database jarLoad(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)@2=name - the name of the archive; this may be either a jar protocol URL string or a bare file path jarUnload(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)=Removes the resources in the archive identified by the from <CODE>name argument from the database specified by the conn argument. jarUnload(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)@0=A <CODE>Result object describing the result of unloading the archive jarUnload(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)@1=conn - A <CODE>Connection object identifying the target database jarUnload(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String)@2=name - the name of the archive; this may be either a jar protocol URL string or a bare file path callMain(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)=Invokes the special <CODE>public static void main(String[] args) method of the Java Class indentified by the className argument. callMain(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)@1=conn - A <CODE>Connection object identifying the execution context in which to invoke the method callMain(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)@2=className - the fully qualified name of a Java <CODE>Class callMain(java.sql.Connection,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)@3=args - a comma-separated list of argument strings

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

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